How much will housing and communal services increase in a year? Category "Utilities"

MOSCOW, June 30 – RIA Novosti. In Russia, starting July 1, utility tariffs will be indexed. On average, according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers, the fee will change by four percent. However, in fact, growth in the regions will be different, and it is determined for the most part not so much by economic calculations as by the solvency of the population.

Features of tariff regulation

The annual increase in utility bills is approved by the government in accordance with the forecast of the country's socio-economic development for the coming years. The increase in tariffs is influenced by rising prices for gas and electricity, as well as inflation.

Since 2012, tariffs for utility services (electricity and gas supply, heating, water supply (hot and cold) and wastewater disposal (sewage)) have been increasing since July 1. According to the authorities, this should help curb inflation. That is, in the period from January 1 to June 30 current tariffs are the same as they were at December 31 of the previous year. Starting from the second half of the year, utility prices have been rising. The tariff for housing services also changes once a year, but this can happen either from January 1 or July 1, depending on the decision of the management company or the municipality.

The only exception is Crimea, where so far changes in tariffs for heat, gas, electricity, water and wastewater occur from one to three times a year, and the increase in utility tariffs is limited to 15% one-time.

The payment for a specific utility service consists of the tariff multiplied by the consumption standard or the meter reading. The average or maximum index of change in the amount of payment made by citizens for all utilities by region is approved by the government. Local tariff authorities may set rates below this threshold, which does not happen often.

The largest increase in the average growth indices of utility bills since July is expected in Moscow - by 7%; St. Petersburg, Yakutia and Kamchatka - by 6%. The minimum values ​​of average indices were approved in North Ossetia-Alania - 2.5%, in the Altai Territory - 3.2%, in Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria - 3.3% each.

Tariffs will increase higher than in most other regions in the Kemerovo region - by 5.9%, in the Tyumen region - by 5.4%, in the Primorsky Territory - by 5%, in the Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions also by 5%. The average index in the Moscow region will increase by 4%, in the Leningrad region - by 3.8%.

It is believed that the index is formed taking into account the characteristics of the public utilities sector of the region, and therefore may differ by region. According to Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP Housing and Communal Services Control, the index is simply adjusted to the payment capabilities of the population. “All of our tariff regulation has nothing to do with economic calculations and solving problems of improving the quality of services. The logic is simple. From those who can take more, for example, from Muscovites and St. Petersburg, they increase it,” the expert commented.

Monitoring the correctness of accruals

It is not difficult to check the correctness of the charges: the cost of utilities for July 2017 must be divided by the cost of services for December 2016 (provided that consumption volumes remain the same) and multiplied by 100%. In fact, the payment growth rate should not exceed the marginal index.

As reported to RIA Novosti by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, no violations of the procedure for approving limit indexes and the procedure for agreeing on exceeding the index in the region by more than the maximum permissible deviation were identified in the first half of 2017. Information on changing the amount of citizens' fees for utility services will be available only after August 5.

Tariffs for the population are not economically justified. The difference in the cost of heat and electricity is reimbursed from local budgets. In addition, citizens whose expenses for housing and communal services exceed 22% (the maximum allowable costs for paying for housing and communal services) of the total family income can count on receiving subsidies.

If the consumer believes that utility bills have been calculated incorrectly, he can contact his management company or HOA, as well as the local State Housing Inspectorate, which monitors the correct calculation of utility bills and compliance with the requirements for the provision of services in homes. To check the correctness of the charges, the consumer can also contact the prosecutor’s office and the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Unified housing and communal services system

Since July, all housing and communal enterprises must post information in the state information system Housing and communal services (GIS housing and communal services). You need to enter information about objects into the system utilities, tariffs, activities of resource suppliers and management companies. This is a kind of single platform where you can find information about your home, the work of the management company, accrued payments, and debts.

Already now, consumers can, through the GIS Housing and Communal Services, apply to government agencies with an application to conduct an inspection of the management company or resource supply organization. From January 1, 2018, companies will bear administrative responsibility if they do not post the necessary information or the data turns out to be incorrect.

Meanwhile, business has repeatedly criticized the GIS housing and communal services. Thus, the chairman of the board of one of the largest energy companies in the country, Inter RAO, Boris Kovalchuk noted that the system often fails, which makes it impossible to enter information or correct errors in the entered data.

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  • According to the order of the Russian government, published on the official Internet portal legal information, from the second half of 2017, new utility tariffs will be introduced. Moscow's receipts will change most noticeably: the average index for the capital is set at 7%. In second place in terms of tariff growth are St. Petersburg, Kamchatka Territory and Yakutia, where communal services will rise in price by 6%. In Bashkiria, you will have to pay 5.8% more for housing and communal services from the second half of next year, and in Tuva, Primorsky Krai, Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions - by 5%.

    The minimum increase in tariffs will occur in Chukotka, Sakhalin (by 3.4%) and in North Ossetia - by 2.5%.

    It is still unknown which services are becoming more expensive the fastest; the relevant documents are yet to be signed by regional authorities. Judging by 2016, in Moscow the prices for gas increased the slowest (2%), the fastest for electricity (depending on the type of meters and time of consumption - by 7-15%). Cold water and sewerage rose in price by 7%, and hot water by 7.8%.

    Uneven increases in electricity tariffs, depending on the type of meter, have been going on for at least two years and seem unfair to many. IN in social networks an open letter to the mayor of Moscow was even circulated, indicating that the rise in prices would hit the owners of multi-tariff meters twice as hard as the owners of single-tariff meters.

    This year, the capital also saw an indexation of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. For non-subsidized areas (area above the established standards, “second housing”) the fee increased by 4%, and for areas within the social norms (subsidized housing) - by 15%. Note that even in the capital, the previous indexation of tariffs for housing and communal services was lower than the inflation rate predicted at that time (8.1%).

    However, experts believe that the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services will not significantly affect consumers.

    “It is unlikely that we will see any serious changes in rent receipts, given that fees for major repairs have already been introduced,

    — Vladilen Prokofiev, director of the Urban Economy department of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation, told Gazeta.Ru. “There is no annual forecast for inflation yet, but according to all forecasts it remains at the level of 8%, that is, even the maximum increase in tariffs is below this figure.”

    At the same time, the expert believes that it is impossible to assess the adequacy of the rise in prices for communal services throughout the country. “Each subject has its own index. We need to look at the specific production and investment indicators of enterprises in each region to understand what this 7% or 2.5% tariff increase will do, and whether this money will be enough for all planned activities. In addition, if we do not take Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are considered separate subjects of the federation, then in each region you can vary the tariffs for each municipal entity, somewhere higher, somewhere lower, so that on average you get the established index ", explained Prokofiev.

    There is talk about keeping tariff increases below inflation.

    “However, the so-called “inflation minus” policy is fraught with negative consequences. For example, in 2015, only 1.1% of water pipes were replaced throughout Russia; in this situation, they should last 90 years. And if tariffs are set at the level of “inflation minus,” then the quality of tap water and the condition of this entire infrastructure will decline: there will simply be nowhere to get money from to replace and maintain the entire system in normal condition,” Prokofiev summed up.

    According to latest information The media, the Russian government has approved an increase in tariffs for next year, so thatin 2017, you can find out today.It is worth recalling that today there was a certain law in the country, under the influence of which the increase in the cost of services Housing and communal services was slightly higher than wage growth, and this year the authorities will try to change this pattern and improve the lives of Russians.

    In the future, a serious increase in housing and communal services tariffs is expected and this news is no secret to anyone today, but most of all people are worried about the fact how much they will have to pay for their own apartment today. There is information that rents will increase by approximately by 8%, But there are also experts who rightly believe that gradually utility bills will stop growing. The caveat, however, in this case will be that the number of companies that provide services will decrease housing and communal services,

    but it will be possible to cope with this news.will there be a rent increase in 2017, it will be possible to say only at the beginning of the year, because the authorities are still hesitating over making this decision. However, most likely, it will not be possible to avoid the development of this situation, because most of the country’s energy resources today are used inefficiently, as a result of which the authorities incur losses and are trying to cover them by increasing payments collected from the population.

    What should you expect?

    It was already said above that utility bills for an apartment will rise in price by about 8%, but if we consider it more specifically, then in general the increase in housing and communal services tariffs will reach approximately 15%, which will be divided into categories:

    • you will have to pay 12% more for hot water;
    • and cold, in turn, will rise in price by about 17%;
    • electricity will become more expensive by 10%, and heating by 11%;
    • At the same time, home repairs will also be quite expensive (by 20%).

    Discussingrent increase in 2017 It is worth paying attention to the fact that this indicator depends on additional factors, because when calculating the payment, it is necessary to take into account the total square footage of the housing (very often public utilities try to include additional premises in the payment, then the cost of the service is higher) and the repair fee. An apartment building requires payment of monthly receipts, the funds from which are subsequently spent on paying for repairs of common property or used in the event of emergencies.

    Frankly speaking,rent increase in 2017is already a resolved issue, because the country today is in a position where it cannot afford to reduce the cost of services provided to the population, because with the help of their payment and increased taxes, the state treasury is filled, which was previously filled with taxes from the sale of oil. However, it is worth understanding two important facts: there will definitely not be a sharp jump in the increase in rent costs, because this can cause panic and the rate increase will be individual in each region.

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    Percentage increase

    Discussing thatHow much will rents increase in 2017?, experts pay special attention to the fact that in different regions the percentage increase in the cost of utility bills will be unequal, and most noticeably where they will increase by 7%. “Second” place will rightfully be taken by the second Russian “capital” - St. Petersburg, where the rise in prices will reach 6%, and approximately the same coefficient will be observed in Yakutia and Kamchatka. It is noteworthy that the smallest increase in tariffs will be recorded in Chukotka and Sakhalin (about 3-4%), but the level of wages in these regions will also be much lower.

    Russians are especially concerned about the increase in the cost of electricity, which occurs at least twice a year, and today this question causes great bewilderment among the residents of the Russian Federation, and therefore they come to the president with similar questions.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that inflation and indexation over the past few years have not coincided with each other, so utilities are becoming more expensive, while wages remain unchanged. and, unfortunately, today the government of the country is not able to change the current situation.

    Official data suggests that inflation will remain at 8% and the growth of utilities will remain at approximately the same level, while in fact inflation may exceed the established figure (in fact, this is approximately how everything has developed over the past two years).

    Experts believe that it is not recommended to assess the need to increase the price of communal services throughout the country, because in each region the index will be selected independently, and accordingly, it is difficult to say whether people will be able to pay their bills provided that last year’s wage level is maintained. All that remains is to follow the developing information and hope that the authorities will keep the situation under control.

    According to the laws governing the activities of housing and communal services, the cost of services must be subject to relative changes with inflation with the corresponding price index. If we take this into account, we can say with complete confidence that a change in tariffs next year will occur, since the government has already drawn up an official forecast, according to which indexation can be carried out several times during the year, depending on economic indicators of inflation.

    The last change in tariffs for housing and communal services was a change in the cost of services to ensure the functioning of buildings and social infrastructure facilities to serve residents in July 2016. According to experts, this time it is necessary to be skeptical about the official information about the increase in tariffs, since the cost of housing and communal services may exceed the announced figures.

    How much will gas prices increase?

    The cost of services for Russian citizens will almost double next year. This is much higher than the level that the government Russian Federation voiced earlier. According to the published forecast, which contains trends and priorities, target indicators and indicators of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for three years, the increase in gas supply tariffs will be within 3%. If we compare with the same figure for 2016, the difference will be more than 1%. It is noteworthy that housing and communal services for industrial facilities will not be indexed as quickly.

    The construction of the May economic forecast based on economic and mathematical methods in compliance with scenario conditions suggests that gradual positive changes in the economy of the Russian Federation require an increase in gas prices in three stages:

    • First stage. Will be implemented from July 2017. The cost of gas supply to residential premises will increase by 3%.
    • Second phase. Will be implemented from July 2018. The cost of gas will be 2.4%.
    • Third stage. Will be implemented from July 2019. The cost of gas will be 2.1%.

    It is worth noting that in 2016, the maximum increase in the cost of gas supply, according to government forecasts, did not exceed 2%.

    How much will the utility sector become more expensive?

    Despite previous forecasts of the Russian government about a sharp increase in household expenses for the consumption of utilities and housing and communal services in 2017, the process of rising tariffs will take into account some mitigating effects. In particular, the Ministry of Economic Development promised maximum change indices by mid-2017 to 4-5%, by next year to 4.3% and by 2019 to exactly 4%. However, according to the heads of government bodies, in connection with unfavorable conditions financial and economic condition of enterprises in this sector, the most correct solution to the phased implementation of the planned plan would be to increase the system of payment rates for inflation.

    The system of payments for the consumption of utility resources in general, and the work of boiler houses and thermal power plants in particular (which account for almost a third of the total amount of payments by Russians for housing and communal services) will increase significantly next year. It is expected that the annual increase will be about 1 percentage point. And if the previously expected percentage was 4.1%, today experts predict that this figure will be at least 4.7% next year, with a subsequent change to 4.4% and 4.1%.

    It is worth noting that tariffs for supplying water to consumers of apartment buildings in the required quantity and in accordance with target indicators will noticeably decrease compared to previous planning by an average of 1.6%. According to the chairman of the RAVVV Elena Dovlatova, one should not expect a greater increase in prices for housing and communal services, since the burden on the country’s citizens is already extreme. In addition, a quarter of the Russian population express the opinion that it is not at all necessary to pay for water. And given the current state of tariffs, updating outdated housing and communal services facilities, bringing them in accordance with new requirements and standards, technical conditions and quality indicators, will be practically impossible. According to the director of the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation, more than 80% of housing and communal services enterprises do not make a profit and operate at a loss. Therefore, in order to talk about any modernization, it is necessary either to increase tariffs again or to reduce a large part of current expenses.

    How much will electricity cost?

    In 2017, the government intends to carry out a large-scale indexation of housing and communal services for electricity, taking into account inflation. But unlike other sectors, analysts promise moderate price increases. According to the official government statement on socio-economic development, starting next year and until the end of the planned three-year period, the cost of housing and communal services for electricity should not exceed the maximum threshold of forecast inflation. Thus, from July 2017, price growth in the retail market will be at 7.1%; in 2018 below 6%; in 2019 – 5.4% (average).

    Major repair services will also be a separate expense item in 2017. It is likely that in the future, fees will be charged not only to homeowners, but also to tenants of residential premises in an apartment building under a social tenancy agreement. According to deputies of the State Duma, the corresponding order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation has already been approved, containing the main provisions and recommendations on the cost of capital repair services for social rent. In other words, the owner of a residential premises can shift responsibilities in this area of ​​housing and communal services to the social tenant.