Download blank slides. Where to download presentation templates for free

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, built-in computer animation, audio and video files and other interactive elements.

On our website you will find a huge number of presentations on any topic that interests you. If you have any difficulties, use the site search.

On the site you can download free presentations on astronomy, get to know the representatives of flora and fauna on our planet in presentations on biology and geography. During school lessons, children will be interested in learning about the history of their country through history presentations.

In music lessons, the teacher can use interactive music presentations in which you can hear the sounds of various musical instruments. You can also download presentations on MHC and presentations on social studies. Lovers of Russian literature are not deprived of attention either; I present to you my PowerPoint works on the Russian language.

There are special sections for techies: and presentations on mathematics. And athletes can get acquainted with presentations about sports. For those who like to create their own work, there is a section where anyone can download the basis for their practical work.

If you are about to give a presentation, it is important to quickly find a suitable design. This is often not easy to do.

You want your slide layout to emphasize the structure of your content, your presentation elements to engage your audience, and your design to be consistent with your branding and look modern. Where can you find PowerPoint templates that meet all these requirements?

Resources for finding patterns

Find hundreds of creative, high-quality presentation templates on Envato Elements. Subscribe to the service and download as many designs as you want. You can search for a suitable template using tags and keywords. There is also sorting by newness and popularity.

25+ Best PowerPoint Templates

To save your time, below we will provide examples of templates with the most memorable and creative designs. The first two files are available by subscription, the rest can be purchased separately.

1. Aura

This trendy PowerPoint template will captivate your audience with its elegant design. It offers many charts to choose from and full HD quality.

2. Golazo

Golazo is a unique PowerPoint template with a minimalist style. It perfectly combines simplicity and elegance, and also has all the popular professional features: animation, infographics, slide customization.

3. Verzus

In this set you will find more than 200 creative slides made in a minimalist design. There are dynamic images with text, infographics, tables, graphics, etc. The template looks attractive and is very easy to work with.


This template features a modern design with transparent overlays and color effects. It has everything you need to create an impressive presentation.

5. Eureka

The Eureka template has a modern, minimalistic design that seamlessly combines the most fashionable elements. There are also map layouts, mobile layouts and many other useful features available here.

6.Startup X

This amazing set features tons of creative slides and hundreds of design options. It is ideal for designing a business idea.

7. Mark 03

Dynamic shapes, colorful elements and modern design are the main advantages of this template. The set includes over 400 unique slides, including tables, graphs, infographics and images.


Creating a stunning PowerPoint presentation is much easier if you use a stylish template. In Prism you will find hundreds of unique slide designs with professional elements: vector icons, infographics and device layouts. Start preparing your presentation with this template and you're guaranteed success.

9. Unicorn

This template is perfect for presenting your innovative idea. It is modern and creative. Ideal for startups.

10. Fox

Fox is a modern PPT template in a minimalist style with creative elements. The set includes more than 400 slides, a huge number of icons, infographics, animations and many other useful elements. Setting up a presentation is very easy, and the results will pleasantly surprise you.


This modern template has many features like creative shapes, transparency effect and graphics that add elegance to the minimalist slide design. And the infographics and interesting layouts make Moon a great base for creating a professional presentation.

12. Best Business

With this template you can prepare a truly memorable presentation. The set includes more than 300 slides that meet all the requirements of modern business.

13. Pitch

14. Kaspian

This PPT template features a modern, minimalistic design with dynamic shapes and stylish elements. It is ideal for the design of your idea.


Over 200 material design slides with a huge selection of styles allow you to create a memorable presentation for your modern business, software, online service or innovative idea.


This template features a cool design and a unique, minimalist aesthetic. With over 150 slides, you can quickly create a professional presentation for any purpose.


If you want a simple PowerPoint template, choose Modern. It looks amazing and is suitable for any project.

18. Balance

Looking for a theme with a catchy, minimalist design? Pay attention to Balance. This template perfectly combines photos, text, shapes, as well as infographics and icons. An excellent option for a professional presentation.

19. I Soft

In this set you will find a variety of colorful slides with full-screen photos, creative graphics, illustrations, professional infographics and impressive animations.

20. Socran

A stylish, minimalist template with over 100 unique slides designed to captivate your audience.

21. Vidova

The Vidova template will help you visualize even the most daring idea. It's perfect for storytelling. The set includes modern elements, from dramatic layouts for images to simple but effective text delivery.

22. Liberty

Liberty features energetic designs and creative layouts with stunning elements like graphics, icons, and infographics. At the same time, you can completely customize the presentation for yourself, using your own information and photos.

23. Miza

This template combines minimalistic design and unusual elements. Here you will find a collection of charts, cool slides with text and visual information, infographics, tables and lots of icons.

24. Transparency

Over 350 unique slides and a transparent effect make this template a great choice for business presentations. The set includes a huge selection of tables, icons, graphs, and layouts.

Choose a template that not only appeals to you visually, but also fits with your branding and positioning. Customize it to suit your specific needs and the result is a high-quality, professional and stylish presentation that will stand out and captivate your audience.

Evgenia Kryukova

Today's article will focus on how to create beautiful and unusual presentations in Power Point, even if you do not have design skills. So, let's go.

How to make a presentation beautifully

Before moving on to specific tips, I would like to make a small digression. I’m not a designer, I don’t know how to draw at all, and all my skills in Photoshop come down to performing banal basic actions. But despite this, I love and know how to create simple, but quite nice presentations.

Therefore, if there are people among the readers who think that they cannot create a good presentation because they do not have the talent for drawing and proper design skills, please read the following lines carefully:

Anyone can learn modern web design. Moreover, for this you do not need to study tons of professional literature or attend expensive courses. It is enough to memorize the basic rules and stock up on a large number of successful examples, looking at which you will draw inspiration. Yes, thanks to these actions, you may not become a professional designer, but you can easily create stylish pictures and presentations.

So, what rules need to be followed to make your presentation fashionable and effective:

Avoid ready-made templates

They are soulless, dull and everyone is already wildly tired of them. Better create something of your own. Moreover, now you don’t have to have design skills to do this. There are a large number of programs and services that will do all the work for you (one of these services will be discussed at the very end of the article).



Use a good color combination

One of the most common mistakes made by people unfamiliar with modern web design trends is that they choose an extremely poor combination of colors: brown, dark blue, burgundy, mustard. If you use these colors with each other, and even with a poorly chosen font, it seems that the image came to us from the 90s. Nowadays such colors are not used in web design. More precisely, they are used, but in combination with other, more pleasant and “clean” shades (so-called flat colors).



If what I said above is not entirely clear to you, and you still don’t know what colors to choose, use the resource This is a site with very fashionable and juicy combinations. To copy the code of the color you like, select the desired format (RGBA, RGB, HEX or CMYK) and left-click on it.

Another way to find a good palette is to find a picture you like and break it down into colors using Adobe Kuler. To do this, follow the link I provided, click on the camera icon and upload the image you like.

It seems to me that this method is best suited for color layout of landing pages or some simple images from design communities (such as, because... They usually use a few colors and they all go very well together. But in general it can be used to layout any images.

As soon as the service has issued the finished palette, you need to copy the code for each color. To do this, use the free Colorzilla plugin. This is done as follows:

  • Install the Colorzilla plugin in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Click on the eyedropper in the top right corner of your browser.
  • Select the Page Color Picker Active command.

  • Click on the desired color to copy its code in HEX format to the clipboard (format code #ed3434 - hash and 6 characters).

  • If you need the code in RGB or HSL format, click on the eyedropper, click Copy to Clipboard and select the format you need.

  • Paste the code into the program you are working in.
  • Ready!

Use no more than 5 colors throughout your presentation

Don't turn your presentation into a rainbow, even if your talk is on a children's topic. A large number of colors interferes with reading and perception of the meaning of the slides. It is best to use no more than 2-3 colors on one slide, taking into account the main background color. In the entire presentation - no more than five.



Maintain contrast between text and background

It's simple here: if the background is dark, use a light font. If light, then dark. The text must be clearly readable on your slide, otherwise your audience will feel uncomfortable and instead of listening to you, they will spend their attention trying to make out what you have written there.



Avoid shadows, gradients and other old-fashioned effects

Try to keep up with the times and design your slides so that they don't feel like a relic of the past. After all, the level of trust the audience has in you as a specialist will depend on how well you design your presentation. A good specialist is always developing and follows new trends. Bad - does not want to perceive anything new and believes that it has already completely taken place. Do you agree? Then strive for minimalism.



Avoid low-quality stock images



How to distinguish a low-quality stock image from a high-quality one?

Low-quality stock images have certain characteristics. They:

  • used on every second website;

  • contain low-quality graphics (usually on a white background);

  • depict artificial situations and artificially smiling people.

Well, for dessert, here are some great pictures that make fun of the absurdity of staged stock photos, so that you finally understand how to recognize them:

Use modern fonts

Calibri, Comic Sans, Times New Roman - these fonts can be used, but I would not recommend you do this, because... they are quite boring and do not produce the desired effect on the audience. Better opt for more modern fonts. For example, Helvetica, Open Sans or Roboto. These fonts are quite simple, but suitable for almost any project.



Where can I find good fonts?

My favorite place to search and download the fonts I need is the VKontakte group “ Free fonts" There is a search and a fairly convenient menu. Next to each font there is information about whether it can be used for commercial purposes or not. For example, the font in the screenshot below is completely free, as indicated by the inscription in brackets - free font.

I also highly recommend paying attention to the monthly collections of the Infographics magazine “Free Cyrillic fonts”. This is just a treasure trove of cool Cyrillic fonts! Each font can be downloaded with one click directly from the article. True, you will have to clarify the type of license yourself; it is not indicated in the article.

The font must be readable

When choosing a font, be sure to pay attention to how well it is readable. Unusual ornate serif fonts look interesting, but sometimes they are so difficult to read that it is better to avoid them altogether.



We develop a corporate identity: increase brand awareness and differentiate the business from competitors.

Use no more than 3 fonts on one slide

There should be no more than three fonts in the entire presentation: a title font, a body font, and a font for frames (if necessary). If you use more fonts, your slide will look sloppy and frivolous.

