Skin exchange service. How to sell CS:GO items for real money

30.03 2018

Today's update includes a ton of tweaks for Nuke, Dust 2 and Canals, check out the link to see what's new!

Along with these map updates, the developers have also adjusted the exchange of items in CS GO, detailed below.

Exchange of things

Steam trading was created to allow users to easily exchange goods with each other. Every day thousands of players use Steam Trading. But as the developers say, in order to protect players from fraud, they have decided to prohibit exchanges between players and sales, respectively.

Starting today, CS:GO items received through trade will receive a seven-day ban. The same thing happens with in-game items that are purchased on the Steam marketplace.

We are told that third party companies have developed services that use automated Steam accounts to imitate players and take advantage of Steam functionality. Thus, repeated cases of fraud have been noticed. Unlike players, these services trade each item very frequently. On the contrary, the item is moved between actual players no more than once per week in most cases.

The developers want to make sure that the Steam Marketplace is a useful feature that continues to give customers the freedom to give and receive items as they see fit. The developers understand that such changes may be disruptive for some players. Therefore, they will continue to look closely at the trading policy in CS GO.

They have also provided contact information for CSGOTeamFeedback if players have any concerns about the changes.

26.01 2016

CS:GO gamers are asking the question: “How can I sell items from my Steam inventory?” You can get in-game items in Counter-Strike Global Offensive in the following ways:

1) Free. Items drop out immediately after completing fights, for achievements during the match

2) For money. You can buy items on the Steam Market

3) For good luck. Items can be won on lottery and roulette sites

Things from CS GO cost money. Real money. For example, knives are highly valued by players and cost on average from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. The AWP Dragon Lore sniper rifle costs about 100 thousand rubles. The question is how to get money for things and withdraw it to your card or e-wallet.

On the official Steam trading platform you can buy or sell items, but you cannot withdraw money to your wallet! What to do?

In this article, I will tell you several ways how you can sell items from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for real money and get them into your pocket.

How to sell cs go items?

  • Method No. 1 (risky): Sell items directly to buyers and receive payment for them in your wallet.

Procedure: You post information on social networks or on thematic forums that you are selling an item from your inventory. Indicate the name of the item (for example, Butterfly Knife | Gradient or Asimov's AWP and indicate the desired amount). The buyer contacts you and then you make the transaction directly. The ideal option is if the buyer first transfers money to you, and then you send him an offer to exchange in the game. A dangerous option is that you first send an exchange offer to the buyer, and wait for him to transfer the money to you. Unfortunately, after the buyer receives the item, you may not receive payment.

  • Method No. 2 (optimal): Sell items on another trading platform or in a CS:GO item store.

Now in Russia there are several popular trading platforms or, in other words, stores of CS GO items. I do my transactions for buying and selling things from CS GO on After the sale, I withdraw money to a card or virtual wallet (QIWI, webmoney, Yandex.Money). Items with discounts from 10 to 60% of the cost on Steam periodically appear here, so I try to monitor the offers every day.

Procedure: To sell things, go to the trading platform at and go through authorization through Steam. We go to the section with the corresponding game - CS:GO, Dota 2 or Team Fortress 2. Click on the “Sell” tab > Update your inventory (you must first specify a link for exchange and link a phone number) > Select items for sale > Specify the price (for This trading platform conveniently displays recommended prices) > We confirm the exchange and calmly wait for a buyer to appear. The main feature of the site is that you do not need to sit online and wait for someone to buy your item and you will need to confirm the transfer of the item. As soon as the buyer appears and clicks “Buy”, the service will do everything itself. The item will be automatically sent to the buyer's inventory, and real money will be credited to your balance. With the proceeds you can buy any other item, or withdraw it to your card or virtual wallet.

  • Method number 3 (multi-step): Cash out money from your Steam account.

If you have money on your Steam balance, you can withdraw it according to the following scheme.

In this article I will tell you not only about how to exchange things in cs go. We will also touch on the topic of trading and talk about how you can exchange things so that you remain in the black. Go.

To begin with, let's just look at how the exchange process occurs. First, choose a friend. Next, right-click on send message -> offer exchange.

Interestingly, you can exchange things even if you don't have internet. To do this, go to your friend’s page, click the more button -> offer an exchange. If you do this, even when you are offline, your friend will see the exchange offer.

This concerns the process itself. Now we will talk about how to trade in cs go. The most obvious and difficult way is to find players who have the item we need. Then we write to him and offer to exchange. Etc. This is a very labor-intensive and expensive method, but with enough effort it can produce results. Such a trade is called active – i.e. This is when you yourself offer someone an exchange.

There is also a passive way of trading - this is when you are offered a weapon, and you decide whether to accept it or not. In this method, the most important thing is that we are constantly sent offers to exchange things, and the more, the better. And then we will simply select those that are beneficial to us. But how to do that?

We need 30 open deals on cs go lounge, a computer turned on as often as possible, and just check the offers themselves from time to time. How often you will receive exchanges depends on how well you create deals. On the left you need to put your 8 skins, and on the right you need to find skins that are approximately equal to the cost of yours + popular among the players themselves.

Please note that initially only 6 transactions can be added to cs go lounge. If you want more, you'll have to donate.

Regarding the basic rules. You only need to trade popular weapons. These include M4A1-S, AK-47, AWP, Glock, Desert Eagle, USP. You should not try to exchange a machine gun or UMP-45 - this is a doomed idea.

That's all for now. In general, the topic is very broad, perhaps we will talk about it in more detail.

Surely every player who first saw an exchange contract in the CS:GO inventory asked questions: what is this thing and why is it needed? In this article we will give answers to such questions and show with an example how to exchange items in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive using this same exchange contract.

What is a trade contract in CS:GO?

The Exchange Contract is a standard inventory item that can be used an infinite number of times. The idea is that we can give away 10 items of the same rarity, and in return receive 1 item of a higher rarity.

For example, to get 1 item Industrial quality we will need to give 10 items Consumer goods. If we want to get 1 weapon Military quality, then we will have to part with 10 items Industrial quality and so on.

Exchange contract in CS:GO - what item will drop?

In most cases, we cannot know for sure which item we will receive. But we know two things for sure:

  1. The rarity of the item will be 1 higher than the items we gave away.
  2. The item received will belong to the collection of one of the items we donated.

If the first point does not raise questions, then the second is worth considering in more detail. Each weapon in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive belongs to a collection: Dust 2, Inferno, Italy and so on. And if during an exchange we want to receive an item from a certain collection, then we need to make sure that at least one of the items we give away is included in this collection.

For example, so that when using a CS:GO exchange contract there is a chance to receive AK-47 Traveler from the collection Baggage, among the items we give away there must be at least one weapon AK-47 First class or Desert Eagle Pilot, since they are part of the collection Baggage.

However, the presence of one of these items does not give us a guarantee getting the weapons we need, but gives just a CHANCE get it. To get the probability AK-47 Traveler was 100%, among the items we give away there should only be AK-47 First class and/or Desert Eagle Pilot.

Exchange of items in CS:GO through an exchange contract

And now, to show with an example how everything works, I will exchange 10 rare weapons Consumer goods for 1 weapon Industrial quality.

  1. Dual Berettas Mercenary
  2. Nova Walnut
  3. Nova Sand Dunes
  4. SG 553 Perforated waves
  5. Five SeveN Forest night
  6. FAMAS Colony
  7. Negev Army Shine
  8. G3SG1 Sandstorm
  9. MP7 Pixel camouflage "Forest" (2 pcs.)

These items belong to the following collections:

  • Safehouse
  • Inferno
  • Italy
  • Train
  • Dust 2

This means that I will receive one of the following items:

  • USP-S Forest Leaves
  • AUG Convict
  • MP9 Orange peel
  • G3SG1 Mixed camouflage
  • Galil AR Mixed camouflage
  • M249 Crocodile mesh
  • P250 Gunpowder smoke
  • M4A4 Smerch
  • Nova Caramel Apple
  • UMP-45 Gunpowder smoke
  • P2000 Marble granite
  • Dual Berettas Patina
  • M4A1-S Northern Forest
  • XM1014 California Camo
  • XM1014 Blued steel
  • AWP African mesh
  • Desert Eagle Sediment
  • FAMAS Blue splashes
  • PP-19 Bison Night operations
  • MAC-10 Caramel Apple
  • M4A4 Pixel camouflage "City"
  • MAG-7 Pixel camouflage "Metallic"
  • P250 Pixel Camo "Metallic"
  • SCAR-20 Carbon fiber
  • P90 Ash
  • MAC-10 Silver
  • UMP-45 Carbon fiber
  • Glock-18 Death Rattle
  • G3SG1 Green Apple
  • Nova Checkered steel
  • Sawed-Off Snakeskin
  • AK-47 African reticle
  • Five-SeveN Orange Peel
  • MAC-10 Palma
  • Tec-9 Mixed camouflage

Using an exchange contract in CS:GO is as follows.

2. Select a weapon to exchange and press the button Exchange
3. Sign and click Send contract
4. We get weapons

In addition to everything, I will say that using an exchange contract to get the necessary weapon is not profitable - it is easier and cheaper to immediately buy the necessary skin. It is advisable to use an exchange contract in CS:GO to get rid of unnecessary skins that are difficult to sell on the trading platform.

Also note that below, under the filter settings, the exchange fee is indicated.

But it is especially worth noting the “Buy mode” purchase mode. By choosing this mode, you will have the opportunity to buy or sell absolutely any skin for real money. You top up your balance on the service and buy an item. There seems to be nothing complicated here.

How soon will I receive my items?

Once you have decided on the items to exchange, you will be asked to complete the transaction. The service works with a huge number of trade bots. It is the bot that will create the exchange offer. After the transaction is completed, you will lose those items that you give to the bot, and in return you will receive new ones. The exchange is carried out instantly.

An exception may be items with a trade ban. Therefore, before you make a transaction, check if there are restrictions on things. And if there is, you can always find out how long it will last. If you have made an exchange and the items do not appear in your inventory, you can contact the technical support of the service.

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