What to do if there is no sound on your computer

The disappearance of sound on a computer is an unpleasant, but completely solvable problem. After reading the information below, you will find out why...

8 Tips for Repairing Computer Speakers

All electrical and radio equipment is prone to failure. This happens for various reasons - the service life has expired, improper operation, poor...

No sound on the computer!  How to fix?

What if? I think every PC user has encountered such a problem related to the lack of sound on their computer....

No sound on a computer or laptop: what to do and why this can happen

Hello to everyone who reads my blog regularly or is visiting it for the first time. Can you hear me? That's right, you shouldn't hear it, because you don't listen...

Why doesn't sound work on my computer?

The main components of a computer's sound system are a sound card and an audio output device - speakers (speakers) or headphones. Sound...

There is no sound on the computer - what to do?

You come home, turn on your computer or laptop, and while it is loading, you make plans: now I’ll turn on the music, surf the Internet for half an hour, and then...