Apple Service Center Rep. Apple Rep Service Center Free visit for Apple Watch repair possible

Engineers at Apple Service Center No. 1 in Moscow offer a range of services for repairing equipment from the Apple manufacturer, in particular, Apple Watch 42 mm. We provide the following repair services:

  • Replacing watch glass. With a strong impact or other mechanical impact, a crack or chip may form on the glass. Contact us and we will replace the glass on any Apple Watch model as soon as possible.
  • Apple Watch Charger Repair. If the watch charges very slowly, or does not charge at all, our engineers will help you with this problem by expertly repairing or replacing the charger without wasting time.
  • Replacing or restoring the battery. Malfunctions with the battery can occur at the most inopportune moment, leaving you without communication with your phone. Malfunctions may occur due to damage to the battery due to mechanical stress, contact with water, improper charging, or use of the watch at high or low temperatures. We will restore correct operation of the Apple Watch 38 and 42 mm battery in a short time.
  • Repair or replacement of vibration motor. The watch notifies the owner about the receipt of a call or message on the phone by vibration and signal. But in large, noisy cities, the signal is not always audible, so vibration is a very important function of the Apple Watch, and if it is disturbed, the owner of the IPhone may miss an important call. If the vibration motor breaks down, our engineers will quickly and efficiently carry out work to restore it.
  • Apple Watch Bluetooth Module Repair. This module is used to communicate with a smartphone and ensure proper operation of gadgets in pairs. If it breaks down, the watch does not receive a signal from the phone, which can be an inconvenience at the most important moment - you may miss an important call from your family or boss, find out about good news or a canceled meeting. We can repair this module or replace it in a short time, after which the watch will again regularly receive information from the iPhone.

Professionalism and extensive experience in Apple Watch repair

By contacting our service, you can receive not only repair services, but also professional advice on how to properly handle your watch and charge it. During their work, engineers use the highest quality equipment, and if any part needs to be replaced, only original components from the manufacturer are installed. You will definitely be satisfied with our service, because we repair any Apple equipment.

Exchange Apple Watch for a new one

If problems arise with the device and repair is impossible or cost-effective, you can contact our service center and use the service of exchanging faulty Apple Watches for new ones. Depending on the condition of the device and the nature of the malfunction, the cost of exchanging the device is estimated. When exchanging a watch for a new one, an international guarantee applies - in the event of an expired warranty on a faulty device, a 3-month warranty is given for the new one, and in the case of an active warranty period, the warranty continues to apply to the new one. Thus, in a short time, saving your time and money, you will receive a brand new watch that will work properly in tandem with your iPhone.

We specialize in repairing original Apple equipment for Muscovites and guests of the capital. We provide high-quality diagnostic and repair services of any degree of complexity for your favorite gadgets iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, iPad, Macbook, etc.

On favorable terms, we will repair your iPhone, from replacing the battery, display matrix, glass, protective oleophobic coating, to complex precision soldering of controllers using BGA contacts on the board.

Any diagnosis is free, in 20 minutes!

  • 10 years experience! We employ qualified specialists who are competent in repairing Macbooks, iPhones and other original Apple devices. Employees improve their skills and are well versed not only in the new classics, but also in iPad, iMac, and iWatch models.
  • The service is equipped with the latest technical equipment and software.
  • We have all the necessary components for repairing iPad, Macbook, and iPhone smartphones in stock. Replenishment of spare parts for the Apple model range occurs daily.
  • We provide stable all-inclusive prices for all types of work, for example, iPhone repairs and spare parts.
  • Warranty for services from 3 to 6 months.

Restoring displays in your presence

Since this technology is proven and of high quality, the owner’s biggest fear may be damage to the screen.

iPhone fell out of your hands? At this moment, your whole life flies before your eyes, doesn’t it?

Rest assured, in our Apple Service Center we will quickly diagnose and restore the display using special equipment. Repair work to replace parts is carried out within an hour in your presence. In 90% of cases, iPhone screen replacement is completed in 15-20 minutes. More serious reconstruction can take up to 3 days.

Note that restoring the display is 2-5 times cheaper than replacing it.

The most common causes and breakdowns:

  • deformed body, mechanical damage: chips, scratches;
  • software errors (lead to device freezing), firmware failures, incorrect settings;
  • overheating, getting into water;
  • someone else's SIM card gets stuck;
  • using other people's chargers.

These problems can be solved by replacing the models, battery, camera, speakers or Home button, flashing and other simple operations within an hour.

How Apple repair works

  1. Reception of technology. Fixation of external views indicating problems. Providing client contacts.
  2. Computer diagnostics of the gadget, recording visual mechanical damage.
  3. Coordination of the cost of repairs, the list of necessary services and spare parts. Repairs begin after the client's full consent. If necessary and with the consent of the customer, a backup copy of the data is made.
  4. At the end of the procedures, the gadget is shown to the owner.

Battery replacement.

If you charge your Apple Watch several times a day, this causes serious discomfort and indicates a faulty battery. The PlanetiPhone service center replaces the Apple Watch 3 battery in just 20 minutes. Do not wait until the battery swells and pushes out the screen.

Replacement of protective glass.

The glass of the Apple Watch 3 breaks for various reasons and in different situations, most often due to mechanical damage. After such damage, they are embarrassing to show and impossible to use. Repair of Apple Watch series 3 in Moscow is in great demand and is carried out promptly, with a guarantee!

Replacing the Taptic Engine vibration motor.

If the Force Touch feature does not activate and there is no vibration from notifications or SMS, most likely the vibration motor installed in the watch is broken. A specialist will disassemble the watch and replace it in 30 minutes.

Replacing the electromagnetic charging module.

The watch is equipped with wireless induction charging. If it fails and the watch stops charging, due to poor contact with the surface or any other, we will establish the exact cause and eliminate it in a short time.

Faulty Bluetooth component.

Apple Watch Series 3 does not work with iPhone or other devices; the Bluetooth antenna will need to be replaced. We will solder the BGA controller pins on the motherboard and restore its functionality. We have modern professional soldering equipment, which guarantees the highest quality and speed of service.

Replacing the Apple Watch screen 3.

The touch display is the main point of controlling the watch. If it is broken or cracked, this greatly interferes with comfortable, full-fledged operation. It is made using Retina technology, with an OLED matrix and is assembled into a single component. If the touchpad is damaged, dirt and moisture can enter through the cracks, which will increase the cost of repair. The PlanetiPhone service performs high-quality repairs of Apple Watch 3 at home, in Moscow, providing a guarantee for its services.

Replacing the power button.

Due to the fact that the button is mechanical and is used constantly throughout the day, it is subject to heavy load and becomes a frequent reason for calling for service. To repair the Apple Watch 3 and replace the power button, you will need to disassemble the gadget, and given its miniature and dense layout, it is simply impossible to do this yourself, at home. It's better to trust Apple Watch 3 repairs to professionals.

Apple Watch 3 repair in “PlanetiPhone”

The vast experience of our craftsmen and narrow specialization in Apple technology allows our service to repair Apple Watch series 3 quickly and at any level! In addition, we offer:

  • - Low price for repairing Apple Watch 3 in Moscow.
  • - Walking distance from the metro and daily work, seven days a week.
  • - Warranty for a period of 180 days.
  • - Computer diagnostics and repair of apl voch 3 at home, also free of charge.
  • - Exchange for a new watch via Trade In.
  • - Use only original spare parts and modern tools.

We can repair Apple Watch 3 in any condition! To complete it as quickly as possible, you can come in person or call a specialist at an address convenient for you.

No matter how ideal and perfect the design of a modern gadget is, it still needs maintenance, because every day it is exposed to mechanical and natural influences. Watch repair requires special knowledge related to the technology and design of the smart watch itself, because it can not only show the time, but also function at the same level as the iPhone.
Delanko specialists repair Apple Watch Edition 42mm and any other apple watch with high quality and at a competitive price.

Apple Watch repair: variety does not complicate the process

Before you begin repairing a modern device, you need to understand its features:

  • the model range of smart watches is not represented by a single copy; it includes variants of the Apple Watch, Watch Sport and Watch Edition, each of which has two types of cases and displays of 38 and 42 mm; the base model is the Apple Watch;
  • the material used to make the gadget, its straps and clasps may vary;
  • most often its filling is placed in a stainless steel shell, polished or blued, called “space steel”;
  • classic leather, elastic and durable straps have a sporty look; Options include a Milanese or Art Nouveau style buckle, or an innovative Link Bracelet.

Apple iWatch repair: it’s possible to fix everything!

Despite the fact that the company successfully positions itself as responsible in terms of quality, the device can still fail. Repairing an Apple watch involves not only replacing the strap or glass, but also troubleshooting the battery or power button.
Understanding the performance of a modern gadget is not easy; it is especially important not to harm it:

  • the patented method of attaching straps is the pride of the company, plus replacing this element is quite simple if it is torn or melted - using special buttons on the back of the watch, the bracelet is detached, and a new one is inserted into the groove and fixed with magnets;
  • the device may not function due to a broken power button; After confirming the malfunction by rebooting, you need to remove the display and change it.

The face of the Apple Watch is glass. It is necessary to replace or open it with extreme caution, as the internal contents of the device can be damaged. This process consists of the following steps:

  • first you need to heat the glass to melt the glue; this can be done with a special industrial hair dryer; this process should be carried out carefully, because an overheated battery can burst from high temperature;
  • glass is dismantled using a sharp thin knife or a plastic spatula, because it does not conduct current and leaves no traces;
  • the screen cable lock can be removed and turned off, which allows you to de-energize the battery and turn off the device;
  • the watch case is cleared of any remaining tape so that the new display is securely attached;
  • another taped screen is connected, after which the cable lock is latched;
  • the display is pressed against the work surface so that it is in full contact with the general perimeter.

It is quite difficult to independently manipulate an expensive gadget, so it is better to entrust the device to qualified specialists.

Apple Watch repair in Moscow at the Delanko service center: fast, reliable, reasonable in terms of cost

You can carry out professional Watch repairs in Moscow by contacting the Delanko company. Service center professionals will restore the functionality of your device in a short time and at an affordable cost. They provide a guarantee on all updated parts and work performed.