Asus router 11 reconnect. ASUS RT-N11P router review: description, specifications, configuration and reviews

In this tutorial, we will look at the simplest option for configuring the asus rt n11p, and at the end of the article we will also highlight some additional options for managing the router.

Connecting an asus rt n11p router

First, we will briefly consider the device and characteristics of the asus rt n11p router.

On the top panel of the device there is a block of indicators (there are 4 in total):

  • - indicator of connection to the network;
  • - indicator showing a working Wi-fi access point;
  • - indicator showing the connection of the Ethernet cable;
  • - indicator characterizing the connection to the asus rt n11p router external devices, by means of Lan cable.

The rear panel of the router contains:

  • - a button that resets the settings of the asus rt n11p router to the factory settings;
  • - 4 slots for connecting a Lan-cable (for connecting a router to a computer);
  • - slot for connecting an Ethernet cable;
  • - socket for connecting power from the mains;
  • - button to turn on the router
  • - connectors for connecting Wi-Fi antennas to the router, amplifying the signal level wireless network.

How to install an asus rt n11p router yourself?

To start the configuration, you need to connect the router to power using the supplied power supply (after connecting to the network and pressing the power button on the front panel of the router, the network indicator will light up).

When setting up a new router, you can safely move on to the next item. If the router was previously in operation, you must first reset the asus rt n11p router settings to the factory settings. To do this, press the reset button, hold it for a few seconds and wait for the device to reboot.

When setting up the router, it is recommended to use a Lan cable that is connected from one side to the connector network card laptop / computer, and on the other - into one of the four free ports on the rear panel (after that, another indicator on the indicator panel will light up -).

Now you can plug in the Ethernet cable (provided by your ISP). After connecting to Ethernet, another indicator on the router will light up.

This completes the installation of the asus rt n11p router, and you can proceed directly to setting up the device.

How to enter the settings of the asus rt n11p router?

To "enter" the router, you need to launch any browser installed on your PC, and in the address bar, type the router's ip-address (it is indicated on the service sticker located on the back of the device) - in our case it is a combination of numbers - and press Enter.

Here you will be automatically prompted for a quick setup of the asus rt n11p router:

In the first step, the account of the asus rt n11p router is adjusted. You will be prompted to set your password to enter the router settings instead of the standard "admin".

After changing the password, go to the next setup window asus rt n11p, where the router automatically detects the type of Internet connection.

If the provider at the conclusion of the contract provided you with a username and password for using the Internet, you will need to enter them in the appropriate fields of the setup wizard.

After the connection is established, click the Next button.

Final stage wifi settings router is to install a Wi-Fi access point.

By default (at the factory settings), a password is not required to connect to a wireless network, and any unauthorized PC within the router's coverage area will be able to seamlessly connect to your access point.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the "Network name" and "Network key", where "network name" is the name of your access point displayed in the search for wireless networks, and "network key" is the password that will be required to connect to this network.

Novice users often have a question about how to restart an asus rt n11p router. To do this, it is enough to turn off the power of the router for 10 minutes, then turn on the device and wait until it is fully loaded.

Additional features of a Wi-Fi router.

This section will consider additional settings Wi-fi broadcasting and the possibility of updating the firmware of the device.

- How to set up additional wifi settings correctly?

The wifi configuration panel is located in the main menu of the configuration wizard (on the left).

The main function of the detailed configuration of the wireless network is to change the type of data encryption during transmission to the end device (since not all devices support the type of encryption Wpa, Wpa2 and Psk, respectively, before configuring this item, you must clearly understand why this is done)

For example, the PSP portable console does not support most of the common types of encryption, and to connect it to Wi fi, you will need to change the encryption type to Wep (Wpa).

An excuse is also required to update the firmware of the router (it makes no sense to update the software version in the router just like that, and if you choose the wrong driver or firmware version, it is possible to "bring" the device to the point that only a service center can help you).

The firmware upgrade menu is located in the Administration / Firmware upgrade tab.

The Asus RT-N11P router is a budget option wireless equipment for network data transmission. Despite the cost of about 1800 rubles, transmission via wire or wifi passes without loss. An IPTV connection is also available. Specifications models are able to satisfy the needs of any user. Installing the Asus RT-N11P router does not require significant time investment. Connection is made to any provider.

It should be noted right away that initially, the router must be connected via a wired channel, and not via wi-fi. This will help eliminate possible problems with further configuration. The procedure for connecting the router to the mains and the computer is as follows:

  • Insert the plug from the power supply into the Power socket.
  • Connect the cable from the Internet to the first connector on the right, marked with "e".
  • The patch cord, or, in other words, the network cable that is sold in the kit, is inserted into any of the LAN ports. The other end of the cable connects to the network card.
  • Connect the power to the mains and press the power button, which is located on the right. After the LEDs are activated, the router will be ready for operation.

Tip: after starting, it is advisable to check the parameters of the network card for the router to work correctly.

If the equipment has already been connected before to work with other computers, then you need to reset the installed Asus RT-N11P settings to the factory settings. For this you need:

  • Press the special WPS / reset button and hold it off for at least 30 seconds.
  • Go to the Administration panel and select the data recovery item.

A reset can help if you encounter errors during the setup process or if you lose your password.

On the left you see the "RESET" button


After these steps, the asus rt n11p router will open the Wi-Fi network setup menu, in which you need to enter two parameters:

  • Network name - the login that will be displayed in the available connections.
  • Network key - the password requested during authorization.

After clicking on the "Apply" position, you will be redirected to the settings page, which indicates that the router is ready to work.


In order to independently create an Internet connection from the Rostelecom provider on the asus rt n11p router, you need the following:

  • Specify connection - PPPoE.
  • Put a marker in front of the WAN, NAT and UPnP enable parameters.
  • Confirm the parameters for obtaining an IP address and DNS in automatic mode.
  • Register the information specified in the contract. If you lose it, you can contact the Rostelecom support service.
  • Specify MTU characteristics - 1472.
  • Put a negative marker opposite the Enable VPN + DHCP Connection box.
  • Save settings and click on the "Apply" item.


Instructions for setting up a router as part of the Beeline Internet provider is as follows:

  • WAN connection type - L2TP.
  • Put a positive marker in front of the items with WAN, NAT and UPnP connections.
  • Confirm automatic acquisition of IP-address and DNS (If not specified in the contract).
  • Enter the username and password that can be found in the contract.
  • Enter VPN Server Information - IP address or its name specified in the contract with Beeline.
  • Save settings.

Tip: Beeline does not require mandatory changes in other parameters. In the name of the host, you can write any data in the Latin alphabet.


To set up wi-fi on asus models rt n11p, you need to go to the menu for creating a wireless network. The instructions for configuring the network in the window that opens are as follows:

  • Fill in the information field with the name of the network, which will be displayed in the menu of available connections. You can specify any combination of words in English.
  • To set, reset or replace the password for wifi, you must fill in the "Authentication" (install WPA2-Personal), "WPA pre-shared key" (acts as a password for the wifi network).
  • To create a password for wi-fi, you must specify at least 8 characters.
  • Finally, click on the "Confirm" item.


IPTV in the asus rt n11p router is configured when setting the characteristics of the Internet connection. To do this, select the item "Select IPTV STB port" and enter the number of the input to which the wire from the IPTV set-top box will be connected.


The firmware of the asus rt n11p router is carried out in cases where the user is not satisfied with the operation of the router or if activation is required additional opportunities... To carry out the operation, you need:

  • Find and download the required firmware version on the Internet.
  • Extract a special BIN file from the archive.
  • Select the firmware file in the Administration menu.
  • Click on the "Download" position.

Important: loading new version takes at least 5 minutes, so it is not recommended to disconnect the router from the network to minimize the risk of unexpected errors.


Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter


I think many will agree with me that the price tag for setting up a regular router in stores (and for many private specialists) is prohibitively high. Moreover, in most cases, the whole setting comes down to the trivial: ask the Internet provider for the connection settings and enter them into the router (even a novice user can handle this).

Before paying someone money to set up a router, I suggest trying to set it up yourself ( by the way, I once set up my first router with the same thoughts ...). As a test subject, I decided to take the ASUS RT-N12 router (by the way, setting up ASUS RT-N11P, RT-N12, RT-N15U routers is similar). Let's consider all the stages of connection in order.

1. Connecting the router to a computer and the Internet

All providers (at least those that came across to me ...) carry out free Internet setup on a computer when connected. Most often they connect via " twisted pair» ( network cable), which directly connects to the computer's network card. Less commonly, a modem is used, which also connects to a PC network card.

Now you need to integrate a router into this chain so that it is an intermediary between the provider's cable and the computer. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the provider's cable from the computer's network card and connect it to the router (blue input, see the screenshot below);
  2. Next, connect the computer's network card (to which the provider's cable used to go) with the yellow output of the router (the network cable is usually included in the kit). In total, the router has 4 such LAN outputs, see the screenshot below.
  3. Connect the router to a 220V network;
  4. Next, turn on the router. If the LEDs on the device's case start blinking, then everything is in order;
  5. If the device is not new, you need to reset the settings. To do this, hold down the reset button for 15-20 seconds.

ASUS RT-N12 router (rear view).

2. Entering the router settings

The first configuration of the router is carried out from a computer (or laptop), which is connected via a LAN cable to the router. Let's go through all the steps.

1) OS setting

Before trying to enter the settings of the router, you need to check the properties network connection... To do this, go to Control Panel Windows, then follow the path in sequence: Network and Internet \ Network and general access\Change adapter settings(relevant for Windows 7, 8).

You should see a window with available network connections. Necessary go to the properties of the Ethernet connection(via a LAN cable. The fact is that, for example, many laptops have both a WiFi adapter and a regular network card. Naturally, you will have several adapter icons, as in the screenshot below).

Then you need to go to the properties of the "Internet Protocol version 4" and put the sliders opposite the items: "Obtain an IP address automatically", "Obtain a DNS server address automatically" (see the screenshot below).

By the way, please note that the icon should be bright and without red crosses. This indicates a connection to the router.

Everything is good!

If you have a red cross on connection - it means you have not connected the device to the PC.

If the adapter icon is gray (not colored)- it means either the adapter is turned off (just right-click on it and turn it on), or there are no drivers for it in the system.

2) Enter settings

To enter directly into the settings ASUS router, open any browser and type in the address:

The password and login will be:


Actually, if everything is done correctly, you will be taken to the router settings (by the way, if the router is not new and has already been configured by someone else, it may have changed the password. You need to reset the settings (there is a RESET button on the back of the device) and then try login again).

If you can not enter the settings of the router -

3. Configuring ASUS RT-N12 router for Internet access (for example PPPOE)

Open the page " Internet connection"(I suppose that some may have an English version of the firmware, then you need to look for something like Internet - main).

Here you need to set the basic settings required to connect to the Internet of your provider. By the way, you may need an agreement with the provider for the connection (it just indicates the necessary information: the protocol by which you are connected, the login and password for access, it may be indicated MAC address for which the provider provides access).

  1. WAN type - connection: choose PPPoE (or the one that you have in the contract. PPPoE is most common. By the way, further settings depend on the choice of the connection type);
  2. Further (up to the username), you can leave nothing and leave the same as in the screenshot below;
  3. Username: enter your username to access the Internet (specified in the contract);
  4. Password: also specified in the contract;
  5. MAC address: some ISPs block unfamiliar MAC addresses. If you have such a provider (or it's better to just play it safe), then just clone the MAC address of the network card (through which you previously accessed the network). More details about this:

After making the settings, do not forget to save them and reboot the router. If you did everything correctly, the Internet should already work for you, however, only on the PC that is connected to the router with a cable to one of the LAN ports.

4. Wi-FI setup

To various devices in the house (phone, laptop, netbook, tablet) could access the Internet, you also need to set up Wi-Fi. This is done quite simply: in the settings of the router, go to the tab “ Wireless Network - General«.

  1. SSID is the name of your network. This is what you will see when you search for available Wi-Fi networks, for example, when setting up your phone to access the network;
  2. Hide SSID - I recommend not to hide it;
  3. WPA encryption - enable AES;
  4. WPA key - here you set the password for accessing your network (if you do not set it, all neighbors will be able to use your Internet).

Save the settings and reboot the router. After that, you can configure access to a Wi-Fi network, for example, on a phone or laptop.

Most often, for novice users, the main problems are associated with: incorrectly entering settings into the router, or incorrectly connecting it to a PC. That's all.

All quick and successful setup!

In this step by step instructions- details on how to configure ASUS RT-N11P Wi-Fi router to work with home Internet providers Beeline (L2TP) and Rostelecom (PPPoE). The following steps for configuring a wireless router will be discussed in order:

  1. How to connect Asus RT-N11P
  2. Login to the web interface of the router settings
  3. Setting up the Internet Beeline and Rostelecom
  4. Configuring Wireless Security (Setting Wi-Fi Password)
  5. IPTV setup

How to connect ASUS RT-N11P for setup

The first step is the correct connection Wi-Fi router, which is usually not difficult:

  1. Connect the power cable to the corresponding socket on the back of the router.
  2. Connect the Internet cable (including the cable from the modem if your ISP uses an ADSL modem) to the WAN (Internet) connector marked with an icon that resembles the Internet Explorer icon.
  3. You can also connect the connector of the network card of the computer or laptop from which the configuration will be made with a cable (included in the delivery set of the router) to one of the LAN connectors on the router (marked with numbers). If possible, it is better to configure it over a cable connection, but if this is not possible, you can also use Wi-Fi.

Turn on the power of the router (the button on the right on the back side) and wait a minute or two until it boots up. If the router is not connected with a cable, connect to the appeared ASUS wireless network.

How to enter the router settings interface

To enter the web interface Asus settings RT-N11P launch any browser on a computer or laptop connected to the router and enter in address bar - you should see a login and password prompt.

The standard login and password, if you have not changed them before (and changing the password is required after the first entry into the settings) - admin and admin, respectively.

If this is the first entry into the parameters of the router, then you will be greeted by a wizard quick setup, which the:

  1. Will offer to set a new password to enter the settings, instead of the standard admin
  2. It will try to detect the type of connection (it often does this incorrectly and will require manual configuration, which is described below).
  3. Prompts for a name Wi-Fi networks(SSID) and password for it. Please note that if you are setting up over a wireless network, and not over a cable, then immediately after changing the name and network key and clicking the "Apply" button, you will have to reconnect to new network and go to the router settings again (until you do this, in the browser it may seem to you that "the router is frozen", although it is not, there is simply no longer a connection to it).

After completing the Quick Internet Setup (QIS) steps, you will be taken to home page ASUS RT-N11P router settings, which allows you to set the necessary options, configure the Internet and other parameters manually, which is often necessary, especially if your provider is Beeline.

Setting up ASUS RT-N11P for Beeline

Attention: in order for the router to be able to connect to the Internet, the Beeline L2TP connection on the computer itself, if available, must be disabled (and in the future it does not need to be connected, the router itself will establish a VPN connection and "distribute" it to the final devices).

To configure the Beeline Internet connection on a Wi-Fi router, on the settings page in the menu on the left, select “Internet”, and then on the “Connection” tab, set the following network connection parameters (there is also a screenshot with the required parameters below):

  • WAN connection type - L2TP
  • Obtain WAN IP Address Automatically - Yes
  • Connect to DNS Server Automatically - Yes
  • Username - your login from home internet Beeline (usually starts with 089)
  • VPN server -

The rest of the parameters do not need to be changed, by default they are exactly the ones that are required (unless you have already changed them before). Click "Apply" and wait for a while.

If all the parameters were specified correctly, then after a short time on the computer (provided that the Internet "Beeline" on it is disconnected, as mentioned above) there will be access not only to the "admin panel" of Asus RT-N11P, but also to the Internet (you can open new tab in a browser and try to access a website or look at the network status on the main page of the web interface of the wireless router settings).

Configuring Rostelecom and (PPPoE) connection

In order to configure the Internet Rostelecom or via PPPoE protocol on ASUS RT-N11P, on the settings page on the left, click “Internet”, and then on the “Connection” tab, set the following parameters:

  • WAN connection type - PPPoE
  • Obtain an IP address automatically - Yes
  • Connect to DNS Server Automatically - Yes
  • Username and password - your data (login and password) for home Internet Rostelecom or

The rest of the parameters usually do not need to be changed. Click “apply” and if everything was done correctly, then after a short period of time, Internet access will appear on your computer and on other devices connected via Wi-Fi to ASUS RT-N11P.

Note: in some rare regions for Rostelecom and the "Dynamic IP" connection type is used. If so, then in fact your router is configured "out of the box", all that is required is to set a password for Wi-Fi, which is done at the stage of automatic configuration.

How to change Wi-Fi password on ASUS RT-N11P

To configure the wireless network settings on the router, select the "Wireless network" item in the left menu, and then set (or change) the necessary parameters:

  • SSID is the name of the wireless network (as seen from connecting devices). Don't use Cyrillic.
  • Authentication method - the best option WPA2-Personal
  • WPA Preshared Key - Your Wi-Fi password must be at least 8 characters long. Also, as with the SSID, do not use Cyrillic.

Save the settings. After saving on those devices that were connected via Wi-Fi, you may need to reconnect. If the network name has not changed, but only changed wifi password, you may need to “forget the network” before connecting, see,.