I deleted the fallout 4 folder from the documents.

In this article I will tell you how to install mods (modifications and add-ons) for the game Fallout 4, I will list and clearly explain all the methods for installing mods, I will also describe several common problems and options for solving them. If you don’t know how to install mods but really want to play Fallout 4 with mods, read this article.

What is needed to install mods?
1) Installed game Fallout 4, it is advisable to know the version of the game, the list of installed DLCs. (the game version is displayed in the game menu - settings, bottom right)
2) It is advisable to have the latest or fresh version of the game.
3) Have installed (a program for opening archives).

Let's start installing mods:
Always carefully read the comments on the installation of each specific mod, many of them have certain features or nuances.

There are 2 ways to install mods on the game:
1) Automatic using the mod manager.
2) Manual.
Each of these methods has its pros and cons, some mods do not support the mod manager, other mods are more difficult and longer to install if installed manually.

Automatic installation via NMM manager:

1) Download and install
2) Open C:\Users\your_pc_user\Documents\Fallout 4. (or C:\Users\your_pc_user\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
3) Find the file Fallout4Prefs.ini
Finding the line

bEnableFileSelection =1

4) Save and close the document.
5) Open file Fallout4Custom.ini


Save the file and close Notepad.

6) Read how to use, how to install mods using .

Manual installation of mods:

There are 2 types of mods, resource and plugin, mod files of both types must be copied to the \Fallout 4\Data folder, plugin mods have the extension esp or esm, they must be connected by writing their names in a specific file. (read how this is done below).

1) Open C:\Users\your_pc_user\Documents\Fallout 4. (or C:\Users\your_pc_user\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
2) Find the file Fallout4Prefs.ini using notepad or Notepad++ (recommended).
Finding the line
There should be a line immediately below it bEnableFileSelection =1, if the value is 0, change to 1, if there is no line, add.
3) Save and close the document.
4) Open file Fallout4Custom.ini, If of this file no, then create it Text Document with the name Fallout4Custom, change the txt extension to ini. (if not available, google how to enable the ability to change the file extension).
The file you should get is Fallout4Custom.ini (not Fallout4Custom.ini.txt).
Open it with notepad and write there


5) Save the file and close Notepad.
6) Download mods from our website, each mod has specific explanations of which files to copy where and other actions that need to be performed.

Enabling (connecting) plugins:

After you have done all the instructions above, you downloaded the mod files themselves, copied them according to the installation instructions in each news. if the file has an extension esp or esm then you should do the following:

For modern versions of the game (from 1.5):
Go into the game, select the modification section:
You will probably have to register on the bethesda website, this is removed in some pirated repacks.
Choose Loading order Select the desired mod in the menu on the left, click activate.

If you have old version games (before official mod support):
1) Open the folder

If you can't find the AppData folder in the C:\Users\your_user_pc\, it means your display is turned off hidden folders and files.
You can enable display, .
Or press START - enter %APPDATA%\ in the search bar (Win7), you will be taken to the \AppData\Roaming folder, click on AppData

2) Find the file plugins.txt, right-click on it, select properties.
Uncheck " only for reading".

3) Click the Apply button and OK.
4) Open the file with notepad, immediately after the line Fallout4.esm you need to insert the full name of the downloaded mod with the extension, for example LooksMenu.esp
5) Save the file, right-click on the file again, properties, and set the " attribute again Only reading".

Often saving your favorite game is necessary. They may be needed to transfer to another computer, for editing or deleting. In addition, saves in Fallout of any version can be transferred to other people so that they can experience the beauty of your particular character. But first you need to figure out where the Fallout save files are stored and how to get to them.

Where are Fallout saves (1-4) on PC?

The Fallout series is large and varied. Each version has its own save location. How to find Fallout saves from the very first game to the latest 4? The answer is below! \

When searching, remember that depending on the version of your computer, folders may be named in Russian or English language(especially often marked “Users” instead of Users and “Documents” or “My Documents” instead of Documents). Instead of 1 in all paths, substitute the name of your profile on your computer.


Don't miss out on this old classic game. It is still played, and new modifications are created for it. The parent of the series is not forgotten. And, if you want to remember the classics and play with saves that have been lying around for a long time, or you suddenly decide to download a pumped up character and go through the game again, you will have to find the save folder.

On Steam, saves are located directly in the following folder:


If the Steam folder is located in a different location, you need to look where it is.

If the game was obtained from other sources (downloaded from the Internet, installed from a disk/floppy disk, etc.), its Save files can be found in a similar path. The only change is that instead of the Steam folder, you need to select the game storage directory. For example, they may lie along this path:


In the found section there will be other directories - these are places to save each of the slots. They will contain the files necessary for saves.

Fallout 2

Like the previous one, it is considered a cult and the basis of the entire series. Created on the same engine as the first part. Therefore, there should not be any significant differences in searching for saves. Typically, they can be found in the following location for the Steam version:


IN regular version Fallout 2 save games are in a similar folder. The saves of the second part are stored in exactly the same way as the first - in the corresponding folder with the name of the slot that the player used. For example, they can be located like this:


From the found directory, just select the folder with the desired slot and do whatever you want with the files in it.

Where to find Fallout 3 saves

The new version was created on a completely different engine. And, according to the requirements of the times, the location where the files were saved was moved from the main folder. Now all saves are stored in a separate folder in the computer documents. Therefore, even if you delete the game, you don’t have to worry that your saved progress will disappear.

As a result of the innovation, find the desired folder Fallout 3 can be accessed in the following way:

C:\Users\1\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves\

This does not depend on what version of the game is installed - Steam, disk or pirated. All saves always end up in one place. It also does not depend on Windows versions- whatever operating system This family has not been installed, the folder you are looking for will still be located in “My Documents”.

The Saves folder will store saves for all time, unless they have been overwritten or deleted. For example, the author of the article has 326 files. You can restore progress at any time - from the “birth” of the character to entering the final code. The file name is the character's name, serial number and numbers.

Where are Fallout: New Vegas saves stored?

This game can be safely called a regular modification for Fallout 3. Of course, it is much better than even the original game, but this does not change the essence. Therefore, as in the case of the first and second parts of the game, you need to look for saves in the same folder where the saves of the third part were stored.

Hence, necessary files are here:

C:\Users\1\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Saves\

The names, as in the previous part, consist of the character's name and serial number. This is very convenient - it makes it easier to figure out where and how the save was made.

Where are Fallout 4 saves stored?

Because the a new game from Bethesda uses the engine from TES V: Skyrim (albeit slightly modified to create higher quality content), all files are located in the same way. The directory has not changed compared to both previous games in the series and Skyrim. Fallout 4 saves are located at the following address:

C:\Users\1\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\

As a rule, the saves of this game have a long and unclear name (unlike the previous two), so you will have to understand to understand exactly what part of Fallout 4 is hidden in the file.

Fallout Shelter saves on PC and smartphone

In the context of saves, one cannot fail to mention the popular shelter simulator in the Fallout universe. It is available both on your computer and on mobile devices. Naturally, the save of this game can be edited and pleasant bonuses can be added. But to do this, you will first have to find them.

On the computer

On your computer, saves are located in a specific folder. As a rule, Fallout Shelter is distributed free of charge through Steam. When installed through this platform, the save path for Fallout Shelter will be as follows:


Instead of one, you must substitute the computer name. If there are several names, you need to choose the one from whose profile you play Fallout Shelter. Otherwise, nothing will be found instead of the folder you are looking for.

However, if you install Shelter from another source, nothing will change - all saves can be found at this link.

On a mobile device

Unfortunately, iOS does not support installing or changing saves for this game. The peculiarities of the system do not even allow you to get into the filling and see where the necessary files are stored. At least not without using special tools(often paid).

On an Android system, a save folder is created immediately after installing the game. They are stored approximately at the following address:


Remember that depending on the features of the smartphone and its file system The file storage path may vary. This applies to both smartphones and tablet PCs.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

In this article we will tell you how to install mods for Fallout 4. Mods are special modifications that can add different items, locations, or even new ones to Fallout 4 storylines, mods can also change the interface or improve graphics. Installing mods is very simple, just follow the recommendations that you will find in this article.

For convenience, use summary:

How to install mods for Fallout 4

There are many ways to install mods, as well as programs for installing them; in this article we will look at the most well-known and popular methods among users. Mods can be installed manually, use special program to install or install mods directly from the Fallout 4 game itself. Each method has its pros and cons, in the following sections we will look at each of these methods in detail.

Preparing Fallout 4 for Mod Installation

Regardless of which method you choose to install mods, you first need to “tell” the game that it can use mods by following these steps:

After carrying out these manipulations, your Fallout 4 game will be prepared for the implementation of third-party mods, all that remains is to somehow install them, read on to find out how to do this.

This is interesting: in earlier versions of the game, instead of " Fallout4Custom.ini", it was necessary to edit the file " Fallout4.ini"if after editing " Fallout4Custom.ini", you still can't add mods, then open the file for editing " Fallout4.ini"(don't forget to remove the Read Only attribute from it), find the following inclusion in this file:


and replace it with this construct:


Installing mods for Fallout 4 through the game interface

The game developers do not shy away from modders and understand that mods are a very important component of the final success of the game, so they added official support for mods to the game, this was done starting with patch 1.5. What did this give the players? Now, starting with patch 1.5, you can install mods directly from the game interface, for this you need:

Nexus Mod Manager - a program for installing mods

Nexus Mod Manager is the most popular program to install mods for various games, its popularity is due to its ease of installation, constant updates and intuitive interface. It is for these reasons that in this section we will tell you how to install mods for Fallout 4 using this program, to do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. The first step is to install the Nexus program on your PC Mod Manager;
  2. Carry out the preparatory work described in the “ “ block;
  3. Launch the Nexus Mod Manager program, the program will scan your PC for installed games, then prompt you to select the game for which you are going to install mods, naturally select Fallout 4 and click “Ok”;
  4. The main program window will open in front of you, in this window there will be 2 tabs “Mods” and “Plugins”, in this window mods and plugins are installed;

  5. Using the Nexus Mod Manager program, you can install any mods, but it’s easier, more logical and faster to install through it mods and plugins that are published on their official website, and there are a lot of them there. This is done simply, go to the website, select the Fallout 4 section, select the modification that interests you and click on the “Download with Manager” button, the program itself will download the mod you have chosen;

  6. After the mod has been downloaded, all you have to do is click on the green checkmark in the left menu, after which the mod will be automatically installed and you can launch the game directly from the program (by clicking on the Launch Fallout4 button).

Installing mods for Fallout 4 manually

If installing mods using programs is not interesting to you, if your game does not support installing mods from its interface, if you are a programming guru, then there is another way to install mods - manual installation.

We strongly do not recommend manual installation of mods, because during the installation process you can damage files important for the game and this will lead to the fact that you will be left without Fallout 4 altogether, the game will simply stop starting. But if you still decide to install manually, then make a full backup of the game directory in advance, or make a backup of each file you replace/change.

In the methods discussed above, we didn’t really think about what we were installing, plugins or mods, but in the case of manual installation, this is important, because mods, or as they are also called “resource mods,” and plugins are installed differently, or rather, they are installed the same way. only plugins, unlike mods, still need to be additionally activated and, of course, this must be done manually, so let’s begin:

Installing plugins

First, download the archive with the plugin and unzip it, now you need to look at what you downloaded? Typically the archive contains files like: " any_name.esm" or " any_name.esp". These files need to be placed in the directory with installed game V " Fallout 4/Data“, after performing these steps, the plugins need to be activated, this is done as follows:

Installing mods

To start installing mods, you must first download the archive with the mod you are interested in and familiarize yourself with its contents, usually the archive contains various files and directories, all of them must be copied to the directory with the game installed in " Fallout 4/Data"(if the OS says that such files already exist, then we overwrite them) and immediately after that the game can be launched, but it also happens that the archive with the mod contains the “Data” directory, then the contents of this directory must be copied to the directory with the game installed V " Fallout 4/Data“, also when asked whether to overwrite existing files, we say “Yes.”

It may seem that this method of installing mods is easier than installing using programs or through the game itself, but believe me, you are mistaken, trying to install mods yourself, you are taking a lot of risks, because if it is not a proven mod or if you did not install it correctly, then the game may won't start at all, so always make a backup.

In this article we have collected detailed information

Hello to all fans of the game Fallout 4. In this guide, I will tell you how to install mods for the game Fallout 4 correctly and without errors. To avoid errors after installing modifications, strictly follow the instructions located just below. There are two types of installing mods in the game Fallout 4: manual and automatic. Let's get started!

To install mods automatically in Fallout 4, you will need the Mod Manager program. Thanks to it, you can easily install various modifications to the game, and you do not have to manually make changes to the configuration files.

How to use Mod Manager?

  • Download Fallout4 Mod Manager from our website;
  • Unpack the downloaded archive and run Fallout4ModManager.exe;
  • Click on the “Install” button, then select the archive with the mod on your PC;
  • After selecting the mod, click on the “Install” button again.
  • Next will happen automatic installation fashion for the game Fallout 4;
  • Place a checkmark next to the desired mod in the left window to activate it. See screenshot below.

Manual installation of mods for the game Fallout 4 differs from automatic installation, and is divided into two types: plug-ins and resource ones. Resource mods are files and folders that are copied to the root folder of the game called “Data”. Plugins also need to be moved to the same folder, but in addition they also need to be connected. Now we will look at an example of installing these types of modifications in the game Fallout 4.

For mods to work, the first thing you need to do is set up the game configuration files. An example is given below:

  • Go to the folder: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4.
  • Using notepad, open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file.

We are looking for a structure in the file with the title . The main thing is that the line is written there: bEnableFileSelection=1. If this line is not there, then we write it manually ourselves. See screenshot below.

  • Open the file with notepad ini, which is located in the same folder and find the design with the title .
  • In this design, find the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\.
  • Replace the found line with the following: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, INTERFACE\, SOUND\, MUSIC\, VIDEO\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\
  • Save your changes and close the file.

Now you know how to install resource mods in the game Fallout 4. If you find the Data folder in the archive, then move it to the game folder, agreeing to the replacement.

Installing plugins for Fallout 4

Plugins include ESP and ESM files. They are moved to the Fallout 4/Data folder, as well as resource folders. But they need to be connected. See example below:

  • We are looking for a file called plugins.txt, which is located C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout
  • Right-click on the file and select “Properties”

We find the inscription “Read only”, uncheck the box and click apply. See screenshot below.

  • Using notepad, open the file and immediately after the line Fallout4.esm, insert the full name of the mod. For example: LongerPowerLines3x.esp. Look at the screen below:

  • Save and close the file
  • Set the “Read Only” attribute for the plugins.txt file
  • We play our favorite game.

Video instructions for installing mods for Fallout 4