Self-adjustment of the refrigerated showcase. What temperature should be in the refrigerator stinol

Refrigerated showcases are often used by small businesses. Selling food requires proper storage. No matter how brisk sales are, it will not be possible to sell all the products without refrigeration equipment - they will deteriorate faster. In addition, it is important to understand that different foods require different temperatures for long-term storage. Fortunately, the market may well offer affordable options for refrigerated display cases.

The website provides a list of specialized equipment. Of course, only professionals should be engaged in its installation. And, nevertheless, during operation, situations may arise when the refrigerated display case requires additional adjustment. This is not so difficult to do if the control is carried out via a remote control. Otherwise, you will have to use the built-in controller (program it).

In fact, there are many such cases:

  • it is supposed to store another product in the refrigerated display case (with other requirements for the temperature regime);
  • it is necessary to increase the level of humidity inside the equipment;
  • frost began to form on the products;
  • temperatures on the controller and in the showcase itself do not match.

Indeed, many modern models of refrigerated display cases have remote controls. remote control. Setting up with their help is extremely quick and simple - you just need to follow the recommendations indicated in the temperature instructions for a particular product.

The refrigerated showcase control unit is located at the bottom (near the bottom). Using the buttons, you can change the operating modes of the refrigerated showcase. The display shows the required information.

The showcase may indeed function incorrectly. Let's say the pipeline through which the refrigerant circulates was broken. It is in such situations that there is a mismatch between the temperatures on the controller and in the refrigerator itself.

The formation of ice in one zone of the refrigerated display case indicates a depressurization of the chamber.

Air regularly gets inside. And, insofar as there is a priori a certain amount of moisture in the air, it condenses on the products and freezes. In particular, this problem concerns products of the sausage industry.

Such products should not be stored at a negative temperature, but the temperature is as close as possible to zero degrees.

The video demonstrates setting up temperature blocks for refrigerated display cases:

Refrigerated showcases, unlike classic refrigerators and chests, require temperature and operating mode settings. This is due to the fact that completely different products that require different temperatures can be stored in refrigerated display cases. To learn how to set up the refrigerated showcase, read the instruction manual.

For meat and fish, they usually set -2 degrees, for cakes and pastries +7, for vegetables and fruits +8 or more. Also, a lot depends on the humidity in the room and in the showcase itself. Properly adjusted and tuned, it allows the products not to lose their marketable appearance for several days, does not weather them, and does not itself become covered with hoarfrost and condensate.

Remember that refrigerated display cases are designed for temporary storage of products. This means that the goods in it must be changed regularly, and the unsold goods must be sent to cabinets or chests for storage. Some devices, such as Cryspi freezers, allow you to lower the temperature to -8 degrees during non-working hours, which significantly extends the shelf life of goods. But more often than not, this feature is the exception rather than the rule.

How to set the temperature in the refrigerated display case

Refrigeration equipment is a complex system that should be set up and maintained by a professional. General information on setting the temperature mode is in the instruction manual. Be sure to read it before you get started. If something is not clear to you, then it is better to contact the master - this will help to avoid further costly repairs.

The temperature setting and programming of the showcase takes place through the control unit. Usually it is located at the bottom of the showcase from the side of the seller. Majority modern models configured via the remote control - from it you can set operating temperature and modes of operation. Tuning through the block requires qualification. Determine what temperature should be in your showcase and set it from the remote control. The showcase has its own thermometer, which shows the current temperature - the software and physical ones must match.

Often there are cases when the actual and programmed temperatures differ from each other. This situation arises due to the contamination of the heat exchanger: it is covered with ice, dust, various debris and grease. It is necessary to monitor its cleanliness and at least once a month to do a “general cleaning” in the window. Ariada freezers have automatic system defrosting - they need to be connected to a special drainage for proper operation. Other showcases simply need to be unplugged and washed with warm water and soda.

How to set the temperature in a refrigerated display case

The initial temperature adjustment will be carried out by a specially trained person after the cabinet has been installed. Consult with him about this process - usually there is nothing complicated in it. Raising and lowering the temperature from the remote control is generally carried out using one button (like the volume on a TV). Setting the temperature through the block is more difficult, since any mistake can lead to zeroing the program. Also, the settings may be lost if the power is turned off at the moment when you change the program. In such cases, you will have to call a professional who will completely reprogram the device.

How to lower the temperature in a refrigerated display case

Sometimes situations arise when the temperature in the showcase does not drop to the required level. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons - a damaged compressor, low pressure or refrigerant leakage, overgrowing of the heat exchanger with ice or dirt, loosely closed shutters. If the temperature does not drop to the required level, then defrost the display case, wash the heat exchanger well, remove dust from the external compressor, and clean the grooves along which the curtains go. If this does not help, then reduce the temperature through the remote control by a few degrees and see if it drops in the showcase. If yes, then just leave it as it is. If not, call a specialist.

Efficient operation of the refrigerated showcase is essential. Otherwise, the products may be damaged, which will lead to losses for the seller at best. An error in operation can lead to a call to a professional in order to set up the equipment.

Today you can buy refrigerated display cases even via the Internet. They are presented on the market in a wide range. Both domestic products and Chinese-made models are presented at the choice of a potential client.

It should be noted that any refrigerated display case has its own not only design, but also configuration features. For self-assembly, you may need:

  • professional advisory support;
  • user guide;
  • electronic control unit.

Dust and dirt are the main enemies of refrigeration units. In the case when the space between the ribs is clogged with mechanical contaminants, the refrigerated display case fails.

It is better to entrust the first setup of the device to a professional. Follow his work and make some notes for yourself for the future.

It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the user manual and instructions for setting up the refrigerated display case. If you do not understand something, you can ask a professional about it.

This node is in most cases located at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment. It is he who regulates the temperature inside the sealed and heat-insulated chamber.

If it fails or malfunctions, the on/off cycles will be disrupted and the products will eventually go bad.

Today, for fine adjustment, special remote controls or panels on the refrigeration unit itself. However, with their help, you can only make adjustments if the electronic unit is working.

Its programming takes place at the factory. If the program is broken, and you are not able to set up the refrigerated display case yourself, contact the professionals. This will save you not only time, but also money.

The adjustment begins with checking the level of the supply voltage. Constant drops adversely affect any electrical equipment. A simple solution it could be a stabilizer.

A short video demonstrates the principle of setting the electronic control unit of the refrigerated display case: