LED indicator works. Led indicator

Light Manager. The moment you receive an email or message, your phone will try to attract your attention using its built-in indicator. But by the flickering of the LED, you will never determine what exact event occurred, and you will still have to pick it up. Until you install Light Manager.

Light Manager is a program for Android that will help you configure the LED indicator of your gadget. With this application, you will teach it to react with different colors to certain events, for example, when a new message arrives on WhatsApp or an event from your calendar.

By default, the program already contains a number of settings for the most popular events. But you can delete signals that are irrelevant to you at any time and add what you need. To do this, simply touch the desired element and you will be taken to the notification settings menu. Here you can set the blinking frequency, select the color of the LED and immediately check the settings you have set in action.

If the program from which you want to receive notifications is not in the list, you can add it yourself. To do this, switch to the Light Manager alternative operating mode, and then select “Add application”. You will see a list of all programs installed on your smartphone. Select the right application and add an LED notification for it.

Please note that Light Manager can report not only program events, but also various system events. For example, the app can notify you when your battery is low, there's no network signal, or you've turned on quiet mode. It would also be a good idea to look into the program’s advanced settings, where you can set the signal’s blinking frequency, enable sleep mode (the time of day when Light Manager will not disturb you) and change the time automatic shutdown LED activity.

Setting up the LED indicator for notifications about various events:

Download the Light Manager app for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: MC Koo
Platform: Android ( Depends on device)
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Full
Root: Not needed

Back in 2014 year Nokia installed LED indicators in Lumia 730/735. Now Windows 10 Mobile already supports LEDs, but smartphones have not yet received a firmware update that includes this function. That is why many users will want to activate it themselves.

How to turn on the LED indicator on your Nokia Lumia 730/735?

The principle of operation is the same as with. You will need to install a CAB file on your smartphone, then do Interop Unlock and add several values ​​to the registry.

Warning: Following these instructions may lead to a variety of consequences. We are not responsible for what you may do with your smartphone, and we are not responsible for any damage caused to your smartphone.

Warning 2: return the smartphone to the initial state it will only be possible with using Windows Device Recovery Tool. Resetting the settings will only reset the registry values, but all drivers will remain in the system.

The display will definitely work only in Lumia 730 and 735! It is better not to try to “turn on” it on other models if you are not sure of its existence.

  1. Download. Unpack it and run the installation package.
  2. Download.
  3. Connect your phone to your computer.
  4. Press Win + X and run command line with administrator rights. Depending on the bitness of your OS, enter one of the following commands:
    64-bit: CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\Bin\i386
    32-bit: CD C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Tools\Bin\i386
  5. Don't close the command prompt.
  6. Copy the address of the folder with the cab file that you downloaded from the directory Microsoft updates. Important: Please note that the file must be in a separate folder, without any other files. The folder name must not contain spaces or Cyrillic letters.
  7. Return to the command line and enter the following, without the square brackets:
    iutool -v-p [address of the folder with cab file that you copied from the previous step]
  8. If you did everything correctly, the smartphone will reboot and begin installing updates. This will take no more than 10 minutes. Do not touch your smartphone under any circumstances or disconnect it from your PC until the end of the process.
  9. Now do Interop Unlock according to the instructions " ". If you have already done this, skip this step.
  10. Download the file with the registry values ​​for your device and place it on your SD card. The file for Lumia 730/735 is located.
  11. Go to the application Interop Tools, select This Device, then Import Registry File.
  12. Select the file you just downloaded and agree to import. If an error occurs, try installing older versions of Interop Tools.
  13. Reboot your smartphone.

After performing these steps in the notification settings for programs ( Settings - System - Notifications and Actions - Application) a check mark will appear, including LED indicator for them. By default, the LED will blink when receiving a notification from any application and turn off after viewing the alert.

How to configure the LED indicator?

  • Go to Interop Tools, select This Device, then in the hamburger menu Registry Browser.
  • Go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Nocontrol\LedAlert. To configure the indicator, 3 keys are used: Intensity, Period And Cyclecount. The first parameter adjusts the brightness of the diode, the second - the duration of one flash in milliseconds, the third - the number of flashes. You can try editing these values.

Please note that there are restrictions that you should not exceed.

  • Intensity: from 0 to 100.
  • Cyclecount: from 1 to 2147483647.

How to enable LED display on Lumia 830?

On the Lumia 830, you can turn off the backlighting of the hardware buttons, and instead make the central button (Start) blink when receiving notifications.

To do this, follow all the instructions described above, and then:

  • Go to Interop Tools, select This Device, then in the hamburger menu Registry Browser.
  • Go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ OEM\Nokia\Display\ColorAndLight.
  • Change the parameter value UserSettingKeyLightEnabled on 0 .
  • Reboot your smartphone.

When updating the system, all functionality associated with LED notifications does not disappear. After resetting, you will need to re-enter the values ​​in the registry.

Does not allow you to directly turn on/off the LED indicator or camera flash; some phones have this option.

How to programmatically blink multi-colored lights, how to write your own “Flashlight” or what other device LEDs can be controlled - you will learn about this below.

It all started when I, while exploring file system his HTC Desire Using ES Explorer, I accidentally came across interesting directories: /sys/class/leds/blue, /sys/class/leds/flashlight, etc.
What else is blue?! I only saw an orange and green indicator. But the most interesting thing is that inside these directories there was a brightness file with write permission! Which I immediately took advantage of.

In fact, this is not a simple file, but an interface for working with an LED driver. So, by writing a positive number to the file /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness, we will turn on the blue indicator on the phone case, by writing 0 - we will turn it off. Similarly with the amber and green indicators. By turning on two LEDs together, we get new colors: amber + blue = purple; green + blue = aqua.

Now how is it all programmed?
public void ledControl(String name, int brightness) (

try (

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/sys/class/leds/" + name + "/brightness" );



) catch (Exception e) (

// LED control is not available



// Turn on the purple indicator

ledControl("amber" , 255 );

ledControl("blue" , ​​255 );

// Make the display darker

ledControl("lcd-backlight" , 30 );

// Turn off the button backlight

ledControl("button-backlight" , 0 );

// Organize a flashlight of medium brightness

ledControl("flashlight" , 128 );

Example application with source codes can be downloaded.

All! Now the phone glows like Christmas tree. The code was only tested on HTC Desire under Android control 2.2, but can probably work on other devices as well. Write to me whether the focus will work or not on your phone.

This article continues the series of my publications about the organization of dynamic display on PIC microcontrollers and LED indicators. Here are links to previous posts:

Table of operation of the proposed algorithm (an indicator with a common cathode is used, the first column shows the register outputs combined with the indicator digits) according to the connection diagram given below.

In each of the interrupts with an interval of 2 ms (in this case from the TMR0 timer), one stage of dynamic indication (DI) is prepared according to an algorithm that consists of five phases of register and indicator control.

2nd phase: The positive edge at pin 12 of the register (ST_CP) writes the zero state of the register to the output latch. Here and further, before the start of the indication, the indicator is extinguished by zero potential on the segments.

3rd phase: by controlling register pins 14 (DS - data) and 11 (SH_CP - clock), the code for controlling the segments is written into it.

4th phase: with a positive drop at pin 12 of the register, data from the register is written to the output latch, and, due to the positive levels on the bits, the indicator remains off.

5th phase: here the required code is supplied to the outputs of the indicator digits, and then the actual indication occurs.

If the circuit involves one 4-piece digit indicator, then for it to work correctly it must be with OK. If you need to control 8 bits, then 8 ports of the MK are used, while the remaining 4 ports simply control the bits (in phase 4 they should have high level). It is worth noting that in this case it is possible to use indicators with both OK and OA, connecting segments or digits to the register, respectively (for the reasons stated below, in the first case it is preferable to organize DI segment-by-segment, and in the second - bit-by-bit).

Using this method, you can connect two four-bit indicators to the PIC16F676 MCU using one shift register, while leaving as many as four free ports for use. For example, for such a connection, people used the combination of DI and analog input functions in some MK ports (in my opinion, an extremely dubious decision), which led to a significant complication of the circuit and to some limitations, which the authors warn about. Using my connection diagram, everything would be solved simply and beautifully - separate inputs, separate indications, plus two more ports (including MCLR) for buttons.

For testing this method management the following is proposed simple circuit on the PIC12F629 MK and the FYQ3641A indicator, which alternately displays the word “test” and the number 1234 on the indicator.

Here it was decided to use a segment-by-segment DI (one segment is turned on at each moment, and there is a code on the bit pins, where in each bit: 0 - if this segment should be lit in a given bit and 1 - otherwise), in which peak currents are transferred to the register . Why? There are two reasons for this: first, the maximum load capacity of the 74HC595 outputs is 35 mA versus 25 mA for PIC controllers; the second and main thing is that a current close to the limit through the output port of the MK can theoretically raise its output potential to the level of switching the register inputs, which would lead to errors in operation. And so, currents of 6-7 mA flow into the MK ports and the potentials at the outputs certainly do not exceed TTL levels.

As mentioned above, the interruption interval is 2 ms, which corresponds to the indicator refresh rate of 64 Hz and its glow is quite comfortable for the eye.

This DI method, among other things, made it possible to halve the number of current-limiting resistors (R2-R5).

The device is assembled on a so-called “solderless” breadboard.

The indicator can be replaced with any of the 3641A series.

The circuit is powered by a stabilized 5 V source. I used a special stabilizer board designed for use with the breadboard mentioned above.

The MK control program is written in C language and translated in the environment.

Code in MikroC, project, HEX file in the application.

To use this connection method in commercial developments, please contact me.

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
DD1 MK PIC 8-bit


1 To notepad
DD2 Register74HC5951 To notepad
H.L. IndicatorFYQ36411 To notepad
R1 Resistor

30 kOhm

1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

430 Ohm

1 To notepad
R3 Resistor

430 Ohm


Display symbols on scoreboards, electronic clocks and much more. Led indicator is a simple design that displays alphabetic or symbolic characters. Structurally, it is an assembly of LEDs, where each element is illuminated by a sign-segment indicator.

Design features and types

LED indicators consist of integrated circuits that display various information. The operating voltage ranges from 2V to 8V. They can be:

- Matrix;
- Linear scale;
- Single

The first variety is used most often and is the standard type. Depending on the model, the structure can be assembled from 1-4 seven-segment groups. The size of the object and the number of displayed characters depend on their number. Thus, one seven-segment group will show only one number or letter. Four groups are used in electronic watches. When choosing a circuit for homemade use, the buyer should pay attention to the presence of a common anode and cathode.
In addition to small indicators, there are also those that can be seen in public places. To increase their brightness, sequentially connected LEDs are used, built into each individual component. In order for the indicator to show a certain number or symbol, a voltage of 11.2 Volts is applied. The elements have their own names: A, B, C, D, F or G. The operation is due to digital shift registers and decoders.

Data encryption and integrated circuits

Such elements are installed on a board that controls the voltage supply. The work is driven by an appeal to program code and the use of special microcontrollers. Using programming, timing is set that affects the display of components at a certain time.
The integrated circuit converts the binary and binary decimal code supplied to the display. Common circuits for controlling domestic indicators are K514ID2 or K176ID2, in imported models 74HC595. Management is possible in two ways:

Directly, through microcontrollers;
- Using shift registers

The first option is less successful due to the need to connect many pins. In addition, the current consumption may be higher than is possible with microcontrollers. Large seven-segment indicators depend on the MBI5026 chip.

Features of segment indicators

In electronics they are used for visual inspection. The structure consists of the following elements:

A character-synthesizing indicator is a device in which visual information is displayed using one or more components;
- Data display field – numbers or other symbols are displayed within it;
- Display element – ​​a structural part that has its own control;
- Segment – ​​an element of information display, presented in the form of straight or curved lines;
- Familiar space – the space required to display one character

All electronic devices perform basic tasks:

1. Visual information.
2. They have a complete design.
3. Equipped with electronic control

Segment modifications differ from matrix modifications in that each element is unique. The shape of the characters is designed specifically to display certain numbers or symbols. The latter are based not on seven, but on nine, fourteen or sixteen segments. When the number exceeds 7, then it is quite rational to use dynamic switching indication. LED display and indication is also possible in two-color form. Light bulbs of different colors are used and connected to a common circuit. By combining the findings, a combined shade is obtained.


The operation of indicators is impossible without LEDs. Such devices are relevant not only for radio equipment, but are also successfully used for signs, timers and indicators. Devices can be used to display information various types circuits and controls.
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