ICQ registration - simple steps to register. ICQ registration without a number - How to register in ICQ

Modern life makes communication not only convenient, but also accessible at any time and almost anywhere. You don't even need a phone for this! You can write a message or even arrange a real video conference directly from your PC. There are many different programs for this. Let's focus on the most popular and beloved by users, ICQ or “ICQ”, as it is usually called. From this article we will learn how to register in ICQ and how to work with it.

Why do you need the icq program on your computer?

ICQ is a free service that allows you to exchange text messages in online mode. The convenient service allows you to significantly save time, because receiving and sending are done quickly and with virtually no delays, and most of the time is spent only on typing the text itself. Such communication is reminiscent of correspondence in private chat. Becoming an ICQ client is not difficult at all.

To do this, follow a few simple steps.

Download the ICQ client program.

To get started, you need to download and install it on your PC. You can download ICQ to your computer both on the official website of the developers - https://icq.com/windows/ru, and on trusted third-party resources that you trust. In addition, you can use other programs that many find more convenient to use (for example, Miranda, QIP,). However, it is best to start getting acquainted with this service with a familiar ICQ client.

Registration in ICQ. How to get an ICQ number - UIN?

In order to get a number, you must go through a simple registration procedure. Most convenient way- via the website www.icq.com. To do this, the user must have his own or a valid number mobile phone.

How to register in ICQ? Several ways.

After going to the site, select the “ICQ Registration” section and now decide for yourself which path is more convenient:

  1. Via SMS. Please note that registration in ICQ is free! Beware of scammers and do not send messages to short numbers!
  2. Or via email. In this case, to the address Email You will receive an email confirming your registration details.

We fill in all the fields sequentially, enter CAPTCHA - “captcha” (the numbers in the picture to confirm that you are not a robot), and click the “Registration” button.

The same procedure can be done through the ICQ program menu. When you open it, we see a login window for specifying your login and password. Since we don’t have them, click on the “Newbie? Register." After this a window will appear.

We fill out the form through the program interface and wait for a confirmation email. To activate a new account follow the link in the received letter.

Now you just need to enter your data (e-mail and password) in the program and click “Login”.

Registration in ICQ has been successfully completed!

And although ICQ is already installed on the computer, before we start talking about it, I would like to draw attention to some aspects that are important for a beginner to take into account!

  • If instead you indicated your phone number, the algorithm will remain the same, with the only difference: the password for ICQ will be sent to you in an SMS message, and therefore, for security reasons, you should change it in the future.
  • You can find out your ICQ number in the “View my profile” menu. To open it, hover your mouse over your photo.

How to set up ICQ on a computer?

Now we can edit our profile. To do this, hover over the image and select “Upload picture...” to add an avatar.

The following window will open in front of you:

P.S.S. By the way, this is not the only program For free communication. This site has video tutorials on two more of these - this and

To register with ICQ, you need to install the ICQ client itself. The latest version ICQ download free You can visit our resource or the developer’s website. After installing and launching the client, a dialog box will appear on the monitor in which you will see virtual buttons: UIN\ E -mail, Phone, Register, and social media icons. Each of them offers an alternative registration option.

We will consider all the options for how registration in ICQ can take place without SMS and for free.

Option 1. Through the client authorization window

Click on the "Register" field. A dialog box will open a list of fields in front of you - fill them in.

Please note that the password must only contain letters or numbers. First name, last name and age do not have to be real. However, enter a real email address, as an email will be sent to it to confirm the creation of a new account. After you open the letter sent to your email and follow the specified link, you will see a congratulation message that your registration with icq was successful!

By the way: Don't forget - by hiding personal information, you make it more difficult to find your account. Therefore, immediately decide for what purpose you will use your new ICQ account. D For work, as a rule, a minimum set of information for registration is sufficient. But for relaxation... No one is interested in communicating with anonymous people. Plus, a larger volume of personal data will make it easier for your friends to find you as a user, who may not know your nickname or UIN number.

Option 2. Registration in ICQ through the official website

This option allows you to create an account in ICQ even before you install the program itself. To do this, you need to go to the client’s official website and click on the link “Registration in ICQ” in the upper right corner.

This will take you to the registration page. Please note that when registering on the site, you must fill out all fields. Pay special attention to the password - it must contain from 6 to 8 Latin characters or numbers. Or better yet, a combination of them.

Advice: Remember - than more complex password, the higher the guarantee that your account will not be hacked and used by criminals. A good option is to write Russian words in the English layout with the addition of numbers. Examples of good passwords: gfdtk71, vfhbyf00 .

If you wish, you can indicate a fake first and last name, as well as your date of birth - it’s up to you. However, the e-mail must be real - a link will be sent to it to activate your ICQ. After you go to the last line and enter the characters shown in the picture to confirm that you are not a robot, check your email inbox. It will contain an email asking you to follow the provided link to complete the process of creating an account for a new user. Do this and voila -icq number registration was successful!

Option3. Using a mobile phone

In the ICQ client authorization window, you will see two buttons located next to each other: “UIN/E-mail” and “Phone”. We are interested in the latter - click.

We have a field for entering a mobile phone number. Enter the number and click “Next”.

If the number was entered correctly, then after a while an SMS message with an activation code will be sent to your phone. This code will need to be entered in the field that appears below.

All that remains is to click “Next”. At this point, the registration process in this case is completed, the program will execute automatic login. You can see your new UIN in the upper right part of the client interface. To log into ICQ in the future, you will need to enter your phone number each time.

Option 4. Authorization via social networks

Another way you can register ICQ for free in new version- use your profiles in Facebook networks, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki.

All you need to do is click on one of the icons of the social network in which you have an account (page). They are located below the "Register" field. Then enter the username and password that you use to log into the social network in the appropriate fields and... done! All your friends from the selected one will appear in the contact list social network, and you can immediately start communicating with them.

To register you do not need any special knowledge. Registration in ICQ is similar to registration on regular sites. There are several ways and we will look at each.

Method one - through the official website
We go to the official website of the ICQ company. Registration is possible in two ways: with confirmation by phone and by E-mail.

In the first case, you only need to enter your Last Name, First Name and mobile phone number to which the activation code will be sent. Don't be afraid, this is not a scam involving entering a number. This is a standard check from automatic registrations. After entering the data, you need to click Receive SMS with code, and after receiving the code, enter it on the website and complete registration. In this case, registration will be completed. Remember your new ICQ login details.

In the second case, instead of a phone number, the verification will be by sending a message to an email address. To do this, click - “I don’t have a mobile phone.” An input field will open. Enter your valid address, because registration confirmation will be sent to it. Fill in the remaining fields and click Register. After that, we look for the letter from registration in ICQ. Follow the link in the letter and complete the registration. We also remember all the received data. Registration has ended. Congratulations!

Method two - through the client
To do this, you must have any ICQ program installed. I'll show this with an example

Fill in the required data, enter the code from the picture and click Send. Afterwards, in the email, we find the registration letter and in it we look for a confirmation link. Registration is now complete. Congratulations!

Login to ICQ

Now you need to go to the ICQ program itself. If you have it, then try it. If not, then download any one you like

ICQ (“I Seek You”) was once a very popular instant messenger, used by almost everyone who had the appropriate phone or computer. ICQ allows you to send messages, files (single, multiple or entire directories) and URLs.

At one time, it was a simple service with many official and unofficial clients, each of which differed from each other only in its interface and set of emoticons. The main advantage was low traffic, while Mobile Internet wasn't unlimited yet. The days of its widespread popularity seem to have passed, but the developers of this program do not stop improving it.

Although ICQ practically fell out of the sight of many people for some time, it is still the prototype of all modern instant messengers. Despite its considerable age, ICQ is a modern multi-platform messenger that combines all the functions necessary for comfortable communication. Here are the basic facts you should know about ICQ:

Many of the features listed above are also found in others. popular applications. However, ICQ also has unique functions that make its use more complete and self-sufficient.

Voice messagesICQ now has a voice recognition feature that supports 40 languages. If you can't listen to the audio, you can transform it into text with one tap
Photo and video editorNow you can process your photos and videos without leaving the application. The new version of ICQ has mobile photo editor. Pictures and videos can be made more informative, colorful and funny
Encrypted video and voice callsTrue communication is impossible without audio or video. That's why they are included in ICQ. Just make one click on the dialog box to make a call. During a call, you can switch between the front and rear cameras, switch to speakerphone or mute your device's microphone. Calls automatically adapt to the quality of your Internet connection and work well in Wi-Fi networks and 3G. They are available on all basic platforms: Android, iOS, MacOS and Windows
Live chats
Live chats. In the new ICQ they are called Live Chats: huge endless chats on various topics, available to any user. Live Chats can accommodate over ten thousand participants, and some of them already exist.

The new ICQ has separate tab with a list of Live Chats. You can create read-only channels that are accessible to all users: it's almost like creating your own blog on ICQ. Users can only write in such chats only with the approval of the administrator

How to register in ICQ from a computer

Step 1. Go to the official website of the application. Click on the “Login” button.

Go to the official ICQ website and click “Login”

Step 2. In the window that opens, click on the “Registration” link.

Step 3. Fill out all fields, first name, last name and phone number. After that, click on the green button and wait for a message on your cell phone.

Step 4. Enter the code from the message in a special field on the site.

Step 4. Now you can add information about yourself.

Note! You can also register through your phone's browser. You will have to do everything the same as on the computer.

How to download ICQ

In order to use the messenger on your computer, download it from the official website. It will automatically detect your system, the device from which you accessed this site, and offer the appropriate version of the application for downloading. In our case it is Windows PC.

Step 1. Download and run the downloaded file. Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 2. Once it is installed, enter your phone number in the appropriate field. Click on the "Next" button.

Enter your phone number and click the “Next” button

Step 3. The system will send you again one-time password, which you will need to use to log in.

As soon as you enter it, a window will open in front of you. Now you can add your friends to your contact list and start communicating with them, or make new ones through special chats and channels.

Video - How to register in ICQ?

The most famous messenger today is the popular ICQ. Almost no user will ever argue with such a statement. Due to the huge demand for the utility, many are interested in whether it is possible ICQ registration without phone number.

It’s worth noting right away that this procedure has been free since the program’s inception. Most likely, she will remain like this forever. Alternative clients of this protocol also appear regularly. Therefore, it is very easy to register earlier without receiving an SMS message on your phone. Any person could do this.

After completing this procedure, the user has greater opportunities to communicate with different people. These could be close friends, various relatives, numerous colleagues, and so on. People have the opportunity using the application:

  • send short texts to each other;
  • transfer different files;
  • communicate with each other using voice and video calls.

At the same time, you need to know that the interlocutor can be in any city on the planet. The main thing is that the application is also installed on his device, and that his computer or smartphone has a stable connection to the global network.

Registering ICQ without using a phone number

To carry out the procedure, you need to open the official website with the following address https://www.icq.com/join/ru/. Here before ICQ registration without phone number was possible! To do this, you had to fill out all the fields, including last name, first name and address. email box, in which the system sent a letter with a link included in it to confirm the procedure.

In addition, the user needed to come up with a password, just like now. It must be at least 8 characters long. You can use numbers and Latin letters of different case. After completing all the instructions, the user was able to log into the application using email address and a created password.

Today there have been changes in the utility. ICQ registration without phone number has become impossible! No matter how hard a person tries, such a procedure cannot be performed on the official resource of the application. A cell phone number is needed in order to receive an SMS with a code that will need to be dialed in a special field.