Working in Joomla on hosting. Installing CMS Joomla on virtual and local hosting

Let's start with the installation itself Joomla!. Joomla! The easiest way to install - use automatic installation from Control Panels

In chapter . First, you need to select the site on which the CMS will be installed, in our case, this is Joomla!, and you can also select the version . The article describes an example of installation on Joomla! 3.0.0

. If you are using a different version, then this article will still be useful, since you can perform all the same steps by analogy. In the page that opens you need to select the main, domain, login, password description of the site and press the button.

"Install on site" Joomla! Now let's wait a little while

will be established. The installation process may take about 1-2 minutes. domain After installation we can log into the Joomla! admin panel by entering login And , which you specified during installation CMS .
In our case, the entry address is: Joomla! This is where we will install our template.

You can find hundreds of different templates on the Internet, and most of them will be free. When downloading a template you like from a particular site, make sure that it is suitable for your version

and check it for malicious code. So, we have downloaded the required template. But here you need to be careful - some templates are made in such a way that easy installation Joomla! zip archive Joomla! may not be enough for a complete system. This is usually visible when you go to the site after installation. If on the site where the template was downloaded, its example is displayed differently from the one on your site, then most likely in the files you will find an archive that contains the entire.

with an already installed template. Joomla! In this case, the installation must be done manually by uploading the template folder to the hosting and selecting the default template in the admin panel, as will be described below.

In the file structure

templates are each in their own folder in the directory templates Another reason why you can’t install the template on , it may be that the archive that you downloaded contains another archive, which contains the template itself. .

The last thing to do is to set this template as the default on the site. To do this you need to go to"Extensions"->"Template Manager" and in the column"Default" opposite the desired template, click on asterisk or use the button.

"Make Default" Good luck! If you have any questions, please write us a ticket from Account Control Panels

, chapter " ".

  • Unless the hosting provider simplifies it:
  • A database is created.
  • The engine files from the archive previously downloaded from the official website are unpacked into one of the folders (usually at the root of the site, in order to make the entire resource work on the CMS).

You work with the installer in the web interface (to do this, just go to the website).

I will look at installing Joomla using Beget hosting as an example, which allows you to install any CMS in just two clicks.

1. First of all, you need to register hosting and either park your domain or get a free one. There is no need to worry about paying for hosting, since Beget gives everyone a thirty-day trial period, during which they can evaluate all the delights of working with it, of course, for free. But all this, including registration, is described in detail here. , which you specified during installation.

2. Open your hosting control panel, click 3. On the next page, to the right of the domain name, click the button.

Install CMS 4. From an extensive list of engines, select Joomla

by clicking on its icon with the mouse button. 5. From the drop-down list Version for installing Joomla, select the latest one (3.4.8), otherwise the not so current 2.5.11 will be installed, since it is the one that is offered by default. Fill out the form fields and click the button.

Install on site

6. If the data is entered correctly, a page with information and links will appear in front of you. You can already open your website and it will work. 7. However, 3.4.8 is not the latest edition of the CMS. Go to the Joomla control panel (address like ) and press the button.

Update now 8. On the next page, click.

Install update

How is your site management system? I hope over time you won't regret it. In this article we will take the first step in mastering Joomla. This step is Installing Joomla 3.x on the hosting server. We will install Joomla 3.x on a hosting server, so we assume that you have a website domain and rented space on the hosting provider’s server.

CMS Joomla3.X is distributed free of charge. Since Joomla3.X is distributed under the GNU Public License Agreement (GNUGPL-GNUGENERALPUBLICLICENSE), you may find paid versions of Joomla with additional extensions already included. But, the main Joomla distribution, without any additional extras, is distributed absolutely free.

The easiest and most correct way to download the latest version of the Joomla3.X distribution is on the official Joomla website. Joomla’s “native” language is English, but you don’t need to worry about translating the system into your language. The Joomla localization package, which is what translation is called, is included in the Joomla3.X installation package. The localization package contains translation into 26 languages, including Russian.

The Joomla distribution is downloaded in compressed form as a ZIP archive. Installing Joomla 3.x on hosting requires unpacking the archive, which is what you need to do on your computer.

Database for Joomla3.X

Any website is impossible without a database. Therefore, first we will create a database for the future site. The database will be empty, but will have the user name, user and user authorization password. For CMS Joomla, the DBMS (database management system) must be MySQL (MySQLi) with version 5.1 or higher.

Creating a database

A database for the site is created in the administrative panel of your hosting. Depending on your administrative panel on your hosting, the name of the tab where databases are created is different. For example, in DirectAdmin this is the “MySQL Management” tab, in PleskPanels this is the “Databases” tab.

The process of creating a database is not difficult and is most likely described on your hosting. The result of creating a database should be an empty database, with your name, a user with all rights and a user password for authorization. You should also know the address where the MySQL server is located. Usually this is a localhost server, but it can also be a very specific numeric or URL address. For information about the address where the MySQL hosting servers are located, see your hosting. If you have any problems, please contact your support.

Installing Joomla 3.x on hosting

Installing Joomla 3.x on hosting consists of two stages. At the first stage, you need to transfer (upload) to your hosting server in the root folder of your domain all the folders and files of the downloaded and unpacked Joomla 3.x distribution. At the second stage, you need to launch the Joomla installer, which is included in the distribution, and complete the installation by going through three installer windows. First things first.

Upload the Joomla distribution to the hosting server

All folders and files of the Joomla distribution must be uploaded via FTP, using any FTP client (in the FileZilla screenshots). You need to upload to the root folder of your domain. The Joomla3.X distribution contains more than 15,000 files, so the download process will take some time. After a successful download, proceed to the installation of Joomla3.X.

Installation of Joomla 3.x

To launch the Joomla 3.X installer, enter the following URL in the browser address bar: http://your_domain/installation/index.php. Unlike previous versions of Joomla (1.5-2.5), the installation of Joomla3.X takes place in three windows, and not in 7 windows.

The installation is not complicated, however, some of its points require explanation.

Window 1. Fill in the name (any). Important, the data you provide here is the data for authorization in the administrative panel of the site. They need to be remembered. Restoring this data is not the easiest task, and I quote it should not be solved in the first stages of getting to know Joomla.


Window 2. This is where the details of the database you created are filled in.

Window 3

If you want to receive credentials by email, check the appropriate checkbox.

The demo site is a small site created by Joomla developers, containing articles divided into sections and designed to get acquainted with the Joomla CMS. If you want to install a demo site, check the appropriate box. Subsequently, the demo site data can be easily deleted.

Be sure to remove the Installation folder from your Joomla directory. This can be done either automatically or manually via FTP.

That's all! Installation of Joomla 3.x on your hosting is complete. By clicking on the links - site and administrative panel, you can open the site and admin panel. site panel. To log into the admin panel you will need the authorization data that you filled in when installing Joomla.


At the beginning of the process of building a website, you need to decide on its theme, the appropriate domain name, and, of course, the choice of suitable hosting. The last aspect should be approached with particular responsibility.

At the moment, there are a huge number of companies, including unscrupulous ones, that provide hosting services for websites on web servers. You need to be attentive and careful, read reviews about the work of this or that hosting, and consult with specialists.

Free hosting?

Let's consider the advantages:

  • Perhaps the only advantage is the absence of service fees.

Here are the main disadvantages:

  • Minor amount of disk space;
  • Weak server resources, as a result, with high traffic the site will “crash”;
  • Most often, the lack of adequate technical support from the hosting provider.

As a rule, free hosting is used for the smallest projects that do not need promotion and a large number of visitors. In other cases, it is not recommended to use this type of service.

What's good about paid hosting?

  • Large selection of quality companies;
  • Disk space expandability;
  • Impressive server resources, which can also be expanded at will, for an additional fee, of course;
  • If you choose the right provider, you will have 24/7 support on any issue.

It is important to know : For particularly large projects, virtual (VPS/VDS) or dedicated servers are used, the resources of which are limited, in fact, only by the thickness of your wallet.

Which hosting should I choose for a site running Joomla?

Some providers providing free hosting for Joomla:

  • ;

The choice of tariff plan for hosting services is determined by the goal that you set for yourself when creating a website.

Let's say you plan to build a huge entertainment portal and promote it to impressive traffic. In this case, you will need to rent an entire dedicated server (or the most expensive hosting plan) that would provide power, stability and a large amount of available disk space.

Another situation. We need a blog on which you will pour out your thoughts online and share useful things with readers. For this kind of site, an average hosting with standard resources will be enough.

Before the actual installation of Joomla! for hosting, you need to make sure that the basic parameters of the selected server meet the minimum system requirements. This is important because installing Joomla! to a server that does not meet the parameters - this means predetermining the instability of the future site.

Minimum system requirements to install Joomla 1.5

– PHP version 4.3.10 and higher,
– MySQL 3.23,
– Apache 1.3, (with mod_mysql, mod_xml, and mod_zlib)

Minimum system requirements to install Joomla 2.5

Installing Joomla! to the appropriate server will help avoid possible problems.

After making sure that the requirements are met, you need to prepare (create) a database for the system, since installing Joomla! only possible with a prepared (existing) database. On most suitable servers (hosting) suitable for installing Joomla! passed successfully, the database administration panel is used. Having selected the database name and encoding for connection mapping (preferably UTF-8, since Joomla 1.5! uses this encoding), you need to click the “Create” button. Some hosting sites additionally require you to select a username and password. Sometimes the hosting provider provides a ready-made, configured database, in this case you need to find out the database parameters, since installing Joomla! It’s impossible without them.

Installing Joomla! is not possible without uploading the selected installation package to the hosting.

You can do this in several ways:

– sometimes the hosting provider provides relatively convenient tools (ISPmanager or Cpanel) for uploading the distribution to the server with subsequent unzipping (you just need to remember to delete the archive after extracting the files so that it doesn’t take up space),
– you can unzip the installation distribution on your computer and use the FileZilla FTP client to transfer the files to the server,
– as an option, you can transfer an unpacked archive and an unpacker to the server using an FTP client, which will extract the files already on the hosting, significantly saving your time, but again this all depends on the hosting. For example, this hosting does not require this.
When you're done with unzipping, you can continue.

Installing Joomla! occurs through an Internet browser (it is important that the “accept cookies” option is enabled, since it will not be possible to install Joomla! without this).

If the Joomla archive has already been uploaded to the server and unpacked, then you need to type the resource address (the domain name of your site) in the address bar and press “Enter”, this will download the system’s web installer.

Installing Joomla! has begun, and the first thing the Joomla web installer will offer is the choice of installation language. Having selected a convenient language, and this is most likely Russian, you need to click the “Next” button in the upper right corner.

In the next window, the Joomla installer will show the results of checking whether your hosting meets the minimum Joomla system requirements, which is necessary for Joomla to work correctly.

In the top window, all your parameters should be marked in green ( Yes ) if some parameters are marked in red ( No), this means your server does not meet the minimum system requirements of the system.

To do this, you may need to contact your hoster with a request to update the hardware configuration or make some modifications to the .htaccess or php.ini file.

The parameters of the bottom window must also match the recommended settings, but if one of the parameters is marked in red and does not correspond to the recommended settings, Joomla will work on that server.

Basically, the entire installation of Joomla! not complicated enough. After making sure that all required parameters are confirmed, you need to click the “Next” button. Installing Joomla! continues.

The next step will be the GNU/GPL license. If you install Joomla! is not urgent, you can read it and familiarize yourself with the rules, then click on the familiar button and agree to the terms.

The next page that loads will prompt you to select a database configuration.

If the database server is located together with the web server, then the database type and host name must be entered according to the examples suggested here (“mysql” and “localhost”), if not, then the parameters should be clarified with your hosting support service. You need to enter the parameters accurately, since Joomla will try to connect to the database, and Joomla will not be able to install without them.

Having selected the user and his password, as well as the database name in accordance with the values ​​​​filled in phpMyAdmin (or issued by the hosting provider), you again need to click “Next”.

The Joomla installer will display the next step. It will be configuring FTP settings, which is optional and you can enable the Joomla FTP client at any time in the general site settings. You can install Joomla with the default settings and you can immediately proceed to the next step.

At the sixth stage of installing Joomla, you will need to fill out the main configuration. Since moving to the next installation step is impossible without specifying the site name, mailbox name and administrator password.

Here you can also transfer data from sites created by earlier versions of the CMS. If the parameters are specified incorrectly, installing Joomla! will not continue until they are corrected.

Pressing " Further", you can see the last page with a warning about the need to remove the "INSTALLATION" directory from the hosting, since it is only needed for installing Joomla and will no longer be needed. To delete the “installation” folder, go to your server via FTP or, better yet, through the file manager that is in the hosting control panel. Find and delete the installation folder.

That's all! Joomla installation finished and you can access the site by clicking one of the buttons on the top right side of the screen (site or admin). By clicking the site button you will be redirected to the main page of your new site, and the Admin button is the entrance to the administrative section. To log in to the admin panel, enter: Username - admin After installation we can log into the Joomla! admin panel by entering login administrator that you specified in the sixth step.

By logging into the administrative panel, you can edit the site and evaluate all the benefits that the chosen CMS provides.
Now I think it’s clear how to install Joomla 1.5 and there shouldn’t be any problems with it.