Recommendations on how to properly burn a disc for a radio. Methods for writing files to disk from a computer using standard tools and third-party programs How to write files to DVD RV

In order to burn files to a DVD, you need to use additional burning programs. However, this applies primarily to Windows XP; later versions of Windows: Vista and 7 allow you to burn a removable disk without third-party software.

Despite the ability of modern operating systems to burn DVD-R, DVD-RW discs internal application, for expansion functionality and increase the visibility of operations, experts recommend installing a specialized software.

For reference. There are two types of discs: DVD-R and DVD-RW. The former allow you to record once, while the latter make this process repeated. Information on DVD-RW can be rewritten or appended. All programs for burning DVDs have the “Burn” and “Erase” functions. The second one refers to the RW format. It is worth remembering that the disc deteriorates over time, so the price-quality ratio of the product in this case plays an important role.

What programs burn DVD-R, DVD-RW discs

Today the most popular program for burning discs is Nero. This is one of the most user-friendly products that allows you to easily create DVDs.

Nero software package (note: Nero Express is needed for simple disc burning) is one of the most powerful and functional programs. Unfortunately for developers, when creating and editing various types of information, most users do not use some of Nero's functionality.

If you plan to use Nero, remember that it is a paid product. In addition, it consumes more system resources than built-in operating system applications.

Users who do not want to spend money and violate copyrights can make do with equally high-quality, but free products. For example, CDBurnerXP- simple and free program for burning optical discs, which is in no way inferior to Nero. It allows you to create a DVD with information, audio, video or an image with data.

CDBurnerXP does not exclude the possibility of copying discs, erasing recorded information from them, or adding to existing information.

Working with the programs is very simple. The entire sequence of operations is accompanied by intuitive images and comments. You just need to first decide what type of information will be recorded, since the further algorithm of actions depends on this.

Almost all recording programs adhere to the same algorithm of actions. The difference lies in the deeper settings that the average user will ignore.

Instructions for burning a DVD.

1. Insert a blank DVD-R or cleaned DVD-RW& disc into the drive.

2. Windows will autostart. In this case, click “Cancel”;

3. Launch the recording program and select the type of data to be recorded. It can be text files, photos, audio, video and much more.

4. Next, a functional window will open through which you need to add files to the future disk. Just search for what you need in Explorer, select it and add it to disk being created. At the bottom of the window there is an “Add” button. Most often it is accompanied by a symbolic green plus (note: you can also “drag” files and folders to the area of ​​the recordable disc). Remember that the disk has a limit on the amount of information it can hold; it is displayed with a special bar. Until it turns red, you can add files freely.

5. When the disk is configured, click the “Burn” button, most often it will look like a disk with a green check mark.

6. Wait for the recording to finish.

After the operation is completed, the disk will come out of the drive and information with the result of the work will be displayed on the screen.

Sometimes a CD or DVD is used as a medium on which a wide variety of files are stored, that is, its main task is comparable to a flash drive. In such cases, burning is performed according to slightly different standards, naturally, using special software. If you suddenly need to store any objects on disk, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods below in order to study this issue in as much detail as possible.

Next, we want to clearly demonstrate the principle of operation of three programs designed to help the user write any files to disk with a minimum amount of effort. You may notice that the action algorithms in all software are similar, but attention here should be paid primarily to additional functions, which sometimes prove useful to certain users.

Method 1: CDBurnerXP

I would like to start with free software called CDBurnerXP, since such solutions are the most popular due to the absence of various restrictions. However, you should not count on a large number of additional tools. As for the process of writing files itself, this happens as shown in the following guide.

Please note that CDBurnerXP is a simple tool for burning discs with a minimum of settings. If you require a much more expanded package of professional tools, it is better to write information to the drive using Method 2.

Method 2: Nero

Among all the existing software for burning discs, Nero is rightfully considered the most famous, since the developers have been supporting the functionality of this software for many years, delighting fans with constant updates and improvements. Here you should take into account the fact that the application is distributed for a fee, and the trial version is available for use for a period of two weeks. Then you will have to either abandon the program or buy license key. Let's put this decision aside for later, because you always need to get to know the basic functionality better first.

  1. Use the link above to download and install Nero. After launch, go to the section "Nero Burning ROM".
  2. Using trial version A window with a purchase offer will appear, feel free to close it to get started.
  3. When creating a new project, it will be enough to specify the mode "Mixed Mode CD" or "Mixed Mode DVD", and then click on "New".
  4. Start adding files to burn by dragging and dropping them from the built-in browser.
  5. The storage capacity scale is marked at the bottom. Make sure that all objects fit and that you don’t have to delete anything.
  6. When finished adding, click on the button "Burn Now" to begin the recording procedure.
  7. If there are several drives installed in the system, you will need to select the active one and click click on "OK".

The burning process will then begin. Wait for it to finish; this will be indicated by a notification that appears. If you are interested in interacting with Nero and want to continue using this software on an ongoing basis, before purchasing, we recommend that you read a separate article on our website, which explains the main areas of application of this software. This will help you learn all aspects of the tool.

Method 3: Astroburn Lite

Another free software in our article today is called Astroburn Lite and stands out among other solutions in its ease of use. All actions are performed literally in a couple of clicks and look like this:

  1. After successfully launching Astroburn Lite, go to the "Files".
  2. To begin, here indicate the drive into which the required disk is inserted. This is required if multiple drives are connected.
  3. Then proceed to adding files or directories using the buttons located on the right panel.
  4. A standard Explorer window will open. Here Select absolutely any files you need.
  5. Edit them using the available tools if you want to delete or completely clean up the project.
  6. In the screenshot below you see the inscription "No devices found". In your case there should be a button there "Start Recording". Click on it to start burning.

Wait for the recording to complete and you can immediately begin working with the content.

There are users for whom the above options are not suitable for various reasons. In this case, we advise you to use absolutely any burning program that takes your fancy. Almost all of them allow you to record any files and work on approximately the same principle. Detailed Reviews Look further for popular solutions.

This concludes our article. From it you learned about methods for burning files onto a CD or DVD. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in interacting with the software, so you can safely download the option you like and complete the task.

How to burn a CD?

CD discs have become such a part of our lives that no one even thinks about how new and revolutionary this technology is for humanity as a whole. After all, in fact, the first CD-R disc and began production only in 1988. Back then they were called, by the way, CD Write-Once (WO). The history of the creation of CD-Rs is interesting in itself, as is the design of discs. But this article is devoted to a more practical side of the issue: how to properly burn a CD.

Burning a CD

Information is written to the disc using a laser beam in a special device - a CD recorder. The energy of the beam is absorbed by the dye applied to the disk, and because of this, individual areas change reflectivity. By the way, “burning” is not a completely correct term, because it does not fully describe the process. During the recording process of a disc, so-called “pits” are formed - areas with poorer transparency.

Now let's move on to the practical side of the issue, namely how to burn a CD. First we need to decide on the program that we will use. Today there are a great variety of them, from the simplest ones, designed for a novice user, to powerful universal programs, which are sometimes difficult to understand.

Nero Burning Rom

Burning files in mp3 format to a CD-R or CD-RW disc is not at all difficult. You can use the program Nero Burning Rom.

  1. Insert a blank disc into the drive.
  2. We make sure that the system recognized it correctly. The disk must be 100% clean.
  3. Open the program.
  4. Add to it necessary files.
  5. Click “Burn” and select the speed.
  6. We wait. The process takes up to 5 minutes.

Windows Media Player

There are many formats for audio files today, but mp3 remains the most popular. However, there are still a lot of devices that use the CDA form. In fact, a disc recorded in a similar format is a digital analogue of a vinyl record. It won't be able to contain more than 15-20 songs. It is very easy to burn such a disc. We will need a blank blank and a standard player Windows Media Player.

If your tracks on your computer are stored in mp3 format - don't worry, Windows Media Player knows how to convert them to CDA format itself.

In addition to the programs presented, the following can cope with this task:

  • Easy CD-DA Extractor;
  • Ashampoo Burning Studio Free;
  • CDBurnerXP Pro;
  • BurnAware Free;
  • Nero LINUX;
  • Small CD-writer;
  • FinalBurner Free;
  • InfraRecoder.

CD-R and CD-RW

There are two types of blank CDs: CD-R and CD-RW. The difference between them is that information can only be written to a CD-R disc once. CD-RW (short for CD-Rewritable) is a standard for reusable CDs.

Write speed

The important term “write speed” refers to how fast your data can be written to the disk. There is a single speed standard, 150Kbps, and the markings 2x, 4x, 6x, etc. indicate how many times this can be exceeded when recording that disc.

Please note that the write speed does not depend on the read speed. If the disk indicates a range from 1x to 16x, feel free to choose any convenient one. The higher the write speed, the more a chance to improve one of the main disk indicators - BLER. This abbreviation stands for “Block Error Rate”. By using this term indicate the frequency with which blocks of information with erroneous bytes appear on the disk. If you don’t go deep into theory, it’s worth remembering that the BLER indicator well characterizes the quality of the disk as a whole. There are several disc quality classes: Grade A (BLER less than six) - high quality,Grade B (BLER less than 50) - good quality, Grade C (BLER less than 100) - satisfactory quality and Grade D - poor quality (BLER less than 220). It is better not to use the last class. There is a danger of losing all information.

Disk capacity

The standard disc capacity is 74 minutes of stereophonic sound. If we convert this to megabytes, the value will be 650 MB. When CD technology first appeared, it was a gigantic amount of information. But progress does not stand still, and now such a figure will not surprise anyone. The developers increased the insufficient capacity of the disks in a very simple way. The fact is that the laser beam moves from the center to the edge of the disk along a special spiral path, so the developers simply made this spiral narrower. Discs with a capacity of up to 99 minutes have appeared, but these models are not readable on all drives. Practice shows that it is better not to use disks with a capacity of more than 700 MB.

In this lesson we will learn how to burn files and folders from a computer to a blank CD. We will also talk about what types of discs there are and how they differ from each other.

In previous lessons we learned how to copy files and folders. Using copying, you can write files to a computer, to a flash drive, to a floppy disk, but not to a disk. If we try to write files or folders to an empty disk in this way, it will still remain empty.

In order to burn to blank disk any information (music, photo, film), it is better to use a special program for burning discs. The most popular program for recording – Nero. Check if such a program exists on your computer. To do this, click on the “Start” button and point to “All Programs” (or “Programs”). A list will appear. See if “Nero” is listed in this list.

If you have such an item, this means that you are the happy owner of the Nero program and can use this program to record information on any discs - both CDs and DVDs. To learn how to do this, see the lesson “Nero Express, recording DVD disc ov».

And in this lesson we will learn how to burn to discs in a different way - without any burning programs. This method is good because it is universal. That is, in this way you can write information to an empty disk without additional programs and settings on almost any computer. But, alas, this method has one serious drawback - on some computers, or rather on computers with Windows XP, this method can only be written to a CD. This means that you most likely will not be able to burn anything to a DVD using these instructions.

In order to learn how to burn to both a CD and a DVD, you must have special program for burning discs (Nero or similar). There are two lessons on this topic on the website - “Nero Express, DVD recording discs" and "Free disc burning program" (for those who do not have Nero).

What kind of discs are there?

There are discs CD And DVD. Many people think that only movies are recorded on DVD discs, and everything else is recorded on CDs - music, documents, photographs. In fact, this is not true. CDs and DVDs differ only in size.

A DVD contains four or even eight times more information than a CD. That is, if one film fits on a CD, and even then not very good quality, then you can burn four movies or even more onto a DVD disc. Music, photos, documents and other files and folders can be burned to either a CD or DVD.

There are also discs R And RW. The difference between them is that information can only be written to R once. And an RW disc can be written to many times. We wrote it down, used it, and then erased it and wrote down something else.

Well, and, among other things, disks can be divided into “full” and “empty”. That is, those on which something has already been recorded (films, music, etc.) and those on which there is nothing.

How to burn to disc

There are several ways to burn to disk. In this article we will look at the simplest and most universal method.

But first you need to find out what Windows version installed on your computer. To do this, open “Start”, right-click on “My Computer” (Computer) and in the list that opens, click on “Properties”.

A window will open in which it will be written what operating system is installed on the computer.


Select the files and folders you want to burn to a blank CD:

Right-click on an empty space and click on "Paste".

The files and folders you copied will be pasted onto the disk. But this does not mean that they have already been written to disk. In order to write these files and folders to an empty disk, you need to right-click on the empty space and select from the list .

A window will open "CD Burning Wizard". You can type a name for the disc in the CD Name field, but this is not necessary. Click the button "Further" and wait.

When the disc is burned (the green bar fills and disappears), a new window will open in which you need to press the button "Ready".

Even if such a window does not appear, the disc is still recorded.

Most likely, the burned disc will pop out of the computer on its own. Thus, the computer “tells” us that the recording was successful and the disc can already be used.

How to erase a disk

Let me remind you that we can erase a disk only if it is reusable. Reusable discs are called RW. If the disk says that it is R (which means disposable), then we will not be able to erase it. Let me also remind you that in this way we can only erase a CD.

How to clean a CD (Windows XP)


Insert the disc into the drive.

Open the disk on your computer. To do this, open “My Computer”:

And open the CD/DVD drive in it:

Then right-click on empty space(on a white field) and select “Erase this CD-RW” from the list.

A new window will open. Click on the "Next" button. Wait until all information on the disk is erased. When this happens, a "Done" button will appear. Click on it. That's it, the disk is clean, and you can write something on it again.

Burning discs Windows 7 (Vista)


If you do not know how to select and copy, study the lesson “Copying files and folders”. These skills will also come in handy when recording to disk.

This instruction is suitable for Windows 7. If on your computer Windows Vista, there may be some differences. Please note that computers running Windows 7 and Windows Vista “can” write information to both a CD and a DVD.

Select the files and folders you want to burn to the empty disk:

Copy them, that is, right-click on any of the selected files (folders) and in the list that appears, click on the “Copy” item.

Insert a blank disc into the drive.

Open "Computer" (Start - Computer).

Open the CD/DVD drive. To do this, click on it twice with the left mouse button.

A small window will appear. You need to select the type of disc you are going to burn. There are two types of disc available - “As a USB flash drive” and “With a CD/DVD player”.

The first option is more convenient and modern: you will get a disk very similar to a flash drive - you can write files and folders by normal copying, and erase them from the disk simple removal. But such disks may not open on some computers.

The second option – “With CD/DVD player” – is classic, that is, the same as in Windows XP. It is suitable if you want to record music on a disc that you plan to listen to not only on your computer, but also on players (for example, on a stereo system or in a car). This option is less convenient, but more reliable - a disc recorded in this mode will open on any computer.

Click on the disk type that suits you. Then click on the “Next” button.

If you have chosen the type Like a USB flash drive, a warning will appear indicating that you will have to wait until the disc is prepared for recording. By the way, sometimes you have to wait a long time - more than ten minutes. Click Yes.

In the era of flash drives, USB drives and numerous cloud resources on which huge amounts of data can be stored, many computer manufacturers are abandoning disk drives, taking up the free space with other devices. But it’s too early to discount CDs and DVDs, because they can hold information for years that will not be erased even in the event of an electronic attack. But not everyone knows how to write files from a computer to a disk so that later it will be convenient to use such “outdated” media.

Differences between CD and DVD

Both types are used to store digital data that is read, played back and written by the laser module head. The main difference is the amount of information that can be placed on the medium and the wavelength of the beam.

Various small amounts of data are recorded on a CD, for example, photographs, drawings, files of any audio format. Standard media can store up to 700 MB of information. It is applied with a laser beam in the form of spiral tracks onto a metal-coated plastic base, burning through its upper layers, creating small depressions.

DVD is a medium with several times increased capacity (compared to CD). On such a disk you can record from 4.7-9.4 GB. There are rarely used types of the same size, 17 GB each, and HD versions with the ability to store and play back up to 30 GB of information. Videos, graphics, images and installation packages of the OS and other programs are recorded on DVD.

This difference in volume was made possible by using a thinner beam with a simultaneous decrease in wavelength, which made it possible to narrow the distances between the turns of the spiral and the size of the created recesses (pits).

Comparison of CD and DVD: table

Differences between R and RW

CD and DVD media are divided into two types according to the method of information processing.

On the disks they are designated by letters:

  • R – only for reading information;
  • RW – for repeated rewriting and use.

Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish, for example, a DVD-RW from its brother with the R index. This can be found out by reading the inscription on the disc or on its case.

Media with the R index are considered more reliable, because data can hardly be destroyed unless the surface is damaged or the base is broken. But information is recorded on them only once. The RW disk can be accidentally erased and all files will be lost. But it is rewritable many times.

When recording an R-disc, the laser cuts through certain areas of the metal deposited on the base, making indentations of various sizes and colors in them. When reading, the beam is reflected from dark and light places differently, and is transmitted to the signal receiver.

Rewritable media (RW) has an additional layer of a special alloy that has memory properties. When heated strongly, this substance becomes glassy. By influencing it at the right points, information is recorded that can be freely read.

To rewrite, the disc is heated less intensely. The alloy “remembers” its previous state, loses its glassiness and restores its former properties. Information can be updated a certain number of times (1000 or more cycles). Over time, the inner layer deteriorates.

The physical processes occurring inside the CD disc material do not allow high recording speeds. When a certain value is exceeded, disk burning becomes of poor quality, gaps and “smearing” of information appear. In DVD media, the speed is also regulated, but it can be increased by an order of magnitude.

Methods for writing to disk

If your PC has any drive installed (preferably DVD-RW), then it can be used to save information to disk. You can copy documents, music, videos, images of any OS and other data to it. How can I make a recording?

Implement using Windows itself

In every modern operating system It is possible to record to disk. Implemented in Windows 10 special tool for this. It can be activated directly from the computer's desktop screen. Ten, like other systems, freely copies all data to disk, regardless of extension, but it itself cannot work with all formats.

For example, it will recognize and write to a disc a file with the Nrg extension, but it will not be able to open it. This format was installed by NERO developers, and to work with it you need to install this program on your PC.

In ten you can implement only three write operations:

  1. Transferring the image to a blank. This option is required to install OS (Windows, Linux and others) or other programs on a PC.
  2. Create a system repair disc.
  3. Copy and save audio, video and other files. This operation is relevant for users who edit videos and audio recordings, for viewing on players and listening in modern stereo systems.

Third-party utility UltraIso

This program must be installed on your PC. It allows you to carry out many operations not only with conventional types of media, but also with a virtual drive, which it itself creates. Each option allows you to create not only new disks, but also copy old ones.

Burning an image

Many third-party utilities have been developed for this purpose, for example, UltraIso, Burning Studio, NeroExpress and others. With their help, you can record images not only of the OS, but also of other programs.

How to save an image using internal system tools

Burning an image using UltraIso

In this utility, which is an effective tool for working with virtual drives and any media, you can perform many operations with disks. Installing an OS or any program is very often done from its image. One of the operations that can be performed using UltraISO is writing to media.

To do this you should:

  1. Insert a blank disc into the drive and close it, then run UltraISO.
  2. Next you need to add the file. Many people simply drag it into the program, but this is incorrect, since only the image shell is written, which weighs only a few tens of kilobytes.
  3. For the process to proceed normally, you need to click on the “File” item in the upper left corner, and select “Open” in the menu that opens.
  4. In the next window, select the image file and click on “Open” at the bottom.
  5. After this, the content appears in the program.
  6. Start burning by clicking on the “Tools” inscription on the top line of the program and on the “Burn CD/DVD Image” button in the menu that appears.
  7. Burning parameters and other information will appear in a new window. If everything is satisfactory, click on the “Burn” button.
  8. If the disk contains any information, it is deleted using the inscription “Erase” (“Clear”). This can be done if the user has RW media.

After UltraISO ends (several minutes), a notification about this pops up. In some versions of the program, the drive opens itself, indicating the completion of the process.

If the burning parameters do not suit the user, he can change the following data:

  1. Drive unit. Clicking on the checkmark will help you select the device that contains the empty disk.
  2. Write speed. The fastest one is always installed by default. Sometimes for recording quality it is recommended to set low speed. Click on the “bird” to select the desired option.
  3. Recording method. It’s better to entrust it to the program itself and leave everything as is.
  4. Image file. If you accidentally select the wrong path, you can specify a new one. This is done in two ways. The first option involves changing the path manually (by changing the label) if the user knows the exact location of the file. The second option can be launched by clicking on the rectangle with three dots on the left. A standard window will appear in which you should select the appropriate path to the image.

How to Create a Windows 10 Recovery Disc on DVD

The main way to fix the OS after a failure is to record a copy of the system and launch it. The device that implements this process conventionally means not a DVD, but some kind of USB drive (flash drive, external HDD).

If you need to restore using a CD (for example, the USB ports on your PC are damaged), then this can be done in a separate location.

For this purpose in Windows environment necessary:

Saving files of different formats to disk

It is not necessary to use third-party programs to copy any information. Windows 10 itself has an option to implement recording.

To enable it:

  1. Go to Explorer and open context menu floppy drive Then right-click and select “Eject”.
  2. Insert the disc to be recorded into the opened drive tray. The inscription next to the drive icon, displaying its capacity, should change and show the new data.
  3. Open disk.
  4. You will be prompted to “Burn disc.” In the window you need to specify a new disk name (if necessary) and select one of the types of data transfer, checking one of two options:
  5. After this, click on “Next” to begin the process.
  6. When the next window appears, you need to drag the necessary files into it.
  7. You need to click on the empty area of ​​the window and select “Burn disc” in the new menu.
  8. After copying is complete, click on “Eject” again and remove the disc.

How to Burn Data Using UltraISO

Saving regular files to disk can be done by any third-party program that is designed for this, for example, UltraISO.

To implement the process:

  1. Launch the utility and drag the necessary data into the central window with the mouse (directly from the desktop or from the panels shown in the photo).
  2. After the transfer, a number will appear in the upper right corner that indicates the amount of memory allocated for the added files. You need to make sure that it does not exceed the total volume of the disc being recorded.
  3. By clicking on the checkboxes in the corresponding items, select the drive (if there are several of them), indicate the speed and recording method. In the “Image file” field, you can enter its name.

After the operation is completed, the optical media is removed or replaced with a new one for subsequent copying of files.

How to burn music to a disc for listening in the car: video

Burning CDs with Nero

The described methods of recording data, images and files are not the only ones. There are more than 1000 programs and utilities that allow you to copy information to disks. Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages.