PNG creation. How to convert images to PNG format? LunaPic service removes the background of an image

Some users may need to do transparent background in some photos. This may be due to aesthetic considerations, the need to create a watermark for commercial purposes and other reasons - the fact is that the user does not know how, and with what help, this can be done. In this material I will try to help such users and tell you how to make a transparent background online, what services exist for this, and how to use them.

List of services capable of making a transparent picture background

There are several services on the Internet that allow you to remove the background of a photo online for free. At the same time, they all have fairly simple tools, allowing you to remove the background of photos in almost a few clicks. Below I will list these services with detailed description their functionality.

If you, like me, have a desire, then I hasten to please you, I tested most of them and compiled a list of the best (follow the link above).

Online-Photoshop service allows you to remove the background

The first resource that allows you to create a transparent background online is Online-Photoshop. Working with it is quite simple, allowing you to get an object with a transparent background in your photo in a couple of minutes.

  1. To implement what you have planned, go to the resource, click on the “Select image” button and upload the desired photo.
  2. The latter will appear on the left side of the screen, and the cursor will take the form of a yellow circle.
  3. Using this circle, use a yellow line to mark the outer contours of the object whose background you want to make transparent.
  4. Then click on the green circle with a plus sign in the toolbar and mark green internal features of an object.
  5. Then click on the red circle with a minus sign and mark the external space beyond the boundaries of the object with red lines.

Now click the arrow on the right and see the result. If everything is fine, click on the “Download” button at the top and save the result to your PC.

Pixlr service sets one background color

Another tool for making transparent backgrounds online is the Photoshop-like online editor Pixlr. It has a significant number of capabilities, but we are primarily interested in creating a transparent background online.

IMGonline service allows you to make a transparent background

This service is an almost completely automated option that allows you to make the background transparent online.

To work with the service, go to it, click on the “Browse” button, make sure that the “Replace plain background with” option is set to “Transparent” and click on the large “Ok” button at the bottom.

After processing, you will have the opportunity to view the result or download it to your computer using the appropriate links.

I note that due to automation, the quality of the resulting processing is usually worse than in the Online-Photoshop and Pixlr listed above.

Service Watermark.Algid.Net

Another service that allows you to make a transparent background on a photo online for free.

To work with this service, you need to prepare a photo, for which you need to paint over a potentially transparent area with a color that is not in the image itself (for example, blue, as shown in the example below). It is also important that the photo is in png or gif format.

  1. Then you need to go to the site itself, click on the “Browse” button, indicate to the service the path to your file and click on “Next step”.
  2. Your image will open, you will need to click on the photo color that you want to make transparent (the background to be removed must have the same color after processing).
  3. Click on the background color, the program will process it and it will become transparent.
  4. If you are satisfied with the processing, right-click on the photo and select “Save Image As”.

LunaPic service removes the background of an image

This service for creating a transparent background is similar in its functionality to the previous one, requiring a background made in one color. It transforms this color into a transparent background, obtaining the image required by the user.

  1. To work with the service, log in to it, click on “Browse” and upload the required photo (or provide a link to it online in the line below).
  2. Then select the color in the photo that you would like to make transparent and click on it with the mouse.
  3. The photo will be processed and you will ideally have a transparent background color.

Compared to the Watermark.Algid.Net service, the LunaPic service is more like a full-fledged photo editor, allowing you to color the background with one color using the built-in this service tools.


Above I have listed several convenient and easy-to-use services that allow you to make a transparent background online. The most effective, in my opinion, are the Online-Photoshop and Pixlr services; the results of their processing are at good level, and the specifics of the optional are not at all complicated. If you need to make a transparent background for a photo, I recommend turning to the capabilities of these tools; they will allow you to easily and quickly create a transparent background online.

The main thing is to specify the picture on your computer or phone, and then click OK at the bottom of this page. By default, the plain background of the picture is replaced with a transparent one. The background color of the original image is determined automatically; you just need to specify in the settings what color to replace it with. The main parameter influencing the quality of the replacement is the “Replacement Intensity” and it can be different for each picture.

An example of a photograph of a pink rose without changes and after replacing the plain background with transparent, white and green:

First example with a rose flower on a transparent background made with the following settings:
  1) Replacement intensity - 38;
  2) Smoothing along the edges - 5;
  3) Replace the plain background with a transparent one;
  4) Trimming (<0) или Добавление (>0) at the edges - "-70";
  5) Invert - disabled (not checked).

For creating second example, with a white background, the same settings were used as in the first example, except for the parameter: “Replace plain background with” - white. IN third example, with a green background, the settings are also used as in the first example, except for the parameter: “color in hex format” - #245a2d.

The original image is not changed in any way. You will be provided with another processed picture with a transparent or specified background.

1) Specify an image in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF format:

2) Settings for replacing a solid background
Replacement intensity: (1-100)

Edge smoothing: (0-100) Replace the plain background with: transparent (PNG-24 only) red pink purple blue turquoise sky lime green yellow orange black gray white or color in hex format: open the Crop palette (<0) или Добавление (>0) at the edges: (-100 to 100)
(Intensity for additional cropping or adding pixels around a selected area on a transparent background) Invert selection (replace foreground instead of background)

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

Recently I needed remove background from the picture, I'm not particularly good with Photoshop. And I’ll tell you that I don’t even have it on my computer. (Well, actually, that’s right, why do I need something that I don’t know how to work with).

But the background from the picture had to be somehow removed, so I started surfing the Internet, looking for a solution to my problem. There are actually a lot of options, but I was looking for something easier)). I found a very easy and simple way to remove the background from a picture.

So, let's get started. We'll need Photoshop, but I don't have it. I use online Photoshop. It’s a very convenient thing, I’ll tell you. And of course, the picture whose background we want to make transparent.

I’ll show you an example of this picture, we’ll remove the white background

Let's go to online Photoshop. I used this one PIXLR

Select: Upload an image from your computer.

Now in the window on the right "LAYERS" I need to open the lock

Click on it 2 times with left button mouse, a check mark should appear in the box.

Now go to the panel on the left and select the tool "Magic wand" and set tolerance to 21.

That seems to be all, but I’m not completely satisfied with the picture, there are still remnants of the background, I again click on the place that I want to remove. Then “edit” ---- “clear”. And so on until you remove everything you need.

When you work on website design, you often have to deal with the fact that the found image, which would ideally suit your site, has a different background that it would be advisable to remove.

And so, open our picture in Photoshop.

1. The first thing you need to do is create a work area for the image with a transparent background. For this:
- in the layers window, double-click on our layer (with the lock)
- In the window that appears, click OK

The lock should disappear

If the background is plain:
Select the tool " Magic wand"is a very flexible tool for highlighting the desired area. Our task is to highlight the entire background except the picture. To do this, adjust the settings of the magic wand (parameter admission) until we get the desired result. We also use the Shift key to select an area in addition to the already selected one. Press Del and the selected area is deleted.

If the background is multi-colored:
We use the tool " Quick selection ". Here our task is to highlight not the background, but the object itself, which should remain. Click until the desired area is highlighted. If too much is highlighted, hold down Alt and minus the area. You can view the result by pressing the Q key.
When the selection is ready, copy it with Ctrl+C. Create a new document with a transparent background (Ctrl+N) and paste the object Ctrl+V into it.

3 . If there is something unnecessary left in the picture, use the “ Eraser“, just erase the extra background.

4 . Save the image for the Web (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S) and select the GIF or PNG format (in others, our transparent background will turn into white).

Useful video on the topic:

The need to write has been long overdue brief instructions How to make a JPG and PNG image from a PSD. Of course, this may seem very simple to most, but the instructions are intended for users who do not constantly work in Photoshop. For example, customers who received a layout in PSD format (Photoshop).

PSD files are Photoshop files. Those. You need to first install Photoshop on your computer. I do not recommend installing pirated versions, so as not to catch a Trojan. Adobe currently offers a free trial period of its products for 30 days. Therefore, feel free to download the official version of Photoshop from the Adobe developer website.

1. Open the PSD file

2. Make sure all the necessary layers are turned on. All layers are displayed in the Layers panel, and included layers have an “eye” icon next to their name. By clicking on this icon with the mouse, you can turn on/off the display of layers. If you don't see this panel, you need to enable it. To enable the display of the Layers panel: Top Menu > Window > Layers(or hotkey F7).

3. For export PSD file to PNG format, you can use a simplified method, but it does not allow you to specify additional settings. It should be noted that most often you will not need additional settings. Therefore, in the top menu we select: File > Export > Quick Export to PNG. A window for selecting the path to save the result file will immediately open.

4. A more “advanced” method that provides additional settings. Top Menu: File > Export > Export As.... A window will open additional settings. In it you can: select the format in which the image will be saved (PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG), the ability to change the scale in which the image will be saved. After the necessary settings, click the “Export…” button and select the save path in the window that opens.

When working with Photoshop, you may be confused by the background of an image. If in the window Photoshop background images in the form of a gray chessboard, which means that the background is transparent.

In this case, only the PNG format will support background transparency, and in the format JPG image will be generated with a white background. This must be taken into account if you are subsequently going to use this picture on a site where a background other than white is specified.