Make time on the Internet. How to Set Date and Time on Android

Time synchronization is quite an important thing. Without the exact time, update services do not work, some sites, instant messengers and other applications do not function. Setting up synchronization is not difficult, but strict adherence to the instructions is required.

Time synchronization principle

Time synchronization is carried out when connecting your computer to the server, which indicates exact time. Most often, the update period is 7 days. There are ways by which you can shorten the synchronization period and set up a different server, not the standard one. One of these methods is setting up automatic updates.

Automatic sync settings

Windows 7, 8, 10 have a built-in clock, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen, in the notification panel. This watch is already tuned to automatic update time, and the server is “" There are times when time still does not synchronize. If the user encounters such a problem, let's move on to solving it.

Standard settings

To begin with, you should use the standard functionality:

This will allow you to set the time and date on your computer automatically.

Command line

The following method does not help set up synchronization, it is just a command that helps to manually perform the synchronization operation in order to speed it up:

The command will work if auto-update of time is enabled.

SP TimeSync

You can also use third-party applications:

Important: The program should not be closed, but minimized to tray, otherwise the update will not occur.

Changing the update time

The procedure involves editing registry entries using standard features systems:

Popular servers

The most common exact time server among all, has several addresses for synchronization. To find addresses, you need to click on the “ button on the right side of the site Servers”.

After visiting the site select server on the right side of the screen corresponding to the region.

Copy one of the addresses and set the time on the PC.

Server specifically for the Ukrainian audience. All you need to do is go to the website and select one of the addresses.

Synchronization problems

If the time on your computer is not synchronized, you should:

  1. Make sure that you have installed it on your PC correct time zone.
  2. Set the correct time in settings CMOSBIOS.
  3. Make sure that the battery powering BIOS memory still not discharged.

If these points are followed, the time on the PC will always be accurate.

Maybe someone will find it useful.

What to do if the exact time is not set on the computer (automatically or at all)? And what are we even talking about?

Right-click on the clock in the taskbar and select the menu item Setting the date and time(the computer user must have Administrator rights). The settings window will open on the tab date and time. Here the date and time can be set manually; if the deviation from reality is large (more than a few minutes), it is better to do this, even if you intend to do automatic setup, because if the initial deviation is large, the automatic procedure will not work (remember to check and set the date too!)

Go to bookmark Timezone and check if your belt is selected correctly.

Go to bookmark Internet time. Check the box if it is missing Synchronize time on the Internet, then click on the button Update now. After a few seconds or a couple of minutes, a message indicating the success or failure of synchronization will appear in the window.

If the synchronization was successful, this means that in the future your computer, now automatically, will set the exact time - once a week. If you're happy with this, you don't have to read any further; If synchronization does not work or you are not satisfied with the weekly interval, read on.

What could be the reasons for the lack of synchronization and what to do about it?

1. In the field (drop-down list) Server to the left of the button Update now An inoperative/invalid time server was specified. Most often this is the server. Expand the list and select another server (usually the list consists of two items and the second is Press the button again.

2. Check if you are connected to the Internet. It is necessary that the firewall and router allow UPP packets to pass on port 123 (ie NTP protocol). Normal Settings Windows Firewall and “household” routers are exactly like that; if the Internet provider or system administrator of the organization where the computer is located filters traffic, ask “to open UDP port 123.”

3. It may turn out that all the servers on the list are inoperative. Unfortunately, the list of servers cannot be edited by simple means, and read below about how to do this.

How to edit the list of servers, connection order and check interval?

Attention - The procedure for editing the Windows registry is described below. Do not change other registry settings other than those described; damage to the registry can lead to Windows not working!

1. Open Registry Editor: button Start, Further Execute, type regedit and press the key Enter.

2. On the left side of the window, in the registry settings tree, select

3. In the right part of the window, click on the parameter name (number 1 or 2 in the left column) and edit the address of the exact time server - set a valid address instead of a non-working one (addresses can be easily found through Google - query “precise time server” or “ntp server”) .

3. If necessary, also edit the parameter (default), which specifies the default server number (1 or 2) (this setting can also be changed without Registry Editor, as described above).

4. Now go to the section

5. Here we may be interested in the parameter SpecialPollInterval. It contains the interval between attempts to check the exact time, in seconds. By default, this is a week (do the math yourself - a ton of seconds). If this interval does not suit you (for example, the clock is not very accurate and runs away in a week, or the computer is often disconnected from the Internet, and the week can stretch for many weeks), the parameter can be edited. Click on its name in the left column.

Flip the switch Number system to position Decimal(if, of course, you need it) and enter the required number in the field Meaning, press OK. You should not set values ​​less than half an hour (1800).

6. Close the Registry Editor window.

Good evening, dear friends! In our age of prosperity information technologies Time plays a special role in human life. Many of us look at our watches at least once a day in order to leave the house on time on the way to work, in time to take our children to kindergarten or school, so as not to be late for an important meeting, and to successfully complete many other tasks.

Lovers of accuracy check their watches with various sources, for example, the Internet. In some areas of human activity, it is important to know the exact time at the current moment, down to seconds. For example, in the field of stock exchanges. If a player's watch is inaccurate, lagging or, on the contrary, in a hurry, this can adversely affect the results of his activities. Let's look at how you can set the correct time on your personal or work PC and compare their readings with sources on the World Wide Web.

How does time synchronization occur?

For a few words about how technically the time indicators are clarified using global network. The process of obtaining the exact time value is implemented using the NTP (Network Time Protocol). This protocol is a set of different rules and sequences of actions, with the help of which it is possible to adjust the time with an accuracy of hundredths of a second. If such great accuracy is not needed, the SNTP protocol is used, and the error will be no more than one second.

The process of obtaining accurate time data can be represented as many levels, where each previous level is synchronized with the next. The lower the level, the less accurate the time obtained from it. This is how everything works in theory, in reality there are many more factors that influence the result; it happens that time indicators at the fourth level are more accurate than at the third.

At the lowest or zero layer of this structure there are timekeeping devices or, in other words, clocks. This clock is a reference clock, it can be a molecular, quantum or atomic device. This device does not transmit time data directly to the World Wide Web. Typically, such a device is connected to some host computer using an interface through which data is transferred at high speed, with virtually no delays. Starter computer is the first layer of the structure. The second layer contains computers that receive time readings from the first layer over a network connection, in most cases over a global network. The following layers also receive time readings network protocols, from layers located above.

Time synchronization via the Internet

How to synchronize clocks in Windows OS?

First, let's look at how the process of obtaining accurate time values ​​occurs in the Windows 10 operating system. Click once on the clock that is located in the lower corner of the screen, on the right side, and a menu will appear where you can set the date and time. Please note what time zone you are set to. If it is indicated incorrectly, you must indicate the correct one.

Then in the same menu you need to select a tab that allows you to set the time using the Internet.

Windows 7 users need to click on the time readings at the bottom of the screen, then follow a special link that allows you to configure these readings differently. Then you need to select the tab called “Internet Time” and click on the button called “Change Settings”. You will see a menu for setting the time using the Internet.

In this menu, it is possible to automatically check the correctness of your clock using the global network; it is activated using the inscription “Synchronize with an Internet time server.” If you check this box, the operating system itself will check the time on your PC at certain intervals using the Internet.

In the “Server” section, you can select an address from the list; the operating system will contact this address to perform synchronization. Select an address from the list and click Update Now. If an error message appears, enter the address manually and see if the connection occurs. The address must be one of the following list:


How to change the time interval for automatic synchronization in Windows

If your Windows OS settings indicate that the time should be checked automatically, then your operating system, without asking you, will check the data with synchronization servers only once a week. This is not suitable for everyone, for some it is too little, for others it is too much. If you decide to make changes, you will need to go into the registry and change some things in the settings.

Click "Start" at the bottom of the screen, on the left side. Open the Run tab. When the command prompt appears, type regedit on your keyboard and click OK. You need to get to the NtpClient section.
To do this, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SYSTEM, then ControlSet001, then Services, then W32Time, then TimeProviders, and finally NtpClient.

Now in the window on the left side, select SpecialPollInterval. It indicates a certain number. If we convert this number to the decimal system, we get the number 604800. That is how many seconds are contained in one week. This value can be changed to another one that is convenient for you, but you must first convert it to seconds.

What other sources are used to check time accuracy?

In addition to the computer clock, there are other devices with which a person can check the time. This could be a clock hanging on the wall, standing on a table, or a personal watch on your wrist, but the accuracy of these devices is not always perfect. Many people check their watches with television programs. But on TV, the signal may be transmitted with a delay, so the accuracy of such a check is not very high.

In conclusion, I would like to add that today in world wide web There are many opportunities to check your watches; the accuracy of time sources on the Internet can be up to one second. Without a doubt, there may be delays on the global network, but if the connection is high-quality, they will not be more than a second.

Time in the era of information technology has acquired special significance for modern man. Each of us looks at our watches at least several times a day. Many people regularly synchronize their time reporting devices through various sources, including the Internet. Accurate time sometimes plays a decisive role in matters where not even minutes, but seconds are important. For example, trading on stock exchanges can result in ruin for a player whose watch shows the wrong time. Let's try to set up our electronic clock on a computer and synchronize the exact time via the Internet.

Time synchronization technology

First, I’ll tell you a little about the technology used to obtain accurate time from Internet sources. The entire time synchronization process is carried out through a special network protocol called NTP (Network Time Protocol). This protocol is a set of various rules and mathematical algorithms, thanks to which the time on your computer is precisely adjusted with a difference of a few hundredths of one second. There is also a protocol for systems that do not require such precise synchronization, called SNTP. The difference between the source and the receiving device can be up to 1 second.

The technology for transmitting precise time parameters is a multilayer structure, where each underlying layer electronic devices synchronizes with the one above it. The lower the technological layer, the less accurate the time obtained from it will be. But this is in theory, in practice everything depends on many parameters involved in the synchronization system and more accurate time can be obtained, for example, from the fourth layer of devices than from the third.

At the zero level of this transmission chain there are always time reporting devices, roughly speaking, clocks. These clocks are molecular, atomic or quantum time-keeping devices and are called reference clocks. Such devices do not transmit time parameters directly to the Internet; they are usually connected to the primary computer via a high-speed interface with minimal delays. It is these computers that make up the first layer in the technological chain. On the second layer there will be machines that receive time from the first layer of devices via a network connection, most often via the Internet. All subsequent layers will receive information about the exact time using the same network protocols from the overlying layers.

Time synchronization in Windows

Let's try to synchronize time using systems Windows XP, Windows 2003 . To do this, click on the clock that is located in your tray (usually in the lower right corner of the screen) to bring up the date and time settings. In this case, be sure to check the settings “ time zone”, which are located there and adjust them if necessary.

For Windows Vista, Windows 7 You can also just click on the clock at the bottom of the screen and go to the settings through the special link “Changing date and time settings”

Then go to the “Internet Time” tab and click the “Change Settings” button.

An Internet time settings window will appear, similar to the same window from Windows XP, 2003.

In this window there is an option to automatically reconcile hours via the Internet, which is available opposite the inscription “ Synchronize with an Internet time server" If you enable it by checking the box, then periodically the time of your computer will be updated via the Internet server by the operating system itself.

Next, opposite the option “ Server:“The user can choose from a list of addresses from which synchronization will be carried out. Try selecting one of them and clicking the “ Update now" If through certain time a synchronization error message will appear below the list, manually enter one of the server addresses below and check the connection to it.

Below is a video that will show the setup process system clock in Windows 7 and their synchronization.

Changing the automatic time synchronization period in Windows

By default, operating Windows system accesses synchronization servers only once a week. Provided that the user has set automatic check time, of course. For some, this period may seem quite long or may be quite frequent than would be desirable. Fortunately, the system allows you to change this parameter through the registry settings.

Open the window " Execute” through the menu “ Start" IN command line dial regedit and start with the “ OK" You need to get to the next section one by one

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Services - W32Time - TimeProviders - NtpClient

and select the option in the window on the left SpecialPollInterval. The value is given here 604800 , if you convert it to the decimal system. This number of seconds is equal to one week. Here you can enter another value that you need, converting it into seconds.

In addition to the clock running on your computer, there are probably other sources of time that you have to periodically check so as not to get out of the general work schedule or schedule. Clocks can be wall, table, or wrist, and the accuracy of the time shown by them does not always correspond to reality. Meanwhile, trying to synchronize the time of these devices manually, many turn to television sources. However, such means can transmit signals with significant delays, so it is impossible to guarantee accurate time to at least a minute from these sources.

Fortunately, there are many time display services on the global network that will help you set your watch to the exact time, down to one second. Of course, the Internet is not blameless in terms of time delays in the transmission of information, but such delays with good communication usually do not amount to more than one second.

Multifunctional service for displaying exact time. In addition to its main purpose, it allows you to check the clocks of different time zones, find out calendar information for the current day, and fine tuning format for displaying time on the screen through the site and display style, display the current year's calendar, find out the time in any city around the world and much more. Perhaps one of the most useful and versatile time services I have ever worked with.

A beautiful image of a dial with moving hands will delight fans of stylish virtual design. In addition to information about the exact time, here you can find data on the time of sunrise and sunset in your region, as well as a link to the weather forecast for the specified city.

There is practically nothing superfluous on the screen, only basic information about the exact time, plus the ability to compare it with the clock of your system. However, there is a small menu with additional functions, such as the remaining time until the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, a stopwatch, a date converter and a time zone map.

You also have access to other web resources that may help you resolve your issues.

Despite my skepticism about Windows family, sometimes you have to deal with some problems that may occur in this OS.

The next time you turn on your home computer, Windows control 7 I received a complaint about the lack of Internet. At the same time, the browser paid attention to the fact that the time on the local computer is different, and since certificates...

In short, all the fuss was explained by the fact that in motherboard The battery went sour and the system began to “live” in 2008.

Since, naturally, there was no new battery at hand, the question arose about the desirability of synchronizing time via the Internet after turning on the computer and loading operating system. It would seem that the situation is simple and its resolution is possible in 2 clicks of the mouse, but no - surprise.

Despite correct settings time parameters, and even assigning the nearest time server instead of, for example,, the situation has not changed. The time was not synchronized due to a synchronization failure.

The "root of evil" is that when there is a divergence of time between local computer and Internet time is more than 15 o'clock, the time synchronization service stops performing the operation of correcting the time available in the system to the correct one.

To solve this problem in Windows settings contained in the registry, a number of changes must be made.

Go to the registry branch:


Find MaxNegPhraseCorrection and MaxPosPhraseCorrection and set them to hexadecimal values ​​ffffffff (the letter f 8 times in a row), which is the maximum allowed.

Note. The initial values ​​are 0x0000d2f0
Just in case, check the LargePhraseOffset value
Set the update interval based on the fact that in decimal format it indicates the number of seconds after which the next call to the exact time server will be made.


Find the SpecialPollInterval parameter. It precisely determines how often the client accesses the exact time server. The parameter value is set in seconds.

Change the decimal interval from the calculation:
1 minute = 60 seconds,
1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds,
1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds.

On one of the resources dedicated to describing the time synchronization mechanism in Windows, it was noted that if this interval is less than 14400 (240 minutes = 4 hours), then NTP server may ban an IP address due to a large number of requests. How true this is, I don’t know. But the gateway on MikroTik, according to its algorithm, checks the compliance of its clocks 4-6 times per hour.

Specify the address of the exact time source that your computer will contact to perform time synchronization.

In the example given, the exact time server address is Such a server does not actually exist, it is local server time located on the router. For your needs, find the nearest time server to you.

For example, you can use the information provided on,,

The changes mentioned above in Windows registry can be entered in one file with the reg extension. Create a file in Notepad with the following content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Save it as, for example, Timecorrect.reg After that you can run it and the necessary changes will be written to the registry. Change the value "NtpServer"=",0x01" to your own (see text above). Download this file.

If your firewall is running in a very high security configuration, you can create allowing rules for incoming and outgoing connections to UDP port 123.

To correct the time, you can use a file with the bat extension, the content of which is the line: w32tm /resync This bat file must be launched under system administrator rights (run as administrator).

Create in notepad text file with the contents of w32tm /resync and save it as a file with a bat extension, for example timesync.bat

But, as practice has shown, launching this file turned out to be not enough. The command line produced:
The following error was encountered: Service not running (0x80070426)

It turns out that the time service in Windows 7 (it was different in Windows XP) will not be disabled only if it was started manually through the Services window or using the Refresh Now synchronization button in the Time and Date window.

To fix this situation, at a command prompt (with administrator rights), enter the following commands:

1. net stop w32time – stop the time service if it is running.
2. w32tm /debug /disable – disable debugging mode.
3. w32tm /unregister – delete the service registration.
4. w32tm /register – register the service again.
5. sc triggerinfo w32time start/networkon stop/networkoff – specify the service to start when connected to the network and stop when disconnected from the network.

After command 5 you should see:

ChangeServiceConfig2: success

We try again in the command line with administrator rights to run the bat file with the contents:


The second pause line is necessary to see the result of the w32tm /resync command.

I just want to exclaim: my God, how neglected everything is! But based on the description of the service, you might think that it still works after the system starts, albeit with a delay: