Public services personal account login forgot password. How to recover a password for government services from your personal account

State portal allows you to significantly save time and money that you need to spend on receiving important services. It is safe to use the service: authorization is carried out using a login and password. But clients are not always able to save and remember their login information. To access the “Personal Account”, the user must know how to recover the password on “State Services” if he has forgotten this important information.

How do I log in?

Primary identification on Gosuslugi is the introduction of a login and password. The first is the mobile phone number that was used during registration. It must be active and belong to the account owner, since in case of data loss it will be needed for recovery.

The client came up with the password independently. You could select it from the options offered by the system or enter your own combination of characters, taking into account the mandatory requirements.

Features of creating a password on "State Services"

A special feature of a password is the presence of the following security elements simultaneously:

  • Latin alphabet
  • number of characters - 8 or more.
  • capital and lowercase letters.
  • numbers
  • characters (for example, "/").

Only if all requirements are met, the system accepts the option declared by the client. If at least one of the conditions is not met, it is impossible to save such a password for use on State Services. To save the code you need to dial it 2 times. Only then can the client use the login.

The password cannot be used for several accounts at the same time. If, when trying to enter, the user selects a combination that has already been registered in the system previously, an error message will appear and a requirement to come up with a new option.

How to recover your password on Gosuslugi if you forgot: all methods

How to recover your password on State Services if you forgot:

  • when you log in, online.
  • in one of the portal service centers.

Restoring information when logging into the State Services website

The easiest and most reliable way to obtain a new password is to log in online. To do this, you will need the mobile phone that was used for registration.

On "State Services" you can recover the password by number if the client uses this phone. What if the SIM card is lost or blocked? This option for data recovery is not suitable.

How to recover your password on "State Services" if you forgot? When logging in, this can be done in the following way:

When you choose to send your password to email it will arrive within 24 hours. If the client does not see a new message, you should check the Spam folder - in some cases, mailing from the site may be regarded by the postal service as advertising.

Recovery code validity period

Using a mobile phone or email address is the most quick way, allowing you to restore personal password on "Government Services". It does not require customers to visit the Service Center unless there is a problem with the transaction.

When using an activation code, you should remember that its validity period is limited. For sending via SMS it is 300 seconds. The password sent by email is valid for 15 minutes.

If the user does not enter information in the designated field on the site within the specified time frame, he will have to request the code again and repeat the operation.

If an error occurs, you need to contact the Customer Service Center of the State Services website. These are the MFC, the city administration, the department of social protection of the population, territorial department Civil registry office and other government bodies. A complete list with addresses and operating hours is in the “Help” section on the website.

Why am I not receiving a recovery SMS?

Knowing how to recover an account password on Gosuslugi, not all clients can update the information on their own. The main problem is the delay or absence of the code that should arrive via SMS from the site.

If the message does not arrive within 5 minutes of sending the code, you should check the Spam folder in your notifications. Sometimes it gets there. If there is no information, you need to send the code again.

If resending does not bring results, you need to check the phone memory in the “Messages” section. Absence free space- the reason why the client does not receive a password recovery code from the portal.

Sometimes the reason lies not in the phone's memory, but in incorrect specified number in login. In this case, you should return to the form to fill out on the State Services website and enter the information again.

If you do not have a number associated with your account, you can recover your password for “State Services” in the MFC or another Service Center.

Obtaining a new password at the Service Centers of the State Services website

If you cannot restore information online, you must personally contact one of the State Services Centers. These are government bodies that are authorized to provide citizens with consulting services on working on the portal and accepting applications to use the site, including identification, account confirmation and password change.

When visiting one of the Service Centers, the client must take his passport and SNILS with him. Most government organizations use an electronic queue. For service, you should take a ticket and wait until they call a specialist at an open window.

How to recover your password for "State Services" in the Service Center:

  • approach the employee, providing your passport and SNILS.
  • indicate your desire to reset your password on the site.
  • sign the application for information recovery.

The employee will provide the client with information about the new generated password and offer to change phone numbers (if necessary). The information will be updated on the portal within 24 hours.

How to find the Service Center of the State Services portal?

Before contacting one of the offices, you need to select an organization. The easiest way to find the desired branch is to refer to the map on the State Services website. All service offices can be found there. At the bottom there is a “Service Centers” tab, when clicked on, the user will be taken to a map of their region.

If the client currently lives in another city, you need to change the data in the search. By default, branches will be offered in the region specified by the client in the application form.

The website contains the addresses and operating hours of the Centers, so a person can choose the most convenient option for visiting. Some of them allow you to make an appointment online, such as multifunctional centers.

The State Services portal offers users a wide range of opportunities. With its help, citizens make an appointment with a doctor, submit applications to authorized authorities, submit 3-NDFL declarations, register their own business and solve a large number of other problems. All of these options are unavailable if you are unable to access the site because your password has been forgotten or lost. The way out of the situation is simple: you need to use the procedure for restoring access to your account, which can actually be done without leaving your home.

If you have forgotten your password, use one of two options to recover it:

  1. Using a mobile number.
  2. Via electronic Mailbox.

Let's analyze the algorithm in more detail. It includes the following steps:

Step 1 - Login to the site

Step 2 - Specify your login

The system will prompt you to enter the mobile phone number or email number under which you previously created account. Specify one of two values ​​and click on the “Find” button.

Step 3 - Create a new password

You will see a message stating that the system has sent a one-time code to your phone or email. You need to enter it in the newly opened window, and then come up with New Password to enter a site that meets the system requirements. The latter must include capital and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Write down the generated combination in your notepad: it will be needed for further use of the system.

When a password is created and duplicated for security purposes, the system will automatically redirect you to the site, and you will again be able to use the entire list of services offered.

The algorithm for “reanimating” an account using SNILS is similar to the method discussed above. The difference is that you need to click on the “Recover using SNILS” hyperlink. The system will automatically transfer the user to the next tab, where in a special window you need to enter the certificate number.

Enter the numbers you are looking for and press the “Find” button. Wait a few seconds: mobile number, linked to a specific SNILS, you will receive an SMS message with a one-time code. Enter it in the newly opened window and create a new password that will meet the system security requirements.

What should I do if I have lost access to my number and email?

If the password recovery methods suggested above did not work because the citizen changed his number and cannot log into his electronic mailbox, he needs to contact one of the State Services service centers in person with a passport or SNILS. The list of addresses can be found at the link. They are marked on the map and individual can easily find the closest option to his home.

The citizen must appear in person at the selected center and present his passport to the employee. Based on the document, he will quickly restore access to your personal account.

To clarify the details, you can contact the specialists in advance using the form feedback portal, located at the link, or call the hotline number 88001007010 (free call).

Through the State Services portal, users contact authorized government agencies, and therefore their applications may contain confidential data. To avoid a possible “leakage” of information, you need to take care in advance to protect your account on the site from attacks by intruders.

To do this you need:

  • Create a complex password. It is advisable that it does not include such “banal” elements as date of birth or mobile number. For reliability, you can use the services of online password generators.
  • Keep your password in a safe place, or better yet, in your memory.
  • When registering, indicate your “active” email, which you use every day and whose password you remember.
  • Use the double authorization service, which can be activated in the settings personal account. Its essence is that to log in, the user needs to additionally enter a one-time SMS code, which will be sent to the mobile number specified during registration.

The State Services portal offers a simple way to restore access to your personal account for users who have forgotten or lost their password. To change it, just request a one-time code to your mobile number or email.

On this moment the network user has several profiles and accounts from social networks. Each is effectively and reliably protected by owner-written code. Such an abundance of information intended for entry causes loss of access. Portal public services is no exception. Below we describe how to recover your password in government services and what difficulties you may encounter.

If the user has lost access to the resource, just click on the authorization button. For citizens of the Russian Federation, such an operation is provided in three options. Each is as simplified as possible. After clicking on the form to gain access, several recovery options are presented to his attention:

  1. Through email box.
  2. Using mobile.
  3. By SNILS number.

Everywhere it is assumed that access is obtained, which, after activating the button, is generated by the system itself. After selection optimal option receiving a new combination, you will need to answer the established security question.

When you use the first two options, the system will automatically send the combination to your mobile phone or email address specified during registration. The resulting numbers and letters must be entered on the resource. If recognition is correct, the user will automatically be given the opportunity to enter a new one.

How to restore to government services if you forgot your login and password?

The process of deciding how to recover a password for government services is simple. The operation can be completed by a user with different levels preparation. For full recovery the following sequence of actions is performed:

  1. You go to the main page and press the standard login button.
  2. On the page that opens, you need to click on the link.
  3. You must enter a mobile number or email address linked to your profile on the government services resource.
  4. You can gain access using SNILS; it is important to enter such information correctly.
  5. You must enter the document number and activate the Find button.
  6. The person will be asked to choose a transaction via mobile phone or via email if he has changed his number.
  7. After selecting the optimal option, you need to click the continue button.

After completing the steps to recover the password for government services using SNILS, the user will receive a confirmation or link to the number, depending on the chosen method. The data has been received and the user will be required to enter a new combination and login into the form. This is a combination of numbers that is characterized as quite reliable and at the same time meeting the requirements of the portal. After developing a new one, all you have to do is click on the Create option. Everything is simple and clear, there will be no difficulties associated with the problem, I cannot solve the issue through the website.

Access is considered created when the user receives a message that a new one is available. Authorization in the section can only be done with it. After entering all the necessary data, you can enter your personal section.

How to recover a password for government services if you don’t have a phone number?

If you do not have the mobile number entered during registration, you can restore it without any difficulties. To carry out this process, you will need to use the form located on the recovery page. They appear automatically after pressing the button of the same name.

In the form that opens, the system will prompt you to enter your mobile number or mailing address. If desired, select a password recovery method through government services using SNILS. In the instructions presented to your attention, you can see that all the proposed methods are not alternative. If activation via mobile is not possible, you should choose the option based on a pension insurance document or by registered mail. The second option is more popular.

To create a new combination, enter the mailbox specified during the profile creation process in the required line. After entering your email, you must enter the address that was specified when creating your personal account. Click the Find button. Afterwards, the system will send an official letter with a link to the specified address. You should follow it to restore entry permission. You should use the link to establish access to your personal section.

Recovering a password in government services by phone number

This operation is entered similarly to that described above, but instead of mail, a mobile phone is entered. Next, click the Find option. Afterwards, the system asks you to enter SNILS into the form. It is entered into the line below and the Find option is activated again.

If the information entered has been verified, the indicated mobile system will send the combination. It is entered into the field intended for full access. There is no need to close the page until the system sends a new combination to government services. It will be active for 5 minutes. Therefore, before making a request to recover a password through your personal account for government services, you should make sure whether it will be possible to quickly check it and enter it into the form or not.

After permission to enter is issued by the system, each user will be able to replace it with a more convenient one to remember. It is entered strictly twice and when compiling, follow the pop-up tips, which will help you create the most reliable and safe one.

I can’t recover my password for government services via SNILS

If the above options fail to obtain new entrance, you can contact support staff through the form or by calling the hotline. The first method is most often used. The portal has a section with help information on password recovery. It is important to do the following:

  1. Go to the page from your PC where you can solve the problem.
  2. A subsection with suggestions and comments is selected.
  3. The form specifies the essence of the problem so that access can be changed.
  4. The written message is sent.

In a few minutes, the organization’s employees will send a response with a solution and information regarding how you can quickly change the code from a personal section without a number.

Summing up

The user usually does not have problems gaining access to the portal and resolving the issue of how to recover the password through government services. It is worth choosing one of the options and strictly following the indicated instructions. If certain difficulties arise, if a person has not only forgotten the combination, but also the login, you can contact the organization’s employees via the hotline.

To avoid such difficulties, you should be careful about storing numerous digital combinations from government services. It is advisable to make sure that it is very simple, easy to obtain and not complicated, so that you forget on the second day and do not recover at all.

The government services portal in our country is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand. It offers a wide range of all possible services, which allows citizens to save time and nerves when receiving answers to current issues and required documentation.

To use the portal, mandatory registration is required, upon which the user receives a personal account and can use all services available on the site without restrictions. But there are often situations when, due to certain factors, access to the office is lost.

But don't despair. There are several ways to resolve the problem. So, for example, to recover your original password, you can use the link and strictly follow all the recommendations that will be offered.

To ensure access is restored, the following is required:

  • Knowledge personal number SNILS;
  • Having access to a cell phone, which was used during registration and is “linked” to your personal account. It is to this number that a notification will be sent indicating the recovery code;
  • First set a security question in your personal account and come up with an answer to it that you cannot forget under any circumstances.

Recover by phone number or email

By going to the page that allows you to recover your existing password, you should indicate the “linked” phone number or the mailbox address specified during registration.

If there is a security question, please indicate the correct answer.

After this, all you have to do is wait a certain period of time. The wait, as a rule, does not exceed a few minutes. After this, you should enter the code received on your phone in the appropriate field and continue working with the resource in normal mode.

You should also come up with a new password. It should be more reliable and more complex than the previous one. Remember simple passwords do not guarantee the protection of your information.

If the restoration involved not a phone number, but an e-mail address, you should go to your mailbox and find the letter received from the government services website. You should copy the existing link from it or immediately follow it to the required page. There you will be prompted to enter a new password.

If all data is entered correctly, the system will redirect to new page with the ability to log into your personal account for normal operation on the portal.

To enter the portal, you must use the previously entered password, supplementing it with your phone number or registered e-mail. It would be a good idea to record your registration information to avoid repeated problems with logging into the resource.

Password recovery using SNILS

In some situations, recovery using the above method is not possible. When you try to do this, the following notification appears:

In such a situation, you cannot do without SNILS and its number. To do this, you need to follow the appropriate link and indicate the document number in the input field.

Protect your account

To prevent information leakage, you need to take care maximum protection access to your personal account. Initially, you should think about entering as many complex password. It is worth abandoning simple and uncomplicated numerical and letter combinations, dates of birth and other information related to you.

It is advisable to choose a combined variation that will include special characters, letters in different spellings and numbers. You can use the services of specialized generators that will select a password that is reliable and difficult to crack.

A 2-step authorization would also be useful. It involves sending a message to the user's phone number and then entering the code they receive. Specifying a password with your login is also mandatory. This format will significantly increase the reliability of your existing account.

Remember, the more confirmed contacts you have, the better.