We delete all guests in Odnoklassniki. What you need to know about the guests of your profile in Odnoklassniki How to remove all guests from Odnoklassniki

How to block guests on Odnoklassniki, and is it possible to delete them all at once - study detailed instructions and recommendations in the article below.

“Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely,” assured Winnie the Pooh bear from the Soviet cartoon. Users of the popular website Odnoklassniki probably remember it. But they believe that it is appropriate to visit at any time of the day, if we are talking about a virtual visit. However, even in social network There are some too annoying visitors. And there is a desire to get rid of such visitors. This is much easier to do on the Internet than in real life.

Let's tell you how to remove guests on Odnoklassniki if you access the site via a computer. To say goodbye to unwanted people, do this:

    Open your page, go to the “Guests” section (if you are not yet oriented, below it says where to look for it);

    Hover your cursor over the photo of the person who visited you;

    A pop-up menu will appear, in which select the “Hide from guests” command, it occupies the bottom line;

    Confirm your choice again by clicking on the “Delete” button.

Now we will perform a similar operation on mobile device. It is no more difficult to perform than in full version. Do the following:

    Click on the Odnoklassniki logo (or three stripes, depending on the application) in the upper left corner of your page;

    Open the “Guests” section through the menu that appears;

    Find the visitor you don’t like and click on the three dots to the right of the photo;

We explained how to delete guests on Odnoklassniki in the full version and from your phone. However, it is worth reminding where to look for the corresponding section on the computer, who is reflected in it, what rights are used by people who drop by to see you.

Commit profitable purchase of subscribers You can join a group in Odnoklassniki right now, without leaving this site - just follow the link that you see.

Your personal guest book is easy to find. She is hiding behind the "Footprints" symbol on the top line, next to "Friends". In the newest version of the site, “Guests” are not separated into a separate section. They became a tab in the “Friends” section. Although all functions have remained unchanged.

A guest is any Odnoklassniki user who has visited your page within the last 30 days. This is exactly the time the visitor will be visible, unless, of course, you deleted it earlier. All visitors, including friends, are included in the guest book. The only exception is that the section will not reflect those who used the invisibility function; we will talk more about it in another article. For users with a private profile (we also talk about this separately) Guest book conducted in a special way. Only friends appear in it, and strangers remain unrecognized. True, there is no point in going to such a page, because everything is locked. But we can suggest options, like in Odnoklassniki.

A virtual guest, unlike a real one, can stick his nose almost anywhere. Unless, of course, your profile is hidden. He is given the right to view your photos, comment and rate them, meet your friends and news in your feed, watch videos on your page and listen to music, write you a message and give you a gift, invite you to the group.

It happens that the user does not really like this kind of attention from strangers. He wants to clear the guest book. Let's try to answer the question of how to remove all guests from Odnoklassniki at once. Both the site administration and experienced “classmates” give an unequivocal answer: such an operation is impossible to perform. The social network respects its users and believes that everyone cannot be treated with the same brush (in other words, deleted). If you want to clean up the “Guests” section, please consider each candidate for deletion individually. Who knows, maybe one of these people will have the honor of joining your list of friends. If you are sure of your desire to remove all guests indiscriminately, you will have to follow all the steps according to the instructions described at the beginning as many times as you decide to remove visitors.

When you have successfully completed this hard work, you will probably want the guest book to not be replenished so quickly with new photos and names. There is a way out - close your page from unsolicited intrusions, we will help you do this. And if you are completely disappointed in guests, friends and social networks in general, all that remains is to delete the page on Odnoklassniki. We will provide instructions on this issue as well. When you need advice on communication on other similar sites, contact. There is comprehensive information there.

You still left your Odnoklassniki page intact, you still want to communicate and find new friends. You regularly clean up your guest list, removing people you find unpleasant. But the same personalities, already removed more than once, disturb your peace with enviable consistency. They come again and again, they behave inappropriately in the best possible way: leave offensive comments, send strange messages. In other words, their behavior is scandalous and defiant. It turns out that it’s time to find out how to block a guest on Odnoklassniki.

First, let's define the terms. What does it mean: block? This is the same as adding a guest to your blacklist. Everyone who gets there loses the rights enjoyed by other users from the “white list”. A guest you blacklist will not be able to view your profile, send you a message, participate in discussions on the forum, rate or comment on your photos. That is, his visit to your page will not be an unpleasant surprise, but will pass without noticeable consequences.

How to dial many classes in Odnoklassniki so that it brings benefits, but without the risks of bans and write-offs - you will find the answer on our website.

If you are satisfied with such restrictions, read the instructions on how to block a guest on Odnoklassniki:

    Go to the “Guests” section from your page;

    Place the mouse cursor on the photo of the user you want to blacklist;

    In the menu, click on the “Block” command;

    Confirm your choice a second time by clicking the “Block” button.

By the way, the blocked guest will remain in the corresponding section. To make it disappear out of sight, you need to remove it following the instructions given above.

Through the mobile version of the site and on the phone, you can also blacklist a guest. The procedure is only slightly different:

    Open the profile of the unpleasant guest;

    Click on the three dots on the right and top;

    In the new menu, check the “Block” option.

You have already learned how to block a guest on Odnoklassniki on your computer and phone. But what if time has passed, the grievances have been forgotten, and therefore you want to remove the person from the blacklist? This procedure is as simple and easy as the previous one. Although you will have to take a little more steps:

    Click on the arrow next to your miniature photo in the upper right corner;

    In the menu that opens, click on the “Change settings” option;

    In the left column, select the “Black List” subsection;

    Hover your mouse over the photo of the user you decided to pardon;

    The “Cross” icon and the “Unblock” command will appear in the upper right corner;

    Prove that you have not changed your mind about performing the action and removing this guest from the blacklist by clicking on the “Delete” button.

After this, the user will again receive all the rights that other guests have. And if he behaves incorrectly, as before, and bothers you unnecessarily, block him again. The number of such operations on Odnoklassniki is unlimited.

Sometimes you want to delete or blacklist not only guests, but people with whom you communicate more closely. Read on our website how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki. And in other material you will find tips, like on a social network.

Guests in Odnoklassniki - the ability to view visitors on the page. This useful feature, missing from VK. But users not only have questions about viewing, who visits the page, but also many related ones.

When using the full version of the site you will need:

  • Go to the “Guests” section » .
  • A list with the latest visitors will appear.
  • Additional actions can be taken.

Why do people disappear from the section?

The reason for the disappearance of users from this section is the freezing of the profile. It can happen:

  1. When your account is hacked.
  2. Violation of the rules.
  3. A person can be removed from the site.

It is impossible to return information about visits; there is no way.

Is it possible to view data for all time?

Users are interested in: how can I see all the guests in Odnoklassniki? The answer is simple - not at all. Information about visitors is stored for thirty days. After the data is cleared, they disappear from the list.

Fraudsters take advantage of the desire to view people who have been around for a long time.

They can create special programs and offer to download software on various sites. Resources are also provided for collecting information about visitors.

You should not believe in such programs and portals. Software and websites steal user data, you can get a virus on your PC. There is no way to know who comes to you all the time, set limit- 30 days.

How to remove guests from Odnoklassniki all at once

You can clear the list or delete entries about specific visitors. Required:

  • Go to the section with guests.
  • Hover over the person's avatar.
  • Select the item to hide from the drop-down menu.

You won't be able to delete them all at once. You can hide visitors only one at a time, repeating the described algorithm of actions. Yes, the process may take time, but there are no alternatives.

Please remember that the data cannot be restored in the future.

How to block a guest on Odnoklassniki

If a person often visits the page, then you can completely block the user. Necessary:

  1. Go to the section.
  2. Hover your cursor over your avatar.
  3. Select "Block".
  4. The person is blacklisted.
  5. If you want to return to communicating with the user, find the Emergency section at the bottom of the page. Hover over the icon and select "Unblock".

How to remove yourself as a guest on Odnoklassniki

You cannot remove yourself from visitors. Only the page owner can hide data.

Don't trust sites that promise to help you delete information.

You may lose access to your account or infect your PC with malware.

How to quietly visit the pages of other users? You can enable the "Invisibility" function. It is possible to hide activity on the portal and data about completed visits will not be displayed.

How to activate the option:

  • There is a corresponding section in the side menu on the left.
  • Click on the “Invisible” item.
  • Choose a tariff.
  • Make a connection.

The function is paid; you will have to pay money to use the option. But you no longer have to worry about whether you are visible in the visitors section, the data is completely hidden.

For a private profile

A private profile allows you to limit access to information for people not included in your friends list. If a person visits the page, he will see a corresponding message.

If you have a private profile, visits from friends will be displayed.

Given that other users cannot view the information, their entry to the page is not counted and the data does not appear.

From the mobile version and program

  1. Helps you communicate comfortably.
  2. You can quickly receive notifications of new messages.
  3. You can quickly send replies to friends.
  4. Possesses nice design, you will appreciate the beautiful design.
  5. Convenient to use.
  6. You can quickly download and install.
  7. The program is available for various popular platforms.

You will need to go to the software store and download the application to your device. You need to log in once. Your login and password are saved on your smartphone and login occurs automatically.

How can I view visit data?

  • Open the side menu in the program.
  • At the top, find the section with guests and click on the item.
  • A list of people who visited the page will open.
  • There is an additional menu for each person. You can select an item to remove from the list.
  1. You can view data about people who visited within thirty days.
  2. It is possible to immediately block users or hide them from a section, but one at a time.
  3. "Invisible" allows you to visit pages unnoticed.
  4. IN private profile display exclusively visits from friends.
  5. You can also view information in the smartphone app.
  6. Do not use programs that offer to obtain information about visitors or other opportunities.

The “Guests” function in the Odnoklassniki social network allows users to view the personal pages of all profile visitors. The function is available free of charge and displays all visitors except for users who have “Invisible” enabled.

Sometimes unwanted people appear on the guest list, today we will talk about how you can remove them.

  1. In the main menu, find the “Guests” item, it is also indicated by an icon with the image of footprints;
  2. The window that opens will display all page visitors for the last 30 days;
  3. If you have new guests since your last visit to the section, a green circle with the number of new visitors will appear next to the “Guests” section.

The "Guests" section displays only those users who have visited your personal page in the last 30 days. After this period has expired, information about visitors is automatically deleted.

How to remove a user from guests

To clear the “Guests” item from unwanted users, you must perform the following steps:

How to remove guests from your phone

To remove unnecessary users from the “Guests” list, you must:

How to close your guest page

If you don't want any guests to have access to personal information on your page, you can block them. To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the “Guests” page;
  2. Place the mouse cursor on the desired user;
  3. From the menu that opens, select “Block”.

The user will be added to the blacklist. If you added a guest to the blacklist by accident, to remove him you must:

  1. Select “More” from the menu;
  2. In the list that opens, select the “Black List” section;
  3. The page that opens will display all users who have been blocked by you;
  4. We move the mouse cursor over the user who was included in the “Black List” by accident;
  5. In the menu that opens, select “Unblock”.

08.03.2012 23:27 Question 1. I ask you to help. Let's say a person deletes his Odnoklassniki account, does it disappear from his friends in this case? Or will his friends receive a notification that the page has been deleted?
Answer: If an account is deleted, the user disappears from all his friends at once, and there is no notification about this. All personal correspondence and all comments left by him are deleted.

Question 2. Is it possible to find out my address Email?
Answer: To find out your E-mail, you need to click on the question mark in the message form. This will open a window where you can find out your email address.

Question 3. The question will probably seem a little stupid. How can I get to a page I previously visited? When I click on the “Back” button in the top bar of the Internet browser, I exit the Odnoklassniki website. This is not the case on other sites.
Answer: If you click the “Back” button in the browser bar, going to a previously visited page is only possible if you have been active on the site for some time. For example, you looked at other people's pages or entered groups. If you were only on your page, then when you click on the “Back” button, you will be thrown back to the start.

Question 4. Please answer, if while viewing new photos of a friend in the news feed, I go to old albums and look through them, will my friend receive a notification that I visited his page?
Answer: If you enlarged and viewed one photo, then you will not be included in the guest list. If you looked through the entire album, then your friend will see that you were on his page.

Question 5. I'm interested in two points. 1. Is it possible to remove “invisibility” from the “My guests” column? And the second question, if, for example, I am on Ivanov’s blacklist, will he see me on the guest list when I go to his page while blocked?

  1. You won’t be able to remove an invisible person from your guest list on your own; it will disappear on its own in a month. Or the invisible person’s photo will change if the user visits your page as usual.
  2. If you visit a friend while “blocked,” he won’t see you on his guest list.
Question 6. Why can't I pay for additional emoticons? I have already contacted you with a similar problem, and I am doing everything as you said. I click on the emoticon, additional emoticons appear, when I click on one of them, “recharge using phone” appears. And when I enter my phone number to receive the code, I do not receive an SMS indicating the required code. And so it is already for a long time.
Answer: Probably with your operator cellular communications no service agreement has been concluded. Try to pay for emoticons from the number of another operator, or top up your account using a terminal - it’s much faster, less problematic and much more economical.

Question 7. Is it possible to unlock a photo? And how to sign it? It meets all the requirements, only there is no signature under it.
Answer: To do this, you must first enlarge the photo. A “sign photo” button will appear in the left corner - sign, save - and then the photo will be unlocked.

Question 8. Please advise how to delete someone else's account? My friend's sister died and her page needs to be deleted. But my friend doesn’t know the password for the page. Is there another way to delete an account?
Answer: You need to write to technical support [email protected]. You must provide a link to the profile of the deceased person and a copy of the death certificate.

Question 9. I ask you to help me solve my problem. Something strange has been happening to the main photo for a month now. Namely, the main photo is periodically blocked. I’m alone in it, this is my personal photo, not taken from the Internet. There is no eroticism, insults, or violence in the photo, the face is clearly visible. Why is this happening? It turns out that if someone doesn’t like my photo, they may think that the photo can be blocked??? How to stop this? It turns out that you cannot put your own professional photographs on the main photo - I was once blocked, citing that it was not me in the photo, but a celebrity, but I wonder which one? Please, sort this out and don’t reward such people with glasses. Otherwise, they don’t care who they block, they don’t look closely and do what they want.
Answer: To avoid such a situation, you should remember the following photo requirements:

  • You are prohibited from uploading photos in which your face is poorly visible.
  • Photos of children without parents, with animals, or with drawings are not allowed.
  • It is prohibited to put photos of celebrities or cartoon characters on the main photo.
  • Links, advertising, erotica, and pornography are not allowed in the photo.
  • The photo must not offend other users.
If you are using a photo of several people as your main photo, write captions and indicate who you are in this photo. The same should be done when using a photograph with a child.

Photos that violate these requirements will be removed. If the rules are violated multiple times, the user is removed.

Question 10. Good afternoon Please answer, is it possible for the same user to write messages simultaneously with a video call? When you call, the “write a message” column disappears.
Answer: The function of sending messages does not work simultaneously with a video call; the call window closes the message window.

Question 11. Why do I sometimes get a message that the site needs to make sure that it is a person using the account?
Answer: This is a precautionary measure and is due to the fact that some users of the site access it using virus programs, or enable them while already on the site. The suggested code must be entered, or the page may be blocked.

12. Question: How widespread is the WebMoney system in Ukraine, and is it possible to use it to make settlement transactions for paid services?
Answer: The WebMoney system is fully adapted to Ukrainian sites. To carry out payment transactions you must:

  1. register on the website > https://start.webmoney.ru/, and become a WebMoney member;
  2. Be sure to install one of the “ant” options on your phone or computer: WebMoney Keeper Mobile or Classic.
  3. following the instructions of the program, create hryvnia and ruble wallets (WMU and WMR);
  4. Top up your hryvnia wallet through a cash terminal. Select Banks in the window and e-commerce→ WebMoney → the assigned number to the WMU hryvnia wallet is entered → cash is deposited → payment is confirmed by a check.
  5. transfer money from a hryvnia wallet to a ruble wallet at the exchange rate using WebMoney Keeper.
  6. make a payment for the service selected on Odnoklassniki by selecting ELECTRONIC MONEY (WebMoney) from the list of payment options.
Or you can do it differently:
  1. WebMoney wallet is installed in the user profile;
  2. a hryvnia wallet (WMU) is registered in it and replenished in cash using a terminal or other method;
  3. by opening the application and clicking the “Exchange” icon, convert hryvnia currency into ruble currency;
  4. payment is made.
13. Question: I was cloned. What to do?
  1. Act sequentially according to the scheme. Click "?" in the message (discussion) window.
  2. Indicate the chosen purpose of the question - to complain about the violator.
  3. Find unauthorized use of data/photos in the menu and click on this topic.
  4. In the message itself, try to provide in an accessible form as much information as possible about yourself and your counterpart’s profile (age information, place of residence, mutual friends and communities of friends you are a member of; participation in surveys, games, forums, etc.).
  5. In the information field about you, insert a link to your page. It is copied in the browser line and looks like this: http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/#/profile************., where * denotes the 12-digit profile identifier. The link is called by clicking on the “get link” button.
  6. Indicate samples of your photo (indicated in the profile), “borrowed” by your double.
  7. When you enter your counterpart’s page from your browser bar, provide a link to your counterpart’s profile. This information can be obtained even despite the double’s attempt to close his profile. Try to link to his profile in the “doppelgänger information” field.
  8. Describe all information about the actions taken by the double on your behalf (unflattering statements, remarks, remarks, comments) as accurately as possible in the “description” field.
  9. By attaching a scanned photo of the document confirming your identity when you click the “review” button, you must submit the required form.
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  • 04/16/2017 21:44 Children and social networks, entry for teenagers under 14 years old will be prohibited

Comments (187):

2012-08-05, 01:50 Kolya Tarasevich 14 years old, Semigoschi village, Belarus How to unlink Email 2013-02-11, 13:15 Ulugbek Hello, I have many friends who were blocked by the admin of my classmates, now my number of friends shows 207 but in fact I only have 70. How can I remove blocked friends from the list so that the number of friends actually shows? How can I find out what device my page was accessed from? new page, what to do? Or how to remove a defect from a deleted page? But it is not visible and it is impossible to install a new one! 2014-11-01, 07:44 Liliya Brekhova Why did my page change: the feed is located vertically, the list of possible friends and birthday friends began to be displayed on the left side, while for my friends everything is the same except messages?, 2014-11-29, 21:42 Other I went to my page yesterday, and today I have the user blocked or deleted))) The page is really needed, help! 2014-12-04, 13:23 Sashok, if I rate a person who is not my friend, will my friends know about it? It doesn't work for me, what's wrong???? 2015-01-04, 21:19 Elena Is it possible to determine who wrote messages in classmates if the profile is deleted 2015-01-05, 20:24 Ruslan in one class, you can only see the top panel and that’s it, you can see messages. listen to your music, but there are no photos or anything like that! Is it possible to avoid getting on someone else's page???? Thanks for the answer!!! .then how he added friends, while they don’t have him as a friend! how to understand this? why can’t I see his friends 2015-05-22, 10:14 Guest An acquaintance has deleted his Odnoklassniki page, can I somehow contact him online? I have no other information about him 2015-05-26, 10:28 Olga Is it possible to listen to the music of another user if he is not your friend? If this is possible, then how? His page is open 2015-05-30, 10:26 Vitaly Is it possible to listen to the music of another user if he is not your friend? If this is possible, then how? His page is open. Complete idiocy.... s 2015-01-20, 16:13 Inna Hello, please tell me, is it possible to restore access to a page in Odnoklassniki if you have forgotten your login and password?((( 2015-01-21, 09:13 Guest Login is forgotten. Select restore password by email or phone. 2015-01-29, 21:39 LiAnA How to create a correspondence with three or more people 2015-02-08, 02:25 Larisa My husband died, it’s very painful to see how comments and messages appear on his behalf. It looks like I’ll do. crazy. I only know the login, and that’s not accurate. 2015-02-13, 10:59 Andrey, tell me what could it be, I got an alert in Odnoklassniki, but it’s not there and the notification constantly punishes me? Olya, hello, why is the person on the site not blinking blue or yellow 2015-02-17, 01:09 Elena Please tell me! Therefore, where it says friends on the site, there is a friend on the site, and when you go to the page it says that he is not on the site? website 2015-02-19, 18:17 Nadezhda Good evening! Please tell me, today my classmates assessed my status. I check who it is, and it says: “information not available” what kind of news is this? this can be done, but why not on BB... programmers are people too - they also drink... how can I remove it? http://ok.ru/moyastranitsa 2015-06-13, 21:42 Maria How to delete a friend without going to his page in the mobile version 2015-06-13, 23:38 Julia tell me if they will see me at a party - if I I enlarge personal photos? To do this, I deleted my profile. Will this person see my offer??? 2015-02-24, 20:42 Yulia Hello! Please tell me how can I use a code word to recover the password in Odnoklassniki? It’s just that my boyfriend keeps trying to log into my Odnoklassniki from my phone, but doesn’t know the password. And somehow he pressed button to reset the password, indicated my phone number, received a code and, in general, he just changed my password and got to the page. How did this happen? I haven’t been on my page since yesterday!!! What is this??? How to explain this?? 2016-02-10, 21:45 Galina Hello. When I went to the friends section, under the profile photo the time and date were indicated when the friends were on the site, without entering the friend’s page. Today I had to reinstall Google and now this data is not visible. Can anyone help me on how to get this back? Thank you 2016-02-13, 11:48 guest Is it possible to restore a deleted page? 2016-06-20, 09:59 Guest No, of course 2016-06-27, 22:52 Irina For example, I go to my page at 18:15, and at the same time my friend shows that I visited her at guests. How could I visit her if I went to my page? simple way phones that are hidden from public access. And the same person, unknown to me, visited both pages? How can this be? Pages with different photos, moreover... one page is for men, the other is for women. thank you in advance! 2016-09-13, 10:20 Valentina... Please tell me!!! Why when I went to the site, a message was flashing there. But when I went to the messages section to read it, there wasn’t even the text of the message and who it could be from be? It just blinks and there is no text.... Why and what is this from? mobile version finds my photos from classmates? although the page is offline? 2018-08-28, 16:50 Karina Hello! Please tell me, if a person registered in Odnoklassniki and was in Russia, then he left for Armenia, can he also communicate in Odnoklassniki with a person living in Russia? photo, I discovered someone else’s album, which I didn’t create. I can’t delete it and the photos aren’t deleted either. What should I do - the photos are accumulating 2019-03-06, 18:04 Irina Hello.. please tell me as a person I don’t have in friends can read and comment on my photos...my page is locked 2019-03-07, 02:33 Evgeniya Please answer why my husband sees my messages on his page?