What do you need to do to talk on Skype? Skype is a free communication program

Even those who have not yet used this application have heard what Skype is. When it appeared, Skype caused delight all over the world, as it made it possible to communicate with other people for free and even exchange files. This especially pleased people living in the territory of the former USSR, since salaries in most of these countries remain low, communication services are expensive even within the country, and calling a person living in another country just to chat is generally impractical.

With the advent of Skype, it became quite easy to install for each of the interlocutors this application on their own computer and they had the opportunity to communicate for free. Even with a person living abroad using a mobile phone (if this person does not have a computer), it turned out that calling from Skype will be much cheaper than using the services of your cellular operator to call other countries. Therefore, when a computer and the Internet appear in the house, any person is immediately interested in how to communicate via Skype.

It is very easy to communicate using it, the main thing is that the equipment owned by both interlocutors allows it. First of all, you need to get Skype itself. This is absolutely free application, which should be downloaded from the official website of its developers. The application also has paid services, for example calls to mobile phones or landlines. But not everyone needs such services. For most people, internal calls via Skype are sufficient. The application is downloaded to your computer and installed. You also need to register on the official website of the application to receive a personal login and password to connect to the network.

If Skype is installed and an account is registered, you can log in with your username and password, search the application directory for the necessary interlocutors and communicate with them. Now you need to pay attention to the equipment necessary for communication. To enable voice communication, both interlocutors need a microphone. If only one of them has a microphone, then the second will still hear him, but will only be able to respond in writing.

Absolutely anyone can chat on Skype, regardless of whether they have a microphone or a webcam or not. In order to receive a message and respond to it, you don’t need any special equipment, just connected Skype. However, for voice communication you will have to buy a microphone and then connect it to your computer. If the user has a laptop, then it should have a built-in microphone, since in all modern laptops built in microphone.

Close people want not only to hear each other, but also to see each other. For this purpose, a webcam was invented that displays interlocutors in real time. Laptops also have a webcam out of the box, so the laptop owner does not have to buy it additionally. But the owner of a computer needs such a purchase if he wants to be seen by the interlocutor. In the last couple of years, webcams have begun to be produced with a built-in microphone, so when purchasing one, you need to clarify whether it has a microphone or not. If there is a microphone, there is no point in buying a second one.

Not everyone understands how to speak on Skype if one person has a webcam and the other does not. Nothing bad will happen, a person without a webcam will see his interlocutor, who has a camera, but the second interlocutor will only be able to hear the speech of the first. Even if both do not have cameras, they will be able to access voice communication without video, like on the phone. Even in Skype, it is possible for several people to communicate at the same time, when more than two interlocutors can hear each other and respond. All these features are very simple and easily accessible in the application interface.

Today we will figure out how to talk on Skype. This program is very popular among modern users. But not everyone understands exactly how to use it. And anyway, what is Skype? What opportunities does it open to users? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In fact, even a novice user can master Skype.


The first step is to figure out what program we are talking about. What is Skype"? Perhaps this application will not be liked by one or another user.

Skype is an application for virtual communication. It allows you to communicate on the Internet using special functions. Skype is considered a multifunctional messenger. And many people prefer to use it. But how to do that? What should everyone know about the app?


To understand how to communicate via Skype, you need to fully understand what functions the program has. Only after this is it worth understanding the nuances of using the application.

As already mentioned, Skype is a multifunctional messenger. It is used to communicate between people over the Internet. Using the program you can:

  • exchange messages;
  • communicate via voice chat;
  • use video chat;
  • make calls to telephone numbers;
  • create conferences and communicate in groups;
  • show what is happening on the users desktop;
  • exchange data (send it to each other).

Accordingly, these are the functions the application has. When using regular text chat, a variety of emoticons are offered to enrich your messages.

For which platforms

Many people are interested in what platforms the program they are studying can be used on. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. If you are wondering how to talk on Skype, you first need to install the application of the same name.

Today you can use the program on the following platforms:

  • computers;
  • smartphones;
  • tablets.

In fact, any modern device, which can only use an Internet connection, allows you to install Skype. Working with the program is extremely simple. It is enough to know a few tricks and features.


Most often, Skype is installed on a computer. It is on it that you can easily implement various functions of the program. What do you need to do to use the application?

The user must:

  1. Go to any website with programs and download Skype from there to your computer, preferably latest version. It is recommended to use the official Skype website. There you can find versions for different platforms.
  2. Run the installation file and wait for the application to load.
  3. Follow the installer's instructions to complete the initialization process. Usually, all you need to do is specify where exactly to install Skype on your computer, and then wait until the initialization is complete. May turn on sometimes automatic update after installation. This is normal.
  4. Register on the Skype website to receive a login and password to enter the application.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that registration, as well as installation of Skype, are completely free. Using the main functions of the application (except for calls to the phone) also does not require Money. This is why most users are interested in how to talk on Skype.

Communication equipment

Now a little about what components will help you use all the capabilities of the program you are studying.

As soon as Skype is installed on your computer, you can begin setting it up. But first you will have to go through authorization in the system. Only after this the user will be able to perform certain manipulations that will help in future communication.

To use the program functionality you will need:

  1. Microphone for Skype. It will be used to carry out voice communication between users. You can use either a separate microphone or one built into your computer/laptop/camera.
  2. Webcam. Equipment required to connect a video call. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if one of the speakers does not have a camera, the video call is still available. In this case, capture will only occur from the user who has the appropriate equipment. And the second interlocutor will communicate either using a microphone or through regular text chat.
  3. Router/modem. This equipment is necessary to work with the Internet. Without it, you won’t even be able to register or download Skype.
  4. Headphones/speakers. This is by no means the most essential component, but with its help the user will be able to hear the sound of the microphone or operating system of the interlocutor. Without speakers or headphones, you will have to communicate only using text chat.

I guess that's all. A keyboard is required for regular chat. And nothing more. But how to talk on Skype? What should every user know about this process?

Equipment setup

When you first launch the program, you will have to configure the equipment used for user communication. It’s not enough to have a microphone for Skype; you also need to connect it and correctly configure the application in which the work will take place. Otherwise, the equipment will not be recognized.

The camera, microphone, and speakers can be configured at any time. But most often it is suggested to debug the equipment when you first launch the application. How to do it?


  1. Connect this or that equipment to the computer. There are separate jacks for the camera, speakers, headphones and microphone. It is important to maintain the correct connection.
  2. Install drivers for this or that equipment. This is necessary to operating system recognized the connected components.
  3. The first time you launch Skype, the appropriate settings will be offered automatically. In certain windows, you will need to select specific equipment from the lists of connected components, and then set the sound/voice volume. When working with the camera, you will be given separate window in Skype, which will help you see how well the video is being captured.

Nothing else is needed. At the end of the settings, the user will be asked to check how well the settings work. To do this, a test recording is automatically made and listened to by the user. With its help, you can understand how well the sound works - both recording and playback.

If you need to work a little with the settings after launching Skype for the first time, the user should go to the Skype “Settings” menu. There, in the “Sound Settings” and “Video Settings” sections, you can adjust the connected equipment and improve the quality of its operation.

How to talk on Skype through headphones? To do this, in the "Sound Settings" in the "Audio Output" section, you need to set the equipment connected to the computer, then adjust the sound volume using the slider at the bottom. The settings are saved, after which the user will be able to hear the interlocutor during a conversation through headphones.

Dialogue Basics

How to communicate via Skype? It's not that hard! As soon as the user has connected this or that equipment and adjusted its operation in the application, you can start making a call.

To get started, it is recommended to add the person you are talking to to your contact list. This will allow you to avoid searching for a particular user by nickname (name) in the system every time. You need to type a nickname in the search bar, then select the desired user in the menu that appears and click on “Add contact”.

  1. Right-click on a specific person in the contact list and select a particular function from the list that appears. For example, “Call” or “Start chat”. In the first case, a call will start (accompanied by beeps); in the second, the user will be asked to communicate using messages.
  2. It is also suggested to select a particular contact with the left mouse button. An area for communicating with the user will appear on the right side of Skype. At the bottom there is a chat. At the top there are several functions, namely “Call” and “Video call”. To communicate via chat, just write a message and click on the “Send” button. To communicate by voice, you need to click on “Call”; to use the camera during a conversation, click “Video Call”.
  3. To quickly transfer documents to the user, you can simply “drag” this or that file into the message writing window.


How to talk on Skype with three people or just a large group? A conference is being created for this purpose. Today it can accommodate up to 5 people.

To create a conference, after logging into Skype, you need to do the following:

  1. Select “Conversation” - “Add people” on the top panel.
  2. Tag all potential conference participants. To do this, each contact from the friend list is highlighted in a special window (it will open automatically), then you need to click on “Select”.
  3. At the end of the process, click on “Add”. During the process, a conference will be created. To make a call, users just need to click on “Call group”.

All these are not the only possibilities of Skype. But now it’s clear how to use the program.

Skype software (Skype) is a real gift to the entire Internet community from the Baltic manufacturer. The development of a prototype of the program was carried out by Estonian programmers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kazesalu, Jaan Tallinn for the Swedish company Skype Technologies, founded by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis in 2003.

Millions of users around the world have the rare opportunity to receive voice and video telephony absolutely free of charge on Skype (which causes terrible hatred among our mobile operators communications -MTS, Beeline, etc., who cannot understand that they can provide services for free). Now all that remains is to master this wonderful contraption. So,

First you need to install it on your computer. How this is done is described in the article.

The Skype program has a simple interface and does not require any special settings, which allows older people, for example, to easily contact their relatives in other cities and countries via video call without outside help.

Here is the main window of the program.

On the left there is a contacts tab, which lists all your subscribers.

How to call a subscriber?

First of all, remember that in order to communicate, your subscriber must be on the Internet with Skype turned on. If so, then there will be a green icon next to the subscriber, and if so, a white icon. then communication is impossible. We call the subscriber.

You need to click on the corresponding subscriber. For example, Echo. A new window will open in which the “Call” button will appear. Press the key and you will be connected.

Next frequently asked question:

In the upper left corner, click “Contacts”, in the menu that opens, select “Add contact” and in the submenu that opens, select and click “Search in the Skype directory”.

The search page opens. Where do we insert the one we are looking for? The picture shows an example of searching for the subscriber “Vasya”

In the people search form you can search for:

  • by name;
  • by email address;
  • by login;
  • by last name;
  • using a saved phone number.

A list of found subscribers will appear below the search form. We select the one we need and click on it with the mouse.

The “Video call” button will appear on the right - press and you will be connected.

In addition to the main function of Skype, video telephony over the Internet, the program has the following functions:
1. Exchange of short messages, similar to other instant messengers (ICQ, QIP).
2. Transfer files of unlimited size.
3. Voice or video conferences with the participation of dozens of people simultaneously. Communication between many people in a chat format.
4. Voice mail function that works as an answering machine. The user can leave a voice message to the subscriber when he is not online.
5. Paid services in the form of forwarding SMS calls to landline or mobile phones, in some countries of the world where this option is activated. At the same time, the cost of calls via Skype is significantly lower than other types of telephony. This causes dissatisfaction among many telecom operators and has often led to sanctions against Skype.

Even if the user’s computer does not have the technical parameters to conduct direct video-audio communication via Skype, it is possible to record video on a third-party device ( digital camera, for example) and then send the video file via Skype.

Of interest is the option to show the computer screen instead of the image from the web camera. This feature can be useful in work processes or for carrying out remote consultations regarding setting up a computer, installing applications, resolving problematic issues with viruses, and the like.

The Skype program is multi-platform; there are versions for almost all platforms. Including mobile ones. The data transmission technology used in Skype seems interesting. Before the acquisition of Skype Technologies by Microsoft, a decentralized P2p architecture was used. In which calls are routed not through head servers, but from computer to computer, at the user level. What could lead to the spontaneous appearance of “nodes” or local servers on a single personal computer. As a result, huge third-party traffic was pumped through the home PC, which the computer owner might not even know about.

This distribution made it impossible for authorities or intelligence agencies to control calls. For this reason, some states prohibit or restrict the use of Skype on their territory. In particular, in China, to use Skype, you must install an additional application that allows the relevant authorities to control the exchange of information. In Ethiopia, you can get fifteen years in prison for using Skype.

Skype's dissident position came to an end after its acquisition by MS. Since 2011, all calls go through Microsoft server and the intelligence services of all countries of the world finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Snowden is not as scary as he is painted. Using various proxy technologies, anonymous networks I2P (you can read more in the article about this), TOR can easily bypass all obstacles and escape third-party control.

Probably the most popular computer program Today is the Skype program. Skype is a program designed for voice and video communication on the Internet. If you want to use Skype, then in this article we will tell you how to install it, register in it and configure it.

Skype job description

What is Skype for? Through Skype program you can communicate with other users of this program for free, while paying only for the consumed Internet traffic. Due to the fact that most users in the CIS countries have connected unlimited Internet, then, in principle, using Skype can be considered free. Skype has both voice and video communication capabilities.

With Skype, you can make calls to your friends and relatives, and also use it for your work needs: communicating with clients, partners, suppliers, etc. Skype also has a group communication feature, which means you can chat with several people together at the same time. Skype is the best way if you want to communicate with people who live in other cities and countries.

What you need for Skype

If you want to talk on Skype, then you need to have a computer or laptop. You can also communicate via Skype through a smartphone and tablet, but we will not dwell on this in detail. So, in order for you to use Skype, first of all you must have Internet access configured on your computer or laptop.

What internet speed is needed for Skype?

As for the speed of the Internet connection, a speed of 100 Kbps is quite sufficient for voice communication. For video communication on Skype, the required level depends on the resolution of the transmitted video.

First of all, Skype checks your Internet speed before the interlocutor, and based on this, determines the quality of voice and video transmission. If the Internet speed from you to the interlocutor is high, then the program will transmit sound and video of maximum quality, but if not, then the quality of communication will be reduced to that which allows the transmission of information. If your webcam shoots video in HD format, then to communicate via Skype you need a speed of 1.5 Mbit/sec. Please note that if you use group calls, the Internet speed should be higher.

Microphone and audio output device

To communicate on Skype, you will also need: a microphone and an audio output device. You can output sound either to existing speakers or by purchasing a special headset. As for the microphone, if you are using a laptop, many of their models have a built-in microphone. Additionally, modern webcam models may also include a microphone, or you may decide this question purchasing a headset.

Let's summarize briefly. To communicate on Skype with the whole family, we recommend outputting the sound to regular speakers; as for the microphone, the best way to solve this issue is by purchasing a webcam with a microphone (if you are using a laptop, then there is probably already a microphone there). For individual use of Skype, we recommend purchasing a headset: headphones and a microphone, and if your computer or laptop has Bluetooth, we recommend purchasing an appropriate wireless headset.


As mentioned above, to communicate via Skype you need, the choice of which we talked about in one of our previous articles. Using modern model A laptop should have a built-in camera; if you are not satisfied with the quality of its video, then it is better to buy a separate camera. We recommend purchasing a camera that shoots video in HD format.

How to install Skype on your computer

After we have looked at what we need to use Skype at home, we move directly to the program itself, in particular to installation. Installing Skype on a computer is completely free, for some reason many users are worried about this issue. The main thing is to download the program from the official website. Let's look at how to properly install Skype on a computer or laptop.

First of all, we need to install Skype. To install it, you need to download the program installation file, which you can find on the official website: “skype.com/ru”. When you open the official Skype page on the Internet in your browser, you will see something similar to what is shown in the figure.

In the top menu, to the right of the Skype logo, select “Download”, after which you will be redirected to the download page. If you are using, the resource will offer to download the version of Skype for the Metro interface.

Despite the fact that they offer to install the Metro version of the program, we do not advise you to choose it, since it has problems in operation and is not particularly convenient. Therefore, below the download button, select “Windows Desktop”.

If you have a Macintosh or Linux operating system installed, then select the appropriate partition. If you have an operating system installed Windows system 7 or you have chosen to download Skype versions for the desktop, then to download the program you will need to click on this green “Skype for Windows desktop” button.

After this, the installation file will begin downloading, please note that depending on your browser, it may ask where to save the installation file, by default this is the Downloads folder.

When the installation file has downloaded, run it from the browser or run it from a folder. Once launched, the installer will ask you to perform several actions.

Here you will need to select a language, check the box to allow Skype to start when you turn on your computer or laptop.

By clicking the " Additional settings» you can choose the location where the installer will install Skype. We recommend leaving the default installation location and not changing it. After that, click the “I agree - next” button.

Next, the installer will ask your permission to install the “Click to Call” plugin. This plugin will be installed in the browser and highlights phone numbers posted on sites. By clicking on the number, you can immediately call it using Skype. Whether to install this plugin or not - decide for yourself, based on its need. Then click on the “Continue” button.

The next window, as always in Microsoft style, is to advertise your services, which by and large are not needed. In this window, the installer will ask you to do search engine Bing as default search and make MSN site home page, which will open when you launch your browser. We recommend clearing the checkboxes and not installing these services. Then click the “Continue” button.

Next the process begins Skype installations. Once the installation is complete, the program itself will launch.

This completes the installation of Skype. Now the program asks you to log in to your account, or if you don’t have one, then register in the system.

How to register for Skype

After installing Skype, you need to register in the system. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that registration in Skype is free. So, how to register for Skype correctly? To register on Skype there are 2 ways: separate registration and use for this account Microsoft or Facebook.

If you want to quickly register on Skype and you have an account specified for this, then you can use it by clicking on the corresponding icon. Then in the program window you will need to enter the login and password for the selected account and perform the specified actions. But we recommend making a separate registration, for which you need to click on “Register”, after which the program will redirect you to the registration page in the browser.

In your browser you will see a registration form that you need to fill out, and we will help you with this. The first thing you will be asked to enter is your first name, last name, email address and confirmation.

You can enter your first and last name in either Cyrillic or Latin - no one will check it anyway. Then enter your email address and duplicate it in the appropriate field. We go below and there we need to enter our personal data.

If you want Skype users to be able to find you using your personal information, enter it. If you do not want to disclose your data, leave the fields empty, entering only the information that is required to be entered (these items are marked with an asterisk). After this we move on to the next block.

At the very beginning of this block, select from the list the option of how you intend to use Skype. Then the most difficult and interesting point awaits you: “Login to Skype.” In this field you must enter your desired Skype login. The login must be unique, that is, not occupied by anyone, and given that there are more than half a billion users on Skype, this will not be easy to do. By entering the selected login, the system will notify you whether it is busy or free. Then enter the password, which must consist exclusively of letters and numbers, the minimum number of characters is 6. Having finished with this block, move on to the next one.

Here the system will offer you to subscribe to the Skype newsletter, in the form of SMS messages or by e-mail. If you are not interested in the newsletter, remove the checkboxes from both items. Below you will see a picture with symbols, you need to enter these symbols in a special field - this is protection from robots.

Then you can read the terms of use of Skype and the declaration on the protection of personal information - click on the button “I agree - Next”. After this, registration will be completed. We recommend writing it down on a piece of paper or in text document Skype login and password on your computer. Now let's return to the program.

When you already have your own username and password, enter them into the program window and click the “Login” button. After authorization, the main program window will open in front of you. You will have one contact added - Test Center, we will talk about it a little later. First we need to set up sound and video in Skype, and then we can start adding contacts.

How to set up Skype

Of course, you will have a question: how to configure the program, sound, microphone and camera. To configure Skype, select “Tools” in the top menu of the program and select “Settings” in the menu that appears.

While in the “General Settings” tab, you can make some changes. For example, we recommend unchecking the “Start Skype when Windows startup"to eliminate unnecessary loading of computer or laptop resources, that is, Skype will not start automatically when you turn on the computer, but you will launch it yourself if necessary. Well, make the settings based on your own preferences. Then go to the “Sound Settings” tab.

How to set up a microphone in Skype

In the “Sound Settings” tab at the very top there will be a “Microphone” setting block. Click on the microphone selection menu and from the suggested devices, select the microphone through which you will speak on Skype. Once you've selected a microphone, speak a few words into it and you'll see the volume bar start moving. Use the blue slider to adjust the microphone volume. Automatic setup We do not recommend using it.

How to set up sound in Skype

To configure the sound in the “Sound Settings” tab, you need to go to the settings block: “Speakers”. IN this menu select the device to which you want to output sound, and then click on the button Green colour to check the audio output to the device. Below you can adjust the audio output volume.

In the “Call” block, you can in the same way select the device that will receive a call when someone calls you.

How to set up a camera on Skype

To set up a webcam in Skype, go to the “Video Settings” tab.

The program will detect your camera if it is connected. By clicking on the “Webcam Settings” button you can adjust the picture quality. Below you can configure the video display.

Setting up the program

After that, go to the “Security” section, to the “Security Settings” tab.

We recommend setting the same settings as shown in the picture above. Then click on the “Save” button below.

After making the described settings, make a test call to the Skype center.

How to add a user to Skype

In order to add a contact, you need to click on the button with a plus sign, which is highlighted in the picture below.

In the field, enter the name or Skype login of the user you want to find. Below you will see a list of people the system will find. Click on the user you were looking for and add him to your contact list.

How to register on Skype video

It's time to make the first call. And it's much easier than you might think. In this lesson we will discuss the question - how to call on Skype? Free and paid calls, calls to mobile and landline phones, as well as international calls.

Before the first call

To get started, you will need at least one contact. Return to the lesson if you need help finding or adding people you know. Next, you need to do test call to make sure the person on the other end can hear you. After this, you are ready to use the Skype calling service, both paid and free.

Skype has an easy way to check your voice call and hardware settings before you call anyone. This is done using a special contact, which is automatic service simulating phone call, called Skype Test Call or Echo/Sound Test Service. The contact is already in your contacts list. Before you begin, make sure that:

  • The computer is connected to the Internet;
  • Sound on;
  • The speakers and microphone are connected - in case they are not built into the computer initially.

To make a test call:

If you can't make a test call, can't hear the operator, or can't record an audio sample, you may have problems with your hardware settings. To find out what exactly the problem is, recheck the devices listed in step 1, then use the Skype audio installation guide.

Setting online status

Soon you will not only make calls yourself, but also receive calls. It's important to understand what your online status means and how you and your contacts use your online status to communicate your availability on Skype.

By default, the status is set to “online”. This status tells other users that you are available for a call. To change your status, click on the icon next to your name and select a status from the drop-down list. You can also use the soft menu at the top of the screen.

How to call for free? Skype-to-Skype calls

As you already know, calling other Skype users is completely free. These calls are called Skype-to-Skype because both you and your interlocutor use Skype, and not anything else, to communicate.

To call another Skype user:

Answer incoming calls

So what do you see when someone calls you on Skype? The pop-up window looks something like this:

Click the Answer button to answer or Reject if you are too busy to talk (or don't know the caller). You can also “Reply with Video,” allowing the caller to see you using your webcam. If you do not respond, the call will continue until the caller hangs up.

How to call a phone from Skype

In order to call a phone from Skype, you need to first increase your balance or pay subscription fee. These calls are called Skype-to-Phone. This service is not free, but is actually inexpensive if you use Skype frequently.

There are other paid services - you can create your own personal number Skype, which anyone can call you on, and you can also use Skype to Go - call all corners of the world from your phone or mobile device. These services are paid separately.

Selection and payment of services

The best place to learn more about paid services is your Skype.com account. Here you can learn everything about a particular service and decide which service you need. You can also pay any tariff you choose.

To call other phones from Skype:

Other paid services

Your personal online number

When you use this service, Skype provides you with constant phone number, consisting of 9 numbers (for example, 321-555-1100), by which anyone can find you on Skype. The call window will pop up on your screen just like a regular incoming call.

What is the use of having your own Skype number? People who are not users of this program can reach you using a landline or mobile phone. You also receive voicemail along with the number. Many people like to use Skype instead of a regular phone, but you need to remember that Skype cannot completely replace regular phone. For example, it cannot be used for emergency calls.

The Skype number is not included in the standard Skype tariffs, but can be paid separately for a period of 3 to 12 months.

International calls with Skype To Go service

This service will allow you to make inexpensive international calls from your landline or mobile phone. This is a convenient option for cases when the person you would like to call does not use Skype or if for some reason you are unable to use your computer to make a call. Call prices are quite affordable, and may be cheaper than if you used your the usual way communications.

How it works? All you have to do is give Skype the number of one of your international contacts. Skype converts this to a local nine-digit number that you can call from any phone.