Putting into commercial operation GOST information systems. Application of state standards in the design of information systems

The key document defining the interaction of the parties when implementing software solutions is the technical specification, which contains a set of requirements for the functionality of the software solution and verification and acceptance criteria. The main question that the technical specification should answer: what should the future system do? The process of preparing technical specifications consists of development, execution, coordination and approval of the document. As a rule, it represents a joint work of specialists from the customer organization and the performing organization. Product IT consultants take part in this work.

The terms of reference are issued by the customer organization to the executing organization ( system integrator) work on the implementation of software solutions, its content includes previously developed requirements for the IS.

Methodological support for the preparation of technical specifications is GOST 34.602-89 "Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Technical specifications for the creation of an automated system", which defines a list of requirements for the content of the document and testing.

In accordance with the specified standard, the technical specification includes the following sections, which can be divided into subsections:

  1. general information;
  2. purpose and goals of creation (development) of the system;
  3. characteristics of automation objects;
  4. system requirements;
  5. composition and content of work to create the system;
  6. procedure for control and acceptance of the system;
  7. requirements for the composition and content of work to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation;
  8. documentation requirements;
  9. development sources.

6.7.5. Organization of management of the implementation process based on the creation of joint working groups

Like any project, an implementation project needs its own organizational structure, which should reflect the scope and complexity of implementation tasks. Such a structure should combine the specialized knowledge of employees of functional departments of the organization, knowledge of project management and implementation methodologies software product.

When creating an organizational structure for an implementation project, qualification requirements for participants are developed, labor costs for each stage of implementation are assessed and the required number of participants is determined, the roles and areas of responsibility of each team member are specified, personnel are selected and trained implementation methodologies and the tools used.

An example of the organizational structure of a project for implementing an ERP system at a large industrial enterprise can be the following organizational structure:

  • a coordinating committee, which includes the enterprise management and senior managers, including the main project manager, as well as a leading consultant appointed by the managing director;
  • the project manager and the implementation project team, which includes the technical team, representatives of key users, consultants, and senior management representatives.

A project's organizational structure may include various collaborative work groups that are assigned specific tasks within the project. This involves appointing different members of the work groups, assigning team leaders, and creating a reporting structure to report on each work group's performance, which is then consolidated into an overall project performance report.

Implementation methodologies leading developers software provide for certain organizational structures of implementation projects and a clear distribution of roles with corresponding requirements for their skills and knowledge, enshrined in the documentation. An example is the documentation for implementation methodologies AcceleratedSAP, which defines in detail the roles of all participants in the organizational structure of the project, incl. and application consultant.

It should be noted that the organizational structure of the implementation project necessarily includes product IT consultants. Thus, the organizational structure of the SAP project includes Module Leaders, who are responsible for each of the basic modules planned for implementation.

Product IT consultants participate in the development of an implementation strategy as part of the main organizational structure, and also perform certain tasks at individual stages of implementation as part of joint working groups and perform the following main responsibilities:

  • training of working group members implementation methodologies, used in this project;
  • training users to work with the software product;
  • preparation of educational materials;
  • responsibility for meeting the deadlines for the implementation of specific modules of the software product;
  • development of necessary documentation;
  • assistance in the process of customizing the software product to the formulated requirements;
  • test methodology development and management working group during testing;
  • monitoring implementation results and making necessary modifications;
  • discussion of user comments and identified project bottlenecks;
  • user consultations.

6.7.6. Work to determine the boundaries of the project and implementation plan

The basis for preparing a project charter is the ANSI PMI PMBOK® 3-rd Edition (2004) standard - the main standard that describes all project management processes.

The project charter is the first official document of the project, formally certifying the existence of the project. This document gives the project manager the right to use the organization's resources in project operations.

The charter may include:

  • general description of the project (leader, start of the project, completion of the project, brief description);
  • purpose or rationale for the project, project objectives;
  • project boundaries (main work performed);
  • project results, system of measures (methods for evaluating results), composition and structure of project reports;
  • organizational structure of the project;
  • description of the role functions of project participants;
  • description of interaction procedures;
  • schedule milestones(main dates);
  • description of procedures for managing changes, problems and risks;
  • project budget.

In the process of preparing the Project Charter and the baseline plan, the main tasks of the product IT consultant are to determine the scope of the implementation project, select an implementation strategy and a deployment strategy (determining the plan for deploying the system from the pilot site to the rest, defined by the scope of the implementation project), planning project activities.

To determine the scope of the project, it is necessary to identify those types of activities and departments that will be affected by automation.

The definition of the project boundaries is carried out at the stage of preliminary survey of the organization. During the preliminary survey, all macro information about the organization is collected: information about the organizational functional structure, areas of activity, work and services performed, scale of the organization. Project boundaries are a specific list of works or business processes that are affected by automation. The project boundaries are the basis for determining the timing of the project and its cost, and planning design work.

Based on the information obtained as a result of the preliminary survey, the product IT consultant generates a report regulating the boundaries of the project. The delineated boundaries of the project are the initial information for the development of the Project Charter.

The implementation strategy defines the approach to implementing a software product in an organization. There are various implementation strategies used by leading software developers. For example, when implementing ERP systems, the “Big Bang”, “Step by Step”, and pilot implementation strategies are usually used.

The “Big Bang” principle involves the simultaneous implementation of all functional modules of a software product and replacement of old systems.

With the "Step by Step" approach, the implementation of functional modules is spread over time, when, after the end of one implementation, another begins.

During pilot implementation, a prototype of the future system is implemented in a certain department of the enterprise, which, if successful, is distributed to other departments taking into account the accumulated experience. In this case, the prototype itself can be implemented according to the “Big Bang” or “Step by Step” principle. After finishing pilot project The system prototype is transferred to the remaining areas in accordance with the deployment strategy. As a rule, minimal changes are made due to the specifics of the sites.

Selecting appropriate implementation and deployment strategies is critical to the success of an implementation project.

Based on the adopted strategies, taking into account the set goals of the project, allocated resources and finances, a basic plan implementation project.

Project baseline (cost, schedule) - an officially approved document against which project performance is measured and which is used to manage and monitor project execution. This plan includes a resource development and budget plan, calendar schedule, which determines the timing of various project milestones. Such a plan is not static, it is improved as the project progresses and passes through various stages. Typically a project baseline includes:

  • list of stages, substages, tasks and their relationships;
  • deadlines for completing stages, substages, tasks, including all types of activities that are included in the implementation schedule;
  • deadlines for providing results;
  • labor intensity of the stages;
  • planned resources by stages.

6.7.7. Development of the "System Design" document

The “System Design” document answers the fundamental question of the implementation project: how will we build the system so that it meets the requirements placed on it. During its development, the final detailing and documentation of all the organization’s requirements regarding certain business processes is carried out, and the necessary adaptation of the software product to user interface specifications is determined.

When developing the System Design document, IT product consultants conduct additional collection of information to confirm and clarify requirements; demonstrate to users the standard functionality of the software product based on test data, which is accompanied by filling out questionnaires with user opinions; identify gaps between the standard functionality of the software product and the requirements; develop appropriate recommendations and measures to eliminate them.

Based on an analysis of the coverage of the requirements by the standard functionality of the software product; analysis of the compliance of the forms of documents and reports of the enterprise with the forms of documents and reports standardly generated in software product, an IT product consultant compiles a list of necessary modifications to the software product to adapt it to the characteristics of the organization, coordinates fundamental decisions, documents layouts of reports and primary forms, and develops regulations for maintaining regulatory and reference information.

Since at the time of project implementation, the organization may also be using other software, when performing the specified work, issues of exporting and importing information and issues of organizing the transfer of data from old systems to the new one are also resolved.

The result of the work carried out is the document “System Design” and technical specifications for carrying out the necessary modifications. In accordance with the technical specifications, the organization performing the work finalizes the functionality of the system.

6.7.8. Managing the software product setup process

Configuring a software product in accordance with the formulated functional requirements and taking into account the characteristics of business processes is a long and labor-intensive process, since when performing this work, the logic of each of the business processes is implemented and a user interface is created.

These works are carried out on the basis of the developed document "System Design" and the corresponding technical specifications. An IT product consultant is involved in managing the process of customizing a software product to the stated requirements.

IN general case at this stage, the business processes of the software product are configured in accordance with the organization’s business model; the necessary templates for reports and primary documents are created; means are being developed data export-import With software solutions already operating at the enterprise; directories and classifiers are configured; Additional application modules are being developed.

During the customization management process, the product IT consultant draws up a plan and scenarios for testing the modification of the software product. Testing allows you to make sure that the configured software product works without software errors and meets agreed domain and organizational requirements. If errors are identified, work is carried out to eliminate them.

In addition, during the process of setting up a software product, a product consultant uses test data to demonstrate to users how configured business processes are carried out in the software product; coordinates comments and changes. In parallel with demonstrating the layout of the software product, he conducts training for end users, and also takes part in documenting the configuration and preparing documentation for end users.

6.7.9. Work on managing the process of creating a pilot version of the information system

Practical experience shows that work on creating an information system based on a selected software product, especially in large projects, is recommended to begin with pilot project. A pilot implementation project involves the implementation of a software product in a separate area within the framework of selected priority functions. The experience gained is then transferred to other functions and divisions.

A pilot project is a prototype of an information system that implements limited functionality, or covers a narrower scope of implementation, or stores and processes part of the data. Its task is to identify the effect of introducing a given software product in order to adopt final decision on the feasibility of implementation on a full scale and developing a basis for planning work on the implementation project.

Product IT consultant deals with planning issues pilot project. He participates in work to verify the readiness of pilot facilities (selected areas) for implementation, assesses the necessary resources, and draws up a plan for converting data from old systems into new system and a plan for conducting acceptance tests, conducts user training.

As part of the work performed, the IT product consultant coordinates and approves possible changes, in accordance with which the software product and documentation are finalized.

Upon completion of the work, the product IT consultant participates in the preparation of a report containing the results pilot project.

6.7.10. Training the organization's personnel on the methodology for implementing and using the selected IT solution

The process of training the organization's personnel is supported by the training strategy, technology and training tools.

The training strategy is developed taking into account the stages and scale of implementation of the software product. The product IT consultant determines the general approach to training, plans the main stages and activities for training and certification of the acquired knowledge of personnel, draws up a training schedule, carries out a preliminary calculation of the number of students, and describes the resources required for training.

Educational technology includes a list training courses, for which corresponding learning programs, and is supported by training tools.

The composition of the training tool is usually as follows: documentation for description functionality software product; teaching aids; practical tasks for learning and teaching materials; a training copy of the software product filled with test data for demonstration and training; other automated training tools, e.g. test systems, electronic educational materials.

Documentation of the strategy and technology of training is carried out in the form of preparing a special report, including a description of approaches to training, training courses and training programs, training tools used, resources required for training, curricula and training regulations.

An IT product consultant takes part in both the development of training tools and the preparation of a report documenting the training strategy and technologies.

The functional responsibilities of a product IT consultant include training the project team implementation methodologies and user training. In accordance with the developed training calendar plan, he conducts the prescribed training sessions. It should be noted that personnel training includes not only conducting training sessions, but also certifying the ability of personnel to ensure the functioning of the software product and to perform the work necessary for implementation.

6.7.11. Organization of trial operation of the information system and development of test methods

The information system based on the selected software product must prove its performance.

Testing an information system is a process of checking the performance of specified functions of the system, determining and verifying the compliance of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the system with the requirements of the technical specifications, identifying and eliminating deficiencies in the actions of the system, in the developed documentation.

In accordance with GOST 34.603-92 "Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems" for information systems The following types of tests are established: preliminary, trial operation, acceptance.

Preliminary tests performed after the developer has debugged and tested the supplied software and technical means systems and providing them with the relevant documents on their readiness for testing, as well as after familiarizing the personnel with the operational documentation.

Trial operation is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the information system and the readiness of personnel to work in the conditions of its functioning, determine the actual effectiveness of the information system, and adjust (if necessary) documentation.

When organizing trial operation information system, the task of a product IT consultant is to develop a document “Program and testing methods”.

The document "Test program and methodology" includes:

  • conditions and order of functioning of parts of the information system and the information system as a whole;
  • duration trial operation, sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the information system when performing each function of the system and the readiness of personnel to work in the operating conditions of the information system; The work is completed by issuing a completion certificate trial operation and admission to acceptance tests.

    6.7.12. Managing the introduction of an information system into commercial operation and developing its regulations

    The task of managing the introduction of an information system into commercial operation includes the preparation and approval of a detailed plan for the transition to a new system and a plan for its further support, carrying out acceptance tests information system. An IT product consultant takes part in this work.

    As already mentioned, acceptance testing of an information system should be preceded by its trial operation. Based on the results trial operation The experience gained is being disseminated to all areas within the project boundaries in accordance with the adopted information system deployment strategy.

    Acceptance tests of the information system are carried out to determine its compliance with the technical specifications and quality assessment trial operation and resolving the issue of the possibility of accepting the information system for commercial operation.

    In accordance with GOST 34.603-92 "Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems" document "Program acceptance tests" contains:

    • a list of objects allocated in the system for testing and a list of requirements that the objects must meet (with reference to the clauses of the technical specifications);
    • acceptance criteria for the system and its parts;
    • conditions and timing of testing;
    • testing facilities;
    • names of persons responsible for testing;
    • testing methods and processing of their results;
    • list of completed documentation.

    Acceptance tests include checking:

    • completeness and quality of implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of parameters of the automation object and in other conditions of functioning of the information system specified in the technical specifications;
    • fulfilling each requirement related to the system interface;
    • staff work in an interactive mode;
    • means and methods for restoring the functionality of an information system after failures;
    • completeness and quality of operational documentation.

    6.7.13. Organizing monitoring of the results of implementing the information system and making the necessary modifications

    Within the established time frame, the product IT consultant carries out work to organize monitoring of the operation of the information system and make the necessary modifications. These works are aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the information system. Typically they include the following activities:

    • additional user training;
    • user consultation;
    • monitoring the performance of the information system;
    • analysis of the obtained monitoring results and development of recommendations for making the necessary changes
    • managing the process of making changes and modernizing the information system;
    • development of additional documentation, making changes to existing documentation.
GOST 24.208-80 Requirements for the content of documents at the “Commissioning” stage

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated May 14, 1980 No. 2101, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1981

This standard applies to technical documentation for automated control systems (ACS) of all types, developed for all levels of management (except for national ones), and establishes requirements for the content of documents developed at the “Commissioning” stage in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80


1.1. Documents developed at the “Commissioning” stage are classified as acceptance documentation for the automated control system.

1.2. When drawing up documents for parts of the automated control system, the content of the documents is limited to the framework of the corresponding part of the automated control system.

1.3. Depending on the purpose and specific features of the created automated control systems, it is allowed to include additional information in documents, the content requirements for which are not established by this standard.


2.1. Certificate of completion of work

2.1.1. The document is intended to record the fact of completion of a separate work when creating an automated control system.

2.1.2. The document does not apply to construction, installation and commissioning works.

2.1.3. The document must contain:

  • name of the completed work(s);
  • a list of representatives of the developer organization and the customer organization who drew up the act;
  • date of completion of work;
  • name of the document(s) on the basis of which the work was carried out;
  • main results of the completed work;
  • conclusion about the results of the completed work.

2.2. Certificate of acceptance for trial operation

2.2.1. The document is intended to record the completion of the commissioning of the automated control system as a whole or its parts into trial operation.

2.2.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the automated control system (or part thereof) accepted for trial operation and the corresponding control object;
  • the composition of the acceptance committee and the basis for its work (name, number and date of approval of the document on the basis of which the commission was created);
  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system (or its part) accepted for trial operation;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support tested during trial operation;
  • main results of acceptance into trial operation;
  • decision of the commission to accept the automated control system for trial operation.

2.3. Certificate of acceptance for industrial operation

2.3.1. The document is intended to record the fact of putting the automated control system (or part thereof) into commercial operation.

2.3.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the control object and the automated control system (or part thereof) accepted for commercial operation;
  • information about the status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental), its composition and the basis for its work;
  • period of the commission's work;
  • name of the developer organization, co-executing organization and customer organization;
  • name of the document on the basis of which the automated control system was developed;
  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system (or its part) accepted for commercial operation;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support accepted for commercial operation;
  • list of documents presented to the commission;
  • conclusion on the results of trial operation of the automated control system;
  • assessment of compliance of the adopted automated control system with the technical specifications for its creation;
  • brief characteristics and the main results of the work performed to create an automated control system;
  • assessment of the scientific and technical level of the automated control system (based on design data) * ;
  • assessment of economic efficiency from the implementation of automated control systems (based on design data) * ;
  • decision of the commission;
  • recommendations of the commission for further development of the system *.
* Mandatory only when accepting the automated control system as a whole.

2.3.3. The “Certificate of Acceptance for Industrial Operation” is accompanied by a program and test reports, minutes of commission meetings, certificates of acceptance into industrial operation of previously accepted parts of the automated control system, and a list of technical means that the commission used when accepting the automated control system. At the discretion of the commission, it is allowed to include additional documents in the application.

2.4. Work schedule

2.4.1. The document establishes a list of works, deadlines and performers of work related to the creation of works.

2.4.2. The document for each work included in the list must contain:

  • title of work;
  • start and end date of work;
  • name of the unit participating in the work;
  • name and position of the responsible executor;
  • formula for presenting work results.

2.5. Work order

2.5.1. Depending on the stage of work on creating an automated control system, the following types of documents have been established:

  • order on the readiness of the management facility for construction and installation work;
  • order on the readiness of the control facility to carry out adjustment work;
  • order to begin trial operation of the automated control system (its parts);
  • order to put into commercial operation the automated control system (its parts).

2.5.2. The document “Order on the readiness of the management facility for construction and installation work” must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the management facility to carry out construction and installation work;
  • determination of the construction and installation zone;
  • procedure for admission to work;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the work and safety of the installed equipment;
  • list of responsible representatives of construction and installation organizations performing the work.

2.5.3. The document “Order on the readiness of the control object to carry out adjustment work” must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the control object to carry out adjustment work;
  • list of technical equipment of the automated control system to be adjusted;
  • instructions on the procedure for carrying out adjustment work;
  • procedure for admission to commissioning work;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the commissioning work;
  • list of responsible representatives of organizations performing commissioning work;
  • instructions on the procedure for eliminating installation errors and the persons responsible for performing this work.

2.5.4. The document “Order on the start of trial operation of the automated control system (its parts)” must contain:

  • name of the automated control system as a whole or its parts undergoing trial operation;
  • timing of trial operation;
  • a list of officials of the customer organization and the developer organization responsible for conducting trial operation;
  • list of departments of the customer organization participating in the trial operation.

2.5.5. The document “Order on putting into commercial operation the automated control system (its parts)” must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system or its parts, hardware and software accepted for commercial operation;
  • a list of officials and a list of departments of the customer organization responsible for the operation of the automated control system;
  • procedure and timing for introducing new forms of documents (if necessary);
  • the procedure and timing for transferring first-time employees to work under the operating conditions of the automated control system.

2.6. Order on the composition of the acceptance committee

The document must contain:

  • name of the adopted automated control system as a whole or its parts;
  • information about the composition of the commission;
  • basis for organizing the commission;
  • name of the customer organization;
  • name of the developer organization, co-executing organizations;
  • purpose and goals of the commission;
  • start and end dates of the commission's work;
  • instructions on the form for completing the work of the commission.

2.7. Work program

2.7.1. Depending on the content of the work, the following types of documents are established:

  • test program;
  • pilot operation program;
  • work program of the acceptance committee.

2.7.2. The document “Test Program” is intended to determine the procedure and scope of preliminary tests when transferring into trial operation and acceptance tests when transferring automated control systems into commercial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system as a whole or its parts to be tested, with reference to the paragraphs of the “Terms of Reference” for the creation of the automatic control system;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support that are subject to testing;
  • procedure for testing individual components of the automated control system and individual functions of the automated control system;
  • conditions and timing of testing;
  • the procedure for registering tests and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating deficiencies and making necessary changes to the technical documentation;
  • instructions on the form of presentation of test results.

2.7.2. The document “Trial Operation Program” is intended to determine the procedure and scope of trial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system and its parts subject to trial operation, with reference to the clauses of the technical specifications for the creation of the automatic control system;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support that are subject to trial operation;
  • procedure for personnel actions during trial operation of automated control system elements and individual functional subsystems;
  • conditions and timing of trial operation;
  • the procedure for recording the results of trial operation and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating identified deficiencies and making changes to technical documentation;
  • instructions on the form for presenting the results of trial operation.

2.7.2. The document “Work Program of the Acceptance Committee” is intended to determine the procedure for accepting the automated control system for commercial operation. The composition and content of the document are determined according to regulatory and technical documents approved in the given industry.

2.8. Test report

2.8.1. The document is intended to record the results of preliminary tests when transferring the automated control system as a whole or its parts into trial or industrial operation.

2.8.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the test object;
  • list of officials who conducted the test;
  • purpose of testing;
  • information about the duration of the tests;
  • a list of items of the technical specifications for the creation of an automated control system, for compliance with which tests were carried out;
  • a list of items of the “Test Program” for which tests were carried out;
  • information on the results of observations of the correct functioning of the automated control system;
  • information about failures, malfunctions and emergency situations that arose during testing;
  • information about adjustments to the parameters of the test object and technical documentation.

2.9. Agreement protocol

2.9.1. The document is intended to coordinate deviations from previously adopted and approved design decisions, when during the trial operation of the automated control system as a whole or its parts, the need for their adjustment was revealed.

2.9.2. The document must contain:

  • a list of considered deviations indicating the document, deviations from the requirements of which are subject to approval;
  • list of officials who compiled the protocol;
  • justification of accepted deviations from design decisions;
  • a list of agreed deviations and deadlines for making necessary changes to the technical documentation.

Reissue. May 1986

Commissioning of the information system consists of the following stages:

  • 1) commissioning of technical equipment into trial operation;
  • 2) commissioning of software into trial operation;
  • 3)training and certification of personnel;
  • 4) conducting trial operation of all components and the system as a whole;
  • 5) commissioning and signing of work acceptance certificates.

The information system we have developed has the following minimum requirements to the technical characteristics of hardware and software:

  • - single-core processor with a frequency of 2 GHz;
  • -DDR RAM - 512 MB;
  • -video card - any modern one will do;
  • -1 GB of hard disk space;
  • -monitor, keyboard, mouse;
  • -installed operating room Windows system 98/XP/Vista/Seven.

Since at OJSC "Kirovenergosbyt" this moment There are similar databases (our database is a synthesis of 2 existing databases), then special training for personnel during implementation new base no data required.

After being entered into the enterprise database, it is completely ready for use.

Operation of the information system

In this work, an attempt was made to simplify the work of users as much as possible using the information system “Accounting for work with clients” of OJSC “Kirovenergosbyt”. Since the application is replete with tables, it was necessary to develop a convenient system for navigation, search, adding and deleting records, and generating reports.

Despite the fact that the application does not require powerful technical characteristics from the computer on which it will be used, the application should not contain an abundance of side elements.

When you launch the “Customer Accounting” program, a form will appear that prompts you to start working with the data of Kirovenergosbyt OJSC.

If you need information about the debtors of Kirovenergosbyt OJSC, then click on “Debtors”. Will open new form“Debtors”, with which you can find, add, change or delete the desired parameter.

When you click the “Change” button, after first clicking on the desired row in the table and changing its data, the changes in the data of the specified row will be recorded in the table. If you want to add new data to the table, then enter new data in the specified fields. Then click the “Add” button and new information will appear in the database. In the “Search” field, you can find the information you need by one or more parameters by entering data and clicking the “Search” button. Also, by highlighting a line in the table and clicking the “Delete” button, the desired one and all data about it will be deleted from your list. If you want to return to the original form, click “Exit”.

The main form also contains buttons that provide access to data about suppliers (“Suppliers”), about contracts (“Agreements”), about employees (“Employees”), about consumers (“Consumers”). All opened forms also contain buttons “Add”, “Change”, “Delete”, “Search”, “Report”, “Exit”.

If you want to exit the program, then on the main form you must click the “Exit” button.

The program introduces restrictions on changing the interface, on user access to the “Add”, “Change”, “Delete” buttons, checking that the entered data corresponds to the parameters of the tables, and checking for the most complete data entry.

Prospects for the development of the information system

At this stage, the information system we have created is able to take into account work with clients of OJSC Kirovenergosbyt, with its suppliers, and allocate the Company’s debtors into a separate category, which simplifies the work of finding them. When creating this information system, an attempt was made to combine 2 currently existing databases, taking into account separately debtors and all consumers of the Company.

In the future, new capabilities may be added to it for creating notifications and warnings for debtors, accounting for services provided in accordance with the contract, accounting elements, the ability to integrate data into 1C: Enterprise, etc.

3) a description of the operator’s actions when working with programs (rules for launching programs, work order, actions in possible non-standard situations, etc.).

Test case description includes description:

1) functions and parameters of the software tested by the test case;

2) the composition of the technical means necessary to test the software in this example;

3) input information;

4) results of running programs based on test case data;

5) operator actions when checking the program on a test example;

6) test results (control standard) of programs using a test example.

Procedure for transferring software documentation

All programs and instructions, tested by the developer on a test example, are handed over to the customer under a certificate certifying their acceptance for trial operation.

Delivered to the customer software, instructions and descriptions of algorithms must meet the requirements for the composition and content of the working design of the information system. Programs recorded on magnetic media are transferred to the customer. The customer provides the developer with magnetic media and computer time necessary for putting programs into trial operation and duplicating them (if necessary).

Acceptance of a set of tasks (subsystems) for trial operation involves solving a test case by specially trained customer personnel in the presence of developer representatives, followed by analysis of the results. By mutual agreement, the test case can be performed by the developer in the presence of the customer.

Based on the acceptance results, a software acceptance certificate for trial operation is signed. Discovered

Developer errors in programs and technical documentation are eliminated during the commissioning process.

Organizational and administrative documentation

For the main work carried out at the “Detailed Design” stage, the following organizational and administrative documentation is drawn up:

1) order to carry out work at the stage in accordance with the schedule organizational and technical measures;

2) schedule of joint work between the contractor and the customer;

3) act of verification on test examples and acceptance of work programs into trial operation;

4) act of readiness of regulatory and reference documentation;

5) the act of carrying out organizational and technical measures to prepare the enterprise for the implementation of the information system.

5.5. Putting the information system into operation

Commissioning of an information system and its individual elements is a process of gradual transition from existing management methods to automated management methods.

Commissioning of the information system is organized and carried out by the customer with the participation of the developer and co-executing organizations. Interaction between customer organizations, developers and co-executors is carried out on the basis of contractual terms and a schedule for putting the information system into commercial operation.

Commissioning is carried out in stages, starting from the stage of development of the technical project, as the working documentation is ready and the technical means are put into operation, ensuring the implementation of queues or information system objects capable of independent functioning.

You should begin putting the information system into operation if you have:

1) executed documents on the implementation of the action plan for the preparation of the facility;

2) working documentation for the implementation of a dedicated queue or information system as a whole;

3) trained personnel providing preparation for commissioning

operation and operation of a dedicated information system queue;

4) technical means of the information system accepted for operation, ensuring the functioning of the implemented sets of tasks.

Organization of work


1) trial operation of individual tasks and their complexes;

2) acceptance of task complexes for commercial operation;

3) carrying out acceptance tests;

4) acceptance of the system for commercial operation.

The composition and order of work are determined by the agreed commissioning schedules, which indicate the composition and timing of the following work:

1) for the construction, installation, commissioning and testing of information system objects from the moment of receipt of working documentation until the objects are put into commercial operation;

2) for carrying out trial operation and acceptance testing of task sets;

3) to ensure the transition from existing management methods

To methods provided for by the information system design.

At the stage “Putting the information system into operation”

the customer is obliged:

1) terminate execution organizational and technical measures to prepare the enterprise for the implementation of the information system and formalize them with acts;

2) ensure that the enterprise personnel comply with job and technological instructions;

3) put into operation the technical means necessary for the implemented technological process data processing;

4) issue an order with a schedule for conducting trial operation of the information system and analyze, together with the developer, the results of trial operation;

5) complete the trial operation of the complexes of tasks included in the information system and their acceptance for commercial operation;

6) make changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise in accordance with the information system project;

7) develop a draft order on the composition of the acceptance committee;

8) develop and coordinate with the developer a draft program acceptance tests;

9) organize the work of the acceptance committee, provide it with the required documentation and test the information system;

10) check the effectiveness of the implemented solutions in industrial operation conditions and, based on the results of the analysis of the functioning of the system, develop recommendations for its further development.

At the stage “Putting the information system into operation”

the developer is obliged:

1) adjust technical documentation based on the results of trial operation of the information system;

2) take part in the development of a draft program for acceptance testing of the information system;

3) provide methodological guidance and take part in putting tasks (sets of tasks) into commercial operation;

4) participate in the work of the commission for acceptance of the information system into commercial operation.

The procedure for conducting trial operation

The beginning of trial operation of tasks (sets of tasks), the terms of operation and the composition of the commission for the acceptance of a specific task or subsystem are determined by an order issued by the customer and agreed with the developer. Attached to the order is the agreement agreed with

the developer has a trial operation program, which defines the conditions for testing sets of tasks, the procedure for checking technical means when solving sets of problems (subsystems) and the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

Additional customer requirements that arise during trial operation and are not provided for in the technical specifications and technical design do not constitute grounds for a negative assessment of the results of trial operation and can be satisfied by additional agreement within the agreed time frame.

If the results of the trial operation of the tasks (subsystems) are positive, a bilateral act on their acceptance for commercial operation is drawn up.

After the information system has been accepted for commercial operation, the customer bears responsibility for its functioning within the scope of the accepted sets of tasks and tools.

Initial and reporting documents for testing information system software

Joint tests are carried out by a customer commission, which includes the development manager and some leading developers. The testing commission is guided by the following documents:

1) technical specifications for the creation of an information system approved by the customer and agreed with the developer;

2) current state and industry standards for software design and testing and technical documentation;

3) test program for all technical requirements

4) test methods for each section of the requirements of the technical specifications.

Test program, methods of their conduct and evaluation

The results are developed jointly by the customer and the developer and must be agreed upon and approved. They contain clarifications of the requirements of the technical specifications for this system and must guarantee them correct check. System documentation should

fully comply with the programs being tested, ensure that the system is understandable by maintenance personnel, and also provide the ability to develop and modernize programs to increase the duration of their life cycle.

Test program is a plan for conducting a series of experiments. It is developed from the position of minimizing the amount of testing while ensuring the reliability of the results obtained is specified and agreed upon with the customer. To do this, the sequence and scope of each testing during the testing process are determined to verify compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications when minimum costs. It can be especially difficult to select a set of stressful system operating situations under which testing should be carried out. Test program should contain the following clearly defined sections:

1) test object, its purpose and a list of the main documents that determined its development;

2) the purpose of the tests, indicating the main requirements of the technical specifications to be verified, and restrictions on testing;

3) actually test program, containing a check of the completeness of the developed system in accordance with the technical specifications and a test plan for checking the functioning of programs for all sections of the technical specifications and additional requirements formalized by separate solutions;

4) test methods, unambiguously defining all the concepts of the characteristics being tested, testing conditions, tools used for testing, methods for processing and evaluating test results for each section of the test program.

Large volume of heterogeneous data obtained during testing

software, and variety possible ways their processing, interpretation and evaluation lead to the fact that the most important factors for processing test results become methods for processing and evaluating results. In accordance with test methods, automation equipment must ensure completeness of characteristics checks for each section of methods and development

inspection protocols for items of the test program. The complexity of software and the close relationship between its various characteristics lead to the need for careful formulation of all test conditions and parameter values ​​​​at which the test must be performed.

Test results are recorded in protocols , which usually contain the following sections:

1) the purpose of testing and the section of the requirements of the technical specifications according to which the test is carried out;

2) indication of the methods in accordance with which the tests were carried out, processing and evaluation of the results;

3) testing conditions and characteristics of the initial

4) generalized test results with their assessment for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and other governing documents;

5) conclusions about the test results and the degree of compliance of the created software with a certain section of the requirements of the technical specifications.

The protocols for the entire program are summarized in an act, resulting in

a conclusion is made about the system’s compliance with the customer’s requirements and whether the work is completed with a positive or negative result. If all requirements of the technical specification are fully met, the customer is obliged to accept the system and the work is considered completed.

However, as already noted, for complex software packages it is difficult to foresee and correctly formulate all the requirements of the technical specifications at the initial stages of design. Therefore, during debugging and testing, it is often revealed that some requirements of the technical specifications are not met and sometimes even fundamentally cannot be fulfilled even with the most conscientious attitude to this on the part of the developer. In this case, it is necessary to work together between the customer and the developer to find a compromise solution when completing tests and drawing up a conclusion. Some shortcomings of the program complex during the testing process are only registered and recorded in terms of eliminating the commission’s comments,

who carried out the tests. This plan is an annex to the test results report and allows you to separate subsequent improvements from direct tests.

The procedure for conducting acceptance tests

The customer is responsible for organizing and conducting acceptance into commercial operation. Acceptance of the information system for commercial operation is carried out upon completion of the customer's acceptance of all sets of tasks (subsystems) for commercial operation.

Tasks, sets of tasks (subsystems) and technical means of the information system that are not provided for in the technical specifications, but implemented by the customer independently, can be included in the complex of the information system being delivered only in agreement with the developer and after appropriate changes have been made to the technical specifications for the creation of the information system.

At the request of the customer or developer, representatives of subcontractors may be involved in the acceptance of the information system.

The customer presents the information system to the acceptance committee. In addition to the members of the commission, experts on certain issues of creating information systems may be involved in the acceptance process with the right of an advisory vote. The customer is obliged to ensure normal working conditions for the commission in accordance with the adopted information system acceptance program. For prompt solution organizational issues arising during the acceptance of the information system, by order of the head of the developer organization, a responsible representative from the developer organization is allocated.

The customer, together with the developer, prepares a draft program for testing and acceptance of the information system and submits it to the acceptance committee for review and approval. The program indicates: the name of the information system being submitted, the directive documents on the basis of which the system was developed (if any), the composition of the acceptance committee and the number of the order for its appointment, purpose, objects, volume, location and

sequence of tests, methods of testing and evaluation of results.

The customer prepares together with the developer and transfers the following documents for temporary use to the commission:

1) orders, instructions, plans, contracts providing for the creation of an information system;

2) technical and economic justification, terms of reference, technical design, detailed design of the information system;

3) acts of consideration and approval of the technical design;

4) bilateral acts of the customer and the developer on the delivery of tasks, sets of tasks (subsystems), devices and their complexes into commercial operation in accordance with the approved technical specifications.

The acceptance committee provides:

1) checking documentation and functioning of the information system;

2) organizing working groups and distributing responsibilities among commission members to check individual subsystems;

3) checking the calculation of the economic efficiency of the created information system;

4) organizing workshops and preparing information system acceptance certificates.

Checking operating conditions and operating modes of technical

information system tools is carried out simultaneously with checking the functioning of complexes of tasks (subsystems). The preparedness of the personnel responsible for the operation of the information system is determined in accordance with the training program and job descriptions included in the working project. The results of the inspection are discussed at work meetings and documented in minutes.

The final stage of the commission’s work is the drawing up of an act, which indicates:

1) composition of the commission, positions and places of work of commission members;

2) term (date) of system acceptance;

3) the composition of performers (organizations, enterprises) who took part in the creation of the information system;

4) grounds for acceptance (orders, instructions and

5) list of presented information system documentation

And assessment of its compliance with current regulatory and technical documents;

6) compliance of actually completed and implemented work with technical specifications;

7) readiness of all types of support and structural divisions customer to the implementation and operation of the information system;

8) information about the effectiveness of the information system (comparison of existing or expected actual data on the volume and sources of savings obtained with calculated data);

9) conclusions of the commission on the possibility of accepting the information system;

The acceptance certificate in five copies is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission. The date of putting the information system into operation is the date of signing the act by the commission.

6. Information systems development team

Since the creation of a modern information system is a complex process that requires the joint efforts of a large number of different specialists, the formation of a team involved in the design, development and implementation of an information system is of great importance in modern conditions.

Organization of a team and distribution of work among specialists can be carried out according to several principles:

1) based on the distribution of system analysis (algorithmization) and program development among different teams;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 676
"On the requirements for the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases"

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" the Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached requirements for the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases.

2. Establish that the activities provided for by the requirements approved by this resolution are carried out by federal executive authorities within the budget allocations provided for by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period for leadership and management in the field of established functions.

3. Recommend that other government bodies, in addition to federal executive bodies and executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, local governments, should be guided in their activities by the requirements approved by this resolution.

to the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 N 676)

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. This document defines the requirements for the procedure for implementing measures for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems (hereinafter referred to as the system) and the further storage of information contained in their databases, carried out by federal executive authorities and executive authorities authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as executive authorities) in order to increase the efficiency of the implementation of the powers of executive authorities as a result of the use of information and communication technologies, or executive authorities acting as public partners, and private partners in accordance with public-private partnership agreements (hereinafter referred to as the private partner) in order to implement these agreements.

1.1. When executive authorities or private partners implement measures for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of systems and the further storage of information contained in their databases, the following must be performed:

a) requirements for the protection of information contained in systems established by the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, within the limits of their powers;

b) requirements for the organization and measures to protect information contained in the system;

Information about changes:

Clause 1.1 was supplemented with subclause “c” from April 27, 2019 - Resolution

c) requirements for the protection of personal data provided for in Part 3 of Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” (if there is personal data in the system).

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2017 N 555, the requirements were supplemented with clause 1.2

1.2. In order to fulfill the requirements for the protection of information provided for in paragraph 1.1 of this document (hereinafter referred to as the requirements for the protection of information), executive authorities determine the requirements for the protection of information contained in the system of the executive authority, for which they carry out:

a) determination of information to be protected from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as other unlawful actions in relation to such information;

b) analysis of regulations, methodological documents and national standards that the system must comply with;

c) classification of the system in accordance with information security requirements;

d) identification of threats to information security, the implementation of which may lead to a violation of information security in the system, and development on their basis of a model of threats to information security;

e) determination of requirements for the information system (subsystem) for the protection of information contained in the system.

II. Requirements for the procedure for creating a system

2. The basis for creating the system is:

a) the duty of the executive authority to create a system provided for by regulatory legal acts;

b) the decision of the executive authority to create a system in order to ensure the implementation of the powers assigned to it;

Information about changes:

Clause 2 was supplemented with subparagraph “c” from April 27, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of April 11, 2019 N 420

c) decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of a public-private partnership project;

Information about changes:

Clause 2 was supplemented with subclause “d” from April 27, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of April 11, 2019 N 420

d) decision of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, if the public partner is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or it is planned to hold a joint competition with the participation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (except for cases of holding a joint competition with the participation of the Russian Federation).

3. The creation of the system is carried out in accordance with the terms of reference, taking into account the model of threats to the security of information provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1.2 of this document, as well as the levels of security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, depending on the threats to the security of this data and requirements of this document.

The model of threats to information security and (or) the terms of reference for the creation of a system are agreed upon with the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, within the limits of their powers in relation to the implementation of established information protection requirements.

The terms of reference for the creation of the system must include requirements for the protection of information contained in the system, formed in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “c” of paragraph 1.1 of this document.

4. The terms of reference for the creation of the system and the model of threats to information security are approved by an official of the executive authority who is entrusted with the appropriate powers.

5. The procedure for creating a system includes the following sequentially implemented stages:

a) development of documentation for the system and its parts;

b) development of working documentation for the system and its parts;

c) development or adaptation of software;

d) commissioning works;

e) conducting preliminary tests of the system;

f) conducting trial operation of the system;

g) conducting system acceptance tests.

6. The stage of developing documentation for the system and its parts includes the development, coordination and approval of documentation to the extent necessary to describe the full set of design solutions (including information security) and sufficient for further work on creating the system.

7. The stage of development of working documentation for the system and its parts includes the development, coordination and approval of documentation containing information necessary to carry out work on putting the system into operation and its operation, and the procedure for operating the system containing information necessary to perform work to maintain the level operational characteristics (quality) of the system (including information security) established in the design solutions specified in paragraph 6 of this document, including:

a) a list of actions of employees when performing tasks to operate the system, including the list, types, volumes and frequency of work to ensure the functioning of the system;

b) monitoring the performance of the system and components that ensure information protection;

c) a list of malfunctions that may arise during operation of the system, and recommendations regarding actions when they occur;

d) a list of system operating modes and their characteristics, as well as the procedure and rules for transferring the system from one operating mode to another, indicating the time required for this.

8. The stage of development or adaptation of software includes the development of system software, selection and adaptation of purchased software, as well as, in established cases and procedures, certification of the developed system software and information security tools according to information security requirements.

9. The commissioning stage includes autonomous adjustment of hardware and software of parts of the system, loading information into its database, comprehensive adjustment of hardware and software of the system, including information security tools.

10. The preliminary testing stage includes:

a) development of a program and methodology for preliminary tests, in accordance with which the system is checked for operability and compliance with the technical specifications for its creation;

b) checking the system for operability and compliance with the technical specifications for its creation;

c) eliminating faults identified during such tests and making changes to the documentation and working documentation on the system;

d) drawing up a test report and a certificate of acceptance of the system for trial operation.

11. The trial operation stage includes:

a) development of a program and methodology for trial operation;

b) trial operation of the system in accordance with the program and methodology for trial operation;

c) refinement of the system software and additional adjustment of technical means in case of detection of deficiencies identified during trial operation of the system;

d) execution of a certificate of completion of trial operation, including a list of deficiencies that must be eliminated before the start of operation of the system.

12. The acceptance testing stage includes:

a) testing the system for compliance with the technical specifications for its creation in accordance with the acceptance testing program and methodology;

b) analysis of the results of eliminating the deficiencies specified in the certificate of completion of trial operation;

c) drawing up an act of acceptance of the system into operation.

III. Requirements for the procedure for commissioning the system

13. The basis for putting the system into operation is a legal act of the executive authority on putting the system into operation, defining a list of measures to ensure the putting of the system into operation and establishing a date for the start of operation.

14. The legal act of the executive authority on putting the system into operation includes:

a) measures for the development and approval of organizational and administrative documents defining measures to protect information during operation of the system, the development of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts and methodological documents of the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical information security, as well as national standards in the field of information security;

b) measures to certify the system according to information protection requirements, as a result of which, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the compliance of the protection of information contained in the system with the requirements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and information protection is confirmed;

c) measures to prepare the executive authority, as well as the private partner in the event of concluding an agreement on public-private partnership, to operate the system;

d) measures to prepare officials of the executive authority, as well as employees of the private partner in the event of concluding a public-private partnership agreement, to operate the system, including persons responsible for ensuring information security.

15. Putting the system into operation is not allowed in the following cases:

a) failure to comply with the information protection requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the lack of a valid certificate of compliance with information security requirements;

b) absence in the register of territorial location of control objects, provided for by the Rules for monitoring the placement of technical means of information systems used by state bodies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 N 675 “On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for in Part 2.1 of Article 13 and Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, information on the placement of technical means of the information system on the territory Russian Federation;

c) failure to comply with the requirements of this section, identified during the implementation of control in accordance with the Rules for monitoring compliance with the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and the further storage of information contained in their databases, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 N 675 “On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for in Part 2.1 of Article 13 and Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” of this document. legal act a) preparation of legal acts related to the decommissioning of the system;

b) work on decommissioning the system, including work on uninstalling the system software, exercising rights to the system software, dismantling and decommissioning the system’s hardware, ensuring storage and further use information resources systems;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2017 N 555, paragraph 23 was supplemented with subparagraph “c”

c) ensuring the protection of information in accordance with the documentation for the system and organizational and administrative documents on information protection, including archiving of information contained in the system, destruction (erasure) of data and residual information from computer storage media and (or) destruction of computer storage media .

24. Unless otherwise established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the storage periods for information contained in the system databases are determined by the executive authority and cannot be less than the storage periods for information that are established for the storage of paper documents containing such information.

25. The deadline for decommissioning the system cannot be earlier than the completion date of the last event provided for by the legal act on decommissioning the system.