Connecting a subwoofer to a radio tape recorder without a line-out. How to mount the line-out on a stock radio

Good and loud music in the car - this is what many motorists want, especially young people. But there is a problem, not every car is already equipped with a high-quality audio system. Therefore, in this article we will try to fully and clearly tell you how you can independently connect the subwoofer to head unit, to the one that you already have, installed by the manufacturer.

I really want to make a reservation right away. That if you decide to do all the work yourself and connect an active subwoofer, then the responsibility will be personally on you. But there is no need to experience unnecessary fears, if your hands can hold a screwdriver and pliers, then connecting the amplifier to the head unit will be within your power.

How to connect a subwoofer to a head unit, without line outputs

There is a desire to listen to your favorite performers while driving, there is a car radio, but, unfortunately, it does not give the desired effect, the music plays, but I would like something more powerful. For this, a subwoofer is needed, but connecting a sub is still accompanied by some difficulties. It, like any other amplifier, needs to be supplied with power, as well as the cable through which the audio signal will be transmitted.

And here, if you are not an advanced radio amateur, you can come to a dead end, because you do not find a single hole in the car radio where you could connect the desired amplifier. A natural question arises whether it is possible at all, and if possible, how to connect amplifier to the head unit?

1) Purchase of a new radio tape recorder

The first method is good for those who are poorly versed in the radio model, but do not have any particular restrictions on money. You just need to go to a car shop and buy a new radio tape recorder, more modern, and it is quite possible that all issues will be resolved by themselves. This method is really good, but it requires some formalities. For example, your car must support the purchased OEM head unit. Also, the radio tape recorder must have a support function so that the connected subwoofer works and gives excellent sound. Well, the last important point is the cost of head units, with the current crisis their price jumped to the price of spacecraft. But, as already mentioned above, if money is not a problem, then everything is solved at once, otherwise we read on.

2) Contact radio amateurs

So, if you are not a millionaire, and besides, you are not very well versed in wires, then the best way out for you would be to seek help from experienced radio amateurs.

You can find them in small workshops. Some specialists literally in a matter of minutes, in front of your eyes, will disassemble your radio tape recorder, solder additional wires and bring them outside the RCA connectors. The scheme is simple, but 100% working. You will be able to connect an amplifier or a subwoofer to the output contacts yourself. If the master is good, then he will provide you not only with excellent sound, but also complete safety in the car.

3) Install the linear transducer

The next option is suitable for those people who themselves are poorly versed in the intricacies of the radio business, but do not want to contact others. In this situation, the best way out is to buy a level converter. It is through him that it will be possible to connect two devices together, a head unit without the outputs we need and a subwoofer or amplifier. You can buy this converter at any car audio store. This device itself is simple, and therefore we will not delve into its inner world, but outside it has two tulips on one side (the so-called audio connectors - RCA), and on the other - four wires.

Even a student can cope with connecting the converter, the main thing is not to mix up the contacts, plus and minus are connected to the right speaker, the remaining two wires are connected to the left speaker. That's all, your high-level frequencies are turned into low-level ones, and you enjoy the music to the fullest extent possible. And one more important point is that due to such a connection, all your electronics will be completely safe.

4) Choose an amplifier or subwoofer with a low-level input

The last option is perhaps the simplest, but again it all comes down to money. That is, having a certain amount on hand, you again go to an electronics store and buy a so-called active subwoofer or amplifier with a low-level input. Also, without delving into the principle of its operation, we note that in this device a linear converter is already built-in. You connect it according to the instructions for the speakers and enjoy the music.

/ 2011), we figured out the types of power amplifiers and decided on what adjustments they should have. Now is the time to look at how you can connect them at all. It turns out that there are many nuances here too.


At first glance in connection car amplifier there is nothing complicated - we take the interconnect cable and connect it with the line outputs of the head unit with the line inputs of the amplifier. Both are made in the form of RCA connectors (well, or in common parlance "tulips").
Everything seems to be simple. But suppose you are going to connect a 4-channel amplifier to the head unit. It has two pairs of line inputs, and in general, to connect, you will need to send signals from the head unit to both of these pairs. And so you take your radio tape recorder, and it has ... not two, but only one pair of outputs. What to do?

Most the usual way connecting amplifiers - using line inputs


When choosing the right 4-channel amplifier for this situation, the first thing to notice is the presence of a small switch called the input selector. It allows you to switch line inputs amplifier from normal mode (when each pair of channels operates from its own pair of inputs) to a mode in which both pairs of channels will operate from only one pair of inputs. If there is such a switch, then that's it, the problem is solved.

If the head unit does not have enough line outputs, then you can choose an amplifier that has an input selector.

But what if you just like the amplifier you liked it, but it does not have an input selector? In this case, you can resort to another solution, which is technically not so beautiful, but it has a right to exist and works properly - a Y-splitter, such a small cord with one input and two outputs. With its help, you can send a signal from the head unit to two inputs at once. Well, since we always deal with pairs of channels, then to connect a 4-channel from one pair of line outputs, you will need, respectively, two such splitters.

If the amplifier is not equipped with an input selector, you can use the simplest Y-splitters.

All these options are valid for those cases when the head unit has at least one pair of line outputs. And what if they do not exist at all? For example, they are almost never in the standard “heads.” You can, of course, resort to the help of specialists who, with the help of a soldering iron, will equip the standard GU with linear outputs, to which you can connect an amplifier using any of the above methods. - select an amplifier that has High Level Input, in which case the amplifier is connected directly to the "speaker" outputs of the head unit. Roughly speaking, we cut off the wires going to the standard speakers, and put them on these very amplifier inputs.
And here, at first, doubts about the need for such an upgrade in general may creep in. Indeed, the standard system does not really shine with audiophile sound anyway, right there, in addition to it, we simply hang up another amplifier. Meaning?
And the meaning, as practice shows, is. One of the bottlenecks of the stock system, which spoils the sound the most, is the dead low-power amplifier built into the head unit. In a standard system, it works on speakers, which always have a low impedance, usually from 2 to 8 ohms.
Consequently, relatively decent currents flow in the output stages of the amplifier, we have already analyzed the principle of operation in the first article of the “serial.” If we disconnect the speakers from it and connect our new amplifier instead, the high-level inputs of which have tens or even hundreds of ohms, then the output stages of the standard amplifier will work somewhat differently - much lower currents will flow through them. Such a change in their mode of operation will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the signal transmitted to them. amplifier, then, oddly enough, it will give out a better signal.

To connect the amplifier to a head unit without line outputs, you can use the high-level inputs, they are provided in many amplifiers.

But let's say you already have an amplifier that you want to add to the standard system, but it does not have high-level inputs. Can I connect it to the speaker outputs? It turns out that this is not a particular problem either, you just have to buy a high-level signal to linear converter, it is quite inexpensive.

If the amplifier does not provide high-level inputs, then you can use signal converters that convert the signal from the speaker outputs of the head unit to a linear one. Such converters are not necessarily primitive devices; there are also more advanced models that provide additional features signal processing, for example, filters, bass boosts and other useful things.

However, the lack of line outputs is not the biggest problem that one has to face when upgrading standard systems. The real problem is when standard GUs are deprived of not only line outputs, but even the Remote output, which would serve as a command to turn on the amplifier. In this case, one of the simplest and most convenient solutions will be the choice of an amplifier, which has the function of switching on by the presence of a signal at the high-level inputs.
An amplifier with this function detects itself when a signal begins to arrive at it, and automatically turns on. And as soon as you turn off the standard GU, the signal disappears, respectively, the amplifier also turns off. Many amplifiers equipped with high level inputs are equipped with such signal detection circuits, pay special attention to this when choosing a suitable model.


Well, now we have figured out in general terms how one amplifier can be connected to the head unit. And if we want more? Options are also possible here. Pay attention to this detail - some amplifiers contain not only line inputs, but also line outputs. What are they needed for? Let us explain with a specific example.
Suppose you have a head unit, but it has only one pair of line outputs, and you connect an amplifier to them, well, for example, for a subwoofer. Everything is just fine, but suppose at one point you are tired of the modest sound of the main speakers, and you decide to purchase another amplifier, already for it.
How do I connect a second amp? You can, of course, use one of the above methods, but if your subwoofer amplifier has line outputs, then it is more logical and easier to connect your new amplifier to them.

Despite the fact that modern car players today simply amaze with their versatility, this can be said only about individual, expensive models. They can be installed and calculated accordingly, as an additional option, when buying a car from a dealer of the manufacturer. Native car receivers, unfortunately, lack many functions and electronic equipment. Such as USB jack, AUX connection, line out and the like. What to do when there is no money to buy a new radio tape recorder with additional security, but you want to listen to high-quality music, we will briefly tell you in this article.

Amplifier without radio

Connecting the speakers (speakers) of the amplifier to the OEM car radio is carried out according to the standard scheme, through the line output. With the simultaneous connection of the positive wire from the car ignition system to the REM terminal of the amplifier. In order to save battery power, it is recommended to insert a break contact, a toggle switch or a button into the circuit. By connecting the amplifier in this way, you can listen to music from any media (iPhone, tablet, etc.).

Amplifier without line out

Connecting an amplifier to a radio without a line-out is also not difficult. To do this, you need a special adapter, which you can buy at any auto parts store. A standard signal level converter (adapter) has four contact wires that connect to the wires going to the speakers from the car player and to the two output plugs - tulip.

Speakers without amplifier

You can connect the speakers to the radio without an amplifier yourself. The main thing is to distinguish how the type of subwoofer is included in the work, active or passive. Because, it is impossible to connect a passive subwoofer to a radio tape recorder without an amplifier. And to activate it, you will have to use a sound amplification device.

An active subwoofer is called a subwoofer with a built-in power amplifier, which allows you to remove the load from low frequencies from the standard amplifier of the radio. And also having an active crossover for filtering high-frequency sounds, do it yourself.

A passive subwoofer is a device not equipped with a power amplifier, and connected only in parallel with respect to the main speakers, or in general to a separate channel. The main disadvantage of connecting a passive subwoofer is that during operation an additional load is generated on the output amplifiers of the stereo channels.

Instructions on how to connect an active subwoofer to a radio without an amplifier

Before proceeding with the connection of the active sub, on the back of the car radio panel, we find two input ports and connect them via a line wire to the input on the subwoofer.

We connect the power supply through the wire from the positive terminal of the battery to the subwoofer.

Negative wire, according to the same principle, the battery is a subwoofer.

Install near battery mandatory and very important for this kind of installation, the part is the fuse.

Since, when the amplifier reproduces low-frequency sounds, the consumption of electrical power increases (significantly) and, as a result, the load on the entire electrical network of the car, a capacitor is mounted in the power subwoofer circuit, which ensures safety in case of overloads.

The next step after connecting the subwoofer to a standard auto player is to set the upper limitation of the speaker's low frequencies and the desired phase of the speaker oscillation.

A step-by-step video guide on how to connect a sub to a radio without an amplifier.

Some car owners are not satisfied with the sound of the head unit. The situation can be corrected by installing an active or passive subwoofer. Installation of the device in the car is possible on your own, for which you need to select the necessary materials and tools, familiarize yourself with the connection diagram and the step-by-step algorithm of the process. Then it will not be difficult to install the equipment and connect it.

The main differences between passive and active subwoofers

To answer the question about the distinctive features of active and passive subwoofers, you first need to figure out what each of the designs is individually.

What is a passive subwoofer

A passive sub is a construction of one or more low frequency (LF) dynamic drivers, enclosed in a single case, the material of which can be either plywood or wood. For such a device to reproduce sound vibrations, you need to connect to an external amplifier audio frequency through a low-pass filter that only passes the low-frequency band of the signal.

The passive subwoofer is separate devices speakers, filters and amplifier. Each of these blocks is purchased separately and is interconnected during installation

What is active

An active sub is a single ready-made acoustic unit, consisting not only of a speaker and filter, but also an amplifying device. Such equipment is somewhat easier to connect, and there is also an opinion that the sound quality is superior to the sound from a passive subwoofer. But if you look in more detail, the sound quality directly depends on how the setting is made.

The active subwoofer has a built-in amplifier, which saves space in vehicles with limited space. To connect to the radio, it is enough to supply power and an audio signal

The difference between them

To determine which design to give preference to, it is worth considering the main points that car owners pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Price indicator - the cost of an active subwoofer is higher, due to the presence of an amplifier and other expensive elements in the device.
  2. Installation advantages - passive structures are more difficult to install due to the need to additionally install a filter and an amplifier. The presence of an amplifier in the active system saves space, which is especially important for small cars.
  3. Sound quality - Many would argue that the sound of an active system should be better. However, the sound directly depends on the correct setup of the system. If we proceed from practice, then with a high-quality adjustment of the passive sub, the sound surpasses the work of the active system.
  4. Easy to set up - active speaker system more advanced customization options, but if a good external amplifier is used, this feature is nullified.

Pros and cons of systems

On the positive side of a passive subwoofer is the relatively low cost due to the lack of a built-in amplifier. In addition to this point, the use of passive systems allows you to assemble an acoustic device with exactly those requests that will correspond to the high-quality sound in your understanding. In order to get a subwoofer with optimal sound quality, you will need to select an amplifier, frequency filters, and a set of dynamic heads in boxes. Compared to active ones, different types of enclosures are used for passive designs: bandpass, bass reflex, and standard boxes. As for active devices, it is difficult to use enclosures in them. different types due to the need to accommodate additional electronics.

The main advantage of the active is the presence of a built-in amplifier and filter, which allows you to connect the system with a car radio without additional devices... This positive feature is also a disadvantage. Due to the fact that both the speaker and the electronics are located in the same case, you have to sacrifice something. The main caveat is the insufficient power of the amplifier.

How to install a subwoofer in a car and connect it to a radio tape recorder

To mount the subwoofer, in addition to the device itself, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wiring (power supply, "tulips" and positive wire to the amplifier and car radio);
  • fuse;
  • capacitor;
  • pliers and wire cutters;
  • insulating tape;
  • screed;
  • a set of wrenches and an adjustable wrench.

Where to install

Installing a sub can be a real challenge, depending on the car model. And it's not only about connecting the device, but also choosing a place for its installation. Being the owner of a minivan or a hatchback, the question of the place does not raise any questions, since the trunk is large. With sedans, the situation is somewhat different and, as a rule, the sub is mounted in the armrests or on the rear shelf. The most inconvenient body type is considered to be a convertible, since such cars have a small trunk volume. However, with a strong desire, the device in question can also be installed in such cars.

Passive connection

Consider the sequential algorithm for mounting the device. The installation will take about 1-3 hours, depending on the experience and model of the machine. One of the difficult stages is laying the power cable to the amplifier. Since the subwoofer is mounted in the trunk, all wires must be routed through the passenger compartment to the power source. Before starting work with the battery, the terminals are removed, which will exclude the possibility of a short circuit.

  1. The first thing is to find a technological hole, which is closed with a special plug. On domestic cars, it may be absent, as well as the hole itself. Therefore, you have to drill it and, after pulling the cable, seal it with a sealant. Best of all, to avoid chafing the wire, insert a piece of hose into the hole.
  2. The wiring in the engine compartment can be located in the standard harness and displayed in the passenger compartment. First you need to decide where and how the power cable will be laid. For wires in some places, it will be necessary to remove the casing, as well as the door sills. Avoid kinking or pinching the wiring. After installation, all facing elements are installed in their places.
  3. In the luggage compartment, wires to the amplifier are also routed through a hole in the body. The power supply to the device is connected with the correct polarity.
  4. After supplying power to the amplifier, it must be connected to the radio tape recorder. In this case, you will need tulip-type wires, as well as a wire that allows you to control the power of the amplifier. To dismantle the radio, special keys are used, but you can carefully use a knife or a screwdriver of a suitable size.
  5. We connect "Tulips" according to the colors of the connectors. If you want the subwoofer and the radio to turn on simultaneously, then use the corresponding positive wire.
  6. Then we pass the wires together with the power cable through the salon. We connect the "tulips" to the amplifier.
  7. If a power cable was connected to the radio, then it should be fed to the amplifier so that the devices turn on at the same time. We are looking for a terminal and connect it to the power wire of the radio.
  8. It remains to connect the subwoofer to the amplifier. When installing a two-channel amplifier for power distribution, both channels are connected to the device in question.

The high-level adapter is used for radios without line-out connectors. The device converts the signal from the output of the radio tape recorder into a linear signal

Connecting a subwoofer from a computer to a radio tape recorder

Sometimes the quality of the standard music in the car does not suit you and various thoughts arise to improve the sound. One of the questions is connecting a computer subwoofer to a radio tape recorder. In fact, the device can be connected in two ways: by supplying power through a 12 / 220V inverter or by finding the necessary contacts (+ 12V) on the amplifier board for the subwoofer. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a tester and have a little bit of experience in electronics. Having dealt with the power supply, we send the audio signal to the input of the subwoofer, taking it from the line output of the radio, using a shielded cable of the required length.

Crossover connection

Before considering connecting a subwoofer through a crossover, you need to understand what this device is. The crossover allows you to split frequencies across ranges, i.e. plays the role of a filter. For example, there are speakers called “beepers”. If you do not apply a frequency filter, then a signal of the entire frequency range would be fed to the dynamic heads - from LF to HF. Without splitting the signal, the detail of the music will be worse. Crossovers are of active and passive type, as well as single and two-way.

Pros, cons and passive crossover connection

There are no active elements in a passive filter, i.e. it consists of inductors, resistances and capacitors. This implies a significant disadvantage - the loss of signal power. Also, among the shortcomings, one should highlight the limitations on the peak load, which leads to the rapid failure of the device. To connect a passive crossover, it is placed directly in front of the load, that is, in front of the dynamic heads. In this case, only one amplifier can be used, which is an advantage. Such filters can be built into the acoustics or be a separate unit.

Pros, cons and active crossover connection

An active filter is installed in front of the amplifier, so it is impossible to use one device to amplify the signal. In this case, the speaker is connected to a separate channel of the amplifier, regardless of the type of frequencies. Of the advantages of an active filter, one can single out the ability to fine-tune the frequency cutoffs. It is this factor that is decisive in the higher cost of such a design in comparison with a passive one.

Security measures

  1. Any work in the car related to electrical equipment must begin with de-energizing, that is, disconnecting the terminals from the battery.
  2. All connections must be reliable and safe, for which seals, electrical tape, clamps, special corrugation are used.
  3. Only high-quality wires are used for installation.
  4. The choice of the fuse must be carried out in accordance with the passport data of the connected devices.
  5. Acoustic equipment in the car must be fixed comfortably and securely.

Video: connecting a passive subwoofer

Installing a subwoofer in your car allows you to get decent sound quality. If a passive design is used, each device in the system can be matched to the specified characteristics. For self-installation, it will be enough to purchase the necessary components and get acquainted with possible connection schemes, while you can save on visiting a car service.

Date: 2016-01-29

Often, during the design of the speaker system, far from all the technical characteristics of the car radio are taken into account. Indeed, often users simply have no idea whether they will install additional components. And at a certain stage, it turns out that the car radio is simply not equipped with line outputs. How to proceed?

In order to obtain the required linear signal, you can use the following methods:

· Directly on the radio tape recorder, evaporate the line output.

· Use the appropriate attachments in order to achieve the required signal.

· Soldering using an additional preamplifier. So, it will be possible to significantly increase the signal level.

· Use of an amp that has a high-level input.

Based on the available options, they can be conditionally divided into groups. In the first case, no additional actions are taken in relation to the radio tape recorder, in the second, direct intervention is required. But do not forget that as soon as the integrity of the head equipment is violated, you will not be able to take advantage of the warranty. Therefore, we choose the first option.

Soldering from the line-out radio

In order to succeed in this case, you need to have a certain mindfulness, as well as hands. Be sure to pick up a microcircuit. You can understand how she looks from the image. By the way, it is connected directly to a large radiator.

Once the circuit is found, you need to set the markings. After that, you need to find a datasheet in order to determine the acceptable wiring of the conclusions available on the diagram. It is from this input that the incoming signal is removed.

Undoubtedly, a prefix can also be used, with the help of which the signal level will be reduced. Nowadays, such equipment is actively on sale. And they have no special design features. And in the event that there is a need, then you can prepare it yourself using the schemes.