Installing flash player on a computer. How to download and install Adobe Flash Player

How to install an adob flash player on a computer to eliminate a number of problems associated with viewing content on the Internet, be it videos, audio files and more.


Before installing Flash, you must ensure that your browser is up to date. Otherwise, the program is simply not installed.

To make sure your browser is up to date, go to Settings and check for updates.

  • For Chrome:
  • For Opera:

Settings - about the program.

  • For FireFox:

Settings - help.

Remember one important point: flash updates Player must be downloaded exclusively on the developer's website.

If you are offered to do this on third-party resources, while they require money, this is pure quackery.

Go to the website and follow the further instructions.

Once on home page scroll it down until we come across the list of software at the bottom right. We select the program we need by clicking on it.

Important! INGoogleChrome already has its own Flash player built in, which updates automatically with the browser.

Before downloading the file with the program, make sure that you have not additionally "grabbed" any additional software like McAfee Security.

Uncheck this box if it is checked. After that, with a clear conscience, click on "install now".

Wait for the preliminary package initialization process.

Now you can download and install a free flash player on your computer. Select a location on your disk or desktop to save the file.

Now the main thing awaits us - the installation process on the PC.

To do this, double-click on the archive with the EXE extension, which you previously saved to one of the folders on your computer.

We allow the program automatic updateif the developer submits new version your product.

We are waiting for the installation to complete, after which we restart the browser and try those functions that were previously either inaccessible or worked extremely incorrectly.

In most cases, everything should fall into place.

To eliminate all possible flaws in the work, it is recommended to completely clean the browser (cache files / cookies), close it, wait until all background processes have finished, and only then restart it.

I dug around a bit in queries and statistics and found out that Adobe Flash Player now it is one of the most popular programs or plugins, whatever it is more convenient to call. This is due to the fact that Internet speeds have grown and are growing every day, and now we can not only read something on the Internet, but also listen to music and watch high-quality video clips and movies online, without downloading them to our computer. Even 5-10 years ago, we could not afford this.

As you know, the Adobe Flash Player, which is embedded directly into your browser, is responsible for viewing all sorts of animations and video clips. In this regard, the number of requests related to this player has also increased, because it flies, then it requires updating and everything else. People start downloading the player from different sites along with viruses, then these players do not work, and so on.

Now I will show you where you need to download the player and how to install it. Before installing, make sure you have installed latest version browser, otherwise focus may not work. After that, go to the official website of the Adobe Flash Player. I give you a link directly to the download page:

We go to the page and remove the bird in the second column, if it is not removed, then the additional McAfee application will be automatically installed for us, but we do not need it. Click on the button Install Now.

I immediately get a pop-up window in Mozilla to download the installation file. I immediately press "Save file" and it is downloaded to your computer.

Now I check where the installation file was downloaded from. "Menu - Downloads"

Now you can close the browser, because the player will not be installed with the browser running. We double click on the file we just downloaded.

Run the file:

Everything, installation completed successfully

Everyone, now you know where you can download and install Adobe Flash Player.


Most users, when they go to many popular sites and view, say, videos, do not even think about the fact that without such desired programlike Adobe Flash Player - they couldn't do it! In this article I would like to touch upon a few questions about how to download and install this very Flash Player. For most users, as a rule, everything works right away with an automatic installation, but some have to install not the newest version of the flash player (+ pretty much suffer with the setup). These are all the problems we will touch upon in this article.

Regardless of what browser you have (Firefox, Opera, Google chrome) - there will be no difference in installing and downloading the player.

1) How to download and install Adobe Flash Player in automatic mode

Most likely, in the place where some video file refuses to play, the browser often determines what is missing and may even redirect you to the page where you can download the Adobe Flash Player. But it is better, in order not to run into a virus, go to the official website yourself, the link below: - official site (Adobe Flash Player)

By the way! Do not forget to update your browser before the procedure if you have not done this for a long time.

Two points should be drawn here (see Fig. 1):

  • first, whether your system (left, approximately in the center) and browser were detected correctly;
  • and second, uncheck the product you don't need.

After the file is downloaded to your PC, run it and confirm further installation. By the way, many services that distribute all sorts of annoying programs, embed warnings on various sites that your Flash Player needs updating. I advise you not to follow these links, but download all updates only from the official website.

Figure: 4.Allow Adobe to install updates

If everything was done correctly, and the installation was successful, the following window should appear (see Fig. 5). If everything began to work (video clips on the sites began to play, and without jerks and brakes) - then the Flash Player installation is complete for you! If there are problems, skip to the second part of the article.

2) "Manual" installation of Adobe Flash Player

It often happens that the automatically selected version works very badly, often freezes, or refuses to open any files at all. If similar symptoms are observed, then you need to try to remove current version flash player and try to select the manual version.

Follow the same link and select the item as shown in Figure 6 (player for another computer).

Next, a menu should appear in which several versions will be indicated operating systems and browser. Choose the ones you use. The system itself will offer you the version, and you can proceed to download.

If after installing Flash Player it again refuses to work for you (for example, the video on Youtube will freeze, slow down), then you can try to install more old version... Not always the latest 11 version of the flash player is the most-most.

Figure: 8. Install another adobe versions Flash Player

Slightly below (see Fig. 8), under the OS selection, you can see another link, and we will follow it. A new window should open in which you can see dozens of different versions of the player. You just have to experimentally choose a working one. Personally, I myself sat for a long time on the 10th version of the player, despite the fact that 11 had already been released, just at that time, the 11th simply hung on my computer.

That's all for me today. Successful installation and configuration of the flash player ...