Downloads require access to the device memory in Xiaomi what to do. How to resolve the error “Downloads require access to device memory” on Xiaomi Failed to set up xiaomi mail account

Email, e-mail is an outdated format for daily correspondence on this moment, except that business correspondence still remains. Messengers have replaced email and continue to do so; now they are even developing registration systems through the well-known Telegram. But whatever one may say, in the modern world without email box we can’t do without it, let’s figure out how to set up mail on a Xiaomi smartphone.

Postal services and their features

There are a large number of different postal services on the Internet, but the most popular and popular ones remain: Yandex, Gmail,, Rambler.

When setting up mail on a smartphone, you should take into account that there are two types of protocols for mail services:

  • IMAP– exercises full control over your mail and the functions of the mail service;
  • POP3 is a technically outdated protocol that is still in use today. Forwards all mail from the service to your application. When you create a draft, for example, you will not see it on the service’s website or in another program.

Servers of popular email services for setting up applications for the IMAP protocol:

Service Incoming server Outgoing server In. port Ref. port
Yandex 993 465
Gmail 993 465 993 465
Rambler 993 465

Setting up mail through the Mail application in MIUI

On Xiaomi smartphones is already present in the MIUI shell pre-installed application“Mail”, which allows you to add any mailbox, select a protocol and, if necessary, specify server data.

After entering your email, password and selecting a protocol, at the next stage the application will prompt you to enter the server and ports. Once everything is configured, click “OK”.

Setting up mail via Gmail in Xiaomi

IN global firmware, are present Google services, the Gmail application is one of them. It is configured automatically when you enter your Google account.

Alternative mail apps

There are alternative applications in the Google Market, and almost everyone has them popular services There are specialized applications for working with their mailboxes.

Use only popular ones email applications. It is possible to download phishing applications that will steal your email password.

Problems with mail on Xiaomi

  1. The most popular problem is that you entered incorrect data, login and password;
  2. The mail server is incorrectly specified;
  3. Email attachments are not downloading – check whether the function of downloading attachments via the mobile Internet is enabled;
  4. No messages are received - automatic synchronization is disabled.

As a result, we can point out that setting up mail on Xiaomi is simple, but requires care when entering the password and specifying the server. If you have any problems not described in the article, write in the comments.

Permissions determine what data or functionality is available to an application from Google Play. They can be configured when installing the program on a device running Android 6.0 and later. For example, sometimes apps request access to contacts or location information. You can also configure permissions after installation.

Advice. To find out your Android version, open your device settings and select About the phone, About the tablet or About the device.

New applications

Some applications from Play Store request access to data before installation. On a device running Android 6.0 or later, you can also adjust permissions while using the program.

Applications installed on the device

If you update an installed application, its permissions may change.

Automatic update

Applications for Android OS 6.0 and later versions. You don't need to confirm or provide permissions. The application will ask for them the first time it needs access to data or functionality.

Other applications. You do not need to grant permissions if you have done so previously. If the application requires additional rights, the system will prompt you to accept or reject the update.

To check for all new versions yourself, disable the auto-update feature. How to do this is described below.

How to disable auto-update

Select the appropriate instruction.

How to disable auto-update for an individual application

How to disable auto-update for all applications

Instant apps

You can allow or deny access to data or features while using the application. To view Instant App permissions, follow these steps:

Setting Permissions

You can change application permissions in your device settings. Please note that sometimes blocking them leads to errors in the program.

Note. If you are using Google account In an educational, government, or commercial organization, an administrator can manage some permissions using the Device Policy application.

Installed application

Instant app

All installed applications with specific permissions How to check the permissions of an application that is not working correctly

If you encounter errors in the application, follow the steps below.

Xiaomi devices have become quite popular in our area in recent years. More and more people are buying Android smartphones from this Chinese manufacturer and along with them they are receiving the proprietary MIUI graphical shell (). Today we will talk about some of the nuances of fine-tuning this firmware.

Why aren't notifications coming?

Despite its apparent simplicity at first glance, MIUI is a rather complex and functional add-on to the OS, with its own features and operating algorithms that are somewhat different from those familiar to all Android users. The fact is that in MIUI, the developers tried to find a balance between autonomy and application functionality. Or rather, in fact, the Chinese simply limited their permissiveness by default. These restrictions are expressed in the prohibition of work in background, that is, in fact, the system actively “kills” background processes and/or denies them network connection and access to the location service. As a result, the user receives a significant increase in device autonomy. But, as always, there is a flip side to the coin. Many users complain that the device does not show them notifications from their favorite applications and services until they are launched manually from the desktop. After this, notifications arrive for some time, but if you turn off the device screen for a long time, the situation repeats again and again. So what's really going on? How to use all the features Xiaomi devices to increase autonomy, but at the same time not lose the really necessary alerts? Let's try to understand this issue.

Setting background mode in MIUI

This menu item is hidden very deep in the depths of the system, which is why many even quite experienced Android users they don’t find it right away, and some, not the most curious ones, never find it at all. So, go to the settings menu, “Advanced” / “Battery and performance” / “Battery consumption by applications”. And here we see the “Energy Saving Modes” section. By default, the “Standard” mode is activated here, which limits applications’ access to the network and location in the background. Of course, without an Internet connection, your application will not be able to access the server and the push notification will not be delivered to the smartphone. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to understand which applications the system restricts in the “Standard” mode and which it does not. MIUI does everything at its own discretion and the logic of this process cannot be understood without meticulous research.

Of course, if you are happy with everything, you don’t have to touch anything here. But if problems are present, there are two ways. You can simply deactivate this feature by selecting the "Disabled" option. In this version, the MIUI gadget will start working in the mode of a “regular” Android device, where background processes are regulated by the system kernel, as well as the rights and priorities prescribed by the developer specific application. That is, all programs will actually have complete freedom in the background and access to the network connections and locations they need. This will ensure the normal functionality of absolutely all programs, but at the same time the autonomy of your MIUI smartphone will be seriously reduced.

Personally, I choose the second path - deny everything by default, and then selectively allow only what I need. Of course, this approach requires some time to customize the parameters, but no “extra” services will eat up the smartphone’s battery and consume network traffic. And the functions I need are guaranteed to have access to the Internet for timely data updates and immediate delivery of alerts.

So, we select the third mode “Enhanced” in which MIUI will limit any background activity whenever possible. After this we move on to fine tuning permissions for applications through the "Select applications" item at the top. I don’t think this process will raise any serious questions for you. Everything here is extremely simple. We see a list of all programs, which are separated by the “Installed” and “System” tabs. We find the problematic application we need and, if necessary, remove all restrictions for it, or completely limit its background activity, or make selective settings. Voila! At the same time, I recommend paying attention to system applications from Xiaomi. Many of them are completely unnecessary in our realities and therefore it is logical to completely limit their background activity (by default this parameter is not used).

Setting up notifications in MIUI

We figured out how to set up the background activity necessary for normal operation applications in the MIUI system. However, that's not all. We have the ability to customize notification types for each separate application.

Why did I bring up this topic? The fact is that I myself personally encountered problems with Facebook Messenger on my smartphone after the next update. They consisted in the fact that when a new message arrived, the system showed me an icon in the notification shade and an indicator with the number of unread messages on the program shortcut on the desktop, but the floating round window from the desktop disappeared somewhere, and it was impossible to go from the shade by clicking on notification in the corresponding chat. It turns out that the problem was precisely the limitation of notification types for Messenger. The solution to such problems is as follows:

Go to the settings menu. Item "Notifications and calls" / "Application notifications". Here we see a list of all applications that are allowed to show notifications to the user. You can turn off some obviously unnecessary notifications completely. And for the ones you need, configure the types of notifications and their priority. Just in the case of Facebook Messenger, it was necessary to activate the “Pop-up notifications” item for the floating window to work properly. Yes, and the transition from the notification curtain to applications became possible after this. So, if you encounter similar problems, you will already know what to do.

Autorun applications in MIUI

Another important point that may affect correct operation the applications you need is autorun. The automatic launch of applications after the system boots into MIUI can be controlled through the Security application. Go to "Permissions" / "Autorun" and configure the necessary settings. Personally, for example, I set automatic start for all critical messengers:

Pinning applications to RAM

Another seemingly well-known MIUI shell life hack, however, it turns out that many novice users simply do not know about it. Its essence is that you can identify some applications that are critical to you and they will not be unloaded from random access memory, even if you click on the “close all applications” cross in the multitasking menu. Personally, I use this feature for dialers, SMS applications, instant messengers and social network clients. This function will guarantee critical performance important applications and will prohibit the system from closing them in any situation. Pinning applications in memory remains active even after rebooting the smartphone.

So, in the multitasking menu we simply swipe, as if we were swiping down the icon of the application we need. A small padlock will appear on the shortcut, indicating that the application is locked in memory. You can remove an application from memory using the opposite action - by swiping it up.

Force quitting an application

Another one useful feature, which will help you when working with applications in the MIUI system. It is not directly related to the topic of our article, but indirectly it is still important. After all, sometimes it happens that the program “glitches” or freezes, or does not work correctly. To quickly shut down such an application, use a long press on the "Back" button. You must first assign this action in the settings menu "Advanced" / "Keys". You can also adjust the long press time to perform actions.

* Recommended to upload a 720*312 image as the cover image

Article Description

How to set up email on a XiaomiRedmi 4x smartphoneDespite the fact that everyday communication has mostly turned into social media and instant messengers, email today remains an integral element of business communications. How to set up mail for Xiaomi Redmi 4X to stay connected at any time? This is not difficult, but sometimes problems arise when setting up an email client. How to set up mail on Xiaomi Xiaomi smartphones have the standard MIUI shell installed mail client. It can be found in applications, in the “Tools” section. To set up, you need to log into the Mail application and follow these steps: Enter the address of your existing mailbox. If, after entering the “@” symbol, the system prompts you to select an ending from ready list servers, you don’t have to enter your mailbox completely; you can click on the desired line in the list. Enter your email password. This will be enough to log in to Mail services and Yandex, but if the email is registered with Google, the system will redirect you to authorization in your Google account, where you will need to enter the data again. Select POP3 or IMAP protocol. The second option is preferable, since it provides the full functionality of the application, but not all services have IMAP support. When choosing POP3, you need to be prepared for problems with mail synchronization, since drafts and sent letters will only exist on the device on which they were created. In some versions of the software, the configuration will have to be done manually by entering server addresses and port numbers. For the Mail ru service, the mail setup will look like this: incoming mail server: for the POP3 protocol -, for IMAP -; outgoing mail server:; security type: SSL/TLS; Port number for incoming mail: 995 for POP3, 993 for IMAP; outgoing port number: 465. Security type SSL/TLS (all certificates) We configure Xiaomi for other services in the same way, only the domain in the server addresses changes. After this, all that remains is to complete personal settings: turn on the answering machine, set up a signature for letters, etc. Screenshots of my settings for the Yandex and mail services In addition, on some mail services, you need to log into your mail account using a PC and there in the settings mail enable IMAP. And only after this will it be possible to log in from your phone. EXAMPLE WITH YANDEX MAIL: Alternative email clients You can use another built-in client, Gmail is a free email client from Google, but I don’t like it, I disabled all Google applications except the market. If using the standard client is inconvenient or unusual, you can find an email program (application) for Android in PlayMarket. To do this, just find a program that is suitable in terms of functionality and interface, download it to your Xiaomi Redmi 4X, install and enter authorization data: your address Email and password. Examples of programs available for download under Android OS and MIUI shell: “CloudMagic” - supports the most popular email and cloud services, easy to use; Pros: full support for popular email services; simple and user-friendly interface; protection accounts password. Cons: not all email services work correctly with preset folders. “MyMail” - works with any mailbox, easy to set up; Pros: user-friendly interface; quick access to all accounts; fine, independent configuration of each mailbox; no duplicate folders when working with mail services. Cons: no serious shortcomings were identified. “K- 9" is a universal email program that supports most services, and has a more complex interface compared to its analogues. Pros: large list of supported email services; support for IMAP, POP3, Exchange, WebDAV standards; fine-tuning of notifications. Cons: not very convenient management. In addition In addition, you should remember that popular email services have their own applications, which can also be found in PlayMarket. Possible problems Despite the simplicity of setting up mail on Xiaomi Redmi 4X, some users still encounter problems with mail. Most often, this manifests itself as a failure to send letters. The most common causes of errors issued by the SMTP server: incorrect recipient address: if there is an error in the address, the server will recognize it as non-existent and “return” your letter; anti-spam protection of the recipient's mail servers, recognizing your letter as spam; if the recipient's mail server is not working at the time of sending, the letters will also be returned with a delivery error. If the above options are excluded, but a letter sent through an installed email program receives an automatic response indicating an SMTP error, you need to check the settings mail program regarding specifying the outgoing mail server address. A sending error (coded as error 550, 553) may occur if you are trying to work from your home mailbox, while accessing the Internet using another service provider. In this case, you need to change the SMTP server address in the settings to the one used on this network.

Every year you can find information about how Xiaomi spies on users. In early December 2017, user “Robert Baptiste” discovered another suspicious MIUI application.

Robert Baptiste is a security expert from France who specializes in spyware. Its purpose is to show users mobile phones, how manufacturers can easily collect their data, without the knowledge of the device owners themselves.

It’s sad, but Robert caught our beloved company in similar actions. It turns out that in graphical interface MIUI has a suspicious application that sends a large packet of data to servers located in China.

If you read news from the area information security, then you have probably heard about the problems found in software OnePlus, which allowed access to root user privileges.

Our French security expert reports the possibility of a similar vulnerability in MIUI.

Xiaomi Phone Monitoring App

While checking MIUI Global on Xiaomi Mi 6, the expert discovered the MiuiDeamon monitoring application in the software.

After testing, it turned out that it collects data such as screen on time, amount of free memory and internal memory, battery and GPU statistics, Bluetooth status and cellular network, as well as the IMEI number.

The suspicious app MiuiDeamon not only collects all this information, but also sends it to servers in China.

How to check your smartphone?

To check if your smartphone is loaded with spyware Xiaomi app, go to your phone settings.

Then open a tab with installed applications and check if the list contains com.miui.daemon.

If so, you can stop this program, but by default Xiaomi has not provided users with the option to disable it completely.

To get rid of this potential problem, just install any custom firmware. After this, you can remove the unwanted spyware from your Xiaomi phone.

What should ordinary users be afraid of?

Should we be afraid? The question is ambiguous. Since a few years ago, after a similar situation, Xiaomi stopped hiding the fact that the MIUI shell has many different monitoring tools.

Perhaps in this way, Xiaomi is analyzing user behavior in order to adapt MIUI to their needs. Before you start panicking, you should wait for an official explanation from Xiaomi.

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