Lightweight virtual machine. What are virtual machines and how to use them

The example uses a real operating system Windows 8 Professional. It can be seen that in the center of the window a program is running that displays the operating system inside Windows system XP, which runs parallel to the real one and you can perform absolutely any actions in it, as in a real system, with the possible exception of launching resource-intensive games.

“What is all this for?” - you ask. The use of virtual machines can be useful for several reasons. Since all of us reading this blog are interested in making money on the Internet, this will be the main reason for using virtual machines. And here we’ll look at 2 earnings that are convenient to implement on a virtual machine:

    In one of my articles I wrote about the possibility of making money through autosurfing. If you read, you remember how low the earnings are there. According to minimal estimates, this is about $35 when using several real computers. Of course, it will be 2-3 times more if you increase the statuses. And I really don’t recommend implementing this type of earnings without a virtual machine. Because the autosurfing program will open a huge number of sites and there is no way to protect yourself from viruses. Even if your computer is protected good antivirus(in my personal opinion, Kaspersky Anti-Virus is good and reliable, but resource-intensive), it will still miss something (Ways to protect your computer from various network threats are described here Review of ways to protect your computer from various network threats). And when using a virtual machine, your real system is safe. If there are viruses, they will remain in it.

    If your computer has very good performance, then it is convenient to work through a virtual machine using multi-accounts in boxes.

    Because this way, in a real system, it will be convenient for you to do other things, and all the work in the boxes will be in the virtual system and a bunch of open profiles will not get in the way in the real system. But this is only possible if random access memory on your computer 8 > Gigabyte.

    In addition to this, I will also list other reasons why it is convenient to use a virtual machine:

      All unknown and unfamiliar programs that you want to try and not clog up your real system are easier to test in a virtual machine. That's what I usually do. In a virtual machine, I register accounts in boxes (this is more convenient for me), test autoclickers, autosurfing. At the same time, I did not install an antivirus in the virtual machine; it is simply not needed there.

      If you are not sure about the safety of using or changing any settings on your system, it is easy to try it in a virtual machine and see the consequences. It is also convenient to learn various network settings and others. But this is more likely for those who are interested in the IT field.

    Anyone who simply makes money on the Internet will always find benefits in using a virtual machine.

    A huge number of programs appearing every day make downloading and installing unknown software on a computer more and more dangerous for the system and important files on the computer. In addition, many programs that have functions necessary for the work of programmers, artists and other PC users are available only for a small number of operating systems. If you previously had to take a big risk by downloading a suspicious file from the Internet, or reinstalling the system just for the sake of one the desired program, then now there is such an OS for this as a virtual machine.

    What is a virtual machine

    Virtual machine - special program, which is installed on the user’s native operating system and, when launched, begins to emulate, that is, reproduce, the functions of any other operating system specified in the settings. The main convenience of such programs is the absence of the need to switch between operating systems and access to all functions of the system being reproduced. In addition, all actions performed inside the virtual machine will not affect the operation of the main system, which prevents possible computer failures.

    On this moment virtual machine developers have created programs that allow them to emulate any operating system, from early versions of Windows to Ubuntu, OS X and lesser-known axes, and also work with ready-made servers, for example, Bitrix virtual machine.

    There is another, narrower understanding of the term “virtual machine”, which is common among musicians - virtual drum machine, which plays the sounds of a drum kit. This program allows you to record parts of drum instruments without using a live setup, but in special recording programs or by “revitalizing” a pre-recorded midi track, placing recorded samples of each beat under the electronic sound.

    What is a virtual machine for?

    The range of actions that can be performed using a virtual machine is actually very large.

    The simplest thing you can do with it is to use programs that are not available for the user’s operating system or even for the PC in general. For example, an operating room emulator Android systems essentially also a virtual machine with which people run applications or games.

    In addition, virtual machines are often used by programmers to test written programs. For example, to check how correctly a written algorithm works in different versions of Windows. The same applies to developers of applications for iOS and Android, who check the functionality of their developments inside emulators. For this purpose, there is a virtual machine on a flash drive, so that you can always check the functionality of the written code.

    The machines are also used by less advanced users for such checks. The fact is that when emulating related operating systems, the machine can reproduce all the information contained on the computer. Therefore, if a user has to download a file from the Internet that may contain viruses, he should first check it on a virtual machine. If it plays normally on it, then you can safely open it on your native OS.

    In addition, they help in corporate work, say, Bitrix virtual machines.

    If we talk about virtual drum machines, they are used to record drum parts with high quality when there is a lack of funds, for example, to rent a studio. Of all the instruments, drums are the most sensitive to recording, and it is they that you spend the most time on. In addition, the drummer may not have sufficient skill to play them smoothly, which significantly increases the cost of rent. In such a situation, the best way out would be to record the part in the program and then play it back.

    What are virtual machines?

    Virtual machine for Windows 10

    Especially for advanced users familiar with the concept of a “virtual machine,” Microsoft made built-in emulation of other operating systems - . Initially, its functionality is blocked, but its components are easily enabled through the Control Panel.

    Go to the Control Panel and go to the subsection " Programs and components" There in the window " Turning components on or off» Check the name of the Hyper-V service. After this, the virtual machine will be installed on the PC, and in the future you can launch it through the menu “ Start».

    Key Benefits of Hyper-V:

    • built into the system, no need to download or search for anything;
    • has full emulation functionality different versions Windows, for example, 98 and other operating systems;
    • supports Windows versions of different bit depths;
    • simple and intuitive interface.

    In general, thanks to the presence of Hyper-V on Windows 10, users no longer need other similar programs. Although the utility does not require any special skills to configure, you can read more about it in the related article.

    Virtual machine for Windows 7

    The most popular virtual machine for Windows users 7 is Windows Virtual PC. Initially, its main functionality was intended to emulate Windows XP, so that developers could comfortably transfer programs developed for this OS to the new seven, which was just being released at that time. Subsequently, its capabilities expanded, and now Virtual PC is a separate platform that is capable of reproducing almost all existing operating systems.

    Like Hyper-V, this service is built into the system natively. In order to install it, you need to go to " Start" and submenu " Programs" There you need to find a line with the name of the program and click on it. A window will open in which you can freely create, delete and perform other manipulations with the operating system emulator.

    Virtual machines for Mac and other OS

    In addition to the virtual machines built into Windows 7 and 10 third party developers have created many other, independent utilities that have approximately the same capabilities, but differ in details. The most popular of them is Oracle VirtualBox, which will be discussed in this part of the article.

    This virtual machine can emulate all currently existing operating systems, and is also available for the most popular operating systems at the moment - Windows, OS X, Linux and Solaris. You can download it from the developer’s website, having previously selected which system you need it for.

    This Oracle program differs from its other analogues in its wide functionality, which includes support for USB ports and their launch from an emulated machine, the ability to save the system state for its instant rollback in case an accident occurs. critical error. In fact, from the huge list of all supported features, we can conclude that by downloading Oracle VirtualBox, you can comfortably work on any operating system without any restrictions at all.

    For most users, VirtualBox is a very good choice because of its practicality, reliability and functionality.

    Once the application distribution is on your computer, double-click on it. This will launch the installer. Here you will need to select which features, in addition to the Oracle machine itself, are installed with it. The list includes: the possibility of internal programming in Python, configured support for the Internet, as well as integration of USB ports. After this, just follow the instructions in the installation file until the installation of Oracle VirtualBox is completed.

    Virtual drum machines

    Virtual drum machines are present in the form of additional plugins that are installed and launched through a program for recording or writing music - FL Studio, Ableton, Cubase and others. The most popular drum machine emulators - EZ Drummer And Addictive Drums. Large libraries of samples for every taste, recorded by famous drummers, are freely available to them.

    Creating your own virtual machine

    In addition, there is also a company VMWare, which also offers users programs to create their own virtual machines. The most famous of them is called Workstation and is distributed on a paid basis. However, there are plenty of resources that offer free use this virtual machine, both for Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu. It is worth noting that the company offers a lot of additional utilities that expand the capabilities basic program, adding desktop management features, broadcasts and more. Let's look at why this virtual machine is needed.

    Workstation allows you to create virtual machines that will be managed from a single center. For the most part, this tool is of interest to large companies that need to configure the same functionality of devices on a large number of computers.

    One of the most important features that virtual VMWare machine, so-called, vSphere, which allows you not only to create and configure a virtual machine, but also to implement an entire infrastructure of such devices connected to each other. And if you have to choose, then this functionality will be very useful for large companies whose employees need to exchange data and information with each other.

    All functionality of the developed VMWare programs relies not on the single use of a virtual machine, but on the formation of a grid of them and single place, from where this network is controlled.

    Virtualization 1C-Bitrix

    Another program created for comfortable work with 1C-Bitrix products - Bitrix virtual machine, this time from domestic developers, which can also work with any PHP applications. Essentially, this program is an emulation of a website server that contains all settings for comfortable work. Finished car can be opened in VMWare Player or other applications from this developer (there are also versions for VirtualBox and HyperV).

    The program allows you to save time and get started immediately after the main platform is ready for use. In this case, the Bitrix virtual machine is installed directly into the main emulation system, integrating into its functionality and operation, which allows you to begin interacting with 1C projects immediately after installation and launch.

    Which virtual machine to choose

    There is no clear comparison anymore. It all depends on the user and his needs. For game emulation and testing third party software The usual Hyper-V services and the like, built into the operating system itself, will be sufficient. Well tested, reliable and free option- This VirtualBox. For organizations, the best virtual machines are definitely VMWare products or the Bitrix virtual machine, since they simplify doing business and interacting with employees.

    Video on the topic

    A virtual machine (VM) is another computer running on your desktop. That is, it’s as if a second (virtual) monitor is launched in the window, and another computer is loaded on it.

    This computer has its own virtual hardware and you can install any real operating system (OS) on it, for example, virtual Windows. You can work fully on such a “computer” and I really like this topic.

    What can you use virtual machines for?

    • for tests or training on other operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.)
    • development of programs for other operating systems
    • work in different places with the same software environment
    • for anonymity

    I think you can come up with other ways to use it, this is the first thing that came to my mind. For example, at my former job, I could not install the programs I needed on the computer, even though I was an administrator. This was due to security and licensing issues. Then I installed a virtual machine, installed Windows and all the programs I needed on it, and worked in it. In the evening I recorded the image on an external hard drive and took it home with me.

    In addition, the working Internet was greatly reduced in speed, but there was access to another provider. I put the second one network card and configured it in a virtual machine. That is, in “regular” Windows it didn’t even have drivers, but in a virtual environment fast Internet worked through it.

    The virtual hard disk is stored in a single file and its data can be encrypted. That is, if someone comes to you without asking, then you can simply close the virtual operating system and you won’t be able to find anything on your computer except the browser and Excel :)

    What virtual machines are there for Windows?

    The most popular and used:

    • Oracle VM VirtualBox is free, it can do almost everything that an average user needs
    • Hyper-V – free, built into Windows 8/8.1/10 Pro versions and Enterprise
    • – paid, maximum functionality, for professional developers

    VMware is a fairly massive software package, costs a lot, and is designed for commercial use. For the purposes I described, the first two will suffice. But if you know how to download from torrents, you can install it too. The operating principle and plus/minus settings are the same everywhere.

    How to install a virtual machine on VirtualBox

    The whole process takes place in several simple steps:

    • Download and install VirtualBox
    • Create a VM using the wizard
    • To plug installation image with operating system
    • Install the OS as on a regular computer

    Actually, I made a video:

    To download the program you need to click here:

    During installation, windows will pop up asking you to install additional virtual device drivers; you need to agree to everything.

    In the main program window, click the “Create” button and get to the virtual machine wizard. To see all the options, you also need to click on the “Expert Mode” button:

    Name: any name

    Type: select the future operating system (Windows, Linux, BSD, etc.)

    Version: exact version of the installed OS (seven, ten, ).

    There may not be a choice of x64 versions in the list if there is no hardware virtualization, but this will be discussed below.


    Memory capacity is the RAM that will be available in virtual Windows. For example, if your computer has 8 GB of RAM, then up to 4 GB can be allocated for the VM. And after starting the VM, these 4 gigabytes will be taken away from your Windows, because... will be used by the virtual OS. Therefore, you need to choose this volume based on the following considerations:

    • For Windows 7/8/10 x86 you need at least 1 GB of memory, and for more or less normal operation from 2 GB
    • For Windows x64 you will need at least 2 GB of memory, and for everything to work somehow - at least 3 GB

    Accordingly, we choose this volume virtual memory, so that the installed virtual Windows is enough, and your Windows also has as much left as it needs. IN general case, if you have 4 gigabytes of memory, then set here 1024 MB, and if you have 8 GB or more, then choose 3000-4000 megabytes here.


    I suspect it's virtual hard drive you don’t have one, so let’s move on to creating it in the next step:

    The first important thing is “ Location" Change to a folder on the disk with more space. For example, many people have a C: drive that is not very large and is designed for one operating system, and a D: drive for other files. Now, if this is the case for you too, then select there and create some folder on drive D:

    Size- For Windows family set from 40 GB.

    Type– leave the default “VDI”. It is unlikely that you will need to connect this “disk” to other virtual systems.

    Storage format– “Dynamic”. In this case, the file size of such a disk will grow as it fills up. If you set “Fixed”, then all 40 GB will immediately take up space on the D: drive, for example.

    This completes the creation of the virtual machine.

    Setting up VM VirtualBox

    Now you can start a virtual machine, but it is empty, without an operating system. Need to paste into virtual disk drive"disk". The installation “DVD” is an ISO image, the same one that we burn to a real DVD or flash drive.

    We go to the settings of our VM on the “Media” tab:

    Click on the “drive” with the value “Empty”, then on the DVD disk icon and select “Select image” from the menu optical disk...", where we indicate the path to the iso image. And if you have a physical disk with the installation, then simply insert it into the drive and check the “Live CD/DVD” checkbox. It is important that you need to install the version that you chose at the stage of creating the machine, especially regarding the bit capacity.

    Now everything is ready to start the virtual machine. Click the “Run” button

    The virtual computer will start loading and the same process will begin. Windows installations, as if you did it on your computer or laptop. After installing Windows, you will launch the VM and your virtual Windows will boot.

    Host key

    An important detail is the host key. When you click on the virtual machine window, all the “attention” from pressing the keyboard buttons and mouse movements will go to the virtual machine (guest operating system). To “free up” the keyboard and mouse, i.e. return them to their native Windows, you need to click right Ctrl. This button can be changed in the settings. By the way, the clipboard of your system and the virtual one is, as it were, common. That is, if you copy text to the clipboard on a real computer, you can paste it in a virtual one, very convenient.

    Hardware virtualization

    In order for VMs to work faster and better, and also to be able to install 64-bit (x64) versions of operating systems, hardware virtualization must be enabled. This support itself is built into processors and all modern processors it exists (only ancient dual-core and older ones may not have it).

    Are called Intel technologies VT-x and VT-d (in expensive processors) and AMD-V. Its meaning is that commands are sent directly to the processor, bypassing the operating system drivers. Hardware virtualization is enabled in the VM settings on the “ tab System -> Acceleration»

    But this may not work for you, because this option is disabled by default in the BIOS for security reasons. The error “VT-x/AMD-V hardware virtualization features are enabled but not functioning” may appear. Therefore, we need to restart the computer and .

    If you don’t know how, and are too lazy to read the article, then in a nutshell: immediately after turning on the computer, press the F1, F2, Delete buttons for 10 seconds, or if it is written on the screen, then read which button to press. Let's look at what BIOS you have from the photos and look for a similar setting:

    With GUI

    Click Advanced, enter advanced mode, then “CPU Configuration”

    We look for the “Intel Virtualization Technology” setting and change it to the “On” position. (On)

    If you have an AMD processor, then the setting will be called “Secure Virtual Machines”. Save the changes with the “F10” button.

    With text interface:

    Go to “Security -> Virtualization"

    Turn on hardware virtualization technology to the “Enabled” position

    Save the settings F10, a reboot will occur. If you do not use virtual machines, then for security reasons it is better to turn off virtualization, because viruses can create their own spaces.

    The second reason why hardware virtualization may not work in Windows 8/10 is the enabled built-in Hyper-V virtual machine.

    Virtualization allows you to encapsulate the internals of operating systems or parts of them within virtual hardware and software. In other words, create a virtual space that will be real from the point of view of the operating system running in this space. This is exactly what virtual machines do for Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS X. Virtualization also allows you to simulate devices that are not even on your computer.

    Note: In a sense, virtual machines allow you to create a computer within a computer.

    There are two important aspects of machine virtualization:

    • interaction between a physical host (computer) and a virtual host
    • interaction between the operating system running in the virtual space and the hardware used

    Virtualization software, namely virtual machines for Windows 7 (Linux, Mac OS X), as a rule, is normal application or an operating system service that allows you to create hosts. A host is any physical machine (computer). Within virtualization software, the operating system runs on a host similar or identical to the actual host, called a virtual machine. For convenience, the operating system running in a virtual machine is called a guest operating system.

    In addition, there are various ways virtualization, on which not only the implementation of applications for creating virtual machines depends, but also the capabilities provided for guest systems. There is conventional emulation, in which hardware and software calls pass through an intermediate layer. There is also para-virtualization, where part of the actions inside the virtual machine takes place on real hardware, while the other part passes through an intermediate layer. There is also virtualization at the system level, when each guest system boots in a special kernel, which allows you to run only similar versions of the operating system.

    Some of these methods can be performed on the fly, without significant changes to the actual host and its operating system. Others require the host to be rebooted into a special instance of the operating system that supports virtualization. Others use special hosts that support and are designed for virtualization at the hardware device level. The latter are also known as bare metal virtualization methods (although this is not entirely true, since some software kernel is still used).

    The virtualization software that manages the creation and operation of virtual machines, as well as the allocation and limitation of the resources provided, is often called a hypervisor. Some virtualization applications can also use special processor extensions to improve the performance of virtual machines. The presence of such extensions is called hardware support for virtualization. Examples of this support are VT-X (Intel) and AMD-V (AMD) technologies.

    What is not virtualization and virtual machine?

    Some people like to call virtualization programs ( virtual machines) anything that creates a layer of abstraction between the operating system and some of the running processes. For example, there is Sandboxie, which allows you to isolate browsers from the system (see browser protection utilities). Some programs allow you to freeze the state of the system so that it cannot be changed. Others also allow you to use the so-called shadow mode, in which all programs run normally, but any changes are canceled when you restart the computer.

    Of course, all of these programs provide various benefits, but they are not considered virtualization technologies and do not represent virtual machines because they do not simulate system calls, and they do not allow guest operating systems to be run on top current system. Such programs only create additional layers of separation, mainly to increase the level of security. If we continue the topic of safety, then...

    Why use virtualization and virtual machines?

    If security comes first for you and is the first thing you think about in any situation, then virtualization (the use of virtual machines) can certainly help you with this. But don’t assume that virtualization is mainly used for security. Its initial goals are: testing, cost reduction, flexibility, legacy product support, and education. Increasing the level of security is just a pleasant bonus, which also has many pitfalls.

    Note: Although virtualization allows you to isolate one operating system from another, there are still ways to get from the guest system to the main one.

    What is needed to run virtualization technology and virtual machines?

    The first thing to consider is the physical host. Depending on the type of virtualization software (virtual machines), completely different hardware and operating systems may be required. Virtualization does not imply any single solution that will run wherever needed. Virtual machines need to be selected for the system (Windows, Linux, Mac) and for the hardware (hardware). In addition, the host must have the necessary .

    So if you are going to run guest operating systems on top of your system, you will need additional resources to run them, such as a processor and RAM. For example, if your computer only has 2 GB of RAM and you want to run a guest system on Windows 7, then you will have to severely limit resource usage on the real system in order for the virtual machine to function properly. Unless, of course, you're trying to run Windows XP with 256 MB of memory. However, if you have 16 GB of RAM, then you can run more than one guest system without experiencing any shortage of resources.

    Pros: Easy to install and use.

    Minuses: Limited functionality. Does not support snapshots and general access to catalogs.

    Virtual machine for Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS X - VirtualBox

    VirtualBox is another cross-platform virtual machine creation program for Windows 7 and above, as well as Linux and Mac systems, currently owned by Oracle. VirtualBox is similar to VMware Player, but has more features, including a more advanced networking stack, unlimited snapshots, some OpenGL and DirectX support, and much more. The app is easy to install and just as easy to use. You can also use the command line for automatic deployment. VirtualBox also supports USB and shared directories. There is also a portable version of VirtualBox. However, there are also disadvantages. You cannot take screenshots of guest systems. Disk management is a bit confusing.

    Audience: beginners and experienced users.

    Pros: Easy to install and use, many features.

    Cons: No support for screenshots, importing existing machines is difficult, disk management is not intuitive.

    VMware ESXi hypervisor for creating virtual machines

    ESXi is a bare metal hypervisor with reduced functionality compared to ESX. The app requires a host and can be controlled from the console (the console is locked by default, but you can enable it manually). You will not be able to take screenshots or record video of the screen of your virtual machines. Transferring and cloning guest systems is done only manually. But you succeed sharing memory for increased efficiency use of RAM, powerful monitoring and management, and command line access via SSH (when unlocked). You can also install VMware Tools to improve the performance of virtual machines. Para-virtualization is also supported by ESXi.

    Pros: Powerful, advanced virtual machine capabilities.

    Cons: Requires a host and a lot of resources. Not easy to install and run.

    Virtual machine for Unix/Linux - Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)

    KVM supports virtualization only for UNIX-like operating systems (Linux). The application can be run on any hardware or in emulation mode, but without processor extensions the performance will be terrible. KVM is designed to be used via a console. But, it has a decent management interface that allows you to start and stop virtual machines, take screenshots and much more. The interface is known as the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) and is also used to manage Xen virtual machines (see below). Local and remote control. There is a known conflict with VirtualBox, but it can be resolved relatively easily

    Audience: advanced users and professionals.

    Pros: Full control and flexibility, very high performance under the right conditions.

    Cons: UNIX-like systems only. Requires hardware virtualization extensions for normal execution. Emphasis on the command line. Not easy to install and run.

    Virtual machine for Unix/Linux - Xen

    Xen is another application for virtualizing UNIX-like operating systems (Linux). It must boot in its own kernel instance. The emphasis is on the command line. But, you can also use VMM. Officially, Xen has been supported by OpenSUSE for many years and was recently added to the main kernel release branch. Xen can run in hardware-assisted or para-virtualization mode. However, for para-virtualization, Xen is extremely problematic to install and run. Additionally, Xen has limited CD-ROM support and network devices. The program is also available as a bare metal virtualization hypervisor on a Live CD. There are numerous third party extensions for managing Xen.

    Audience: advanced users and professionals.

    Pros: Full control and flexibility, very good performance, native kernel support.

    Cons: UNIX-like systems only. Para-virtualization mode is buggy. Emphasis on the command line. Several utilities command line which may be misleading. Not easy to install and run. You must boot your own instance of the kernel.

    Other solutions for creating virtual machines

    There are many other solutions that were not listed here, such as Parallels Virtuozzo, OpenVZ and VMLite-based VirtualBox. There are also a number of redesigned solutions, including examples of crossing virtualization and thin clients. Linux also has a huge number of its own modifications. And don't forget about cloud technologies with your virtualization applications.

    However, if you are a novice user, then you should not chase possibilities and colorful modifications. Otherwise, trying to create a virtual machine to run a couple of programs can result in several sleepless nights.

    A few words about virtualization programs

    This review will be useful not only for novice users, but also for experts. The listed products cover a wide range of virtualization technologies at all levels. All solutions described are free for personal use. Choose what you want or need based on what you have hardware, requirements for ease of setup and launch, as well as the availability of the necessary set of functions.

    Typically, most people start learning virtualization with VMware Player or VirtualBox. Linux users may prefer KVM and perhaps Xen. Advanced users might want to take a look at ESXi.

    A virtual machine is a special program that can act as an emulator of a real computer with all its existing components (BIOS, complete system hardware, including motherboard, graphic, network, HDD And so on).

    Naturally, on such a “computer” you can easily install a variety of operating systems, and for them - any programs designed to work on installed system. Thus, you can install several operating systems (even very different ones) on one computer, with which you can easily work, and between which you can exchange data over the “network” (if it is configured correctly).

    Not every user needs a virtual machine. Most often, it is used by advanced users to be able to work with other operating systems (say, Ubuntu), or gradually master them without stopping efficient work, say, on Windows. This is also necessary for testing various software, safe start programs downloaded from suspicious sites that may be infected with particularly dangerous viruses. You can also emulate an entire computer network this way.

    Why do you need a virtual machine under Windows 7?

    1. You have this particular OS installed, but you want to use programs for Windows XP, the more modern Windows 8, or even for Linux, which works on a completely different principle and the usual “compatibility” can no longer help here.

    2. In order to select a suitable program, for example, for video processing. They are quite large and, if you immediately install them on a work computer, you can easily litter the registry. This is especially true if you remove programs incorrectly - you can carelessly leave “tails” of files that can turn into a real problem in the future.

    3. For a simple test of the program. For example, to explain to readers how to use it or to see how it behaves on different systems, what errors may appear and how to deal with them.

    4. For experimental installation of programs. Let's say, see how data is encrypted, how the program behaves under critical loads, and, ultimately, what will happen if it is infected with a virus.

    The most popular virtual machines for Windows 7

    WindowsVirtualPC– is already fundamentally built into the OS and is a completely free module for working with applications that are incompatible with the “seven”. Applications running in Windows XP mode can easily run directly on the computer desktop, which is extremely convenient. Programs can also be installed by anyone in a convenient way– download via the Internet, from a flash drive, using DVDs. In general, in any convenient way.

    Minimum requirements for installation - Windows 7 operating system not lower than “maximum” or “professional”, 1 Ghz processor, 1 GB of RAM, 15 GB free space on your hard drive.

    You can start this virtual machine in a simple way everyone who has official version Windows 7. To do this, you need to open “All Programs” in the “Start” menu and click on “Windows Virtual PC” there. If this item is missing, then you just need to install the update called “Windows6.1-KB958559-x86” (designed for 32-bit systems) or Windows6.1-KB958559-x64 (for 64-bit). After this, you can safely get to work.

    VMWare Workstation from VMWare, Microsoft's main competitor in the virtual machine market. Mostly useful for developers who often need to test and verify their own applications for different operating systems.

    This virtual machine for Windows 7 has already won about 50 different awards from IT specialists thanks to a thoroughly thought-out environment for use, a built-in set of functionality and, last but not least, high performance and optimization. Perfect for those who need to do everything quickly. It also has the ability to “free up” system resources by simply stopping already running processes, which relieves the processor and significantly speeds up data processing. Necessary for working with demanding applications.

    VirtualBox. A computer virtualization system similar to those described above. Can work in dynamic translation mode (processing of the main part of the data is transferred to real, not emulated, equipment). It is universal because it can be installed on any of the listed Mac systems OS, Windows, Solaris, Linux. You can install on it: GNU/Linux, Windows, Solaris, BSD.

    Advantages - completely free distribution, fairly high performance, small size, ability to work with VMware virtual images. The most significant disadvantage is that it is impossible to drag files into the application window using the mouse.

    Windows 7 virtual machine installation

    Since Windows Virtual PC is already included, we will install VirtualBox - it is free, unlike more serious products. After installation, of course, we’ll start setting it up.

    So, go to the official VirtualBox website and download the most latest version programs from the site. We launch the installer and see this welcome window

    We confirm that we wish to continue with the installation and move on to the next step.

    Here we are shown which program components are present and where they will be installed. Of course, you can freely change the directory and install the machine on any disk, but it’s better to leave all the components, especially if you are new to using virtual machines. I agree that you may not need all the components in the near future, but if you need them, you will have to reinstall this program again. And also everything that you install on your virtual computer.

    Next stage of installation

    Here you just need to indicate where the program shortcuts will be located.

    The next stage may frighten inexperienced users, although the program warns that the computer will now be disconnected from the network for a short time. So, if you have not followed the wise advice to install with closed programs and are now actively downloading something from file hosting services, you must either wait for the download to finish or interrupt the download yourself.

    After that, we agree with everything – “Yes”, and move on. The program will inform you that everything is ready for installation, which means click “Install”.

    Now you will have to wait a while until the virtual machine is installed on your computer. At this time, pop-up windows may appear on the screen offering to install various software for our device. We agree with all of them and establish absolutely everything.

    After installation is complete, click “Finish”. If everything was done as it should, and you did not uncheck the corresponding box (as shown in the image), then the virtual machine will start automatically immediately after installation is complete.

    Machine creation and customization

    To do this, you need to create in the “VirtualBox” working window new car. To do this, you just need to click the appropriate button (“Create”, upper left corner).

    Afterwards the program will ask you to choose what type of machine will be created. Here you just need to enter its name and select the type of operating system. Please remember that some care must be taken to be accurate.

    I need a virtual machine to test the most different programs before installing them in the main directory of the computer. This means that I will create a computer running Windows 7.

    Now we’ll tell the program how much RAM will be allocated for our new virtual computer.

    Everything must be done carefully, since this option depends on the OS you are going to use and will consume the RAM that is available on the computer. Virtual car windows 7 requires no less than a normal operating system, which means we need at least 1 GB. But I set it to 1.5 because I can afford it and am going to test programs that will also consume RAM.

    Windows XP will therefore require less RAM. But all the same, it is advisable to always give it “with reserve”. And here lies another danger - you cannot give the virtual machine more than half of the computer’s “live” memory, otherwise the computer will start to glitch and may even freeze altogether. However, if you have powerful computer, which has more than 8 GB of memory, then the virtual machine can easily be allocated about 5-6 GB.

    The next stage is the hard drive.

    Every computer must have a hard drive. Virtual ones are no exception, and therefore it must be created. Therefore, we create a new virtual hard disk.

    Then we indicate its type.

    And if the names of all these formats mean absolutely nothing to you, then we simply leave everything “by default” and move on. Click “Next”.

    Next window

    It invites us to indicate to the machine the format for storing data on the virtual machine. What is important is that the dynamic hard drive is “rubber,” so to speak, and can be more or less easily expanded. Fixed has a fixed size and will never take more. It all depends on your needs and preferences. But I will need a hard drive that can be enlarged if necessary, which is why I choose “dynamics”.

    Now all that remains is to name it and indicate the original size.

    Let's create it and move on to the next stage.

    Setting up a virtual machine

    In the upper right corner there is a “Customize” button. Click it and get here - “Settings”

    Here you can change a variety of parameters. Adjust the amount of RAM, if you made a mistake before, the boot order of various devices, the use of acceleration, etc.

    There are several sections in total. The version I use has 9 sections, but it would take too long to go into detail about each one. And it’s better to do this yourself, consciously, watching how the behavior of the virtual computer changes. In addition, there is a convenient help system - just hover your mouse over the item you are interested in and a tooltip will appear.

    But here short description settings by sections:

    1) General. Here is the name of the virtual machine, the OS it uses, removable media and clipboard;

    2) System. Everything related to the hardware of our virtual machine (RAM, processor, chipset, device boot order, acceleration);

    3) Display. Video memory and its settings, number of monitors used, ability to connect to a remote monitor, acceleration, video capture.

    4) Media. Configuring existing virtual hard disks;

    5) Audio. Everything is clear here - the sound and everything connected with it;

    6) Network. Ability to configure virtual network adapters;

    7) Com ports. Their inclusion and configuration;

    8) USB. This controller and setting up filters;

    9) Shared folders. Their configuration and management.

    If a serious error was made during the settings, then smart program will report this immediately. And at the bottom of the settings window a warning message “Detected incorrect settings" If you hover your mouse over " Exclamation point", then they will tell you what exactly was done wrong.

    However, most likely you will only need the first 3 types of settings: “General”, “System”, “Display”. If the virtual machine starts to work slowly and slows down, you can try increasing the amount of RAM it uses or increasing the processor power.

    After completing the settings, confirm everything (“OK”). To start the selected virtual machine, just select it and click the “Launch” button. Now all that remains is to install the previously selected OS on our virtual computer, configure it and we are ready to work.