Rescue iPhone, iPad or iPod touch after falling into water. iPhone fell in the snow, speaker doesn't work

If your iPhone somehow fell into the water, then the most reliable solution to the problem is to take it to a service center so that specialists can carefully disassemble it and clean all the corners of the phone that you cannot get to on your own. Such an operation in large cities will cost you about 1 thousand rubles, but the result will be guaranteed if the water has not had time to do its wet work and ruin any components of the IPhone. But if for various reasons you cannot take the device to a service center, there is only one thing left to do - dry it yourself.

When to dry your iPhone

If the phone gets into water, or water gets into one of the holes in the case, for example, into the speaker or headphone jack, then you need to dry the device. If this is not done in time, water will quickly enter unprotected areas and cause short circuits or corrosion of the metal. In both cases, the result is the same - the device will stop working and repairing it will be very difficult and expensive.

How to dry an iPhone that has fallen into water

As soon as water has entered the device, it must be turned off and not turned on until the end of the process, until you are sure that there is not a drop of water left in it. When drying your phone, you should not do the following:

  • Turn on the device;
  • try to dry it with a hairdryer, as the insides of the iPhone may overheat and, accordingly, break;
  • wipe the entrances with any objects if it is possible to push the water even further.

Drying the recessed device with rice

Most safe way drying - put the device in dry rice for a day so that all the moisture comes out of the device and is absorbed into the food. You should only use uncooked rice and place the phone so that small dewdrops do not get stuck in it.

After the device is removed from the rice, you should try to turn it on. If this does not work, try letting the phone charge for 10–15 minutes; perhaps its battery is simply dead.

Manual method

If you are ready to try to disassemble the device yourself, then follow these steps, but be prepared that if you damage the internals, the warranty valid for the device will be void:

Video tutorial: “How to dry a drowned iPhone”

If it was not possible to remove moisture from the iPhone in time, and the method using rice did not help, there is only one thing left to do - take the phone to a service center to get help from qualified specialists who can safely disassemble the device into parts and, after drying it, put it back together. If some of the insides have already been damaged by water, you will have to pay extra and replace them with new ones; there is no other way out.

Winter is a harsh time of year; many iPhones can turn off even when left outside. After all working temperature when using - 0-35 degrees.

But what to do if snow gets on your iPhone? We share a few tips for everyone who is worried about their smartphone.

Snow is the same as water (your cap)

No matter how less dangerous the snow may seem, it is still the same water. And this worst enemy any technology.

As soon as it gets inside, chemical and electrochemical corrosion of the elements occurs. When a large amount of moisture gets on an electronic board, deposits of various chemical natures form on its contacts.

And depending on the specific case, cleaning the device can take place in different ways. Most effective method is now considered an “ultrasonic bath”. During this procedure, cleaning solutions of various compositions are used, as well as various temperature conditions to deep clean the board.

And this question is especially relevant in the harsh Russian winter. After all, wipers especially often sprinkle the ground with reagents to combat ice.

And among them there is salt- one of the active elements that can strongly damage internal components iPhone with contact oxidation.

1. Snow got on the screen - no problem

If you're just walking down the street and iPhone screen If snow gets in, just wipe the screen with a dry cloth/napkin/sleeve. There is nothing wrong with this, and there is no need to worry about it.

There is too little chance of water leaking into the housing. The main thing is to remove excess snow as quickly as possible.

2. iPhone fell into the snow

In such a situation, it is better not to wait. Follow these steps to protect yourself and your device:

Turn off your smartphone and dry thoroughly. Since the average user cannot disassemble the body of the device, you need to dry the device properly.

It is important not to use a hair dryer or battery in this situation, as they may accelerate corrosion of internal components.

Be sure to remove covers and bumpers. Some snow may also remain in them, which will then melt and may get inside the device.

To speed up the process a little use cotton swabs, toothpicks and any other available means. This will help remove snow and liquid from the 3.5mm jack, speakers, and Lightning port.

Be extremely careful, they can damage the contacts.

In no case do not connect iPhone to charger.

Some people think this will speed up the drying process. In fact, due to the incoming current, you can cause a short circuit, even with your iPhone turned off.

What if I have an iPhone 7 or higher?

Owners of iPhone 7 and higher are a little more fortunate; they have declared protection according to the IP67 standard. This means that the smartphone is capable of being underwater at a depth of up to 1 meter for 30 minutes.

Since the snow has no depth as such, there is no need to worry about pressure. The maximum that can happen is that snow gets into the speakers or the Lightning connector. We have already described what to do with this above.

Hi all! Unfortunately, the reason for writing this article is far from the saddest - after all, you are unlikely to read this instruction “for the future”, so to speak, most likely, the disaster has already happened and the iPhone fell into the snow or water (which is essentially the same thing). The most important thing is that we urgently need to save him - literally every minute counts! Therefore, we will no longer pull the cat in different places and put it off and get down to the essence. Go!

Now I’ll tell you what you should do so that the device still works and makes you happy, and also about what you should not do under any circumstances (believe me sad experience, this is also very, very important!). And we will start with the last one - with bad advice or what not to do under no circumstances...

So, remember, these actions should not be performed:

  1. Turn on your iPhone immediately, the sooner this happens the better. Ideally, do this while it is still in the water. You need to find out right away whether it will work or not!?
  2. If it’s turned on, we show it and tell everyone about it - look, my iPhone has been in the water and at least it even works!
  3. If those around you don’t believe you, throw it into the liquid one more time to be convincing. Let them know that Apple doesn’t produce any nonsense there!
  4. Doesn't turn on? The battery is dead - we need to connect it urgently Charger. The phone and water will evaporate faster.

Why was all this written? For the sake of making it finally clear - after the device gets into water or snow, it must be disable immediately, and under no circumstances should you turn it on, put it on charge, etc. Even for a second to see if it works or not? Believe me, with a high probability it still works and only due to the fact that it is still turned off.

Water and electricity are an excellent “springboard” for the formation of corrosion. Therefore, if the first has already happened, then there is no need to add electricity.

If you don’t have the disassembly skills or the necessary tools, you can run to a workshop (any workshop, fortunately there are plenty of them now, on every corner) and ask them to disassemble it there. They won’t charge a lot of money (for disassembly), and the chances of saving a drowned iPhone will increase many times over. You can leave it at the service center, for an additional fee they will clean it and make it “like new.”

For those who want to dry the iPhone themselves, here are some tips:

  • Naturally, remove all covers, bumpers and other accessories. This also applies to films and glass installed on the screen if water gets under them.
  • It is not recommended to use a hairdryer; you can easily overdo it, and then not only will the water evaporate, but something may melt. Plus, the air stream will “drive” water throughout the device. Just blot where you get it with regular napkins.
  • Dipping it in alcohol is also not a good idea. There may be spots on the screen.
  • About the rice. In principle, you can use it as a moisture absorber, but you must remember that it is not omnipotent. And it can only help if the phone has not been completely bathed, but only superficially, and of course, it will not be able to absorb all the liquid in 2 hours. You need to put it in rice for 1-2 days. And yes, this is probably the only option to try to get rid of moisture without disassembling the phone.
  • Do not dry in direct sunlight, on a radiator, heaters, etc. It would be a good option to place the disassembled iPhone somewhere in a draft to dry. In a day or two, the device will dry out and you can try to turn it on.

And still know that the most correct decision would be to take it to a service center. Because when using other folk methods, of course there is some benefit, but it does not guarantee a 100% successful outcome. However, this is not guaranteed by the repair shop. It all depends on the extent of the damage.

By the way, you need to remember that even if the iPhone was removed from water and completely cleaned, this does not mean anything.

Such devices, the so-called “drowned ones,” can behave quite unpredictably. That is, it can work for several months (then it will start charging, etc.), or maybe several years. It depends on your luck. In any case, if you dry it properly and avoid the simplest mistakes, the chances of successful restoration increase.

A gadget worth a thousand dollars falling into water is a real tragedy for the owner. He should immediately have before his eyes an impressive bill, which will be presented by the repairmen after the “reanimation” of the device, if it turns out to be possible. In such a situation, greed often takes precedence over common sense, and then the owner of the “drowned” begins to “dig” on the Internet, trying to find “folk” means of removing moisture.

Claim that effective ways There is no “traditional treatment”, of course, not a single qualified specialist will undertake it. At the same time, every technician will confirm that most of the advice found on the Internet is given by amateurs and can only push the iPhone to “death.” There is a list of mandatory actions that the owner of a “flooded” iPhone must perform; Going beyond this list and striving to take the initiative leads to huge risks.

For many users, it will probably be a revelation that water is far from the most dangerous liquid for mobile devices. Negative Impact equipment is affected by salts and minerals contained in water. They are chemically active substances and during an oxidation reaction - that is, when they come into contact with oxygen - they damage the structure of the metal.

The danger of a liquid for equipment can be judged by the pH indicator - acidity level(or pH value). The lower the pH, the more dangerous the environment. Water is an absolutely neutral liquid - its pH value is 7. Liquids with more high level acidity is usually alkaline. For the iPhone, they pose the least threat.

You need to know the enemy by sight - what liquids can instantly destroy a gadget?

With long-term contact with the listed substances, it will no longer be possible to save the gadget..

On the contrary, almost harmless to a smartphone from oxidation point sea ​​water(pH = 8.0), ammonia(pH = 11.5), bleach(pH = 12.5). Distilled water is completely harmless, from which all salts and minerals have been completely removed.

Oxidation of smartphone elements is not the only danger. It should be remembered that water is an excellent conductor of electricity. That is why the penetration of liquid into the housing can provoke short circuits, which will be repeated until the power is turned off entirely. Even one short circuit may be enough to “fry” a couple of microcircuits; several similar short circuits will definitely send the gadget “to the next world.”

Whether the iPhone owner will be able to “reanimate” the device depends on how quickly and accurately the iPhone owner acts.

Dropped your iPhone in water – what to do?

To save your Apple gadget from the destructive effects of water, you need to follow this algorithm of actions:

Step 1. Immediately remove your smartphone from the water. It is obvious: Even 10 seconds in liquid can be fatal for an iPhone. After 40 seconds there is no longer a chance to save the device.

Step 2. Turn off your iPhone - this way you will protect it from short circuits. If you have a screwdriver Pentalobe, disassemble the device and remove the battery.

Step 3. Remove the cover, if there is one, as moisture has probably accumulated under the accessory. There is no need to remove the film: This should only be done if there are water bubbles.

Step 4. Dry the iPhone - remove visible moisture using napkins or other available means. You can use a cocktail straw to suck water out of holes and connectors.

Step 5. Check moisture indicators. On iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S there are two of them: the first is located in the headphone jack, the second in the dock connector. On devices of the 5th and 6th modifications there is only one sensor, and it is located in the SIM card slot.


In normal condition, the indicators are white. If the sensors are red, water has gotten inside. What does it mean? First of all, you can say goodbye to the guarantee.

Moisture sensors are the first thing you need to look at when purchasing a handheld gadget. Our website also gives other recommendations.

Step 6. Take your feet in your hands and go to the repairmen.

It will be much cheaper for the user to insure against possible flooding of the iPhone than to eliminate the consequences of the iPhone falling into the water. In many salon chains mobile communications You can find waterproof cases for Apple devices on sale at reasonable prices. Carrying such a case every day is problematic due to its impressive size, but if you plan to visit the beach or sauna, you should resort to its help.

Is it necessary to go to the service?

If a user inadvertently spilled a glass of water on a smartphone and immediately dried the device, contact service center he has no need: such short contact does not pose a significant threat. The user should leave the iPhone turned off for several hours (so that the moisture completely evaporates), then try to “start” the gadget. Now, if the device does not turn on, this is a reason to sound the alarm.

Another situation: the owner of an iPhone came to the beach, ran into the water and only after that discovered that he forgot to take it out mobile device from his shorts pocket. In such a situation, you cannot do without contacting a service center.

You need to go directly to the repairmen, and not to the showroom where the iPhone was purchased. The seller will refuse repairs under warranty - the owner of the device will only lose precious seconds.

You will definitely have to pay: only manufacturing defects are eliminated free of charge, but not the consequences of user negligence. Another thing is that iPhone owners tend to exaggerate the amount they think it will cost to restore an Apple gadget. No one will present a five-figure invoice - the price of such repairs will be a maximum of 4 thousand rubles for iPhone 5/5S and 6 thousand rubles for iPhone 6th modification.

It is recommended to contact repairmen for diagnostics in any case - even if iPhone view It works great and doesn't glitch. Penetration of water into the housing can cause rotting., the consequences of which the user will notice only after a couple of months.

Common symptoms of rotting are:

  • Rapid battery discharge.
  • Loss of screen sensitivity.
  • Problems with the Wi-Fi module.
  • The speaker does not work - the sound has disappeared completely or is very quiet. Water, penetrating through the protective mesh of the speaker, immediately hits the membrane. Dust begins to accumulate on the wet membrane. Even if you manage to remove moisture from the speaker (for example, using a cocktail straw), the dirt will remain - it will form a soundproof barrier. The speaker is one of the most vulnerable components of the iPhone.

Diagnostics at a service center will cost 500-800 rubles. Most likely, this service will generally be provided free of charge if you agree to subsequent repairs in the same organization.

What should you not do if your iPhone falls into water?

No matter what advice “pseudo-experts” give on thematic forums, when flooding your iPhone, you should never do the following things:

  • Use a hair dryer to dry. Yes, the flow of warm air will accelerate the evaporation of moisture, but at the same time it will contribute to the destruction of internal components.
  • Wrap iPhone in towels. By “wrapping up” the gadget, you will only achieve that the humidity inside the case will increase - therefore, you will push the iPhone to death.

Leaving a smartphone in a container with rice for 24 hours is also a so-so method. Rice is an excellent moisture absorber - there is no doubt that cereal will rid the iPhone of residual liquid. However, remove crystals of salts and minerals that have already settled down on the elements of the device, rice will not be able to, which means it will not prevent the oxidation reaction.


In addition, when you remove the iPhone from the rice, you will find that all the holes are clogged with grain. If you still decide, after using this “folk method,” to take the gadget to a workshop, rest assured that they will remember you with an unkind word more than once.


If your iPhone is flooded, it is strongly recommended to visit a service center, at least so that the technicians can carry out diagnostics. There is a high probability that the consequences of “bathing” will not appear immediately, but after a few months – repairmen will neutralize this risk. You should not replace qualified assistance from specialists with “traditional methods of treatment” - most likely, you will only do more damage to the device.

If you want to completely avoid worrying about your Apple gadget being damaged by water, you should buy an iPhone 6S or 7. Both devices are protected from moisture to varying degrees: the 6th iPhone calmly stays under water for 10 minutes, 7- Oh, he’s not at all afraid of liquids.

Like any other smartphone, unpleasant situations can also happen with the iPhone. They are associated with both the software and the mechanical part of the device.

In this article, we will look at different types of problems that a user may encounter and suggest ways to solve them.


In this case, the following “symptoms” appear:

Why do they appear? This is primarily due to:

  1. attempts to independently conduct a Jailbreak (opening the system);
  2. clogging the smartphone with a large number of applications that require access to the network, which leads to overload of the operating system;
  3. loss of the password, leading to the device being locked.

Solving these problems is quite simple - entrust the Jailbreak to professionals or restore the device after it, remove unnecessary applications or disable their network access, and recover the password.


They may appear in the following cases:

In most cases, the malfunction is directly related to a damaged screen or case, which allows you to simply replace these parts. If your phone is exposed to moisture or dirty (connectors, buttons, touchscreen, speakers), simple drying or cleaning can help.

With damage to the motherboard and processor, the situation is much more complicated - their problems can be eliminated only by completely replacing these parts. Below we will talk about other cases related to mechanical damage iPhone.

Power controller

One of the common problems is related to the power controller - a small part, the breakdown of which leads to a rapid loss of charge. Before the user can blink, the phone is completely dead. The first thing you can try is to replace the battery, but this is only one of the possible options

such a situation.

First, let's make sure that the problem is really a faulty power controller.

The following signs must be present: .

Attention! Repairing this part is a rather painstaking process that requires special skills. If you have any of the above symptoms, we recommend contacting a service center.

Water ingress

Getting your device into water is one of the main fears of smartphone owners. What to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on?

In such a situation, it is necessary to act without delay:

Voltage drops Are you being bothered? fast discharges

smartphone? This may also be due to improper power supply, especially if a non-original charger is used. This can cause irreparable damage to the battery and lead to voltage surges that can cause the smartphone to burn out.

To avoid unnecessary costs for repairing the system board and battery, we recommend replacing the charger with an original one.

Battery is old

The iPhone battery, of course, does not last forever. Over time, the device begins to discharge faster and even turn off completely. There is only one thing that can help here - replacing the battery.

  • To extend battery life, pay attention to the following tips:
  • always charge your smartphone to 100%, avoid frequent short-term charging;
  • use the original charger; don't reboot your phone unnecessary applications

– their operation also affects the aging of the battery.


iPhone won't turn on

iPhone won't turn on - one of the most frightening situations for users. What are its reasons? This will be discussed further below.

This case is associated with the inability to charge the device. This is a very common breakdown that occurs when the charging connector is critically dirty. Also, the connector may simply break if you try to charge your phone carelessly.

You can try to solve this problem yourself by cleaning the connector, but this is not always possible at home. In case of severe contamination, the best solution would be to contact a specialist.

After the firmware

This problem occurs directly during the firmware, when the phone suddenly turns off.

There can be two explanations for this:

In any of these cases, there is no need to panic - it will help new firmware devices.

After falling from a height

The reason for the problem if the user drops the phone is quite clear. Most often, it lies in the disconnection of one of the cables leading to the battery, screen or power button.

With a strong impact, even more serious problems could arise - failure of soldering on system board or failure of one of the microcircuits.

If you have the necessary skills, you can try to fix the problem yourself by unscrewing your smartphone and connecting the problematic cable. If not, you will have to contact the service center.

After replacing the display

Another common problem. It is mainly caused by incorrect assembly or problems with the cable leading to the screen. You can fix the problem yourself by disassembling the case and checking the problematic cable, or with the help of a specialist.

After factory reset

If your iPhone does not turn on after resetting the settings, the following procedure may help:

When charging Device shutdowns when charging are most often associated with battery problems or non-original charging

. This may also be due to a breakdown of the power controller, which we already discussed above.

After jailbreak

Device freezing after jailbreak is another common problem.

You can solve it as follows:

After reboot

What should I do if the phone does not start after a reboot and only vibrates? A forced reboot will help in this case. To do this, just hold down the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Attention! A force reboot does not delete any data from the device. You can do it even if the screen goes dark and the buttons do not respond to pressing.


This problem occurs after pressing the “Power” button. It is often called a “white apple” because booting the device gets stuck on the company logo. A forced reboot (holding down the power and Home buttons) most often does not work in this case. What to do?

Photo: stuck on device logo

The solution is quite simple:

  1. turn off the smartphone using a forced restart (press and hold “Home” and “Power”), wait until it turns on;
  2. if the problem repeats and the device is stuck on the logo again, update software phone.

Important! We also cannot rule out the possibility that the problem was caused by an application. In this case, removing it will help.

We looked at the most common problems that cause the iPhone to stop turning on. We hope that our step by step instructions helped to get rid of problems and restore the functionality of the device.