Why do they get VKontakte subscribers? How can you recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group using free methods? Services for free promotion of VK subscribers without completing tasks

Social networks have consumed humanity. The application of this Internet tool is quite diverse. If someone needs an account on a social network for communication, then for some it can help promote their business.

Cheating occurs through specially created bots. A bot is a program that does all the dirty work for the user (increasing votes, increasing likes, etc.). The life of a bot is quite short (2-4 weeks). Then they are either deleted by moderators or turned into dogs (an avatar in the form of a dog on a gray background).

These programs are installed on your computer and launched using your account login and password. In contact with. This is where you start to take risks. There are many scammers who gain free access to your account this way.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers manually

In the previous method, you just need to launch the bot and it will do everything for you, but there is a risk that you will lose your account due to scammers or you will be quickly blocked by moderators.

You can get subscribers yourself. You have the right to invite up to 40 friends per day to your group or to your friends. You set the gender, age, place of residence that interests you, and click “Search”. Then just click “Add as friend”.

Cheating subscribers using VKontakte groups

To do this, click on “Groups”. In the “Search” line, enter “Add as friend.” A list of groups will appear. Choose any one and join it or submit an application to join (it must be approved by the group moderators). The principle of these groups is very simple, you add a person, he adds you as a friend. This method is good because you are dealing with “live” accounts and not fake pages.

Paid programs for increasing VKontakte subscribers

There are many paid programs on the Internet for getting subscribers. The difference between paid and free bots is small. Both programs are risky and can get you blocked. Whether to pay for a paid bot or not is up to you.

Paid promotion of subscribers through the VKontakte service

This is an indirect cheat. You can buy advertising for money, which will periodically appear at the bottom left of pages with a multimillion-dollar audience. In this case, people will decide for themselves whether to subscribe to your community or not. This method is the most natural and safe. You pay directly to your wallet

Why do you need to increase likes and subscribers on VKontakte? How to quickly get likes on wall posts? Is it possible to attract subscribers to a VK group for free?

A popular VKontakte page with many subscribers is a resource with unlimited commercial potential. A client audience of thousands guarantees a stable income and increases the value of your virtual asset many times over.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a staff expert of HeatherBober magazine on financial topics. I will tell you what it is to increase VK subscribers and likes, why it is needed and how it affects the monetization of your account.

Only useful and relevant information: a review of the best services for promoting VK pages plus expert recommendations on how to attract users for free!

1. Getting likes and subscribers on VKontakte is a way to increase income from a group

Do you have a VKontakte account? 99 out of 100 people will answer yes. Most people use their page only for communication, entertainment, games, reading friends' posts, viewing photos, videos, etc.

And only a few are aware that VK is an effective business tool. Between us: Runet entrepreneurs have just begun to really master it. The niche is free. While some people like and wink, others count their money. However, the first does not exclude the second, since “likes”, subscribers and followers have an extremely positive effect on the monetization of social networks.

About 80 million unique visitors come to Contact every day. In total, more than 450 million accounts are registered here. In the Russian Federation, the resource ranks third in terms of traffic.

It would be strange if the resource were not used for commercial purposes. According to the laws of business, any promising niche that can be developed will definitely be developed. VKontakte is no exception.

Thousands of entrepreneurs make profit through public pages and groups created for commercial purposes. There are online stores, entertainment portals, educational resources, communities of interests that make money from advertising, and many other types of communities.

The main advantages of VK for doing business:

  • the main audience of the social network is active and solvent people aged 18-45;
  • convenient and intuitive interface that is easy to adapt to commercial purposes;
  • direct communication with service consumers and partners in comments and messages;
  • convenient settings for displaying advertising and earning money from it;
  • many ways to promote commercial resources.

I personally know people who make six figures a month in income from their social media pages.

Sophia has an online store of Indian goods. About a year and a half ago, she launched a group on VK about her business. At first it was an entertainment community of interests, in which Sophia shared with everyone information on the topic of aromatic oils, incense, and jewelry.

But gradually the community turned into a full-fledged branch of the online store. Now more than half of all buyers come from the group to the main site. This is despite the fact that Sofya did not spend any money on promoting the community and recruiting members - only her time.

However, natural promotion and attraction of subscribers exclusively using “environmentally friendly” methods is a long and unpredictable process, not always successful. For every success there are 10 failures. People simply abandon the project, having lost motivation, desire, and interest.

Serious businessmen do not rely on chance, so they act more pragmatically. Namely: they use not only natural, but also artificial methods of cheating, including paid ones.

This includes special programs and services plus the services of professional agencies. The latter are usually engaged in comprehensive SMM business promotion through all social channels.

But remember that you are too active promotion of VKontakte groups attracts the attention of the resource administration by all available means. Suspicious accounts are blocked and frozen. It is better to move measuredly and consistently than to get banned.

Focus on quality and people will flock to you

There are thousands of communities on a wide variety of topics. The vast majority are created for commercial purposes. Even purely entertainment or information resources make money from advertising and brand promotion. One advertising post in a popular community costs tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The more real subscribers, the higher the earnings. The creators of popular public pages and communities have an expensive asset at their disposal. In a sense, information products are more expensive than gold, since their initial cost is zero.

On special exchanges, groups are sold and bought for incredible amounts (from 50 thousand rubles to a million and more). All these communities at the initial stage had zero subscribers and cost the same amount of pennies.

If you don’t want to engage in the community yourself, hire social media administrators. Professional services cost money, but the cost is worth it if it helps keep your business active.

2. Who needs to increase subscribers and likes?

Customers are the basis of any business. Active subscribers are potential buyers. They either purchase goods and services or consume advertising, which ultimately also leads to purchases.

This means that increasing likes, participants and friends is necessary for everyone who makes money through the Internet or intends to do so.

Online stores

VK is an effective sales channel for goods and services of any kind. One of my friends manages to sell industrial special equipment here, another - expensive heating equipment for cottages.

VKontakte sells everything - shoes, clothes, books, smartphones, household appliances, last-minute tours to Thailand, football tickets, professional kickboxing equipment.

To open an online store in VKontakte, you do not need to pay for hosting and domain and hire a programmer. True, this store will not have a “buy” button, but this issue is being successfully resolved.

I’ll tell you how: you add the group manager as a friend and write him a private message. Or leave a request-comment for any item from the store gallery that you like. In the application, indicate the city, a link to the product, and product characteristics. After that, the same manager writes to you and explains in detail how to pay and how to receive the goods.

An online store requires marketing. Large companies hire a whole staff of employees who are engaged in the design of the resource, filling catalogs and sections, and content of daily messages. Promotions, competitions, surveys are held here - any activity only benefits the project.

For bloggers

Blogs are not just a means of self-expression, but a full-fledged enrichment tool. Popular bloggers are on all social networks, including VK. They receive their income from advertising - first through automatic services, and then directly from advertisers.

Beginners, of course, should not count on generous fees, but, as Robert Kiyosaki writes: before you learn to run, learn to walk. In other words, start small.

Photographers, artists, musicians

Those who want to expand their client audience and receive more expensive and profitable orders launch their own public pages.

Creative freelancers post examples of work, information about themselves, and useful information on their page. The audience is joined by both potential clients and those who are interested in this line of business.

Personal trainers, consultants

Through Contact they find coaches, instructors, translators, legal consultants, plumbers, washing machine repair specialists, leading corporate events, and animators.

For professionals who work for themselves, VK is a real gift. Where else can you find such a promising and crowded free channel for self-promotion and communication with clients?

3. How to get subscribers and likes on VKontakte - 3 proven methods

The easiest option is to send invitations to strangers asking them to join the group, subscribe to the page, or leave a like. This is done either by you yourself, or by the administrators of your community, or by special programs.

There are other ways - each of them requires study.

Method 1. Do it yourself

Going on your own is a troublesome, but promising task. By sending invitations to friends and friends of friends, you attract real users, not fakes.

There are several features that will optimize this process and make it more efficient. For example, the “possible friends” function: an application is received by a person who has mutual acquaintances with you. Usually people respond positively to such a proposal.

Search for users using certain filters - geographic location, age, gender, interests. This way you will form a target audience of subscribers. Keep in mind that the main contingent of buyers of goods and services online are girls.

Where to look for target audience? I'll give you a hint - in competitor communities! Almost all areas of trade have already been mastered: each category of goods has its own contact store. Send invitations to members of such groups and attract them with more favorable conditions, prices and variety of products.

VK has a limit on invitations to friends - 50 people per day. It will take months of hard work to reach an audience of several thousand just by sending out invitations. Therefore, it is advisable to combine mailing with other methods of promotion.

Method 2. Using promotion programs and services

There are special services for exchanging friends on social networks. You register for them, become a subscriber to various communities and receive points/chips for this. Having accumulated a sufficient amount, you create your own task and increase your audience, and pay with the chips you earn.

There are special bot programs that collect likes, friends, send messages and even respond to them. That is, in every available way they create the illusion of activity on your page. However, such services attract a huge number of fakes to your page - “dead souls” of Contact.

Too many non-existent serfs, sorry, subscribers, leads to sanctions from Contact. And the presence of hundreds and thousands of fictitious friends has a negative impact on the image of the page.

Do not overdo it with promotion services, this can negatively affect your image and more

In addition, by using bots, you risk becoming a victim of scammers. The programs will infect your computer or smartphone with a virus that will hack your account and deny you access to it.

Restoring your rights is not as easy as it seems. You will have to enter into a long and merciless correspondence with technical support to prove that you are you.

Method 3. Use the services of an intermediary

This option is used by serious businessmen who have a budget for promotion. There will be a return only if you choose a truly professional, experienced and skillful performer.

Otherwise, the agency employees will do the same as automatic services - they will “stuff” fake accounts into your friends and wash their hands.

There are very few qualified specialists in SMM and social media marketing. This is a relatively young direction that has just entered the stage of its active development.

Professional intermediaries use all effective promotion methods - targeted advertising, sending out invitations, community search engine optimization, content updating.

Method comparison table:

4. TOP 5 services for increasing subscribers in VK

There are hundreds of cheating services, but not all of them are equally useful.

The expert department of our magazine conducted a study and selected the 5 most reliable and effective platforms for attracting audiences.


– effective increase of likes and subscribers in all known social networks of Runet. The service is popular not only among community owners and their administrators, but also among ordinary users.

Students and schoolchildren earn money here by doing simple tasks: like, join a group, watch a video.

– a platform for promoting accounts on VKontakte, Insta, Odnoklassniki, etc. There is a free version for beginner businessmen and bloggers. Get thousands of likes for your photos and the same number of friends without any investment.


Reliable sharing of social activity. You don’t even have to log in to the resource to use its options: “quick order” works without registration.

The operating principle of VKMix.ru is simple: “you to me, I to you.” You receive points for simple tasks and exchange them for likes and followers.


Likest: 1000K friends and “like” captions under your photos.

Subscribers in the community - free, fast and safe. The site works only with the VKontakte network and does not require any subscription fee or account passwords.


Olike is a popular resource with an audience of more than 800,000 users. Only real accounts that will become members of your community and “live” subscribers.

5. How to attract subscribers to VK for free - useful tips and tricks

We bring to your attention ways to safely and effectively attract subscribers.

Only useful and practice-tested recommendations.

Tip 1. Publish useful and interesting content

Labor-intensive, but the most reliable way to attract an audience. Interesting and unique content attracts visitors without any tricks. By content, I mean all the content: design, photos, videos, text content, original posts, memes and other Contact features.

People and even search robots need usefulness and uniqueness. This applies not only to author’s posts, but also to videos, pictures, and photographs. Reposting news from other communities is sometimes relevant, but you should only use this technique if you want to spark a discussion in your own community.

In addition to uniqueness, the content should be:

  • well structured;
  • useful for the visitor;
  • easy to understand.

A few words about “letter content”. Nobody is interested in impersonal and abstract texts written by stock exchange hacks. Write thematic posts either yourself or hire professionals who will understand the topics of your community.

Use the latest Contact features - “Stories”, applications for smartphones and other new products. Be the first to track them and don’t be shy to use them - everyone wants to be in trend and keep their friends up to date with the latest news.

Negotiate with communities that are similar in topic to do mutual advertising.

For example, if you sell children's clothing, contact a group that deals with children's parties and organize mutually beneficial PR.

How to find such groups? Use hashtags and search by keywords.

Contests are a great way to stimulate visitor activity.

It is advisable to organize such events in communities with several thousand real users. The more active members of the group repost the competition, the more outside users will take part.

It is advisable that the prize be thematic and in itself act as an advertisement for your community. Let it be a gift certificate for purchases in your online store or a signature product. It’s great if the budget allows you to make 5-10 prizes.

The conditions should be simple and understandable. Let the users themselves choose the winner of the competition - this will eliminate suspicions of dishonesty.

Tip 4. Invite subscribers using members

If your group already has several hundred people, ask them to invite their friends to the community. Even if the proposal is accepted by 50% of the participants, the investment of time and effort will be justified.

Many VKontakte users dream of gaining popularity. However, this can be very, very difficult to achieve. There are also those among them who simply want to make their page a little more presentable.

Whatever the reason brings you to this page, it will help you cheating VKontakte subscribers. It is thanks to it that you can quickly and without extra effort give your page credibility, and perhaps even make money on it. You can read about all the nuances of the cheating process below.

Actors, musicians and other famous VKontakte users have thousands of subscribers. First of all, this can be associated with their activities, however, how then can we explain the presence of hundreds and sometimes even thousands of subscribers among ordinary VKontakte users?

Such popularity is brought to the latter by increasing likes and subscribers on VKontakte. Despite the fact that one can easily guess why a person needs so many subscribers, some of his friends still begin to become interested in the benefits of numerous subscribers.

Even before the World Wide Web gained its wild popularity, the word subscriber was primarily associated with a reading, inquisitive person. Today, subscribers are a kind of followers who are not only interested in something, but also show considerable activity.

Thoughtful and timely increase of VKontakte subscribers online will help you not only become popular, but will also attract the attention of many users to you and your activities. Thanks to boosting subscribers, you will have new friends, partners and clients who will make your VKontakte page more presentable, and soon from hundreds of boosted subscribers their number will increase to thousands who found you on their own.

So, you have learned how to boost VK subscribers and why it is necessary. It's time to move on to practice! The wonderful Bonuslike service will help you gain VK subscribers; registering with it will only take you a minute.


1. Registration

Registration in the service is simple and will not take much of your time. Upon completion, you will be able to log into the site and start cheating.

2. Getting points

To successfully gain subscribers on VK you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Earning points is very simple - all you have to do is help other users earn points. All you need to do is simply add as a friend, subscribe to pages or like. It's worth noting that you can always skip a page if for some reason you don't like it. This is how it works cheating subscribers on VK- and your subscribers will only include those people who are interested in you.

3. Adding a task

Once you have enough points, you can gain VKontakte subscribers already for myself personally. To do this, you don’t have to put in extra effort - everything is simple and convenient on our website. You need to create a task to increase subscribers and configure the necessary parameters. As soon as you do this, getting VKontakte subscribers will begin to bring you first results.

Is it safe to get VKontakte subscribers?

Before gaining VKontakte subscribers, many users wonder about the security of this process. Nobody wants to take risks, and the tempting prospect of becoming more popular haunts them. We dare to assure you that with the website service you will be able to gain VK subscribers without problems and damage to yourself! As you might have guessed, users will be added to you who are entirely interested in staying on the site for as long as possible and becoming more popular. It is also important to understand that VKontakte will not be able to distinguish a subscriber who was added for a reward from one who accidentally found your page on the Internet and decided to subscribe.

Don’t hesitate for a second - you can gain VKontakte subscribers completely free of charge and VKontakte will not apply any sanctions! And:

  • You do not transfer personal data to us;
  • You don't spend a penny;
  • Points are transferred to users only when they subscribe to you;
  • Instant effect.

However, you can count on a larger salary if you have a live audience. So I asked myself, how can I get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Guide to recruiting live subscribers on VKontakte

You can buy a ready-made VKontakte group with a million subscribers at SaleGroups.ru. However, such communities cost a million rubles each, which means the price per subscriber is 1-2 rubles.

If you create a group from scratch and do step-by-step development, then it will take you 5-10 times less budget to get 1,000,000 people. True, there are factors that influence the growth rate of the public.

What determines the speed of gaining subscribers?:

  • Popularity of the topic;
  • Quality of information presentation;
  • Number of publications;
  • Your audience's activity.

For example, musical groups advance well due to the competent selection of songs of the same direction. And humorous publics should follow trending news and make unique jokes with memes.

1. Community Feed

The presentation of the community lies in a beautiful and clear name that is easy to remember. At the same time, you need to make a beautiful hat and avatar so that people see the differences and remember you!

Professional SMO specialists have long used animals and fictional characters to attract attention. The most surprising thing is that the attitude towards the group is formed on the basis of the header and the first three posts!

Therefore, a high quality picture with a direct meaning that will indicate the direction of your topic will be the best option! But this is just the first step towards success.

2. Adding subscribers to the group

For some reason, many users do not like to subscribe to a VKontakte group with less than two thousand subscribers. I have been convinced of this more than once when I tried to promote communities with the help of advertising alone.

So you have to recruit 5-10 thousand people using special task exchanges. I recommend doing promotion from 17:30 to 21:00, it is during this period that the services have the most real people!

The best promotion exchanges on VKontakte:

  • is the leading exchange in Russia, with more than a hundred thousand participants. For 1,000 rubles you can get 1,500 - 2,000 people.
  • — more suitable for small cities due to the ability to customize targeting. For 1,000 rubles we get 1,000 subscribers.
  • - he can cheat, but here it is best to simply remove the dogs from the group.

You will have 15-30% dogs of the total number of cheats. Try to remove blocked users every day to avoid being blocked.

If task exchanges seem too complicated to you, then you can contact professional SMO specialists. Who will do the same work for the same money, and maybe cheaper.

3. Advertising in other groups

For 800 rubles you can buy an advertising post from a community that has over 1,000,000 subscribers, but effectiveness is assessed by the number of views of the post and the number of likes in the first 24 hours.

Therefore, often groups with 300-500 thousand people show much better results for a lower price. To make it clearer, let’s compare several public pages on the topic of humor.
Even the number of likes in both groups is the same, so why pay almost 2 times more? Well, the most important thing is that for 450 rubles you can get up to 50% of the audience from the number of views of the recording itself.

  • is a leading advertising exchange that hosts almost all communities. It has many settings and provides the most detailed statistics.

Even the most interesting content will go unnoticed if you don’t have your own audience. Having gained a lot of subscribers on VKontakte, on a personal page or in a group, any material will not go unnoticed. You can attract new visitors to your website or promote your VKontakte group. In this article you will learn how to get VKontakte subscribers.

You may be wondering why you need to increase VKontakte subscribers? There are two types of VKontakte subscriptions: to groups and to personal pages. In both cases, the reasons for cheating can be very different. Now we will try to figure it out, Why are there so many subscribers in VKontakte groups?:

  • Perhaps the most obvious reason is material gain. Almost all groups are created for the purpose of making money. And the more subscribers you have, the more you can earn from the VKontakte group.
  • Also, by getting a lot of subscribers to the VKontakte group, which is associated with the site, you can significantly increase traffic on it. More subscribers, more traffic, which means more earnings on the site. We can say that this goal also aims to increase earnings.
  • Less often, they recruit subscribers to VKontakte groups to find like-minded people who will share your ideas, views on life, etc.

Answer the question, why increase VKontakte subscribers for personal pages also easy:

  • Most often, this is also done for the sake of earning money. When you have a lot of subscribers, you can easily earn good money from various affiliate programs.
  • Some young musicians, YouTube bloggers, and other talented and not so talented people gain subscribers to their page in order to become more popular and recognizable.
  • With a large number of VKontakte friends and subscribers, you can also easily attract additional traffic to the site. To do this, you just need to share links on your wall, leave them in your profile, status, and so on.
  • Also, very often, users gain a lot of subscribers simply out of nothing to do or to raise self-esteem, without monetizing their VKontakte page in any way.

One of the main reasons why they add a lot of subscribers to pages and groups is to rank them more favorably in search. Everything is simple here, if you search for some Vasya Ivanov through a VKontakte search, then at the top of the results will be the page with the most subscribers. It's the same with groups.

Groups with a small number of subscribers will not be visible to users searching for something in the search. After creating a VKontakte group, its first members will in any case need to be recruited or it will go unnoticed.

How to get VKontakte subscribers for your personal page?

Get VKontakte subscribers for your personal page it's completely free. First of all, you will need to add VKontakte friends and then delete them. Some of them will remain subscribers forever, and some, of course, will unsubscribe. But this method can still be effective.

Read this article on how to make friends on VKontakte. Take her advice, make a lot of friends, and then delete them. Over time, you will be able to gain a lot of Vontakte subscribers completely free of charge.

How to get VKontakte subscribers for a group?

Pretty easy too. This can be done either free or paid. Let's look at several free and paid methods of cheating:

Now let's look at how and where to buy VKontakte subscribers. On our website you can find many projects for this, but in this article we will list the best:

  • Bosslike - in this service you can order VKontakte subscribers absolutely free. Complete simple tasks by liking, joining groups, earn points for this and buy subscribers for them. You can also buy points for real money without wasting your time. Read more about this service here: how to use Bosslike?
  • Socpublic is a book, the best and most popular. In it, the minimum price for one task is very small - 26 kopecks. By paying a little more you can order an invitation of 40 people to the group. Thus, the price of one subscriber when promoted in this project will be very small. Read more about advertising in Socpublic here.
  • LikesRock is an interesting project in which you can boost almost all actions on social networks, including VKontakte subscriptions. Register, earn money or top up your account and buy any number of subscribers. Read more about here