Remove scratches from iPhone 4s. How to get rid of scratches on iPhone

Mechanical damage does not paint the device - unless, of course, this is a design idea. But this style definitely doesn’t suit Apple devices, so the question of how to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5 is very relevant. This device is constantly with the user, is often used, and therefore is in a high-risk area.

The easiest way to get rid of scratches is to prevent them from occurring. It is necessary to attend to the purchase protective cover, bumper, special film for the screen. However, these accessories, unfortunately, cannot guarantee the safety of the device.

If the scratches are deep, then wet sanding is essential. Such cleaning is carried out only in specialized centers. The case will look as if you took the iPhone only from the official presentation. The only drawback is the logo Apple will be erased along with all the scratches.

Does the iPhone case have minor scuffs and minor scratches? Then you can try using folk remedies.

Proven methods of folk craftsmen:

  • Polish
  • Sandpaper

You can try to find polish in computer stores- it is used to clean monitors and disks from dirt and scratches. But many users complain that the product is in short supply.

You can use regular toothpaste as a polish. Simply squeeze a drop onto the body and rub it thoroughly with a soft cloth. The paste is washed off after a few minutes with soap or dishwashing detergent.

The main thing is that paste or soap does not get into the connectors and other openings of the smartphone. Otherwise, you can forget about the warranty.

Put away iPhone scratches 5 from the body, fine-grit sandpaper will also help. This procedure will take longer than cleaning with toothpaste, and it requires a lot of caution. If you overdo it and erase protective layer, then no polish will help. But small scratches can be completely removed if done correctly.

Another question is that small scratches are normal. If there is too much damage and it is noticeable, it may be time to think about changing your smartphone. New iPhone models They are released more often than the old ones become completely unusable.

Many people are interested in how to get rid of scratches on the iPhone case without extra money and time. There are many ways to do this, but we offer you the most effective and affordable ones. But if you are afraid of damaging your gadget, then it is still better to entrust your iPhone to a professional. Buy new building not always possible, since the price for it often wants to wait for the best. Therefore, we offer you several ways to remove damage from iPhone cases at home.

Several ways to remove scratches from the iPhone case yourself

In the first method, we use toothpaste or rim polish. The composition contains elements that can remove minor paint damage. To do this, you need to use a small amount of paste or polish on the damaged areas of the phone and wipe with smooth movements. Only special attention needs to be paid to such areas of the device as connector holes and housing connection points. After all, if the paste gets into these places, the device will most likely require disassembly, which in turn will require the intervention of a specialist.

If the damage to the body is too large and the previous remedies could not help you, then we offer a second method. For this we need regular sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, but it must be used very carefully. In order not to damage the iPhone case even more, you need to use only fine-grain paper and handle the case without pressing. You need to move smoothly and carefully. Our task is to polish the paint, not remove it. But this method will not work for you if some areas of the phone are already missing paint. To remove this type of damage, we offer the following option for removing scratches from the iPhone case.

Remove scratches from iPhone case in a service center

This is a very difficult and time-consuming method; it should be used when the depth of the scratches has reached the body or when in some places there is no paint at all. The basis of this method is wet sanding. But in order to implement it, you need some devices that are not always found at home. As a result of this work, you will get a shiny and smooth body without paint. But it is very difficult to carry out such a procedure at home, so before you start such work, think about whether you will damage your phone even more. For such work, it is better to find a specialist or give preference to buying a new case.

What looks very creepy is not necessarily a serious problem and, let us try to make you happy, can often be easily repaired at home. No doubt, sometimes in addition to a visit to service center, known for its high prices for its services, there is simply no alternative. However, there are at least eight options for using the contents of kitchen cabinets to remove minor scratches on the screen and body of a smartphone - it would be a sin not to take advantage of wise advice.


It's time to be surprised - the product from the tube is a chemically active substance, much more aggressive than bath soap and washing powder. Toothpaste can polish metal parts, destroy long-term stubborn dirt and, of course, clean glass surfaces from physical damage. Clarification - the scratch will not disappear, it will only become visually less noticeable, but this is also a plus. The technique is very simple, you just need to carefully rub a little paste with a cotton swab or napkin in the area of ​​abrasion, and do not forget to then remove the excess substance.

Car care products

Those who have not yet managed to destroy their scratched iPhone in the bathroom - you guessed to turn off the device before the execution? Here are a couple more tips - cover all external connectors with tape or something similar. The processing method is identical to that described above, we simply polish the damaged area until the scratch is eliminated. The only hitch may be the choice of a specific tool, but a language that can be conveyed to Kyiv will also be useful for communicating with experienced salespeople in car dealerships and specialized stores.

Sandpaper, classic

At your own risk, but this works on just about every type of material on the planet when it comes to removing scratches. The mechanics of the process are intuitive even for those who systematically skipped labor lessons at school; all the subtlety is in the combination of pressing force and speed of movement with sandpaper (naturally, with minimal grain). Simply put, by acting carefully and thoughtfully, scratches on an aluminum case can be dealt with guaranteed, which cannot be said about display glass. But if you overdo it, you know, there will be trouble.

Baking soda

Just for fun, ask retired people you know what they prefer when washing dishes. Judging by personal experience, soda will be out of competition, although it is not able to beat synthetic products from the household chemicals category. In our case, this is just another cheap and very accessible chemically active substance that you can use to try to polish out scratches on your smartphone. Mix two portions of baking soda to one portion of water and apply the desired area in a circular motion. Don’t forget to turn off the unit before starting and dry it after finishing the procedure.

Baby powder

What is not capable of harming the baby’s delicate skin will clearly not ruin the iPhone. Plus, all sleep-deprived fathers have a chance for revenge - the funds invested in providing for the child will indirectly help deal with the electronic toy, and the heir/heiress will not have to be deprived. You need less than a teaspoon of powder, talcum powder or powder, just pour it into a saucer with water and place it, and then proceed in the same way as with soda.

Vegetable oil

A very controversial decision that can be recommended only in the absence of other alternatives - alas, this happens often. The physiology of the process is based on filling micropores and cavities on a scratched surface with an oily substance; it visually looks like a beautifully shiny coating, similar to varnish. The “repair” requires only a couple of drops, but sooner or later the oil will evaporate or be erased - the protection does not last forever. Are dirty hands and pockets worth mentioning?

Furniture polishes

They were created when no one knew about mass myopia due to frequent contact with electronic gadgets. And a stern mother-in-law could immediately catch her daughter-in-law being negligent in cleaning the apartment, regardless of the number of objects with a polished surface in the interior. The experience of centuries is a sin to neglect, you just need to moisten a clean rag with polish and carefully treat your iPad or other device. When finished, wipe with another, completely dry and not dirty rag.

High kitchen chemistry

Recipe borrowed from the vast world wide web, in theory, allows you to create a cleaning product without extra investment. You will only have to spend money on potassium aluminum sulfate - just voice this combination of words in the pharmacy or use the term “potassium aluminum alum”. You need to mix the flakes with egg yolk, almost in boiling water; it is better to repeat the wet-dry process with a piece of cloth several times. The result is a kind of analogue of a washcloth soaked in a cleaning agent - polishing the edges of scratched diagonals works well.

From the team - we won’t lie that we personally tried all the methods described above and were convinced of their incredible effectiveness. Rather, these are extracts from ancient folk methods collected on the Internet, adapted to the realities of today. And the only guaranteed way to get rid of scratches on the shiny face of a smartphone is to pre-pack the gadget in a reliable case. If you are going to visit a children's playground or go canoeing down a mountain river, an armored version will come in handy; for a walk in the summer rain, you can limit yourself to ordinary protective film. In any case, it is more expedient and easier than fiddling with various chemistry, remembering someone’s negligence with a kindly, quiet word.

For a long time after purchasing a new phone, we cannot get enough of its functions and admire the beautiful appearance. But after a week or a month, scrupulousness towards a brand new iPhone disappears. Now, instead of blowing dust off it, we can throw it into a bag or pocket along with the keys, or accidentally drop it on tiles, granite or asphalt.

The materials from which the American smartphone is made differ high quality, but inflict on him mechanical damage it works out very easily. We will give a few practical advice How to remove scratches from iPhone. Here is a list of tools that are suitable for trying to save your smartphone screen:

  1. Tooth powder or toothpaste.
  2. Paste GOI.
  3. Powder for powdering the skin.
  4. Baking soda.
  5. Sanding paper for polishing.
  6. Any vegetable oil.
  7. A piece of suede.
  8. A specialized product for polishing phone screens.
  9. Car body polish.

Almost all of the above materials are in every person’s home. Let's try to figure out exactly how they will help remove annoying scratches from the screen of your favorite smartphone. Please note that it is not possible to get rid of them completely and forever, you can only hide them.

Toothpaste or powder

This method is considered the most accessible and effective for iPhone users. Before starting a rescue operation, you should completely degrease your phone screen. This can be done using a cotton swab and a few drops of alcohol. If there is no alcohol, you can simply wipe the screen with a cotton pad. You will only need a small amount of toothpaste: a pea-sized ball. If you use tooth powder, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2. Apply the paste to the damaged screen and rub in with gentle circular movements until completely dry. Shallow small scratches, indeed, become almost invisible, but you will not be able to get rid of large ones.

Paste GOI

This miraculous ointment is used to polish non-ferrous metals, glass, ceramics, furniture and jewelry. Why then not try using this paste to remove scratches from your phone display? This is not so easy to do: apply a small amount of paste to a piece of soft cloth (preferably flannel). It is advisable to soak a cloth in gasoline before use. You should drop a couple of drops of machine oil on your phone screen and start polishing. This method masks all small scratches, but large ones continue to hurt the eye.

Baking soda or skin dusting powder (baby powder)
These two technologies are almost the same, so there is no point in talking about each separately. Soda, like powder, is mixed with warm water in a 1:2 ratio. You should get a thick, creamy substance. Apply this paste to a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth and rub it into the scratches on the screen with smooth circular movements. Once the screen is dry, wipe off any remaining powder with a cloth.


The most severe method for getting rid of scratches on the display, which not everyone decides to use. Its essence lies in the fact that microcracks are not filled with any material, but are simply erased from the screen. You should use the softest and most forgiving paper.

Vegetable oil

Although vegetable oils have healing properties, they will not heal the iPhone screen from wounds, and the effect of this method will be rather cosmetic. Apply two drops of any vegetable oil to the smartphone display and rub them in with quick circular movements. The resulting shine on the screen hides scratches for a while, but does not eliminate them.


If you rub your phone's display with a piece of suede, you won't be able to get rid of scratches. You will simply remove grease from the display, which will give it more shine. This method is recognized by the owners Apple products least effective.

Special care products for phone screens

They are made specifically for polishing touch displays and do their job really well. After applying the gel, small scratches practically disappear, as they are filled with a special material, but large scratches remain, but become less noticeable.

Car polish

The method of using available tools from car enthusiasts is recognized as one of the best for caring not only for the car body, but also for the touch screen. You need to apply a thin layer of a paste-like substance, wait a couple of minutes and start polishing with a soft cloth or cotton pad. The result will surprise you: small scratches will practically disappear, and large ones will become almost invisible. But after two weeks the whole operation will need to be repeated.

It’s better to take care of your smartphone from the first day of purchase and don’t skimp on protective films, and even better protective glass and a cover. Then there will be no need to experiment with various methods of restoring the integrity of the screen.

Lifehack #1: Toothpaste

Toothpaste will help polish not only your teeth; almost any toothpaste except gel will do. Toothpaste here acts as an abrasive and the amount of any useful microelements in it is not important to us. So: we squeeze a little paste onto a disk formed from cotton wool, and begin to wipe the damaged screen with it, using gentle circular movements. After the procedure, the paste, of course, needs to be removed (don’t even think about rinsing with water!) using a soft cloth or paper napkin. As in dentistry, toothpaste will only help with relatively small and shallow scratches.

Lifehack No. 2 Car cream

Scratches are not only a problem with Apple products, so there are very good creams in the automotive industry to remove such damage. Such creams, for example, include: 3M Scratch, Turtle Wax, Swirl Remover. These creams are also used as a paste, but more carefully, trying not to get them on the mucous membranes or damage to the skin. Hit car cream into the functional holes of the iPhone and iPad is also not advisable.

Lifehack No. 3:Paste GOI

GOI is not some exotic plant, but an abbreviation for the State Optical Institute. This paste is designed for polishing optics, jewelry and ceramics, and it will not harm iPhone screens and iPad. At the same time, the too gentle action of GOI paste also has its drawbacks: it eliminates minor damage, but does not cope where more serious polishing is needed.

Lifehack No. 4 Sandpaper and drill for sanding

This method is suitable either for people who love extreme things in everything or for citizens who are confident in their extreme accuracy. This technique will help in eliminating really serious scratches, but it is better to apply it to the back panel of the gadget, and not to touch screens Apple. You should choose the least abrasive option of sandpaper and act carefully. As you go, inspect your apple tree to see if it has been damaged.

Lifehack No. 5 Baking soda

Soda is not only good remedy for cleaning dishes, but also for polishing screens. Regular baking soda should be mixed with water (proportion 2x1) and stir until a thick paste is obtained. Then the mixture, just like with toothpaste, should be applied to a cotton pad and treated the damaged surface using circular movements. Then use a napkin or cloth to clean the soda from the screen.

Lifehack #6: Baby powder

If baby powder does not harm the delicate skin of babies, then for iPad screens It will also work for an iPhone. The powder is used in the same way as soda: mixed with water until a homogeneous mass is formed, applied to cotton wool and rubbed in, then the mixture is removed from the screen.