How to speed up your Windows 7 PC. Game Boosting or how to speed up your PC games

The settings of modern operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.), according to the developers, should satisfy the majority of users, regardless of the model and modification of the laptop. However, practice shows the opposite: due to system overload and the presence of many unnecessary programs, laptops cannot cope with information processing, malfunction, and their performance drops. Most effective method- this is “overclocking,” but there are other methods, which will be discussed in this article.

Increasing laptop performance is advisable for the following reasons:

  • will improve the performance of your laptop;
  • will help your laptop last longer than usual.

Several ways to speed up

Replacement of main components:

A series of simple manipulations with your laptop:

  1. Cleaning up automatic downloads.
  2. Disable background services.
  3. Optimization and defragmentation of the hard drive.
  4. Setting up power plans.
  5. (separate article).

How to improve laptop performance with simple manipulations

Method 1: clean startups

The laptop almost always performs automatic downloads from the Internet. And if only startups are necessary for the device to update current versions programs, then others are completely unnecessary. The user does not use an impressive portion of these downloads at all when working on a laptop.. That's just their presence in the device's memory, as well as automatic launch and operation in parallel with operating system greatly affect the speed of your desktop computer.

To clean startups you need:

  1. Open the device's main Start menu.
  2. Go to the “Run” tab.
  3. In the line that opens, enter the following combination of letters, switching the keyboard to the English layout: msconfig.
  4. Next, click on “Enter”.
  5. A new window will open in which you need to select the “Startup” item, unchecking all programs that you do not use.
  6. To save your actions, click the “Apply” button and then restart the system.

Method 2: Disable background services

The default desktop design provides different visual effects. Of course, visualization makes work more enjoyable, but it is this feature that intensively consumes the resources of the processor and RAM of the video adapter. To improve laptop performance, it is better to disable such “decorations”.

For this:

  1. Go to the main menu of the device “Start”.
  2. Click “Run”.
  3. In the line that opens, enter the following combination: services.msc.

After this, a list of all enabled background services will be displayed with brief description each of them. Go through the list and select the services you don't use. When you click on the name of the service, a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the “Disable” button.

You must perform all actions carefully, disabling only those background services that you really do not need. Otherwise, “forced shutdown” may cause the device to malfunction.

If you wish, you can always restore disabled settings by selecting the most correct operating mode for your laptop. Disabling background services will significantly relieve the processor, while simultaneously reducing the amount of RAM consumption. As a result, the laptop's performance will increase and it will work much faster.

Method 3: optimize and defragment the hard drive

During operation, many fragmented files accumulate on the device’s hard drive. Every time you access these files, the system spends a lot of time, which is expressed in the form of freezes and slowdowns. In order to exclude such phenomena, periodic defragmentation of hard disk.

This operation can be performed using special programs (utilities). The most popular utilities that really help improve system performance are Defraggler and CCleaner. Once launched, they automatically optimize the system and defragment the hard drive, clearing the system of temporary files and errors accumulated on the disk.

You can also defragment the disk manually using the built-in defragmenter. To do this, go to the main menu of the device “Start”, then go to “Programs” - “Accessories” - “Services”, find “Disk Defragmentation” and launch the application.

Method 4: Set up power plans

Modern operating systems (for example, Windows 7) provide the ability to manage energy saving options; in particular, the user can independently configure power plans for his laptop. The default system can use one of the modes:

  • “Balanced” is a mode that turns on automatically as soon as the laptop is connected to the network.
  • “Economy” is a mode that is used when operating the device on battery power.

If you customize the Economy plan in more detail, you can further improve your laptop's performance. If you activate the “High Performance” mode, then all device resources will be used to the maximum without any restrictions.

To authorize this plan and access the settings of the center responsible for the device’s energy consumption, you need to click on the “Battery” icon. After this, a new window will open in which you need to select the “ Extra options power supply." Once the plan is activated, it will appear in the “Power Options” window. Typically, laptops have the High Performance mode hidden by default. You can display it by clicking on the “Show” arrow additional plans».

To set up the “Economy” plan, you need to click on the “Set up power plan” link, which is located opposite the name of the mode. This will put the system into economy mode, i.e. the device will automatically consume a minimum amount of energy.

How to speed up a laptop by replacing its elements

You should not perform these operations if you have never dealt with assembling a computer before, you can seriously damage your laptop. In this case, it is best to contact a professional!

Step 1: Replace the hard drive and increase the amount of RAM

It is impossible to replace the processor or video card on a laptop, especially at home. However, you can improve the performance of the device by replacing the hard drive and RAM. Initially, you will need to replace the hard drive with a special SSD drive. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to open the main device programs and speed up the process of loading the operating system, and will also generally increase the performance of the hardware.

As for RAM, many manufacturers, in order to reduce the price finished device They significantly save on RAM by installing the simplest and cheapest modules in laptops. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the “native” modules of the machine with more modern and high-speed memory modules, for example, the SODIMM type. But before replacing, you should definitely check which memory standard your laptop supports (DDR3, DDR2 or DDR), as well as what is the maximum allowable amount of memory that can be installed on your machine.

It is better not to save on the purchase of basic system components, since replacing other system elements on a laptop yourself is extremely problematic, and sometimes impossible. In general, in order not to encounter such problems, you need to purchase laptops in advance with those processors that correspond to the tasks facing the laptop. In order not to make a mistake in this choice, we recommend the article ““.

Step 2: install a cooling system on the laptop

You should not ignore the cooling system, since how quickly the laptop “heats” directly determines its performance, operability and duration of its operational period. When choosing a cooler (a device for cooling a laptop), it is advisable to give preference to well-known and trusted manufacturers (for example Cooler Master, Zalman or Thermaltake). The cooling system will provide the device with a quieter and reliable operation in the most extreme working conditions.

It would also be a good idea to install a fan in the laptop, which will cool the front panel of the device, where the hard drive cage is usually located. You can additionally install a fan at the rear of the system unit.

You can also improve performance by using modern programs (utilities) that automatically clean your hard drive of unnecessary information, and by using fine-tuned system settings. However, you can basically save and increase the results if you do not download programs from suspicious and unverified sources onto your laptop.

By downloading various pirated content, as well as various software from suspicious sites, you expose your laptop to a serious threat!

It is definitely worth it, which will block all attempts of unauthorized access to your personal data.

In addition to protecting your laptop, an antivirus will also help it perform better by banning malicious software.

I hope we were able to explain to you how to speed up your laptop quite easily. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below in the comments.

Almost every computer/laptop owner would like to speed up their PC as much as possible.

This includes: startup enable (boot time), shutdown (shutdown), performance, system performance and Internet.

This is achieved with the help of programs, through the registry, cleaning, disabling unnecessary things, and so on.

Although Windows 8 has appeared today, Windows 7 (even starter) is still the most popular - this system is effective, fast and safe.

Unfortunately, as time passes, its performance may decline and require proper Maintenance to speed it up.

By properly optimizing Windows 7, a few simple tricks can speed up your overall computer performance.

Therefore, here especially for you in one place we have collected 5 main ways to speed up Windows 7.

The entire guide is described step by step and supplemented with the necessary screenshots.

Want to know how to speed up Windows 7? In that case, I invite you to continue reading and find out how:

  1. Get rid of unwanted programs from startup.
  2. Avoid using swap files to speed up Windows 7.
  3. Organize the programs you use or clean out clutter from your system.
  4. Turn off everything unnecessary in Windows 7.
  5. Change power management settings.

How to get rid of unwanted startup programs

One of the most common reasons slow work your computer (operating system) is an excessive amount installed applications who work with the system.

Internet firewalls, antiviruses, applications, creations backup copies,monitoring network traffic.

It all works in background and takes up a huge amount of computer resources and virtual memory.

Most unwanted software users install without realizing it, thereby slowing down the system and reducing its performance.

How to go to system configuration to speed up Windows 7

Click the button, enter MSCONFIG in the search field and press Enter to confirm. In the window at the top, click on what appears and click on the “Startup” tab. Everything should look like this:

The list of processes is much larger than you thought, isn't it? Uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary applications.

Carefully check the list of programs launched at startup and simply remove everything that you consider unnecessary. If you don't know what process belongs to what, look it up on the Internet - you don't want to disable important system processes.

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart the computer. In the window that appears, select reboot the system and wait until the computer turns on again. Please note that the system boots much faster!

Organizing the programs you use or cleaning up system junk

Nowadays, most of the work you do on your Windows 7 can be done online. This means that you can only leave on your computer those programs that you regularly use. The rest can go to the trash.

Remove unnecessary programs

Click the “start” button and enter UNINSTALL PROGRAMS in the search box. Click on exactly the same line at the top. Then you will see the following window:

Now just select the unnecessary program, highlight it and click REMOVE at the top. After removing unwanted applications, reboot your system to remove any unnecessary files remaining in the software.

Disable unnecessary things to speed up Windows 7

Windows 7 is really very beautiful. Transparent window stripes, a large amount of animation when performing any operation, smoothing edges, smooth transition between applications and modern user interface. All this, however, consumes valuable resources.

If you want to speed up Windows 7, remove the graphics bells and whistles.

Click the "start" menu, and in the right column, right-click on "computer" and select "properties". In the new window on the left side, click “advanced system settings” and go to the “advanced” section:

At the top there is a performance section - click the “options” button, which is located in the upper right corner.

Disable unnecessary visual effects

In the window that appears, you can control the visual effects system. There you can select the option “provide best performance"or uncheck the boxes manually.

  1. Animations for the Start menu and taskbar.
  2. Animation of windows when minimizing and maximizing.
  3. Use display styles for windows and buttons.
  4. Enable desktop composition.

This will allow the system to look beautiful, and at the same time not use too many processes. To confirm the changes, simply click OK. This good method speed up Windows 7

Avoid using swap files - to speed up Windows 7

The so-called page file is needed to store information when the RAM is full. IN modern computers where memory is plentiful this is completely unnecessary.

Go to the Start menu and right-click on “computer”, selecting “Properties”.

As in the previous step, select “Advanced system settings”, then the “Advanced” tab and “Advanced” again:

Here there is a section “Virtual memory”, click the “Change” button.

At the top, opposite the line “Automatically select the size of the paging file,” uncheck the box, and put it next to the line “specify the size” and enter the starting and ending.

In general, there is no need to choose a swap file, which will completely prevent unnecessary use of system resources and additional memory. For the changes to take effect, you must restart the computer.

Changing power management settings to speed up Windows 7

Windows 7 defaults to the Standard power plan. This allows you to significantly reduce consumption, however, it significantly affects the performance of the system as a whole.

If you don't use a laptop and want to speed up Windows 7, change the default plan for more efficient performance.

Enter "" and go to the "Power Options" section. In the window that appears, click “Set up power plan” (right). Then click (at the bottom) “change additional power plans.” In the window that appears, select "High Performance" and click "OK"

Optimization - how to speed up Windows 7

The previously described principles used only functions that are available directly in the sevens interface, but you can also achieve speed increases using programs for optimizing the Windows OS.

Below is a list of the most popular tools that improve your computer's hardware capabilities and can customize the most important parameters systems to optimize performance.

Their work is automated and everything is done with one click - you just need to download and install them:

  1. WinUtilities
  2. PCBoost
  3. TuneUp Utilities
  4. Sysinternals Suite
  5. Ashamoo WinOptimizer

That's all. My “story” on how to make Windows 7 faster and more efficient has come to an end. Good luck.

Over time, the computer operating system undergoes wear and tear, which affects both the performance of the device and our nerves. This is especially noticeable when working on weak computers. However, this is far from a reason for premature Windows reinstallation, and you shouldn’t rush to create installation flash drive and remember which key starts the transition to the BIOS. Taking advantage of several in simple ways, we will not only return crystalline virginity to our system, but also speed it up, in some places making it run faster than the new one.

Why does my computer slow down?

Most often, the slowdown of the operating system is associated with its inept use: incorrect deletion programs, cluttered hard drive and lack of timely measures to clean it. At the same time Windows installation 7 few people change the standard system configurations, which are far from optimal.

Hardware acceleration: unloading the processor

Hardware acceleration is the redistribution of some system functions from the main processor to Hardware to increase overall computer performance.

In other words, this is shifting part of the CPU work to the video card, if it is able to handle it faster.

The hardware acceleration function is enabled in all Windows builds 7 by default. You can check this using the following path:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

    Select “Screen Resolution”

  2. Now go to “Advanced options”.

    In the window that opens, select “Advanced settings” On the “Diagnostics” tab, select “Change settings”

  3. If this button is inactive, there is no need to panic: you have hardware acceleration enabled, and the caring developers of the video adapter foresaw what could get you here, and removed changing the settings away from the wrong hands.

    The required button is “Change settings”. If it is inactive, acceleration is already enabled

Visual Effects: Maximum System Performance

The pleasant graphical interface of Windows 7 puts a very noticeable load on the computer's hardware, which cannot but affect its performance. Visual design, of course, serves as a good addition to the operating system, but when it begins to noticeably affect its performance, it is better to sacrifice beauty for the sake of optimization.

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and go to “Properties”.

    Click on “Advanced system settings”

  2. Now we need to get to “Advanced system settings”. Select the “Advanced” tab and in the first section “Performance” open “Settings”.

    Select “Options” in the “Performance” section

  3. In the “Visual Effects” tab, check the “Ensure the best performance” value and click “Apply”.

    Our choice - "Best performance"

  4. These settings disable all visual effects and provide maximum performance, but the system begins to look rather unsightly. If the resulting style makes you disgusted and sad and gives you nightmares about Windows 95, return the checkboxes to some menu items:
    • “Enable desktop composition”;
    • “Using display styles for windows and buttons”;
    • "Show thumbnails instead of icons";
    • “Smooth out jagged screen fonts.”
  5. We agree by clicking the “OK” button.

Hard drive: memory cleaning and defragmentation

All files that are written to the hard drive are divided into many sequential fragments in order to reduce the space used. As a result, in order to read the file, the computer is forced to put them back together. And the presence of various debris in its path increases the reading time, which slows down the system and causes delays of varying lengths when opening or changing files. At the same time, the speed of work, of course, drops.

The simplest solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the hard drive from junk and equally regular defragmentation.

By systematically removing unnecessary files and programs from your PC, you can greatly increase its speed. First, you should put things in order in the space you use: remove unnecessary music, watched movies, installation files, hundreds of new Microsoft documents

Word and other delights of human presence.

It is also worth getting rid of unused programs. Let's start with this.

  1. How to increase performance: cleaning the hard drive

    To begin, select “Control Panel” from the Start menu.

  2. Select “Control Panel”
  3. Go to “Uninstall a program”.

    We carefully study the list, find an outdated or unnecessary program, right-click on it and delete it.

  4. Right-click on the unnecessary program and select “Uninstall” Now let's get rid of system garbage. Combination(flag on the keyboard) + R call the “Run” command, enter %temp% and click “OK”. This way we will quickly move to the location where the “junk” temporary files are stored, and we won’t have to spend a long and tedious time trying to find them in the system.

    Go to the "Temp" folder

  5. Everything that is in the called folder is temporary files. In combination, it is system garbage that must be removed. Using the key combination Ctrl + A, select everything and delete it.

    Select all files in the folder and delete them

  6. If some files stubbornly refuse to be deleted, there is nothing wrong with that. Most likely, they are being used by some active programs right now and can be skipped.

    If some files do not want to be deleted, skip them

  7. Now you can move on to the next step of cleaning your hard drive from system debris. Going to “Computer”, right-click on “ Local disk(C:)" and click "Properties".

    The item we need is “Properties”

  8. Going to the “General” tab, select “Disk Cleanup”.

    Select the “Disk Cleanup” button

  9. When the system analyzes the estimated amount of garbage that can be removed, the disk cleanup menu will open. In this menu, in the list of files available for deletion, check all the boxes, click “OK” and confirm deleting the files.

    Select the files that the system will delete

  10. After cleaning, uncheck the box “Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties” and click “OK”. In the window that opens, do not change anything and click “OK” again. If the “Access Denied” window pops up, click “Continue”, and “Error changing attributes” - click “Skip all”.

If system drives there are several on the computer, we clean them all in the same way.

Disk defragmentation: how to speed up your PC

After completion, repeat the procedure with the remaining disks.

How to work with CCleaner: PC cleaning program

For the next step, we will need the CCleaner utility, which allows us to clean up all system garbage that we were unable to remove using Windows tools. The program is free, and you can download it from the official website This is not the only one and not even best utility, which helps clean and speed up the system, but CCleaner is simpler and more accessible than anything else.

  1. Having launched the installed program, go to the Applications tab, where we uncheck everything that is still dear to your heart (for example, browser history), and then click Run Cleaner.

    The button we need is Run Cleaner

  2. After cleaning, go to the Registry section and click Scan for Issues. After completing the analysis, click Fix selected issues.

    We find problems and errors in the registry and fix them: the Scan for issues and Fix selected items buttons, respectively

  3. Now let's go to the Tools section and select the Startup tab. Here are all the programs that start automatically when turning on Windows. Select all unnecessary ones and click Disable. This way we will disable their autorun and reduce the load on RAM.

    We remove everything from autorun unnecessary programs using the Disable button

Page file: speeding up RAM

Page file, also known as virtual memory, - a separate space on the hard drive, which is an intermediate link in the exchange of information between RAM and the hard drive.

Windows 7 by default makes the page file 50% larger than the amount of RAM, but sometimes this size is too small. This leads to frequent overwriting of the file or direct access to the main sectors of the hard drive, which negatively affects the performance of the system.

  1. First you need to determine the amount of RAM. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and go to the “Properties” option.

    First, go to computer properties

  2. Here we look closely at the volume installed memory(RAM), and if it is more than 4 GB, then nothing should be changed. Otherwise, go to “Advanced system settings”.

    If you need to increase the paging file, go to “Advanced system settings”

  3. Here, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” section, click on the “Options” button.

    We need a “Change” button in the “Virtual Memory” section

  4. First, uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox. After that, mark the “Specify size” marker and set the values ​​larger. The best option- 5120 MB for original size and 7680 MB for maximum. Now click the “Set” button and confirm by clicking the “OK” button in all the windows we have opened.

    Enter new values ​​in the marked fields, click “Set” and “OK”

MSconfig: increasing speed

Some of installed programs have a bad habit of working in the background, which not only loads precious RAM, but also hides from our sensitive gaze. The volume they occupy individually is, as a rule, not particularly large, but together they take up quite a lot of resources, and by closing the pests, you can significantly relieve the load on RAM.

  1. Using the Windows + R key combination, call the “Run” service, enter the msconfig command in the field and click “OK”.

    Using the corresponding request, we find msconfig

  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Services” tab. All processes that are running in the background are marked here. To begin with, in order not to disrupt the system, check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox. After that, with peace of mind, we remove the checkmarks from all remaining items. Confirm the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

    Uncheck all services except system ones (and important ones, like antivirus)

  3. Don't forget to uncheck all the boxes in the "Startup" tab. Essentially, this is copying the actions that we have already carried out previously using CCleaner; but, if for some reason you were unable to turn off autoloading then, now is the time.

    Uncheck all startup programs and click OK

Overclocking the CPU: video instructions

Nothing worked, and all other methods of increasing performance did not help? In this case, you can take extreme measures: for example, overclocking the processor. By accelerating it, that is, by increasing clock frequency, you can increase performance several times and equalize the characteristics of your processor with a more powerful line (however, this will require some effort and cooling costs). You can learn how to do this from the video below.

Overclocking the video adapter: instructions with video

If the performance of the processor is quite satisfactory for you, but you are a gamer and have problems with graphics, we have good news for you: it is not only the CPU that can be overclocked! The video below is dedicated to overclocking a video card. Speeding up an existing video adapter will certainly be cheaper than buying a new one, spending a decent amount. True, here you also need to take care of cooling.

But don’t forget: overclocking a computer is one thing, but making sure it doesn’t burn out after that is quite another. So approach such things responsibly and take care of your equipment.

So, we have carried out all possible acceleration procedures Windows operation 7 and our system is now running as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there are no other ways that are guaranteed to increase overall performance: well, perhaps changing components for your PC. Be happy and don't forget to defragment.

Now operating room Windows system 7 is widely used on modern computers. Over time, we may face the problem of slow booting and running of the computer. One of the reasons is slow loading and the operation of Windows 7. Speeding up the operation of this operating system directly affects the increase in computer performance. This can be achieved in several ways. The first is optimizing the operation of Windows 7 using the operating system itself. This is the fastest and most affordable way to solve the problem of how quickly your computer boots and performs tasks. The second method involves using special software. There is more than one program for optimizing Windows 7. Here we will look at several of them.

Windows 7: speed up with built-in features

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the temporary files directory. It is located on the system disk and, growing over time, can affect the speed of the system. To access it, you need to open the Run window from the Start menu. This can be done by pressing the Windows key combination + R. In the field that appears, enter the command %temp%, then click OK. In the window that opens, folders will appear that you can safely delete. There is not a single file here that is useful or necessary for you. This is system garbage. If some files are not deleted, it’s okay. This means that they are used by one of the running programs. These files can be deleted later. Thus, we have cleared the directory for storing temporary files.

Working with the system disk

Go to the "My Computer" window and find system disk. As a rule, it is designated by the letter C. Optimizing the operation of Windows 7 involves performing several operations with the system disk.

Cleaning up the C drive

Right-click on the disk icon and select “Properties” at the very bottom. Then in the “General” tab, click on the “Cleaning” line. Many users are afraid to click on this button, thinking that all information will be deleted. They confuse it with the Format command. There's actually a search going on unnecessary files. Therefore, all your documents, movies, music, etc. will remain intact. In the window that appears, check the boxes next to all the elements and click OK. All. Disk C is cleared of system garbage.

Service tab

It is located in the same "Properties" window. In this tab you will need to perform two operations. First check the disk for errors, and then defragment it. These procedures take a certain amount of time. How much depends on how often you perform them and how cluttered the system disk is. To improve the performance of your computer, it is recommended that you repeat these procedures with all physical and logical drives. Thus, when you click on the “Run check” button, the system will check the hard drive for errors and notify you if serious problems arise. After that, she will offer to correct them. To execute this command, you must uncheck the "Automatically correct errors" box. If you leave it, the system will be able to start scanning only after the computer is restarted. But it’s better to leave the bottom tick. In this case, the system will try to correct bad sectors. This process is quite lengthy and can take about 30-60 minutes. It all depends on the size of the disk and the number of errors found.


On a hard disk, information can be written either to adjacent or simply to free sectors located in different places on the disk surface. Thus, one file can be scattered in pieces over the entire surface of the disk. It is fair to assume that this greatly slows down the reading of this file and, as a result, the system as a whole. In this case, the disk is said to be highly fragmented. It is necessary to defragment it. To do this, in the “Service” tab, click on the defragmentation button. Windows may vary depending on Windows versions 7. “Maximum” may differ from “Home” in this regard. However, there are always two buttons: “Disk Analysis” and “Disk Defragmentation”, so there will not be much difficulty here.

Thus, using such simple functions, you can slightly optimize Windows 7. The acceleration of the system can be immediately noticeable. If no significant changes were noticed, then we continue. Next, you will need to configure the operation of the system itself.

Disabling unnecessary effects and swap file

Windows optimization 7 also occurs by disabling unnecessary system graphic effects. Although this will not bring a special increase in performance. It's better to pay attention to the swap file. This is such additional virtual memory. The bottom line is that our computer uses the hard drive as RAM. Thus, virtual memory consists of RAM and an area on the hard drive. And it turns out that the system works, by and large, on speed hard disk. Although Windows is supposed to use the drive only when there is not enough RAM, in reality it turns out that it always uses it. If your RAM size is more than 4 GB, then you can disable the page file. HDD- for storing data, and only current processes should be stored in RAM, and the hard drive is in no way suitable for this. Its data transfer speed is too low. To make changes, you need to go to the "Control Panel", then click on the "System" button and open the "Performance Options" tab. Here next to visual effects There is an "Advanced" tab. By clicking on it, you will see the size of the swap file. Usually it is installed automatically by the system and is equal to 3.5-5 GB. By clicking on “Change”, remove the top checkbox and put a dot in front of “Without a paging file”. Before doing this, select the disks to which this will apply.

Next, click “Set” and OK. After a reboot, the changes will take effect. After these modifications in Windows 7, the acceleration of the system should be noticeable. If this does not happen or the computer begins to work slower, then it is better to enable the paging file. Also, some toys require a swap file to work. It is recommended to set its size from smallest to largest. But there is no point in setting more than 1 GB.

Registry changes

Now let's go a little deeper. Further settings, if performed incorrectly, may lead to system failure. Therefore, you do them at your own peril and risk. There is a real acceleration of the laptop. Windows 7 allows you to quickly make these settings. Let's get started. In the "Start" menu, select the "Run" command. You can also click on Windows icon+ R. In the window that appears, type the command regedit. An editor window will open in front of us system registry. In it, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, then the SYSTEM folder. Then select Current Control Set, and then Control. Below we find the file WaitToKillServiceTimeout.

By default, on Windows 7, 8 the value is 10,000-15,000, and on Windows XP and Vista - 20,000. You need to change it to 5000. This will not harm your computer in any way. The program will simply finish twice as fast. It is not recommended to bet less than 5000. This is because programs may not have enough time to terminate properly and will complain about closing unexpectedly. Click OK and after the reboot it will all be applied.

system configuration

Now let's try to change a few things in the system configuration. To do this, open the “Run” window again and enter the msconfig command. In the window that opens, select the "Startup" tab. All programs that begin to load automatically when the system is turned on and during its operation are displayed here. It's up to you, of course, to decide, but it's better to uncheck most processes. Leave only those that are related to the operation of Windows and antivirus programs. As a last resort, you can always come back here and turn everything on again. Click “Apply” and after the system restart they stop turning on automatically. This greatly increases the boot speed of your computer. Next, in the same window, go to the “Download” tab.

Here we need to speed up the computer's startup itself. Click on "Advanced options". At the top, put a checkmark in front of the number of processors and set their maximum number on the computer. Here, both physical and logical cores are considered. We also check the box next to maximum memory. The maximum amount of RAM on your computer should appear here. Next, click “Apply” and OK.

But here you need to be careful. It happens that after setting the maximum number of cores after a reboot, the system crashes. In this case, you need to boot into safe mode and in the msconfig window ("Download") return the default settings. Then you need to restart your computer.

Power supply

Windows 7 is also optimized by adjusting power consumption. To improve system performance and computer performance, you need to choose the right power plan. Go to "Control Panel", then to "System and Security". Here we select "Power Options". In the settings, select "High performance". This will also help speed up the system. However, for laptop owners this is fraught fast discharge batteries.

Speeding up work with third-party utilities

As mentioned above, there is a large amount of software. Various programs promise to speed up Windows 7. CCleaner program is one of the best and most popular in this area. Having launched this utility, we need to pay attention to three functions: "Windows Cleanup", "Application Cleaner" and "Registry Cleaner".

At cleaning Windows you need to tick all the boxes. The only place where it is better to remove it is at the very bottom. This way you will save several hours of time. The more boxes are ticked, the more thoroughly the system will be cleaned of various debris. Next, click the “Cleanup” button. You can view the report here later.

Then go to the "Applications" tab. Here we also check all the boxes and click the “Cleaning” button. Everything is ready, look at the report.

The last step is cleaning the system registry. Here we also select everything in the left column and click on “Search for problems”. After that, click “Fix”, and then “Fix marked”. Now your computer is practically healthy. This procedure can be done as often as you like: once a month, once a year, or every day. It won't do any harm. It is recommended to do this as soon as minor failures, slowdowns, or “glitches” of the system are noticeable. CCleaner is a simple and easy program to optimize Windows 7.

Thus, you have learned the basic procedures that affect the speed of your computer. Windows 7 is optimized quite simply, and the above procedures are recommended when the system crashes or slows down. If they do not lead to the desired result, then in this case it is necessary to contact computer specialists.

Windows 7 is the most popular operating system from Microsoft. Many users love it for its clear interface, functionality and stability. However, over time, the system begins to produce errors one after another, and its speed decreases, which is why it is so important to know the causes of these phenomena and ways to improve the performance of your computer.

How to tune Windows 7 for maximum performance

The Windows 7 operating system sooner or later begins to suffer from the weight of software that is installed during normal use. New software downloads can significantly slow down your computer's speed. It is recommended to remove any programs that you do not plan to use.

Antivirus scanners and disk cleaners typically start automatically when you turn on your computer and run in the background. Many users do not even know that they are running. And programs at this time lead to a slow startup of the PC and, if they were not closed after turning on the computer, a decrease in its performance.

Tweaking the Registry to Optimize Your System Performance

There are several ways to clean the registry to improve your computer's performance. Let's look at each of them.

Through performance parameters

Through folder options

Through service properties

What does the MSconfig command do?

The MSconfig command is a standard utility designed to manage startup programs and Windows startup.

This program allows the user to customize the PC startup and remove unnecessary programs from startup. It can also be used to detect a virus if the computer has been infected with it.

Video: how to speed up Windows 7 using the MSconfig utility

Tuning Windows 7 for maximum performance using third-party programs

There are many utilities on the Internet to automatically clean your computer of temporary files and optimize its performance. Let's look at a few of them.

CCleaner CCleaner is a widely used utility for cleaning temporary files, cache or personal data. The program has a wide functionality: from minor settings to complete removal

information from disks.

CCleaner's interface is simple and easy to use. Just go to the application and click the “Analyze” button for the program to start looking for temporary files that clog the system and which can be deleted. Also when CCleaner help

You can clear the cache.

When you open a website in a browser, all text and graphic information from that website is downloaded from the server and stored in the cache. Your computer remembers this information so that the site loads much faster in the future.

Frequently clearing your cache will free up space, but it will slow down your web browser because sites you frequently visit will reload from the servers.

Advanced SystemCare Free Advanced SystemCare Free - popular program

to clean and optimize your PC. It allows you to optimize startup items and clean your computer from unnecessary files and registry entries with one click. IN The program has improved cleaning of temporary files. In addition, the developers have added cleaning of installed driver packages, which allows you to free up disk space. Advanced SystemCare uses a built-in resource manager to show processes that are high on RAM, CPU, and disk resources, and then help you terminate them.

New FaceID and Surfing Protection & Ads-Removal features protect your PC for more high level. FaceID automatically detects intruders who are secretly accessing your PC. Surfing Protection & Ads-Removal provides you with new, safe and free online surfing content.

Advanced SystemCare 10's Privacy Sweep, Spyware Removal, and Real-Time Protector tools help you remove more threats and fix more privacy issues.

Setting up the power supply

The type of power supply you choose affects the performance of your computer. When you use a high-performance power plan, you increase your computer's power consumption while still allowing it to operate at full capacity. However, the computer's performance will still depend on the work it does.

There are three types of power supply:

  • Balanced is the default power plan that balances battery conservation and computer performance. The mode automatically increases the speed of your processor or decreases it if your computer needs it;
  • High Performance is a power plan designed to maximize system performance and responsiveness. The mode does not reduce the speed of your processor even when the computer is not in use. When using a battery-powered laptop, you can use the high performance plan;
  • Energy saving is a mode that saves energy by reducing processor speed and screen brightness and allows you to maximize the operating time of your computer.

Lowering the screen brightness increases the life of your battery. To get more time out of your laptop battery life, you can simply lower the screen brightness level manually.

To enable high performance mode:

How to find out your computer's performance

Video: How to find out your computer performance rating

There are many ways to improve your computer's performance. You can use as standard Windows utilities, so special programs to clean and optimize the system. They do their job in minutes, but their use can significantly speed up the system. The main thing is to use proven methods and download programs from reliable sources.