Download chromium. How to update Google Chrome to the latest version Speed ​​and help

Chromium open project on creating a fast and lightweight browser. Anyone can take part in its development (even you). Please note that Chromium and Google Chrome are two different browsers. Google Chrome− licensed browser, with a number of non-free elements. Therefore, Chromium for Windows is more of an alpha version of Google Chrome. The Chromium base served as the basis for the creation of a number of alternative web browsers, each of which has its own characteristics compared to the main development branch. As for the Chromium browser for the computer itself, it has a number of its own unique functions and capabilities.

Main features of Chromium for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Sandbox model - limits the space for attacks on your PC;
  • “Safe Browsing” function – protection against viruses and Internet fraud;
  • Loading databases of unreliable sites when you first launch the browser;
  • Incognito mode – visit sites without recording it in your download history;
  • Multiprocessor architecture makes the browser stable;
  • Graphics support JPEG formats, PNG, GIF, WebP (alternative);
  • Support for free audio and video formats Ogv, Ogg and WebM;
  • Theme support for changing the colors of the browser interface;
  • Working with plugins that expand your browser capabilities;

In general, the public positively perceives Chromium in Russian as a fast, convenient, reliable and secure browser with a number of advantages over its competitors. Latest version Chromium download free in Russian via a direct link from the official website you can go to our website.

Current version: 77.0.3814
Distributed by: For free
System: Windows 10, 8, 7, XP

Chromium is a very popular open source browser developed by by Google On this moment it occupies a leading position in the browser market, despite the fact that there are still Mozilla Firefox, which is more popular in Linux systems. Google releases its browser in two editions - Google Chrome, with closed source code and collection of statistics about the use of the browser, and Chromium - an open source version.

The first edition is delivered in the form of ready-to-install binary packages, but for Chromium it is only published source, the assembly, preparation of binaries and updates are carried out by the community, or rather, the distribution maintainers. In this article we will look at how to install Chromium Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.10.

Not long ago a new version of this browser was released. As usual, most of the updates consisted of interface improvements and speed optimizations. But there was also something interesting.

  • Added support for the Custom Elements UI specification, which allows you to add your own HTML tags via JavaScript;
  • Added API for messaging between BroadcastChannel applications;

Also, many improvements were made to various API libraries and 21 vulnerabilities were fixed, among them there were no critical problems that would allow bypassing browser protection and executing code on the main system. Now let's look at how to install Chromium Ubuntu 16.04.

Installing Chromium on Ubuntu 16.04

There is no proprietary version in the official repositories, but since we are interested in the free version, compiled by maintainers, we can install it using the system package manager without any problems. First, update your package lists to get the newest version available:

Then type to install:

The version that was current at the time of release of the distribution will be installed, plus security updates, if any. But if you want the latest developer version, then you will have to use a ppa. To add a repository to the system, run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-dev

Then update the package lists:

sudo apt-get update

And now the installation of Chromium Ubuntu 16.04 can be done:

sudo apt install chromium-browser

The developer version of the program will be installed. At the moment the latest one is 55. You can run the program through the terminal or from the main menu.

Remove Chromium

If you no longer want to use the test version of the program, you can roll it back to the version in the repositories. To do this you need the ppa-purge utility:

sudo apt install ppa-purge

Now we uninstall Chromium, completely removing the PPA and all packages installed from it:

sudo ppa-purge ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-dev

If you need to remove a stable version installed from the official repository, run:

sudo apt remove chromium-browser

That's it, the program has been removed from your system.


That's all, in this short article we looked at how to install Chromium on Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.10. As you can see, everything is very simple and if the stable version is enough for you, then you don’t even need to use a PPA. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Related posts:

Chromium is basically part of the open source browser Google Chrome . It is a standalone browser that works very well on its own and some users prefer to use it due to various reasons. I will name some of them: Chromium receives updates before they are added to the three options Google Dev browser, beta and stable versions. Another aspect is that it is completely open source.

But there is one problem, users who work with Chromium can't make updates from the browser. Unlike Google Chrome which comes with a built-in update option, Chromium does not offer anything, which makes it difficult to update the browser, especially since, as a rule, updates occur several times a day.

Chromium Updater

Chromium Updater application Windows updates, which can update the installed version of the browser Chromium.The software detects the installed version automatically and downloads the latest available updates from the official server Chromium .
If Chromium not installed application will install the latest version to your computer and will perform updates sequentially. With updates Chromium can be found on the project website at Google Code.Download and install Chromium Updater can be found at the following Chromium Updater link.

JChromium Updater

Updates are only a few days old, and also early versions that were released by the developer. Java application JChromium Updater Compatible with all operating systems that Chromium is compatible with. JChromium Updater currently only works with installed version browser, the application does not update the portable versions, even if the rights to the installation directory are set. You will need a place to download the browser in the selected folder so that you can update the browser manually. The software is detected operating system automatically and selects the last one Chromium for downloading and updating.Download and install JChromium Updater you can use the following link JChromiumUpdater .

Other Windows application Nightly Updater, which can only scan the official update release server for latest version and downloads it from the official server from a ZIP archive or an executable installation file. But will not update versions Chromium,leaving this task to users.C Chromium Nightly Updater available on DCmembers.Download and install Chromium Nightly Updater you can use the following link Nightly Updater .

Chromium Updater

Chromium Updater extension for Chromium, which offers to download the latest ZIP version or executable file from the official server Chromium. Although Chromium Updater and is unable to update the browser, but this is the only option to check for new browser versions. Chromium Updater can be installed in all versions. Extension support means it's another cross-platform download option Latest updates Chromium. You can download the extension from the following link Chromium Updater.Will you miss the opportunity to update Chromium? If yes, then let me know in the comments.

- Questions and answers - Chrome update.

Greetings, dear readers!
Today I will tell you how to update Google Chrome for free in a few simple steps. But first, a few words about what you absolutely cannot do.

  • Never click on banners on “left” sites, which tell you that something is wrong with your browser.
  • Never send SMS And do not enter your number!
    Updates are always free!
  • Never open the archive, if you still managed to download it somewhere! Official version Installs without unpacking.

If you follow these simple tips, you will never run into scammers and online scams! Now I suggest moving on to the instructions.

The simplest option- download the browser from the official website or update through the settings.


To update Google Chrome to the latest version, use my instructions.

The update itself is, in principle, not so necessary to perform basic tasks. If you miss or forget to download a new version, nothing bad will happen. It is believed that in later versions the program has fewer errors, fewer vulnerabilities, and better speed and performance. Also, sometimes new options, new features and interesting features are added. Draw your conclusions, friends!

Google Chrome is automatically updated immediately after a new version is released - we care about the security of your data. However, the design and controls of the browser may change.

Checking for updates

Typically the browser is updated in background upon restart. If you haven't closed Chrome in a while, your version may be outdated. Here's how to check it:

To update Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Open tabs and windows will be saved in the browser and will automatically load when you launch it again. If you want to restart your browser later, click Not now. The update will be completed the next time you start it.

Additional Information

How to find out the current browser version and check for updates

A page will open with the number at the top current version. When you go to this page, Chrome automatically checks to see if there are any updates.

To apply updates, click Restart.

Additional information for macOS, Linux and Windows 8 users

  • macOS. If the Google Chrome browser is installed in your Applications folder, you can configure it automatic update for all users. Open the "About" page Google browser Chrome" and click Update Chrome for all users.
  • Linux. To update Google Chrome, use a package manager.
  • Windows 8. To apply updates, close all windows and Chrome tabs on your desktop, then restart your browser.

Articles on the topic

  • If you encounter problems during the update, please refer to this article.
  • Checking for updates in Google Chrome is done through the Google Update process.
  • Use a Chrome device at work or school? If the administrator of the device you're using has prevented you from updating Chrome, this feature won't be available to you. More details