The keyboard on my laptop does not work, what should I do? The keyboard does not work on the computer: reasons, what to do Windows 8.1 the keyboard does not work.

The keyboard is the main tool when working on a computer, without which work is almost impossible. Of course, you can enter information using a mouse and on-screen keyboard, but this method is inconvenient and will not work properly.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the keyboard on your computer does not work and consider all the possible causes of this malfunction.

The keyboard is a fairly simple device and usually works flawlessly. However, there are times when the keyboard indicator lights up, but nothing is printed.

Why the keyboard doesn't work: reasons

There are two types of reasons why a computer keyboard may not work:

  1. Mechanical (cable break, moisture ingress, excessive contamination of the keyboard, violation of the integrity of the connection ports, and so on).
  2. Software (software failures, incorrect settings BIOS wrong drivers to the keyboard and so on).

Let's look at all the main reasons why the keyboard does not work and troubleshooting methods.

Problem with the cable or keyboard port

The first step is to assess the physical condition of the keyboard.

Look at the button indications Caps Lock And Num Lock. Most likely, if they work, then physically everything should be fine with the keyboard.

Visually inspect the keyboard cable. It may be pinched or cut. For example, many pet owners have pets that chew cables.

Also, visually check the keyboard connection port to see if there are any fractures or bends in it. There are two types of keyboard connection ports - USB and PS/2.

It often happens that when people try to connect to a computer in a PS/2 port, they break off the tip of the wire and the keyboard does not connect.

If outwardly USB cable the keyboard and connection port look good, then try plugging the keyboard into a different port Computer USB. The port on the computer itself may be damaged. If the keyboard works in another port on the computer, then you have a problem with USB port. Usually there are several of them on the computer and you can simply leave the keyboard connected to the port that works.

In the case of a keyboard with a PS/2 port, you should check the functionality of the keyboard connection port on another computer, since there is only one such port on the motherboard. To test the functionality of your computer's PS/2 port, you will have to find another such keyboard.

Spilled liquid and dirt on the keyboard

A flooded keyboard is a headache for all IT specialists and a goldmine for all laptop repair service centers. Very often, when working on a computer, people pour tea, coffee, beer and other liquids onto the keyboard. As a result, the keyboard may fail.

As a rule, it is easy to determine visually and by smell that liquid has been spilled on the keyboard. Carefully inspect the keyboard. Remove a couple of keys. If you see that there are traces of spilled liquid or food on the keyboard or under the keys, then you have two options. Or buy new keyboard, or meticulously disassemble the flooded keyboard, clean it, dry it and put it back together. With a high degree of probability, the keyboard will work.

Previously, we have already talked in detail about what is at home.

Checking USB settings in BIOS

In the event of a power failure, the computer may change BIOS settings, in which there is an item about enabling and disabling USB support keyboards on a computer.

Additionally, in this way you can check the serviceability of the keyboard in principle, since it may not work in Windows, but work in the BIOS. In this case, the failure is caused by software or drivers.

To enter the BIOS and check the settings, do the following:

  1. Turn on your computer.
  2. Press the DEL button on your keyboard until the BIOS settings window appears.
  3. In the BIOS settings, find the USB Keyboard Support or Legacy USB menu.
  4. Make sure the setting is in the Enable state. If it says Disable, then switch to Enable.

You can also set the remaining BIOS settings related to USB to Enable. You may be able to get ports on the front panel of your computer case that once stopped working.

Software or driver failure

Keyboards with older PS/2 connectors are more susceptible to software glitches. However, there are still quite a lot of such keyboards in use, although manufacturers have almost stopped producing them.

To solve the problem with the keyboard not working due to software you need to turn on your computer and log into your desktop. Since the keyboard has stopped working and does not print, but account a password may be set, you will need to use the on-screen keyboard and type the password with the mouse.

Now that you are on the desktop of your computer, you need to get to Device Manager.

In Windows 8 and Windows 10, to do this, right-click on the button Start and select device Manager.

In Windows 7, left-click on the button Start. Next, right-click on the word Computer and select Computer managementdevice Manager.

Device Manager displays information about all devices on your computer. Expand the Keyboards branch. If there is an orange question mark next to your keyboard, it means the device is not installed correctly on the system.

Right click on your keyboard and select Delete.

The computer will rescan all devices and install the keyboard correctly.

Factory defect or keyboard has reached the end of its service life

Any technology tends to break down and fail. If the keyboard was purchased relatively recently, then you may have encountered a manufacturing defect. In this case, you can contact the keyboard manufacturer's support service and expect a replacement device.

The fact is that many manufacturers value their reputation and, without entering into long debates with the buyer, immediately send a brand new keyboard by mail.

If you have had the keyboard for more than a year, then most likely it has failed due to service life and you should buy a new one.

Don't panic if the keyboard on your laptop doesn't work. What to do in such a case? In many situations, getting rid of this problem can be quite simple. In this case, the brand of the device used does not matter. The reason that caused this breakdown can be completely different: the most basic or quite serious.

Reason 1: the microcircuit burned out

The main reason, which is difficult to foresee in advance, is when the microcircuit burns out. First of all, you should check the touchpad, as well as the ports that are located around the perimeter of the device. It is important to pay special attention to the USB and RJ-45 connector (for cable). When they are not working, you will need to contact a service center. If the warranty period has not yet expired, you must request a replacement. Only a person who has relevant experience in this field can get rid of such a problem.

If the ports are in working condition, we can hope for a positive outcome. The most common reason may also be the cable that provides the connection motherboard to the keyboard. In such a situation, in order to open access to the socket, it will be necessary to disassemble the laptop. The keyboard is secured using latches, which should be slightly pryed using a plastic card, and then the required module should be removed.


In disassembled position:

  • connector for connection;
  • plume.
The fasteners that secure the cable may loosen or oxidize after some time. This is possible when there is a humid environment in the work area. To restore working condition, the fasteners should be cleaned and then returned to their original place. In many situations, such actions are quite effective.

Reason 2: inattention

This item will be useful for owners of a separate digital block.

His appearance:

When there are numbers on the keyboard inoperative, the reason is user inattention of this device. Some of them, due to their carelessness, often press the Num Lock button, which ensures the operation of this block - turns it on and off.

When numbers do not appear on the screen, but the cursor simply moves, you should press this key again. In this case, the indicator should light up, which confirms the working status of the function. It should be taken into account that in certain laptop models, for this purpose, a combination of keys is provided, such as: Fn + Num Lock.

Reason 3: viruses and driver failure

When the breakdown is not related to the hardware, then you should look for it in the software area. Some viruses act in such a way that they can “destroy” the keyboard driver. To check whether this assumption is correct, you should scan your system for the possibility of spyware. After the reboot process, you need to put the drivers in place. In many situations, these actions bring positive results.

What to do when the driver does not want to install or return to working condition? Sometimes removing it in the usual way not possible. In order to get the result, you can try to turn on the keyboard on the device using safe mode.

For these purposes, it is necessary to reboot by periodically pressing F8. Using it, you can call up a menu for selecting additional boot methods. In it you need to select the usual “safe mode”. When the OS starts, you should follow the steps described below.

You need to try to remove the problematic utility or click on “Roll Back”. Last action can bring results in a situation where a driver update was previously made, which affected the performance of this device. After this, the previously valid software version must be restored.

Steps to remove:

Open “My Computer” and then click on “Properties”.

We go to the “Dispatcher” and select a special section with a keyboard.

It looks like this in the screenshot:

Right-click on the keyboard and open the “properties” item.

If the driver update is incorrect, click on “Roll Back”. In a situation where the system does not see the keyboard, click on “Delete”. For the latter option, you must have the original drivers on hand, which are provided by the manufacturer itself of this equipment.

Reason 4: features of some models + prevention

When releasing devices, some manufacturers try to ensure the ideal quality of their work. As a result, when the battery charge is low, certain parts, including the keyboard, may stop working. To restore its full functionality, you need to connect the laptop to the network.

Users who prefer to eat while working should be sure to clean the keyboard from crumbs. To do this, you can use a can with compressed air inside. Thanks to the high pressure, small particles of food that get into the cracks and grooves will be quickly removed. It should be remembered that under no circumstances should you use a damp cloth or screwdriver to get rid of them.

In order to get rid of the problem with a non-working keyboard, you need to carefully read the instructions described above. Initially, you can try to find a way out as a result of checking software system for the presence of viruses, etc. Quite often, spyware is hidden behind system files and disrupts the full operation of the device.

In addition, a combination of keys such as Fn + NumLock, which brings the number pad into operation, can also help. The installation of additional drivers taken from unknown sources can also be considered as a cause of failure. You should also be careful when installing software utilities such as MKey, which provide button reassignment. In some situations, the system may perceive them as a threat and exit the working state.

In any case, if these problems arise, you should not despair and immediately buy new laptop. If necessary, you can find a way out of this situation by connecting a stationary keyboard via the USB connector.

Laptop keyboard not working? It cannot be said that this is a typical situation for modern technology, this is a rather rare failure of laptops. And if in the case of a PC you don’t even have to figure out the cause of the breakdown, simply replacing one keyboard with another, then in the case of a laptop things are much more complicated, because its keyboard is an integral part of a single integral structure. What could be the reasons for the breakdown of a laptop keyboard, what consequences can presumably be expected, how to get out of a situation when you urgently need to enter text on a laptop that is not working - we will consider all these questions below.

1. Is there a blacklist of laptop models that are prone to keyboard failure?

Before we begin to directly consider the problem of a broken laptop keyboard, a few words about whether it is possible to prevent the occurrence of such a situation. Is there such a black list of laptops? specific models, products from a specific manufacturer, which in practice would prove their tendency to cause keyboard failure? No. There are no models on the computer market that are prone to this particular breakdown in practice. A laptop keyboard from any manufacturer can fail. Moreover, this applies to both flagship models and budget ones.

2. Possible reasons for laptop keyboard failure

Before taking your laptop to a service center, you can try to figure out on your own why the laptop keyboard is not working. And if this software glitch or problems with the keyboard cable, your attempts may be successful and you will save on services service center. So let's get started.

2.1. Software glitch

The reason for the failure of the laptop keyboard may be due to errors in the operation of the operating system itself Windows systems. As a rule, this happens when the drivers fail. You can check this in the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, restart the laptop and hold down the Del key. In some laptop models, the F1 or F2 buttons may be used to enter the BIOS. This point can be clarified in the laptop manufacturer's instructions. If the keyboard works in the BIOS itself, you can boot Windows into safe mode to further test whether the keyboard works without drivers and with a minimum set of system services.

You can get into the safe mode of Windows XP, Vista, 7 using the F8 key, which must be held while the system boots. A boot mode selection menu will appear, where you must select to boot in safe mode without drivers. In the case of Windows 8/8.1, entering the system's safe mode is somewhat different; some preliminary system settings are required. Follow the path:

“Control Panel” - “Administration” - “System Configuration”.

In the “Downloads” tab, set the value to “Safe Mode”, click “Apply”, “OK” and reboot. After rebooting you will be in safe mode.

You can return the settings to their previous state in the same way by removing the “Safe Mode” value.

So, you have entered Windows Safe Mode. Check the functionality of your laptop keyboard. If the laptop keyboard works in safe mode, then the problem lies in the drivers. If the keyboard is in safe Windows mode does not work, while the BIOS responds to data input, most likely the problem is in the operating system itself.

After returning to normal mode Windows operation work on installing or updating drivers.

Download and install the driver pack. This is a special type of software designed to select drivers for specific hardware components. computer device. Having scanned the laptop and determined the drivers necessary for installation, the driver packs automatically remove their installers from their database and carry out the installation. Driver packs on the Internet can be found in the form of a DVD with an existing driver database, but it is much easier to quickly download and install the driver pack software client, which, after scanning, will download from the Internet only the necessary drivers in the latest, most current version.

DriverPack Solution, Slim Drivers– client programs for these driver packs can be downloaded absolutely free on the Internet. These are the top two among driver packs; they are popular among users because they are free and have a regularly updated driver database. Use the driver pack to scan your laptop and install (or update) the drivers that the program indicates.

You can install or update drivers without using driver packs. Download them manually from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop model.

If the work of installing or updating your laptop drivers does not solve the problem with the keyboard not working, you can try reinstalling Windows itself. For example, Windows XP is already outdated today operating system, and perhaps with Windows installation 7 or 8/8.1 problem with non-working keyboard will disappear.

2.2. Pressed out or oxidized contacts of the keyboard cable

If you have been using a laptop for a long time, perhaps the problem of the keyboard not working lies in the oxidized or pressed contacts of its cable. To check this option and attempt to solve the problem, the laptop will have to be disassembled. If this is your first time disassembling a laptop yourself, use the instructions from the manufacturer. Instructions for many device models can be downloaded on the Internet in electronic form, in particular, on the official website of the same manufacturer. You can also watch video tutorials on how to properly disassemble a laptop on YouTube or other resources.

Having reached the keyboard cable, disconnect it by sticking it out of the connector and carefully inspect it. If you see obvious damage upon inspection, then this is the reason for the laptop keyboard not working. And you can solve it by replacing the cable.

If everything is in order with the keyboard cable, wipe its contacts with an ear swab moistened with alcohol, or use a regular eraser. After cleaning, insert the keyboard cable back and test.

2.3. Microcontroller failure or liquid spilled on laptop

If the reason for the laptop keyboard not working is a burnt out microcontroller or spilled liquid, in this case you cannot do without the services of a service center. It is impossible to thoroughly determine which hardware components of the laptop are faulty and solder them at home (of course, if you are not a specialist).

When liquid is spilled on a laptop, if it gets on the board, over time this leads to oxidation of the contacts. As a result, the keyboard completely fails. If you accidentally spill liquid on your laptop, immediately turn it off, remove the battery, and dry it with a hairdryer on a gentle hair-drying setting. If your hair dryer model has a cold air button, use only cold air. This is necessary in order to, if not prevent, then at least slow down the process of oxidation of contacts, microcircuits and boards.

3. I urgently need to enter text on a laptop with a non-working keyboard – what should I do?

Your laptop keyboard isn't working and you urgently need to send a message. Or even to download the same driver pack from the Internet, you will need to enter its name into a search engine. What to do in such a situation?

3.1. Windows virtual keyboard

Windows OS has built-in functionality that emulates a physical keyboard - this is the standard On-Screen Keyboard application. Click the "Start" button, select " Special abilities", and here - "On-screen keyboard".

Click the desired keys with your mouse to enter characters. The Windows on-screen keyboard has an “Options” button; when you click it, you can make some settings to customize the application for yourself.

OS Windows 8/8.1, except standard application"On-screen keyboard" has an alternative in a slightly different format. This is a special touch keyboard for tablets and laptops with a touch screen - a smooth sliding window with large buttons so that they can be easily reached with your finger. If Windows 8/8.1 is installed on your laptop, open the content menu on the Windows taskbar and select “Properties”.

The “Taskbar Properties” menu will open, go to the “Toolbars” tab and check the “Touch Keyboard” option.

3.2. USB keyboard

If we are talking about speedy typing of a test, of course, you can’t do much with the on-screen keyboard. You can connect a physical USB keyboard through the laptop's USB port.

3.3. Bluetooth keyboard

A Bluetooth keyboard is a physical keyboard that can be connected to a laptop via bluetooth module. Almost everything modern models laptops are equipped with this module.

The instructions will tell you how to enable it, and if it is not in the system, where it should be - how to install the on-screen keyboard. Screen Windows keyboard 8.1 (8) and Windows 7 is a standard utility, and therefore in most cases, it’s not worth looking for where to download the on-screen keyboard, unless you want to install some alternative version. I'll show you a couple of free alternatives virtual keyboards for Windows at the end of the article.

Why might this be needed? For example, you have touch screen laptop, which is not uncommon today, you have reinstalled Windows and cannot find a way to enable screen input or suddenly the regular keyboard has stopped working. It is also believed that typing using an on-screen keyboard is more secure against spyware than using a regular keyboard. Well, if you find an advertising touch screen in a shopping center on which you see a working Windows table- You can try to get in touch.

Launching the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7 is not much different from what has already been described above: all that is required is to find the on-screen keyboard in Start - Programs - Accessories - Accessibility. Or use the search box in the Start menu.

However, in Windows 7 the on-screen keyboard may not be there. In this case, try the following option:

After installing the specified item, an on-screen keyboard will appear on your computer where it is supposed to be. If suddenly there is simply no such item in the list of components, then it is very likely that you should update the operating system.

Note: If you want to use the on-screen keyboard when logging into Windows 7 (you want it to launch automatically), use the method described at the end of the previous section for Windows 8.1, it is no different.

Where to download an on-screen keyboard for a Windows computer

While writing this article, I looked at what alternative on-screen keyboards there are for Windows. The task was to find simple and free ones.

What I liked most was the Free Virtual Keyboard option:

  • In stock Russian version virtual keyboard
  • Does not require installation on your computer, and the file size is less than 300 KB
  • Completely clean of all unwanted software (at the time of writing, otherwise the situation may change)

It copes with its tasks quite well. Unless, in order to enable it by default, instead of the standard one, you will have to delve into the depths of Windows. You can download the Free Virtual Keyboard on-screen keyboard from the official website

The second product that you can pay attention to, but is not free, is Touch It Virtual Keyboard. Its capabilities are truly impressive (including creating your own on-screen keyboards, integration into the system, etc.), but there is no Russian language by default (you need a dictionary) and, as I already wrote, it’s paid.

1. Press the key combination WIN+X (the WIN key looks like this)
and select in the menu that opens, select Device Manager *

*If you don’t have a spare keyboard or don’t know how to call a virtual one, then right-click on the My Computer icon ---properties--in the window that opens, look for the Device Manager item on the left and click on it).

(Or press WIN+R and copy into the window that appears: control /NAME Microsoft.DeviceManager and press ENTER)
2. Find in the window that opens device manager Keyboards item and double-click on it with the left mouse button

3. Double-click on the HID Keyboard item that opens and go to the Driver tab in the window that opens and click the Roll Back button and check your keyboard for performance.
If the button is inactive, click Delete and reboot.

P.S. If the keyboard is USB, try plugging the connector into another USB input, maybe that's the reason. if the keyboard connector is PS/2, then most often the operation of the keyboard is restored by restarting the computer (if, of course, the keyboard is alive :))