Programs for storing passwords in Russian. Free password managers

Greetings, friends. Once again we will examine a topic that concerns any user actively working on the Internet!
Let's take a look at a program called Keepass.

Keepass is a program for saving passwords on your computer from services where you previously registered and with the help of this program you will always have your registration data at hand.

People who are actively involved in Internet activities this utility simply necessary, since due to the specifics of working on the network, you often have to register with certain services, ranging from email to various sites, social networks, forums, etc.

And in order not to write down passwords on pieces of paper or in notebooks and, accordingly, not to lose this data, there are similar programs.

So I decided to do detailed review Keepass program, tell us how to install it and configure it accordingly for further use!

Download and install Keepass

The first step is to open the official website of the developer by clicking on this link

A web page will open in front of you to download the program. It contains 2 versions of the program, I use the portable one, since it does not require installation, you can transfer it to a flash drive and use it anywhere.

Therefore, we download the version " Portable»

In order for the program to work in Russian, we load the crack, for this in the left menu we go to the tab “ Translations»

Then we look for the Russian flag and download the version 2.35+

After completing the above steps, 2 archives will appear on your computer, copy them to USB flash drive, then move on to the next step.

Copy the contents of the folder " KeePass-2.35-Russian"to the folder" KeePass-2.35"Then the folder with the crack can be deleted.

After completing these steps, launch the program by clicking on the “ KeepPass»

When you start, you will see start window, click " Disable» - to ensure that updates are not installed automatically

In order for the program to switch to Russian version in the top menu click " View" then " Change Language»

In the window that opens, select “ Russian»

The program will ask you to confirm the action, click " Yes»

After which the program will restart and the interface will be in Russian.

Setting up Keepass to store passwords

The next step is to create a new database; for this, click on the corresponding tab “ Create»

Then a window will appear where you will need to specify a location to save the database, you must save the database to the same flash drive where the installation was carried out and click “ Save»

Then the program will require you to come up with a password to log into the program. I recommend that you come up with a complex password that will consist of letters and numbers, but at the same time I highly recommend not specifying the password in the form of your date of birth, since these passwords are most often hacked.

So, enter the password in the required fields and click “ OK»

In the left menu you will see standard folders, you can either delete them or create new ones.

Let's say we want to create a folder in which passwords from Yandex mail, to perform an action in the top menu, click on the tab “ Edit" then " Add a group»

A window will appear in front of you in which we set the name of the future group and select the icon to display, then click “ OK»

So you have successfully created a group, the next step is to create an account, to do this, right-click the field on the right and select “ Add a note»

Fill in the required fields and then click “ OK»

Your account is now saved in your password manager.

The program has one very interesting feature, in order to open a website or log in to your email using a login and password, you don’t have to enter the values ​​manually, you just need to use the functions of the Keepass program, which will allow you to copy the login and password to a clipboard for pasting into the authorization window, what is this and how is it done?

Let's say we want to log in using a newly created account. Yandex mail, right-click on the login and select “ Copy login»

When choosing one method or another for storing confidential information, you have to make a compromise. Relying on our own memory, we choose simple, easy-to-remember options for passwords, logins, etc. Material recording (say, notes in a notebook) is even less reliable; additional argumentation may not even be given.

A mobile device is also not a panacea. But firstly, the phone is always at hand, unlike desktop software solutions. Secondly, it is still possible to reliably protect data on your phone with little cost.

Among the most popular applications For Android, password managers top the list, and there's a surprising amount of choice in this category. This guide mainly covers well-known and well-proven solutions. The task is to find out how convenient it is to use password managers, what tools the developers offer to protect information in each case.

First of all, our interest is focused on the following aspects:

  • Synchronization, import and export of data
  • Records, templates, ways to organize data, search
  • Supported Security Standards
  • Additional tools: built-in browser, password generator, etc.
  • Security measures such as setting a master password (or PIN), auto-locking, clearing the clipboard.


  • mySecret
  • Keepass2Android
  • Safe in Cloud
  • Pocket
  • LastPass
  • PassWallet
  • Dashlane Password Manager


The mySecret app allows you to store usernames, passwords and notes in an encrypted database. When a database is created, a master password is assigned to it.

Optionally, the database can be synchronized online with Dropbox or via an HTTP server. Local access is also provided: the database is stored in the phone’s memory, it can be synchronized manually, deleted or restored from a file. For additional protection certificates are used for content.

mySecret uses a simple format for storing information. The contents of the cell consist of a record (name), login, password, URL, note. All this data is involved in the search, so you can quickly find the information you are interested in at any time. However, please note that some traditional mySecret amenities are not available. For example, you cannot assign a record to a category or group or assign additional fields.

Very little attention is paid to safety. In some cases, reinsurance in the form of additional measures would not hurt. For example, when deleting a database, you are not asked for a password, there is no quick lock, etc. points that will be discussed in the review.

Summary. mySecret supports online synchronization, autonomous operation,password storage with certificate support. Weak sides- the organization of passwords is too simple, the impossibility of flexible configuration, the security situation is unclear (at a minimum, the encryption technology is not specified).


Keepass2Android is a free password manager that allows you to write sensitive data to a *.kdbx file. This format is supported by desktop versions of KeePass and is thus available for .

KeePass allows you to work with several databases stored in the phone's memory. Information is encrypted using the AES (Rijdael) 256-bit algorithm with a specified number of encryption approaches. Additionally, a key file can be used. Of course, the database is protected by a master password; to speed up access, you can activate the QuickUnlock option - unlocking using the last three characters of the password.

The record includes standard fields (password, username, website address, comment). In addition, you can assign an associative icon, add additional fields, tags, attachments, and specify the password expiration date. It is allowed not only to add records, but also to group them. This is very convenient, but it would be more practical to associate groups with a specific set of fields, thereby speeding up the addition of new records.

Advanced search allows you to include any fields and data. A normal search in KeePass is carried out not as you type, but after clicking on the confirmation button (this action could also be optimized).

Additional security options are available: clearing the clipboard, blocking the database, quick unlocking, setting passwords, managing operations, processing files.

Keepass2Android supports database synchronization with Dropbox cloud services, Google Drive, SkyDrive, as well as via FTP and WebDAV protocols. There is a local - less popular - version of KeePass - . It may be of interest, perhaps, only to users who do not require constant synchronization with other platforms. Export is supported in it, along with the alternative version of the application.

Summary. Keepass2Android is a functional solution with convenient organization of passwords and other sensitive information. Among the features are groups and advanced search, synchronization with desktop platforms and online services.

Safe in Cloud

Safe in Cloud - password manager with the ability to online synchronize an encrypted database (supported Google storage Drive, Dropbox and SkyDrive). Despite the only database, access to the service is possible on other platforms: (iOS, Windows). There are also extensions for Chrome browsers and Firefox.

You can import old passwords into Safe in Cloud; more than 80 supported applications are stated (other options can be added upon request). Export of records is available, output formats are TXT, CSV and XML. Among other operations performed with the base, - backup/ data recovery to memory card.

User data is stored in the form of maps, notes, and templates. Maps are records from confidential information, created based on templates. Templates are a specific set of fields (for example, credit cards, passports, Email, web accounts). Finally, notes are simple text entries.

Tags are used to organize posts; you can quickly navigate to the desired category from the sidebar. Navigation is being expanded convenient search: it is initially produced for all fields and works as you type.

Data in Safe in Cloud is encrypted (both on the phone and in the cloud storage), using standard 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard encryption. A master password is provided; it is entered each time you start or resume activity in the application.

Summary. There are no complaints about the Safe in Cloud application. Most strengths- user-friendly interface, well-thought-out navigation plus categorization and search, extensive import and export capabilities, cross-platform, synchronization.


Pocket (not to be confused with the service of the same name for delayed reading) - Notebook for convenient storage of information, including confidential information.

The design of Pocket differs from other applications in less strictness: convex buttons, colored background, many icons. This is an additional “plus”, although, according to reviews, there are also adherents of the conservative style.

Similar to Safe in Cloud and similar programs, Pocket supports categories, allowing you to sort entries into different types. In the group settings, fields are specified - that is, something like a template. As a result, it's easy to create groups ranging from web logins and car signs to licenses, recipes and other entities. There is a password generator nearby that will help you create a password of the required length and complexity in the appropriate field.

The search bar has its own section, and a slight inconvenience is that you need to click on the “Search” button, enter keywords and press the button again, although, as already noted, this can be implemented much easier for the user.

The AES-256 algorithm is used for encryption. The master password, created for database security purposes, is a SHA-512 hash and is not actually stored on the device as a specific combination of numbers. When inactive, Pocket automatically blocks access and clears the clipboard, ensuring comprehensive protection data.

Existing recordings can be imported or backed up from an SD card, synchronized with Dropbox. For online synchronization, the HTTPS protocol is used and the data is transmitted encrypted.

The Pro version, compared to the free version, does not contain additional functionality, but it does not contain advertising.

Summary. The program has not been updated for a year, but it is still quite relevant. Pocket is different good design, albeit not at all points optimized for quick access - such “chips” as quick search and QuickUnlock would not hurt. Customizable synchronization, export of recordings to an SD card, import wizard. Integration with desktop (Windows/Mac/Unix) jar application is available.


LastPass is a symbiosis of a browser and a password manager. The browser is used to quickly fill out forms, save addresses and other information, and the manager also allows you to store any text data.

PassWallet is a password manager and secure data storage. Offers 256bit AES database encryption, synchronization with online services Dropbox and Google Drive.

Personal data can be imported from other applications, including Keeper, mSecure, aWallet, DataVault, SplashID, NS Wallet, LastPass, Password Box, Safe in Cloud (some of the applications have already been mentioned or will be included in the second part of the guide). CSV file import and export is supported. The Pro version of PassWallet offers data backup and recovery with encryption support and PIN code setting.

It is very convenient that home screen supports the “terminal” input method, that is, to enter the master password you do not need to open the standard Android keyboard.

With PassWallet, you can create secure records containing credit card, web service, and identity data. When you select "Other", you are prompted to enter a name, ID, password and note. So, use templates and custom fields It’s impossible, and this is already a noticeable drawback. For data tied to a date (passport, credit cards, etc.), you can specify an expiration date - PassWallet will notify the user about the imminent expiration of time. When entering a password, you can use a simple generator (it produces a random set of characters, without specifying the complexity).

There is a search as you type, but you cannot organize information by tags or categories. Therefore, it remains to use standard ones, not always useful groups, like “Web Logins”, “Bank Accounts”.

Things are more optimistic with security options. This is the so-called Stealth mode (the ability to hide the application icon), disguise (PassWallet is not displayed in the launch history), auto-blocking, data destruction function if entered incorrectly.

The application is paid, a month of trial mode is provided.

Summary. The developers are convinced that PassWallet is the most “secure and convenient manager.” In fact - a simple toolkit with well-thought-out access protection, in free apps You can also find a wider range of functions.

Dashlane Password Manager

The free Dashlane manager allows you to generate passwords, store them in a secure environment, and then use them to autofill forms and log into websites. You can use the Dashlane Browser for Internet navigation, and the special Dashlane Keyboard for data entry. The application is available for Mac, Windows, iOS, Android tablets and phones.

First of all, we should note the user-friendly interface of the program. Fast access data can be accessed either through a retractable sidebar, and through the control panel and search bar. Dashlane consists of three main sections: Password Manager, Autofill, Wallet.

A password entry includes information about the site, a pinned category, and a note. For creating secure password a built-in generator can be used. In addition to adding a password, notes containing title and content are available. To autofill forms, you can use the Dashlane Keyboard (it can be easily connected through the system settings of the “Language and Input” section) and the Dashlane Browser. If necessary, you can specify an alternative application for Internet surfing through the settings.

Autofill settings are revealed in more detail in the Autofill section. Addresses, phone numbers, and names are added to the Personal Info section, which are subsequently used in the fields. The second subsection contains identifiers, ID - a standard set of templates with fields, including passport data, license numbers, etc. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add your own template or fields.

Finally, the Wallet section records information for payment systems: these are credit card numbers and account numbers.

Dashlane has security measures such as clipboard clearing, PIN protection, master password protection, auto-lock, and no screenshots.

The premium version of Dashlane allows you to synchronize passwords across various devices, automatic backup of information and online access to the database.

Summary. Dashlane offers clear division of personal information into several sections, convenient data management and thoughtful access settings. Additional tools such as a browser and keyboard may be useful for quick input. Please note that the free version of Dashlane does not support synchronization or backup.

It's no secret that almost every browser today is equipped with a password manager. After entering your login and password on websites, when logging into social networks (of which there are a lot... just shoot me)... these managers kindly ask you if they should save this data to the browser?

You save them and later, when you log in somewhere, the browser automatically inserts these saved passwords into forms, you don’t even notice it - very convenient and practical...

Months and years pass and a terrible day comes (always unexpectedly and meanly) when in the morning your computer does not start, when the operating system goes on indefinite leave, along with all the data.

A neighbor or a specialist on call will install a new operating system, and who will recover ALL PASSWORDS FROM ALL BROWSERS for you?

There are several ways out of this situation. If synchronization was enabled in the browser, then all data can be restored from the cloud.

If you periodically did backups profile your Internet browser(s), then you can plug it into a freshly installed browser and everything will be fine again. There is a program for this called MozBackup, for example.

And users of the LastPass program (and service) don’t have to worry about this supposed problem at all.

But you know what’s most surprising: literally only a few users use all of the above means of saving their data. Everyone is sure that this will not affect them and that everything will be fine with them forever, they are charmed, they are not some kind of “dummies”.

Today I want to describe to you another amazingly useful and easy program(only 0.2 MB in size) under the name WebBrowserPassView, which in a second will find ALL passwords in ALL your browsers, display them in one window, allow you to download and save them in several formats.

The WebBrowserPassView utility will be useful to everyone in their own way. Someone “steals” all the passwords from a friend in a second, because you don’t even need to install this program, it’s portable and can work from a flash drive.

For example, I have five browsers installed and it turns out that you work in one or the other. Passwords to websites and services are stored in different browsers. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to launch several browsers and wander through their settings or profiles in search of the required password.

For retrieving and saving passwords from browsers, the WebBrowserPassView utility is unmatched in its speed and ease of operation...

Download WebBrowserPassView

At the very end of the page of the program’s official website you will find two links - we need the first one...

We unpacked the archive and received a folder with the program...

We go into it and see...

The program itself is on the right, one file. Those two files on the left can be safely deleted.

We Russify the program and collect all passwords

Now you can Russify the program (although I understood everything in it without the Russian language).

Download from the official website of the manufacturers Russification file at this link and taking it out of the downloaded archive, place it in the folder with the program - it should turn out like this...

I took screenshots mixed - sometimes from the English version, sometimes from the Russian one. We launch the program by clicking on the shortcut on the right...

...and immediately receive all the passwords from all browsers you have installed! I naturally erased mine in the screenshot.

By selecting one line or several (by holding down the “Ctrl” button on the keyboard), you can save the login and password for the website in several formats...

As you can see, even in a special format of the KeePass program.

All this can be done using the program panel...

You can customize the appearance of the columns in the window, remove unnecessary ones, for example...

Or in the Russian version...

Here's another program menu item...

Taking into account the fact that today each user has more than one account in a wide variety of in social networks, messengers and on various sites, and also due to the fact that in modern conditions, for security purposes, it is advisable to use complex passwords, which will differ for each such service (more details:), the issue of secure storage of credentials (logins and passwords) is very relevant.

This review contains 7 programs for storing and managing passwords, free and paid. The main factors by which I selected these password managers are multi-platform ( Windows support, MacOS and mobile devices, for convenient access to stored passwords from anywhere), the length of time the program has been on the market (preference is given to those products that have existed for several years), the presence of a Russian interface language, storage reliability - although, this parameter subjective: all of them provide sufficient security for stored data in everyday use.

LastPass is probably the most popular password manager available for Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. In fact, this cloud storage your credentials and on Windows it works as a browser extension. Limitation free version LastPass - lack of synchronization between devices.

After installing the LastPass extension or mobile application and registering, you get access to storing passwords, automatic filling of data stored in LastPass, password generation is added in the browser (the item is also added to context menu browser), checking the strength of passwords. The interface is available in Russian.

You can download and install LastPass from official stores Android applications and iOS, as well as from the store Chrome extensions. Official website -


RoboForm is another program in Russian for storing and managing passwords with the ability free use. The main limitation of the free version is the lack of synchronization between different devices.

After installation on a computer with Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7, Roboform installs as an extension in the browser (in the screenshot above - an example from Google Chrome), and a program on your computer that can be used to manage saved passwords and other data (protected bookmarks, notes, contacts, application data). Also, the RoboForm background process on your computer detects when you enter passwords in programs other than browsers and also offers to save them.

As in others similar programs, are available in RoboForm additional functions, such as a password generator, audit (security check), organizing data into folders. You can download Roboform for free from the official website

The password storage program Kaspersky Password Manager also consists of two parts: standalone software on your computer and a browser extension that takes data from an encrypted database on your disk. You can use it for free, but the limitation is much more significant than in previous versions: you can store only 15 passwords.

The main advantage, in my subjective opinion, is offline storage of all data and a very convenient and intuitive program interface that even a novice user can understand.

Program features include:

  • Creating Strong Passwords
  • Possibility of use various types authentication to access the database: using both a master password and a USB key or other methods
  • The ability to use a portable version of the program (on a flash drive or other storage device) that leaves no traces on other PCs
  • Storing information about electronic payments, protected images, notes and contacts.
  • Automatic backup

In general, a worthy representative of this class of programs, but: only one supported platform - Windows. You can download Kaspersky Password Manager from the official website

Other popular password managers

Below are several more high-quality programs for storing passwords, but they have some disadvantages: either the lack of a Russian interface language, or the impossibility of free use outside the trial period.


As the best, subjectively, I would choose the following solutions:

  1. KeePass Password Safe, provided that you need to store important credentials, and things like automatically filling out forms or saving passwords from the browser are optional. Yes, there is no automatic synchronization (but you can transfer the database manually), but all the main ones are supported OS, the database with passwords is practically impossible to hack; the storage itself, although simple, is organized very conveniently. And all this is free and without registration.
  2. LastPass, 1Password or RoboForm (even though LastPass is more popular, I liked RoboForm and 1Password more), if synchronization is needed and you are willing to pay for it.

Do you use password managers? And, if so, which ones?

Writing passwords to a txt file is no longer the same. The right users store secret information in the right programs. We have prepared a review of five password managers - convenient and functional. Their assessment is based solely on personal opinion.

Multilingual free program for storing and generating passwords with open source and a number of ready-made plugins - encryption, synchronization, generation of pronounceable and easy to remember passwords.


The password database is encrypted with AES-256. It is possible to use multi-pass key conversion. This increases resistance to direct attacks - perhaps in this regard KeePass is more reliable other password managers.

KeePass is stored in a file that can be synced using Dropbox.


  • Create a record.
  • Duplicate recording.
  • Sorting records - by columns, by tags.
  • Groups of records - tree and sorting.
  • Search by records - quick or advanced.
  • Copying record data - double click on the copy field, deleting copied information from the clipboard after a certain period of time.
  • AutoType for automatic data entry in browsers and other programs.
  • Storing dates.
  • Password generator, including with specified parameters.
  • Lock button - when you log in again, the program again asks for a master password.
  • Database and program settings.
  • Changing the master password.
  • Triggers.
  • Export files: TXT, HTML, XML, CSV.
  • Import files: 35 formats.
  • Database transfer.
General impression: everything is cool, but appearance- clearly for old-school lovers.


Available in versions for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows - no lower than 7. The Windows version of eWallet integrates with browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, and the OS X version only comes with Safari. The program is paid, but there is a test version for 30 days.


The database file is encrypted using AES-256. The database is synchronized only manually.


  • Tree of categories.
  • Adding a card with customization.
  • Customization of fields in cards.
  • More than 30 templates - credit cards, passwords, bank details.
  • Tree statistics - counters by information type.
  • List of recent cards.
  • Password generator.
  • “Live fields”, for example, a call by clicking on a number field.
  • Auto Pass - automatic substitution login and password in the browser field.
  • Smart Copy - fast copying card numbers.
General impression: a lot of functions, but poor usability, plus the design in the style of a symbolic wallet with plastic cards causes strange sensations.

Application supporting 30 languages. But we don't really care about that.


Windows and Mac OS X, applications for mobile platforms iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Palm OS and Symbian. However, the desktop version does not involve importing data from Chrome.


Syncs using cloud technology, the database is encrypted using the AES-256 standard.


  • Creating records.
  • Search.
  • Printing - logins, persons, notes.
  • Auto Login.
  • Password generator.
  • Additional protection for each record. To open data, you must enter a master password.
  • Import entered data from the browser.
  • Sending records by e-mail - requires entering a master password.
  • Create shortcuts on the desktop and in the browser.
  • Integration with Windows Login.
  • Ability to open multiple program windows.
  • Administration: creating and editing user groups, sharing records into user groups, synchronizing databases when editing by users, checking which records were accessed by a specific user.
  • Profiles of different users on one copy of the program.
  • Backups.
  • A portable version of the database that can be stored on a flash drive.
  • Unicode control characters.
  • Filling out long forms in online stores with one click.
  • Screen keyboard.
General impression: there are a number of minor usability bugs - for example, the password generator in Windows is launched from the Start panel or by clicking on a shortcut; it is impossible to launch it from the program itself. And other similar little things - unimportant, but unpleasant.


Extension for major browsers - IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, works only on the web. There are versions for mobile devices iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and others. It is possible to manage the password database via the web interface on the LastPass website - this is quite convenient.

There is a portable client for Windows - you download the database, after which you can use it offline.


LastPass - cloud service, which does not require synchronization. The database is encrypted using the AES-256 algorithm.


  • Search.
  • Autocomplete.
  • Login with one click.
  • Settings - general, security, etc.
  • Multi-factor authentication.
  • One-time passwords.
  • Security check to find weak passwords.
  • Automatic protection of credentials from theft on phishing sites.
  • Search for unprotected objects on your computer.
  • Import from previous password manager.
  • Prohibited addresses.
  • Password exchange (access control).
  • Automatic user synchronization.
  • Administration: reports and user management.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Screen keyboard.
  • The program is free, but you will have to pay for additional features like weak password detection, on-screen keyboard, and phishing protection.
General impression: strong encryption mechanism, convenient work with passwords in the browser.

The harsh truth of life: there is no point in being overly paranoid - if they really want to hack you, they will hack you. Therefore, it is better to use at least convenient managers - this way it won’t be excruciatingly painful if something happens.

Leave your opinions that are very important to us in the comments.