Worldguard minecraft teams. How to private territory in Minecraft (WorldGuard)

Which provides the ability to flexibly customize the chat for a specific player or group. Includes such features as setting up local and global chat, coloring player nicknames, adding prefixes / suffixes to them, and more.


ChatManager is disabled by default, to enable it make sure that ChatManager.jar is in the plugins folder, restart the server and in the plugins / ChatManager / config.yml file in the line enable: parameter false change to true

Color codes

Chat-range: 100.0 display-name-format: "% prefix% player% suffix" global-message-format:<%prefix%player%suffix> & e% message enable: true message-format:<%prefix%player%suffix> % message ranged-mode: false

The meaning of the remaining parameters is as follows:
ranged-mode: - local chat mode to enable change false on true
chat-range: - the distance from the player at which others can see his message, by default 100 blocks
display-name-format: - the display format of the player's nickname, by default "PrefixNikSuffix"
global-message-format: - global message format
message-format: - regular message format
& - indicates that the characters following this sign indicate the color of the next parameter
e - this is actually the color of the parameter display % message... In this case, yellow. You can choose any color you like by writing its code. The color codes are shown in the figure.

The rights

Local chat mode

ChatManager contains local chat mode. When enabled, each message will be propagated no further than a certain radius from the writer (default 100 blocks)
To send a message to the global chat, you must have the necessary rights, and also put an exclamation mark "!" Before the message.

Let's look at a specific example of how to add a prefix to a group:

Groups: default: default: true permissions: - modifyworld. * Prefix: "[Player]" Admins: default: false inheritance: - default permissions: - "*" prefix: "& 4 [Admin] & f" suffix: "& 2"

As you can see, all players in the group default the prefix [Player] will be white (because if a certain color is not selected, then by default it will be white)
For those who are part of the group Admins the [Admin] prefix will be red, the nickname itself will be white, since the & f parameter is present, if you remove it, then all the following parameters (nickname, suffix, message) will be red. Also, if the suffix has a color code and the suffix itself is absent then this will be the player's chat color

World guard private territory is a plugin for multiplayer games Minecraftthat will help protect territories. Now let's take a closer look at what it is and what commands it has.

To start defending a zone, you must first select it. For this we need a wooden ax - enter the command

Any area you have selected will not represent any complex shapes, everything will be very simple, square or rectangle. An ordinary parallelepiped or, as it is also called, a cuboid. The selection occurs with only two points, in the picture, in fact, they are points A and G.

Standard selection method

With a wooden ax in hand, you need to press the left mouse button (LMB) in one cube, in another cube, you need to right-click (RMB) These will be our extreme points, as you could see in the picture above. This method does not have enough, you will have to dig holes of rather solid depth and put high pillars.

The next method will make your life a little easier. To do this, enter the command

// expand (length) (direction) and // contract (length) (direction).

For example like this:

// expand 5 up will expand the selection upwards by 5 cubes. // contrac t 5 up decreases the selection by the same 5 cubes from bottom to top.


  • down

Small explanations. The up and down commands will expand the territory - up and down, respectively. Command me, in the direction you are looking. About the contract command: By setting the direction me - you will decrease the zone by the specified number from you, while indicating the up direction you will decrease the zone from bottom to top. That is, the lower border rises higher. Between the first argument and the last, there is one more, by asking it you will get an increase in the reduction of the selection zone from one side to the other.

// shift (length) (direction) will shift all selections. For example:

// shift 5 up will move them 5 cubes up.

You can also specify two points using other commands. for example

// hpos1 and // hpos 2

These commands will set the points in the direction you are looking. If it's even simpler, the cross in the center of the monitor will serve as a guide for you.When you change the selection, you can see in parentheses how much territory you covered. On the screenshot, I think everything is clearly visible.

After selecting the cuboid, you use the command -

/ region claim (your region name)

you can save it.Regions have their own owners (owner) and members (member ) If a region was created by you, then you are automatically its owner, and you can add or remove members using special commands.

To record other members or owners, you need to enter the commands:

/ region addowner (your region name) (username) For example : / region addowner your name region player1. To add team members, enter: / addmember (your region name) (username)

To remove members / owners:

/ region removeowner (name of your region) (nickname of the removed owner) / region removemember (name of your region) (nickname of the removed member)

Are you wondering what this is for? - It's simple, for example, you wanted to build a house on your territory, called your friends, added them to the list of members or owners, and after you finish building, just delete them.

Regions can be either parent or child. You can assign a parent and child region using the command:

/ region setparent (region name) (parent region name)

To remove the parent region, just enter the command:

/ region setparent (region name)

That is, as we can see, you do not need to enter the name of the parent region.

If you saved the region, but made a mistake, you can edit the selection with the command:

/ region select (region name)

Then we save the selected fragment of the site:

/ region claim (region name)

Deleting a Region

/ region delete (region name)

Also, region owners can set flags. By command:

/ region flag (region name) (flag) (value)


  • pvp - Is it usedpvp in this zone.
  • use - Mechanisms and doors are used.
  • chest -access - chests.
  • water flow - water spreading.
  • lava flow - lava spreading.
  • lighter - Using a lighter.

The values

  • deny - disabled.
  • none - identity to the flag from the non-private zone.
  • allow - enabled.

To find out information about a region, a list of owners, members, and some other information, enter the command:

/ region info (region name)

Important information: The maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe allocated cuboid is no more than 50,000 cubes. The maximum number of regions per person is no more than 10.

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How to private territory in Minecraft (WorldGuard)

Any player, starting to play Minecraft on CaveCraft servers with a launcher and mods, thought about how to private territory in Minecraft on the server (in order to protect it from other players or, on the contrary, give access to other players).

In this article we will try to reveal all the points in the matter of private territory in Minecraft, you will receive information:

  • How to allocate territory for private
  • How to create your own private region
  • How to add and remove a player in your private
  • What are region flags and how to use them
  • ..also you will learn other commands for interacting with regions and private Minecraft on our servers

We use different versions of the WorldGuard plugin on all our servers. Some functionality may not be available on some servers.

  • Modern Servers (Minecraft 1.7.10+) - WorldGuard 6.1
  • Magic Servers (Minecraft 1.7.10+) - WorldGuard 6.1

Selecting a grid and creating a private region

First of all, you need a wooden ax, you can get it using the command - // wand.

A wooden ax cannot be used to cut trees, it is only needed to select a territory!

After entering the command // wand - You will see the following chat message:

We begin to allocate territory for the future private region. With help right mouse button (RMB) You mark the first point of the private, and the second point - left mouse button (LMB).

In addition to the ax, points can be marked using the commands:

// hpos1 (first point)
// hpos2 (second point)
look at the block

// pos 1 (first point)
// pos2 (second point)
(Be careful! When using these commands, you must stand on the blockwhich you want to mark with a dot)

The area you have selected will be outlined with a green grid. To reset the selection of the region after the completion of the private territory, you can use the command - // sel.

You have successfully selected an area, but the height of yours does not suit you? In this case, it is also necessary to expand the selected grid in height (Y coordinate). You can expand or reduce the selected mesh in the following directions:

  • north (n) - north.
  • west (w) - west.
  • south (s) - south.
  • east (e) - east.
  • up (u) - up.
  • down (d) - down.
  • Looking in one of the cardinal directions.
  • From bedrock to the sky.

Hint: when specifying the direction of selection, you can also use the short names of the sides (indicated in brackets)
For example, // expand 10 up will expand the selected region upward by 10 cubes.

To reduce the mesh you selected, use the command - // contract<кол-во> <направление>
For example, the command - // contract 10 down will reduce the region from top to bottom by 10 cubes.

You can find out the size of the mesh you have selected with the command - // size

After you have selected the territory you need, you need to register (create a region) and thereby seize this territory for you.

To create a private region, use the command / rg claim<название региона> ... As an example, we will name the region - cavecraft, in this case, our team will look like this - / rg claim cavecraft

If everything is done correctly and the selected area does not overlap with other regions, then you will see the following message in the chat:

Adding a player to a region

Be careful! Do not add extraneous players, be careful and attentive to the choice of participants in the region. Claims for grifting will not be accepted!

You can add another player to your own region using the command - / rg addmember<ваш регион> <ник игрока> - in this case, the player specified by you is added as a participant. He will be able to interact with the region (build, break, open chests), but he will not be able to manage the region.

Add another player to your region as owner - / rg addowner<ваш регион> <ник игрока> - in this case, the player you specified is added as the owner. This gives all the possibilities for managing the region (add / remove other members and owners, set flags, etc.).

There are also two similar commands, only with a different action - remove a member or owner:
/ rg removemember<ваш регион> <ник игрока> and / rg removeowner<ваш регион> <ник игрока>

This plugin is used to protect buildings on servers. If this plugin is installed on the server, each player will be able to protect the territory of his house - privately. A private is an area between two blocks that can only be changed by the owner of this private and the people he added to private. With the help of this plugin, spawns on servers are also protected so that they are not looted.

Each private can be configured, you can separately allow breaking blocks, but everything else will be prohibited, or for example, give everyone the right to open only chests. Regions have a lot of settings.

Basic commands:

/ rg claim [owners ...] - creates a region and assigns owners to it.

/ rg define [users ...] - creates a region with no start flags. It helps the administration, as it privatizes over other regions.

/ rg redefine - replaces the territory of the region with the selected one.

/ rg addmember <пользователи…> - adds a user to the region.

/ rg addowner <владельцы…> - adds the owner of the region.

/ rg removemember <пользователи…> - removes the region user.

/ rg removeowner <владельцы…> - removes the owner of the region.

/ rg flag <флаг> [variable] - sets the flag to the region. Variables: none - not set, allow - allowed, deny - forbidden.

/ rg remove - completely removes the region.

/ rg migratedb - decreases the region by a given number from the player (from you)

Messages have such an option
0 0 600 0 1 Hello, #name will shutdown in #tmin minutes. What will be better and more effective. Write your own restart using Rcon or messages.xml will be enough?

Class LogClass (private FileHandle File; void LogClass () (Print ("::: ::: Init :::");) void ~ LogClass () (Print ("::: ::: UnInit :::") ;) void Save (string FileName, string String) (private int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; Print (":::: Save:" + FileName); if (! FileExist (FileName)) (File \u003d OpenFile (FileName, FileMode.WRITE);) else (File \u003d OpenFile (FileName, FileMode.APPEND);) if (File \u003d\u003d 0) (Print (":::: Can not write FileName:" + FileName); Print (":::: May be disk error, file write protected, file busy or FileMode.WRITE disabled (need to specify option -scrAllowFileWrite in server run parameters for enable FileMode.WRITE."); Return;) FPrintln (File, DataBase_GetDate () + "," + DataBase_GetTime () + ":" + String); CloseFile (File);) void Rotate (string FileName, int FileNum) (Print (":::: Rotate:" + FileName); if (! FileExist (FileName)) (Print (":::: Rotate: FileName not exists:" + FileName); return;) else (for (int i \u003d Fil eNum; i\u003e 0; i--) (Print (":::: Rotate: FileName:" + FileName + "." + i); if (FileExist (FileName + "." + i)) (Print (":::: Rotate: DeleteFile: "+ FileName +". "+ I); DeleteFile (FileName +". "+ I);) if (FileExist (FileName +". "+ (I - 1))) (Print (" :::: Rotate: CopyFile: "+ FileName +". "+ (I - 1) +" \u003d\u003e "+ FileName +". "+ I); CopyFile (FileName +". "+ (I - 1), FileName +". "+ i);)) CopyFile (FileName, FileName +" .0 "); DeleteFile (FileName); )) static string DataBase_GetDate () (int year, month, day; GetYearMonthDay (year, month, day); string date \u003d day.ToStringLen (2) + "." + month.ToStringLen (2) + "." + year .ToStringLen (2); return date;) static string DataBase_GetTime () (int hour, minute, second; GetHourMinuteSecond (hour, minute, second); string time \u003d hour.ToStringLen (2) + ":" + minute.ToStringLen ( 2) + ":" + second.ToStringLen (2); return time;)) I need it to use functions from it in several places
in PlayerBase.c in functions in class PlayerBase
in init.c in function in mission class
The question is how?

In PlayerBase.c
#include "$ CurrentDir: \\\\ mpmissions \\\\ dayzOffline.chernarusplus \\\\ _ MOD \\\\ LogClass \\\\ LogClass.c"
Further in class
ref LogClass Log \u003d new LogClass ();
well, in functions
Log.Save ("pathname", data);

But after the last update
In init.c
#include "$ CurrentDir: \\\\ mpmissions \\\\ dayzOffline.chernarusplus \\\\ _ MOD \\\\ LogClass \\\\ LogClass.c"
results in an error - Multiple declaration of class "LogClass"

Can "t compile mission init script"!
$ CurrentDir: //mpmissions//dayzOffline.chernarusplus//_MOD//LogClass//LogClass.c (1): Multiple declaration of class "LogClass"

Before this update, everything was normal
How to be?


Declared an array inside a function

Array stringParam;
// define an array of text type that lives until the function finishes

Static array stringParam;
// define an array of text type that stores data both after the completion of the function and at the next
when the function is called, the contents of the array will remain and can be used inside the function (the array will not be re-declared)

String text \u003d "text";

// write the contents of the text variable to array element 0
stringParam.Insert (text);
// write the contents of the variable text to array element 1, if the variable text is empty, the text will be written NULL
stringParam.Insert (text, "NULL");

We read array element 1 into the variable text
string text \u003d stringParam.Get (1);

Now the question is
How can I change element 1 of an array?
stringParam \u003d "blablabla";

in theory it should be like this

Is it even possible?

And more about the function that returns the result as an array

Array FileRead (string FileName)
array stringParam;
string line_content;

CloseFile (File);
return stringParam;