How dangerous is cellular communication? The influence of a cell phone on the human body: what is at stake and how to protect yourself? How to reduce the negative impact of mobile phones on the body

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine that literally a decade ago we could call each other only from home or a payphone booth. Now we dial each other with one touch of the phone screen, and we can be anywhere. But not everyone thinks about how a mobile phone works. Maybe there is some harm cell phone for a person who talks a lot about it?

How does a mobile phone work?

A cellular device is necessary to receive and transmit information over the network. Cellular towers are placed at higher elevations, this makes it possible to better pick up communications at a certain frequency. The phone constantly “probes” the airwaves and looks for the cellular signal of its operator, which has been assigned a special identifier.

The SIM card of your phone also has its own code (IMSI), which is entered into the SIM card registration center. Thus, when you insert a SIM card into the phone, the IMSI is transmitted to the base station mobile operator and if it matches, then the phone connects to the network.

Not knowing about such complex processes, we walk down the street, chat and don’t even think about how many operations are currently taking place in the telephone network.

Cell towers: harmful to health

Cellular masts are located at every step today, this is explained huge demand for mobile communications , people want to be available always and everywhere. There is an opinion about the dangers of cellular antennas, is this true? Their danger may lie in the radiation that surrounds modern man everywhere.

If speak about main antennas, similar to large plates, then they do not harm a person. Of course, you need to take precautions and not build your home directly under it.

Much more harmful are the antennas that enable communications between mobile phones. As a rule, they are collected in a bunch of several pieces on the roofs of our houses. In this case, you might be surprised: “ How is it possible that our health is being deliberately endangered!»

The point is that the action of these antennas is directed to the side, not down and the neighbors get more damage. If you saw a tower from your window, it means it is looking directly at you. What to do in such a situation? Rearrange your apartment and place your bed away from the window so as not to sleep under its radiation. But do not forget that in the house, in addition to cell towers, there are also routers, which also carry radiation no less harmful to health.

We ourselves have surrounded ourselves with devices and technology for the convenience of everyday life, but have not made it safe. Most Children and the elderly are exposed to radio radiation.

Harm of a cell phone to children's health

We want to know what our children are doing and where they go, we buy them mobile phones in order to control them. But besides the fact that they endlessly play mobile games and damage their eyes, our children are exposed to radiation like no other. What violations? can lead to a seemingly harmless device?

  • Immunity impairment.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • ADHD syndrome (hyperactivity).
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

Children are exposed to harmful radiation 2-4 times more than adults. Disputes about this, of course, continue to this day. After all, our apartments are filled with other similar devices: TVs, computers, tablets, etc.

Why is the mobile phone the number one enemy? Because all steel gadgets are more often in their places, and do not move, but the mobile phone is always with us, and even when turned off it gives considerable doses of radiation. All this has not yet been proven, but it is better not to risk it. The health of our children is the most valuable gift; let them read textbooks rather than chat on their cell phones at home.

Harm of a mobile phone to the human body

Scientists constantly talk about the dangers of mobile phones. There are statistics that say that people who frequently use mobile devices suffer from various diseases much more often than everyone else:

  • Headache.
  • Chronic or sudden fatigue.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Here is a list of ailments that are associated with radiation from portable phone. Among the more serious diseases, scientists identify:

  1. Leukemia.
  2. Brain tumor.
  3. Cataract.
  4. Impaired functioning of the nervous system.

Today, more than 5 billion people use cellular communications. The radio frequency of a mobile phone ranges from 450 MHz to 1.9 GHz. Adverse effects on humans, as some scientists believe, within this frequency cannot affect health and have a radioactive effect on the body.

Here opinions differ greatly and the harm has not yet been scientifically proven, and maybe even the benefit mobile phone.

Harm of cell phones on the body

The harm that cell phones cause to us is closely related to rules for installing cellular receivers and antennas. What standards exist?

  1. A horizontal distance in front of the antenna of no more than 33 meters is considered dangerous.
  2. The antenna in a residential area should only be installed on the roof of the building, since the radiation cannot go down.
  3. When installing an antenna, preference should be given to administrative buildings.

Such simple rules can allow reduce exposure to hazardous radiation and protect us from the development of such diseases that, according to some scientists, arise due to the fault of mobile communications:

  • Various types of tumors.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Deteriorates the quality of seminal fluid in men.
  • Violation of embryonic development.
  • Slowing of cerebral circulation.

But these are only unproven hypotheses, to believe or not to believe this moment, entrusted to the network users themselves.

Precautions to take when using a cell phone

You can try to help your health yourself and take measures to limit exposure to harmful radiation in these ways:

  1. Talk more often, but shorter. For example, 5 times a day, but for 1 minute.
  2. When you dial a number, wait until the other person picks up the phone, and only then bring your phone to your ear.
  3. Carry the device in your bag, away from pockets near vital organs.
  4. Use a hands-free headset.
  5. Don't chat during a thunderstorm.
  6. Don't let children play with the phone - it's not a toy! Don't forget that it can also emit microwaves when turned off.
  7. Limit cell phone communication when you are pregnant.

These rules are not at all difficult to follow, but who knows, maybe they will save your health from serious disorders in the body.

We told everything we could about the dangers of cell phones. We looked at how it works and what it threatens us with. Each person decides for himself whether to follow the rules for using a mobile device.

Video about the dangers of cell phones

In this video, radiologist Anatoly Burkin will tell you what exactly is the harm from the cell phone we are used to and how to protect ourselves from harmful radiation:

It is already difficult to imagine modern society without gadgets, means of fast communication, and smartphones. But more and more often you can find information that these are far from safe devices and the harm of a mobile phone on human health is very great.

But we use it all the time: to make calls and send SMS messages, as navigators, photo and video cameras, game consoles, to access the Internet, study documents, read books and in many other cases.

With the advent of these gadgets, scientists immediately began to actively study them, conducting various studies aimed at identifying their effect on the body. However, the regular addition of new functions and various know-how to mobile phones makes it difficult for researchers who are simply not able to study and test all the innovations.

Why is a mobile phone so dangerous? What is its negative impact? How to protect yourself, children, loved ones from harmful influence gadgets?

What are the dangers of cell phones?

The main danger posed by a cell phone is electromagnetic radiation (radiation). It just seems insignificant.

Many may even say that these devices, if they emit certain negative currents, do so in such quantities that the harm to the mobile phone cannot be too serious. Although this is absolutely not true. The emission of radio waves does not pass without a trace. It certainly leaves its mark on the human body.

How does the gadget work?

When turned on, even if it is in standby mode, in a pocket, in a bag, in a case, on a table, next to its owner, the mobile phone constantly maintains contact with the cellular mast.

If a person moves or moves somewhere, the device periodically switches to other stations, connecting to the one that provides the most powerful signal. This means that it still functions - in “sleep” mode, and radio waves continue to be transmitted to it from the antennas.

The influence of towers on people

Cell phone towers are found almost everywhere these days. And all because people try to be available always, wherever they are. A mobile operators they simply take advantage of the constant increase in demand for their services.

But if there is harm from a mobile phone, does that mean the tower also has a negative impact on a person? The harmfulness of antennas lies in the electromagnetic fields generated. After all, they send signals to mobile phones so that their owners can communicate with each other. Moreover, such antennas are installed directly on the roofs of houses, and not one at a time, but several at a time. But the most important thing is that those who live in neighboring houses receive more harm from them, because the action of the towers is directed not downward, but sideways.

To make the level of radiation from the antenna located on the roof of a neighboring house lower, you can move the bed away from the window, move the sofa or chair a little to the side. This will allow you to be exposed to its radiation less and less often. Although, we should not forget that in addition to the telephone and antenna, radio waves come from routers, microwave ovens and other devices and equipment, which are also found in many houses and apartments.

Mobile operators, for their part, also adhere to certain standards and try in every possible way to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on people. Such measures include:

  1. Place the antennas as high as possible, since radio waves travel horizontally and not downward into houses and people.
  2. The location of the towers is at the maximum distance from residential buildings, since the radius of radiation propagation is no more than 33 meters.
  3. Installation of antennas in most cases on administrative buildings.

The harm of mobile phones

The radiation emanating from the phone causes serious changes in cells and can cause disturbances in gene balance, the formation of diseased cells, and malignant neoplasms. It is absorbed by various organs:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • vestibular;
  • brain and other tissues of the head;
  • eye retinas.

Electromagnetic fields and their effects have the most negative impact on people's health. However, the systems most susceptible to mobile phone radiation are:

  1. Nervous.
  2. Immune.
  3. Sexual.
  4. Endocrine.
  5. Cardiovascular.

Electromagnetic waves that affect the human body for a long time can be caused by:

  • formation of malignant tumors in the brain;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • leukemia (blood cancer);
  • development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • cataracts;
  • memory disorders;
  • development of Parkinson's disease;
  • slowing blood circulation in the brain;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system, its degeneration and other ailments.

Radiation of radio waves from a cell phone has a very negative effect on:

  1. Pregnant women and the embryos developing in them.
  2. Little children.
  3. People with weak immunity.
  4. Patients with heart problems and vascular problems.
  5. People suffering from hormonal diseases.
  6. Allergy sufferers.
  7. Patients with nervous system disorders.

Signs of Negative Influence

Even short calls of one or two minutes can have a negative impact on a person, and prolonged use of the gadget and long calls can cause symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dryness, pain in the eyes;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blurred vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • fatigue, weariness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • irritability;
  • discomfort;
  • drowsiness.

Such signs are usually found in diseases of the autonomic nervous system. Radiation from a mobile phone quite often causes disturbances in the functioning of the immune system; it is in a tense state, making it more difficult for it to resist diseases and other external influences, exerted on a person.

Very often, people who talk on a cell phone for a long time feel an increase in temperature and excessive heat near the ear, which is also a negative effect.

Scientists believe that sources of electromagnetic radiation that are close to a person for a long time can cause disruption of metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the nervous system, the appearance of asthenic syndrome, lead to premature aging of the body and other diseases.

Research conducted by scientists has shown that only 15% of mobile phone and smartphone users do not feel the electromagnetic waves emanating from gadgets. The same number of people - 15% of users of these devices, even after short, one-time calls, feel unwell.

They are worried about headaches, unstable pulse and blood pressure, increased fatigue, drowsiness, and in some cases something similar to allergic reactions.

For 70% of mobile phone users, protective (compensatory) mechanisms are activated that restrain electromagnetic waves and their negative effects. But their possibilities are not limitless. Therefore, after some time, the influence of a mobile phone will still affect human health.

Damage to the head

The telephone has a particularly negative effect on people's heads. Unlike other devices and instruments that emit electromagnetic radio waves, this gadget is often applied to the ear, being very close to the cerebral cortex.

Even short calls, lasting about a minute, have the most negative impact on brain function. And if the conversation drags on, the device's effect on the blood-brain barrier, which keeps toxic proteins from entering the brain, becomes very dangerous. And it takes a lot of time to restore it.

Communication on a mobile phone also causes stimulation of the cerebral cortex and can lead to epileptic strokes. As a rule, those who have mild excitability of brain cells are susceptible to such a reaction. These individuals include people with neurological diseases:

  1. Neuroses.
  2. Neurasthenia.
  3. Psychasthenia.
  4. Psychopathy and others.

Obsessive ideas, hysterical and asthenic disorders are clearly expressed in their behavior. In these patients, memory deteriorates, performance decreases, both mental and physical, and insomnia is observed.

Deterioration of vision

The harm cell phones have on the visual organs is also very great. Electromagnetic waves seriously impair blood circulation in the eyes, leading to poor washing of the lens, which after some time becomes cloudy and collapses. The person begins to feel pain in the eyes and severe headaches.

Vision problems can also arise due to constant overstrain of the eye muscles, due to long-term concentration of the gaze on the gadget display, and they are accompanied by serious, negative changes in the eyes.

Problems with sexual functions

Today there is a lot of talk about the negative impact of mobile phones on sexual functions. And this is a problem not only for men, but also for women. But is a mobile phone really that harmful?

Numerous studies have proven that the use of these devices significantly reduces the number of sperm in men, and also significantly impairs their quality (up to 30%) and motility. At the same time, scientists note that harm is caused not only during calls and conversations, but to a greater extent when the gadget is in a trouser pocket or attached to a belt.

Representatives of the fair sex are no less susceptible to electromagnetic radiation than men. With constant, long-term use of cell phones, they may have the following problems:

  • miscarriages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of children with congenital pathologies, defects, deformities.

Sleep disturbance

Leaving a mobile phone next to you at night risks harming yourself. Even in standby mode, the device continues to emit radio waves, which have a negative effect on the nervous system and disrupt sleep. They can cause disruptions in the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of the body, for example, wakefulness and sleep.

If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should place your gadget no closer than an arm's length away from you.

Impact on children

Electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for a developing, growing organism. Therefore, when it comes to the benefits and harms of mobile phones for children, there can be no compromises. The child should not play, make calls, or even just hold these devices in his hands. Radio waves emanating from cell phones can quickly penetrate the baby’s thin, fragile skull, causing the development of various diseases and ailments:

  1. Weakening of the immune system.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Dizziness, headaches.
  4. Neurasthenia.
  5. Hyperactivity.
  6. Hormonal imbalances.
  7. Deterioration of the nervous system.
  8. Instability of cells in the body.

Children are much more susceptible to harmful radiation than adults. We must not forget about this.

Video: radiation from a mobile phone.

How to reduce the negative impact of mobile phones on the body?

Of course, not many will agree to completely give up using gadgets, even knowing about their harm to health. But you can try to at least partially protect yourself from the radiation they emit.

Protection from mobile phone radiation cannot be complete, but there are a number of measures to limit human exposure to electromagnetic radio waves:

  • Raise the handset to your ear only after the connection has been established and the called party has picked up the handset.
  • Try to make less calls in buildings, and more on the street, where there are no obstacles in the form of walls that reduce the signal strength.
  • Call more often, but spend less time calling. It is better to call three times for two minutes than once for six minutes.
  • Give preference to those gadgets with less radiation power.
  • Use as often as possible wireless headset or speakerphone.
  • Before going to bed, put your cell phone away from the bed and away from you.
  • Less often carried in pockets, put in a bag.
  • If it is not needed, put it aside, 0.5 meters away from you and further.
  • Use less often during pregnancy.
  • Do not give to children.
  • Turn off when there is a thunderstorm.

By following the advice of experts and following their recommendations for using phones, you can significantly reduce the level of radiation that microwaves exert on the body.

Since the mobile phone has taken the place of an ordinary and even obligatory item for adults and children in our everyday life, a kind of Must Have device, attentive users and scientists have compared some facts and raised the question of its safety. And this is not surprising: a modern person does not part with his mobile phone even in bed; a huge number of men, women and even children sleep with a mobile phone under their pillow! And even more so they spend the whole day in his company. A family gathered at home in the evening consists of 3-5 people and the same number of telephones: at least one for each adult and child who has reached the age of at least 5-6 years.

But is it safe? Let's find out what the effect of the phone on the human body is: what exactly does it emit, what organs and systems of our body it affects, what it leads to, and most importantly - how to protect yourself from it?

Phone radiation - what is it?

The radiation from the phone is electromagnetic, these are microwave waves that are absorbed by the human body when using the gadget. The maximum specific power of this radiation is measured using SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), and all manufacturers must indicate this indicator among the characteristics of their products. Mostly modern phones have an SAR of 0.5 to 1 watt per kilogram, and the maximum permissible value adopted in the USA is 1.6 W/kg, in Europe – 2 W/kg.

Please note that when drawing up the standards for maximum permissible values, the characteristics of operation at maximum power were used. However, in reality, most of the time the phone operates in standby mode, that is, at the minimum power. Yes, even in this mode, the phone periodically sends and receives data from the base station, but this lasts literally half a second.

The next level of power is the operation of the phone in talk mode. In addition, it is at this time that we put the phone to our ear, that is, we bring it as close as possible to all vital organs: the brain, eyes, ears, heart (the latter happens to those who keep the phone in their breast pocket and at the same time use a headset).

The maximum power in the phone's radiation is in the mode of transmitting and receiving data via GPRS/EGDE or 3G protocols (when the phone is used as a modem for free access to the Internet from anywhere, wherever the owner of the gadget is located). If you use your phone to “surf” the Internet, place it on the table, and not on your knees or stomach, as many are used to.

The impact of cell phones on human health: who is at risk?

Experts have still not reached a consensus on whether mobile phones are harmful or not. Experiments and theoretical calculations on this topic have become a fashionable trend, grants are readily given for them, research is sponsored by both phone manufacturers and their opponents, and therefore there is a lot of information in the public domain (over 10 thousand works, as Wikipedia tells us), but all of it basically too controversial to be able to confidently say about the unequivocal harm or complete harmlessness of cell phones.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle: the more we talk on the phone and “sit” on the Internet, the greater the negative effect it has, especially since it has a cumulative property, that is, the consequences accumulate in the body.

If you are a healthy and active person who does not tend to spend hours talking and online, since there is something to do without it, and you only need your phone at certain times for communication, it will do you more good than harm. But if you are at risk, then you should very soberly evaluate the pros and cons in order to make the most of the advantages and minimize all the negative aspects. The same applies to those who literally “live” on their phone, never letting it go for a minute, constantly talking or communicating on the Internet.

For whom is the harm of cell phones especially relevant? There are several vulnerable groups of people:

  • heart patients (especially those with implanted pacemakers);
  • women expecting a child;
  • children under adolescence (the younger, the more susceptible they are to radiation from the phone);
  • suffering from disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, psychasthenia, epilepsy);
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • people with weakened immunity, with low protective abilities of the body.

Moreover, it is necessary to say something about children separately. They are much more vulnerable than adults: their skulls are smaller, their skull bones are thinner, and their tissues are more conductive, so their brains absorb at least twice as much energy from cell phone radiation. In addition, the main body systems that are affected by phone radiation are in the stage of growth and formation, which means that the risk of disrupting these processes is high. And most importantly, children grow up surrounded by mobile phones, they literally use them from birth (because if a mother feeds her baby and at the same time talks or communicates on the Internet, the baby is also exposed to radiation). And what the consequences will be, no one knows yet, because the generation of children who have not lived a minute of their lives outside the electromagnetic fields located throughout the apartment have not yet grown up and have not acquired their own offspring. We are talking about the negative impact of radiation on adults, but at least they managed to grow up in a “clean” environment. How will it affect current situation on the health of children who grow up - only time will tell.

What's in the crosshairs: the body as a target for radiation

What exactly is negatively affected by telephone radiation in our body? So far, the WHO identifies it only as a “possibly carcinogenic” factor for human exposure. This conclusion was made based on the final report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2011 (the study was conducted for 12 years). The negative impact on the body is noted not so much during telephone conversations, but as a result of the accumulation of these consequences over many years.

Also, scientists from the University of Essex have proven the negative impact of phones on the sphere of human communication. Actually, this fact is obvious even without evidence: since mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, the ability to communicate “live” is falling catastrophically, especially among children and teenagers who can no longer imagine communicating without them.

All other spheres of influence of radiation from phones are considered controversial, and it is certainly a myth that some “radiation from a phone” is harmful (unless you went with it to a contaminated area). However, we provide you with information with arguments for and against - but the decision is up to you.

  • Brain. Many researchers have attempted to establish a connection between the use of mobile phones and the occurrence of brain cancer due to long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields. However, a clear correlation (as, for example, when assessing the relationship between smoking and cancer) is not observed. However, from the moment a person starts talking on a mobile phone, scientists note a decrease in the alpha rhythm and theta rhythm of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in a person (however, this factor has a significant effect only during long conversations, more than 20 minutes).
  • Hearing. Long-term (many hours in a row) use of mobile phones reduces hearing. However, whether radiation is to blame for this, or whether there is too much load on the hearing organs, has not yet been objectively proven. Heating is also noted in the outer and inner ear and the area of ​​the brain closest to them (but whether the heating occurs due to radiation, or due to the combined operation of all components of the phone is also not yet known for certain).
  • Vision. Under the influence of the electromagnetic field created by the phone, the blood supply to the eye deteriorates, which means that the tissues receive less oxygen and nutrients, which can lead to clouding of the lens. In addition, by constantly looking at small text and pictures on small gadget screens, people overload their eye muscles, which can result in blurred vision and headaches.
  • Heart. Research into the effects of mobile phones on the human body began when users in the UK with heart disease began to complain of heart pain. The reason was that in the early days of cell phones, it was fashionable to carry them in the breast pocket (many still do so) - that is, in close proximity to the heart, which was already having problems. Currently, patients wearing pacemakers are strongly advised not to use mobile phones at all.
  • Potency. Disturbances in this area are closely related to changes in the nervous and endocrine systems under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, however, there are also specific aspects: information overload, preoccupation with affairs and problems to which your mobile phone constantly “ties you”, the inability to fully relax and get distracted do not allow men to tune in on pleasure and intimacy, and thereby contributes to a decrease in potency.
  • Reproductive function. With prolonged active use of mobile phones by men (more than 4 hours a day), the number of motile sperm in their semen decreases and their quality deteriorates. Such negative consequences occur even when simply carrying the phone in standby mode in a trouser pocket or in a case that is attached to the front of a belt. For women, the influence of electromagnetic radiation is also significant: they increase the risk of spontaneous abortions with intensive constant use during pregnancy, so it is better to minimize the use of this gadget while expecting a baby.
  • Dream. Even in standby mode, a mobile phone negatively affects the rapid and slow phases of sleep, changing their depth and duration. This is why it is not recommended to place your phone under your pillow at night.
  • Nervous system. WHO states a connection between the occurrence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease in old age with exposure to electromagnetic radiation, but there is no convincing information about whether the phone's power is sufficient for such a side effect. But in case of epilepsy, the use of mobile phones is really recommended only in extreme cases, since the radiation from phones changes the electrical activity of the brain and can provoke an attack.
  • Cognitive sphere (cognitive function). Whether electromagnetic radiation from phones has a negative impact on a person’s ability to understand the world is unknown. However, constant conversations and “surfing” on the Internet simply do not leave time to understand the world around us. This is especially true for children and teenagers, so parents should think three times about the need for a gadget for their child. Here the negative impact is really visible, although radiation most likely has nothing to do with it - it’s the very essence and capabilities of phones that replace the real world.
  • Reaction, attention and ability to concentrate. The number of accidents that occur due to the fault of drivers or pedestrians concentrating on communicating on a mobile phone is enormous. That is why in many countries around the world the law prohibits talking on a mobile phone while driving. The number of deaths caused by this cause makes it mandatory to include it in the list of “influencing factors”.
  • Psyche in general. There is also a deterioration in memory and attention, resistance to stress, accumulation of fatigue and irritability, and the appearance of headaches. However, is it really the radiation that has this effect, or is it the total consequences of the overload of information that a mobile phone supplies us with? There are no clear studies.

Radiation protection: how to reduce the burden on the body

As you can see, the influence of the telephone on the human body is significant. But how to reduce radiation, are there any methods of protection? Let's discuss.

  1. When choosing a phone, choose the model with the lowest SAR indicators among the possible options being considered.
  2. Use your mobile phone more outdoors than indoors.
  3. In buildings the best place for talking on a mobile phone - at the window.
  4. In a car, the radiation level will also be higher, so try not to use your phone on the road too much (and if you are a driver, then not only common sense, but also traffic rules require this of you).
  5. In those places where the signal is weakest (for example, in the subway, in underground passages, outside the city), the phone has to work at maximum power to ensure communication, so it emits much stronger. Hence the conclusion: if the phone “barely catches”, it is better not to use it unless absolutely necessary.
  6. When using the phone, do not cover the antenna with your hand; hold it by the bottom.
  7. It is best to carry your phone not in pockets (of any kind), but in a bag or briefcase, preferably with the display facing you (and therefore the antenna away from you).
  8. When there is a call, do not bring the phone to your ear - this is the peak of its power, start listening only after the connection is established.
  9. Do not lean the phone close to the skin - just a centimeter of distance reduces radiation absorption by about 4 times.
  10. You can use headphones (hands free headset) as a “lesser evil,” but hands-free communication is much safer: in this case, you do not have to lean any radiation sources directly against yourself and bring them closer to vulnerable areas - the brain, organs of hearing and vision. Therefore, wherever you can afford it, prefer this particular option for using a mobile phone.
  11. Don’t talk for a long time: any urgent problem can be solved in 10-15 minutes, and if you need more time, a personal meeting will be both more effective and useful.
  12. Give preference to SMS messages: they are much safer.
  13. If you use your phone to access the Internet, do not abuse it, in this mode it emits at maximum power.
  14. Turn off your phone at night and don't put it under your pillow. Well, if you are afraid of oversleeping, then keep in mind that the alarm clock goes off even when the device is turned off: as long as you reach the place where it lies to remove the signal, you are guaranteed to wake up.
  15. If you do not want to interfere with radiation from other people (your children, for example), when talking, move away at least half a meter.
  16. In places where provider repeater antennas are installed, it is better not to buy an apartment: they emit a powerful signal that is very difficult to shield.
  17. People at risk (especially pregnant women, heart patients and children) are not recommended to use the phone unless absolutely necessary.
  18. Remember that any “protective” cases and stickers on phones protect you from radiation by no more than the power of your imagination and gullibility: do not become victims of scammers who sell similar products on the Internet. Better use all the recommendations that we gave you above - they are much more effective.

Modern sensible people understand that a complete rejection of phones in our society is impossible: even if you throw away all your gadgets, every day you will inevitably find yourself next to people who use them, so “life without phones” is only possible far from civilization.

But how intensively and competently you will use your mobile phone, how significantly you will put your own body at risk, depends entirely on you. We hope our review will help you maintain your health and reduce the harm and negative impact of a mobile phone on human health to a minimum. Good luck!

In the vast world, almost every person is equipped with a cellular communication device, not realizing that it can negatively affect his health.

The harm of mobile phones to human health has now been absolutely proven:

Object of influence How does it affect
The immune system Periodic headaches, fatigue, irritability. If you use it frequently, radiation from the phone occurs and immunity decreases.

The body is less resistant to disease. Vegetative-vascular dystonia may develop.

Head Electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the brain, eyes and head. It negatively affects the retina of the eyes, causing vision loss.
Child Children who use phones are at high risk of developing memory and sleep disorders.

Radio waves penetrate the child’s cerebral cortex much faster than an adult’s, thereby destroying the nervous system and causing headaches.

Dream The telephone has a negative effect on the central nervous system. Even a broken or turned off device can disrupt sleep phases.
Electric shock in case of lightning You can be seriously injured by hitting your phone during a thunderstorm. Even if you don’t call on it, it will simply be turned on.
Allergy Because of mobile devices a person may experience an allergic reaction, fatigue, and pressure changes.

Many parents allow their children to use mobile devices for the convenience of communicating with them, without even realizing the consequences. Children are not allowed to use mobile phones until they reach 8 years of age.

Due to the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the phone, a child may most often develop a brain tumor. People at a young age are also exposed to various cancers.

Tumors form in the head, ear, where the tube is most often placed. In general, radiation affects all cells of the body as a whole.

The harm of mobile phones for children is enormous, so parents should think about whether to allow them or refuse. Children who frequently use cell phones experience disorders such as:

  • memory loss;
  • decreased attention;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the occurrence of stress;
  • the appearance of epilepsy.

Telephones are very dangerous for pregnant women. It can negatively affect the baby in the womb. Its use can provoke premature birth and the development of fetal pathology. You should refrain from communicating on a mobile phone if a woman is pregnant.

Cell towers are harmful to health

To ensure good communications, operators have to install equipment in residential areas. People living near the constructed tower will be safe if:

  • the height of the tower is greater than the building where it is located;
  • The equipment complies with technical and sanitary standards.

The tower consists of several antennas that transmit cellular communications to phones. They emit an electromagnetic field that is harmful to health and affects a person if the distance to him is 100 meters. But there is also a benefit: if there is a tower next to the house, then the connection will be much better.

If you remove some towers, mobile devices will start working at full capacity to catch distant signals. This will cause much more harm to your health. Malignant brain tumors develop from antennas and cell phone towers installed on the roofs of houses.

Due to constant exposure sound signals, very often the development of cancer occurs. Installed cell phone towers, which are not harmful to health, unlike telephones, which are always nearby. Since radiation from antennas is distributed horizontally from them.

Need to know! Window glass can reduce a radioactive signal by 2 times, and a concrete wall by 30 times.

Cell phones play a huge role in our lives. These are devices with which you can easily contact relatives, friends, colleagues anywhere in the world.

With their help, you can find out a lot of news, without even having to remember the number. It is already stored in the phone's memory. It also has various functions that can be used to record significant dates, card numbers, etc.

Along with the harm caused by the phone, there are also benefits:

  1. Using a mobile device we can save our time and money. If you need to buy an item, you can call the stores and find out where prices are cheaper for this product.
  2. Opportunity to conduct business negotiations. If there were no device, being outside the office area, it would be impossible to contact partners.
  3. Is part of the image. People buy expensive latest models to look respectable.
  4. Extreme situation. People who find themselves in such a situation can save themselves from trouble or death by calling for help.

Ways to protect yourself from your phone

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the harm of mobile devices, but you can reduce the risk of their impact on the body.

The following protection methods are available:

  1. Talking on a phone on the street. The walls in the room block radio waves, reducing the signal level. If you can’t leave the room, you need to stand so that there is no obstruction to the window.
  2. Do not place the phone close to your ear. You should keep the tube at a distance from your ear, thereby increasing the distance to the brain and reducing the radiation power.
  3. Hold the handset vertically. Changing the position of the phone reduces the signal level, making it safer to use.
  4. Do not press the answer button on the first ring. It is not recommended to immediately bring the phone to your ear after pressing the button. At the moment of the signal, it operates at full power. It is worth presenting it after pressing the answer after a few seconds.
  5. Use a headset when talking. Because of this, the tube is located at a sufficient distance from the ear and head.

But even the most good protection will not save you from mobile device radiation. To choose the most secure phone, you can ask the seller to measure the level of power flow.

  • do not use for children under 14 years of age;
  • use by pregnant women is prohibited;
  • cannot be used with neurological and mental disorders;
  • Take precautions and reduce call time.

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Electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications. Truth and fiction.

1. First, let’s get acquainted with the concepts encountered when assessing the factor “electromagnetic radiation” (hereinafter referred to as EMR) in professional activities to which I have some connection (a certified medical expert in a medical and preventive profile):

1.1. MPL (maximum permissible level) is a factor level established and approved by the state, the excess of which leads to diseases. For cellular communication facilities in Russia, a PDU has been approved - 10 μW/cm2 for stationary devices and 100 μW/cm2 for subscriber devices of mobile land communications, directly at the user’s head.

If you adhere to a different point of view, you can safely close the page; you will not need the information.

1.2. Cellular EMR frequency is 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.

1.3. The restricted development zone is a spherical space created by electromagnetic radiation from base stations, the outer boundaries of which are an EMR level equal to the maximum permissible level. The placement of residential and other facilities with people inside the restricted development zones is prohibited.

1.4. Sanitary protection zone is a zone exceeding the EMR maximum limit, created by electromagnetic radiation from base stations at a height of 2 m from the ground surface. The placement of residential and other facilities with people inside sanitary protection zones is prohibited.

Electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz is characterized by: changes in the functions of cellular and humoral immunity (their suppression), development of cancer (gliomas, etc.), endocrine dysfunctions, reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations, etc. A reliable relationship between the development of diseases is associated with three components of EMR: frequency, power, exposure time. The higher the frequency and the higher the power, the more pronounced the damaging biological effect. How longer time exposure, the more pronounced the dose load. This means that diseases from EMR from cellular communications have the same dependence as from the well-known gamma radiation. For both factors, the exposure dose of radiation is important, i.e. the total radiation power over a certain period of time.

The radiation power of cell phones varies and the fact that it can exceed the remote control either constantly or periodically during a conversation is proven by measurements taken by me and my colleagues (the reasons are different, including depending on the manufacturer, year of manufacture of the phone, settings, quality of network operation base stations). Peak levels differ several times (sometimes up to a dozen) from the average (5 μW/cm2 – 60 μW/cm2). Since the vast majority of people do not instrumentally check the EMR levels of their phone, we draw a banal conclusion: a cell phone is a source of harmful EMR radiation (the principle of doctors: “it’s better to overdo it than to underdo it”).

I see publications on the Internet that cellular phones emit EMR with a power of 1 W and higher, WITHOUT DECODING THIS INDICATOR IN RELATION TO THE UNITS OF STANDARD MEASUREMENT. Given power comparable to a small base station if applied to Russian remote control systems (10 μW/cm2 for stationary devices and 100 μW/cm2 for land mobile subscriber devices). PEOPLE CONFUSE THE INDICATORS: effective radiated power - µW/cm2 (Russian indicator) and the SAR level (absorbed energy, W/kg per second) for which the standard actually approaches 1 W (no more than 0.8 W; previously the standard was 2 W thermal energy per 1 kg of “living tissue” per second, for Europe).

It is not realistic to give up cell phones at present, so it is important to reduce the dose load when using them. The recommendations are banal:

1. While talking on a cell phone, use a headset (headphones) or speakerphone, if the situation allows, keep the phone at a distance from your body. Know that the intensity (power) of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

2. While dialing (waiting for connection), do not bring the phone to your head.

3. Reduce cell phone talk time. If possible, call landline phone don't miss this opportunity.

4. When buying a phone, ask for information about SAR level, the lower it is “0.8”, the better.

And now about the topic of placement of cellular base stations and their influence.

In my practice, there have been repeated cases of unfair placement of base stations by cellular operators. Let's start with the most common situations:
1. Placement of additional equipment and antennas to legally existing base stations, without taking into account the total radiation power of existing and installed new equipment. Such installation of additional equipment requires the development of design documentation with the calculation of EMR levels and the definition of restricted development zones and sanitary protection zones. Subsequently, calculations must be confirmed by field measurements of EMR levels.
2. Placement of new multi-storey residential buildings without taking into account existing base stations. At the stage of land allotment, Administrations of municipalities do not take into account the radiation of existing antennas (as a rule, there is no information, or such information is not requested), the reason is that the legislation has changed, in light of which, at the stage of land allotment, the examination of pre-design materials by Rospotrebnadzor authorities was excluded.
3. At the stage of engineering and environmental surveys and development of design documentation, designers hide information about the presence of base stations in the vicinity of the designed high-rise buildings. Project documentation is examined without taking into account the existing electromagnetic environment.

The impact levels of base stations are characterized by the following averaged values ​​(based on my experience) and depend, of course, on the amount of equipment, its power, and antenna characteristics; I’ll make a reservation - these are average statistical values ​​and this is not a dogma: the radiation of cellular antennas depends on their characteristics and has both a circular direction and a sector direction (much more often); the length of the electromagnetic lobe with a level exceeding the maximum permissible limit (10 μW/cm2) varies on average from 30 meters to 70-80 meters (sometimes reaching 120 meters). The lower boundary of the horizontal axis coming from the center of radiation is usually 2 - 4 meters below the axis (sometimes 6 meters).

Advice: if you see antennas of cellular base stations located approximately at the level of the windows of your apartment (for example, on the roof of a neighboring house) at a distance of 100 m or less, it makes sense to think about measuring the EMR energy flux density. Measurements must be carried out by an accredited laboratory, without informing the owner of the base station equipment and Rospotrebnadzor authorities (at the first stage). If excesses are identified, feel free to submit a complaint and copies of research protocols (the originals are in your hands) to the territorial Rospotrebnadzor. Communication with supervisory authorities and asserting your rights is a separate topic.
In my practice, there have been cases when equipment was turned off while EMR control measurements were being carried out (by law, the owner of the equipment must be informed in advance), accordingly, the radiation decreased and the results were not reliable.