Extensions for YouTube. VidIQ: How to use VidIQ in different browsers? View iq plugin

VidIQ YouTube extension for Chrome is special software for viewing online statistics. Just a year ago, YouTube gave everyone the opportunity to view analytics under a video for any user. Times have changed, and YouTube has changed, now the statistics are completely closed and you can view them only using special software.

One of these programs, or more precisely the VidIQ youtube extension for Chrome, was created and pleased with its simplicity and versatility by specialists from the service http://vidiq.com/. I have been using this useful extension for the second year now and am very pleased with the simplicity and at the same time the necessary set of useful statistics.

Immediately after loading the video, a small window loads on the right with the following data about the video:

  • Similar videos hit rate
  • Number of views
  • Subscribers
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Comments
  • Backlinks from social media networks
  • Word count
  • Video age
  • Video rating

Below are all YouTube tags (keywords) that can be viewed or copied by clicking on the paperclip icon and saved to the clipboard on your computer.

What are tags for and why do you need to study YouTube tags of competitors? I described in I can only add that the program is really necessary and convenient, once installed and the statistics are always at hand. I advise everyone who is seriously involved in YouTube promotion to familiarize themselves with the vidiq service in more detail. The guys are professional YouTube SEO and have a wide range of video marketing tools.

The VidIQ youtube extension for chrome can be downloaded from the official website vidiq.com/apps/vision or in the Google Chrome settings - tools - extensions - type vidiq and install for free.

I hope that my article was useful to you, and the VidIQ youtube extension will serve you well, write your reviews and ask questions in the comments.

Dedicated to users interested in boosting their ranking on YouTube, vidIQ Vision for YouTube is an easy-to-use plugin for Google Chrome, which analyzes YouTube videos to find out how well or poorly they perform over time, based demographics, charts, comments, subscribers, top videos, and other info.

YouTube analytics tool for Chrome users

After quickly getting integrated with Chrome, vidIQ Vision for YouTube requests you to sign up for a free account to be able to access some of its features. Email confirmation is necessary for this to happen.

In the following step, if you log in with your YouTube account and unlock a long list of permissions for this addon, it will automatically scan your uploaded videos and put together information with the results.

Get SEO details about your own YouTube videos

This includes demographics, charts based on views, searches, suggested views, tags added, minutes watched, liked comments and subscribers, along with top embed URLs, YouTube searches, countries and videos.

The overview section contains the total subscribers, views, likes, comments, engagement rate, videos, and average tags per video. Furthermore, you can discover trends when it comes to total views, watch time and search volume, as well as view top playlists and the best time to post something new.

Read video stats on any YouTube page

Statistics are also displayed on the YouTube page when playing a video, whether it belongs to you or someone else. On the right side of the clip are overview, social, SEO, channel details and video tags, together with the historical social and view statistics, tweets with links to the videos, and trending videos.

We haven't come across any integration issues with the latest Chrome version in our tests. Taking everything into account, vidIQ Vision for YouTube turns out to be a worthy utility for studying YouTube analytics for those interested in learning how to promote their videos better. More features can be unlocked in paid plans.

Knowing your IQ (IQ) is considered important for a modern person. Dozens of tests and techniques enable us to lift the veil of our own abilities. In our article, let's talk about what IQ is, what are the ways to study this indicator of human thinking, and who helped us learn more about our brain. We’ll also talk a little about well-known IQ tests and what data can really be gleaned from them.

What is IQ (IQ): definition

A person's intelligence, expressed in IQ, is the ability to cognition, as well as the totality of all his cognitive abilities.

Intelligence determines the success of a person’s activities, his ability to solve problems quickly, relying only on his knowledge.

Studying IQ with Science

Since the thirties of the twentieth century, scientists have attempted to scientifically determine the level of intelligence. The problem of studying and measuring the level of intelligence throughout the twentieth century was addressed by such scientists as V. Stern, R. Stenberg, A. Binet, J. Piaget, C. Spearman, G. Eysenck, J. Guilford, D. Wexler and others . Determining what a person’s IQ is, what indicators need to be taken into account - all this was the object of study.

Practicing psychologists put forward various hypotheses and conducted experiments to study intelligence:

  • determining the relationship between the processes occurring in the human brain and its responses to them;
  • dependence on the size and weight of the brain;
  • comparison of the level of intelligence of parents and their children;
  • interdependence of the level of intelligence and social status of a person;
  • dependence of the level of intelligence on the age of the individual.

Scientists also developed test methods to determine the level of intelligence. Since that time, the question of what an IQ number is - a quantitative indicator that gives an idea of ​​thinking abilities - has become relevant.

Methods for measuring intelligence

Initially, the tests contained only vocabulary exercises. Today, such techniques include the following exercises: non-arithmetic counting, logical series, addition of geometry figures, recognizing parts of an object, memorizing facts and drawings, operations with letters and words.

In the scientific world, the term “intelligence quotation” was adopted and adapted. This concept was first introduced by V. Stern (1912), proposing to designate the number that is obtained by dividing the age of the subject’s mind by his. In the Stanford-Binet scale (1916), the term “IQ” was first mentioned.

The abbreviation “IQ” is widely used in Russian literature, but domestic scientists do not translate this concept literally (translated from English as “amount of intelligence”), but as “intelligence quotient.”

IQ is an indicator that is determined after an IQ test. Coefficient is a value expressing the percentage ratio of an individual’s mental age to his biological age. Determining what an IQ level is means finding out how much a person can use certain capabilities of his brain.

Moreover, indicators of the proper level of intelligence at a certain age are calculated based on the average statistical indicators of people of the same age as the subject.

Meaning of test results

The average IQ corresponds to 100 units. This is an average figure between 90 and 110 units, which is usually received by 50% of people tested. 100 units corresponds to half of the problems solved in the test, respectively, the maximum indicator is 200 units. Values ​​below 70 units are often classified as mental deficiency, and above 140 as genius.

IQ is a relative indicator that reflects the level of performance of a specific intelligence test. Such a test cannot serve as a comprehensive measure of intellectual ability.

Intelligence tests cannot show the level of erudition of a person, but only his ability to think, and mainly in a certain way. The more developed type of thinking of a given person is determined: logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal. By which type of thinking is less developed, one can determine the desired abilities.

Of course, a high IQ level is by no means a guarantee of success in life. Purposefulness, determination, hard work, clear goals and motivation to achieve success are of great importance in a person’s life. We should not forget about heredity, genetic data, innate inclinations and talent, as well as the significant influence of the social environment and family.


In our article, we examined one of the most interesting questions in psychology that worries modern people - what is IQ, what are the methods for measuring intelligence and what information can really be gleaned from them.

The conclusion that should be drawn from the existing knowledge about a person’s IQ is that the digital data provided by the tests is not at all the final authority in assessing you as an individual. Thought processes are so complex that no test can provide material to fully assess their capabilities. Let’s be ourselves and never stop developing!

VidIQ Vision is a useful plugin for YouTube. YouTube is a popular video hosting site. It allows you to view downloaded videos on any device. Many people use YouTube to earn money. Uploaded videos should gain the most popularity. Popularization on YouTube is achieved with the help of certain tools. These include Vidiq vision for youtube.

Vid iq for browser requires additional installation. It makes it possible to keep track of statistical data from any video on the server. Using the application, it is convenient to display any videos in the TOP impressions.

VidIQ Vision in chrome, install

To install the plugin for YouTube Vidiq vision (type of IQ), you need Google Chrome. In the application settings, find the “Additional tools” item.

Go to Extensions and select this tab. On the page, scroll the slider or mouse wheel down.

This will take you to the store. The resource page has a search bar. It makes it easy to find the plugins you need. Enter a name in it and click “Enter”.

From the list of all options, install Vidiq vision for youtube.

The process itself is quick, however, vidiq requires activation. This can be done simply by clicking on the new application icon that appears at the top of the panel.

Enter your email address, password into the registration form, and confirm the entered information. The registration process is quite loyal, and there should not be any difficulties here either. Passed Vidiq user confirmation makes it possible to use and configure Vidiq in full.

Check the extension for working parameters, open YouTube.

On the right side of the video you can see all the information about it. Analyzing this information will help improve performance. Vision will suggest changes if necessary. To make changes, just move the mouse cursor over each section sequentially and follow the prompts.

The Mozilla Firefox browser also supports many useful add-ons. You can check whether you can use the IQ view in the “Add-ons” tab by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Scroll the slider down on the page to the line “See more add-ons.” Paste the name of the plugin into the search box. The extension is very flexible and allows you to make a lot of convenient settings on different browsers.

For example, the found add-on for Mozilla Firefox allows you to adjust the volume level with the mouse, remove advertisements, and annotations. Set up automatic playback in the required quality. Apply a design theme, look at the expanded player. Perform various actions with page code.

Promotion on YouTube with vidIQ Vision is possible by obtaining useful information about both your own and other people's videos. This extension is convenient to use to select the necessary tags. Moreover, the tool is available even in the Free version.

The IQ view simply automatically generates ready-made hints. Moreover, ready-made tags are added to the video by pressing the + button, which is available next to each description. Tags can be added to several similar ready-made descriptions from trending videos.

An important point is adding a playlist. Its name matters in Yandex search results. To summarize, vidIQ Vision is needed for:

  • tags specified by the user of the video;
  • number of people who watched the video;
  • number of likes on social pages;
  • income component;
  • personal statistics, which are measured in points;
  • media networks.

You can improve your personal experience of using the service for viewing and monetizing YouTube video content by connecting special extensions to your browser.

There are a lot of browser add-ons for YouTube, the main ones.

YouTube Extensions

There are tons of free extensions. It is recommended to use Google Chrome as a browser.

A list of popular free YouTube extensions is below.

List of extensions:

  • Ratings Preview for YouTube;
  • Video Preview;
  • vidIQ Vision for YouTube;
  • Floating YouTube Extension;
  • YouTube Image Previews.

Ratings Preview for YouTube

Link to the extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ratings-preview-for-youtu/cgbhdenfmgbagncdmgbholejjpmmiank?hl=ru.

Shows a bar of likes and dislikes on all pages of the YouTube website where there are links to video content.

Video Preview

Adds functionality video preview.

vidIQ Vision for YouTube

Adds statistics about views, such as the number of views on the channel, how many likes and video views rate, and you can also copy tags.

Floating YouTube Extension

Allows you to open the video in a separate window and use the mouse Drag and drop his.

YouTube Image Previews

Allows you to download a picture, which is called an image review for video. This means you can save a picture of any of the videos where there is a picture for a video preview.