Get a personal WebMoney certificate. How to get a personal webmoney certificate

Any payment system tries to protect its users as best as possible from fraud, as well as to make working with an electronic wallet convenient and safe. The WebMoney system is no exception. In order to carry out even the simplest financial transactions, the user needs to confirm his status and receive one of the certificate options. What is it and what is it for?

WebMoney certificates

A WebMoney passport is a carrier of information about the user and a kind of indicator of trust. The higher it is, the more rights and freedom of action are granted to its owner in this system. To put it simply in simple words, the system automatically determines what types of transactions can be carried out with the user and what cannot, based on the type of certificate.

After registering with WebMoney, the owner of the wallet is automatically assigned an alias certificate. This indicates that the information has not been verified or confirmed, therefore the user could be anyone, have a fictitious name, or not have one at all. This type of certificate is quite enough to pay for online purchases, but if you plan to sell goods, then an unconfirmed profile will most likely give many buyers pause. Therefore, in this case, it is worth taking care of a higher level of certificate.

Main types of WebMoney certificates

Don't know how to get a WebMoney certificate? Currently, this payment system provides users with two types of certification, including 12 different levels of security.

  • The first group includes professional certificates with advanced functionality, intended only for advanced account holders.
  • The second group includes ordinary clients, for whom a basic certification process is provided, implying a division of rights according to four access levels.

For each new level there is an individual virtual document. On this moment All "WebMoney" certificates of the main type are divided in increasing order of their functionality:

  • An alias certificate assigned to all users of the system.
  • The formal document is available after entering personal information.
  • The initial certificate is provided after the passport verification process.
  • And a personal certificate can only be obtained after a personal meeting with a specialist.

Alias ​​certificate

As mentioned above, each user who has completed the registration process for WebMoney receives this personal document.

The holder of this type of certificate has rather limited opportunities, which include the following:

  • Access to money transfers between WebMoney Transfer accounts.
  • Possibility of depositing funds into your wallet in cash or from a card.
  • Basic options (payment for purchases in an online store, utility bills, cellular communications, etc.).

Thus, it is clear that the pseudonym status provides users with a basic list of services, which excludes the right to withdraw funds from the account. In addition, for this certificate there is a limit on the balance of funds in the electronic wallet. The maximum amount is 15 thousand rubles (with a verified phone - 45,000).

Formal certificate

Most Internet users opt for a formal WebMoney passport, which is the most suitable for everyday use, since to obtain it you only need to upload a photocopy of your passport to the portal and fill out fields with personal data. This type of certificate is great for those who are just starting to work on the Internet and receive small amounts.

The procedure for checking a formal certificate is quite simple; you only need to complete a few simple steps:

  • After registering in the WebMoney system, go to the “Certification Center” tab.
  • Go to the “Control Panel” section located in the upper right corner.
  • In the window that appears, you need to enter some information, including passport data. Indicate the initials, series, document number and date of receipt; in the same block you must upload a scan of the document (note that the image must be in color and legible). Personal identification required. Here you should enter your SNILS and INN numbers. And mailing address, coinciding with the place of registration.
  • After filling out all the fields, you must return to the “Passport” tab and click on the “Get certificate” button.

Upon completion of these actions, the user will receive a notification that the application has been accepted. Information verification is usually completed within 24 hours, after which the user's status is updated.

Formal Certificate Features

Having a formal WebMoney certificate gives the user the following rights:

  • Depositing funds into your personal account by postal and bank transfers.
  • Payment for services ( cellular, utility bills, etc.).
  • Possibility of withdrawing money to bank card.

Thus, it becomes clear that a formal certificate is quite sufficient for standard operations.

The possibilities of the owner of this type of certificate are expanded in comparison with an anonymous one, but the limit on the amount of financial savings remains in force; the balance of the wallet with a formal status cannot be higher than 200 thousand.

Initial certificate

This type of certificate is more profitable than the previous ones, since it guarantees the security of transactions and also provides the user of the WebMoney service with advanced capabilities. How to get an initial certificate?

You can purchase third-level access in several ways:

  • After meeting with the personalizer in person (paid service, from 2 to 5 $);
  • On the portal public services RF.

Most often, to obtain a “WebMoney” certificate entry level users use the second option, which involves doing the following:

  • Registration/authorization on the government services portal.
  • Contacting a government organization (registry office, multifunctional center or Russian Post office) to confirm your identity.

A verified user profile is a guarantor for the service, since the WebMoney integration system reads verified information entered by the user.

Initial Attestation Options

After completing all the required verification stages, the owner of the wallet is automatically assigned an initial type certificate, which opens up the following opportunities for him:

  • Increased amount for depositing funds into the account.
  • Increased limit for withdrawing money from your wallet;
  • The maximum amount for storage is 900 thousand rubles.

Initial certification in the WebMoney system increases user confidence, which has a positive effect on the reliability of transactions with counterparties. All this indicates that the third level of access contributes to greater efficiency in conducting the financial activities of small businesses and commercial projects on the Internet.

Personal certificate

The last stage of the WebMoney security system is a personal certificate. At the moment, it is the most advanced and effective tool that provides the owner with access to all options and subsystems provided payment service WebMoney.

To receive a personal “WebMoney” certificate you will need to go through all the verification procedures listed earlier. In addition, the last stage of certification involves a personal meeting with an employee of the organization who is responsible for implementing personalization processes. The registrar's work is paid - issuing a personal certificate will cost the account owner $10-20. After confirmation of identity, the fourth access level is assigned to the client automatically. List of services available to personal passport holders:

  • The amount for replenishing your account increases.
  • The amount that can be withdrawn from the wallet increases.
  • The entrance to the credit exchange opens.
  • There is an opportunity to participate in the affiliate program as a personalizer.

Holders of these certificates not only receive maximum possibilities using the WebMoney system, they are also assigned an increased level of trust from the service.

Withdrawing money

There are several ways to withdraw funds from your WebMoney wallet:

  • Bank transfer. You can withdraw funds to the current account of any bank, and then send them to a bank card (transfer period 1-3 days, WebMoney commission - 0.8%, bank commission - 0%);
  • Postal transfer. Transaction time is from 2 to 5 days, postal commission - 1.7%, WebMoney system fee - 0.8%;
  • Transfer through systems: CONTACT, Leader, Zolotaya Korona and ANELIK. WebMoney system commission - 0.8% and transfer system fee;
  • Withdrawal of funds to a bank card of one of the organizations accredited by the WebMoney system. Bank commission - 0%, system fee - 1+0.8%.

In order to perform any of the listed operations, you need an R-wallet and a verified “WebMoney” certificate (status no lower than formal).

It is recommended to carefully study the tariffs in your region of residence and currency before making a transfer, since, for example, in the Republic of Belarus, the amount of commission fees depends on the status of the certificate.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney without a certificate

If for any reason the account owner in the WebMoney system does not want or cannot receive a virtual document and the corresponding status, then you can withdraw funds to a bank card in the following way:

  • You will need a SIM card from the Beeline operator.
  • Register a Qiwi e-wallet for it.
  • Enter Personal Area WebMoney and top up your balance mobile operator Beeline for the amount they intend to withdraw (including commission).
  • Next, go to your Qiwi wallet and deposit funds from your account into it mobile phone, replenished in the previous step.
  • Confirm the operation by entering the code sent to mobile number phone.
  • After the money arrives in your wallet, select the withdrawal function in the menu, then the name of the bank whose card you have, enter the details, the amount and send the transfer.

Now you know how to withdraw money from WebMoney without a certificate. As for the transfer deadline, all banking institutions work differently. Some users can receive funds on their card instantly, while others will have to wait several days.

Now it’s the turn to learn about an equally famous service from WebMoney.

Yes, there is never too much money, even electronic ones, and you need to store it somewhere. So you have to have it organized. It is very convenient to have three electronic wallets from different systems. After all, if necessary, you will have a choice of which one to use at one time or another.

And if you work or have just started working on the Internet, then you need to be 100% proficient in all three at a minimum, because you probably don’t know exactly how the customer will be able to pay you, for example, for a cool article you wrote.

So, today we will talk about another company that has such a service as an electronic wallet, or more precisely about how to obtain a WebMoney certificate.

What is webmoney

First, let's figure out what electronic money is, why it is needed and why webmoney.

It's simple an electronic wallet is a means of storing your earnings online. It is as safe as keeping your personal savings at home or in a bank, since every transaction made with your funds happens with you. You are in complete control of what happens in your online savings cell.

Using this service, you can make purchases, pay for services, make various payments, purchase any services not only on the Internet, but also in real life. This is because you can always withdraw your earned budget, for example, using a regular ATM.

Note: There are other ways. We will talk about them in detail in the next article.

Currently, electronic money is very popular. You won't need to carry around change that constantly rattles and overflows your wallet. You can hold just one card in your hand and use it to perform many transactions.

Moreover, online shopping is gaining momentum, and a very large number of people are already inclined to purchase via the Internet, which significantly saves time. Do you know that time is our expensive and irreplaceable resource.

However, the WM service has certain conditions, and in order to take advantage of the possible benefits of working with this company, you must comply with them. For example, an identification procedure with which you can expand your ability to manage your wallet online.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is a WebMoney certificate

System participants, for example, you and the customer, are located remotely from each other and do not meet during settlement. You don’t know what your customer looks like, what kind of person he is, etc. It is logical that in this situation the issue of trust and security is fundamental.

How can you be sure that a person is not a fraud? The WebMoney certification service will help with this.

A WebMoney passport is a kind of certified identity document that reflects the following data: full name, passport, contact information. The certificate is a guarantee that a person really exists.

Depending on the amount of information provided by the participant, there are different kinds certificates. The higher the level, the more trust he has.

Types of certificates

As already mentioned, personalization will help you expand the capabilities of your e-wallet, however, which ones are up to you. WebMoney provides various options. Some are very easy to do, others not so much.

Let's talk about what types there are:

Nickname. It is issued to the system participant upon registration and is completely free. It is usually used by beginners to learn the service. You can perform a number of operations: small transfers, payments and online purchases. Since they were presented to him minimum requirements, then the trust is corresponding.

Formal. This type is suitable for those who actively use Internet services, freelancers and those who want to withdraw electronic money. To receive it, you need to enter your passport details on the website and upload a scanned copy of it. Allows you to make payments, pay bills and withdraw funds.

Elementary. Suitable for those running small businesses or online work, such as bloggers. You can purchase it either for a fee after checking your passport, or for free by ordering a WebMoney card or making a certain purchase.

Personal. Suitable for large business owners, advanced Internet users, etc. It allows you to use all the features of the system. Issued for a fee after verification of passport data by the registrar - an authorized representative of the webmoney company.

What are certificates for?

Why are different certificates needed? Everything is simple so that you can expand the boundaries of using and managing your own funds. It depends on what goals you are pursuing.

If you simply pay for purchases made on the Internet with money that your friends transferred to you or that you earned from a small transaction, for example, 300 rubles, then a pseudonym will be quite enough.

If you need to pay with proceeds in real life, in addition to online stores, make transfers within the system, pay for services and bills, you should consider having a formal level.

If you plan to make fairly large transactions and store a considerable amount in your wallet, then the initial one is what you need. Here there are larger limits and the status is no longer a beginner.

Well, as we said, owners of large businesses or Internet businessmen cannot do without a personal level. Here you can already go wild: replenish and withdraw funds with much higher limits than those discussed above. In addition, the certificate indicates maximum confidence in its owner.

Agree that this is a very important role when working via the Internet.

How to get a certificate

But let's still talk about how to get certain statuses.

Before receiving it is necessary register in the WebMoney system.

We go to the site In the upper right corner, click the “Registration” button, select the registration type and click “Next”.

A form will open for entering the following data: date of birth, security question. Next, check the box that agrees to the processing of personal data and click “Continue.”

Then you need to enter the code that the system sent to the e-mail you specified. The code is quite long, so to avoid errors, I advise you to copy and paste it into the window intended for it and click “Continue”.

The last step of registration consists of you providing a password. To confirm that you are not a robot, you must enter the characters from the picture and click “OK”.

All! Hooray! Are you registered. Now you can open your wallet. Select in what currency you need a wallet (in the example I chose rubles), read the agreement, accept the terms and click “Create”.

After registration, a pseudonym certificate is automatically assigned free of charge.

In the upper left corner you will see a notification that your wallet has been successfully opened. The number itself is located next to the tricolor icon. At this stage, you can already perform operations permitted by the alias passport.

Registration of a formal certificate

The next step after the pseudonym is a formal certificate. To get it you need:

You will be redirected to a page with personal information. The first block of full name and date of birth just needs to be checked; if the date is incorrect, it can be corrected, just like gender. You can also choose what will be displayed on the page for other users and what not.

Then you need to set your country by clicking on this button.

A form will open for you to select your region and city. You can find it manually or through a search, and then press “Enter”. Select your city, as indicated in the screenshot, first in the search, then below in the “City” field and only then click “OK”.

Here you need to fill in the address, indicating the zip code, street, house, apartment.

You will then be redirected to a page to enter additional data: TIN, SNILS and passport issuing unit code. After filling them out, you need to click “Next”.

Within 10 minutes your status will be updated.

On your page you can see the presence of a formal certificate. The system also notifies you that you need to provide a scan of your passport for verification. Select the file containing the passport pages and click “Continue”.

At this point, the procedure for obtaining a formal certificate can be considered complete.

Registration of the initial certificate

There are two ways to obtain an initial certificate:

1. P at a personal meeting with an attestator.

2. No meeting, but subject to the following conditions:

— when replenishing your wallet through the Unistream, Contact or Anelik system by money transfer within the Russian Federation on the website

— when replenishing your wallet from a bank account on the website

— when attaching a bank card from partner banks (Alfa-Bank, PromSvyazBank, Ocean-Bank, etc.) on the website

Let's look at the first method in more detail.

On the site it is necessary to select an attestator who can conduct the inspection.

Read the identification conditions and pay for the service (this is done directly on the website using a wallet).

Next, we arrange a meeting with the selected registrar and bring with us an application and a photocopy of your passport (the page with your photo and signature). At this point, obtaining an initial certificate can be considered complete.

Registration of a personal certificate

At the moment, a personal certificate can be obtained in two ways:

1. After a personal meeting with one of the registrars from the list provided on the website. The procedure is as follows:

— on your personal page, select “personal”;

— select a registrar from the list;

— fill out an application indicating the required status (the same form as when receiving an initial certificate);

— come to the meeting in person with documents.

2. According to notarized documents which are sent by mail.

I did it using the second method, since I don’t have an attestator in my city. The first 3 points are similar to method 1, then the printed and completed application must be taken to a notary for certification.

Note: date and sign the application in the presence of a notary.

Also, do not forget to take his business card with contact information from the notary. This is required to verify the reality of the document certification procedure.

Next, you will need to confirm your mailing address. To do this, fill out a form on the website indicating the address. After that, WebMoney sends a letter to the address you specified with a code that you must enter. Thereby confirming that you really live at this address and received the code with the letter.

After this event, you need to go to the post office, buy an envelope, enclose an application, a copy of your passport and a business card in it and send it to the address of the selected attestator. In my case it was:

About a week later, an employee of the center called me and asked a few questions about my work in the service and why I needed this particular type of certificate.

A few days later, when I went to my personal page, I saw the new status of my certificate.

Note: in terms of price it cost me: 19 $ payment for the certificate, 500 rubles. certification of the application by a notary and 20 rubles postal envelope.

Thus, after reading this article you can easily obtain the certificate you need. It all depends on your activities and transactions that you plan to perform on the Internet.

If you have any questions during the process of obtaining certificates, welcome to comment. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

See you again on the blog.

Ekaterina Kalmykova

If you have become a user of the WebMoney service, one of the questions that will interest you will be how to obtain a personal WebMoney passport. It is relevant for individuals and businessmen. It is studied by everyone who does not like restrictions and sees prospects.

There are few of the latter in anonymous status. You can make purchases, pay bills, but even withdrawing your own money is problematic. Most users, when registering with the PS, strive to immediately identify themselves in order to remove the restrictions received after initial authorization. A WebMoney personal certificate is the maximum that e-wallet owners can count on. This is a status, the acquisition of which turns WM into a kind of cornucopia, the prospects of which only become wider over time.

What is a personal certificate

We have already come to the conclusion that the described status for physical and legal entities– an option that opens up great opportunities in PS. By ordering it you will receive highest level access to services. The main condition for moving to the last stage is the presence of status:

  • formal;
  • initial

If you have any of the above, you can move on to the next stage. This means that before receiving a personal WebMoney passport, the user must change his anonymous status and identify himself.

Important: to quickly move to the highest level of authorization, you will have to personally meet with the WebMoney registrar. The service is provided on a paid basis. On average, its cost is from 10 to 20 dollars. In some cases more.

By taking this step and paying the bill, you will receive the following prospects for using the service:
  1. You can become a PS consultant.
  2. Publish news on the platform pages.
  3. Issue entry-level certificates to users.
  4. Take out loans from the service.
  5. Be a creditor.
  6. Get a specialized bank card for withdrawing money.
  7. Accept funds automatically, etc.

With WebMoney you can create your own trading platform, using the DigiSeller service. Megastock will also be open.

Obtaining a personal WebMoney certificate can become a new successful stage in the development of your own business. If you are interested in this perspective, please review what you need to provide to the WM Certification Center.

How to get a certificate

The cost of the procedure and the need for an agreement with the registrar were discussed above. This is the fast way. However, you can do without a personal meeting with a WebMoney representative. In any case, you need to proceed as follows:

Important: the procedure for transmitting information about yourself is also open to minors. One of the parents must accompany him to the meeting. Additionally, you must provide documents confirming this degree of relationship.

During a personal meeting, the WebMoney registrar must receive an application written by the applicant and a copy of his passport. The PS representative must compare the data of the document and the copy.

Remotely obtaining a certificate

If you are unable to meet with the registrar, look for the option with the envelope icon in the list of financial service representatives. In this case, send a copy of your passport and application to the specified address. The last document must be certified by a notary. All of its columns must be correctly filled out and reliable.

If during a personal meeting it will take about 3 days to verify the submitted data, sending papers can make the process longer.

If you want to get a certificate for free, do not waste time resolving this issue. Such a service is not provided in the PS. However, the payment for the new prospects is too small to regret the money spent.

If you are a user of the Webmoney electronic payment system and have a personal passport, then you can not only conduct financial transactions here, but also earn decent money. WebMoney offers its clients to earn money by cooperating with them. I’ll tell you now how and what needs to be done for this.

Webmoney affiliate program

If you use WebMoney, then you probably know what the certificates of this payment system are, what they are needed for and what opportunities they provide. You can obtain them from representatives of the system by paying a small fee (from 1 to 100 dollars, depending on the type of certificate chosen, as well as the indicated cost for your region).

In order to attract as many clients as possible and simplify the process of obtaining certificates for them, Webmoney is trying to expand its coverage area and the network of its representatives. You yourself can become one of them if you connect to affiliate program companies.

There are 2 types of earnings on WebMoney:

On issuance of initial certificates.

By choosing this option, you will receive Personalizer status, you will be able to issue people an initial Webmoney certificate and receive a reward of 50% of the cost of the service for this. You set the price yourself, but there are restrictions - it can only vary from 1 to 100 dollars.

To be certified and start working, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a personal certificate for at least a year.
  • You are ready to pay a guarantee fee - 100 WMZ.
  • Your BL (Business Level) is greater than 50.

After studying your data and confirming the “Agreement of Assignment”, you will be added to the register of personalizers and can begin to work.

On the issuance of personal certificates.

You will be assigned the status of a Registrar and given the opportunity to issue a personal certificate to WebMoney clients, for which you will receive 75% of the cost of the service. In addition, you will still be able to check initial certificates, for which you will be paid 25% of the reward for it. You can set the price yourself, but it must be no less than $5 and no more than $100.

You can become a registrar only after passing a personal interview in Moscow with a representative of the Certification Center and if you meet the following requirements:

Don't be afraid of paying a security deposit. It will be frozen and returned to you at the end of your certification activities, if no claims are made against you regarding your work and the documents of certified WebMoney clients submitted to the Certification Center.

How much can you earn?

I think I’ll get it right if I say that what interests you most is how much you can earn on the WebMoney affiliate program. Let's count together.

According to payment system statistics, in 2017, a total of 17,456 personal and initial certificates were issued. (5,973 personal and 11,483 initial). In total, 69 registrars and 171 personalizers (240 representatives) participate in the affiliate program.

Let's take the city of Omsk. There is 1 registrar and 1 personalizer working here. According to Webmoney data, 1.31% of certificates were issued here out of all certified users of the payment system.

17,456*0.0131= 229 – this is exactly how many certificates were issued in Omsk in 2017.

The average cost of issuing them is $26 ($40 for a personal certificate, $12 for an initial one).

26*229 = $5954 – total payment for all issued certificates.

The personalizer receives 50% of the cost of the certificate for his services, the registrar - 75%. Let's take the minimum - 50%. Total: 14,066 * 0.5 = $2977 - each of them approximately earned in a year, and this turns out to be about $248 per month.

It should be borne in mind that the calculations are approximate and have errors, since we do not have data on exactly how many certificates each of the WebMoney representatives issued. In addition, it is possible for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive an initial certificate automatically by sending their certified documents, and therefore it is unknown how many people decided to personally visit the personalizer, and how many decided that it was easier for them to have their documents certified and sent electronically than to see someone .

However, based on these calculations, you can still see how much earnings you can expect when participating in the WebMoney affiliate program.

What to do if there are already competitors in your region

Many regions of Russia are not yet covered by the network of Webmoney personalizers and registrars. However, if you are unlucky and you live in a city where there are already representatives of the payment system, this does not mean at all that you should abandon this method of earning money. Of course, the income will be less than if you were the only person in the city who issues WebMoney certificates, but it will still be there. Why give up money? All you need is to attract clients to you. You can do this in two ways:

  • By offering a certificate issuance service at a lower price than competitors.
  • On the one hand, the method is effective, but on the other... Would you want to work for a small amount, considering that the average cost of the service is only 20-30 dollars? And why spoil business in your region?

  • Offer additional services or better service.
  • The issuance of certificates involves a personal meeting between the client and a WebMoney representative. And not everyone has the time or desire to adapt to someone’s time and spend an hour or two on the road to get new opportunities in the payment system. Therefore, by offering, for example, a service such as visiting a client at a time convenient for him, you can significantly expand the circle of people who want to contact you, and not another registrar or personalizer.

Earning money on WebMoney is reliable way receive money and be sure of payments and the absence of scammers. However, it is more suitable as a side hustle rather than a main income. It is difficult to influence the number of clients. It can be both empty and dense. However, you can be sure of one thing - all the money you earn will be paid to you fairly. And paying $10-30 to meet a person and accept his documents is quite good.

By improving your security system, payment system WebMoney became deeper and more complex for the average user. Even now, having taken its final form, it often causes misunderstanding among users who have just registered. The first problem for the average person may be the WebMoney certificate system: there are several of them and each of them has its own function. Obtaining each of the certificates occurs in different ways. At the moment, there are four of them in the system: initial, formal, personal, pseudonym certificate. There are also many more subtypes of personal certificate: seller, developer, payment machine, these certificates require more in-depth study and specific purposes, however, they are all just a type of personal one. This article will discuss in detail the procedure for obtaining the main types of WebMoney certificate.

What is a Webmoney pseudonym certificate?

By registering in the WebMoney system, you will automatically be assigned the simplest type: an alias certificate. You will have this certificate until you decide to assign yourself another one. This type has many limitations, namely:

  • The amount of funds in your wallet cannot exceed 45,000 rubles or 300 dollars.
  • You cannot operate with more than 15,000 rubles or 100 dollars per day, and a maximum of 45,000 rubles can pass through your wallet per week.
  • For users of Ukraine and Belarus, the numbers are different: 20,000 hryvnia per month, and 0 Belarusian rubles.

As you may have noticed, in the country of Belarus the pseudonym certificate is not listed at all - you simply will not be able to operate with your wallet. To change your certificate, read the article below. You will find additional information in the WebMoney certification center

Formal Webmoney certificate and how to get it

Having received a certificate above, you get a number of opportunities that were not available to you before. Your limits will also change as follows:

  • You can store up to 200,000 rubles or 10,000 dollars.
  • Transfer 60,000 rubles and 3,000 dollars per day.
  • With a Ukrainian wallet, it is possible to store 80,000 hryvnia per month.

Belarusian wallets, unfortunately, this type The certificate is also not accepted. You need at least a basic certificate to use Belarusian rubles. You will learn about such a certificate in the next paragraph of the article.

Obtaining a formal certificate is the most popular, since to do this you just need to upload a scan of your passport to the service and indicate its data. Usually, data verification is carried out by employees within 24 hours, after which your type of certificate is upgraded.

Go to the WebMoney certification center website at: and select the “Control Panel” tab in the upper right corner.

You will see a whole set of data that you need to fill in:

  • In the “Passport details” line, indicate full name, last name, patronymic, passport number and series, as well as the date and place of issue. In the same section you will need to upload scans. Please note that passport scans must be legible and in color.
  • SNILS and INN numbers are entered in the “Personal Identifiers” field.
  • The postal address must match the place of registration.

  • Now return to the “Passport” section.

  • Click on the blue “Get Certificate” button. You will see a notification indicating a successful attempt to send data. All you have to do is wait.

Initial Webmoney certificate and how to get it

This certificate expands your capabilities even further:

  • So, you can operate with no more than 300,000 rubles and 12,000 dollars per day.
  • The monthly limit is 1,800,000 rubles or 60,000 dollars, as well as 720,000 hryvnia and 90,000 Belarusian rubles.

However, obtaining such a certificate is a little more difficult than others. There are three ways depending on your capabilities and country of residence.

Through the personalizer

Go to the WebMoney website in the regional personalizers section using the link and select anyone.

In the penultimate column you will see the cost of the procedure. Usually, it fluctuates around five dollars. To receive a certificate, click the “get” button. You will have a personal meeting with a personalizer who will verify your passport.

Through the State Services website

This method is only suitable for residents of Russia. Go to your passport settings again using the link and select the “Control Panel” section.

Click on the “initial” link in the menu of your certificate.
In this section you will see a government services window where you can go through the procedure for quick authorization to the site. You will need a login and password for the State Services website, as well as a phone number at hand.

Through the system

Suitable only for residents of Ukraine and costs 11 hryvnia as of 2017. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • You go to your WMU wallet using the link
  • Go to the website and pay for the debit of 11 hryvnia through it.

The system checks your data and you are issued a certificate.

Getting PhotoID

The procedure does not end there. You will not be given an initial certificate until you upload a reference photo to the service. That is, a photo of you holding the spread of your passport next to your face.

  • Go to the link
  • Here you can create a photo by clicking on the “Create PhotoID” button.

After checking it, you will be awarded the long-awaited initial certificate.

Personal certificate in Webmoney and how to get it

This certificate is issued for a fee and has extended limits for business. You have virtually no ceiling on receiving and sending funds from your account.

Go to the personal passport personalizers page and choose the one that is more convenient for you. Payment will range from $25 to $70 inclusive.