Ambulance via cell phone. How to call an ambulance from your mobile phone

  • from a landline phone at numbers 03 and 103;
  • With mobile phone(for all operators) by numbers 103 and 112.

As a rule, the connection to the “103” operator occurs within a few seconds, however, when you call “103” during the hours of mass calls, you can hear the answering machine information: “Hello. You called the Unified Dispatch Center for Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services in Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you.”

Wait for an answer, do not hang up - otherwise, when you dial again, you will again find yourself at the end of the queue of calls on the line.

2. What should you tell the dispatcher when calling an ambulance?

  • briefly: what happened, what help is needed;
  • the phone number you are calling from;
  • the address where the patient is located (if a person needs help on the street, indicate clear landmarks; if the call is to an apartment, indicate the location of the closest entrance to the house, the number of the entrance, floor, combination lock);
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if known);
  • date of birth (if known) or age of the patient;
  • your last name.

3. How to call a doctor at home?

In the life of every person, a situation may arise when you need to call a doctor or the police. You can call emergency numbers even from a locked phone or a phone without a SIM card. The usual numbers 01, 02, 03 will not help. So how to call an ambulance from your mobile?

How to call an ambulance via rescue 112

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is a single dispatch center “Rescue Service”. You can reach her by dialing 112 on the keypad. The rescue service is called when you need to call firefighters, police, emergency services or an ambulance. When calling from a regular or mobile phone, the service number does not change. Calls from any telecom operators are free.

Calls to number 112 are possible when:

  • lack of funds on your mobile phone account;
  • blocked SIM card;
  • no SIM card at all.

Emergency phone numbers of different Russian cellular network operators

Unfortunately, the two-digit emergency numbers that many are accustomed to will not work. When calling from a mobile phone, you must dial a three-digit number. But whether it will be “003”, “030” or “903” depends on the specific operator. Differences in dialing emergency numbers from telephones cause confusion. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the list of emergency numbers in advance.

MTS, MegaFon, Beeline

To call an ambulance from a mobile phone of this operator, just dial the emergency number:

101 - fire and rescue services.

102 - police.

103 - call an ambulance.

104 - emergency gas service.

Sky Link, Motive

How to call an ambulance from a Sky-Link and Motive mobile phone?

901 - fire and rescue services.

902 - police.

903 - call an ambulance.

904 - gas service.

TELE2 and U-Tel

How to call an ambulance or another emergency service from TELE2 and U-Tel phones?

010 - fire and rescue services.

020 - police.

030 - call an ambulance.

040 - gas service.

For older phones

Older devices may not support speed numbers. How can you call an ambulance from your phone in this case? All you need to do is add an icon after the emergency number * :

101* - call the fire department, rescuers.

102* - call the police.

103* - call an ambulance.

104* - call the emergency gas service.

After dialing any of the combinations, you need to dial the call button (green tube).

Here's how to quickly and easily call an ambulance or other emergency services from your phone.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone with a zero balance

Today operators mobile communications provide their clients with many benefits. In particular, the opportunity to contact family at any convenient time. However, not all users can take advantage of another advantage - a quick call to emergency services, such as an ambulance. Firstly, they don't know how to do it. Secondly, I think that such calls to an ambulance are paid. It's a delusion. All calls from any mobile operator to emergency numbers are free of charge.

To call an ambulance from your phone with a zero balance

  • Call the rescue service 112 .
  • Dial the three-digit ambulance number ( 003 , 103 or 903 ) based on which operator you use.
  • Dial 103* .

Speed ​​up response

When the call is made directly to the emergency service, you can expect a quick response and the arrival of specialists immediately. If the call is made to the rescue service, it is first received by the dispatcher, who then forwards the call to the service of the desired area.

To speed up the response to a call, you can try dialing a two-digit number, but according to the rules for dialing landline numbers. That is:

0 - city long distance code - two-digit service number.

Sometimes this allows you to speed up the response to a call.

Is it possible to call an ambulance for an online consultation?

An ambulance is not only an emergency, but also help desk. No specialist will undertake to make a diagnosis over the phone, but he will be able to advise and suggest some basic things. If you feel unwell and are unsure whether to call the local police officer or medical assistance, you can call an ambulance and ask the operator to connect you with the doctor on duty. For example, you just have a really bad headache, and it’s half past two in the morning. In this case, it is better to dial an ambulance and ask to be connected to the consultation line. The doctor on duty will tell you how to survive until the morning.



20.11.2013 №360

About making changes to Russian system and numbering plan approved by order of the Ministry information technologies and communications Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 1422

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; No. 52, Art. 5038; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; Art. 2005, Art. 1752; Art. 636; Art. 3431; 1, art. 8; 2008, no. 1941; 2010, no. 705; Art. 3408; Art. 2011; Art. 901; Art. 3535; 4284, Art. 4590; Art. 4333; Art. 7351; ; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 27, Art. 3450), as well as subparagraph 5.2.10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 No. 418 (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2008, art. 4825; 2009, art. 378; 2010, No. 13, Art. 1502; No. 26, art. 3350; No. 30, art. 4099; No. 31, art. 4251; 2011, No. 2, art. 338; No. 3, art. 542; No. 6, art. 888; No. 14, art. 1935; No. 21, art. 2965; No. 44, art. 6272; No. 49, art. 7283; 2012, No. 20, art. 2540; No. 37, art. 5001; No. 39, art. 5270; No. 46, art. 6347; 2013, No. 13, Art. 1568; No. 33, art. 4386),


1. Introduce into the Russian system and numbering plan approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142 “On approval and implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2006 , registration No. 8572) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2008 No. 118 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 2, 2009, registration No. 13237), dated July 15, 2011 No. 187 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 17, 2011, registration No. 21646) and dated June 15, 2012 No. 158 “On introducing changes to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2012 , registration No. 24829), the following changes:

a) paragraph 32 shall be supplemented with the words “as well as the numbers of the relevant emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

b) paragraph 32 1 should be stated as follows:

"32. 1 For access of subscribers and users of mobile and fixed telephone services:

the “Child in Danger” telephone line uses the same numbers “121”, “123”;

To unified service support for citizens for consultations when receiving government and municipal services used electronically single number"115.";

c) paragraph 46 should be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“Number format for access to the corresponding emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

d) in paragraph 1 of Table No. 3 to the Russian Numbering Plan in the column “Value of the DEF code”, replace the numbers “970-979” with the numbers “972-979”;

e) in paragraph 12 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication services” should be stated as follows: “Access to telematic communication services”;

f) in paragraph 13 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication service” should be stated as follows: “Access to communication services for data transmission”;

g) in Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan, paragraphs 1 and 2 should be stated as follows:

1. 100-109 Range for 3-digit numbers of federal services
100 Time service
101 Fire protection and emergency response service
102 Police
103 Ambulance Service
104 Gas network emergency service
105-109 Reserve
2. 110-119 Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation for the purpose of harmonization with European legislation in the field of communications
110-111 Reserve
112 Unified emergency call number
113 Reserve
114 Reserve
115 Unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services electronically
116ХХBlocking electronic payment cards
117 Reserve
118ХХAccess number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator
119 Reserve

h) in paragraph 3 of Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan in line “122”, the column “Assignment of a range of numbers for access and service numbers” should be stated as follows: “Reserve”.

2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Minister N.A. Nikiforov