Camera chips for Samsung s7 edge. Features of the Galaxy S7 or what's new in it? Editing lock screen shortcuts


My outpourings “why I left Apple and how I ended up living with Samsung” for anyone interested, but it’s not at all necessary and can be skipped:

We spent 4.5 wonderful years with the iPhone 4S (I got it by accident and was my first touch screen), we lived in perfect harmony, it never let me down or betrayed me. He flew three times a week: from a height, onto tiles, onto cement, onto slabs. I threw him, stepped on him and sat down. He swam three times, twice of them thoroughly “scuba diving” for several minutes. And it worked flawlessly!!!

But time goes by, everything develops, or I’m getting old... I began to devote more time to some online projects, accordingly, I disappeared in a tiny screen with my minus, and my eyes were not at all grateful for this. Basic requirement number 1 for a new phone - BIG SCREEN, and the more the better.

The set includes:

  • mobile phone (including back protective film)
  • charger (working on the system fast charging)
  • headphones in a box + replaceable pair of rubber bands
  • USB adapter for phone
  • pin for sim card slot
  • instructions + global insurance voucher and device code


I chose the panels in gold color. Silver looks cheap, black is beautiful, but somehow standard or something, white doesn’t look good at all, that’s why it’s actually gold))

Now I saw in online stores they are also available in blue and pink. At the time I purchased mine, there were no such colors to choose from, so I couldn’t twirl it in my hands, I don’t know how it looks in real life.

For a very long time I toiled in choosing between the Samsung S7 Edge and the regular Samsung S7. Many people criticized the Edge panel, but I immediately fell in love with how the phone looks. I was afraid that I wouldn’t find a good case/glass/film (by the way, I haven’t found one yet), that if it fell, I’d break it, and not only does it cost a lot of money to replace, but the water resistance is immediately compromised...

In the end I settled on Age and I don’t regret it. Well, he's a handsome guy:


The headphones come in a convenient box. They've never gotten confused there yet. Plus, the set includes one replaceable set of elastic bands for the earphones (the same size). Suitable for small ears, standard ones usually don’t fit into me at all, and they have a very ergonomic shape.

There are no complaints about the sound quality. But the volume could have been better. I almost always listen at maximum (by the way, your phone will always warn you about the dangers of prolonged loud listening to music)

I had three main reasons why I even wanted new phone, despite the fact that my apple old man was happy with everything except the screen.


The phone has a fast charging feature. The phone charges really quickly! But if you suddenly need to charge via a detachable USB cable, for example, through a laptop, then it takes an extremely long time to charge, it can take 2-3 hours. It’s terribly inconvenient, I would even classify this as a disadvantage ((

There are no complaints about the USB adapter:

Two SIM cards/memory card slot

For now additional card I didn't take it. The maximum size of the allowed memory card is up to 32 gigs.

Both slots go under the label. The key is larger and more convenient than the one on the iPhone, but the nose is identical. The slot is obtained without any effort.


Cameras were the second main criterion for choosing a phone. I was never satisfied with the camera on the iPhone 4S; I took pictures with it very rarely.

What we have here:

  • front camera - 5MP
  • main - 12MP(there are more on phones now, but that’s not the main thing) , but with an aperture ratio of 1.7!!! My kit lens nervously smokes on the sidelines and quietly hides in a hole when night falls and well done Samsung comes onto the scene.

Aperture is throughput lens, i.e. The aperture ratio shows the maximum possible amount of light passing through the lens and hitting the matrix of a digital camera. The larger the aperture of the lens, the more light can pass through it, the greater the possibilities when shooting in poor lighting without using a flash or tripod.

There is an automatic mode. There is a professional mode (where you can already control the shooting mode in more detail - practically a camera). Panorama mode, selective focus setting, video collage, slow motion, food mode. The ability to preset and shoot immediately with a filter applied... Various correction options!

Double click the moving button - go to the camera. The phone allows you to take a photo and view it on a locked phone.

On average, one photo per main camera weighs 3-5 MB, on the front 1-2 MB. My maximum memory was filled with about 2 thousand photos (+ applications, operating system, etc.). The main camera comes with a flash; for front shots, a bright screen flash works with a flash (sorry for the tautology). If you hold down the volume button, it takes a series of frames, and at such a speed that you only have time to blink, and a hundred have already been captured.

I’ll show you various examples of photographs taken in different conditions using both cameras. All photos are without any processing, just like a phone shoots. Filmed in both auto and professional mode. I usually shoot professionally at dusk and at night.

Front-camera. Clear day

Main camera. Clear day.

Main camera. Clear day. Attempts to play with selective focus and a la macro.

Main camera. Twilight.

Main camera. Night.

Front-camera. Night.

The camera also produces excellent HD quality video!

Chips Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.


This is one of the most important points for me. Diagonal 5.5" is large enough to be comfortable for the eyes, but not yet a tablet. The difference with my old man is colossal!

There are small indicator lights on the top right of the display:

  • red - low charge
  • green - phone is charged (if it is connected to charging)
  • blue - SMS/notification received

The sensor is great. The phone really flies even when the memory is full. There have never been any misunderstandings that I press one, and then three more unnecessary garbage. The exception is rounded edges, and even then only in a lying position I can hit something - more details below)

Edge Sidebar

A very convenient, necessary and favorite thing for me. I use it all the time, although at the beginning, when I looked at reviews from the first bloggers, almost everyone insisted that the thing was useless, you’ll play for 2-3 months and forget about it.

The slider on the side can be adjusted for size (3 options), position (left/right, higher/lower), and transparency. Then the panels are configured. I have 4 of them: the main frequently used applications, followed by the necessary contacts and you can add your favorite Internet pages (I have nothing yet, through a search engine it’s somehow more familiar). You can also add a bookmark with weather, time, currencies, news. You can change the order of these pages; next time the panel will open exactly in the place where you closed it.

This feature will also make life easier for those for whom, let’s say, the phone is too big, as it allows you to operate the most used functions and applications with one hand.

Screen protection

  • I immediately purchased the most common film and a case with a hinged lid. I don’t know what quality this first film had, but it was scratched instantly. Already on the third day of use, it felt like it had been beaten by dogs:

  • For the second time I decided to test the so-called protective glass . I ordered it in gold, this rather red miracle arrived, but that’s not that important. It fits well, but the Edge with its edges is simply not suitable for “glass”. As a result, it came unstuck in the middle, the phone did not respond to normal touches, I had to apply a fair amount of pressure. As a result, I threw it out on the 3rd day.

  • Well, the third attempt - again films, but more expensive, already in a certified store. In appearance they are no different from the first one. There were 2 pieces in the set. I stuck it on without any problems. I've been using it successfully for 2 months now and have almost no scratches.

  • I left the original film stuck on the back panel (its tail sometimes gets into the frame from the front), plus I always carry it in a case.

My favorite goodies in the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Print screen or photo of the screen.

On an iPhone, I’m used to doing everything through two home + lock keys. It works instantly. Here in Samsung you can take pictures in the same way, but the downside is that here you need to press two keys exactly, exactly at the same time, you can’t press the “home” key one iota earlier, then hold it for a while until a characteristic click occurs. I don’t always succeed in this; in the beginning I didn’t succeed at all.

But the S7 edge has an awesome The function is to swipe your hand across the screen and it takes a photo.

Rounded edges

Here everyone's opinions differ. Some people really like it, others find it annoying and seem like a minus. I fell in love with them immediately.

How to hold the phone so as not to press anything unnecessary? This did not cause any problems for me, because I always work behind the phone with both hands, I don’t press them to the edges, it was the same with a miniature apple. Perhaps this is extremely problematic for men’s hands, but I think it will not cause discomfort for girls. I never manipulate with one hand (only with the Edge panel), and if there was a need for the phone, it is possible to either minimize the application to the desired size, or split the screen into two halves, or simply switch to one-handed mode and reduce the entire screen.

The screen is divided into two halves by long pressing the left touch button. It looks like this:

The only problem I have is when I use the phone while lying overhead, then it turns out hanging on the palms upside down touching the screen and here, of course, you can press whatever you want. But since with my vision such “lying down” is only harmful, it motivates me not to strain my eyes too much))

Moisture/water resistance.

I can honestly say that somehow I deliberately did not test my phone for this function. A lot of bloggers on the Internet mock the Seven as best they can: the more modest ones simply drown it, some put it in water in the freezer, some boil it, and the desperate ones even bathe it in Coca-Cola. Everyone goes crazy in their own way. Although the phone survived all such crash tests, I’m not ready for such heroism

not capable for the sake of review))

What really happened: regular wet hands, sea spray, rain, bathrooms full of steam - the phone didn’t notice all this, I didn’t particularly protect it and it works flawlessly. Nothing leaked or got in anywhere. Therefore, I conclude that it is moisture resistant, but I will not risk using it constantly as an underwater camera.

This is, of course, heaven and earth compared to the eternal need to connect from iOS to iTunes. I’m the person who goes without a single song on my iPhone for 3 years, because it’s difficult to navigate iTunes, it’s always stupid: it won’t open, it won’t see the phone, it won’t sync, it just doesn’t want to upload some file, don’t understand why . Of course, it would be possible to figure something out, reinstall something, reflash it, etc., but these dances with a tambourine really stressed me out and it was easier for me not to listen to music than to waste time on all this.

With Samsung S7 this problem disappeared by itself. I don't upload music at all. When listening online on VK, it’s all saved in my cache, and then I can easily listen to it from there offline! Pictures, videos, files - everything is quickly and seamlessly transferred with a slight movement of the mouse.


Magical, considering how many “good” things we’ve all heard about the viability of androids...

I was not able to test the survivability of the phone in standby mode - but offhand, judging by how it manages to discharge overnight, I can say that it will survive at least a week in the mode of a few telephone conversations. Lives full day in almost continuous photo/video shooting mode + periodically working GPS. Mobile Internet drains your phone pretty quickly. On average it will live a day.

In the settings there is a convenient function called Battery, where you can enable energy-saving mode, and in the statistics tab you can see in detail where the charging percentage is spent! Very comfortably.

How to save battery? IN turn on energy saving mode!

Don't forget to turn off all unused applications. Plus, the phone itself switches all applications that are not used for more than three days into energy-saving mode.

Reduce screen brightness. I usually turn off auto-tuning and lower the brightness a little manually.

Throughout our Italian adventure, I didn’t worry that we would be left without communication, a signal, or just time and a flashlight - all I had to do was charge my phone at night and I knew that in the morning I would still have the same 100% + I didn’t have to worry, that I won’t have enough charge to take photographs from morning until late at night, or that my phone will die from the inability to load maps.

Not so significant for me, but also very interesting opportunities

Besides everything else, there is a lot useful features, such as:

  • the ability to customize all the screen details to suit you (fonts, icon sizes, transparency, themes (there are standard ones and, one might say, Samsung’s are free), set the night clock - the numbers glow on the side and the Always on display mode is disabled)
  • function do not turn on the screen - prevents the screen from accidentally turning on in a bag or pocket.
  • definitely a useful section - special abilities - allows you to configure the phone for people with poor hearing/vision/people with poor coordination

  • You can put a slideshow on the screen saver , selecting any folder for playback, for example, Instagram photos - beautiful, of course, but it eats up a lot of charge for working the screen.
  • Always on display - the display always lights up the time, icons for incoming SMS and calls, what music is playing, you can put the backlight in the form of a pattern. It’s convenient that you can set the time to turn this function on and off in order to save battery.

Functions that I have not yet been able to test and study in detail:

  • simple mute - first put your hand on the speaker, then turn the phone screen down - you will mute the incoming sound or the alarm will turn off.
  • night clock on the side - the Always on display function is disabled - at night I sleep, here I don’t need a watch either on the side or in the center.
  • calling a contact holding the phone to your ear - if you are standing on a certain contact. If I’m standing on it, then I’m not too lazy to press the button)

Getting used to Android

Before Samsung, I already had a little experience with the Nexus 5, which was forced, I spent about a month with it, maybe even two. I remember very much spitting and being indignant: “Will I ever voluntarily switch from iOS to Android again?! Never!” Then little by little I began to get used to the appearance of the operating system. But love didn’t work out for us then.

Taking in Samsung hands I found him surprisingly quickly mutual language. Its menu is thought out to the smallest detail. Whatever I look for, I find it on my phone within a few seconds. There has never been a time when I spent half a day figuring out some settings - it happened with iOS.

I really like how all the new items are signed and explanations are added about what and how you should do.

The top pop-up menu is incredibly convenient. You can either simply turn it on/off, or press and go to the full menu by function. In the Samsung S7 Edge, everything is at your fingertips, everything is fast and convenient. You don’t notice how you begin to navigate everything without any problems.

It took me a long time to get used to the differences between the functions of the main moving button. Probably about a month. Now I enjoy using both operating systems and neither one causes discomfort.

Phone lock

I use fingerprint verification. The phone reacts and responds quite quickly, and quite cleverly recognizes the fingerprint from different angles and inclinations, without any extra pressure or effort.

If I don’t use a fingerprint, a verification check is still installed. graphic code. You can give fingerprint access to several people.

Hull strength

I'm not me if my phone doesn't fly. I’ve already fallen at least 5 times, including on the screen. So far, thank God, it’s intact, without scratches or damage, and hasn’t started to dull.

I concluded for myself that Samsung’s screens are not that weak.


The phone was given to me as a gift, so I can’t tell you the exact price. The only thing I know for sure is that our phone in the Czech Republic costs an order of magnitude more than in the CIS. Mine was purchased in Kazakhstan in August, now the price has dropped somewhat, on the websites it is indicated from 200,000 tenge and above ($620, etc.).

For example, the most popular electronics store in the Czech Republic is now asking for a 10% discount for gold Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - 20,250 crowns (that’s about $800).

Six months of use experience. I recommend it for purchase, both for Android users and apple lovers)) The phone continues to delight every day, especially the camera, sometimes I forget to take the camera, since I can now rely on the quality of pictures from Samsung.

Thank you for stopping by) Have a nice and successful shopping.

Among branded shells for Android, TouchWiz from Samsung is rightfully considered the record holder for the number of various functions and additional capabilities. Having plunged into the depths of this launcher, you will find many “tricks”, both quite typical and very unusual - in a word, a real paradise for those who like to customize the gadget to their taste to the smallest detail and use it to its fullest. And the full capabilities of TouchWiz are revealed on the most “advanced” Samsung smartphone today - flagship Galaxy S7 edge.

Almost all Samsung Galaxy 2015 flagships have already received an operating update Android systems up to version 6.0.1 Marshmallow. Following Galaxy S6, S6 Edge and Galaxy Note Update 5 has become available for Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. The first users to receive the long-awaited update were residents of South Korea, and a little later the update to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow will be released for the Galaxy S6 Edge+ worldwide. Firmware G928SKSU2BPAG is available for download on Samsung Switch.


You can customize almost anything in the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, and start with what you see every time you take your smartphone out of your pocket - the lock screen. In the device settings, you can specify information about the owner and display contact information on the lock screen - very useful in case you lose your device.

A set of applications for quick launch You can also configure it yourself through the shortcuts in the lower corners of the screen.

When the smartphone is locked, the display, at the user's request, will remain active even in standby mode: it will continue to show the clock (Always On function), missed calls, calendar and other information. You can choose the appearance of the watch, and this useful option use without worrying about battery charge - thanks to the Super AMOLED display, this has almost no effect on time battery life.

Galaxy owner S7 edge comes with an unlimited number of screens with shortcuts and widgets. The first to the left of the main screen is the news panel, and if you don’t need it, you can easily turn it off in the settings.

The main thing that TouchWiz can do with desktops is change their grid. The standard 4x4 grid looks weird on devices larger than five inches, and in order to fit more information on desktops, you used to have to use root patches or third-party launchers. Now the grid in the Galaxy S7 edge can be changed to 4x5 or 5x5 using standard means.

Also among the built-in features is changing the system font and its size, and a function has appeared to change the style of icons on desktops and in the application tray.

You can radically transform the device interface by changing the theme - they can be downloaded for free from the Samsung store. Moreover, not only the wallpaper and icon style can change, but also the color scheme standard applications: It feels like you’re holding another smartphone in your hands!

Another innovation in latest version TouchWiz is a section of Galaxy Labs with experimental features that may become mainstream in the future. One of them is turning the app drawer on and off. Unlike other manufacturers that use one or another option for organizing shortcuts, Samsung gives users a choice: leave a separate panel for applications, as in AOSP, or disable it, and then the icons of all programs will be located directly on the desktops.

To make it easier to use the device with one hand, two functions are offered. The first is activated by three clicks on the Home button and reduces the entire interface.

The second function is enabled in the settings, with it the interface is reduced and moved to the edge only for some standard programs, for example, the dialer and calculator, as well as the keyboard. In both functions, options are available for both left-handers and right-handers - switching is done with one click on a special arrow.

As before, in addition to the standard shell mode, TouchWiz also provides a lightweight mode, in which the icons are enlarged and the page layout is simplified. This function is useful when using a smartphone by children or, for example, users with poor eyesight.

The notification panel has changed for the most part in appearance, but there is also one new feature. It may seem insignificant, but many owners of Samsung gadgets have long dreamed of it: now you can remove “Quick Connect” from the panel, which most users do not need very often.

Curved display interface

Some of the possibilities described appeared only in new version TouchWiz, some have already been seen, and all of them will most likely make their way into future Samsung flagships. But a number of functions that use the capabilities of the side edges are truly exclusive to the Galaxy S7 edge. The most noticeable of them is the side panels, “pulled out” by swiping from the edge of the display.

There are more than a dozen different panels to choose from, which can be turned on and off, swapped, and also chosen the location and visibility of their call zone. Among them are quick access to applications and contacts, a toolbar (the built-in ruler is unlikely to be used often, but the flashlight will come in handy), weather, daily tasks, promotions and some others.

While edge panels are designed to be used when the screen is on, the second function, edge channels, allows the smartphone to display news, promotions, the number of steps taken, and information about missed events when the screen is off. To enable such information channels, just swipe back and forth along one of the edges.

Both panels and edge channels have third-party widgets that can be downloaded from the Samsung store.

In addition to the channels, on the side of the switched off display you can turn on the clock display, and set it to a certain time interval - for example, at night, when the smartphone is lying next to the bed.

And of course, if the gadget is turned off and is lying with the display down, when a notification is received, the side edges will be beautifully illuminated.

Gesture control

Gesture control in Samsung smartphones appeared quite a long time ago, and is mostly well known to users. The Galaxy S7 edge continues the tradition: as before, you can take a screenshot by swiping the edge of your palm across the display, turn off the sound by turning the smartphone over, or make a call by simply holding the device to your ear if a contact card or SMS message is open. But there are also innovations. For example, if notifications were received while the device was lying on the table, the gadget will notify you of missed events by vibration when you pick it up.

Another feature for quick calls has appeared in the Galaxy Labs section. If it is activated, you can call the desired number simply by saying the contact’s name while pressing the “Home” button.

To prevent the screen from turning off while reading, it is proposed to enable the face recognition function using the front camera: as long as your face is “in the frame,” the gadget will not go into sleep mode.

Gaming Features

One of the main complaints about touch navigation keys has always been accidental presses during games. The latest version of TouchWiz solves this problem, and at the same time Samsung has added a number of other functions useful for gaming. The Game Launcher hub is responsible for them, into which shortcuts for all installed games. Here you can adjust the power consumption of games (if you want to play longer, you can lower the resolution and fps), turn off notifications and enable Game Tools.

Game Tools is a small floating icon on top of the game screen, clicking on which opens a radial menu. It allows you to turn the lock on or off touch buttons, and also record video from the screen. If previously such actions required third party programs, and sometimes superuser rights, then in the Galaxy S7 edge these functions have become standard.

Other features

Several other features of the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge are also worth noting. The most noticeable of them is multi-window mode. To minimize the application to a window, just swipe from the upper left corner diagonally across the display. You can open several windows at once, and the mode is supported for most programs, including third-party ones. You can resize windows, and also use the drag-n-drop function to drag text and images between them.

Another feature worth mentioning is the improved point mode Wi-Fi access. If your smartphone is connected to another Wi-Fi network when you enable access point mode, it will become a repeater for other devices. This innovation will be useful for expanding the range of action Wi-Fi networks, and also if the network has a limit on the number of connections, which is often found in hotels and other establishments.


The Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is packed to the brim with various functions that speed up and simplify working with your smartphone, make everyday life more comfortable, and sometimes serve simply to make the interface more beautiful and pleasant. And it itself is worked out to the smallest detail, adapting to anyone, from the very fastidious user to a beginner, the first day of learning the device. It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the software shell is the showcase of a smartphone. The S7 Edge turned out to be damn attractive.

Learn more about Samsung Galaxy S7 edge


— Share the News on Social Media. Networks

Almost all Samsung Galaxy 2015 flagships have already received an update operating system Android up to version 6.0.1 Marshmallow. Following the Galaxy S6, S6 Edge and Galaxy Note 5, the update has become available for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. The first users to receive the long-awaited update were residents of South Korea, and a little later the update to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow will be released for the Galaxy S6 Edge+ worldwide. Firmware G928SKSU2BPAG is available for download on Samsung Switch.

Samsung plans to sell 17 million Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge at launch

At MWC 2016, Samsung presented new flagship Galaxy S7. According to latest information, Samsung plans to sell 17 million Galaxy smartphones S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge for the first quarter of sales. The company is confident that there will be more interest in the new product than in last year's Galaxy S6 and the popular Galaxy S4. In March of this year, the manufacturer will produce 7.7 million Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, and another 4.5 million in April. At a conference in Barcelona, ​​Samsung announced great interest in the flagship from potential users and partners of the company.

Improved edge

The Edge curved screen interface includes up to 9 panels, giving you quick access to what you need. With Apps edge, for example, you can create up to 10 app shortcuts and folders.

Set up edge

When you use the curved edge screen so often, it's great to be able to fit it to your hand. Go to settings and customize the edge experience to your liking.

*Only for Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

Tasks edge

Fast access. Once you've created icons for your favorite apps or contacts, whatever you need, like taking a selfie, a special reminder, or just mom's number,
will be available with one touch on the edge panel.

*Only for Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

Quick Tools

The edge panel gives you quick access to useful tools like a ruler, flashlight, or compass.

*Only for Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

Always On Display

Always active screen will display useful information on a locked device. This feature is advanced enough to automatically turn off when the smartphone is in a pocket or bag, face down, or when the smartphone is almost empty.

*Always active screen

Samsung Company reserves the right to make any changes regarding product description, technical characteristics and consumer properties at any time and without prior notice. All information about the product, including, but not limited to, functionality data, technical specifications, design, components, performance, interface, etc., are subject to change without prior notice or liability. Screen images are simulated for demonstration purposes only.

*edge - edge
Apps edge
Task edge - Task edge

Samsung and operators mobile communications have already conspired to pack a new phone with several distracting (and sometimes downright disgusting) apps and services. No worries! You can get rid of most of them in a few clicks. To remove programs that can be uninstalled from the application manager, drag them onto the uninstall icon. Easily.

Remove clutter you don't need.

For those apps that can't be uninstalled, you can do the same, but instead of uninstalling, switch the icon at the top of the screen to the "Off" position. This disables the application so it will not work in background or appear in the applications folder. You can also save some time by going into the main app settings and scrolling through the full list of apps to find the ones you want to disable. Click on any of them and then click the button Disable at the top of the screen. Now everything looks much neater there.

Setting up fingerprints

Galaxy S7 And S7 Edge have a fingerprint sensor built into the home button and you should take advantage of it. To add and manage your fingerprints, go to the “Lock screen and security” menu and open “Fingerprints”. When adding a new fingerprint, make sure to hold the phone naturally as you would when unlocking it and rotate your finger to capture all parts of it. You can choose to allow fingerprints to be used to verify your identity when making purchases from Samsung Pay, Google Play, and other services.

Setting up the application manager

Home screen from SamsungTouchWiz faster and a little more feature-rich this year, so much so that you'll actually want to use it. Firstly, it is convenient for setting up the application manager. The default manager structure contains folders certain applications on the first page, and then the rest in random order. Although this doesn't make the search much easier.

You can get rid of folders by clicking the button Change, and then tap the folder. This will put the application on the main list. Also experience the ease of creating your own folders or modifying existing ones using the editing interface. You can organize applications as you like, in edit mode, or just use A-Z button to sort everything alphabetically. New applications will always be added to the end of the application manager, which is quite counterintuitive if you prefer alphabet order. You can fix this by pressing the button again A-Z time from time.

Disabling the information screen

Flipboard screen Briefing from Samsung probably the worst part of the home interface TouchWiz. It's slow and not particularly useful. In fact, some operators disable it by default. If your carrier is not one of them, you should disable it yourself. It's easy - use a long touch or zoom out gesture on the home screen to enter edit mode. Scroll to the left to Briefing and uncheck the box next to it.

Move apps using the top bar

When home screens are cluttered and you want to move apps, you usually have to remove objects to free up space to resize widgets or change icons. IN Galaxy S7 not this way. There's a handy Move Apps icon at the very top of the screen when you drag an app.

Just drop an app on it and you'll get a bar at the top of the screen where you can temporarily place icons while you reorganize your home screen. You can even scroll through it, so you can download as many icons as you need.

Moving and resizing home screens

When you start adding apps and widgets to main screen, you may change your mind about where the components should be located. It's not easy to start from scratch though. You can simply move one of the home screen panels to a different location. Long press or pinch on the home screen to enter edit mode and then long press and drag to move the entire panel to a new location. If you need more space on your home screen, you can also do it from Edit mode. Click "Screen Grid" at the bottom and change the grid size to 4x5 or 5x5.

Always on screen setting

Samsung takes advantage of the AMOLED display in GS7 with a new, always-on display mode. Some carriers disable it by default, but you should try this. You'll find the Always On Screen menu in Display settings.

You can choose between a clock, a calendar, or just an image (which isn't very useful) to display on the screen while the phone is in sleep mode. There are also several different styles for each setting.

Video review of Samsung S7 Edge a year later:

Customize the Edge Ribbon (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge only)

Ribbon Edge only available in phone version Edge(and this is obvious) and only when it is in sleep mode. It is activated by swiping back and forth along the edge, and a feed of news and information appears. Scrolling up and down moves between ribbon elements. This can be helpful, but only if you take a few minutes to make sure you're being shown the information you need.

You will find the ribbon options Edge in settings "screen" Edge". A few categories, such as notifications and Yahoo news, will likely be the default, but you can also enable stock reports, a pedometer, and even download some more feeds, such as news and an RSS reader from the store Samsung applications. The order of the news feed can also be changed.

Customize the side edge (S7 Edge only)

If you purchased Edge option Galaxy S7, then you got several functions that are not available on the regular one. Probably the most useful of these would be the panel Edge. It's a small tab on the right edge of the screen. Swipe it and you'll be able to swipe through multiple screens of shortcuts and information, including a toolbar with a ruler. You can customize them by also clicking the settings icon in the bottom left corner.

The order of panels can be rearranged and you can disable those that are not needed. Several panels (such as application shortcuts) have additional settings that you have access to. App Store Samsung offers several panels that can be downloaded in addition to the included set.

If side panel distracts, the only options are to move it to another part of the screen, reduce its size or increase its transparency. These are all options.

Changing the display color mode

AMOLED panels Samsung have extremely realistic colors, but by default they may appear too bright for some people. You can adjust this by going into the display settings and changing the screen mode for different color gamuts and saturation. The phone supports adaptive, cinema, photo and basic screen modes. If you want the most accurate colors, use the Photo and Basic display modes. Photo mode uses the Adobe RGB gamut for a slightly brighter display than Basic, which uses sRGB. Cinema and Adaptive modes shift saturation slightly past "realistic" levels.

Use Pro camera mode

The camera's default mode can produce many great shots with its competent Auto mode, but you can achieve more by turning on the Pro mode. Just click the Mode button in the bottom left corner and select Pro. This will give you full control over focus, ISO, exposure and more. You can also set any of the settings to auto and change only some of them.

In addition, don't forget to play around with RAW images. If this feature is enabled in settings, you will receive JPEG and uncompressed RAW file, which you can process in the Lightroom or Snapseed apps.

Take photos faster with Camera Quick Launch

Galaxy S7 has an amazing camera and you can turn it on super quickly just by double tapping the home button. Be aware that some carriers disable this by default. You can activate this feature in the camera settings in the “Quick Launch” section.

Stopping a Stretch with One Hand

Standard GS7 good enough for one-handed operation, but Edge by 5.5 inches, too big for this. Both devices have useful function regime One hand, to keep items within reach, but it may be disabled by default.

To activate One-handed mode, talk to " Additional settings» in the main menu. One-handed mode should be at the very top. Once this is done, you can triple press the home button to launch One-handed mode. The screen will shrink down and move to the right, but you can move it to the left using the arrow button. You can also, if desired, install a standard keyboard to scroll through more than one side of this menu. This should all be within reach of your thumb.

Selfie lighting with flash

Some phones like Moto X Pure Edition have a front-facing selfie flash, but not Galaxy S7. Although it has an elegant alternative. When you turn on the front camera, pay attention to the flash option in the settings panel. If you turn it on, the screen will glow white, just like when you take a photo. Because the Galaxy S7 has very bright screen, this will be more than enough to compensate in a dark room.

Do more with Smart Capture

Galaxy S7 And S7 Edge have adopted a feature previously introduced in the Note 5 called Smart Capture. This is a set of features available after you take a screenshot. Three buttons appear at the bottom of the screen after taking a screenshot to ensure quick access to more grabbing, trimming and sharing.

The Capture More feature is great for scrolling through screenshots.

The last two probably speak for themselves, but what about "Grab More"? Click this and the screen will scroll down and capture more on the page you are on. This image will merge together with the first screen into a larger image. You can do this as many times as you like.

Check out Samsung Pay

Samsung Pay is exclusive to new Galaxy devices such as Galaxy S7 And S7 Edge. It has support for other contactless payment systems - it works almost everywhere. Please note that not all banks are supported Samsung Pay. If you have a valid card, Samsung allows you to pay from regular terminals for credit cards that do not have NFC. It sends data from the magnetic stripe over wireless network using a technology called MST. NFC is also supported when available.

Run multiple applications using Multi-window mode

Not all applications are supported, but most of them are. You can switch to split screen mode on Galaxy S7 by long pressing the Browse button. A list of apps will appear on half the screen so you can select an app. The same thing happens on the other half, but if you already had the app open while running multiple windows, it will automatically be placed in the top half.

Suitable multitasking tools for working with two applications at the same time.

You can go back and forth using both apps at the same time in this mode. You can also drag the center point to change the proportions of each window. Tapping the divider brings up options to change the position of apps on the split screen, close one, minimize to a floating window, or drag items between them.

Play faster with Game Launcher

Game Launcher is another feature that your carrier may disable by default. To enable, go to advanced features again and “Games” should be at the very top. Enable Game Launcher and Game Tools for other options.

Increase speed with Download Assistant

If you absolutely need to download as quickly as possible, GS7 supports Download Assistant. This is disabled by default on all types of phones as it will eat up mobile data. Although you may be okay with that.

The download assistant can be found in the “Other connection settings” section. If this feature is enabled, it adds up your WiFi signals and LTE together for fast boot times. You can actually double your download speed. If you have unlimited LTE, there is no lower limit.

Improve your sound with an equalizer

In mono speaker from Samsung There's nothing to write about this, but you may have paid good money for some decent headphones. You can get the most out of them by checking out the amazing capabilities of the built-in equalizer Samsung. You will find the path to it at the bottom of the settings Sounds and Notifications in the Sound Quality and Effects section.

There is a basic mode with presets, but you can also manually adjust the 7-band equalizer, as well as other parameters such as bass and reverb. Additionally, check out the Adapt Sound feature, which can help you customize the effects for your hearing and headphones.

They went on sale and found their first buyers. Many observers write that at the moment it is best smartphones on the Android platform. They have high performance, attractive design, excellent cameras, curved functional display and many other advantages that can interest buyers. The hardware specs are good and the software specs are just as good.

Having tried the Galaxy S7, we can conclude that the current version of the TouchWiz shell is not too different from last year. Looks, feel, performance - everything remains the same except using Android 6.0.1 with its new features.

TouchWiz has always had a lot of native features. Now there are fewer of them, but still enough. Below are tips on setting up the new flagships from Samsung.

1. Split screen for multitasking

Multitasking has always been one of the most interesting features of Samsung's software arsenal, and new smartphones allow you to open two apps side by side on the screen. Open the recent applications menu and see which ones support this feature. They are marked with a small multi-window icon in the title bar. By clicking on it, you will open the application on half the screen, and at the bottom there will be a list of programs that can be displayed on the remaining half. When two programs are open, you can resize their windows, minimize them, or expand them to full screen.

2. Saving photos to a memory card

Previously removed card slots were returned to the S7 microSD memory, so the amount of available memory can now be expanded. Applications cannot be installed on the card, but photos can be saved. After installing the card and launching the camera application, you will see a window asking whether to save single photos to the card by default. Photos taken in groups will continue to be saved to internal memory.

3. Disable and configure the Always On display function

Useful new opportunity two Samsung flagships can be disabled or configured; The screenshots show exactly how.

4. Setting up the fingerprint sensor

The fingerprint scanner has become an integral part of expensive Samsung devices, and now it is faster than ever before. There is no reason not to use it to lock the screen, which will increase the security of data storage on the device. You can enable sensor unlocking in the section Settings > Lock screen and security > Fingerprints.

5. Enable fast charging

The fast charging feature allows you to reduce the time your smartphone spends connected to a power outlet. Open Settings - Battery and turn on the fast charging option at the bottom of the page. In this case, the battery temperature will be higher than normal.

6. Editing lock screen shortcuts

To edit shortcuts on the lock screen, open Settings > Lock screen and security > Information and app shortcuts > App shortcuts. There can be two shortcuts on the lock screen; here you can choose which applications they will belong to.

Some people like the side screens of the Galaxy S7 Edge, but others consider them unnecessary, so you can turn them off. Open Settings > Edge Screen , there are a couple of menus for enabling and disabling sidebars and news feeds on them. You can prevent the edges of your smartphone from lighting up when the phone rings.

8. Selecting Edge Panels

There are several Edge panels that you can set to display on your side screens. If desired, you can download additional ones from the Samsung store.

9. Setting up management of Edge panels

The user can select the screen position, size, transparency. To do this, click on the customization menu at the bottom of the panel.

10. Activate one-handed mode

A handy feature that allows you to scale the interface and move it to make it easier to reach with your fingers. To do this, you need to swipe from the top left or right corner of the screen towards the center until the interface size is appropriate.

11. Use a download accelerator

Standard Wi-Fi connection fast, LTE is potentially even faster, and together they are faster than individually. Open Settings > More connection settings and activate Download Accelerator. You need to keep in mind that the traffic limit cellular communication will be used up very quickly if you do not have an unlimited plan.

12. Activate Motion Photo

The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have a camera feature called Motion Photo that records a few seconds of video before and after taking a photo, similar to how Zoe and Apple's Live Photos functions work.

13. Resize photos

You can easily resize captured photos. Open the camera app and click on the image size button in the settings panel. There are three aspect ratios available: 4:3, 16:9 and 1:1. You can also select the photo resolution.

14. Activating quick camera launch

A small but convenient feature introduced in the Galaxy S6 and remaining in the S7 is to launch the camera by double-clicking the Home button. Works on any screen and in any application, but the option must be activated in the settings. It is located in the section " Additional features"(Advanced features).

15. Disable the news feed on the home screen

Previously, Samsung devices had a Flipboard magazine, but last year the creation of a news application, Upday, was announced. It comes pre-installed on the S7 and S7 Edge and can be found by swiping left on the home screen. If you want to disable the app, you can long-press on an empty space on your home screen, then swipe left and tap the switch in the Upday app.

16. Changing the layout of home screen elements

The appearance of the TouchWiz user shell can be changed if desired by changing the arrangement of elements on the home screen. By default, the grid size is 4 x 4, however, pressing and holding empty space home screen, you get a Screen Grid option where it can be set to 4 x 5 and 5 x 5.

17. Enabling simplified mode

If you or your family aren't Android and smartphone experts, the S7 has a built-in simplified mode that increases the font size and rearranges the layout of elements on the home screen.

18. Installing the Find My Mobile function

It is designed to protect the device and the data stored on it. Go to Settings > Lock screen & security, select Find My Mobile. Add here account Samsung and select the security features you want.

19. Answer calls using hardware buttons

You can answer and end calls on the Galaxy S7/S7 Edge using hardware buttons without touching touch screen. Settings > Access > Answer and end calls, select the required option here. You can also answer calls using a voice command.

20. Easily turn on the screen

Settings > Access > Abilities and Interactions. The option is called “Easy screen turn on” and allows you to simply wave your hand in front of its top part, where the distance sensor is located.