Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S5 original delivery. How to distinguish a fake Samsung Galaxy s5 from the original

A surprising and unpleasant surprise was that almost immediately after the official debut Galaxy flagship S5 in China (and other countries), mass production of clones of the new Android smartphone has begun. So already on the second day after the announcement in Barcelona, ​​news appeared that the Chinese had quickly created the Goophone S5 - a fake of the Galaxy s5. That is why to all those who decided to make a wonderful purchase in the near future in the form of mobile operator, this article and the tips indicated in it are dedicated. Following them, the buyer will be able to determine whether the phone in the store matches the original one. Galaxy specifications S5, avoiding purchasing a fake.

How to distinguish a fake s5?

In fact, the Goophone S5 seems identical to the original Galaxy S5 only from afar, since upon closer inspection it is immediately noticeable low quality materials. For those who don't care, the characteristics of a fake will be enough to show off to friends a couple of times. But in such fakes, the user will never find the proprietary features that Samsung presented this year (including IP67 protection and a fingerprint scanner).
It didn’t take long for the second clone of the Galaxy S5 to appear – this is the S7, all from the same Chinese manufacturers GizChina. Turning out to be of higher quality, the fake even received protection from moisture, which is present in the original Galaxy S5. That was all. And the degree of protection itself, for that matter, is still higher in the Samsung flagship. Clone No.1 S7 is equipped with a 13-megapixel camera with autofocus, 1GB random access memory and an eight-core MT6592 processor with a frequency of 1.7 GHz and. Available here USB support, there is a slot for MicroSD. The 5.1-inch display has Full HD resolution. But the fake Galaxy S5 runs on Android 4.2.

If you are unable to familiarize yourself with the technical parameters of the phone that is in your hands, do not be too lazy to read as carefully as possible the points below that will help you distinguish a fake s5, and then subsequently follow them. In this case, you will most likely be able to avoid purchasing a fake Galaxy S5:
Take a couple of pictures with your camera and look at the results. Note the presence of new features, such as real-time HDR or selective focus. Most likely, such features will not be available in a fake.
You won’t find a fake fingerprint scanner, typical of the Galaxy S5, or a heart rate monitor under the camera flash.
Clones are not able to perform specific “smart” functions such as Smart Stay and respond to other control gestures. All this is in the settings.
It is likely that the fake will not even have access to the market Google Play. It would also be a good idea to check for the presence branded applications- S Health, Samsung Wallet, ChatOn, SideSync 3.0, and Samsung Content Viewer.
Instead of the standard USB 3.0 port for the model, there will probably be USB 2.0. It is very easy to distinguish it visually - it is 2 times narrower than USB 3.0.
There should not be any Chinese characters in application names and settings!
And, of course, any smartphone model simply cannot go on sale before the official start of sales, just as the price cannot be lower than the manufacturer’s stated price.

Now you can distinguish fake Samsung Galaxy s5 from the original. Remember, all these rules and verification methods apply to other smartphones. It is always better to buy a smartphone from an official supplier, avoiding contacts with dubious intermediaries.

Many were surprised by the fact that almost immediately after the official presentation of the flagship Galaxy S5 in China (and not only) clones of the new Android smartphone began to be churned out. Let us remind you that already on the second day after the announcement in Barcelona, ​​we already reported that the Chinese managed to create the Goophone S5. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a Galaxy S5 from a non-mobile operator in the near future, which may seem like a great idea, then you are advised to take a look at some tips so that you can determine whether your future purchase is an original Galaxy S5 or a fake.


The Goophone S5 might actually look like the original Galaxy S5, but only from a distance, as upon closer inspection the quality of the materials is very different from the Korean one. Although, if you don’t care, then the characteristics of a fake may well be enough to show off once or twice to your friends. However, such fakes do not have any of the proprietary features that Samsung introduced this year (including a fingerprint scanner and IP67 protection).

Another Galaxy S5 clone appeared a little later - this is No.1 S7, which was also released by the Chinese manufacturer GizChina. However, this fake still has moisture protection, like the original Galaxy S5, but no more. Original Samsung flagship still has a higher degree of protection. Clone No.1 S7 has a 13-megapixel camera with autofocus, an eight-core MT6592 processor with a frequency of 1.7 GHz and 1 GB of RAM. On the other hand, it also has USB 3.0 support and a 5.1-inch display with Full HD resolution, as well as a MicroSD slot. But this fake works on Android 4.2.

Original Galaxy S5 vs fake

If you can't look into specifications phone that you hold in your hands and intend to buy it, then you definitely need to take a closer look at several points. This may help you avoid buying Galaxy fakes S5:

  • Take a few photos to see the results, and look out for specific new features like real-time HDR and selective focus. Surely a fake will not have such opportunities.
  • Also, the fake will not have a fingerprint scanner, like on the Galaxy S5, and there will not be a heart rate monitor under the camera flash.
  • The clones do not have such specific “smart” functions as Smart Stay and support for other gestures for control. You can see them in the settings.
  • Perhaps the fake will not even have the Google Play market. Also check for Samsung branded apps - S Health, ChatOn, Samsung Wallet, SideSync 3.0 or Samsung Content Viewer.
  • Also, a fake will probably have USB port 2.0, and not USB 3.0, which is visually immediately different - it is 2 times wider than USB 2.0.
  • Application names and settings may be partially in Chinese.
  • You are allegedly buying a Galaxy S5 before April 11, although official date Sales started just today.

The same goes for any other smartphone. It will be better if you buy a smartphone from an official supplier, and not from a dubious reseller who cannot confirm the originality of the device.

What do you think about counterfeits of popular devices? Do you think this is bad or is it better to buy a fake than spend money on a branded smartphone?

Previously, scammers only counterfeited the Galaxy S series and Galaxy Note. In 2018, counterfeits of any series appeared, including A and J.

What is the difference between an original device and a fake?

Quality of components

Original smartphones and tablets are made from components highest quality. Samsung installs the best components at the time of their release on its flagship devices: displays, processors, cameras, memory modules and other parts. Most of them are the company's own developments. Thereby Samsung devices annually receive many awards and high customer ratings.

Counterfeits are made from outdated and cheap parts. As a result, replicas of flagship devices perform worse than original budget Samsung devices.

Software quality and safety

Samsung checks carefully software for their devices: first by their own testing department, and then with the help Google- creator of Android. Thanks to this, smartphones and tablets work quickly and can be used on them without fear. mobile banks, add cards to payment services and store personal photos. Samsung continues to take care of software updates on its devices even after they are released: it releases new firmware and security updates.

Fraudsters do not worry about the quality of the software - as long as the device turns on. No one is stopping them from installing spyware or phishing software on the fake, which will steal photos, contacts, bank card details, passwords and other data. Counterfeits do not pass any certification. No one updates them or monitors the security of the software.

Branded services and functionality

Original devices have branded services, many of which have no analogues. For example, Samsung Pay, which allows you to link to a smartphone bank card and pay for purchases through almost any terminals.

Not a single branded service will work on fakes.

Availability of guarantee

All original Samsung devices have a guarantee: manufacturing defects will be corrected free of charge.

There is no guarantee for a fake: it will not be replaced or repaired, even if it breaks the next day after purchase.

Where do they sell fakes?

Mostly, fakes are sold secondhand and on free classifieds websites.

Selling by hand

Near a metro station, a train station, or a large store, a person approaches you and offers to buy a smartphone or tablet at a clearly reduced price, explaining the discount by an urgent need for money. Usually there is even a receipt and a warranty card. The seller is in a hurry, constantly talks to you, does not allow you to concentrate and examine the device properly. He can tell you that all his money and documents were stolen, his children are waiting for him, and he is late for his plane. In general, he makes every effort to make you feel needy or awkward and give you money faster.

Selling on free classifieds sites

You find an advertisement on the website with a very low price. The price is often explained by the fact that the device was given as a gift, but you already have a smartphone or tablet. Over the phone they can say that there is already a buyer or they come up with another legend that will encourage a purchase. Questions are answered in general phrases or evasively. They are found near the metro, shopping or business centers, and almost never give the addresses of residential buildings. When meeting, they are in a hurry. After the sale, the number is disconnected or blacklisted.

The photo below shows a typical scam ad.

1. average price such a smartphone at the time of viewing this ad is 45,000 rubles. Thanks to such a low price, the ad received almost 400 views in a few hours.

2. Already from the photo it is clear that this is a fake - on original smartphone there are no such inscriptions.

3. Seemingly logical motive. You immediately get the feeling that you have won the lottery and you need to take it as soon as possible.

Another ad, almost a carbon copy. And there are hundreds of them.

Sales in stores

Of course, counterfeits are sold in both regular and online stores.

The photo below shows one of these online stores.

At the time of writing this article, the Galaxy Note 9 had not even been announced, and scammers were already selling it.

How to recognize and not buy a fake

Counterfeits are made in different Chinese and Taiwanese factories, so they are all different from each other. There are no guaranteed features that can be used to visually distinguish a fake from an original device: some fakes may differ in body elements, others in the display, and others in the way the inscriptions are applied. The main difference is in the filling, which is difficult for an unprepared person to appreciate. You need to know well how the original device works: understand the versions and manufacturers of processors, screens, shells, benchmarks, etc.

Therefore, the only way to distinguish a fake from the original is visual inspection devices by a competent specialist. For example, this could be an engineer at a company service center.

There are comments where users demand some kind of service or protection that is guaranteed not to be bypassed. Such protection cannot be done: on this moment there are no such technologies. I would also like to remind you that everything can be successfully counterfeited, no matter what the protection: money, documents, medicines, cars, spare parts, Jewelry, smartphones, tablets, headphones, clothes, shoes, watches, software. Even the products are counterfeited.

However, despite all the difficulties with counterfeits, there are some tips that can help you when buying.

Pay attention to the quality of translation of menu items

On original devices, the translation is done efficiently, without errors, inscriptions are only in English and Russian.

On counterfeit devices, menu items may use Chinese characters, the translation itself may be conspicuous, and phrases may appear illogical. For example, on the lock screen there may be an inscription: “Drag to unlock.”

Every day, counterfeit smartphones are becoming more and more difficult to distinguish from original devices. Manufacturers of counterfeits are mastering new materials and making copies as similar to the original as possible. Undoubtedly, Apple accounts for the largest share of counterfeit copies, but the Korean company Samsung also suffers from dishonest Chinese smartphone manufacturers. Since launch Samsung smartphone Galaxy S5 companies from the Middle Kingdom began to rivet similar smartphones and sell them to naive buyers. How to distinguish a Samsung Galaxy S5 from a fake and not fall for scammers?

Chinese manufacturers of non-original phones different ways trying to reduce the final cost of the device. Smartphones are equipped with weak cameras and low-resolution screens, and instead of eight-core processors, budget SoCs from MediaTek are used.

You should not purchase the Samsung Galaxy S5 in little-known stores or on trading platforms in the Internet. Savings of 2-5 thousand rubles can result in the purchase of a counterfeit or defective device. You should not believe the low cost, since such a smartphone can be either non-original or “gray”. Buy electronics only from well-known stores, for example in Svyaznoy or Euroset.

What to do if you already have a smartphone in your hands? How to distinguish original Samsung Galaxy S5 from a Chinese fake? First of all, pay attention to the presence of a fingerprint scanner. It simply cannot be found in fakes, since the cost of the sensor is quite high.

It would also be a good idea to examine the quality of the camera. As a rule, counterfeit versions of smartphones are equipped with weak cameras. The original Galaxy S5 camera has a "Dual camera" feature, as well as an HDR mode.

It’s worth taking a look at the smartphone menu. There should be no Chinese characters anywhere. If any application starts with a splash screen in Chinese, then you can be sure that this is a fake Galaxy S5. Every “fifth Galaxy” has a set of pre-installed proprietary applications from Samsung: Samsung Wallet, S Health, Content Viewer.

In addition, the non-original smart phone does not have a heart rate monitor, which is located on the back of the body under the camera flash, as well as unique gesture control functions (Smart Stay).

Of course, fakes are becoming better every day, but to distinguish real Samsung It is quite possible to prevent a fake Galaxy S5 from being faked without looking at the smartphone menu. The back of the S5 has a special corrugated structure, and the USB connector cap has the inscription “USB”. On top of that, it's original korean smartphone has a degree of protection IP67. You can safely put it in water, and it will continue to work. Concerning Chinese copy, then most likely, after encountering moisture, it will quickly stop functioning.

More details about the differences between fake and original Galaxy S5 are described in this video: