Is there Photoshop for Linux? Free Photoshop on Ubuntu

But no matter how you look at it, you can’t do it without Photoshop. There are several ways to install and run Photoshop on Linux.

This method is based on copying folders, registry and settings already installed by Adobe Photoshop CS5 from Windows to Linux.

Install Adobe Photoshop CS5

Following the instructions of the standard installer, install Adobe Photoshop CS5 in the Windows operating system to the default directory. Test the launch.

Export the Adobe branch from the registry

Launch the registry editor: Start → Run (Win+R keys) and enter in the line.

A registry editor window will open in which you need to go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Adobe

Export it to a file. To do this, right-click and select "Export". Give the file a meaningful name (for example, photoshop.reg) and keep it accessible to the operating room Linux systems place.

At this point, all manipulations with Windows can be considered complete. We reboot into Linux or close the virtual machine.

Install Wine

If you already have it installed, then check that the version is not lower than 1.3

Wine --version

On this moment version 1.3.13 available. Otherwise, reset the OS in case you've played with Wine before:

Rm -rf ~/.wine

Add the Wine repository and update from it to the latest stable version

Sudo zypper ar Wine sudo zypper mr -r Wine sudo zypper in Wine

Where v can be 10.3, 11.0, 11.1 or 11.3...or 11.4

By installing this version, you will automatically install . If you are using another distribution, go to to get the latest version of Wine.

Install missing Windows libraries

Using winetricks install the missing Windows libraries:

Winetricks atmlib gdiplus gecko ie6 msxml3 msxml6 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 fontsmooth-rgb

Short description For each package, see the table below. Translation of the description is out of place here, and everything is clear anyway.

atmlibAdobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4
gdiplusMS gdiplus.dll
geckoThe HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
ie6Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
msxml3MS XML Core Services 3.0
msxml6MS XML Core Services 6.0
vcrun2005MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
vcrun2008MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)

For adequate operation you will also need atmlib.dll and gdiplus.dll. Take both files and put them in a folder


Copy files from Windows to Linux

Following the table below, copy the file folders from the operating room Windows systems on Linux;

Home locationNew location
C:\Program Files\Adobe\$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Adobe
C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\Application Data\Adobe$HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Applications Data/Adobe

where $USER is the name of the current user in Windows, $HOME is in Linux

If you have 64-bit installed Windows version, then the “Program Files” folder in it is called “Program Files (x86)”

Import the Adobe registry hive

Using the same utility, we will import our file photoshop.reg, but on Linux OS

Wine regedit photoshop.reg

Configure Wine

Set up Wine using an easy-to-use GUI interface

Select the “Libraries” tab, in the “New replacement for library” list - odbc32 and the "Add" button.

The library appears in the "Existing Replacements" list.

Yesterday I was thinking about the topic of a new blog post, I was busy creating a logo and, of course, I was thinking about how to create it with a fairly decent visibility and not very simple for a schoolchild, so that our blog would also stand out with its original logo.

I previously wrote a post about how to install Dreamweaver 8.0 on Ubuntu 14.04, the installation principle is almost the same.

How to install Adobe Photoshop CS5? First of all, you need to install PlayOnlinux, I already described how to install it in the material -. After installing PlayOnLinux, launch the application by going to the Games section, or find it in Dash using the search and launch it.

After launch, press the button - " Install", a new window will open in which you can find other applications to install. In the search form, enter the query "CS", then in the list of results that was generated based on our request you will see applications Adobe Photoshop CS4/Adobe Photoshop CS6, select the version CS6, it’s too early to rejoice, this is not a ready-made application for installation, it’s just a preparation for this application with settings for work.

  • Let's continue the installation, we clicked on the "Install" button, then the following window will open.
  • As usual, when installing any application, a greeting from the installer appears - “Welcome, etc.” We can skip this step and click on the “Next” button.

In this window we are asked to click on the button - " View"and then select the installer file on your computer’s hard drive Adobe Photoshop CS6 in exe format. I’ll immediately inform you that I chose the CS5 version because I didn’t have the downloaded version 6, I had a ready-made CS5 which takes up about 140 meters in size compared to CS6 which is about 1 GB in size, I don’t have internet cable and I didn’t dare download version 6, 5 is enough for me.

  • In general, we chose the installation file of the Adobe Photoshop CS5 exe format, click on the next button.
  • Installing additional AdobeAIR software.
  • Installation of additional MSXML3 software.
  • Installation of additional software vcrun2005 sp1 x86 and vcrun2010 sp1 x86.
  • Afterwards you will see an error message, ignore it this error and click on the “Next” button.
  • After the full installation of Adobe Photoshop CS5 begins, select the installation language.
  • Afterwards the wizard will open Adobe installations Photoshop CS5 skip this step and click on the “Next” button.
  • Next, you are asked to select let the application be installed, do not change anything, continue the installation and click on the next button.
  • A window will then open to select additional tasks, do not change anything and click on the next button again.
  • At this stage handmade finished, click the “Install” button and the installation of the application begins.
  • We observe the installation process.
  • The installation of Adobe Photoshop CS5 is complete, click on the “Finish” button.
  • Afterwards, a window will appear in which we are asked to send an error report to the PlayOnLinux developers, I refused and accordingly clicked on the “No” button.

Yesterday, when I installed Photoshop CS5 using a similar method, a certain version of Wine-photoshop and several additional applications were automatically downloaded, in total size, if you estimate the footage of downloading additional software from the Internet, within 140 MB.

Today, for the sake of writing a blog post, I removed Photoshop and went through this procedure again point by point in order to describe everything step by step for you (how, what and after what). Even at the very beginning after the creation of the virtual hard drive To install Photoshop, you may be asked to download a special version of Vine for Photoshop, apparently this is work from the PlayOnLinux developers, agree and click on the next button everywhere.

  • At this stage, the installation of the Adobe Photoshop CS5 application is complete, as indicated by the shortcut on the desktop and similarly by the icon of the installed application in the menu installed applications in PlayOnLinux.
  • Look at the screenshot above, as you can see, I have selected the application, then click on the button - " Launch", then Photoshop will launch and you can test its operation.
  • In general, I tested the work of CS5, which was just installed, everything works correctly, you can draw everything you need, but in Ubuntu.

This is probably the end of the material, if you have any questions, please ask in the comments below, I will answer everyone if possible.

In order to install photoshop on linux We will need a translator for Win Api calls to Wine. This program allows you to run applications written for Windows on Linux. You can find the application you are interested in and reviews of performance here It is worth noting the PlayOnLinux program, it contains a lot of installation scripts Windows programs and games, it will create a prefix itself and install the libraries necessary for the operation, you will only need to specify the installer file or the folder in which the program..

Since laziness is the engine of progress, I wrote a script that will do everything for us! It will put the files in folders and add icons to the system.. Download the archive (keep in mind - it will remove the ~/.wine refix), unzip it and put the folder with Photoshop next to the scripts..

Run from the console to see the output


I have provided the ability to install in a separate prefix, a photoshop folder (which will be copied and to which the launch scripts will link) and an indication of where to save the screenshot in and, change before launch (if required)..

Prefix=~/.wine videomemsize=2048 pscreen="/a/www/0.png" photoshop="Photoshop18"

There will be explanations below how to install photoshop on linux, create launch shortcuts, screenshots with opening in the editor (it doesn’t work from the buffer and it takes a very long time to save and open each time by hand), etc. little things, the installer script does the same.

The archive also contains Photoshop icons and a plugin for saving in ico format (for website icons, etc.)

It’s better to get Photoshop portable (it works from the folder) Adobe version Photoshop CC 2017 or any other, the latest ones work, older ones even more so..

The least problems are with the 32-bit prefix and the software itself, i.e. install x86 version..

How to Install Photoshop on Ubuntu 18.04

Currently stable Wine versions no already exists, in order to install photoshop on ubuntu 18.04(Bionic Beaver) / Linux Mint 19 etc. builds:

Wget -nc sudo apt-key add winehq.key sudo apt-add-repository "deb ubuntu/ bionic main" sudo apt install -y --install-recommends winehq-stable winetricks to remove the old one: sudo apt purge -y winetricks wine //winehq-stable remove the refix as well, the programs will have to be rearranged..

Create a 32-bit prefix:

rm -rf ~/.wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine wineboot

(the ~/.wine folder should not exist by itself)

Install the necessary libraries with the command:

winetricks vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 msxml3 msxml6 gdiplus corefonts atmlib

(you will have to click with the mouse - there will be a lot of windows)

Wine prefix settings:

winetricks win7 nocrashdialog fontsmooth=rgb sound=disabled videomemorysize=2048 settings can be called with the winecfg command

or 1024 or 512 (depending on the capacity of the video card, I set it to 2 times less. As I understand it, 2048 is the maximum value, you can see by running winetricks - Select the default wineprefix - Change settings).

We install support for saving icons

Copy from the archive ICOFormat.8bi and ICOFormat64.8bi to

# CC 2017 ~/.wine/drive_c/Photoshop18/App/Ps/Required/Plug-ins/File Formats/ # CC 2015 ~/.wine/drive_c/PhotoshopPortable/App/Photoshop/Required/Plug-Ins/File Formats/

Eliminate error windows during startup

# CC 2017 rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/Photoshop18/App/Ps/Required/CEP/CEPHtmlEngine/ rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/Photoshop18/App/Ps/Required/CEP/extensions/ # CC 2015 rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/PhotoshopPortable/App/Photoshop/Required/CEP/CEPHtmlEngine/ rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/PhotoshopPortable/App/Photoshop/Required/CEP/Extensions/

You can run it like this

# CC 2017 wine "C:\Photoshop18\PsPluginsPortable.exe" wine "C:\Photoshop18\App\Ps\Photoshop.exe" # from another prefix WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine2" wine "C:\Photoshop18\App\Ps\Photoshop.exe" # CC 2015 wine "C:\PhotoshopPortable\PhotoshopPortable.exe"

If the program does not start again during use, most likely a copy is already running and hung in the system, kill: ctrl + esc by searching for pho.. Or you can kill all processes from the console wineserver -k

Let's create sh scripts and launch shortcuts

echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/wine "C:\Photoshop18\App\Ps\Photoshop.exe"" | sudo tee /usr/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ echo -e "\nType=Application\nName=Photoshop\nComment=Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\nExec=/usr/bin/photoshop18 .sh\nIcon=photoshop\nCategories=Graphics;" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/photoshop18.desktop # screenshot to file and open in Photoshop echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/scrot "/a/www/0.png"\n/usr/bin/wine "C:\Photoshop18\App\Ps\Photoshop.exe" "/a/www/0.png"" | sudo tee /usr/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ echo -e "\nType=Application\nName=ScreenToPhotoshop\nComment=Screenshot in Photoshop\nExec=/usr/bin/screentops. sh\nIcon=spectacle\nCategories=Graphics;" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/screentops.desktop # screenshot with a delay of 3 seconds (2 1 0 snapshot) to a file and open in Photoshop echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/scrot -d 2 "/a/www/0.png"\n/usr/bin/wine "C:\Photoshop18\App\Ps\Photoshop .exe" "/a/www/0.png"" | sudo tee /usr/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ echo -e "\nType=Application\nName=ScreenToPhotoshop3\nComment=Screenshot in Photoshop with a delay of 3 seconds.\nExec=/ usr/bin/\nIcon=spectacle\nCategories=Graphics;" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/screentops3.desktop sudo update-desktop-database

sudo update-desktop-database is required for users of Cinnamon, etc. Don't be alarmed by the inscription command not found..

Of course, you can do everything in one time using &&

Hint for users of Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce and other gnome interfaces:

Add icons from the folder ./config/icons/ to the system

sudo cp -v ./config/icons/16x16/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/22x22/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/ hicolor/22x22/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/32x32/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/48x48/photoshop.png / usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/64x64/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/ 128x128/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ sudo cp -v ./config/icons/256x256/photoshop.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/

And make Cinnamon see the changes

sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor sudo update-desktop-database

This completes the installation.

On first launch: I arrange the panels, switch the language to en and turn off tooltips and restart to apply the changes.

How to remove installed programs in Wine

wine uninstaller # or wine ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/control.exe

It happened that it didn’t work, then you can remove it from the menu simply by right-clicking in start.
Physical launch shortcuts are here: ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/
And the program files themselves: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/

Another option is to install CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller, etc.

Anyone who regularly reads my blog should have noticed the message about the upcoming Gimp single-window interface, made in the style of Photoshop. Perhaps some avid Linux users will be indignant, but for most people who were previously accustomed to working in Photoshop, it is very difficult to relearn, even if you create a similar interface. Therefore, it is often necessary to run a full-fledged Photoshop under Linux (although I can do just fine without it). The article below explains how to do this.

A pop-up window will appear - just click on the “OK” button.

After you install Wine, you will need to download and install a few more packages. One of which is the winetricks package.

To get the winetricks package and several other packages, simply copy it to the command line and run the following sequence of commands:

chmod +x winetricks
./winetricks msxml6 gdiplus gecko vcrun2005 ie6

Now install these packages:

Sh winetricks msxml6 gdiplus gecko vcrun2005

You must also install TTF fonts from Microsoft:

Sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

Before we install Photoshop CS4, we need to download the .dll file. Download the atmlib.dll file from the following link.

Unpack the zip file and copy the atmlib.dll file to the c:/windows/system32 directory. In order to do this, go to the menu on Applications -> Wine -> Browse C:\ Drive, and then go to windows -> system32 and copy the atmlib.dll file there. After that, go to the menu Applications -> Wine -> Configure Wine. In the Libraries tab, add atmlib.dll and click “Apply”.

Installing Photoshop CS4 on Ubuntu

You can now run the Photoshop CS4 installer through Wine using the following command:

LANG=C wine Setup.exe

Note: You may need to add a path to your installer.

Install Photoshop exactly as you would on Windows.

Running Photoshop CS4 on Ubuntu

You can now launch Photoshop using the Applications -> Wine -> Programs menu and then select Photoshop CS4. Use it, but don't forget about Gimp.

Do you want your portrait to hang on displays or in public transport? :). Not a problem, because making custom stickers with any image is quick and very simple.

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We will use VirtualBox with installed windows and photoshop, then we integrate the virtual machine into ubuntu. As a result, we will practically not feel that an emulator is being used.
Installing VirtualBox
VirtualBox is available in the Ubuntu repositories, but I recommend installing the package from the developer's download page, it has more features (such as USB support, for example).
Windows installation
There shouldn't be any difficulties here. Just in case, you can use this article.
Installing Photoshop
Install the program of the version you need.

Setting up VirtualBox for better integration with Ubuntu

This is where the fun begins.
Shared folders
In order to have access to your files in ubuntu you must create a shared folder.
For this:
- open VirtualBox
- select a virtual machine
- click Settings → shared Folders (Settings → Shared folders)

Make sure you select Auto-mount

Saving machine state

Saving the state of the machine is what we need. It is similar to standby mode in Ubuntu and allows us to load photoshop very quickly. Use saving state when you want to close the program.

VirtualBox Command Line Utilities

So we have a virtual machine with installed photoshop. But in order to run it, we first need to open VirtualBox, which is not very convenient. Luckily, Virtualbox provides commands to run virtual machine from the console directly.
VBoxManage startvm name-of-your-vm

VBoxManage startvm /home/user/path/to/your/vm.vbox

You can find the placement of the virtual machine image in "Configure → Media"

Create a bash script

Create a bin folder if it doesn’t exist:

Let's create the script itself:

Paste this code (indicate the path to your machine image):
VBoxManage startvm /home/username/path/to/your/vm.vbox

Save and make this file executable:

Save the icon

You can take this one and save it like this:

Create a shortcut

To make our Photoshop available in Unity Launcher and Unity Dash, let's create a shortcut.
vim ~/.local/share/applications/photoshop.desktop

And paste this code:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
# Change your username in line 7 + 8

Categories=Development; Office;

Replace username with your username.


The integration is complete, you can see the result below.