Changing the screen scale of a computer or laptop on Windows

Users often encounter problems when they need to zoom in or out on the screen on their computer in Windows 7, 8, 10. Not all...

How to switch to English font on a keyboard from Russian and vice versa

Because it is possible to type text on a computer, and you can do this in almost any language, there are several methods of how you can...

Home • Windows • 8 • What does the AppDate folder store and what will happen if it is... What does the AppDate folder store and what will happen if it is deleted

What does the AppDate folder store and what will happen if it is deleted 11/26/2014 16061 All Windows files can be divided into two groups. To the big...

The language on the keyboard does not switch from Russian to English

As you know, the default layout uses two languages: for us it is Russian and additional English. In some cases...

AppData: what is this folder?

There are many secrets hidden in the Windows operating system. Some of them are more interesting than others. If you set about unraveling them, then...

AppData what is this Windows folder?

Hello, friends. Very often the system disk runs out of free space, and you have to delete applications and other necessary data in order to...