How to find out the type of RAM. How to find out the type and frequency of computer RAM

RAM is one of the essential components any computer and certainly a guarantee of speed. In the modern world, even the frequency of the processor does not affect the overall perception of speed as much as RAM. But in order to replace or add this component, you need to thoroughly know all its characteristics - and RAM has a lot of them. So, how do you find out what RAM is in your computer? In this article.

How to find out what RAM is on your computer

RAM has several division branches:

  • the first is volume, a fairly obvious characteristic. The more the better, but look at the processor and motherboard - they support the increase up to a certain ceiling;
  • the second characteristic is type. An ancient SIMM, a slightly less ancient SDRAM... Well, this is unlikely, of course, although it is not excluded. AND modern standards DDR - from first to fourth;
  • and finally the memory frequency. Here, as in the case of processor frequency, the higher the better. However, again make sure that your processor runs at this frequency. If it doesn't start, it will be quite a shame.

So, let's start studying these signs.

Simple inspection

The most obvious way to find out your computer's RAM type is without even turning it on. In many cases, it allows you to determine with absolute accuracy required characteristics, however, it also has a number of significant disadvantages. You will have to open the computer - for some this is a significant stopping factor. The sticker on the memory stick may not correspond to reality, be insufficiently informative, as with many not very well-known manufacturers, or be completely absent. However, this method can be used quite well.

Note. There is another labeling standard. Pay attention to the picture above. In brackets on the sticker you can see the inscription PC3 10600. These are nothing more than encoded characteristics, excluding volume. PC3 - DDR3, 10600 - frequency. To get the usual value in megahertz, you need to divide this number by 8. You get the familiar 1333.

You can also add that the type of memory can be determined by the location of the contacts and cutouts on the bottom edge, but this is quite complex and unnecessary way, so we will bypass it.

Diagnostics in BIOS

Pretty too convenient way. There is no need to open the computer, but at the same time there is no need to litter the system with all sorts of diagnostic programs. Simple and tasteful. The downside is that not all BIOSes can display full information about memory, but these are rare cases nowadays.

How to decipher such an inscription - see the note to the first method.

Operating system tools

The simplest of all methods. However, it is also the most limited. If it is enough for you to know only how much RAM you have, this is for you, because on its own the system cannot determine either the frequency, much less the type of RAM. But this is only about Windows - macOS can do more.

In the case of macOS:

If you have Windows, then everything is not so smooth:

The processor and the system bit capacity are indicated there, but very little is written about memory - only the volume. So you won't have much fun.

find out detailed information about the components of your PC in the article -

Third party diagnostic apps

Space for work. Many third-party diagnostic utilities that can thoroughly determine everything, including the exact model of your strips and their location in the slots motherboard. It’s impossible to cover them all, so let’s look at at least a couple.


A diagnostic utility that is popular among many. Distributed in both free and commercial versions.


Second most popular third party application. It has the same intuitive interface, and in general duplicates the functions of the previous example, with the exception of a rather important detail - it has a portable version. You don't have to install it.

As in the previous case, in the program interface we look for the “Memory” and “SPD” items. In the drop-down list, we select information about which slot we want to view, and the program will immediately display all its characteristics. Everything, down to details like the serial number.

Ready! We hope these methods helped you find all the information you need. Good luck!

Video - How to find out what RAM is worth

Now the current RAM standard is DDR4, but many computers with DDR3, DDR2 and even DDR are still in use. Because of this type of RAM, many users get confused and forget which RAM is used on their computer. This article will be devoted to solving this problem. Here we will tell you how to find out what RAM is used on your computer: DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4.

If you have the opportunity to open the computer and inspect its components, then you can get all the necessary information from the sticker on the RAM module.

Usually on the sticker you can find an inscription with the name of the memory module. This name begins with the letters “PC” followed by numbers, and it indicates the type of RAM module in question and its throughput in megabytes per second (MB/s).

For example, if a memory module says PC1600 or PC-1600, then it is a first-generation DDR module with a bandwidth of 1600 MB/s. If the module says PC2‑3200, then it is DDR2 with a bandwidth of 3200 MB/s. If PC3, then it is DDR3 and so on. In general, the first number after the letters PC indicates the DDR generation; if this number is not there, then it is a simple first generation DDR.

In some cases, RAM modules do not indicate the name of the module, but the type of RAM and its effective frequency. For example, the module may say DDR3 1600. This means that it is a DDR3 module with an effective memory frequency of 1600 MHz.

In order to correlate the names of modules with the type of RAM, and the bandwidth with the effective frequency, you can use the table that we provide below. The left side of this table shows the names of the modules, and the right side shows the type of RAM that corresponds to it.

Module name RAM type
PC-1600 DDR-200
PC-2100 DDR-266
PC-2400 DDR-300
PC-2700 DDR-333
PC-3200 DDR-400
PC-3500 DDR-433
PC-3700 DDR-466
PC-4000 DDR-500
PC-4200 DDR-533
PC-5600 DDR-700
PC2-3200 DDR2-400
PC2-4200 DDR2-533
PC2-5300 DDR2-667
PC2-5400 DDR2-675
PC2-5600 DDR2-700
PC2-5700 DDR2-711
PC2-6000 DDR2-750
PC2-6400 DDR2-800
PC2-7100 DDR2-888
PC2-7200 DDR2-900
PC2-8000 DDR2-1000
PC2-8500 DDR2-1066
PC2-9200 DDR2-1150
PC2-9600 DDR2-1200
PC3-6400 DDR3-800
PC3-8500 DDR3-1066
PC3-10600 DDR3-1333
PC3-12800 DDR3-1600
PC3-14900 DDR3-1866
PC3-17000 DDR3-2133
PC3-19200 DDR3-2400
PC4-12800 DDR4-1600
PC4-14900 DDR4-1866
PC4-17000 DDR4-2133
PC4-19200 DDR4-2400
PC4-21333 DDR4-2666
PC4-23466 DDR4-2933
PC4-25600 DDR4-3200

In online stores, most often, RAM is designated using the memory type and effective frequency (for example, as DDR3-1333 or DDR4-2400), so if your memory has the name of the module written on it (for example, PC3-10600 or PC4-19200), then you can translate it using a table.

Using special programs

If your RAM modules are already installed in your computer, then you can find out what type they are using special programs.

The easiest option is to use free program CPU-Z To do this, launch CPU-Z on your computer and go to the “Memory” tab. Here, in the upper left corner of the window, the type of RAM that is used on your computer will be indicated. And just below is the total amount of RAM on your computer.

Also on the “Memory” tab you can find out the effective frequency at which your RAM operates. To do this you need to take the value of the real clock frequency, which is indicated in the “DRAM Frequency” line, and multiply it by two. For example, in the screenshot below the frequency is 665.1 MHz, multiply it by 2 and get an effective frequency of 1330.2 MHz.

If you want to find out more detailed information about the RAM modules that are installed on your computer, you can do this on the “SPD” tab.

In this article, we have explained in detail for dummies how to find out what RAM is installed in a computer or laptop, how to easily and simply look at its type, frequency, timings in order to buy a suitable upgrade bar or add one compatible with already installed RAM modules.

Random access memory (also called RAM, RAM or RAM for short) is the most important thing in a computer. Both in itself (because without it the PC will not turn on), and its volume (the larger, the more comfortable). If you came to read this manual, it means you are planning to add RAM by adding or replacing modules. We all know that gone are the days when 4GB of RAM was cool. Now the browser alone can “eat” 2-3 gigs of RAM. So it's time to upgrade your RAM.

If modules are replaced, then it is enough to find out only the type, i.e. memory generation - DDR3, DDR4 or God forbid DDR2. And if you add RAM strips to those already installed, then this is a more difficult task - in some cases, the modules may not make friends with each other. By the way, we once wrote about an excellent utility for testing RAM modules for compatibility called. We recommend using it even if you find clearly identical modules on sale. Anything can happen, in the end, there is a manufacturing defect, and even more often - careless handling in the distribution network.

It's quite easy to make a mistake when purchasing, especially if you are not a computer expert. Moreover, some consultants do not differentiate between memory types. Therefore, a little erudition in this matter will definitely not hurt you.

Below we will tell and show how to understand what RAM is installed in a laptop or computer. You will learn to determine the type, generation, frequencies, timings and other detailed information about memory modules in order to buy yourself the right stick that will fit into the motherboard, make friends with the already installed RAM and finally speed up your computer.

How to find out what RAM is installed in a laptop or computer

Method 1: View RAM Information in CPU-Z

CPU-Z from the developer CPUID is a free utility that will give you what is called comprehensive information about your computer’s RAM.

In the screenshot above we see the following information about the memory modules of your PC ( desktop computer, laptop, netbook):

  • Type (or generation) random access memory - DDR3.
  • MarkingPC3-10700 with frequency 667 MHz. A large number means higher speed chips.
  • ManufacturerKingston.
  • Part number. In some cases a useful thing. If we are talking about a laptop, a branded workstation or a server, then the components can be reliably purchased according to the part number. This will come in handy if you need to purchase exactly the same stick of RAM as those already installed in the computer.

Method 2: open your computer or laptop and look at the memory live

If you don't want to use programs, you can read the type and frequency directly on the bar itself. Anyway, sooner or later you will need to disassemble your PC. And if you want to take memory to the store as an example, this method is the way to go.

How to extract memory

The modules must be removed carefully, one at a time. Turn off your PC, wait until all the fans stop and the lights turn off. Only then remove the modules, simultaneously pressing on both latches of a particular strip.

Precautionary measures

RAM is afraid of static electricity. Therefore, it will be very good if you spray your hands with antistatic agent before touching the memory. Store modules removed from a computer or laptop in special packaging or an antistatic transparent bag.

What memory to buy as a replacement, how to add identical modules and what is the maximum volume

If you plan to remove existing RAM modules and completely replace them with new ones, then to go to the store you only need to know the markings and type of computer - desktop or laptop. It’s already clear from the markings what generation the memory is. PC2 means DDR2, PC3 means DRR3, etc. Therefore, if you install any memory with the same markings as it was, only of a larger capacity, then the computer will work with it. The only exceptions are some older netbooks released before 2012, which may not detect sticks larger than 2 GB due to an artificial limitation. Therefore, if you are too lazy to understand the types of RAM, you can buy 8 GB instead of 4 GB of PC3-10700 memory and call it a day. The main thing is, tell me, for a desktop PC or laptop.

But, if you want to buy the fastest memory that can be installed in your current computer, it makes sense to go to the official website of the motherboard manufacturer and download (or view) a list of supported RAM modules. By the way, this will also be required if it turns out that there are no memory sticks with exactly the same speed on sale and you need to find out which ones are suitable from those that are available. I show the example of the motherboard of my old computer from 2009:

There is no point in buying such top-end modules for the sake of speed, but if they are the last ones that can be found on sale from the outgoing generation of memory, then there is no choice. In total, if the motherboard has 4 slots, you can install a maximum of 16 GB of RAM (4 x 4 GB).

Where you can get confused

  1. You can get confused in the markings, for example DDR3 PC3-12800- this is the same as DDR3-1600. 1600 in this case means double frequency buses, and 12800 is the throughput expressed in GB/sec.
  2. Modules for desktop PCs (DIMMs) and laptops (SO-DIMMs) are of different sizes, but can be labeled the same, for example PC4-12800.
  3. There is low voltage memory, but it looks no different. Indicated by the letter L (low voltage). Example DDR3L. If it is installed in a motherboard designed to work with conventional DDR3 modules, the components may fail.

Is it possible to add RAM modules from another manufacturer, with different frequencies and timings?

Yes, you can. If only the memory was of the same form factor (for example, for a desktop PC) and generation (for example, DDR4). Only after this you need to test them all together for compatibility for about a day. Purely theoretically, when using modules of different speeds, the faster ones should reduce the frequency to the frequency of the slower ones and work successfully. But in reality, the modules may not become friends. And conflicting strips cause chaotic reboots, i.e. make your computer unreliable and your life unbearable. Therefore, install whatever you want, just test it in Memtest+.

I once added a SO-DIMM PC3-8500 Transcend 4GB module given to me to an existing PC3-10700 2GB Samsung and everything started up with a bang and is still working to this day. Lucky. Although everything about them is different - the manufacturer, the timings, and the frequencies.

Good luck with the upgrade!

This article shows the steps by which you can find out the characteristics of RAM in command line.

To find out the characteristics of the RAM installed in the computer, there are various ways, for example utilities third party developers. Also some information is presented in graphical interface operating room Windows systems, namely in the task manager on the Performance tab. Below we will consider a way to find out the characteristics of RAM using the command line utility WMIC.exe (Windows Management Instrumentation Command).

This article is informational and educational in nature and will be useful for all computer users with installed operating system Windows.

To find out the main characteristics of RAM, run the following command as an administrator:

wmic memorychip get Manufacturer,Capacity,PartNumber,Speed,DeviceLocator

Now let's look at the result of the executed command.
  ■ Column Capacity(from English Capacity - Capacity, Capacity, Volume) shows us the volume of installed memory modules in bytes for each separately (in in this example two memory modules installed). The downside is that the size of the modules is indicated in bytes, but it is still easy to find out in the usual form (in gigabytes you need to take the first or two first digits).
  ■ Column DeviceLocator shows a list of slots in which memory modules are installed. Depending on the motherboard, the slot markings may be different, for example: ( DIMM_A, DIMM_B), (DIMM_A1, DIMM_A2, DIMM_B1, DIMM_B2), (DIMM0, DIMM1), (DIMM0, DIMM1, DIMM2, DIMM3).
  ■ Column Manufacturer displays the manufacturer of the memory module. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the memory module, the parameter Manufacturer may be empty.
  ■ Column PartNumber Displays the part number assigned by the organization responsible for creating or manufacturing the physical item. Parameter PartNumber very interesting and useful.
  Let's look a little at the parameter of this example. KHX2400C15D4/8G.
  Numbers 2400 They say that the frequency of the memory module is 2400 MHz.
C15 these are the so-called timings or CAS Latency, if you are interested, you can read the article Timings_(RAM) .
D4 I can assume that this is the standard (generation) of DDR4 RAM (in this example it is DDR4, but more on that a little later).
  Well, the markings remain 8G- no comments here.
  I would like to note that the parameter PartNumber from other manufacturers may not look so clear.
  It's all about interesting things, now about usefulness this parameter. And the usefulness is that you can copy the parameter PartNumber your memory stick and google it on the Internet, in addition to the characteristics of your memory module, you can also find out its price, but only if the memory is not too old or the stick is not from some very Chinese noname manufacturer.
  Now let's look at a few more examples of interesting commands.
  To find the total number of memory slots, run the following command:

wmic memphysical get MemoryDevices

To find out the maximum possible amount of RAM you can install, run the following command:

wmic memphysical get MaxCapacity

The value is in kilobytes.

The total amount of installed physical memory in Russian Windows versions, can be found using the following command:

systeminfo | find "Total physical memory"

The value is in megabytes.

The full amount of installed physical memory for a system with English localization can be found by running the command:

systeminfo | find "Total Physical Memory"

To find out the form factor of memory modules, run the command:

The screenshot shows the result of the executed command, the number 8 DIMM, a standard form factor for desktop computers.

The screenshot below shows the result of the executed command wmic memorychip get FormFactor, number 12 indicates that the memory modules correspond to the form factor SODIMM, which are usually installed in laptops.

Some information about the form factor of RAM modules.
Form factor(from the English form factor) or standard size is a standard that specifies the overall dimensions of a technical product, as well as describing additional sets of its technical parameters, for example, shape.
  The following types are structurally and electrically incompatible with each other: DIMM, including SO-DIMM(from the English Small Outline, compact modules used, in particular, in laptops):

184-pin DIMM- is used for DDR SDRAM
200-pin SO-DIMM- is used for DDR SDRAM And DDR2 SDRAM
214-pin MicroDIMM- is used for DDR2 SDRAM
204-pin SO-DIMM- is used for DDR3 SDRAM
240-pin DIMM- is used for DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3 SDRAM And FB-DIMM DRAM
260-pin SO-DIMM- is used for DDR4 SDRAM
288-pin DIMM- is used for DDR4 SDRAM

Below are images honestly borrowed from Wikipedia for the main form factors of memory modules.

wmic memorychip get MemoryType

In this example the numbers 24 they say that memory modules of the type are installed DDR3

Also parameter MemoryType may display zeros, as shown in the screenshot below, this indicates that the wmic.exe utility cannot determine the memory type (in this example, the memory type is DDR4), since the specification does not have values ​​for DDR4.

Below are some parameter values MemoryType:

  And one more command, with its help you can find out the voltage of the memory module:
wmic memorychip get ConfiguredVoltage

The parameter value is displayed in millivolts. If the value 0 or not displayed, the voltage is unknown.

For reference, the voltages for different types memory:

DDR   2.5V  2500mV

Like this, using the above commands, you can find out various characteristics RAM on the command line. That's all. You can find a complete list of parameters on the website

To add or replace RAM laptop or desktop computer, first you need to find out what type of memory your motherboard supports.

Relatively modern RAM comes in 4 main types: DDR1, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

Each type also differs in frequency. But when adding and replacing RAM, this is of little importance. Although there is a statement that when increasing the amount of RAM, it is better to deliver a stick from the same manufacturer and the same frequency that is already installed. Although practice shows that this is not so. In 99% of cases, memory varies from different manufacturers with different frequencies work perfectly together.

The first way to determine the type of RAM is the Aida64 program

The wonderful Aida64 program allows you to get comprehensive information on the installed RAM in any computer and laptop.

After downloading and installing the program, run it. In the main Aida64 window on the left there is a structure of the data presented by the program.

Determining what RAM is on a computer/laptop using the Aida64 program

In our example, the image above shows that the computer has 1 Crucial RAM module with a capacity of 2GB. Memory type DDR3. Frequency 800 MHz. Operating voltage 1.5 volts.

These are all the parameters that need to be considered when adding RAM to a computer or laptop, as well as when replacing it.

But as mentioned above, the main parameter is the type of memory - in our case, DDR3.

The second way to determine the type of RAM is by the code on the module label

This method excludes the installation of any programs, but includes removing the cover system unit or laptop and physically removing memory modules.

After removing it, take the memory module and look for stickers on it. It looks something like this:

Determining the type of RAM by label

In our example we can see that the RAM module is from Patriot, with a capacity of 2GB, type PC3 (DDR3) and with a frequency of 12800.

It happens that only one code is written: PSD32G16002. Then you need to type it into Google and get all the information on the first site you come across.

For example: