The best keyboard for android. The best keyboards for Android

One of the main scenarios for using a smartphone is surfing the Internet and visiting social networks, as well as using instant messengers and SMS correspondence. To quickly, correctly and conveniently type messages, it is important that the gadget has an appropriate keyboard that is as functional and intuitive as possible. If you are not satisfied with the built-in standard option or just want to try something new, we have put together for you best keyboards for android smartphones.

The Fleksy keyboard is recognized as the most best in typing speed, which is easy to verify in practice. It looks minimalistic: the user is greeted by large letters, but at the same time the keyboard can be easy and quick to customize. You can change the font size, color, layout, and even make the keys invisible, which will definitely cause confusion among those who see you typing a message this way.

Besides, Keyboard functionality can be expanded at your own discretion: you can add buttons for quickly copying and pasting text, you can add functions for sending Emoji. There are also simply useless, but cute functions, for example, the application allows you to configure the keyboard so that hearts will appear when you press the keys. It is also worth praising autocorrection system: it works clearly, accurately and correctly. Of the minuses We can note the lack of swype support, but not everyone uses this function, and it will take some time to get used to the new keys.


Swiftkey refers to most downloaded and popular keyboard applications. Here they are equally well and accurately implemented two ways to enter text: by pressing individual keys and by swiping. Another advantage of the keyboard is the ability predict words, and the application does this very accurately.

Application completely free, there are opportunities for customize your keyboard, but some themes require payment. There is synchronization with cloud storage, so all settings, entered words and other information will be transferred with you to new smartphone, if such a need arises. Of the minuses Users note a small number of proprietary interesting features, and not everyone likes the standard theme.


The very name of the application gives away its main feature - the ability to type words and even sentences with one finger movement on the keyboard, and there is no need to tear off your finger. The keyboard is synchronized with the cloud data storage, and all previously saved words will remain with the user.

Swype allows configure the keyboard so that it is as convenient as possible for you: add or remove individual keys, adjust their size, select a theme or color scheme. Another advantage is the possibility enter text on two at once different languages, without switching layout, which is realized thanks to a tool reminiscent of Punto Switcher For desktop computers.

The application also pleases with the opportunity voice text input. Of course, a similar function is implemented in many applications, but it is in Swype that speech recognition works as accurately and quickly as possible. The keyboard comes in two versions: free and more advanced paid, which costs a little - 64 rubles. Before purchasing, you should still try using a free keyboard and understand how convenient it is to enter text in one motion, because in the application The regular input method is not implemented very conveniently.

This keyboard captivates with what's here You can customize literally everything: From the size of the keys to their color and location. The application synchronizes with cloud data storage and provides users with the ability to type text using T9 - an excellent reason to indulge in push-button phones.

The prefix “smart” in the name of the application is used for a reason - the keyboard is really smart and can predict words, and the more you use it, the more accurate and correct its suggestions will be. In many ways, Smart Keyboard is similar to the standard keyboard from Google, but it is perfect for those users who are not satisfied with the built-in option: there is no need to get used to it and relearn how to type in a new way. You can use the free version, or you can purchase a more advanced version for 140 rubles.

Google Keyboard

A standard solution that works by default on the vast majority of Android smartphones. The keyboard is simple, comfortable, supports the traditional input method and swipe, can suggest words, and even emoticons are here. Developers are constantly working to improve this application, so it becomes more and more convenient, simple and understandable.

Fleksy is officially the fastest keyboard in the world. There is nothing superfluous here: the user is greeted by a minimalistic design with large letters. I've personally been using Fleksy for over two years now and couldn't be happier. Friends, in turn, refuse to compete with me in typing speed, because “you have Fleksy, there’s no point.”

However, you will have to get used to the keyboard. Where else have you seen a comma placed with a swipe down, and the entire word erased with a swipe to the left? However, once you get used to it, it will be difficult for you to use anything else.

In addition to speed, the keyboard has the widest range of customization: letter size, layout, keyboard color, themes - absolutely everything can be customized. Moreover, Fleksy can be invisible! Yes, yes, your friends will be surprised, but for such a trick you will have to practice touch typing.

Another “feature” is extensions. You can add different additional functions: From the ability to select and send GIFs and Emojis to additional panel with text editing functions (cut, copy, paste). You can even make hearts appear when you press the buttons. Cute. With auto-corrections, everything here is also a solid “A”. And developers often delight users with achievements. For example, for the distance traveled by swiping - where else have you seen this?


  • The fastest keyboard in the world
  • Wide range of possibilities and customization
  • Minimalist design.
  • One of best systems autocorrects
  • Free
  • Synchronization with the cloud


  • No Swype support
  • It takes some getting used to

2. Swype: like walking on ice

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The world's first keyboard with a sliding input method. There is no need to take your finger off the screen: just move it over the letters, and they turn into words, and then into entire sentences.

Swype is the main feature of Swype. Everything is thought out and works very quickly. And the dictionary is synchronized with the cloud, so there is no need to worry when buying a new device. All previously saved words will return on their own. There are no problems with customization: here you can customize almost everything: change the size of icons, remove unnecessary keys, choose a suitable theme.

I was very pleased with the ability to enter in two languages ​​at once. To insert a word into English language, no need to switch keyboard layout. Why not Punto Switcher? Another big plus for Swype is voice input. “It is everywhere,” you will say, and you will be right. However, Swype's speech recognition is an order of magnitude higher than its competitors thanks to its proprietary “engine” – Dragon Dictation.

The full version of the keyboard costs 64 rubles. But before you buy it, I advise you to try the free version, since not everyone likes the fingertip input method.


  • Better speech recognition
  • Best implementation of the Swype method
  • Synchronization with the cloud
  • Wide range of customization


  • Full version is paid
  • It takes some getting used to
  • The traditional input method is inconvenient

3. Swiftkey: if you want to press, if you want to slide

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Swiftkey is one of the most downloaded keyboards in Google Play. As is the case with Smart keyboard, Swiftkey can predict words, and it does it quite well. Fans of Swype will be just as pleased as adherents of classic input. Swiftkey is one of the rare examples where both of these options work equally well. And this is Swiftkey's biggest advantage over its competitors.

The keyboard is free, but some themes are paid. Everything is exactly the same as in the case of Fleksy. Nice. Cloud synchronization is here to stay. I installed Swiftkey on a new smartphone, and it feels like I’m typing on an old one.


  • Free
  • Both input methods work flawlessly
  • Excellent text prediction
  • Synchronization with the cloud


  • The standard theme looks controversial, while others are paid
  • Few branded features

4. Google Keyboard: simple and concise

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Google's keyboard is perhaps the simplest. There are no frills like custom themes or extensions, but there are emoticons. Not bad already. So why is this keyboard so popular? The answer is simple: everything works fine, both the traditional input method and Swype.

Google Keyboard is the choice of those who recently switched to Andorid from iOS. Everything is simple and easy, and most importantly, it works. Why invent anything else?


  • Free
  • Copes with tasks with a bang
  • Google support
  • No need to get used to it

As you've probably already noticed, the standard keyboard that comes with Android out of the box doesn't always satisfy the user's needs. Let's look at a few Android keyboards that are worthy of your attention.


Although Last update Since this application was released back in 2013, SlideIT can be fully recommended to owners of old smartphones. Despite the somewhat outdated interface, the keyboard copes with its functions quite well, and swipe input in Russian is worthy of respect. Buy full version We do not recommend this program - for the same money you can find much more interesting options.

A modern functional keyboard with a user-friendly interface and a wide range of functions. Features include:

  • Synchronizing the dictionary in the cloud between different devices;
  • Separate panel for cursor control.



If you absolutely do not accept swipe input, you will probably like the Fleksy keyboard. Stylish, fast and easily customizable, it also supports a large number of plugins (in the paid version). For those who prefer classic text input, Fleksy is an almost ideal option.


The word “swipe”, which means typing by sliding a finger across the screen, has long become a household term. This feature was first implemented in the keyboard of the same name, but today it is available in many other applications, and Swype developers are forced to attract users with other interesting features:

  • Enter text in two languages ​​simultaneously;
  • Change the size of the keyboard and the ability to add keys;
  • Voice input;
  • Gesture control, etc.

Google Keyboard

This keyboard is completely devoid of all the bells and whistles that competitors’ applications are stuffed with, but it inputs text better and more stable than other keyboards from our review. We can confidently recommend it to all users, especially those who primarily value the functionality of the application.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we present to your attention the best keyboards for Android with the Russian language, which you can download for free. Compared to others operating systems, the most customization options are available. It is also easy to change the built-in keyboard to more pleasant and responsive keyboards for Android from third-party developers.

Fortunately, there are already many Android keyboards released and designs available on Google Play. Each keyboard shell has its own characteristics. To make your search easier, we have collected several best apps keyboards for Android in Russian, among which there will certainly be something to download.

List of the best Android keyboards that can be downloaded for free


SwiftKey has 250 million installations, for a long time the keyboard was the most downloaded among all. This is a stable and one of the most popular example keyboard app for Android. SwiftKey has many features that make it stand out from other keyboards.

SwiftKey uses the system artificial intelligence to study the user's writing style, takes into account the most frequently used emoticons, words, and writing style. Automatic correction and predictive text input work great because they are tailored to the specific user.

The interface also leaves a very pleasant impression. SwiftKey can automatically sync user data and preferences across devices. In addition, there are many different design options and a well-thought-out auto-correction system that works flawlessly even when switching between several languages.

The user has more than 100 languages ​​at his disposal, 80 keyboards of different designs, colors and layouts, as well as a bunch of different emoticons. SwiftKey is an ideal option for those who value typing speed and clear typo removal.

Keyboard for Android – GOOGLE KEYBOARD (Gboard)

A very high-quality and convenient Android keyboard from Google with a simple and uncomplicated interface. New in version 5.0 are several new smart features, great design solutions, and support for all major languages.

Some of the new features include gesture and voice input, with voice input taking advantage of voice search from Google and entering emoticons.

We haven’t forgotten about predictive text input, automatic correction and prediction of the next words based on what is typed.

There is also support for non-standard layouts, such as:

  • Dvorak,
  • Colemak

Many users have no idea that the Google keyboard has such rich built-in functionality, so many will probably be interested in browsing through the settings in search of something interesting. All this determined our decision to place the application in the best keyboards for Android devices.

FLEKSY is one of best Android keyboards

Fleksy is touted as the fastest, most accurate typing keyboard in the world. It has the best predictive system among all the keyboards presented in this collection. The keyboard uses a rather unique stroke and gesture input method.

In addition, Fleksy is the only keyboard that searches and sends images in GIF format, with the help of add-ons and attractive design options, the shell can be customized to the user's individual preferences.

Fleksy also has badges and an achievement system that encourages the user to become as familiar with the keyboard and its capabilities as possible. Using the Hotkeys add-on, you can create and insert your own abbreviations (like the name of a street or your favorite emoticon). And Launcher lets you add shortcuts to different apps above the keyboard for faster and easier access.

For those who haven't tried Fleksy yet, it's definitely worth making up for that omission. This keyboard for Android has 40 design options, three options with different sizes, in addition, you can create your own design options.


When it comes to gesture input, Swype has no equal. It was the first gesture keyboard and popularized stroke input. The keyboard works in conjunction with Dragon, one of the best speech recognition technologies on Android, thanks to which the application accurately recognizes speech, even if you don't try too hard to pronounce every word.

Swype analyzes the user's typing style and creates a customized language template that can be applied to another smartphone.

On new keyboard With Swype's Emoji Keyboard, you can quickly navigate through hundreds of different emojis to help you visualize your emotions. The application allows you to download a custom dictionary to cloud service and synchronize it with any other Android device on which the shell is installed.

The keyboard supports over 80 downloadable languages ​​and dialects and allows you to enter words in two languages ​​simultaneously. The application has a nice and simple interface, and there are three keyboards with different designs:

  1. full screen keyboard,
  2. small mobile keyboard and keyboard,
  3. divided on two sides of the screen.

Keyboard for Android – GO KEYBOARD

The GO Keyboard shell was created for those who like to customize the settings for themselves, and who do not shy away from using new stickers and emoticons during correspondence. Very stylish design with a touch of minimalism. Like most keyboard skins, GO Keyboard supports gesture input, voice input, and a variety of layouts, designs, and customization options.

The user can choose from more than 10,000 different colored designs and more than 100 fonts. In addition, GO Keyboard supports more than 60 languages. The set of emoticons and stickers is also not inferior to most popular keyboards.


Another great keyboard released almost 10 years ago, it boasts 10 million installations. TouchPal specializes in emoji and thumbnail input. The application has several advanced functions, including stroke input, copy, paste, cut, and for multiple and fast copies text, a clipboard is provided.

TouchPal is claimed to consume less battery power than most other keyboard skins. You can customize the color, background and layout to suit yourself, choosing from over 100 colorful design options, or create your own theme.

This Android keyboard has a powerful system for automatically correcting errors, typos, spelling errors and case errors. Entering emoticons is very convenient. TouchPal supports over 97 languages. And, in addition, you can enter text emoticons of the form (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), (ʘ‿ʘ) and there is an automatic connection of paired characters such as brackets and quotation marks.


For those who are interested in simple, comfortable keyboard, how impossible would be better suited Chrooma Keyboard. There are many gestures for quick removal fragment and the entire text, moving the cursor, quick selection In addition, the shell works in conjunction with Google Now.

Chrooma Keyboard allows you to type in multiple languages ​​simultaneously without switching between them. To increase your one-handed input speed, you should try the mode of the same name. For those with larger displays, you can split the keyboard on the sides of the screen for faster input.

The Android keyboard Chrooma Keyboard fits perfectly with the OS and offers the user a choice of many different styles and fonts. There is also a stroke input, automatic change color tone in low light. A set of fresh emoticons is also provided, like all the main languages ​​of the world. Chrooma Keyboard also takes up much less space than any of the pre-installed keyboards.


Minuum Keyboard is another powerful keyboard skin for Android, the main advantage of which is its small size. Thanks to its small size, there is a lot of space on the unoccupied part of the screen. All in all, a small keyboard for big fingers.

The keyboard leaves more than half the screen free, and you can move it around the screen and type with one hand. For people with large fingers, the keyboard section can be enlarged when touched - a very useful feature for accurately typing letters, numbers and punctuation marks.

With a predictive input system that learns, Minuum helps you increase your typing speed. Words, their combinations and language patterns are taken into account. There is also predictive input of emoticons. Minuum analyzes the user's dictionary and allows you to remove words from it.

It is possible to print via voice service input from Google while going about your business. The user can try out the shell functions using a 30-day demo version; after the period expires, they will be offered to buy the application for $3.99 (~227 rubles).


A.I.type has been out for a long time and is one of the most advanced and customizable keyboards available on smartphones and tablets.

Currently the number of users this application exceeded 40 million. Like many other similar shells, A.I.type keyboard does everything for simple and fast input by learning the writing style. Settings options allow you to choose the interface to suit your taste.

The keyboard has thousands of free and beautiful themes, 800 different emojis and more than 1000 printable characters. There are predictive emoji input, next word guess, auto input and auto correction, predictive input based on context, and auto correction based on the user's writing style. Automatic predictive input is available in over 50 languages.

In addition, you can type text using a stroke. Built-in text search and voiceover of text as you type are also included. Free version is available only for 18 days, and for the premium version without ads and with advanced functionality you will have to pay $3.99 (~227 rubles).


Hub Keyboard is a Microsoft Garage laboratory project with which you can copy information from various Microsoft services to the Android keyboard clipboard, which significantly speeds up operations. To use all functions you will need to log in. account Office 365.

Hub Keyboard makes it easy to paste copied text, download URLs from Office 365 documents to OneDrive and SharePoint. You can also upload contacts from your phone to your Office 365 account.

In addition to everything, there is search string from Bing for search and websites and news. There is also a built-in translator that uses the cloud-based machine translation service Microsoft Translator and a custom dictionary. Hub Keyboard is currently available in English in Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, UK and US.


MultiLing Keyboard is a multifunctional keyboard that can be customized to suit individual user preferences. The shell includes many dictionaries, user settings, predictive text typing, voice input and enough visual design options.

Despite its light weight, the MultiLing Keyboard is a very flexible and powerful keyboard. More than 200 languages ​​are available, and there is also support for precise gesture typing (strokes). Due to its weight, the application does not consume much battery power.

The user can change the size of the keyboard, adjust it to the size of any display, also mix the background color, apply different design options, switch between several layouts (QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY, DVORAK) or make your own.

MultiLing is an excellent replacement for the pre-installed keyboard on your smartphone – nice design and ease of configuration, support for all major languages ​​of the world and low requirements for RAM. When uninstalled, the application weighs 926 KB and will work on any device with Android 2.1 and higher.

Ginger Keyboard offers the user a standard as well as an expanded set of functions. This shell has everything you expect from an Android keyboard. There is support for more than 50 languages, stroke input and even predictive input of emoticons for easy typing of messages. There is also automatic correction of typos, spelling and grammatical errors.

The key function of Ginger Keyboard is to quickly identify and correct grammatical, spelling, punctuation and case errors. The program has more than 1000 beautiful emoticons, mini-pictures and animated images for the fullest expression of your emotions.

Ginger Keyboard analyzes the user's writing style and quite accurately predicts what word will be next. You can either choose any of 100 themes or create your own. You can also customize the keyboard for any application, send messages, make notes, and create events. Without closing the keyboard, the user can play simple games, for example, “Snake”, an analogue of tennis, “Helicopter” and “2048”.

Smart Keyboard Pro is a shell with a very flexible settings system that easily replaces the standard Android keyboard. There's nothing superfluous here, just standard features and a few new features. This is a multi-touch keyboard with support for multiple languages, design options, voice typing, T9 input, compact mode, smart dictionary, custom auto text input, custom settings and many other parameters and functions.


For those who like to share animated images or videos on in social networks and correspondence, you should definitely pay attention to Tenor’s GIF Keyboard. Tenor's GIF Keyboard helps you find and share GIFs and videos to express your emotions as accurately as possible.

The application has millions of animated pictures and different videos for any situation. There are also emoticons here. Additionally, items are broken down into categories including reactions, trending topics, and more.

Dear readers, do you think our list of the best keyboards is complete? Which keyboard did you like best? We are waiting for your opinions in the comments below the article.

Keyboard is a program that replaces standard application for typing letters, numbers and symbols on Android. It has an attractive interface, has advanced functionality, and allows you to send messages with emoji, emoticons and GIFs.

Features and Benefits

The Android keyboard has the following features:

  • support for more than 30 languages;
  • many gifs, emoticons and emoticons;
  • various design themes;
  • a large number of font options;
  • support for working with all social networks;
  • smart word editing.

Keyboard for Android is a text input tool that differs from analogues in its wide capabilities and fine tuning for every device and the convenience of every user. The program can support input gestures like the popular Swype. To enter information, you can move your finger across the keyboard and select the necessary letters, and the built-in dictionary will help and provide options.

Activation and configuration

When starting for the first time, the user needs to activate new way typing. To do this, click on the inscription “Install now” and go to the device settings. In the dialog box that opens, confirm the activation of the new method of entering words by clicking on the OK button. After activating the application, you need to configure it. First, select a theme if you don’t like the default one. You can install one of the suggested themes, or create your own unique image by taking a photo or selecting a picture from the device gallery.

The next step is to select the text font, emoji and emoticons. The program offers a large selection of them.

This program is pre-activated and appears automatically. It works not only when typing SMS, but also when sending messages on social networks. Thanks to the intelligent input system, you don’t have to worry about mistakes made - they will be corrected automatically. The word suggestion tool allows you to type faster.

The application with many functions will appeal to users who like to send messages with bright emoticons, funny emoticons, GIF icons.