Is it possible to roll back the bios to the previous version? How to roll back the BIOS to the previous version? how to reset bios to factory settings? Why roll back the BIOS version?

This article describes the procedure reductions BIOS version on Dell laptops .

Attention! Dell does not recommend downgrading the BIOS version. This will lead to a rollback of everyone installed updates and improvements made to the system by a newer BIOS version.

Why roll back the BIOS version?

For what reasons should you rollback the BIOS to previous version? A new BIOS version may harm the overall functioning of the system due to undetected various bugs at the development stage. To the delight of users, this rarely happens. Basically, the new BIOS version lives up to the expectations placed on it.

Now I’ll give you an everyday example. Most owners should know about it best laptop 2011-2012: Dell Inspiron n5110. As you know, this laptop suffers. To combat elevated temperatures, users, among other things, update the BIOS from version A09 to A11. And the most interesting thing is that after the update the laptop functions even worse. By the way, thanks to Denis Sisekin’s proposal, it was possible to solve the problem of laptop overheating.

Overall, Dell has made downgrading the BIOS a simple process.

Preparing for a version change

Before you begin the process of downgrading your laptop BIOS:

  1. Make sure your laptop's battery charge is greater than 10%.
  2. The adapter must be connected.
  3. All external devices, including flash drives, must be disabled.
  4. All programs, applications and the like must be closed.
  5. Your account Windows user must have administrator rights.
  6. Disable "Security" options. When booting the laptop, press F2 when the Dell logo appears. The BIOS window will open. Go to the "Security" tab, set the "intel TXT (LT-SX) Configuration" and "TPM" options to "Disabled". Save the BIOS settings and exit.
  7. Disable "User Account control" or "Change control settings" accounts" in Windows 7. That is, you need to move the slider of this option down.
  8. Sometimes for firmware it is necessary to change " UEFI Boot option" to "Disabled".
  9. If there is a "Security Boot" option in the BIOS, then set it to "Disabled".
  10. If there is a "Computrace" option in the BIOS, then set it to "Disabled".
  11. Also useful before changing the BIOS version. [Not verified. Of course, after the reset you also need to change all recommended BIOS options].

If one of the conditions is not met, then when you try BIOS firmware The message “Firmware Downgrading blocked: Security features are enabled” or similar will appear.

How to downgrade BIOS version on Dell laptops?

  1. the required version BIOS.
  2. Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen.

Downgrading BIOS on Dell laptops. Method 2

Turn on your laptop and wait Windows boot. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Start", enter the phrase in the "Search programs and files" field cmd.
  2. IN open list right click on the line cmd.exe.
  3. In the open dialog, select "Run as administrator".
  4. A window will open command line.
  5. Download the required BIOS version and save it to your desktop (at C:\Users\"UserName"\Desktop). For convenience, in the future we will use the phrase “UserName” instead of “Username”.
  6. At the command prompt, enter "cd desktop". It will look like this: "C:\Users\UserName>cd desktop". The space between "cd" and "desktop" is important!. After entering the command, press Enter. This will take you to the desktop directory: "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop".
  7. Now enter the name of the downloaded BIOS file into the command line. For example, the downloaded file is called E6430A03.exe. In this case, this name is entered into the command line: "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\E6430A03.exe". But it’s too early to press Enter!
  8. After problems, enter the command "/forceit". The command line should now look like this: "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\E6430A03.exe /forceit". Press Enter.
  9. The laptop may beep and reboot. After this, the BIOS should be updated to the required version.

Downgrading BIOS on Dell laptops. Method 3

This method is very similar to the first method number 2:

  1. Download the required BIOS version (the one you want to downgrade to) onto your laptop. Run the file.
  2. When a message appears that the update is not possible due to the installation of more new version, do not close the window. Go to the directory user/temp/ and find the unzipped BIOS files. I'm specifically interested in the "foxawdwinflash" folder. Open it.
  3. Copy all files to a separate directory.
  4. Open Windows Command Prompt.
  5. Change the command line path to the folder where the BIOS files were copied.
  6. Type "afuwin /forceit". Space is also important here.
  7. The laptop must force change the BIOS version.

Other methods

If you can’t do this from Windows, then BIOS board You can always flash it externally. For this you will already need *.rom files. If you don’t understand anything about this, you can contact the service center.

That's all! Thank you for your attention and see you again on the pages of the site site

Sometimes Windows crashes and you have to roll back the system. Especially for these purposes, the so-called "Restore Points". Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use them, so you have to do a system rollback using the BIOS and bootable USB flash drive with Windows.

Windows recovery process via BIOS

Neither Windows functionality nor computer functionality suggest the ability to roll back the operating system to old settings using only a clean BIOS. To do this, you will need at least a bootable USB flash drive or other media with an image of the system that is installed on your computer.

There are two in total universal methods that allow you to restore Windows using the BIOS.

Option 1: Using installation media

To do this you will need to make an installation Windows image on a flash drive or any other medium.

Instructions for this method looks like this, but may vary slightly depending on the BIOS version. First, you need to prepare your computer for recovery by following these steps:

Now you can proceed directly to the recovery process:

Option 2: Safe Mode

This method will be relevant if you can log into operating system and perform any actions in it. You will also need to have at least one "Restore Points". The instructions for this method are as follows:

These two system recovery methods use the BIOS in one way or another. But still, most of the work is carried out in the Windows Installer interface or from “Safe Mode”.

Sometimes a computer owner is faced with the need to clean the system of various bugs that interfere normal operation. This can be done by reinstalling the operating system, or using special utilities. But there is a method that has several undeniable advantages over them.

Resetting the settings to factory defaults will help restore the device to functionality in most cases, even if you cannot start the OS. This method is especially relevant for those who do not want to waste time reinstalling the OS.

When restoring factory settings, the OS will be reinstalled automatically. You will not need to enter the OS activation code again. That will be restored Windows version, which came with the laptop upon purchase.

By rolling back the BIOS, you will eliminate the problems listed above. In this article we will look at how to return a laptop to factory settings and restore its functionality. There are several methods, which we will take a closer look at.

The option to reset settings may be needed if:

What are the factory settings?

Factory parameters are set by the manufacturer for specific model computer or laptop. They store BIOS settings and computer configuration parameters. Such information is located in dynamic memory device called CMOS.

All factory settings take up very little space and are separately powered - from a small battery located on the motherboard.

You can reset the laptop parameters without access to the BIOS. To do this, simply remove the battery, wait 30-40 seconds, and insert it again. After the reset process is completed BIOS settings

and the OS has been reinstalled, you will receive the laptop in the same condition in which you bought it in the store.

It is worth noting that to successfully return the device to factory settings, in addition to CMOS, you need a Recover partition, which stores installation files and other necessary system information.

Video: Laptop factory settings

Where is Recovery located and its activation

A hidden partition on the hard drive that stores all the files needed to restore the system is called Recovery. It is created by default on all laptops, and is deleted or damaged in most cases as a result of incorrect user actions.

You can see where the hidden section is located: There you can see the size that Recovery occupies on the HDD. Usually it is 20-25 GB system information

and installation files.

If you have a Toshiba laptop, then you have probably already noticed that on drive D there is a system folder called HDD Recovery. It also stores the information necessary to reset the system, so it cannot be deleted. Activating Recovery starts the process of resetting user BIOS changes, restoring factory settings, and reinstalling the OS and system programs

and drivers.

Restoring settings using hotkeys

In order to return your laptop to factory settings, you should remember several hotkey combinations. When the system boots, press hot keys to access the menu BIOS Setup, from where you can start the process of restoring parameters.

Depending on the manufacturer computer equipment, hot keys and their combinations differ:

  1. Toshiba - depending on the model F8, or 0, or Fn+0;
  2. Sony - F10;
  3. Acer – Alt and F10 at the same time;
  4. HP, LG and Lenovo – F11;
  5. Samsung – F4;
  6. Fujitsu - F8;
  7. ASUS – F9;
  8. Dell - both Ctrl and F11, but in some models F8;
  9. Packard Bell - F10. If you have Windows 8 installed, you can use the power button when you log in. You should hold down Shift and at the same time select the “Reboot” menu item;
  10. MSI – F3, and on some models F11.

How to reset a laptop to factory settings via BIOS

Using hot keys, you can roll back custom system changes and return the BIOS to factory settings.

On the black screen that appears, select sequentially:

  1. option "Running the recovery center" for Sony, or "Troubleshooting your computer" for Toshiba, or « System Recovery» for HP;
  2. menu item "Load Defaults BIOS".

Depending on the manufacturer, the option name may vary: "Load BIOS Setup Defaults", "Load Safe-Fail Defaults", but the words "Load" and "Default" will definitely be present.


Prepare for a factory reset:

After you start the process of resetting the settings, the process of collecting information and preparing system files. This may take some time, so don't worry.

Recovery process

Once you start the recovery process, all actions will be performed automatically, without your participation. The computer may reboot if required by the installed software. During the process of resetting the settings, device drivers will be restored and standard system programs will be installed.

It is worth mentioning that it is not always possible to successfully reset the settings on a laptop. This is possible if:

What can you do if you deleted the hidden Recovery partition from your hard drive? You'll have to search boot disk with settings or image hidden section for your laptop. They can be found on the Internet, and sometimes manufacturers offer to buy such disks for system recovery on official websites.

If there are no ready-made images for your laptop, you can ask the owners of a similar model on computer forums to create such an image for you.

And to avoid this situation, you can create a bootable USB flash drive or DVD for your laptop yourself, which you can keep on hand and use when necessary. This article is suitable for those who understand at least a little how a computer and its components work, why we need a BIOS at all and how it is related to motherboard

, types of BIOS, types of motherboards, etc.

Otherwise, it is better to entrust the matter to a professional, so as not to make it even worse; you probably have a friend who is better versed in this, or a master who you can turn to.


Problems with BIOS arise for various reasons, it could be a failure during the firmware, a bad user, an error in the compatibility of the firmware file, the position of the stars in the sky, etc. So, in this article we will analyze in detail how to reset the BIOS to factory settings, both hardware and software, as well as the causes of the problem. Let's look at the features of various BIOSes, special software

from motherboard manufacturers, etc.

A bit of computer anatomy

and periphery.

We are interested in the motherboard. There is a small chip on it. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be removable or built-in. We find a battery that resembles a coin or tablet, and a jumper next to it. But next to it there is a microcircuit, it looks like a 1x1 plate, perhaps with a hologram - this is a BIOS. It may be completely inaccessible, even for viewing.

In short, BIOS is what connects the device's hardware with other devices connected to it. It is system software.


When there are problems with the BIOS, the most common malfunction that occurs is the inability to start the computer. Following it, judging by the statistics, is a cyclic reboot.


  • Many of them are standard:
  • an error occurs during the update;
  • flasher error;
  • BIOS version conflicting with the motherboard;
  • when updating from under the system - a system failure or the influence of the antivirus;
  • user's crooked hands;
  • flash memory error;

voltage fluctuations.

How to roll back the BIOS using the hardware method

You need to remove the chip very carefully, otherwise you can damage the panel or the chip itself. It is better to use a chip remover, but you can also carefully remove it with an awl.

A hot swap looks like this.

  1. Replace the damaged microcircuit with another similar one. Take a similar one system board, remove the BIOS chip from it and try to boot the computer. If it works, then the problem is in the firmware, and you can try to restore it.
  2. Take another one motherboard with a BIOS of the same size and type. It is better if it is a motherboard on the same chipset and from the same manufacturer.

We proceed like this:

  • prepare the stitcher;
  • provide free access to the panel for installing BIOS;
  • remove the BIOS from the panel and prepare it for installation of a working microcircuit, having previously tied it with threads;
  • install the problematic microcircuit, bring it in and carefully align it with the panel contacts, then press with your fingers;
  • turn on the computer and load MS-DOS;
  • After loading, quickly and carefully remove the BIOS and check if the computer has frozen;
  • Carefully install the problematic BIOS into the panel and check the functionality of the computer;
  • in the command line, start rewriting the BIOS (if errors occur, try other command line switches: AWDFLASH firmware file /py /wb /qi /f).

How to roll back the BIOS using the software method

The algorithm is as follows.

  1. Alternatively, you can change the date, which may help with virus infections.
  2. There are many key combinations to enter the BIOS: F1-F11, (Del) and others - depending on your device. The above are the main ones.
  3. You may have to enter a password, then you need to go to the date change menu and change it in any direction. Exit and save.
  4. Then, through the system, use the utility to restore it to its original state: “Start” -> “standard utilities” -> system recovery utility.
  5. Select a suitable date.

If you need to restore initial settings BIOS, then you need to go into it and set the factory settings. The F9 key will set the default settings. If " Hotkey" does not work, then look for something similar to Load defaults. If you don't have any password information, open system unit and find a small battery, you need to remove it for 10-15 seconds - this will reset all settings.

  • create bootable media, place the flasher for the BIOS and the BIOS itself there;
  • reboot from the media (F9 - select this media);
  • then flash the motherboard via DOS.

How to roll back the BIOS to the previous version on devices where access to the BIOS is disabled?

  1. Through the start menu or through “Run” (Win + R) enter the command: debug.
  2. Then write the following:
  • for AMI BIOS: O 70 FF, then “Enter” and write: O 71 FF, press Enter again and end everything with the Q symbol. There is another option: rename the file downloaded from the site to amiboot.rom, move it to the root of the floppy disk. Insert the floppy disk into the drive of the computer that is turned off. Press left Ctrl+Home and turn it on.
  • WITH AWARD BIOS: O 70 17, O 73 17 and Q again. Additional option: Place the firmware and BIOS files on a floppy disk (usually in one archive). Create Text Document, where the BIOS file name is specified with permission.bin. Rename the document to autoexec.bat. And we continue as indicated above.

However, many manufacturers have other methods that make it easier to operate the BIOS.

How to rollback BIOS on ASUS

Maternal ASUS boards support USB Flashback technology. That's why the algorithm is like this.

  1. Download the BIOS file for your model and place it on a USB flash drive.

2. After downloading, you need to rename it to the model name, for example Sabertooth X79 to SABERX79.ROM. There should be more detailed instructions on the manufacturer's website.

3. Format the flash drive FAT32, place the renamed BIOS on the flash drive, then connect to USB port with the inscription or design Flashback or ROG Connect. It is advisable to turn off the computer.

4. Turn on the computer using the BIOS button - hold for 3 seconds. When the indicator goes out, the firmware process is complete.

Alternatively, you can try via special program from the official website in the BIOS utilities tab.

How to rollback BIOS on an HP laptop

Everything is simpler here.

  1. With the laptop turned off, press Windows+B.
  2. While holding Windows + B, press the power button for 2-3 seconds, release the power button, but hold Windows + B or V until the BIOS update screen appears, or until a beep is heard.

How to rollback BIOS on Gigabyte

Failures occur very rarely on these boards. But still they happen.

  • problem with the main chip;
  • the microcode is completely erased;
  • damage to the contents of both microcircuits.

Some motherboards may use spare flash memory as primary memory. Another group of boards can use the allocated area on the HDD (hard drive). Recovery is automatic.

How to rollback BIOS on MSI

The recovery process is similar in steps to recovery on ASUS.

  1. Place the BIOS on a USB flash drive and connect it to the computer.
  2. Connect to the computer, hold down the power button for 4 seconds, press the left Ctrl+Home (or Alt+Ctrl+Home) combination, turn on the computer. The indicator should light up.

Restoring BIOS on laptops

It is done in the same way as on desktops. Transfer the downloaded file to a flash drive (Fat32/16) or disk. Then we place the device in the drive or connector of a disconnected laptop (it is advisable to disconnect it from the network and remove the battery), then connect it to the network again and hold down the key combination.

Conclusion and afterword

So we figured out how the computer works, how to reset the BIOS to factory settings, the properties of the BIOS, the features of the device from different manufacturers and recovery methods. We also made sure that there are no differences in the BIOS firmware on laptops and desktops. After some of the proposed manipulations, your computer will be required to work. If not, you will have to buy a new motherboard that will be compatible with your device.