VAZ turbo: where to start, instructions for turbocharging. Maximum acceleration: what are turbo pages and how to connect them How to create a Yandex turbo page yourself

Publication date: 09/28/2018 869

Turbo pages- these are the kinds of pages that mobile phones load their content many times faster than when using the mobile version. In such cases, the speed is usually 10-15 times higher.

There was only one drawback in working with turbo pages for joomla, as well as other engines and designers, which Yandex has already corrected - the external display of the pages themselves. However, an update has now been released that allows you to create sites with additional functions:

  • tables
  • quotes
  • lists
  • widget integration: navigation menu, integration with social networks, various widgets and even a feed with relevant materials
  • advertising block

And some others additional features, which previously could not be implemented on a web resource.

Yandex turbo pages identified by a special emblem in the form of a rocket near the address.

How to make a turbo page

To start working on increasing the speed of loading web pages, you need to register them with Yandex.Webmaster.

  • You need to go to the “Turbo pages” category and configure RSS for turbo pages.

You can set up an RSS channel for turbo pages using the following guide.

  • Next, you should specify the link in the “Add RSS feed” field.
  • After checking the site by the Yandex robot, the results and advice on how to correct them will be indicated if errors are found.
  • The next step is to upload a logo and write the name of the site.
  • For further statistics, you can specify the ID of advertising and other analytics counters.

At the end, after saving all the changes, you can see what examples of turbo pages will look like.

It is also possible to divide the traffic to the site from the turbo page metrics in the “Reports” section using the screenshot:

Turbo page Yandex plugins have no effect on how the web resource will be ranked by the robot search engines, however mobile version the site affects this. But at the same time, one can notice different opinions of company employees who have the exact opposite opinion on this matter. For example, the turbo page news published information that, when answering questions, Yandex employees confirmed that connecting this program could improve the position of the site. And to believe the main pages of the Yandex turbo page or not to believe it is everyone’s personal choice.

Be that as it may, you should not discount the fact that the speed with which the site loads helps a lot in attracting new traffic. This is a kind of condition for high-quality ranking, as it can act as a replacement for mobile or adaptive website layout. Additions for commercial web resources are still being prepared; information and entertainment sites can introduce turbo pages into the Yandex module.

It is still unclear how this direction will work; more and more innovations and additional mechanisms appear each time. And how to set up Yandex turbo pages was described in this article above.

Yandex.Direct turbo pages were launched in beta mode after closed testing ended. You can now create an easy mobile landing page in a few clicks.

This innovation will especially please those whose website is not adapted for mobile devices or takes a long time to load when viewed from smartphones and tablets. Creating a turbo page for mobile traffic will allow you to create a lightweight landing page and improve conversion rates, while providing maximum convenience for the client.

What are turbo pages in Yandex.Direct

Turbo Direct pages are those created in the constructor landing pages with instant download. You can direct mobile traffic to them in Yandex.Direct. You can make a turbo page from several standard blocks: your offer, a picture, short description and order form. It is also possible to create more informational pages with more blocks. In order to activate the function of ordering a call back, do not forget to provide a link to the policy for storing and processing personal data.

The Direct turbo page can also be used outside the advertising network using a link that can be copied in the interface.

Creating a turbo page in Yandex.Direct is possible directly from the ad editing page.

Step 1. Under the fields of the ad itself and the link, opposite the “Turbo page” field, click the “Select” button.

Step 2. In the window that opens, point to the “Create” button and select “Turbo page”. Here you can create a folder for all turbo pages ( in case you have a lot of accelerated pages).

Step 3. Turbo page name. Use mobile pages to conduct tests, testing various hypotheses. Write the version number of the page in the title so you can then analyze the effectiveness of each of them.

Step 4. Template selection:

  • Blank page - for individual page creation;
  • Short - presentation of one offer or product;
  • Informational - extended description of the product.

Direct turbo page template editor

Step 5. Let's look at an example of creating a turbo page and select the “Short” template (informational and individual templates differ only in the number of blocks) as the most optimal.

In the turbo page editor, the finished page is shown on the left side of the screen, and the sections it consists of (the navigation section) are shown on the right side. When you click on any item in the navigation column, a section will open where you can edit its content.

By the way, the editor is very similar to and.

Step 6. Page header. Here you can upload a company logo or provide a link to it;

Step 7

  • Select a title - here you can write the name of the product or service, or your own.
  • Add a short description - indicate the main advantages and benefits (there is an internal text editor to make bulleted list, bold font or italics).
  • Media content - one image, gallery or slider.
  • A button - for example, go to the site for detailed information (but it’s better not to add it, because in this case the meaning of the turbo page is lost).

Step 8 In this block you should describe the offer in more detail, and also leave or offer something free for those who leave a request. May consist of 3 main components:

  • Title;
  • Subtitle;

Step 9. Application form. There are 4 main field types to create an application form:

  • Text field;
  • Text block;
  • Phone number;
  • Email.

Remember that the fewer fields you need to fill out, the higher the likelihood of it being completed. You can enter Name and Phone, or just E-mail (then in the previous paragraph it is better to write: “Receive an estimate by E-mail”).

Also if you add a form feedback, you must provide a link to the personal data processing policy on your website.

Step 10. Legal information. If necessary, provide references to relevant documents or special provisions.

Step 11. Arbitrary block. If you think that the listed blocks on the page are not enough, you can click on the “Add” button in the upper left corner and select one of the standard blocks. For example, a call button from a page or a cover.

After publishing, you will be returned to the turbo page creation screen and can copy the link to your page. You can edit the created turbo page at any time, the link will remain the same.

For each ad group in Direct, you can create a separate turbo page or select from already created ones.


Statistics for all ads will be displayed in the “Report Wizard” if you set the display to “Device type - Mobile”. More detailed information will be located in Metrica in a separate counter, the name of which will begin “Turbo Pages...”.

The developers promise to soon add more templates and various sections to the Direct turbo page builder.

Let us remind you that it will start working soon, as well.

So, I noticed that in Yandex.Webmaster a “rocket” appeared in the “Site Information” section.

I was expecting this event, and for good reason. The fact is that I became interested in this technology at the testing stage and received the go-ahead to use it from the project manager, Kirill Skolznev. Full of enthusiasm, I started creating an export file in RSS 2.0 format. according to instructions . At a certain stage, I wondered how it could be promptly updated. Not finding an answer, he turned to Kirill with questions. Here's what I was interested in:

  1. WordPress plugin for automatically creating an export file;
  2. Validator for checking the export file;
  3. Ability to track indexation of Turbo pages.

I believe that these aspects were of interest not only to me, because, on this moment, solutions are ready for all points, as I learned from the video below.

Installing and configuring the plugin

We install and activate the Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa plugin in the standard way.

After installation, the plugin will be listed as “Feed for the Yandex.News service from Greenhouse of Social Technologies.”

  • Post type for broadcast - I will display WordPress posts, so I specified post. If you need to display pages as well, add page after the comma;
  • Maximum age of tape records - set to 365 to display records for a year;
  • Enable support for Turbo pages - must be included.

Post texts need to be displayed in their entirety, so check your WordPress settings Settings - Reading.

All that remains is to visually check the page generated by the plugin - this is the URL that needs to be added to Webmaster.

Settings in Webmaster

Click on the rocket (Turbo page) and enter the necessary data.

Paste the URL obtained above and click "Add"

It may take several minutes to check the RSS feed, depending on the amount of text in the export file. In my case it took less than a minute.

The video above shows an example of validation using the "Turbo" scheme ( Tools - XML ​​Validator) - users do not see this option in their accounts. Validation has been moved to the Turbo Feeds page itself.

Preview and Enable

To evaluate the appearance of the page, open the drop-down menu (arrow next to the data source URL) and click on the Preview link.

If appearance page is satisfied, move the switch to the “On” position

Statistics in Metrica

In the video above, Andrey Khaliullin has already shown how to view statistics in Yandex.Metrica for Turbo pages, so I won’t go into details.

About 20 hours have passed since this article was published and I'm interested to see if the turbo version of the recording works. To do this, I’ll look at the statistics on login pages: Reports - Standard Reports - Contents - Login Pages.

Condition: Visits in which - Behavior - Turbo pages.

Pay attention immediately to the “Not turbo” option - there is always the opportunity to compare the performance of turbo and non-turbo pages
Five users visited the Turbo page with the article (clickable)

At this time, it is premature to draw conclusions regarding failures. After a couple of days, you can estimate the page loading time: Reports - Standard reports- Monitoring - Page loading time. To be continued...

View in mobile search results

Since I already know that Turbo pages appeared in the search results and for what queries they are visible, I can evaluate their appearance using browser tools. In this particular case, I will use Yandex.Browser. To launch the mobile version of Yandex on the desktop, I initially enabled “Developer Tools” Ctr + Shift + J, then switched to toggle device toolbar mode (Ctr + Shift + M) and refreshed the page. After downloading the mobile version of Yandex, I made a request received from Metrica “turbo page validation error”.

The snippet contains the inscription "Turbo" and a rocket icon

Validation error

Judging by the comments in various sources, for many webmasters the export file did not pass the validation procedure. As usual, you should start with the simplest thing - check the presence of the "Enable support for Turbo pages" checkbox in the settings of the Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa plugin. If everything is fine with the settings, I advise you to create a simple turbo RSS and visually compare it with the one below.

The simplest turbo RSS - can be used as a starting point for errors with validation

To create the RSS shown above, in the plugin settings the “Maximum age of feed entries” value was reduced to 1. All entries are older than a day, so none of them were included in the RSS.

As mentioned above, the feed validator is located on the Turbo feeds page, i.e. you just need to add an RSS feed in the "Turbo pages" section.

Interim conclusions

While the technology is clearly crude, for example, a critical update error pops up on two sites - this is temporarily resolved by re-submitting it for verification.

RSS update error

The turbo version still lacks a lot of things:

  • Social media buttons;
  • Video;
  • Sliders;
  • Tables.

Internet technologies are developing rapidly, and so that the site owner does not feel lost in the past, and this is exactly the feeling I had Lately, I recommend reading this article. We will talk about Yandex Turbo pages. Google’s AMPs never dared to be implemented - I read too much about the problems that arose, although now they write that the technology is being improved.

Yandex prompted the decision to connect to turbo by appearing a notification a la warning (or remark) in the webmaster that the site does not have pages for quickly displaying the site in Yandex.Search, News and Zen.

I started the experiment with a blog, and the next one was a client site. Please note that the formats of web resources are different. The blog is clear. The client has a corporate website, mainly with static pages. Both are on WordPress.

We must pay tribute to Yandex - how much detailed instructions posted at this link for both webmasters and users mobile devices. For example, you can find out at what connection speed Turbo mode turns on, at what speed it turns off, and how to make settings in the browser. I hope Yandex will forgive the old lady for borrowing the picture. She's very convincing:

But don't rush to leave! There are some nuances that you need to know about right away.

Experimenting with WordPress plugins for Turbo

So, several plugins are offered to connect to Turbo for WordPress (they didn’t fit in the screenshot). The entire list of plugins for popular CMSs is on the page Here is the documentation.

I started with the first one in the list 2.0 Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa, installed it, configured it. Luckily, something went wrong when connecting the source. Firstly, there were validation errors, in particular, images could not be loaded. Here I clicked on the “Debugging” link and saw the page code. The line numbers with errors are indicated, so it was not difficult to correct the links. There were 3 broken images on the blog that appeared during the transfer from the test domain - the path to the images was specified to a remote folder. But these are minor things. “Secondly,” I was surprised by the fact that Yandex uploaded only 14 out of five thousand pages to Turbo.

And here I found a sensible article on the website of the developer of the 2.0 Yandex Turbo page plugin under the nickname Flector (in the repository the plugin is simply called Yandex.Turbo).

In the article, the author reminds you that you need to make sure that the RSS and Feed channels on the site are not closed for indexing in the robots.txt file. Mine turned out to be closed. If you install the Yandex.Turbo plugin, be sure to carefully read the developer manual. And, of course, this plugin has a lot more settings than the first one. I haven’t installed any other plugins and I can’t say anything about them.

When checking the validation, another error came out (encoded characters). I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Yandex support, where I contacted my stupid question, sent a stupid answer like “encoded characters need to be deleted,” and even then not as quickly as I would like. I rushed to the programmer, whose hand in this matter was already full on his own and client sites. He created an xml feed for me and created a script for generating a turbo source, first for the blog, and then for the website. You can contact us. I will say, inexpensive and without unnecessary hemorrhoids (link to the SEO forum, you need to register there. Or write in the comments - we’ll find another way to communicate). Later I set up a scheduler on the hosting - CronTab for regular regeneration of the source. The script can also be run manually.

During the check of the blog, the captcha appeared 2 times, and for a site with less than a hundred pages, 3 or even more. An obvious flaw in Yandex. It is clear that automatic requests are from my ip. The process is quite long. I switch to another tab. And when I come back, there’s a captcha hanging there.

Tracking Turbo in Metrics

In the channel settings there are identifier fields for both Metrics and Google Analytics. You can connect other meters.

In Metrics reports, Turbo pages are located in the Behavior segment. Displayed in any report. So far I have this suspicion that turbos are shown in mobile searches, regardless of the connection speed. This is also evidenced by the metric (mobile traffic from search and turbo are equal). And I logged in on my smartphone from my home wi-fi, which means the speed is decent.

Does the site need turbo pages?

My experiment is several days old. It is too early to draw conclusions about the increase in mobile traffic. The turbo certainly does not interfere with the site: the loaded pages are retrieved from the Yandex servers. I am absolutely sure that turbo is a help for users with low Internet speeds. He can familiarize himself with the page and, if desired, go to the site for further actions. Surely many still do not understand what kind of icon hangs next to the name of the site.

It didn’t take long to wait for a nice bonus in the form of links:

I hope nothing will prevent you from supplementing the article with new observations about the life of turbo pages and projects in general. In the near future we plan to further connect to other sites.

The principle is the same as in similar blog or website entries. That is, if the user has viewed the page to the end, he will be offered materials that are similar in topic. If there are any on the site. From personal experience, Yandex found a couple of similar entries, and then the most visited pages began to be shown in the endless feed.

From observations after connecting Turbo to a site where mobile traffic was less than 10%. In just a few days it has tripled in size, and the overall attendance is also growing.

Schedule of site visits from Yandex search

Turbo was connected on the evening of August 9th. The metric selected the Yandex search engine and smartphone devices for the month.

Monitoring changes in mobile traffic from Yandex

A little over a month has passed, and thanks to Yakov for reminding me in the comment that I am not keeping my promises. I chose the segment a little differently - I compare the blog’s mobile traffic from Yandex with the previous period. The numbers are eloquent, but we cannot say with certainty that the reason for the growth is only the connection of Turbo pages. Seasonality also plays a role here: at the end of summer there is usually a decline, and after September 1, users become freer from preparing for the school year. There is also a general increase. I did not isolate search engines and devices. But, most likely, Turbo has some merit.

Greetings friends, Evgeny Tridchikov is in touch. And in this video I will talk about Turbo pages in Yandex Direct, how to use them, and what can come of it.
Too lazy to read? at the end of the article!

What are turbo pages?

Let's turn to the concept. Turbo pages in Yandex are analogous to AMP pages offered by Google. As you know, AMP technology accelerates mobile pages in Google, this is a technology thanks to which the page itself is stored in the search engine cache.

And the peculiarity is that when you click on the site, at this moment of transition, the page loads on your smartphone in literally less than a second. Thus, due to the fact that the page is stored in the search engine cache, loading the page is simply instantaneous.

This tool is used in Google, now this tool is used in Yandex. Moreover, in Yandex, as I already said and tried to predict in the video earlier, such a tool for working with Turbo pages will appear. Now it has appeared, and we are starting to test it.

But Turbo pages are used (in Yandex Direct), as you probably understand, when there is no mobile version of the site. And now, friends, I will show you with real examples how to create Turbo pages in Yandex Direct, how to use them, connect them, edit them, and what can come out of all this.

How to connect turbo pages to Yandex Direct?

So, friends, first, in order to connect Turbo pages to a specific login, you need to send a letter to this e-mail:

[email protected]

You can write basically any subject for your letter. For example, “connecting Turbo pages”. But it is imperative that you have the following three lines in the body of the letter.

  1. First. The client's login is a dash, and what a meaning. That is, you write here the login on which the Yandex Direct account is located.
  2. The second line is advertised domains. Here you write the address of the site that you use in advertisements. I think everything is clear too.
  3. And finally, the third thing is the subject of the ads. Here you simply write what your site is about, what you do.
We send a connection request to Yandexoids

You send this letter to the address that I indicated earlier. And within a few days you receive a response, most likely it will be approval. If they don’t approve you, they will probably tell you how to connect to testing Turbo pages.

That is, what I mean here is so that you don’t worry, that if your login is not an agent one, but an ordinary standard client one, then you shouldn’t have any problems either. That's all, as they say, we are people.

How to create turbo pages?

Now let's figure out how to create Turbo pages. After you are approved to work with Turbo pages, you will see a special link here at the bottom, in the general lists section, which is called “Turbo pages”.

Let's go here, here you will have the opportunity to create new page or edit the current one. By clicking on the plus sign, you can choose one of two templates. They are empty.

As you can see, on the right there is an editing menu with all kinds of fields that are available for placement on the Turbo page. And on the left is a preview of what the page will look like after your changes. You can, after you fill it out, you can click “create”, you can click “cancel”, you can go to templates.

Creating a turbo page in the Yandex Direct constructor

I won’t create it, I’ll show you an example of a ready-made Turbo page that has been tested. Click “Create based on” to go to the designer. So, as you can see, here we set the name of the Turbo page for ourselves in order to understand which one we are talking about if we have several of them. Here I simply indicated the main message that the Turbo page offers. Set the logo background and button color.

Here, of course, I uploaded a picture of the logo, uploaded the cover, entered the appropriate fields, added a subheading, selected the type of form, indicated the e-mail to which I want to receive applications, and be sure to fill out an agreement for the processing of personal data. This is a required operation.

On the “Thanks” page, you can add a description, add a button, or not do this if you don’t want to or if you’re happy with this scenario.

Thus, in just a few minutes you can create your first Turbo page and save it. Click "Create". I click "Cancel" because I have it. By clicking on the “View” button, you will see how it looks in the browser.

You can even copy the link, paste it in a new tab and load the page. Well, we won’t do this to you. So, click “Back” and return to the list of campaigns. And now I'll show you how to apply Turbo Pages to existing groups advertisements

How to add turbo pages to campaigns?

So, let's go to the advertising campaign you need. Select ad groups to which you want to add Turbo pages for testing. Select “Edit” from the actions, click “Run”. And here, pay attention, you need to go to “Mass Changes”, then the “Turbo Pages” tab, and in the drop-down list select the Turbo page that you want to attach to ad groups.

Bulk addition of turbo pages to a campaign

In my case, the Turbo page has the following name, I attach it, click “Edit Turbo pages”. As you can see, each ad now has a Turbo page. Well, I beg your pardon, not at the group level, not even at the ad level.

Then, after you have tested and decided to change the page or abandon it, you can, accordingly, select another page from this list or click “Select Turbo page”, click “Change”. And in this case, you will receive a notification that, they say, all pages will be deleted from all advertisements. We agree. And that’s it, now ads don’t have Turbo pages.

Statistics on turbo pages

As for the analysis of statistics, friends. After you connect Turbo pages and the first traffic starts flowing, you will have a Metrics counter, which has this unusual name Turbo page and then a certain identifier in parentheses. Please note that a list of standard targets has already been created. This is visiting the Thank you page, clicking on the buttons.

But here we are interested in the quality of the appeal Thank you page open. Because this goal indicates that the application has been submitted. So let's go to the counter. And here I would like to immediately say that this, let’s say, case turned out to be very unusual.

Example of statistics on turbo pages in Yandex Metrica

I press “Month” and go to “Sources – Direct summary”. And I draw your attention to the bounce rate. Look how crazy he is. Please note that with this bounce rate, however, the number of views of the “Thank you page” that took place is 32. Which means that 32 applications were sent. The conversion was more than 5%.

What do we have here with the application? You receive this CSV file, which contains the information that you request from the user. In my case, these are emails. Thus, friends, the Turbo page in my case worked with a conversion of 5%, which, in general, is not bad.

But you must understand that if you look closely, this is a very, very simple offer: to what email should I send an invitation to the “Ice Sculpture Festival”? It is assumed, that is, a free invitation. Of course, why not send your email and get a ticket. Looks like a subscription page, right? So actually, as you saw, the bounce rate was very high, which I really don't like.

I tested Turbo pages for an online store, but after receiving the first few dozen clicks, I simply stopped the test immediately.

Because, as you understand, Turbo pages are a tool on which you can host one service, yes. I'm talking about the Turbo page designer in Yandex Direct. We can only include one service or product, that is, we won’t be able to accelerate, and we can’t offer an assortment.


So, friends, what conclusions can we draw when working with Turbo pages? In my opinion, this is a tool more for content projects. I mean in general the Turbo Pages technology as an analogue of the AMP technology in Google.

Since this direction is developing, and this thing, which is tied to fast content on smartphones due to the cache of search engines, it seems to me that this is also in some way a trend.

Example of applications from turbo pages

Second. In Direct, if we use the Turbo page builder, we have to use a separate Turbo page for a separate service. Because it is difficult to present, describe, or sell several services or products on one Turbo page.

And finally, if you have a mobile version, then, in my opinion, you don’t have to bother with Turbo pages. Because the mobile version looks better, more informative than any Turbo page that you can get in the Yandex Direct constructor. Unfortunately, at the moment the Turbo page builder cannot be called flexible.

Watch step-by-step video


Well, friends, that's all for me. I hope you have now learned more about Turbo pages, learned how to create and edit them, and know what can come of it. If so, put your fingers up, I will be very pleased.

Ask questions, I will be happy to answer. And besides, I recommend downloading via Yandex Direct and Google AdWords. Using these videos, you will set up your first advertising campaigns and will never waste your advertising budget. That's all I have. Bye bye!