What to do if the PDF (file) does not open? How to open a PDF file Why doesn't it read PDF.

Most e-books and text documents are in PDF format. In this regard, novice users have problems opening a document with this format. If you are faced with a similar problem, then do not worry, because today we will tell you in detail how to open a PDF file on your computer.

It is worth noting that there are several ways to work with documents in PDF format, which vary in complexity. Thus, methods will be listed below in increasing complexity.

How to open a PDF file on your computer using a browser

As you know, most modern browsers allow you to work with many file formats. So now we will look at how you can open PDF file via browser Google Chrome, Opera, Mozila Firefox.

Google Chrome

  • Right-click on the PDF file, point the mouse cursor over "Open with" and select Google Chrome.
  • After this, the Google Chrome browser will launch with a PDF file tab.


  • Right-click on the PDF file, point the mouse cursor at "Open with" and select Opera.
  • After this, the Opera browser will launch with a PDF file tab.

Mozila Firefox

  • Right-click on the PDF file, point the mouse cursor over "Open with" and select Mozila Firefox.
  • After this, the Mozila Firefox browser will launch with the PDF file tab.

How to open a PDF file in Word

Many users are interested in why it is impossible to open a file in Word without conversion. It is worth noting that initially Word application was intended to work with a certain number of document formats, such as:

  1. Word Documents (*.docx)
  2. Word documents with macro support (*.docm)
  3. XML files (*.xml)
  4. Word 97-2003 documents (*.doc)
  5. All web pages (*.htm;*.html;*.mht;*.mhtml)
  6. All Word templates(*.dotx;*.dotm;*.dot)
  7. Word Templates (*.dotx)
  8. Word templates with macro support (*.dotm)
  9. Word 97-2003 templates (*.dot)
  10. Text in RTF format (*.rtf)
  11. Text files (*.txt)
  12. OpenDocument text (*.odt)
  13. Recovering text from any file (*.*)
  14. WordPerfect 5.x (*.doc)
  15. WordPerfect 6.x (*.wpd;*.doc)
  16. Document Works 6 - 9 (*.wps)

However, with using Word You can work and edit PDF files. Just keep in mind that you won’t be able to open a PDF file in Word without conversion, due to the peculiarities of the format.

  • Right-click on the PDF file, point the mouse cursor over "Open with" and select Word.
  • After this, the Word application will launch, a window will appear that will say that for opening PDF file needs to be converted. Click on the "OK" button.
  • Wait until the conversion process completes and the PDF file opens. Please note that if the file contains many images, they may have disappeared during the conversion process, as a result of which the contents of the PDF file may not be displayed correctly.

How to open a PDF file on a computer using the Pdfio online service

The universal online service Pdfio provides the ability to work with different types document formats, including Word files, Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Go to website and click on “Unlock PDF”.
  • Now click on the “Select PDF” button, specify the path to the document in PDF format.
  • Wait for the PDF document to be uploaded to the server, then check the box “I have the right to edit this file and remove its protection.” and click on the “Unlock PDF” button.
  • You will be redirected to a window notifying you that the PDF document has been successfully unlocked. Click on the button that has something similar to the pupil of an eye.
  • A PDF document will open in a new tab, ready for you to read and work with. Enjoy!

How to open a PDF file on a computer using Adobe Acrobat Reader

This method can be used in a situation where you are actively working with documents in PDF format. Again, if the first method allows you to work with PDF files only if there is an Internet connection, then this method can be used without the Internet.

  • First of all, install the Adobe program Acrobat Reader by going to link and clicking on the “Download” button.
  • After this, you will be redirected to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Be sure to uncheck the “Additional offers” option, and then click on the “Install now” button.
  • Then the Adobe Acrobar Reader program will begin to initialize, and at the end you will be asked to save a file called “readerdc_ru_xa_cra_install”.
  • Once the file has finished downloading, open it to begin downloading and installing Adobe Acrobar Reader.
  • When the installation of the program is complete, click on the “Finish” button.
  • Now you can try to open any document or file with PDF format.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. IN Lately often began to face the problem that Adobe program Reader does not open pdf documents. Subsequently, it turned out that only those pdf files that are located in network folders with DFS paths. When trying to open such a file, an error occurs: “An error occurred while opening this document. Access denied":

Since I encountered a similar error more than once, I decided to write a post in case someone else has the same problems.

The solution to the problem turned out to be quite simple. The fact is that from the tenth version in Adobe Reader A protected mode has appeared, which by default prohibits opening documents located on network storage.

Therefore, to prevent errors from occurring, it is enough to disable this mode. This is done very simply:

1. Launch Adobe Reader;

2. Go to the menu "Editing -> Installations";

4. And uncheck the parameter "Enable protected mode at startup":

5. After restarting Adobe Reader everything should work.

Or you can simply make changes to the Registry. In the section or depending on the version of Adobe Reader, add the parameter "bProtectedMode"=dword:00000000 . This can be done through command line using the command:

for Adobe Reader 10.0:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\Privileged" /v bProtectedMode /t REG_DWORD /d 0×0 /f

for Adobe Reader 11.0:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\Privileged" /v bProtectedMode /t REG_DWORD /d 0×0 /f

After these manipulations network files usually begin to open.

PDF is one of the most common formats for documentation, e-books and instructions. In PDF format, you can save information in any form, and it will be displayed the same everywhere, i.e. The formatting and layout of the document will always be the same. This is why the PDF format has earned its recognition.

To begin with, I would like to immediately clarify that the programs that will be discussed open PDF files only FOR VIEWING, i.e. It is IMPOSSIBLE to change anything in a document using them. Some programs only allow you to modify the text, but not the content. PDF format itself is quite specific, and even with the help of editors, the process of editing it is not at all similar to working with a Word document.

In the simplest case, you can read the file in any modern browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer,Edge. The functionality will be limited: only viewing content and printing. To do this, simply drag the file to an empty browser tab. But if the PDF file does not open this way, then try installing one of the programs.

Uncompromising Acrobat

In order not to have any problems with displaying PDF files, it is best to install the program of the format developer itself - Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Just select the program language “Russian” if the download page itself does not correctly determine it. The installation process is trivial, just click “Next” all the time.

Adobe has full package for working with PDF documents, including creating and editing -, but it is paid.

Acrobat Reader provides a good set of features and flexibility in customization for ease of use. It's completely free for both home and commercial use and is on my list. When you first start you will need to confirm use free license. Most likely, you won’t even have to go into the settings, because the program works great by default.

IN latest versions Adobe Reader still has a small opportunity to change the file. These are tools for highlighting text and inserting comments. The title “Text Highlighting” is probably not a very good Russian translation, because... “Text highlighting” is more suitable. To highlight the text, click on the icon in the toolbar and select the text, and the add comments icon is located immediately to the left.

By default, text is highlighted in yellow. You can change the highlight color only after highlighting with the default color. To do this, double-click on the selection and in the window click on the icon and select “Properties”. From there you can remove the highlight and add or change a comment.

Alternative programs for PDF

Acrobat Reader, of course, is far from the only program to view PDF. The developers managed to make an ordinary viewer a relatively heavy product. Basically there are no problems, but the program takes a long time to install and sometimes slows down.

Foxit Reader

The program is lightweight and simple interface. As a result, Foxit Reader launches quickly and is less demanding on computer resources.

Particular attention is paid to security, namely, at the first start it is proposed to install safe mode, which does not open attachments in the document and does not run scripts. Foxit Reader allows you to select text, insert comments, graphic objects, multimedia files (video and audio), but you can edit text only in the paid package Foxit PDF Editor.

However, over time, Foxit Reader has also become heavier, so I advise you to run its portable version.

Portable versions are distinguished by the fact that they are lighter and installation is very quick or not required at all. When you first start it, a window with two buttons will pop up, select “Not Now”. For the program to become in Russian, you need to go to the menu “File -> Preferences -> Language -> select Russian”

And restart the program with the “Restart Now” button.

The easiest one is Sumatra PDF

This is already an open source project, the program is the lightest and is not at all demanding on resources. Can open not only PDF, but also CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ and CBR files.

Two versions are available: for installation and portable (works without installation). Since Sumatra PDF is already very lightweight, I advise you to download the full version, so you can immediately install the program to open all PDF files by default.

The program has practically no settings, everything is easy and simple.

The .PDF format appeared in 1993, and was developed by Adobe Systems. Explanation of the abbreviation in the extension name - Portable Document Format.

Program for opening PDF files

The standard option for those cases when you need to open a PDF file and view its contents. This program was created by the same company that developed the .PDF format, and is undoubtedly the most popular “reader”. We also convert Pdf using this program. Free software (paid subscription on Pro version will allow you to create and edit files with the PDF extension).

What are PDF files used for?

Most often, files with this extension are product manuals, e-books, flyers, job applications, scanned documents and brochures.

Reason for popularity of this format is that PDF files do not depend on the programs in which they were created, nor on any specific operating system or equipment. They will look the same from any device.

For convenience, we distinguish four types of programs: viewers (for reading and annotating), editors (for editing text and other content), managers (for splitting, compressing and other manipulations with files) and converters (for PDF conversion to other formats).

Most applications can be classified into several types at once.

  • Type: viewer, editor, converter, manager.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Very intuitive and convenient program with an impressive number of features. When you launch Sejda PDF, you will immediately see all the tools grouped by category. Select the one you need and drag it into the program window required file and start manipulating. Most things in this app can be done in a few seconds, even if you are using it for the first time.

What you can do in Sejda PDF:

  • edit text, add images and shapes;
  • convert PDF to Excel formats, JPG (and vice versa), Word (and vice versa);
  • combine and separate files into pages, compress their size;
  • protect documents with a password;
  • add watermarks;
  • discolor documents;
  • trim page area;
  • sign documents.

The free version of the program has limitations. For example, files should not be more than 200 pages and not exceed 50 MB in size. In addition, you cannot perform more than three operations with documents during the day. Price full version Sejda PDF is $5.25 per month.

  • Type: manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, .

PDFsam cannot boast of a polished, user-friendly interface. In addition, the program does not allow you to convert PDF and edit the contents of documents for free. But it does have several useful managerial functions that are available to everyone without payment or any restrictions.

What you can do in PDFsam:

  • combine PDF in several modes (glue in parts or mix page by page);
  • split PDF by pages, bookmarks (in places with specified words) and size into separate documents;
  • rotate pages (if some of them were scanned upside down);
  • extract pages with specified numbers;
  • convert Excel, Word, PowerPoint formats to PDF;
  • convert PDF to Excel, Word and PowerPoint formats ($10);
  • edit text and other file content ($30).

  • Type
  • Platforms: Windows.

Very functional program with a classic interface in the style of Microsoft office applications. PDF-XChange Editor is not very beginner friendly. To master all the features of the program, you need to spend some time. Fortunately, all internal descriptions and tips are translated into Russian.

What you can do in PDF-XChange Editor:

  • add annotations and highlight text;
  • edit text and other content;
  • recognize text using OCR;
  • extract pages from documents;
  • encrypt documents (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word formats, Excel and PowerPoint and vice versa (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • sort pages in any order (paid).

These are not all the functions that you can find in PDF-XChange Editor. The program is available in several versions with different numbers of features. The cost of paid versions starts at $43.5.

  • Type: viewer, manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.

A popular universal program for working with PDF from the company. Free version is a very convenient document viewer; other functions are available by subscription starting at 149 rubles per month.

What you can do in Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  • view documents, highlight and comment on text, search for words and phrases;
  • sign documents (paid);
  • edit text and other content (paid);
  • combine documents into one file (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats (paid);
  • Convert images in JPG, JPEG, TIF and BMP formats to PDF (paid).

All these features and more are available in desktop versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Mobile versions the programs only allow you to view and annotate documents, and also - after subscribing - convert them into different formats.

  • Type: viewer, converter.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS.

Fast and convenient PDF reader with different modes viewing. Ideal for users who want a simple document reader without the clutter additional functions. The program is available on all major platforms.