Regional information system in the field of procurement of the Vologda region (Fig. 2). Organization of the functioning and use of IS "Procurement"

1.1.1RIS ZVORIS ZVO is software solution to automate the process of placement and information and analytical support for the main operations of the formation, placement and execution of state and municipal orders for the purchase of industrial and industrial components to meet state and municipal needs.

1.1.2AIS for managing the budget process

The budget process management system is designed to control the planning process of state and municipal orders in order to prevent overspending of budget funds.

1.1.3OOS and regional government procurement sites

Public informational resources Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities on the Internet for customers to post information on procedures for identifying suppliers of industrial and industrial components to meet state and municipal needs.

1.1.4 Electronic trading platforms

Complex of information and technical solutions, ensuring interaction between customers and procurement participants in order to meet state and municipal needs, through electronic channels of connection.

1.1.5 Customers and suppliers

The subjects of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods and materials to meet state and municipal needs are:

A) customers - budgetary institutions, municipal (hereinafter referred to as the municipal customer) and state (hereinafter referred to as the state customer) bodies that are organizers of competitive or closed methods of identifying suppliers of industrial and industrial materials to meet state and municipal needs.

B) suppliers - procurement participants selected by customers for concluding state and municipal contracts based on the results of competitive or closed methods of identifying suppliers of industrial and industrial materials to meet state and municipal needs.

1.2 Methods for identifying suppliers

The contract system in the field of procurement is based on the principles of openness and transparency of information about contract system in the field of procurement, ensuring competition, professionalism of customers, stimulating innovation, unity of the contract system in the field of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting state and municipal needs, efficiency of procurement.

When making purchases, customers use competitive methods to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) or make purchases from a single supplier (contractor, performer).

Competitive methods for identifying suppliers are competitions (open competition, competition with limited participation, two-stage competition, closed competition, closed competition with limited participation, closed two-stage competition), auctions (auction in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as electronic auction), closed auction), request quotations, request for proposals.

The customer must justify the choice of method for determining the supplier, including purchasing from a single source.

1.2.1 Competitive methods

Competitive ways to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) are:

  1. open competition,

  2. competition with limited participation,

  3. two-stage competition,

  4. auction in electronic form (hereinafter also referred to as electronic auction),

  5. request for quotation,

  6. request for proposals.
Under competition means a method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the winner is the procurement participant who offered Better conditions execution of the contract.

Under open competition is understood as a competition in which information about the procurement is communicated by the customer to an unlimited number of persons by posting a notice of the conduct, tender documentation in a unified information system, and uniform requirements are imposed on procurement participants.

Under competition with limited participation

  1. the winner of such a competition is determined from among the procurement participants who have passed the prequalification selection.
Under two-stage competition means a competition in which:

  1. information about the procurement is communicated by the customer to an unlimited number of persons by posting a notice of its implementation and tender documentation in the unified information system;

  2. procurement participants are subject to uniform requirements or uniform requirements and additional requirements;

  3. The winner of such a competition is recognized as a participant in a two-stage competition who took part in both stages of such a competition (including having passed the prequalification selection at the first stage in the event of establishing additional requirements for participants in such a competition) and who offered the best conditions for the execution of the contract based on the results of the second stage of such a competition.
Under auction refers to the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), in which the winner is the procurement participant who offered the lowest contract price.

Under auction in electronic form(electronic auction) means an auction in which:

  1. information about the purchase is communicated by the customer to an unlimited number of persons by posting a notice of the auction and documentation in the unified information system;

  2. procurement participants are subject to uniform requirements and additional requirements;

  3. holding such an auction is ensured by electronic platform its operator.
Under request for quotations

  1. information about the customer’s needs for technical and technical equipment is communicated to an unlimited number of people by posting a notice of a request for quotation in the unified information system;

  2. The winner of the request for quotation is the procurement participant who offers the most low price contract.
Under request for proposals means a method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which:

  1. information about the needs for technical and technical equipment for the customer’s needs is communicated to an unlimited number of persons by posting in the unified information system a notice of the conduct and documentation of the request for proposals;

  2. The winner of the request for proposals is the procurement participant who sent the final proposal, which the best way satisfies the customer's needs.

1.2.2 Closed methods

Closed methods of identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) mean:

  1. closed competition,

  2. closed competition with limited participation,

  3. closed two-stage competition,

  4. closed auction.
in which, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 85 and 86 Law on the Constitutional Court information on procurement is communicated by the customer by sending invitations to participate and procurement documentation to a limited circle of persons who meet the requirements provided for by this law and are capable of supplying the GWS that are the objects of procurement in the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 84 Law on the Constitutional Court.

Under closed competition means a competition in which:

  1. information about the purchase is sent by the customer to a limited circle of people with an invitation to participate;

  2. these persons meet the requirements provided for in Part 2 of Article 84 Law on the Constitutional Court, and are capable of supplying goods, performing work or providing services that are the subject of such a competition;

  3. The winner of such a competition is the participant who offered the best terms for the execution of the contract.
The customer has the right to carry out closed two-stage competition subject to the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:

  1. the competition is held to conclude a contract for scientific research, design work (including architectural and construction design), experiments, surveys, for the supply of innovative and high-tech products, an energy service contract, as well as for the purpose of creating a work of literature or art, performance (as a result intellectual activity);

  2. To clarify the characteristics of the procurement object, it is necessary to discuss it with the procurement participants.
Carrying out competition with limited participation applies if:

  1. supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services due to their technical and (or) technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature can only be carried out by suppliers (contractors, performers) with the required level of qualifications;

  2. work is ordered to preserve objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, restore museum objects and museum collections included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, especially valuable and rare documents included in library collections;

  3. work is performed, services are provided related to the need for access of contractors and performers to the accounting databases of museums, archives, libraries, to museum storage facilities (depositories), to security systems for museum objects and museum collections, archival documents, and library collections.
Under closed auction means a closed method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the winner of such an auction is the participant in the closed auction who offered the lowest contract price.

1.2.3Purchase from a single supplier

Possibility of implementation by the customer purchases from a single supplier determined by Article 93 Law on the Constitutional Court.


Secondary cooling zone - 1: main design solutions for supporting and guiding the movement of the workpiece

Usually, when speaking about the secondary cooling zone (SZZ), we mean that part of the continuous caster under the crystallizer, where the workpiece is cooled more intensely than simply when cooled in air. Consequently, the secondary cooling zone of the workpiece begins directly below the mold. This is due to the fact that the hard metal crust formed in the crystallizer is still very thin and not strong enough and requires further expansion. In modern continuous casters, the length of the closed zone can range from 8-10 m to several tens of meters. In this case, it can continue up to the pulling-straightening cage.

The design of the air cooler consists of a system of supporting elements (rollers) supporting and guiding the workpiece, and devices that provide cooling of the ingot due to the injection of cooling water, located between the rollers. To ensure uniform cooling of the workpiece along the length of the air cooler, it is usually divided into several sections (usually from 3-4 to 10-12)

Fig. 13.1. Schematic representation of the slab continuous casting system, broken down into segments

Support rollers guide the movement of the workpiece and prevent deformation (bulging) of the ingot faces under the influence of ferrostatic pressure. Directly under the mold, where the shell of the workpiece has a small thickness and strength, its deformation can lead to metal breakthroughs, and in the lower zones of secondary cooling - to the formation of cracks and segregation strips near the solidification front.

The accuracy of the location of the support rollers is a very important element in the system for ensuring the quality of continuously cast workpieces, since any deviations in the position of the rollers from the nominal position lead to additional deformation of the workpiece during its movement along the ZZO.

In terms of construction, the air defense system is made of separate segments, which are two welded frames with rollers, tied together with special ties. The roller diameter can be 120-300 mm (depending on the location in the air defense area). Smaller roller diameters are used in the upper zones of the HZO, which is required to limit the bulging of the hard crust as much as possible. Dividing the air defense into segments simplifies installation work on the continuous caster and allows you to configure the segments outside the continuous caster.

Fig. 13.2. Location of support rollers in Zone O under the crystallizer (left) and roller wiring segment (right)

The support rollers of continuous casters operate under rather difficult conditions, since they are located in a zone of elevated temperatures and experience high loads associated with supporting the workpiece. Since the working surface of the rollers is in contact with the surface of the workpiece, the rollers are exposed to temperature.

The roller (slab continuous caster) consists of three shells supported by four rolling bearings installed in pads (Fig. 13.3). Inside the axis there is a cooling channel, at the opposite ends of which special swivels are installed for supplying and discharging cooling water. The bearing pads also have cooling channels to protect the outer ring of the bearing.

Fig. 13.3. Design of the combined roller of a slab continuous caster (left) and the location of the rollers in the supporting section

A special place when choosing the optimal dimensions of the diameters of the supporting rollers and the distance between them is occupied by considerations of bulging of the hard crust shell under the influence of ferrostatic pressure (Fig. 13.4). The forces arising in this case are so great that they can radically deform the hard crust.

In Fig. 13.5. A photograph of the deformation of the slab in the upper part of the slab in the absence of supporting rollers is presented. It should be borne in mind that deformation of the hard crust occurs in each pair of rollers. This can ultimately lead to the formation of internal cracks in the hard crust, which will significantly reduce the quality of the workpiece.

Fig. 13.4. Scheme of bulging of the hard shell of the workpiece in the ZVO

Fig. 13.5. Deformation of the hard crust of the slab in the absence of support rollers

As the ingot moves through the air defense zone, its geometric dimensions change (reduce) due to steel shrinkage. Therefore, the position of the rollers in the ZZO necessarily takes into account the taper of the continuously cast billet and the position of each roller is tied to it. In practice, the accuracy of the position of the rollers along the technological axis ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 mm. During operation of the continuous caster, the position of the support rollers is monitored and adjusted if necessary.

The functions of supporting devices are not limited to maintaining the geometric shape of the workpiece. In addition, the workpiece must be continuously pulled out of the mold and moved along the continuous caster production line simultaneously with its straightening (and for curved continuous casters, also bending). To pull the workpiece, it is necessary to create a force between the rollers and the forming ingot. Moreover, in order to reduce the tensile forces acting on its shell during stretching, it is advisable to distribute the drive rollers along the entire length of the production line. In most cases, part of the lower rollers is driven, distributing the drives evenly along the length of the machine.

Fig. 13.6. Scheme of bending a continuously cast billet

In the straightening section, in addition to performing the function of supporting the workpiece and pulling it out, the function of straightening the workpiece is added to the rollers. Various schemes of straightening sections are known: with a stationary installation of rollers, with a floating cassette of supporting rollers, with spring-loaded supporting rollers, with a balancing installation of upper rollers, with a balancing installation of four roller blocks, etc. Typically, the workpiece is unbent at several points (for example, 2-3 points for long continuous casters, 5-8 or more points for slab continuous casters), which prevents the appearance of internal transverse cracks.

Meanwhile, in practice, there are certain recommendations based on experimental data that make it possible to calculate the pitch of the rollers based on the condition that the maximum deflection is equal to what is permissible under the conditions of strength and quality of the workpiece.

Fig. 13.7. General form ZVO sections of a slab continuous caster

Currently, in modern slab and bloom casters, the “soft” compression method is widely used to suppress axial porosity and segregation. This method involves compressing the workpiece in a liquid-solid state. In this case, the crystallization fronts of opposite faces come closer and squeeze out the liquid phase into the shrinkage cavities formed during the crystallization process, as well as upwards of the workpiece. As a rule, the amount of compression is several millimeters on each side and is chosen to ensure the quality of the internal workpiece. The intensity of compression is limited by considerations of the appearance of internal cracks due to the extremely low ductility of steel in the region of solidification temperatures. Compression is carried out in the zone of the workpiece where the share of the liquid phase is 55-40% or less. To ensure effective “soft” compression, special sections are provided in the ZZO.

Fig. 13.8. Schematic diagram“soft” compression of the workpiece (left) and general view of the ZZO sections with “soft” compression




In accordance with the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", regional law dated December 25, 2013 N 3250-OZ "On the division of powers between state authorities of the region, provided for by the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" The regional government decides:

1. Rename the automated information system “Government Order of the Vologda Region” into the regional information system “Procurement of the Vologda Region”.

2. To define the information system of the region “Purchases of the Vologda Region” as a regional information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the region.

3. Approve the Procedure for the functioning and use of the regional information system “Procurement of the Vologda Region” (attached).

4. Identify a budgetary institution in the area information technologies Vologda region "Information Technology Center" administrator of the regional information system "Procurement of the Vologda region".

5. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Regional Government of July 27, 2009 N 1137 “On the automated information system “State order of the Vologda Region”.

6. The regional state procurement committee, within three months from the date of signing of this resolution, ensures the preparation and submission for consideration at a meeting of the regional government and the regional governor of draft legal acts providing for the renaming of the automated information system "State procurement of the Vologda region" into the regional information system "Procurement of the Vologda region ".

7. Control over the implementation of paragraph 6 of this resolution shall be assigned to the Deputy Governor of the region A.V. Kozhevnikova.

On behalf of the Regional Governor
First Deputy Governor of the region


Regional governments
dated May 25, 2015 N 434

1. General Provisions

1.1. The information system of the region "Purchases of the Vologda Region" (hereinafter - IS "Purchases") is a regional information system of the region, created in order to implement the legislation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.

1.2. Concepts and terms are used in this Procedure in the meanings established by Federal Laws of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, dated April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ “On the Contract System in the Field of Procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 44-FZ).

1.3. IS "Procurement" is used by executive government bodies of the region, state bodies of the region, government institutions of the region that are customers of the region, as well as budgetary institutions of the region, autonomous institutions of the region, state unitary enterprises of the region and others legal entities region in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law N 44-FZ (hereinafter - operators) for posting information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs (hereinafter - legislation on the contract system ).

2. Organization of the functioning and use of IS "Procurement"

2.1. Administrator of IS "Procurement":

organizes operators’ access to the “Procurement” IS;

ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the "Procurement" IS, its technical support and support in compliance with legal requirements in the field of information technology;

in case of amendments to the current legislation on the contract system, organizes the modernization of the “Procurement” IS on the initiative of the Regional State Order Committee;

provides consultation to IS "Procurement" IS operators on issues of technical functioning of the "Procurement" IS;

ensures the protection of information posted in the "Procurement" IS in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection".

2.2. Operators of IS "Procurement":

use IS "Procurement" for the purposes provided for by the legislation on the contract system;

inform the Administrator of the Information System "Procurement" about cases of improper functioning of the Information System "Procurement" and about identified threats information security during the operation of the IS "Procurement".

2.2.1. Regional State Order Committee:

defines the requirements for technical specifications IS "Purchases", directions of development of IS "Purchases" taking into account the current legislation on the contract system, the procedure for interaction of operators in IS "Purchases";

justifies the need to modernize the “Procurement” IS, including preparing proposals to justify attracting funds from the regional budget in the requested amounts, and sends them to the Committee of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the region;

informs the Administrator of the IS "Purchases" about changes in the current legislation on the contract system, entailing changes in the IS "Purchases".

2.3. To connect to the Procurement IS, the operator prepares an application (in free form) and sends it to the regional state procurement committee.

The regional state procurement committee reviews, approves and sends the application to the Administrator of the Procurement Information System within 3 working days. The regional state procurement committee refuses to approve the application and returns it only if the operator is not available as a customer in the unified information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services (before the date of commissioning of the unified information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services - on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services).

2.4. IS "Procurement" is also used for exchanging documents when carrying out procurement planning, coordinating technical specifications when purchasing goods, works, services in the field of information technology with the Committee of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the region, interacting between customers of the region and the authorized body to identify suppliers (contractors) , performers), between customers and the State Procurement Committee of the region when carrying out mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the region, maintaining a register of prices for goods supplied, work performed, services provided for the state needs of the region and needs budgetary institutions region, forecasting government procurement in the region.

2.5. The transmission of information by operators to the Procurement IS is carried out through electronic documents, signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3 Conducting requests for quotations Requests for quotations are carried out in the manner of open tenders.

The difference between requests for quotations and open tenders lies in the types and number of protocols generated at the end of the procedure: protocols for the consideration and evaluation of applications are formed.

  1. execution of the contract;

  2. termination of the contract.

6.4 Conducting requests for proposals

Requests for proposals are carried out in the manner of open tenders.

The difference between requests for proposals and open tenders lies in the types and number of protocols generated at the end of the procedure:

  1. Protocol for the request for proposals

  2. Final protocol of the request for proposals
After constructing the protocols and familiarizing yourself with the suppliers’ proposals, a contract registration card from the notification of the procedure is generated.

After execution of contracts with suppliers, information is generated about:

  1. execution of the contract;

  2. termination of the contract.

6.5Purchase from a single supplier

The procedure for purchasing GWS from a single supplier in the RIS ZVO is determined by Article 93 of the Law on the Constitutional Court.

6.5.1Purchases from a single supplier

Procurement from a single supplier is carried out on the basis of a procurement plan previously formed by the customer-author and approved, which included the procedure for purchasing from a single source and within the time frame finally approved by the procedure plan-schedule.

Based on the procedure specified in the procurement plan, the Contract Card document> is generated.

The generated Contract Card document>, if necessary, is sent for approval to a higher-level customer.

The agreed document is sent to the customer of a higher authority for approval.

In cases of non-approval or non-approval, the document will be sent for revision to the customer-author, with repeated approval and approval procedures.

The approved document is sent by the customer-author to the CAB.

After execution of contracts with suppliers, information is generated about:

  1. execution of the contract;

  2. termination of the contract.

6.5.2 Conducting purchases from a single supplier with posting notices

The document flow diagram used when purchasing from a single supplier/contractor/executor with the posting of notices is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 Document flow diagram when purchasing from a single supplier/contractor/performer with posting of notices

Conducting purchases from a single supplier with the posting of notices is provided for in paragraphs 1-3, 6-8, 11-14, 16-19 of Part 1 of Article 93 of the Law on the Constitutional Court. In these cases, the Customer places a notice of such procurement in the unified information system no later than five days before the date of conclusion of the contract. In accordance with paragraphs 4-5 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Law on the Constitutional Court, when purchasing from a single supplier, a small-volume procurement card is placed.

6.5.3 Conducting joint tenders

The document flow diagram used during joint bidding is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 12 Document flow diagram for joint bidding