Setting up the network, (network cards) Ubuntu interfaces. Safe surfing in Ubuntu Insecure login x window ubuntu

Date published: Thursday, December 18, 2008
Translation: Kovalenko A.M.
Transfer date: August 7, 2009

There is a general belief that if one switches to using a Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu on a desktop computer, then security issues will resolve themselves. Unfortunately, this does not happen in reality. Like any operating system today, Ubuntu also has potential targets for exploits. Buffer overflow, stack overflow, dirty code, user errors - and this is an incomplete list of threats that could be continued. To counter these and other possible threats, I'll show you how to simple steps, which will ensure you use smart strategies to run Ubuntu safely.

Anti-virus protection?

One of the most common debates is whether or not to use virus protection on Linux computers. My opinion is this: rootkits and viruses that target Linux actually exist. On the one hand, they are a pale shadow of the sheer volume of exploits targeting Microsoft Windows, and from here it becomes clear that the deceptive sense of security that appears from such statistics lulls people’s vigilance.
On the other hand, and I want to emphasize this, the idea of ​​scanning the contents of your computer to look for dangerous viruses is a very sound one. Usage removable media, disks, Email- each of these actions may well lead to the accidental acquisition of viruses together with Windows users. Please note that I am not advocating excessive suspicion, but I am warning any user of the dangers home network come in without warning.
Therefore, I must give you advice that logically follows from the above - use some program (for example, ClamAV) to perform a weekly virus scan. Although now we live surrounded Windows computers, doing a weekly scan is actually an important operation that everyone should not only remember, but should definitely do.

Protection from malicious software?

A significant threat from malicious software still exists. In light of this, simply not installing or running unknown applications can be of great help. It is very unwise to install a suspicious program that you do not know on any platform by blindly installing newly discovered software without examining it first. Because, as in the case if it uses a closed program code- you won’t even be able to find out what this program actually does to your computer.
Articles on this topic:
  • Making it easy to write SSH and SFTP scripts using Python
  • Firefox + Greasemonkey Turbocharge e-commerce site from the client side
  • Linux Command Line Interface for Beginners, or, Don't Be Afraid of the Linux Command Line!
  • Graphical remote computer management for Linux, part 3
A similar threat exists from web browser so I guess just disabling Java and not doing a "blind" install Firefox extensions, without studying them first, you can practically avoid any future threat of installing malicious software from this side as well. By combining both of these recommendations, you will be convinced that even if one day malicious software becomes a problem, it will be much easier for you to diagnose how it got onto your computer.

Firewall protection options

As with any Internet-connected operating system these days, for Ubuntu OS, using a firewall is a must. For Ubuntu users, this means using IPTables via UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall).
It's sad that the idea of ​​using a firewall, like most ideas invented by engineers, is not considered "simple" by ordinary users, and all because the firewall requires the use command line. This apparent gap in usability led to the development GUI- Gufw.
Gufw provides very simple options to enable/disable IPTables settings on all modern Ubuntu installations. Gufw also allows you to literally "one-click" port management using pre-configured or advanced port forwarding options.
Using this type of protection will provide an appropriate level of firewall security almost immediately upon first launch. Unfortunately, a firewall itself doesn't do anything about traffic passing through your network or even the Internet. To summarize, a firewall is more of a gatekeeper than a motorcycle cop, catching potential threats to your network.

OpenVPN and OpenSSH

Despite the fact that most enterprise users need to use OpenVPN to connect to their enterprise network, I've been disappointed that most people don't consider OpenSSH as an alternative for home workers who need to connect to secure non-VPN networks.
Without going into details of the implementation of these two programs, I will say that the idea is that the user can securely connect to a remote computer/server, access remote shares/email/documents, etc. without worrying that its traffic along the entire path (there and back) will not be compromised by an attacker.
As for OpenVPN, this software allows corporate users at home to connect to a virtual private network Their company's (VPN) is as simple as it gets. From there, they can access their work computers, manage documents, or simply check email. The bottom line is that workers outside the local office can safely use the security protocols that IT staff have established to connect to the enterprise network from outside, while being somewhere outside corporate network, be it a home office or any other insecure network.
Setting up an OpenVPN connection is quite simple, you just need to install the network-manager-openvpn package from your Ubuntu repository. After this and installing other dependencies, simply click on the network manager icon (network-manager) and start the process VPN settings. In today's latest release of Ubuntu, 8.10 ( approx. translator: at the time of translation of the article, the latest stable release of Ubuntu is 9.04), users immediately after installing the OS can use VPN connections, having previously configured them.

Strengthening Remote and Local Security

Now let's go home. Personally, I partially use OpenSSH to connect from home to wireless network my own coffee shop. Using OpenSSH allows me to work with Internet applications such as Evolution (email client), Firefox (web browser), etc., which I would not otherwise use in a coffee shop to transfer information.
OpenSSH also provides an excellent ability to share files and folders between computers on your local network. However, using sharing with No-IP ( approx. translator: a service that replaces a computer's dynamically assigned IP address with some permanent name accessible via the Internet), you can share files and folders the same way no matter where you are in the this moment. And no matter where you are, at home or on the other side of the globe, you get the same reliable file sharing.
Let's summarize all of the above. SSH and VPN are virtual secure bridges from computer to server or from computer to computer. But no matter how secure these tools may seem, this does not mean that when browsing the Internet or sending an email, the data remains safe in transit. You may want to implement some additional SSL functionality so you can use HTTPS for web browsing and SSL security for email back and forth.

Securing your Ubuntu computer for local use

Today, the only and perhaps the biggest risk to the security of your computer is general case, is located between the monitor and the chair. Users, especially on shared computers, provide more security problems than any viruses or malware that accidentally enters your computer.
Since we cannot control what other users are doing on a shared computer, I offer a list of some useful tools and techniques that the best way will prepare you to respond to any reckless actions committed by other users.
Advice: Keeping updates under control. Failure to keep the Ubuntu system up to date will lead to many problems in the future; it is better to get several errors if regular updates are performed. Security updates are paramount.
Advice: Blocking other users. You can gain immediate advantage by hiding a previously working Ubuntu installation from a less experienced family member or friend. The best way to do this is to add a limited standard user account for everyone who works on the computer besides you. From the Users and Groups Administration menu, under your own superuser account, simply disable any options you want to disable for the newly created limited account user.
Advice: Securing Your Home Directory. More for privacy than security, without the headache of using encryption, you can easily and simply change user privileges for directory access, for example by running chmod command 0700 /home/$USER in the terminal. Suppose you are the only one who has super user/root rights to this computer, no one else can see the contents of your directory. If encryption is a must, then there are some great HOWTOs, the best of which is . Yes, this is very difficult to do.
Advice: OpenDNS for basic content filtering. One of the best ways protect users of your Ubuntu system from accessing potentially fraudulent sites or hosts with malicious software is to use OpenDNS. Change DNS settings in your network can be performed either on each computer individually or on the gateway acting as a router.

Ubuntu is only as secure as you make it

By using the tips I've given above, you will surely be on your way to using Ubuntu safely. But despite these recommendations, you can always run into trouble.
Since Linux is indeed a very powerful system, anyone with root privileges should be aware that there are commands or shell scripts that can be run in a terminal and cause significant harm when executed. One type of such harm comes in the form of data loss.
And one more thing - instead of rushing around the forums, looking for a solution to a problem that arose on its own, it is better to always consult a trusted source before running code that you are unfamiliar with. This advice alone will do wonders in ensuring that Ubuntu is used safely.
Thanks for the article Datamation
And to ensure the safety of the area around your real home, real protection is required. The house will be protected from unauthorized entry by a chain-link metal mesh stretched around the perimeter of the site.

Hello everyone... All novice administrators under Ubuntu have the task of setting up network interfaces (networks, network cards) In this article I will show you how to do this... It is done very simply...

If somehow you missed setting up the network or saw difficulty in installing the distribution, then now we will do it manually. And so we have the distribution installed and is waiting for us in assault... We need to configure 2 network cards..... One of us faces the provider and the other faces local network. Let’s agree right away and designate our interfaces and addresses.

eth0— (let’s say this is the address issued by the provider) Interface that looks at the Internet (provider)
eth1— (the address that we want to give to this interface) The interface facing the local network

First of all, let's check which interfaces we have already launched with the command ifconfig You will see something like this (only with your data instead of xxxxx)

Eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr хх:хх:хх:хх:хх:хх inet Mask: inet6 addr: xxx::xxx:xxx :xxx:xxxx/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:31694097 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:15166512 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier: 0 collisions: 0 txqueulen: 100 rx bytes: 2215593127 (2.2 GB) TX Bytes: 1577680249 (1.5 GB) Memory: B8820000-B8840000 ETH1 Link ENCAP: Ethernet Hwaddr: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX ENT A DDR: 10.0. 0.1 Bcast: Mask: inet6 xxxx: xxxx::xxxx:xxxf:xxx:xxx/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:11352041 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns :0 frame:0 TX packets:21539638 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:1262641422 (1.2 GB) TX bytes:1922838889 (1.9 GB) Memory:b8800000-b8820000 lo Link encap:Local loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:3823 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns: 0 frame:0 TX packets:3823 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:717663 (717.6 KB) TX bytes:717663 (717.6 KB)

If one of the interfaces does not display, then it’s okay. It's just disabled, let's turn it on with the command sudo ifconfig eth1 up(instead of eth1, type your interface, if you have 2 network cards, then there are only 2 interfaces: eth0 and eth1) And so we enable our interface:

sudo ifconfig eth1 up

And so let's start setting up.

Let's assign the eth0 interface the IP address issued by the provider with the following command:

sudo ifconfig eth1 inet

And specify the network mask:

sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask

Settings made in this way are reset after the server is rebooted.
To prevent this from happening, you need to change the settings in the network interfaces configuration file. For this you need Root rights. Let's get the rights Root with the following command:

sudo su

The network interfaces configuration file is located at /etc/network/interfaces To edit it we use the Nano editor (you can use your own editor) I like it Nano

nano /etc/network/interfaces

We see the following:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface//Primary network interfaceauto eth0//Assigning the following attributes to the network interface iface eth0 inet static//Automatically enable the network interface address address of our network card (issued by the provider) netmask mask in which our IP is located network of the entire range broadcast number of addresses gateway # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed

It is necessary to reduce it to the following form

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network gateway # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed dns-nameservers #Interface that looks into the local network auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask

Save the changes by pressing Ctrl + O and exit by pressing Ctrl + X

DNS server addresses can be set in the /etc/network/interfaces file, but DNS server addresses in Ubuntu are managed through the /etc/resolv.conf file; for me it looks like this:

nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx

Let's configure DNS; to do this, enter the following command in the line:

Sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf # IP addresses of your provider's DNS servers nameserver хх.ххх.ххх.ххх nameserver ххх.ххх.хх.ххх

Let's save Ctrl + O and we go out Ctrl +x you also need to reboot the network with the following command.

We all know that the operating room Linux system much safer than Windows thanks to its architecture and a special system for distributing access between users. But programmers are people too, no matter how much we like it, they also make mistakes. And because of these errors, holes appear in the system through which attackers can bypass security systems.

These errors are called vulnerabilities; they can occur in various programs and even in the very core of the system, undermining its security. In recent years, the popularity of Linux has begun to grow and security researchers are paying more attention to this system. More and more vulnerabilities are being discovered, and thanks to open source code it turns out to eliminate them very quickly. In this article we will look at the most dangerous Linux vulnerabilities that have been discovered over the past few years.

Before moving on to the list of vulnerabilities, it is important to understand what they are and what they are. As I said, a vulnerability is a bug in a program that allows a user to use the program in a way that was not intended by its developer.

This may be a lack of checking for the correctness of the received data, checking the data source and, most interestingly, the size of the data. The most dangerous vulnerabilities are those that allow the execution of arbitrary code. IN random access memory all data has a certain size and the program is designed to write data from the user of a certain size into memory. If the user passes more data, it should throw an error.

But if the programmer makes a mistake, the data will overwrite the program code and the processor will try to execute it, thus creating buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Also, all vulnerabilities can be divided into local ones, which only work if the hacker has access to local computer and remote, when access via the Internet is sufficient. Now let's move on to the list of vulnerabilities.

1.Dirty COW

The first on our list will be a fresh vulnerability that was discovered this fall. The name Dirty COW stands for Copy on Write. An error occurs in the file system during copy-on-write. This is a local vulnerability that allows any unprivileged user to gain full access to the system.

In short, to exploit the vulnerability you need two files, one is writable only on behalf of the superuser, the second for us. We begin to write data to our file many times and read from the superuser file, through certain time there will come a time when the buffers of both files are mixed and the user will be able to write data to a file that he cannot write, thus giving himself root rights in the system.

The vulnerability was in the kernel for about 10 years, but after discovery it was quickly fixed, although there are still millions of Andoid devices in which the kernel has not been updated and does not think, and where this vulnerability can be exploited. The vulnerability code was CVE-2016-5195.

2. Glibc vulnerability

The vulnerability code was CVE-2015-7547. This has been one of the most talked about vulnerabilities among open source projects. In February 2016, it was discovered that the Glibc library has a very serious vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute his code on a remote system.

It is important to note that Glibc is an implementation of the standard C and C++ library, which is used in most Linux programs, including services and programming languages ​​such as PHP, Python, Perl.

An error was made in the response parsing code DNS servers. Thus, the vulnerability could be exploited by hackers whose DNS was accessed by vulnerable machines, as well as by those performing a MITM attack. But the vulnerability gave complete control over the system

The vulnerability has been in the library since 2008, but after discovery, patches were released fairly quickly.


In 2014, one of the most serious vulnerabilities in terms of scale and consequences was discovered. It was caused by a bug in the heartdead module of the OpenSSL program, hence the name Heartbleed. The vulnerability allowed attackers to gain direct access to 64 kilobytes of server RAM; the attack could be repeated until all memory was read.

Even though the fix was released very quickly, many sites and applications were affected. In fact, all sites that used HTTPS to secure traffic were vulnerable. Attackers could obtain user passwords, their personal data, and everything that was in memory at the time of the attack. The vulnerability code was CVE-2014-0160.


If a vulnerability has received a code name, this clearly means that it deserves attention. The Stagerfight vulnerability is no exception. True, this is not really a Linux problem. Stagefright is a processing library multimedia formats in Android.

It is implemented in C++, which means it bypasses all Java security mechanisms. In 2015, a whole group of vulnerabilities were discovered that made it possible to remotely execute arbitrary code on the system. Here they are: CVE-2015-1538, CVE-2015-1539, CVE-2015-3824, CVE-2015-3826, CVE-2015-3827, CVE-2015-3828 and CVE-2015-3829.

All an attacker had to do was send an MMS to a vulnerable smartphone with a specially modified media file, and he would gain full control over the device with the ability to write and read data from a memory card. The vulnerability was fixed by Android developers but millions of devices still remain vulnerable.

5. Kernel zero-day vulnerability

This is a local vulnerability that allows the current user to be elevated to root due to an error in the system for working with kernel cryptographic data stored in memory. It was discovered in February 2016 and covered all kernels starting from 3.8, which means that the vulnerability existed for 4 years.

The bug could have been used by hackers or malware to increase their power in the system, but was fixed very quickly.

6. Vulnerability in MySQL

This vulnerability received the code CVE-2016-6662 and affected all available versions of the database server MySQL data(5.7.15, 5.6.33 and 5.5.52), Oracle databases and MariaDB and PerconaDB clones.

Attackers could gain full access to the system through SQL query code was transmitted that allowed you to replace my.conf with your version and reboot the server. It was also possible to execute malicious code with superuser rights.

MariaDB and PerconaDB solutions released patches quite quickly, Oracle responded, but much later.


This vulnerability was discovered in 2014 before lasting 22 years. It was assigned CVE-2014-6271 and codenamed Shellshock. This vulnerability is comparable in danger to Heartbleed, which we already know. It is caused by a bug in the Bash command interpreter, which is used by default in most Linux distributions.

Bash allows you to declare environment variables without user authentication, but together you can execute any command in them. This is particularly dangerous in CGI scripts, which are supported by most sites. Not only servers are vulnerable, but also personal computers users, routers and other devices. In fact, an attacker can execute any command remotely, this is a full-fledged remote control without authentication.

All versions of Bash were affected, including 4.3, although after the problem was discovered, the developers quickly released a fix.

8. Quadrooter

This is a whole series of vulnerabilities in Android, which was discovered in August 2016. They received codes CVE-2016-5340, CVE-2016-2059, CVE-2016-2504, CVE-2016-2503. More than 900 million are affected by the error Android devices. All vulnerabilities were found in the ARM driver Qualcomm processor and all of them can be used for getting root access to the device.

Like DirtyCOW, you don’t need any permissions here, just install a malicious application and it will be able to obtain all your data and transfer it to the attacker.

9. Vulnerability in OpenJDK

This is a very serious Linux 2016 vulnerability in the OpenJDK Java machine with code CVE-2016-0636, it affects all users running Oracle Java SE 7 Update 97 and 8 Update 73 and 74 for Windows, Solaris, Linux and Mac OS X. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code outside the Java machine if you open a special page in a browser with a vulnerable version of Java.

This allowed the attacker to gain access to your passwords, personal data, and also run programs on your computer. In all versions Java error was fixed very quickly, it has existed since 2013.

10. HTTP/2 protocol vulnerability

This is a whole series of vulnerabilities that were discovered in 2016 in the HTTP/2 protocol. They received codes CVE-2015-8659, CVE-2016-0150, CVE-2016-1546, CVE-2016-2525, CVE-2016-1544. All implementations of this protocol in Apache, Nginx Microsoft, Jetty and nghttp2 were vulnerable.

All of them allow an attacker to greatly slow down the web server and perform a denial of service attack. For example, one of the errors led to the possibility of sending a small message, which on the server was unpacked into gigabytes. The bug was fixed very quickly and therefore did not cause much noise in the community.

Are you safe?

In this article, we looked at the most dangerous Linux vulnerabilities of 2016, 2015 and 2014. Most of them could cause serious harm to systems if they were not corrected in time. Thanks to open source code, such Linux vulnerabilities are effectively detected and fixed quickly. Just remember to update your system. The problem remains only with Android. Some devices no longer receive updates and there is no solution to this problem yet.

Installing and configuring administration tools, network configuration

After we have installed the basic operating system ubuntu14.04 from a minimal distribution, the first thing you need to worry about is how to manage it comfortably. Basically, ssh/telnet is used to configure and manage *nix-based servers, but in Lately For this purpose, quite suitable tools based on web interfaces have also appeared. I use free solutions Webmin And Ajenti. Both of these panels deserve attention and despite the fact that they can do everything individually, each of them is better suited for some things, so it’s better to have both of them. I should note that on combat production servers such solutions are not installed based on security. After all, the more control systems there are, the greater the likelihood of finding a vulnerability in them. Therefore, if your security requirements are at the “paranoid” level, then simply accept the fact that you will have to work with the server only via ssh (via the console).

Setting up a network in ubuntu 14.04

To communicate with our server over the network, you first need to configure it. By default, during installation the network was configured automatically and if the installer detected a DHCP server on the network, then most likely it has already configured everything as needed. If there is no DHCP server on the network, then the installer still configured everything based on polling the router to which the network card is connected. In order to see how the network is currently configured, just type in the terminal:

What do we see here:

We have two network interfaces eth0 and lo where lo is the “loopback interface” and eth0 is the name of our network card, and if lo is an unchanged network interface, then all other interfaces may differ in name. If in system unit two network cards are installed, their interfaces will most likely look like eth0 and eth1 and so on. The type of interface name depends on the type of network card, for example, if the network card operates on WiFi protocol then most likely its name will be wlan0.

To configure the network, let's edit the following file:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Let's bring it to this form:

iface eth0 inet static
auto eth0

Where: iface eth0 inet static— indicates that the interface (iface eth0) is in the range of IPv4 (inet) addresses with a static ip (static);
address— indicates that the IP address of our network card is;
netmask— indicates that our subnet mask (netmask) is;
gateway— default gateway address;
auto eth0— indicates to the system that the eth0 interface must be enabled automatically when the system boots with the above parameters.
eth0— the name of the interface to be connected. The list of interfaces can be viewed by typing ifconfig
dns-nameservers— DNS servers are written separated by a space.

As you can see in my case, I decided to set a static ip

reboot the server with the command

We ping our server from the network and make sure that it is visible. Now it’s time to establish a connection with it via SSH; to do this, we’ll actually install the ssh server:

sudo apt-get install ssh

Now you can connect to our server via ssh through the putty program, for example, now you can enter commands not manually, but by copying and pasting the lines we need into the ssh client, because in the future this will make the setup surprisingly easier, as you will soon see for yourself:

ALL COMMANDS BELOW THIS LINE ARE ENTERED AS SUPERUSER, and in order to enter superuser mode, you need to type:

Installing webmin

echo "deb sarge contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb sarge contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list wget apt-key add jcameron-key.asc apt-get update apt-get install -y webmin

echo "deb sarge contrib">>

echo "deb sarge contrib">> /etc/apt/sources. list

wget https: //

apt - key add jcameron - key . asc

apt - get update

apt - get install - y webmin

All! 6 sequentially entered commands and webmin is installed and configured. Now you can log into your browser at:

By default webmin looks minimalistic, the default interface is displayed on English language, but everything is customizable!

We do it like this:

It turns out like this:

According to, since 1999 Linux kernel 1,305 vulnerabilities were found, of which 68 were found in 2015. Most of them do not pose any special problems, they are marked as Local and Low, and some can only be called with reference to certain applications or OS settings. In principle, the numbers are small, but the kernel is not the entire OS. Vulnerabilities are also found in GNU Coreutils, Binutils, glibs and, of course, in user applications. Let's look at the most interesting ones.


OS: Linux
Level: Medium, Low
Vector: Remote
CVE: CVE-2015-3331, CVE-2015-4001, CVE-2015-4002, CVE-2015-4003
Exploit: concept,,

A vulnerability found in June in the Linux kernel before 3.19.3 in the __driver_rfc4106_decrypt function in arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c is due to the implementation of RFC4106 for x86 processors supporting the AES instruction set extension AES-NI (proposed Intel, Intel Advanced Encryption Standard Instructions) does not correctly calculate buffer addresses in some cases. If the IPsec tunnel is configured to use this mode (AES algorithm - CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_NI_INTEL), the vulnerability can lead to memory corruption, crashes, and potentially remote CryptoAPI code execution. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that the problem can arise on its own, on completely legal traffic, without outside intervention. At the time of publication, the issue has been resolved.

Five vulnerabilities have been identified in the Linux 4.0.5 ozwpan driver, which has experimental status, four of which allow you to organize a DoS attack by crashing the kernel by sending specially designed packets. The problem is related to a buffer overflow due to incorrect handling of signed integers, in which the calculation in memcpy between required_size and offset returned a negative number, resulting in the data being copied to the heap.

Found in the oz_hcd_get_desc_cnf function in drivers/staging/ozwpan/ozhcd.c and in the oz_usb_rx and oz_usb_handle_ep_data functions of the drivers/staging/ozwpan/ozusbsvc1.c file. Other vulnerabilities involved possible division by 0, system looping, or the ability to read from areas outside the bounds of the allocated buffer.

The ozwpan driver, one of the new Linux products, can be interfaced with existing wireless devices compatible with Ozmo Devices technology (Wi-Fi Direct). Provides an implementation of a USB host controller, but the trick is that instead of physical connection peripherals communicate via Wi-Fi. The driver accepts network packets c type (ethertype) 0x892e, then parses them and translates them into various USB functionality. For now it is used in rare cases, so it can be disabled by unloading the ozwpan.ko module.


OS: Linux Ubuntu 04/12–04/15 (core until June 15, 2015)
Level: Critical
Vector: Local
CVE: CVE-2015-1328

A critical vulnerability in the OverlayFS file system allows for root access on Ubuntu systems that allow mounting of OverlayFS partitions by an unprivileged user. The default settings required to exploit the vulnerability are used in all branches of Ubuntu 12.04–15.04. OverlayFS itself appeared in the Linux kernel relatively recently - starting with 3.18-rc2 (2014), it is a SUSE development to replace UnionFS and AUFS. OverlayFS allows you to create a virtual multilayer file system, which combines several parts of other file systems.

The file system is created from a lower and upper layer, each of which is attached to separate directories. The bottom layer is used for reading only in directories of any file systems supported in Linux, including network ones. The top layer is usually writable and will override the data in the bottom layer if the files are duplicated. It is in demand in Live distributions, container virtualization systems, and for organizing the operation of containers for some desktop applications. User namespaces allow you to create your own sets of user and group IDs in containers. The vulnerability is caused by incorrect check of access rights when creating new files in the directory of the underlying file system.

If the kernel is built with CONFIG_USER_NS=y (enabling the user namespace) and the FS_USERNS_MOUNT flag is specified when mounting, OverlayFS can be mounted by a normal user in a different namespace, including where operations with root rights. In this case, operations with files with root rights performed in such namespaces receive the same privileges when performing actions with the underlying file system. Therefore, you can mount any FS partition and view or modify any file or directory.

At the time of publication, a kernel update with a fixed OverlayFS module from Ubuntu was already available. And if the system is updated, there should be no problems. In the same case, when the update is not possible, as a temporary measure, you should stop using OverlayFS by removing the overlayfs.ko module.


OS: Linux
Level: Critical
Vector: local, remote
CVE: CVE-2015-0235

A dangerous vulnerability in the GNU glibc standard library, which is a core part of the Linux OS, and in some versions of Oracle Communications Applications and Oracle Pillar Axiom, discovered during a code audit by hackers from Qualys. Received the code name GHOST. This is a buffer overflow inside the __nss_hostname_digits_dots() function, which is used by glibc functions like gethostbyname() and gethostbyname2() to get the host name (hence the name GetHOST). To exploit the vulnerability, you must cause a buffer overflow using an invalid hostname argument to an application performing name resolution through DNS. That is, theoretically, this vulnerability can be applied to any application that uses the network to one degree or another. Can be called locally or remotely, allowing arbitrary code to be executed.

The most interesting thing is that the error was fixed back in May 2013, a patch was presented between the releases of glibc 2.17 and 2.18, but the problem was not classified as a security patch, so no attention was paid to it. As a result, many distributions turned out to be vulnerable. It was initially reported that the very first vulnerable version was 2.2 dated November 10, 2000, but there is a possibility that it will appear up to 2.0. Among others, the distributions RHEL/CentOS 5.x–7.x, Debian 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS were affected. Hotfixes are currently available. The hackers themselves proposed a utility that explains the essence of the vulnerability and allows you to check your system. Everything is fine in Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS:

$ wget https : //

$gcc gistfile1. c - o CVE - 2015 - 0235

$. / CVE - 2015 - 0235

not vulnerable

Checking the system on GHOST

Almost immediately, a module was released to allow remote code execution on x86 and x86_64 Linux with a running Exim mail server (with the helo_try_verify_hosts or helo_verify_hosts parameter enabled). Later, other implementations appeared, for example, the Metasploit module for checking a blog on WordPress.

A little later, in 2015, three more vulnerabilities were discovered in GNU glibc that allowed a remote user to perform a DoS attack or overwrite memory cells outside the stack boundary: CVE-2015-1472, CVE-2015-1473, CVE-2015-1781.

OS: Linux (GNU Coreutils)
Level: Low
Vector: Local, Remote
CVE: CVE-2014-9471
Exploit: No

GNU Coreutils is one of the main *nix packages, including almost all the basic utilities (cat, ls, rm, date...). The problem was found in date. A flaw in the parse_datetime function could allow a remote attacker without an account on the system to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via a specially crafted date string using timezone. The vulnerability looks like this:

$ touch ‘-- date = TZ = ”123”345”@1’

Segmentation fault

$ date - d ‘TZ = ”Europe / Moscow” “00 : 00 + 1 hour”’

Segmentation fault

$ date ‘-- date = TZ = ”123”345”@1’

* * * Error in ` date ': free () : invalid pointer : 0xbfc11414 * * *

Vulnerability in GNU Coreutils

If there is no vulnerability, we will receive a message about the incorrect date format. Almost all Linux distribution developers have reported the presence of the vulnerability. An update is currently available.

Normal output of patched GNU Coreutils

OS: Linux (grep 2.19–2.21)
Level: Low
Vector: Local
CVE: CVE-2015-1345
Exploit: No

Vulnerabilities are rarely found in the grep utility, which is used to search for text using a pattern. But this utility is often called by other programs, including system ones, so the presence of vulnerabilities is much more problematic than it seems at first glance. A bug in the bmexec_trans function in kwset.c could result in reading uninitialized data from an area outside the allocated buffer or causing the application to crash. A hacker can take advantage of this by creating a special set of data supplied to the application input using grep -F. Updates are currently available. There are no exploits that use the vulnerability or a module for Metasploit.


Level: Low
Vector: Local, Remote
CVE: CVE-2014-0998, CVE-2014-8612, CVE-2014-8613

There are not many vulnerabilities in the CVE database for 2015, to be more precise - only six. Three vulnerabilities were found in FreeBSD 8.4–10.x at the end of January 2015 by researchers from the Core Exploit Writers Team. CVE-2014-0998 is related to the implementation of the VT console driver (Newcons), which provides multiple virtual terminals, enabled by the kern.vty=vt parameter in /boot/loader.conf.
CVE-2014-8612 occurs when using the SCTP protocol and is caused by an error in the SCTP stream ID verification code that implements SCTP sockets (local port 4444). The essence is an out-of-memory error in the sctp_setopt() function (sys/netinet/sctp_userreq.c). This gives a local unprivileged user the ability to write or read 16 bits of kernel memory data and escalate their privileges on the system, reveal sensitive data, or crash the system.

CVE-2014-8613 allows a NULL pointer dereference to be triggered when processing an externally received SCTP packet when the SCTP_SS_VALUE SCTP socket option is set. Unlike previous versions, CVE-2014-8613 can be used to remotely cause a kernel crash by sending specially crafted packets. In FreeBSD 10.1, you can protect yourself by setting the net.inet.sctp.reconfig_enable variable to 0, thereby disabling processing of RE_CONFIG blocks. Or simply prohibit applications (browsers, mail clients and so on). Although at the time of publication the developers had already released an update.

FreeBSD Vulnerability Statistics


Level: Remote
Vector: Local
CVE: CVE-2015-1793
Exploit: No

In 2014, a critical Heartbleed vulnerability was discovered in OpenSSL, a widely used cryptographic package for working with SSL/TLS. The incident at one time caused massive criticism of the quality of the code, and, on the one hand, this led to the emergence of alternatives like LibreSSL, on the other hand, the developers themselves finally got down to business.

Top vendors by vulnerabilities

The critical vulnerability was discovered by Adam Langley of Google and David Benjamin of BoringSSL. Changes made in OpenSSL versions 1.0.1n and 1.0.2b caused OpenSSL to attempt to find an alternative certificate verification chain if the first attempt to build a trust chain was unsuccessful. This allows you to bypass the certificate verification procedure and organize a confirmed connection using a fake certificate, in other words - to calmly lure a user to fake sites or an email server, or to carry out any MITM attack where a certificate is used.

After the vulnerability was discovered, the developers released releases 1.0.1p and 1.0.2d on July 9, which fixed this problem. Versions 0.9.8 or 1.0.0 do not have this vulnerability.


The end of autumn was marked by the appearance of a number of encryption viruses, first Linux.Encoder.0, followed by modifications Linux.Encoder.1 and Linux.Encoder.2, which infected more than 2,500 sites. According to antivirus companies, Linux and FreeBSD servers with websites running using various CMSs - WordPress, Magento CMS, Joomla and others - are being attacked. Hackers are exploiting an unidentified vulnerability. Next, a shell script was placed (file error.php), with the help of which any further actions were performed (via the browser). In particular, the Linux encoder Trojan was launched.

Encoder, which determined the OS architecture and launched the ransomware. The encoder was launched with web server rights (Ubuntu - www-data), which is quite enough to encrypt files in the directory in which CMS files and components are stored. Encrypted files receive a new extension.encrypted.

The ransomware also tries to bypass other OS directories; if the rights are configured incorrectly, then it could easily go beyond the boundaries of the website. Next, the file README_FOR_DECRYPT.txt was saved in the directory, containing instructions for decrypting the files and the hacker’s requirements. At the moment, antivirus companies have introduced utilities that allow you to decrypt directories. For example, a set from Bitdefender. But you need to remember that all utilities designed to decrypt files do not remove the shellcode and everything can happen again.

Considering that many users involved in development or experimenting with website administration often install a web server on their home computer, you should worry about security: block access from outside, update software, conduct experiments on a VM. And the idea itself could be used in the future to attack home systems.


Complex software without errors physically does not exist, so you have to come to terms with the fact that vulnerabilities will be discovered constantly. But not all of them can be truly problematic. And you can protect yourself by taking simple steps: remove unused software, monitor new vulnerabilities and be sure to install security updates, configure a firewall, install an antivirus. And don’t forget about special technologies like SELinux, which are quite capable of compromising a daemon or user application.