The computer froze with an error

Hello admin! Yesterday evening I worked on my laptop and did Shutdown, but the laptop did not turn off, I started installing some...

How to open a MKV file on Windows

Most users, mostly beginners, ask the same question on various forums: “How to open this or that file.” In this article...

How to get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Hello, dear readers. Almost always, promotion of a VKontakte group begins with gaining subscribers. Whether we like it or not, it's a fact...

Programs for searching and installing drivers

For many users, installing and updating drivers is a rather tedious and complicated task. Manual search often leads enthusiasts to third-party...

Units for measuring the amount of information Using bits and bytes to measure

Any person who has interacted with computers at least a little is familiar with such terms as “Gigabyte”, “Megabyte” and others. They mean...

Subscription to “September 1” publications in your personal account

“First of September” is one of the largest domestic publishers of educational and methodological literature and periodicals. The publishing house produces...