Elective course in computer science "Photoshop for preparing Web graphics." Educational program "Computer Graphics and Design" Additional general education general development program "Computer Graphics and Design"



"Lyceum No. 11 named after B.V. Shopin"

(MBOU of Shakhty “Lyceum No. 11”)


Director of MBOUG.Mine "Lyceum No. 11"

Order dated August 31, 2015 No. 285



course “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics.

Adobe Photoshop Editor"

(specify academic subject)

Level of general education (grade)

basic general education - 9th grade

(primary general, basic general, secondary general education indicating class)

Number of hours 35 h

Teacher Balandina Oksana Sergeevna


The course program is designed in accordance with Basic curriculum , mandatory minimum content of education in computer science (level A), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

(indicate approximate program/publisher, year of publication)

Explanatory note.

This course program is “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. Editor AdobePhotoshop "is one of the options for constructing an elective course program for pre-professional training of students in computer science and ICT. The course program introduces students to the work of a graphics editor AdobePhotoshop , which is intended for comprehensive processing of raster images, and is an addition to the topic of the textbook “Graphic Information Processing Technology”.

The advent and spread of personal computers has changed many professions. When they became powerful enough and high-quality output devices appeared, programs began to develop that automate the process of publishing publications—desktop publishing systems. The company has been the undisputed industry leader for many years AdobeSystemsInc. Programs Photoshop, Illustrator, FrameMaker, Acrobat and others form a powerful suite of modern publishing software. Program AdobePhotoshop is a leader among professional graphic editors due to its wide range of capabilities, high efficiency and speed of work. The program provides all the necessary tools for correction, editing, preparing images for printing and high-quality output.

The second, no less extensive, scope of the program is Web – design and electronic publications.

People of various professions use computersnew graphics in my work. These are researchers in various scientific and applied fields, artists, designers, specialistscomputer coding professionals, designers, advertising developersnew products, creators Web -sites, authors of multimedia presentations, textile and clothing designers, photographers, specialistsaspects of television and video editing, etc.

The content of the course is determined by the fact that most studentsstudents in the lessons get acquainted with the technology of graphic processinginformation is only superficial. Study material is availablefor students and opens up broad horizons for their artistic creativity.The main requirement for preliminary level of training is the ability to work in the operating system Windows .

The Computer Graphics module is one of the most impressive modern computer technologies that expand horizons, train perception, and develop research skills.

Students can use the knowledge gained from studying this course in computer science, graphics, and fine arts lessons.

The ability to create images can be used in reportsde, article, multimedia presentation, when creating Web pages or importing into a publishing system document.

In order to create interest and positive motivation for the information technology profile through the development of new aspects, the content of this course includes material that goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum, enhancing the practical orientation of the course (editing old family photos, creating greeting cards, calendars with inserting your photo, etc. ).

The thematic plan of the course is determined by its purpose and objectives. The content of the program reflected the following topics:

      • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop.

        Drawing and coloring.


        Select and move.

        Working with layers.

        Work with text.


The basis of the teaching methodology of this course is the dialogical interaction between teacher and student, which involves their joint activities aimed at creating conditions for heuristic search, finding the truth and implementing the principles of student-centered education. In order to ensure high-quality training and specialized training of students, the following teaching methods are used: monologue, dialogic, heuristic, working with a book, instructive-practical, explanatory-motivating, practical method, project method.

Theoretical material creates a knowledge base that orients students to an independent search for the meaning of the conceptual apparatus, resolution of emerging contradictions, analysis and identification of relationships and facts.

The study of theoretical material is accompanied by a system of practical classes, which not only provide a connection between theory and practice, but also allow students to develop self-awareness, form their psychological readiness for self-realization, and master the knowledge and skills necessary in later life.

Didactic units intended for independent work of students are indicated in the text of the work program with the sign “*”.

For productive cognitive activity of students, various forms of conducting lessons are implemented: collective, group, individual, project activities.

Required course results“Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. Editor AdobePhotoshop " are given in the section "Requirements for the level of student preparation."

The “Know” section includes requirements for educational material that is absorbed and reproduced by students. Students must understand the meaning of the concepts and principles being studied.

The “Be able” section includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: create graphic objects, operate with them, apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems in various fields.

Studying the course “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. Editor AdobePhotoshop ” ends with the implementation and protection of the project.

Purpose of the course:

Acquisition by students of knowledge and skills in working with computer graphics in the package PhotoShop , which provides all the necessary tools for correction, editing, preparing images for printing and high-quality output. The program includes students acquiring skills in editing and creating raster graphics, working with photographs and collages from them, and hand-drawn illustrations.


    mastering the skills of creating and editing raster graphic objects,

    acquiring experience in information activities in various areas in demand in the labor market,

    fostering a culture of project activities, including the ability to plan, work in a team,

    orientation towards positive social activities in the information society,

    formation of skills to plan the structure of actions necessary to achieve a given goal using a fixed set of means,

    developing the need to access a computer when solving problems from any subject area, based on conscious mastery of information technology and computer interaction skills, vocational guidance.

Contents of training.

Topic 1. Introduction .

Topic 2 . Specifics of design art.

Design history . Basic artistically - expressive means of design. Useful tips for a beginning designer.

Topic 3. Graphics editor Adobe Photoshop.

Basic concepts: raster image, pixel, tools, layers, interface, palettes.

Graphic editor. Graphic image formats. Graphics editor AdobePhotoshop (menu features, workspace, toolbar, property bar, status bar).

*Independent work: Practicing skills in working with the toolbar.

Topic 4. Drawing and coloring.

Selecting foreground and background colors. Color shift modes. Pipette. Using drawing tools: pencil, brush, eraser, fill, finger, stamp, gradient. Draw free-form curves. Pen tool.

Practical work: Creating drawings using tools: brush, pencil, line.

Practical work: Create drawings using the Pen tool.

Topic 5. Scale.

Zoom tools: hand, magnifying glass and Navigator palette. Ways to change the scale. Filling small images.

Practical work: Color small drawings using zoom tools.

*Independent work: Eliminate coloring defects using rescaling tools.

Topic 6.Select and move.

Basic concepts: selection.

Methods of selection. Using various selection tools: marquee, lasso, magic wand. Move and change the selection border. Transforms over the selected area.

Practical work. Selecting drawing objects using tools: region, lasso, magic wand.

Practical work.

Topic 7. Working with layers.

Basic concepts: layer, layer name, layer mask, effect.

The concept of a layer. Using layers to create a collage. Operations on layers: casting shadows, deleting, moving, scaling, rotating, mirroring, merging. Document saving formats.

Practical work. Using layers to create an image or color crap.

*Independent work.

Topic 8.Work with text.

Basic concepts: text.

Features of simple and curly text. Text formatting. Placing text along a path. Creating embossed text. Scaling, rotating and moving individual letters of text. Changing the shape of text characters.

Practical work. Create a product label using work with text.

Topic 9.Filters.

Basic concepts: filters.

Filter groups: distort, brush stroke, pixels, sharpen, render, free transform, style, texture, art, sketch.

Practical work. marriage.

10. Project activities.

*Independent work. A selection of graphic objects for the project.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students.

Students should know:

    purpose of the graphic editor Photoshop;

    graphic editor capabilities AdobePhotoshop;

    concept and structure of raster images;

    main elements of the program interface.

Students should be able to:

    launch and close the program;

    open and save files in the program Adobe PhotoShop;

    build selections using various tools;

    paint with a brush;

    use different blending modes;

    apply different types of fill;

    create gradient fills;

    work with the layers palette;

    create, delete, duplicate layer;

    create various layer effects;

    create figured and simple text of various directions;

    change text;

    be able to apply various effects to a text layer;

    apply different types of filters to the image.

Thematic planning of a special course

“Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. Adobe Photoshop Editor"



Number of hours

Types of educational activities

the date of the





Topic 1. Introduction

Computer graphics and its software. The main types of images in computer graphics: raster, vector, three-dimensional, fractal.


Topic 2 . Specifics of design art

Design history . Basic artistically - expressive means of design. Useful tips for a beginning designer.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Writing abstracts.


Topic 3. Graphics editor Adobe Photoshop

AdobePhotoshop – raster graphics editor. Basic concepts, introduction to the toolbar. The main tools for creating images are ready-made shapes and text.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades.



Topic 4. Drawing and coloring

Color, hue, contrast, saturation. Color channels.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Drawing and coloring.

Practical work: Creating drawings using tools: brush, pencil, line. Practical work: Creating drawings using the Pen tool.




Topic 5. Scale.

Zoom tools: hand, magnifying glass and Navi palette gator. Ways to change the scale. Filling small images.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Practical work: coloring small drawings using zoom tools.


Do-It-Yourself: Eliminating coloring defects using rescaling tools.

Topic 6. Select and move

Image cutting tools – lasso, straight-line lasso, magnetic lasso; magic wand, selection area.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Practical work. Selecting drawing objects using tools: region, lasso, magic wand.


Practical work.

Create an image using the selection and movement tools.


Topic 7. Working with layers

Layers. Working with a layer. Layer properties.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Practical work.

Using layers to create an image or collage.

Independent work.

Creating a project with 2 layers


Topic 8. Work with text.

Design tech hundred. Placing text along a path. Creating a relieftext. Scaling, rotating and moving individual letters text. Changing the shape of text characters.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Practical work.

Create a product label using text manipulation.


Topic 9. Filters



Filters. Functions, settings. Filters of the Imitation group.

Listening to the teacher's explanations. View an educational presentation. Listening and analyzing the speech of your comrades. Carrying out the work of the workshop.



Applying filters to the same image. Combination of filters.



Filters of the Distortion group. Filters of the Appearance group.



Filters – blur and sharpen.



Filters Stylization and Texture.




Filters Strokes and Noises




Sketch group filters.




Practical work. Applying filters to achieve an image effect marriage


Practical work. Creation and development of your own project - postcards.


Project development



Total :



2 2,5


Main literature:

  1. Computer science and information technology. 10-11. Textbook for grades 10-11. / Ugrinovich N.D. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2005.

    Windows - CD . Computer workshop at CD-ROM . / Ugrinovich N.D. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006.

    Teaching the course “Informatics and ICT” in primary and high schools (7-11): Methodological manual / N.D. Ugrinovich. – 3rd ed. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006.

    “Library of electronic visual aids for the discipline “Informatics” in 2 parts: “Applied Informatics” and "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science"

    Multimedia textbook for students of specialized schools or classes in the subject Computer graphics and design. Yu. Katkhanova, D. Kiryanov, E. Kiryanova, E. Dubov, edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Katkhanova Yu.F., head. Department of Descriptive Geometry, Computer Graphics and Design. Moscow. Copyright © LLC “Multimedia Technologies and Distance Learning”, 2003.

Additional literature:

    Pavlov. Tutorial Adobe Photoshop7. Aquarium. 2006

    Poreev V.N. Computer graphics: Textbook. SPb.: BHV-St. Petersburg, 2002.

    Strelkova L. M. Workshop on AdobePhotoshop. M.: Intellect Center, 2004.


    A protocol of a meeting

G. Yu. Demina, teacher of gymnasium No. 6 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Well passed the examination at VGIPC (Volgograd State Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers). Published in Appendix No. 51 2006 to the Academic Year magazine.

Number of teaching hours - 35. Educational field: computer science. Age group - 10-11 grades.

Explanatory note

This program is designed to teach high school students the course " Photoshop for the preparation of Web -graphics", while it includes elements of general computer science and connections with other subjects of the secondary education course. Working with information has become a separate specialty, in great demand in the labor market. Studying the course " Photoshop for the preparation of Web -graphics", students acquire knowledge and skills in working on modern professional PCs and software, including optical disks, scanners, modems, the Notepad text editor, FrontPage HTML document editor, technology for creating and editing graphic images.

The need to create such a program for initial vocational education is due to the fact that the skills of processing and posting information on the global Internet become necessary at every stage of the professional education of a future specialist.

The course program consists of three sections: “Requirements for student preparation”, “Training content”, “Thematic planning of educational material”. The “Student Preparation Requirements” section determines the final level of skills and abilities that students must possess upon completion of the course.

The requirements are distributed along the main content lines of the course and characterize the absolute minimum that all students must achieve. The “Training Content” section specifies the minimum amount of material required to study this course. The section “Thematic planning of educational material” provides specific planning.

Typically, images on a computer screen are created using graphics programs. The main focus of the course is on creating illustrations, image editing and photo editing using Adobe Photoshop.

The course includes 2 blocks.

Block 1 - “Computer graphics. Photoshop".

Block 2 - “Internet technologies. Basics of Web Design".

The course blocks are interconnected and interchangeable.

Block 1 is devoted to the section of computer science that deals with the creation and transformation of drawings and graphic images - computer graphics. People of various professions use it in their work: researchers in various scientific and applied fields, artists, designers, developers of advertising products, creators of Web pages, specialists in the field of television and video editing and others.

Block 2 includes practical mastery of work techniques when creating a Web site, mastering Web site editor programs.

The training program is designed for a certain level of student preparation:

  • basic knowledge of computer science;
  • Knowledge of basic working techniques in the Microsoft Windows operating environment, version 95 or higher.

Course objectives:

  • study graphic file formats and the appropriateness of their use;
  • teach students to create and edit their own images using the tools of a graphics program;
  • explore the capabilities of the graphics program Adobe Photoshop;
  • learn how to create web page layouts;
  • formation in students of a holistic understanding of the global information space and the principles of obtaining information, as well as the creation of their own information resources.

Course objectives:

  • to form among students a unified system of knowledge related to the creation, receipt, processing, interpretation and storage of information;
  • show the basic techniques for effectively using Internet information resources;
  • form logical connections with other subjects included in the course of secondary education.

The course is intended for students in grades 10-11 and is designed for 35 training sessions. Classes include lecture and practical parts. The practical part of the course is organized in the form of lessons. An important component of each lesson is independent work by students.

During the learning process, students must acquire skills:

  • create drawings from simple objects in Adobe Photoshop;
  • perform basic operations on objects (deleting, moving, scaling, rotating, mirroring, etc.);
  • paint over drawings using various types of fills;
  • work with the contours of objects;
  • create illustrations using methods for arranging and combining objects;
  • apply various graphic effects;
  • create inscriptions and headings;
  • edit images in Adobe Photoshop;
  • prepare text and illustrations for the website;
  • use the Web editor tools to write a page: create a page, use hyperlinks, format text, use tables;
  • perform page layout;
  • prepare and publish your website on the Internet.

The listed skills are formed on the basis of the following knowledge:

  • features, advantages and disadvantages of raster graphics;
  • description of color in computer graphics;
  • graphic file formats;
  • a set of necessary tools for creating a Web page;
  • basic principles of using the HTML language;
  • principles of working with Web editors;
  • basic tools for editing Web pages;
  • typical Web page structure and site design principles;
  • basic principles of Web design;
  • methods of publishing Web pages on the Internet.

Essential elements lesson


Number of hours

Computer graphics: areas of application, principles of coding fermentation

Concept of pixel, raster, color coding, video memory

Photoshop workspace

Toolbar. Drawing tools. Context menu. Palettes. Control Panel. Status bar. Edit settings window


Myself. Job: Setting up the editor window. Palette layout. Opening a document

cops Working with documents

tami Raster and vector graphics. Image resolution and dimensions. Opening a document. Creating a new document


cop Creating a new document with specified parameters

parameters (name, dimensions, mode)

Image File Formats Source and intermediate images images (PSD, TIFF, BMP, JPEG).


Web graphics (GIF, JPEG) Myself. Job: preservation

images in different files

new type


Photoshop and Web graphics Color modes and models. Scanning and image correction. Selecting image fragments.

Preparation of graphic elements of Web pages

Scanning an image, highlighting and image fragment correction Image layers


Layers palette. Changing the order of objects. Creation and

removing layers. Merger

and removing layers. Linked layers and layer sets Working with layers Drawing and different types of shading


Color selection. Filling areas. Gradient fill.

Stroke areas you. Drawing lines. On

Tone correction. Correction of tone curves. Brightness and contrast correction. Quick ways to set up your tov and shadows. Special


color effects

Masks and channels


Alpha channels. Quick masking mode. Masks for flowers. Changing colors. Layer mask

Adjust an image using the techniques you've learned How to work with the filter



Work with text

Artistic filters. Styling filters. Deformation filters. Thumbnail filters


Change an image using the techniques you've learned Entering text. Edited text.

Formatting characters. Formatting paragraphs. Working with text layers

Input, editing,


transformation of text into graphics

technical document

Images for Web The difference between ImageReady and Photoshop. Operations with image fragments. Creating a Web Page Layout


Creating a Web Page Layout

Web page design Principles of Web Creation -



Familiarity with various Web sites on the Internet Hyper Text Markup Language Basics(HTML)

HTML document structure and text formatting. Using lists and tables. Use of images. Applying Frames



Web pages on a given topic in text editor Block notes Using software

tools for creating Web sites Features of the FrontPage editor. Creating and editing Web pages in the FrontPage environment

Web creation - pages on a given topic in FrontPage software environment Cascading tables


styles The concept of a table lei Table support

styles. Formation style sheets.

CSS rules Style formatting Web pages


using external and internal style sheets

HTML placement -

document on the server



Web servers.


placement of a website on the Internet. Registration in search engines

Placing Web pages on the Internet

Creating a personal Web site Photoshop Development of the site structure. Assembling Web site files

Creating a Web site on a given topic


What are raster and vector graphics. Advantages and disadvantages of raster and vector graphics. Scaling and editing a graphic document. Opening a document.

Creating a new document.

5. 4. Image file formats (1 hour). PhotoshopWeb And

-graphics (2 hours).

6. Layers (2 hours).

Features of creating a computer collage. The concept of a layer. Using layers for collage. Operations on layers: deleting, moving, scaling, rotating, mirroring, merging.

7. Drawing and coloring (2 hours).

Selecting foreground and background colors. Using drawing tools: Pencil, Brush, Eraser, Fill, Gradient. Coloring black and white photographs.

8. Basics of correction of halftone and color images (2 hours).

The concept of tonal range of an image. Histogram of pixel brightness. Histogram of light, dark and dull images.

The main tasks of tone correction. Tone correction commands.

The relationship of colors in an image. The principle of color correction.

Color correction commands.

9. Masks and channels (2 hours).

Modes for working with selected areas: standard and quick mask mode. Save selected areas for reuse in channels.

10. Filters (2 hours). Web Purpose of filters. Filter types: Distort, Brushstroke, Sharpen, Render, Pixels, Free Transform, Style, Texture, Artistic, Sketch.

11. Working with text (1 hour).

Methods of working with text. Tools for creating text.Selecting text color. Selecting a background. Text effects. 12. Images for

(2 hours).

The difference between ImageReady and Photoshop. Switching to Photoshop and back. Image optimization.Operations with image fragments. Creating a web page layout. (13. Design Web

History of the origin and standards of the HTML language. Syntax of HTML documents. Structure of HTML documents. Text design elements. Paragraphs, headings, dividers, paragraphs, alignment, color and font design. Creating lists in an HTML document. Creating hyperlinks. Graphic design (background images, lines, buttons). Use of images. Parameters that determine the design of graphic objects. Creating tables in an HTML document. Parameters that determine the design of tables.

Control the placement of document content on the screen using tables. The concept of frame-frame. Splitting a Web page into parts. Parameters that determine the relative position of frames on the screen and their appearance. Hypertext transitions within and between frames.Web 15. Using software to create |

-sites (4 hours).

Review of software tools for creating Web sites.

Basics of working in the FrontPage environment.

Editor's workspace. Creation and editing of Web pages.

16. Cascading style sheets (2 hours).

The concept of a style sheet. Style sheet support. Web Formation of a style sheet. CSS rules.

Style properties. Internal and external style sheets.

17. Placing an HTML document on the server (2 hours).

Address registration. Uploading the site (agreements and rules). Testing pages. Registration of a Web site on search engines. Banner exchange, advertising, links.

18. Creating a personal one

-site (2 hours).

Development of content (content) of the Web site and development of its structure. Creating a Web site using the FrontPage editor. Placing a website on the Internet.


1. Gaevsky A. Yu., Romanovsky V. A. Creation of Web pages and Web sites. M.: Technology-3000, 2005.

2. Zalogova L. A. Computer graphics. M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2005.

3. Clark T. M. Filters for PhotoShop: Special effects and design. M.;

St. Petersburg; Kyiv: Dialectics, 1999.

10. Ugrinovich N. Computer science and information technologies: 10-11 grades. M.: BINOM;

Knowledge Laboratory, 2004.