Download all the necessary dll files for games. How to install a DLL on a Windows system

You can often encounter a situation where a program or game requires the installation of various additional DLL files. This problem can be solved quite easily; it does not require special knowledge or skills.

You can install the library on the system different ways. There are special programs to perform this operation, or you can also do it manually. Simply put, this article will answer the question - “Where to throw dll files?” after downloading them. Let's consider each option separately.

Method 1: DLL Suite

DLL Suite is a program that can itself find the file you need on the Internet and install it on the system.

To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Select the item in the program menu "Load DLL".
  2. Enter the name of the desired file in the search bar and click on the button "Search".
  3. Select the appropriate option from the search results.
  4. In the next window, select the desired DLL version.
  5. Click the button "Download".
  6. In the file description, the program will show you the path where this library is usually saved.

  7. Specify the location to save and click the button "OK".
  8. That's it, if the download is successful, the program will indicate the downloaded file with a green mark.

    Method 2: Client Client is in many ways similar to the program discussed above, but has some differences.

    To install the library here you need to do the following:

    That's it, your DLL library has been copied to the system.

    The program has an additional advanced view - this is a mode in which you can select different versions of DLL to install. If a game or program requires a specific version of a file, you can find it by enabling this type in the Client.

    If you need to copy a file to a location other than the default one, you click on the button "Select version" and you will be taken to the installation options window for advanced users. Here you do the following:

    1. Specify the path where the installation will be performed.
    2. Click on the button "Install Now".

    The program will copy the file to the specified folder.

    Method 3: System Tools

    You can install the library manually. To do this, you will need to download the DLL file itself and subsequently simply copy or move it to the folder at:


    In conclusion, it must be said that in most cases DLL files installed along the following path:


    But if you are dealing with Windows 95/98/Me operating systems, then the installation path will be like this:


    For Windows NT/2000:


    64-bit systems may require a different installation path.

    DLL Suite program.

    Before moving on to the review of the new useful program, I want to thank my readers for their active support. My new book comes out on Monday called "Safe Freebie @ on the Internet". Recently, following the link I gave detailed information about the contents of the new book and how to purchase it. To be honest, I didn’t expect such a stir. Of course, I understood that the book was relevant, but to such an extent... Over the past period of time, after the announcement appeared, pre-orders were received for almost half of the first printing! This makes me happy! This means there will be a second and third additional circulation. For those who are not yet aware of what the book is about and how you can purchase it, the link is above.

    After this lyrical digression, we smoothly move on to a review of the new interesting program called DLL Suite. This program allows you to automatically find problems in dynamic libraries and fix them.

    What are dynamic libraries? I won’t overload you with unnecessary information (do you need it?). Those who are interested can read information about them on Wikipedia at the link. I’ll just say that they are necessary for the operation of one or another program or game installed on you. You have probably already encountered a periodically appearing window when starting some games or programs, “telling” that it is impossible to start the program or game due to the absence of one or another dynamic library (DLL). To fix this problem (downloading and installing the necessary DLL), sometimes it is necessary to “shovel” the entire Internet. When launched, the DLL Suite program will automatically detect missing dynamic libraries, download them and install them. The version of the program proposed in this article is free. The paid version is expanded and solves more problems; if you wish, you can easily find it on torrents. Free version Download DLL Suite from the official website using the link.

    We install.

    Let's get to work.

    After scanning the system, will be shown DLL problems. We eliminate them and, if desired, download the “cracked” paid version of the program from torrents and eliminate the remaining problems.

    Window.dll – this file is a system file and it is used both by the OS itself and third party files. If you encounter difficulties, you can upgrade.

    If your OS has given you a Window.dll error, then you urgently need to fix it. This system file is fundamental to the operation of the system and is used not only by the OS itself, but also by third-party programs. To restore normal operation, you need to download Window.dll for Windows 7, although there are other options for fixing the problem. Without clean and original file you definitely won't succeed stable operation OS. There can be many reasons why the error occurred, but the solution is quite simple. So it’s easier to fix an error than to figure out why it happened.

    How to resolve the error

    Window.dll - just like the others system files is a standard DLL library. This file used in OS work, and also used in work third party programs. The name of this file is often confused with another name - Windows.dll. Despite the apparent similarity with the name of the OS itself, the library is not critical. When you have a missing system document or problems with it, you can still continue working, but with some restrictions. You have 3 options to resolve this error:

    • Download and replace;
    • Download the software containing the necessary data;
    • Restore the system;

    Of the entire list, we do not recommend system recovery. This option will definitely help you, but the problem is different. It's not like that significant error and the problem is to restore the system from a restore point. Of course, if this is not the only problematic library, you should consider restoring or even reinstalling the OS.

    You can download the library on this page. You will have to replace this file manually. You can find the path using search. Typically, the library is located in the System32 system folder. But the exact path may vary depending on your device. As a rule, this library does not disappear anywhere, problems or failures just begin with the file that is stored on your computer.

    There is another option - reinstall/install the software, which includes the library you need. The package includes the following utilities:

    These are three programs that should be installed on your device without any problems in the file. If you don't have one of these programs, then you need to install them urgently. If the programs are there, but there are also problems, you need to reinstall one of these programs. Which one? You will learn as you go. It is enough to reinstall them one by one until you notice that your OS stops giving the Window.dll error.


    The simplest solution, as they say - for the lazy, install special program to troubleshoot problems with libraries. We recommend using . This program is suitable for those who do not want to understand and look for the appropriate version. After all, you don’t just need to download a new library for Windows 7 or 10, you need to download a utility that will match the bit size of your OS, that is, it is suitable for either 32 bit or 64 bit. There is simply no universal version of this library.

    On this page you can download the archived library. To work with it you will need an archiver, for example, . Inside the archive you will find detailed instructions, where exactly you need to copy Window.dll to fix the problems. Please note that the archive contains both x32/x64 versions, so you need to choose the appropriate option yourself. For more information about solving any difficulties, watch the video: