Expansion v. The best VPN extensions for the Google Chrome browser

Users who actively use browser embeds VPN-tools probably noticed a problem - a conflict VPN-extensions. If you regularly use extensions to unblock only individual sites, for example, a torrent tracker blocked in Russia "Rutreker" or search engines blocked in Ukraine "Yandex", social networks "In contact with", "Classmates" and so on.

You can see how such extensions fail after temporary operation of full-fledged VPN-extensions, those that are designed to unblock any web resources. And the functionality of the former can only be restored by reconnecting them. What can be done in such a situation so that you can use both types of VPN unblockers without problems?

1. Disable one of the VPNs

Many users simply forget what they have installed in their browser VPN to unblock individual sites. Such tools usually work unnoticed, do not load the browser, and provide quite acceptable speed for the sites they are designed to unblock. However, if the extension is intended to unlock even one resource, in the settings it will still be listed as such, which controls the proxy settings.

Any other included after it VPN-the extension will intercept this setting, and the first extension will simply be disabled. You simply need to manually enable it later in the extensions section Chrome.

In the extensions section you can, in principle, control the operation of conflicting VPN-tools – turn off temporary ones, turn on permanent ones and vice versa.

2. Separate profile for each VPN

Control VPN-unblockers in the extensions section is not a very convenient solution from a usability point of view. Users who don't want to bother with settings Chrome, can resort to the capabilities of the browser, which are opened up thanks to the implementation of multi-functionality in it. In current profile Chrome can be made active, for example, constantly used VPN-extension for unblocking individual sites. And in another, auxiliary profile, activate a full VPN-extension for one-time tasks. Other profiles are created in the user management environment.

You must press .

Then select an avatar and, if desired, change the standard name. And finally, press .

A new browser profile window will open, which we can configure differently than the current profile. In particular, implement an excellent VPN -tool.

Among all the existing methods of protecting your personal data, the most reliable and convenient for the end user seems to be the use of various types of VPN services and extensions. This position of these tools on the market is explained by ease of operation, the inability to track the real location of the user, as well as many other advantages of this technology.

Description of the mechanism for accessing the network via VPN

When figuring out how to enable VPN in Chrome, it is worth first deciding on the mechanism of operation of these kinds of tools. It is extremely simple and reliable, which explains the popularity of such anonymization tools among users. User access to the Internet is carried out through closed network located abroad, which allows, on the one hand, to change the IP address to prevent identification, and on the other, to completely ignore the blocking of various sites.

IMPORTANT! The confidentiality of user data directly depends on the integrity of the used VPN service. In this regard, you should take the most responsible approach to the selection of this important tool. Or you can pay to rent a server and run your own personal VPN on it, so as not to worry about the safety of the transmitted data!

Today, among the popular VPN extensions for Chrome-based browsers, the following deserve attention:

  • TunnelBear;
  • Hotspot Shield;
  • ZenMate;
  • Browsec.

At the same time, there are a number of applications whose use, for various reasons, is not recommended. First of all, it is HolaVPN and the like that trade in user data, thereby violating the interests of consumers. However, there are relatively few such cases of sale that have received publicity, and therefore it is worth treating the services provided with some doubt and not completely trusting such a connection.

The most reliable VPN plugins for Google Chrome

When considering free plugins for working with VPN, one cannot fail to note the popular Browsec extension, which boasts ease of setup and encrypted connection to the server.

ADVICE! Peculiarity this application lies in the complete absence of traffic limits, which allows you to avoid connection unavailability at the most crucial moment.

ZenMate, which is also free, boasts similar functionality, however, it has a number of disadvantages. Mainly, this is ubiquitous advertising, which is constantly displayed in the extension and is very annoying when long-term use applications. But there are no serious restrictions on the volume of transmitted traffic.

Things are different with the TunnelBear plugin, which boasts a nice design and the ability to select the server from which the Internet will be accessed in the future. In addition, it is worth noting the incredibly fast connection speed for this type of tool. Unfortunately, such advantages are offset by very strict restrictions on the amount of data received using the service.

Process to enable VPN in Chrome browser

In order to start fully using any of the tools listed above, you will need to use the standard application store to download and install them. First of all, the user will need to click the Add to Chrome button on the extension page, and then wait for the installation to complete.

Further, the process of using and activating programs may vary. Some involve just clicking on the appropriate icon, which will allow you to immediately start using VPN, while others require some time spent selecting the server location and adjusting other settings for the future connection.

If you have problems accessing the desired site or need to ensure the anonymity of entering some resources, then the following guide will help you bypass the blocking and quickly achieve your desired goal.


VPN is reliable method to establish unimpeded access by the user to sites blocked in his country, without disclosing personal data. The connection goes through a server that plays an intermediate role, and it can be located in any country in the world.

The use of VPN on phones and computers is especially popular among people who travel frequently, since the technology allows for good protection of personal data, as well as providing free access to pages prohibited in some countries.

“Virtual Private Network” securely encrypts the connection to Internet resources. This technology is used not only individuals, that is, by ordinary users, but also by organizations to protect their network from hacking, infection by virus applications, etc. In Russian interpretation, the technology abbreviation can be deciphered as “virtual private network", which combines local networks and various PCs for information protection.

It should be noted that VPN technology is legal. It is used by law-abiding users and large companies. Thanks to it, effective protection against cybercriminals is provided.

Schematically, a VPN connection can be represented in the form of encrypted channels between the subscriber and servers providing Internet access.

The connection is made through an encrypted communication channel via a VPN server, that is, the technology is based on at least two components of a secure connection (channels) for the purpose of secure data exchange with an external network (the Internet). Firstly, traffic passes through the equipment of the Internet provider (provider) in a form encrypted with VPN technology. Secondly, the user’s access to the external network is carried out not with the IP issued by the provider, but with the address of the VPN server. This allows the user to be completely anonymous in the resources he visits.

The main disadvantage of the technology is the reduction in data transfer speed, due to the need for traffic to pass through an additional server.

How to use a VPN?

VPN provides a connection to the required resource through an intermediary server using applications installed on a mobile device or PC. For security purposes, this connection is encrypted and the user’s IP is changed to a fake one. For this purpose, it is enough to install a special extension in your Internet browser or install special utility. Some browsers, for example, Opera, already have such an extension, so you should just enable VPN in it and use it for free.

VPN browser extensions

Already using installed browser V mobile device or PC, you can bypass resource blocking. The user only needs to install the most convenient extension for him in Yandex, Chrome, Mozilla, or activate it in Opera.

The optimal solution and free for the Yandex browser is “FriGate”. Thanks to the work of this plugin, many portals blocked in the Russian Federation become available to Russian users, and for users living in Ukraine, a special modification “FriGate UA” has been released, through which blocked social networks and services of Mail.ru and Yandex are opened.

To install the extension, it is recommended to use the official source “frigate.org”, where you just need to click on one of the plugin modifications. Next, in the store window that appears, click “Install.” After waiting for the process to complete, all that remains is to activate it and use it. The activation procedure is described later in this manual.

Additional extensions are also available for the Yandex browser, which are installed through its store. To get to it, click on the “Add-ons” column in the browser menu. Then click on the virtual button “Extension Catalog”.

For example, in order to install Hola VPN, you need to type its name in the search and click “Enter”. After installation, the extension enable button automatically appears in the Yandek browser.

-Zenmate VPN
This extension is also available in the Yandex store and can also be used for free. After installation, a link “Try Limited” will appear, which you need to click.
After that, click “Select Limited”. Then go through simple registration. Ready.
To use it, all you have to do is enable the extension.

Let's look at the top three VPN extensions, which are popular among Fire Fox users.

To install them, you will need to do the following sequential steps:

  • Go to the resource “addons.mozilla.org” or click on the 3-bar button in your browser and go to the “Get add-ons” tab;
  • Next, click “View more add-ons”;
  • Print the name of the user-selected extension;
  • Click "Enter";
  • Ready. All that remains is to install a VPN.

For example, to install “AnonymoX” you need to click “Add to Firefox”. Then click “Install”.
The browser will display additional icon addon with the “X” symbol, through which the plugin is activated and configured. Unfortunately, the extension menu is not Russified, but the intuitive interface will allow users who have never studied English to work successfully with it.

- Hide My IP VPN
Installation of this extension is completely identical to the previous one. First, you need to click “Add to Firefox”, then “Install” and register.
After waiting for the installation to complete, the user will see the add-on icon in the Firefox toolbar. The speed of operation is also similar to the plugins described above and allows you to surf the Internet comfortably.

- Hoxx VPN Proxy
If a Russian-language interface is important to the user, then there are no problems with languages ​​in this extension. First, you need to specify the language and only then go through a simple registration.
In addition to the convenience of the Russian-language menu, this extension provides access to a significant list of gateways at good speed.

This browser is the most convenient way to use VPN technology, since it already has its own free VPN.

To install it you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Click “Menu”;
  2. Click “Settings”;
  3. Next, click “Security”;
  4. Click “SurfEasy VPN”;
  5. Click “Download for free”;
  6. Specify operating system on your device or PC;
  7. Specify the location where to save the program;
  8. Click “Save”;
  9. Wait for the process to complete;
  10. Next, go to the “Downloads” tab;
  11. Click “SurfEasyVPN-Installer.exe”;
  12. Wait for the process to complete;
  13. Click “Next”;
  14. Click “I Agree”;
  15. Wait for the installation to complete;
  16. Click “Finish”;
  17. Ready.

For Opera, you can also install addons from third-party developers:

  1. Click “Menu”;
  2. Click “Extensions”;
  3. Type the specific name of the extension or simply “VPN” and click “Enter”;
  4. A significant number of plugins will be displayed, among which the user can choose any one he likes;
  5. For example, if the choice fell on “VPN.S HTTP Proxy”, then click on it and then click “Add to Opera”;
  6. Wait for the process to complete. The browser will display a button to activate the installed VPN.

Despite the huge variety of extensions, it is recommended to use only time-tested plugins from large companies. Therefore, Opera's own utility is the most preferable and safe option.

Below are best VPNs for the popular Chrome browser.

friGate— To install this extension, you need to launch Chrome and go to the address “https://fri-gate.org/ru”.
After installation, an icon similar to a triangle will be displayed in the menu, through which you can enable and configure the application.

The following steps should be taken:

  • Enter the menu and click “Additional tools”;
  • Next, click “Extensions”;
  • In the next menu, click “More extensions”;
  • Type “anonymoX” and click “Enter”;
  • Click “Add to Chrome” and then “Install”;
  • An icon will appear in the toolbar;
  • By clicking on the “X” you can activate the VPN and configure its settings.

Hola— This extension is installed in exactly the same way, after which a “fire” icon appears in the browser panel.

ZenMate— You can install from the resource “zenmate.com”. Thanks to the Russified interface, this plugin is especially popular in the Russian Federation.
After completing the installation, you can activate the VPN by clicking on the “Shield” icon.

VPN activation procedure different browsers has similar algorithms. Below are specific examples on the most popular Internet browsers.

— Enable VPN in Yandex browser

  • “FriGate” is turned on with a simple click by its icon in the top bar of the browser.
  • Next, by clicking on the flag icon, the user can select a state.
  • If adjustments are required, this can be done by right-clicking on the plugin icon and then clicking “Settings”.
  • Available in the menu that appears manual setting list of Internet resources.

To enable Hola, you need to click its shortcut.

To change the country, you just need to call the drop-down menu from the flag icon.
To enable Zenmate VPN, click on the button in the browser tools menu and, if necessary, change the state.

— Connect VPN in Firefox

After installing the extension, an additional add-on icon with an “X” symbol will be displayed in the browser, through which the plug-in is activated and configured. To connect a VPN, you need to change the position of the switch.
To change the country, click the button next to the flag. This extension works stably and is easy to configure, but has a relatively small list of free servers.

To activate gateways in Hide My IP VPN, you only need to set the switch sliders to the desired position.

- Enable VPN in Opera

After installing “SurfEasy VPN”, you can immediately quickly enable and configure it. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. In the menu that appears after installation, click “Continue”;
  2. Then click “Create an account”;
  3. Select “Free”;
  4. An icon will be displayed in the tray, through which it is very convenient to enable VPN and change your IP address.

— Enable VPN in chrome

To enable and configure anonymoX in Chrome, you will need to do the following:

  1. Click "X" in the browser toolbar;
  2. Specify identification address;
  3. Set the slider to the “On” position;
  4. Select a state;
  5. You can immediately change the server if the previous one is not working;
  6. Ready.

If the user has chosen the “ZenMate” extension, then you can activate the VPN by clicking on the icon in the form of a green shield and make the necessary settings in the menu that appears, fortunately, the entire menu is Russified.

Which VPN to choose for an Android or iOS phone (iPhone)?

Many VPN servers are adapted to interact with phones on Android and iOS platforms. Therefore, the answer to this question is whether it is applicable in mobile gadgets VPN technology and what it is on a phone is quite obvious. Firstly, it is applicable, and secondly, the encryption algorithms and data transfer methods are the same as when using conventional PCs. It’s just that its use is more relevant for smartphones, since channels often change depending on the current location of the owner of the mobile device. There are free and paid VPN servers, and which one to choose depends only on the person’s desires.

How to connect VPN for Android?

In order to connect and VPN settings on ANDROID:

  1. Open “Settings”;
  2. Enter the “Wireless Networks” tab;
  3. Tap on “Advanced”;
  4. In the “VPN” section, click “+”;
  5. Information about connection protocols to these services will be displayed;
  6. Specify the required connection and register;
  7. Ready.

The best solution to ensure your security is to use this browser extension. It's free and has a lot useful functions. After installing it from Google Play, the user will have access to an intuitive interface, for which it is unnecessary to study the instructions in advance.

In addition to protecting the user’s personal data by encrypting, you can even hide your location and all this is completely free.

- VPN Hola

An excellent solution for Android, but although this VPN is free, after installation the user will have access to in-app purchases, and special attention should be paid to this to avoid unexpected costs.

- SuperVPN

It has a laconic design and does not contain unnecessary buttons with settings, which will especially appeal to novice users, for whom ease of use and reliability of the application are in the foreground.

How to connect VPN on iPhone?

To connect a VPN to your IPHONE, you will need to do the following:

  • Open “Settings”;
  • Go to the VPN tab;
  • Place the switch in the “On” position;
  • Click “add configuration”;
  • Set the type to “IKEv2”, “IPSec” or “L2TP” and enable the configuration;
  • Provide network details and register;
  • Tap "Done".

How to set up VPN for a Windows computer?

The following steps must be followed:

  1. "Start";
  2. "Control Panel";
  3. Enter the “Network and Internet” tab;
  4. Click “Set up a new connection.” or networks";
  5. Click “Connect to a workstation” and then follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

On PCs running Windows 7 and 10, the process is not at all complicated. You will need to click the connection icon in the tray and find the name of the VPN network in the list of connections. Once highlighted, the “Connect” button will appear. You need to click it and then set the settings that are important to the user.

In the case of a PC running Windows XP, you must do the following:

  1. "Start";
  2. "Control Panel";
  3. “New Connection Wizard”;
  4. Check the box “Connect to the network at your workplace”;
  5. Click “Next”;
  6. Click “Connect to a virtual private network”;
  7. Then follow the wizard's instructions.

On PCs running Windows 8, the developers automated the procedure. It consists of several steps:

  • Call context menu from the tray icon in the form of a monitor;
  • “Network and Public Access Management Center”;
  • “Creating a new connection or network”;
  • Follow the instructions of the master.

VPN programs

Among the many VPN programs for computers, the following are especially popular among most users:

  • Hola VPN;
  • ZenMate;
  • OpenVPN;
  • hide.me VPN;
  • HideGuard VPN;
  • Psiphon;
  • VPN Unlimited;
  • betternet;
  • Hotspot Shield;
  • CyberGhost VPN;
  • TunnelBear.

The installation and configuration procedures for some of them have already been described above in this manual, but as for the rest of the utilities, their installation is almost identical and usually does not cause problems even for novice users.

VPN ban in Russia, what threatens us?

We have a law banning the use of tools to bypass blocking.

There is no threat to a Russian user for bypassing the blocking.

Roskomnadzor provides measures only for sites that provide users with access to prohibited pages.
The restrictions will not affect departments, government agencies and some companies, as it is necessary to maintain the safety of their employees’ work on the global network.

There is no ban on using VPN for users yet. You can use methods to bypass blocking and not break anything, that is, do it absolutely legally. For example, use 2 VPNs at once. To do this, enter the 1st, which did not fall under the sanctions of Roskomnadzor, and from there enter the 2nd, which has access to the resource required by the user. Thus, the first VPN will not determine which resource the user is trying to access, which means that it will not block access. As for the 2nd one, he will not be able to identify a user from the Russian Federation (after all, he will click on the flag of another country in the settings), and will also not block access to the resource. Moreover, even when both the 1st and 2nd servers unquestioningly follow the letter of the new Russian law, that is, the user is free to visit the page he wants.

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Have you visited your favorite website and discovered that access to it has been blocked? Any blocking can be easily bypassed; you can use special extensions to maintain anonymity on the Internet. It is about these extensions for Google browser Chrome will be discussed.

All extensions for bypassing website blocking in Google Chrome, discussed in the article, operate on the same principle - you select an alternative country in the extension, and your real IP address is hidden, replaced by a new one from another country.

Thus, your location on the Internet is determined from another country, and if the site was previously blocked, for example, in Russia, by setting the IP address of the United States, access to the resource will be successfully obtained.

Our list opens with one of the most convenient VPN extensions for hiding your real IP address.

This extension is unique in that it allows you to connect to a proxy server that changes the IP address only if the requested resource is unavailable. For unblocked sites, proxy work will be disabled.


Another simple extension to access blocked Google Chrome sites.

The operation of this proxy for Chrome is extremely simple: you just need to select the country to which your IP address will belong, and then activate the extension.

When you finish surfing the web on blocked sites, you can disable the extension until the next time.


Hola is an anonymizer for Chrome that includes an extension for the Google Chrome browser and an additional software, forming together perfect solution to gain access to blocked sites.

Despite the fact that the service has a paid version, the free version will be sufficient for most users, however, the Internet connection speed will be slightly lower, and a limited list of countries will be available.


ZenMate is a great way to access inaccessible web resources.

The extension has a nice interface with support for the Russian language, different stable work and high speed of proxy servers. The only caveat is that to work with the extension you will need to go through the registration procedure.

And a small summary. If you are faced with the fact that access to a web resource is not available to you, then this is not a reason to close the tab and forget about the site. All you need to do is install one of the extensions for the Google Chrome browser suggested in the article.

VPN technology provides an encrypted Internet connection to sites, games and other Internet resources through an intermediary server, which can be physically located almost anywhere in the world. In this way, the user can surf the Internet anonymously, hiding the true data of his node (IP address, PC, operating system, etc.).

In this article you will learn how to enable and configure VPN for Yandex Browser. It is worth noting that it will only have a local effect - protect the network channel directly in this browser, but not in other browsers or applications.

In Yandex Browser, VPN is connected using special extensions (addons). They can be found and downloaded as follows:

1. Open the Yandex menu (the “three stripes” button).

2. Click on the “Add-ons” section.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page with addon panels. And then click the “Extension Catalog…” button.

4. On the store page that opens, in search bar, dial - “VPN”.

In the snippet that appears with tips, and then in the search results (after pressing the “Enter” key), you will see many addons that provide a network connection via VPN.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to use the most popular extensions.

This is conditional free plugin. It has an advanced and at the same time easy-to-use interface. Performs a reliable, secure connection through a proxy server with virtually no loss of speed. It does not contain any restrictions in terms of access: you can view videos and pictures, listen to audio recordings. It has its own database of powerful, reliably protected proxy servers that ensure complete privacy of user data (browsing history, requests, etc.). Completely changes the node's geolocation (geographical location) and IP address. According to statistics, it is used by over 34 million users. The addon is cross-platform and available in online extension stores for Firefox and Google Chrome.

Find the addon through the search option and click on the “Add...” button on its page.

Attention! The extensions described below are connected in a similar way.

After activation, click the ZenMate button. When you first launch it, it will ask you to register to use a trial version of a premium account with advanced settings.

Enter your username (e-mail) and password, and then click “Registration”.

To access the settings panel, click on the add-on icon again.

In the window that pops up, you can select another proxy server or completely disable the VPN. And also set the parameters of other options (link “Settings”).

An effective solution for ensuring the security of an Internet connection and bypassing various IP blockings (geolocation, address mask, censorship, etc.). It has a clear control system that even a novice user can easily operate.

After starting, a tab will open in the browser with visual bookmarks to the most popular websites in your region. You can click any preview and quickly go to your favorite site via a secure connection.

The general settings of the add-on are opened by clicking on its button on the Yandex panel.

In this window you can change the proxy connection (select another country), speed up the loading of video streaming, and enable an anti-banner.

The “classic” proxy format is not only for Yandex.Browser, but also for Opera. Successfully “overcomes” social network blocks imposed by system administrators on educational and office PCs. Provides a stable connection.

After launching the extension for the first time, a tab will open asking you to activate a premium profile. You can ignore it - close it and get to work. IN free version Browsec has all the basic VPN features.

To change the proxy, just click on the extension button, and then click the “Change” option. After these actions, the country's flag will change.

Also on this panel you can disable the addon and log in to your system profile (if you have one).

How to check the VPN is working?

You can do this as follows:

  1. Disable the VPN addon in your browser.
  2. Go to search engine Yandex and make a request - “IP” (without quotes).
  3. The first block will display the true IP of your computer. Remember it.
  4. Enable the VPN addon.
  5. Make a request about Yandex (IP) again. The address should already be displayed differently (not yours, but the connected proxy).

If you want to know more detailed information about the IP address of the proxy server through which you are connecting, under the address in the search engine’s search engine, follow the link “Find out about your connection.”

Have a safe stay on the global web!