The Start icon does not work on Windows 10. The Start does not respond to the left mouse button

Users of the updated version operating system(OS), they complain that the start menu in Windows 10 often does not work, this makes it much more difficult to manage the computer (PC).

Regularly occurring errors associated with the insufficient perfection of the technical version of the OS. Existing difficulties will be eliminated by the developers gradually as the operating version is updated.

While engineers are working to improve the OS, ordinary users will have to fix defects in the Windows 10 Start menu on their own.

Restoring functions via PowerShell

The problem that occurs is due to the fact that the regedit registry setting, created by default by developers, has ceased to function in desired mode. The most accessible method is to restore the button using the task manager.

It is necessary to proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • expanding the command line - you need to hold down the R + Windows key combination or click on the taskbar to launch the manager;
  • go to the “New task” subsection - located in the “File” section;
  • entering the PowerShell command in the window that appears - an additional checkbox is checked confirming the use of tasks with administrator rights.

Attention! You cannot customize the Start menu without administrator rights.

The button will work after creating the corresponding task in the PowerShell window, by entering it in a specially designated field program code, capable of restoring lost functionality:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”)).

There is an alternative method that allows you to restore the functionality of the Windows 10 Start menu, which involves simply restarting the explorer.exe file on your PC. You need to work according to the following algorithm:

  • hold down the combination Esc+ Shift+ Ctrl – calls up the task manager in a simple way;
  • go to the “More details” sub-item;
  • opening the “Processes” tab;
  • Click on the “Explorer” process to restart it.

Attention! Using this method, setting up the Start menu is not always carried out, but only in cases where there is in fact no serious system error.

Creating a new user

Achieve normal functionality PRO Windows 10, possibly by generating a new user using the “Control Panel” section. A simple task can be solved as follows:

  • pressing the Win+R combination;
  • introducing the Control command;

For the most part, the Start menu button works fine in New User mode. All that remains is to transfer necessary files and deactivate the disabled account.

Restoring the operating system

A cardinal method that can shake up PRO Windows 10 is to carry out the OS recovery procedure in safe mode. It is necessary to return the system to its original state, thereby eliminating errors that occurred later. It is recommended to work using simple technology:

  • section "Notifications";
  • subsection “All parameters”;
  • sub-item “Security with update”;
  • column "Recovery".

Attention! Regardless of the selected method, programs with settings will be deactivated.

Minimize possible mistakes during the operation, possibly using a different method of restoring the OS. You will need to perform a number of basic actions:

  • starting the PC without logging in - at the place where the password is supposed to be entered, simultaneously press and hold the power button in combination with the Shift key;
  • go to the “Diagnostics” subsection;
  • "Return to original state."

Advice! It is recommended to use this method, since there is no need for a system distribution kit; during the reinstallation process, it is carried out automatically, minimizing the likelihood of a number of errors occurring.

Rollback to a previous version of the operating system

Users who originally used OS 8.1 and upgraded to Windows 10 can roll back to the previous version. We will work according to a simple scheme:

  • go to the “All parameters” section;
  • select the sub-item “Security with update”;
  • go to the “Recovery” subsection.

By clicking on the hot “Start” key in the “Return to” column previous version"and indicating the reason for the rollback, the user will return the OS to the initial state and will have the opportunity to update again.


These methodologies will help achieve correct operation Start menu. The user is recommended to try the suggested methods, moving from simple way to the complex option.

Restoring the system or rolling back to a previous version serves as a last resort measure used if other variations fail.

When choosing a method, you need to diagnose the OS by scanning system files, opening the command line and entering cmd. The procedure lasts for half an hour and is designed to eliminate existing errors.

If the situation does not improve, then the problem is in the registry and you need to ensure that new parameters are formed in the directory.

You will need to open the command line and enter REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced” /V EnableXamlStartMenu /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F.

By following the instructions, the user will be able to cope with the task and get an acceptable result.

Start menu and other panels do not work in Windows 10

Solution to the problem: Start menu does not work in Windows 10

Having released a new Windows operating system 10, Microsoft company finally brought back the menu " Start" into place. But the developers didn't stop there. Menu " Start"in Windows 10 has undergone significant changes. In the new menu, the developers combined the classic menu that was present in Windows 7 and XP and the tiled Metro interface that was present in the eight. But, like all new products, the new " Start"is not without flaws.

After a massive migration to Windows 10, thanks to the company's assistance in migrating to the operating system for free, many PC users encountered problems launching the " Start" To solve this problem, when the menu " Start" stopped starting or disappeared, we have prepared material in which we will describe in detail: how to make the menu work again " Start» different ways. After reading this material, you will no longer have such questions - why the menu “ Start"does not respond, does not press, or where Start has disappeared.

Restoring the Start button by restarting Explorer

Windows 10 Explorer is one of its main components, so the operation of most processes and programs directly depends on it. For this example, we can solve our problem by restarting Explorer. Exist two ways to restart explorer. We will describe the simplest one first. To restart Explorer the first way First, let's launch the task manager. You can launch the task manager using the three key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Now in the task manager window we need to find our explorer process. After finding it, right-click on it and select the item in the context menu “ Restart».

This action should restart Explorer and restore the functionality of the " Start».

For second method we will need to use the console as an administrator. First of all, let's launch the console as administrator. To do this, let's start a search in the top ten using the key combinations WIN + Q. In the running search, type the query “ CMD" After this, right-click on the result found and select the item we need in the context menu.

Now in the console that opens, with administrator rights, type the following command: taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

This process will launch Explorer, and the menu " Start"should work. This example clearly demonstrates why it is necessary to restart Explorer.

Solving our problem using the PowerShell console

In this example, we will restore the Start function using the console PowerShell. To do this, we need a PowerShell console with admin rights. In the running console, we need to type the command (download the file with the command) shown in the notepad below.

You can launch the console in the same way as launching the command line described in the previous example. Just to start we will enter search query « PowerShell».

In the running console, type the command and wait for it to complete.

After these steps, check the Start function. If it still doesn't work, then try the examples below.

It's worth noting that if search doesn't work for you, you can launch PowerShell using an executable file. To do this, follow the link in Explorer " C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0" and run this file as administrator.

We solve our problem by creating a new Windows 10 user

Having created a new user in the top ten, the system completely resets the parameters of its programs. For example, for a newly created user, the system allows you to return all Microsoft Edge browser settings to their original state. That is, you will have the same browser in front of you as after a fresh one. Windows installations 10. The same thing happens with the menu “ Start", since it is, in fact, the same application as any program in the top ten. Now let's move on to creating a new user. To do this, open the control panel and follow the links “ \User Accounts\User Accounts\Manage Accounts" In the panel window that opens, click on the link “ Add a new user in the window« Computer settings»» at the bottom of the window.

After this action, the following window should open. In this window you need to click on the bottom button Add a new user for this computer.

This action will take us to the data entry window for a new Windows user 10. In our case, this user is “Alexander 2”. After confirming the entered user data with the Next button, a new account will be created.

You can switch between users in the menu " Start", but in our case this will not work. Therefore we will use a combination of ALT keys+F4. You need to perform this combination on the active desktop, that is, not in some running program. After this action, a window will appear in which you need to select the “”.

Now let’s start changing the user with the OK button, after which we will be taken to the change user window. Enter the password in it and go under the account of the new user “Alexander 2”.

After small settings user account, we will be taken to the desktop of the new PC user. In this example, restore the functionality of the menu " Start“You can absolutely. But for many experienced PC users, creating a new account will not solve the problem. Judge for yourself, the settings of all other programs will remain in the old account. Therefore, the previous option with the PowerShell console will be the most optimal.

Solving the problem with the Start button by editing the registry

To solve this problem, we will open a notepad and type in the text shown below (download the file, do not forget to rename the extension).

It is also worth noting that you cannot launch notepad through Start, so you should use the utility Execute. You can launch this utility using the combination WIN + R. In the utility line you need to enter “ notepad" and run this command. After setting the registry settings, we will save our file with the extension “ REG" In our case, this file is called Start.REG. Now let's run this file and confirm the message that appears.

After writing new data to the registry, reboot the computer. After a reboot, Start should work again.

Another way to solve the problem with Start

For this method, first go to the “” window using the key combination Win + Pause/Break.

At the bottom of the window "" follow the link "" and open the tab " Service»

Now you need to enable system maintenance by pressing the button start service. After this action, the system maintenance process will begin, which will help solve our problem with Start. This example is based on recommendations from people online who suggested it to solve this problem. If this method does not help, we still advise you to restore the functionality of Start using PowerShell.

Alternative option

If none of the options helped you, and problems with Start continue, then we advise you to use programs that return the classic menu " Start" One such program is. You can download this utility on its official website Installing Start Menu 10 is very simple and any PC user can handle it. After launching the utility, it will be built into the notification panel and will also replace the “ Start"on your own.

If you open the program settings, you can customize the design new Start, set Hotkeys and even change main icon. After delving a little into Start settings Menu 10, we have replaced the standard Start icon.

We also changed the design of the menu itself.

The Start Menu 10 utility is very easy to use, so even a novice user can handle it. I would also like to note that in addition to Start Menu 10 there are also such utilities as Start Menu Reviver And StartIsBack++, which allow you to return to the classic menu "Start» . These utilities, like Start Menu 10, have a considerable range of settings and can also be used for free.

Let's sum it up

Since the new operating system from Microsoft is still very raw and problems such as the Start menu not opening in Windows 10 or Microsoft Edge not starting will continue to occur very often. Microsoft itself promises to constantly improve system components and their functionality. And we, in turn, hope that our article will help our readers restore the menu " Start” when it stopped starting or disappeared completely.

Video on the topic

A Windows session often starts with the Start button, and its failure will be a serious problem for the user. Therefore, it is important to know how to restore the function of the button. And you can fix it without even reinstalling the system.

Why doesn't the Start menu work in Windows 10?

The causes of the malfunction may be the following:

  1. Damage system files Windows responsible for the operation of the Windows Explorer component.
  2. Problems with the Windows 10 registry: important entries responsible for the correct operation of the taskbar and Start menu have been erased.
  3. Some applications that caused conflicts due to incompatibility with Windows 10.

An inexperienced user can cause harm by accidentally deleting service files and Windows entries, or malicious components received from an unverified site.

Start Menu Recovery Methods

The Start menu in Windows 10 (and any other version) can be fixed. Let's consider several ways.

Troubleshooting using Start Menu Troubleshooting

Do the following:

After checking, the utility will fix the problems found.

Start Menu Troubleshooting found and fixed the problems that arose

If no problems are identified, the application will report their absence.

The Start Menu Troubleshooting application did not detect any problems with the main Windows menu 10

It happens that the main menu and the Start button still do not work. In this case, close and restart Windows Explorer, following the previous instructions.

Restoring Windows Explorer

The explorer.exe file is responsible for the Windows Explorer component. At critical errors problems that require immediate fixing, this process may restart automatically, but this is not always the case.

The simplest way is this:

Explorer.exe will close and the taskbar and folders will disappear.

To start explorer.exe again, do the following:

Windows Explorer should display the taskbar with a functional Start. If this is not the case, then do the following:

Watch for some time the work of the “Start” and the main menu, the work “ Windows Explorer" generally. If the same errors appear again, a rollback (recovery), update or Windows reset 10 to factory settings.

Troubleshooting using Registry Editor

The registry editor - regedit.exe - can be launched using the "Registry Manager" Windows tasks"or the "Run" command (the Windows + R combination will display the application execution line, usually launched by the "Start - Run" command when the "Start" button is working).

Fixing the Start Menu via PowerShell

Do the following:

The Start menu will work the next time you start your PC.

Creating a new user in Windows 10

The easiest way is to create a new user via the command line.

After a few seconds of waiting - depending on the speed of your PC - log out of the current user and log in as the one you just created.

Video: what to do if the Start menu does not work

If all else fails

There are times when no way to resume stable operation The "Start" button did not help. The Windows system is so damaged that not only the main menu (and the entire Explorer) does not work, but it is also impossible to log into the system under your name and even in safe mode. In this case, the following measures will help:

  1. Check all drives, especially the contents of drive C and random access memory, for viruses, for example, Kaspersky Anti-Virus with deep scanning.
  2. If no viruses are found (even using advanced heuristics technologies), perform a restore, update (if new security updates have been released), rollback, or reset Windows 10 to factory settings (using installation flash drive or DVD).
  3. Check for viruses and copy personal files to removable media, and then reinstall Windows 10 from scratch.

Restore components and Windows features- including the taskbar with the Start menu - possible without reinstalling the entire system. The user decides which method to choose.

Professionals never reinstall the OS - they maintain it so skillfully that one day installed Windows 10 can work as long as it is officially supported third party developers won't stop. In the past, when CDs (Windows 95 and older) were rare, Windows systems were “revived” using MS-DOS tools, restoring damaged system files. Certainly, Windows recovery It has come a long way in 20 years. You can work with this approach to this day - until the PC disk fails or there are no programs left for Windows 10 that meet the modern needs of people. The latter will probably happen in 15–20 years - when the next versions of Windows are released.

Launching a failed Start menu is not difficult. The result is worth it: there is no need to urgently reinstall Windows because the main menu is not working.

Operating system updates from Microsoft improve your computer's performance, make it safer, and add new functionality to the OS. However, with such updates come some problems. For example, after the next update, some users see that their “Start” button does not work in Windows 10.

At the same time, it does not easily respond to a mouse click on its icon, but it also does not work after pressing the Win button on the keyboard (the key with the Windows logo). Often, along with such a problem, the system parameters, as well as its other elements, do not open. In this article we will figure out how to get out of this situation and return the system to functionality. If you do not want such difficulties to be repeated in the future, you can completely.

To combat the constantly broken Start menu, in 2016 Microsoft even created special application, which was supposed to automatically fix the problem.

This method is the easiest, so use it first. If after rebooting the system the startup still does not work, move on to the next options. Explorer.exe is a graphical Windows shell. It is responsible for everything that we see: these are windows with Explorer, the taskbar, the system tray, and even widgets. Like all other programs this application may malfunction, for example, due to a basic conflict with data cells in RAM. So, in order to bring the Start menu back to life, first of all, let’s try to restart this process.

How to fix

Follow our instructions:

  1. Launch the task manager. You can open it using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc or through context menu our taskbar. To do this, click on it empty space right mouse button and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. If you are running the tool for the first time, you will need to deploy it. To do this, click on the “Details” button. We have marked it with a red frame.

  1. Go to the tab called “Processes” and find the “Explorer” process there (sometimes may be called Explorer). Using the context menu launched by right-clicking on the process name, select the “Restart” item.

The entire Windows 10 GUI will momentarily disappear and reappear. If this option does not solve your problem, then feel free to move on to the next method - it will be more effective.

Solving the problem using the system registry

This method is more effective than the previous one. It involves changing the key value system registry. If there is no such key, we will create it. Let's look at how to do this correctly.

  1. Initially you need to run standard utility Windows 10 called regedit. In order to do this, press the combination Win + R and enter the word regedit in the window that appears.

  1. In the window that opens, on the left side there is a registry directory tree. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot. On the right side of the program, select the EnableXAMLStartMenu key, and if it does not exist, then create it. To do this, click on the empty area on the right side of regedit RMB and select “Create” – “DWORD value (32 bits)”.

  1. Now let's rename new parameter in EnableXAMLStartMenu and, opening it by double-clicking, set the value to “0”.

  1. For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the Windows GUI. We described how this is done in the first method.

Correction of Cyrillic username

Sometimes the Start menu stopped working after creating a new Windows user with a name written in Russian. In order to correct this situation, you need to use the Computer Management utility and correct the name. Let's look at how this is done.

  1. Initially, we open computer management through Windows search. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar and enter the query in the search bar. When the result appears, click on it.

  1. Next, on the left side of the window, open the “Utilities” section, go to “Local Users and Groups” and click on the “Users” folder. In the right part of the window, find the name that needs to be renamed and right-click on its name. There will be an item “Rename” - that’s what we need.

Ready. The Computer Management tool can be closed; the changes will be applied as soon as you restart the system. If this method does not give the desired result, try creating another user and checking the functionality of the Start menu on it.

To do this we do the following:

  1. Launch the “Run” utility. To do this, use two simultaneously pressed Win + R keys. In the window that appears, enter the word control and press Enter.

  1. After opening the control panel, go to the “User Accounts” menu.

  1. Click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, select “Manage another account.”

  1. And add a new user.

  1. You can get to the same menu in another way. Open the curtain Windows notifications 10 and click on the “All parameters” tile.

  1. Scroll down the window that opens a little and select the “Accounts” tile.

  1. On the left side of the window, select the “Family and other users” subsection, and on the right, click on “Add a user for this computer.”

  1. Here you can create another Windows 10 user. If you do not want to link his account to your account Microsoft records, click on the item indicated in the screenshot, and in the menu that opens, select “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”

Restart your computer or simply end your current session and select the user you created. If the launcher starts to open, then the problem is in the account.

We use automatic maintenance mode

IN Windows system 10 has its own debugging tool, which is supposed to fix various problems for the user. Sometimes this function solves the issue broken button"Start". Let's look at how to use it.

  1. In the search engine Windows line 10 (which is launched by the magnifying glass icon) we write the words: “This computer.” Right-click on the item indicated in the screenshot and select “Properties”.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the words “Security and Service Center” (located in the lower left corner).

  1. Expand the “Maintenance” section.

  1. Using the button indicated in the screenshot, we launch automatic system maintenance.

  1. The service has begun and will take time. The less you use your computer during this period, the faster the process will complete. Upon completion of the PC scan, all problems found on it will be corrected if possible. If desired, the service can be disabled.

Attention! For a more complete, quick and correct check, we recommend closing all running programs and saving the data. The program runs only as an administrator.

Using PowerShell to fix the Start menu

Here is another option that will help improve the operation of the Start menu. We take the following steps:

  1. First you need to launch PowerShell itself. To do this, we will use the built-in search tool. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the left side of the taskbar and enter the PowerShell command in the search field. When the result we need appears (indicated by number 3 in the screenshot), right-click on it and select the “Run as administrator” section.

Sometimes a program cannot be found through search. To get around this problem, go to Windows Explorer along the path indicated in the screenshot and run powershell.exe. This must be done as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the name and select the desired item.

Call Windows PowerShell You can also use the command line, but you must run it as an administrator. After cmd.exe opens, type the powershell command into the black window and press Enter.

When the program is running, insert the entry into it:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

Executing the command will take a couple of seconds. Now restart your computer and check if the startup starts working. If not, then move on to the next method.

Attention! Usage this method may interfere with the functionality of the Windows Store. Therefore, it should be used only as a last resort.

Start Menu Fix Utility

As we have already said, Microsoft developers are aware of the problem with Start. That is why they created a miniature program with which we will work. Follow our instructions:

  1. Initially, let's download the program using the button below. Downloading is done from the official Microsoft website.
Download the Start repair program
  1. Run the application as an administrator (no installation required) and click on the “Advanced” line.

  1. Make sure that the box next to “Automatically apply fixes” is checked, and press the “Next” button.

  1. The program is running - the system is checked for problems with the Start menu.

  1. As you can see, no problems were found. If you have them, corrections will be made automatically. If you click on the “View additional information” item, you can understand what criteria the Microsoft tool uses to look for problems.

Parameters that the program checks:

  • incorrectly installed important applications;
  • problems in the system registry;
  • tile database integrity;
  • application manifests.

The report that the utility produces can be printed, and each item in the window displays a tooltip explaining its purpose. These same items are also elements of the table of contents: if you click on one of them, you will be taken to the desired part of the help section.

What to do if the problem is not solved?

We have presented many methods in case the Start button in Windows 10 stops working, which are usually enough for any situation. But even if none of them helped you, don’t be upset. Any OS from Microsoft, and the Ten in particular, has a system of checkpoints, thanks to which you can roll back Windows to the state in which the system was at the time such a point was created.

It's important to create control points before any serious action with the OS, and especially before an update, which often leads to problems. In any case, if you still have questions, ask us in the comments, and we will try to answer in as much detail as possible and help solve the problem.

Video on the topic

For many users, after updating Windows 10, the start button does not work. In this case, the menu does not turn on either when you click on the corresponding icon or when you press the “Win” key. At the same time, the “Settings” section or other interface elements may not launch. In this article we will tell you why the start button is not pressed in Windows 10 and how to solve this issue.


Windows users often contact support because of a simple error - the start menu does not start. The problem is relevant mainly for the tenth version of the operating system, but it also occurs on older versions of the OS. The most requests to the support forum were noted after the release of the update for designers (version 1709).

The most common reasons why Start does not open in Windows 10:

  1. Damage to computer files necessary for the operation of the OS - often occurred after a major update;
  2. Problems with the Registry - conflict important records, which guarantee the correct functioning of interface elements;
  3. Installing programs that are incompatible with Windows 10 - for example, the old one could lead to such problems Avast version;
  4. User profile error.

Ways to solve the problem

We offer several effective troubleshooting methods when the start button does not respond in Windows 10. It is impossible to predict which option will help in a particular situation. If one instruction turns out to be ineffective, it is recommended to move on to the second. The main thing is to comply step by step guide.

Through Windows Troubleshooting

If clicking on the “Win” key does not open the launcher in Windows 10, you can use a basic troubleshooting tool - Troubleshoter (English Trouble - problem, shot - fix, shoot).

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Select the “Troubleshooting” tab and click on the “Apps from the Store” troubleshooter.

  • Launch the utility by clicking on the appropriate button.

Some Start menu features are somewhat related to UWP (tiled) apps, so troubleshooting Store apps may help with this issue.

Restarting Explorer

Graphical interface, including the start menu, works thanks to the file Explorer.exe. If it doesn't go into Windows start 10, you will need to restart Explorer.

Explorer restart sequence:

  • Open the task manager by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons;
  • Click on the “More details” action, which is located below (if available);

  • In the “Processes” section, click on “File Explorer” to open the context menu (right-click), and then find the “Restart” action.

This method turns out to be ineffective when the start menu does not work in Windows 10. Restarting Explorer works in case of system bugs.

Create a new profile

When the Start button is not active in Windows 10, you can create new profile systems. In it, the graphics usually function properly. You can then transfer all the information from the old profile and deactivate or delete it.

Steps to create a new account:

  • Open Windows Settings and go to Accounts

  • Go to the “Family and other users” tab and add a new user

  • Create a new user and log in to your profile.

If the problem is resolved, do not forget to transfer all personal files from folders and desktop from the previous profile, otherwise, when deleting the profile, they may also be lost.

Via PowerShell

This effective method when the start button is not pressed in Windows 10. But using this method may negatively affect the functioning of purchased applications. The following steps will re-register tile applications.

Do the following:

  • Press Win+X and select PowerShell (Administrator). If this option does not work, then press the Win+S combination, enter PowerShell in the search and run the application as Administrator

  • Enter the command below:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”)

The operation is performed quickly and takes 2-3 minutes. Immediately after entering the task on the command line, you need to check whether the menu starts. If the start button in Windows 10 still does not respond, you will have to resort to more radical methods.

Through the Windows 10 Registry

Many experienced users, when the Start Panel does not work in Windows 10, recommend looking for the problem in the Registry Editor. To open the editor, press the Win+R buttons and type "regedit".

Sequence of troubleshooting through the Registry:

  • Log in to HKCU, where the parameters of the active user are saved;

  • Then open the following documents sequentially - Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explore/Advanced;
  • Select the “EnableXAMLStartMenu” parameter and change its value to zero (if it is missing, then you need to create new file DWORD);

  • Restart your computer.

Resetting or reinstalling the system

When you can’t quickly solve the problem of why the Windows 10 start button doesn’t work, the most drastic way is to reset the updates or reinstall the system.

On forums, people write that they cannot open the launcher on Windows 10 after updating the system. You need to know that with any significant changes, the OS makes checkpoints - small “copies” of the operating system, to which you can rollback by resetting recently installed updates.

Steps to roll back to a previous version:

  • Check for restore points. To do this, hold down the Win+R keys and type in open window"rstrui". Then confirm the action by clicking on the “Enter” key.

  • Next, the System Restore window will open.
  • From the proposed list of rollback points, select the most suitable option. It is recommended to focus on the date when the menu functioned without problems.

If, after trying all the proposed methods, the Start bar still does not work in Windows 10, you will have to use the most drastic method - reinstalling the OS.


Sometimes there is a problem when the Start menu does not hide in Windows 10. When using full-screen applications, this bug causes significant inconvenience. To start automatically hiding the taskbar, just check the appropriate box in the settings. If after this the start menu is not removed, it is recommended to determine the causes of the problem.

Why doesn't the Start menu close in Windows 10?

  • Availability of notifications from utilities;
  • "Glitch" explorer.exe;
  • The presence of programs that require user intervention.


To resolve the error, it is important to understand why the start button does not work in Windows 10. Failures are usually associated with corruption of system files after an incorrect update or Windows errors. If the Start menu does not open in Windows 10 1903, we suggest using the methods indicated in our article. We hope that the information presented in this article helped in solving the problem.

Have a great day!